Title 19--Customs Duties



TEXT PDF159.0 Scope.
TEXT PDF159.1 Definition of liquidation.
TEXT PDF159.2 Liquidation required.
TEXT PDF159.3 Rounding of fractions.
TEXT PDF159.4 Alcoholic beverages.
TEXT PDF159.5 Cigars, cigarettes, and cigarette papers and tubes.
TEXT PDF159.6 Difference between liquidated duties and estimated duties.
TEXT PDF159.7 Rewarehouse entries.
TEXT PDF159.8 Allowance for loss, injury, etc.
TEXT PDF159.9 Notice of liquidation and date of liquidation for formal entries.
TEXT PDF159.10 Notice of liquidation and date of liquidation for informal, mail, and baggage entries.
TEXT PDF159.11 Entries liquidated by operation of law.
TEXT PDF159.12 Extension of time for liquidation.
TEXT PDF159.21 Quantity upon which duties based.
TEXT PDF159.22 Net weights and tares.
TEXT PDF159.31 Rates to be used.
TEXT PDF159.32 Date of exportation.
TEXT PDF159.33 Proclaimed rate.
TEXT PDF159.34 Certified quarterly rate.
TEXT PDF159.35 Certified daily rate.
TEXT PDF159.36 Multiple certified rates.
TEXT PDF159.37 Suspension of certification of rates.
TEXT PDF159.38 Rates for estimated duties.
TEXT PDF159.41 Antidumping duties.
TEXT PDF159.42 Discriminating duties.
TEXT PDF159.43 Duties contingent upon foreign export duties, charges, or restrictions.
TEXT PDF159.44 Special duties on merchandise imported under agreements in restraint of trade.
TEXT PDF159.45 Additional duty for unauthentic claims of antiquity.
TEXT PDF159.46 Marking duties.
TEXT PDF159.47 Countervailing duties.
TEXT PDF159.51 General.
TEXT PDF159.52 Warehouse entry not liquidated until final withdrawal.
TEXT PDF159.53 Proof of duty-free or reduced-duty status.
TEXT PDF159.54 Open bonds for production of documents.
TEXT PDF159.55 Possible prohibited food, drugs, or other articles.
TEXT PDF159.57 Merchandise affected by an American manufacturer's cause of action sustained by the court.
TEXT PDF159.58 Dumping and countervailing duties; action by port director.

