Title 49--Transportation



TEXT PDF1544.1 Applicability of this part.
TEXT PDF1544.3 TSA inspection authority.
TEXT PDF1544.3 TSA inspection authority.
TEXT PDF1544.101 Adoption and implementation.
TEXT PDF1544.101 Adoption and implementation.
TEXT PDF1544.103 Form, content, and availability.
TEXT PDF1544.105 Approval and amendments.
TEXT PDF1544.201 Acceptance and screening of individuals and accessible property.
TEXT PDF1544.202 Persons and property onboard an all-cargo aircraft.
TEXT PDF1544.203 Acceptance and screening of checked baggage.
TEXT PDF1544.205 Acceptance and screening of cargo.
TEXT PDF1544.205 Acceptance and screening of cargo.
TEXT PDF1544.207 Screening of individuals and property.
TEXT PDF1544.209 Use of metal detection devices.
TEXT PDF1544.211 Use of X-ray systems.
TEXT PDF1544.213 Use of explosives detection systems.
TEXT PDF1544.215 Security coordinators.
TEXT PDF1544.217 Law enforcement personnel.
TEXT PDF1544.217 Law enforcement personnel.
TEXT PDF1544.219 Carriage of accessible weapons.
TEXT PDF1544.221 Carriage of prisoners under the control of armed law enforcement officers.
TEXT PDF1544.223 Transportation of Federal Air Marshals.
TEXT PDF1544.225 Security of aircraft and facilities.
TEXT PDF1544.225 Security of aircraft and facilities.
TEXT PDF1544.227 Exclusive area agreement.
TEXT PDF1544.228 Access to cargo: Security threat assessments for cargo personnel in the United States.
TEXT PDF1544.229 Fingerprint-based criminal history records checks (CHRC): Unescorted access authority, authority to perform screening functions, and authority to perform checked baggage or cargo functions.
TEXT PDF1544.229 Fingerprint-based criminal history records checks (CHRC): Unescorted access authority, authority to perform screening functions, and authority to perform checked baggage or cargo functions.
TEXT PDF1544.230 Fingerprint-based criminal history records checks (CHRC): Flightcrew members.
TEXT PDF1544.231 Airport-approved and exclusive area personnel identification systems.
TEXT PDF1544.233 Security coordinators and crewmembers, training.
TEXT PDF1544.235 Training and knowledge for individuals with security-related duties.
TEXT PDF1544.237 Flight deck privileges.
TEXT PDF1544.239 Known shipper program.
TEXT PDF1544.301 Contingency plan.
TEXT PDF1544.303 Bomb or air piracy threats.
TEXT PDF1544.305 Security Directives and Information Circulars.
TEXT PDF1544.401 Applicability of this subpart.
TEXT PDF1544.403 Current screeners.
TEXT PDF1544.405 New screeners: Qualifications of screening personnel.
TEXT PDF1544.407 New screeners: Training, testing, and knowledge of individuals who perform screening functions.
TEXT PDF1544.409 New screeners: Integrity of screener tests.
TEXT PDF1544.411 New screeners: Continuing qualifications for screening personnel.
