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Lyndon Johnson

Presidential Number: 36th
Years he was President: 1963-1969
State Represented: Texas
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Fact(s): He signed a civil rights bill, established Great Society programs.

Birthday: August 27, 1908
How old would he be this year? 95
School(s) attended: Southwest Texas State College, Georgetown University Law School
Wife: Lady Bird Johnson
Occupation(s) before he was President: Teacher, rancher
Other way(s) he served: Congressman, U.S. Senator
Height: 6 feet, 3 inches
Favorite Foods: Ice cream, pancakes, seafood, spinach soufflé, sweet potatoes with toasted marshmallows
Hobbies or Sports: Fishing, hunting, riding
Pets: Dogs, beagles named Him and Her

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Helicopter, airplane, car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, typed letter
U.S. Population when term began: 179,323,031
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 50

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Art and information provided by fifth-graders from Abingdon Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia. Coloringbook drawings by White House artist Rania Hassan.

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