Title 19--Customs Duties



TEXT PDF162.0 Scope.
TEXT PDF162.3 Boarding and search of vessels.
TEXT PDF162.4 Search for letters.
TEXT PDF162.5 Search of arriving vehicles and aircraft.
TEXT PDF162.6 Search of persons, baggage, and merchandise.
TEXT PDF162.7 Search of vehicles, persons, or beasts.
TEXT PDF162.8 Preclearance inspections and examinations.
TEXT PDF162.11 Authority to procure warrants.
TEXT PDF162.12 Service of search warrant.
TEXT PDF162.13 Search of rooms not described in warrant.
TEXT PDF162.15 Receipt for seized property.
TEXT PDF162.21 Responsibility and authority for seizures.
TEXT PDF162.22 Seizure of conveyances.
TEXT PDF162.23 Seizure under section 596(c), Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1595a(c)).
TEXT PDF162.31 Notice of fine, penalty, or forfeiture incurred.
TEXT PDF162.32 Where petition for relief not filed.
TEXT PDF162.42 Proceedings by libel.
TEXT PDF162.43 Appraisement.
TEXT PDF162.44 Release on payment of appraised value.
TEXT PDF162.45 Summary forfeiture: Property other than Schedule 1 controlled substances. Notice of seizure and sale.
TEXT PDF162.45a Summary forfeiture of Schedule I controlled substances.
TEXT PDF162.46 Summary forfeiture: Disposition of goods.
TEXT PDF162.47 Claim for property subject to summary forfeiture.
TEXT PDF162.48 Disposition of perishable and low-value property.
TEXT PDF162.49 Forfeiture by court decree.
TEXT PDF162.50 Forfeiture by court decree: Disposition.
TEXT PDF162.51 Disposition of proceeds of sale of property seized and forfeited other than under 19 U.S.C. 1592.
TEXT PDF162.52 Disposition of proceeds of sale of property seized and forfeited under 19 U.S.C. 1592.
TEXT PDF162.61 Importing and exporting controlled substances.
TEXT PDF162.62 Permissible controlled substances on vessels, aircraft, and individuals.
TEXT PDF162.63 Arrests and seizures.
TEXT PDF162.64 Custody of controlled substances.
TEXT PDF162.65 Penalties for failure to manifest narcotic drugs or marihuana.
TEXT PDF162.66 Penalties for unlading narcotic drugs or marihuana without a permit.
TEXT PDF162.70 Applicability.
TEXT PDF162.71 Definitions.
TEXT PDF162.72 Penalties and forfeitures under sections 466 and 584(a)(1), Tariff Act of 1930, as amended.
TEXT PDF162.73 Penalties under section 592, Tariff Act of 1930, as amended.
TEXT PDF162.74 Prior disclosure.
TEXT PDF162.75 Seizures limited under section 592, Tariff Act of 1930, as amended.
TEXT PDF162.76 Prepenalty notice for violations of sections 466 or 584(a)(1), Tariff Act of 1930, as amended.
TEXT PDF162.77 Prepenalty notice for violations of section 592, Tariff Act of 1930, as amended.
TEXT PDF162.78 Presentations responding to prepenalty notice.
TEXT PDF162.79 Determination as to violation.
TEXT PDF162.79a Other notice.
TEXT PDF162.79b Recovery of actual loss of duties.
TEXT PDF162.80 Liability for duties; liquidation of entries.

