Title 24--Housing and Urban Development


TEXT PDF92.1 Overview.
TEXT PDF92.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF92.4 Waivers and suspension of requirements for disaster areas.
TEXT PDF92.50 Formula allocation.
TEXT PDF92.60 Allocation amounts for insular areas.
TEXT PDF92.61 Program description.
TEXT PDF92.62 Review of program description and certifications.
TEXT PDF92.63 Amendments to program description.
TEXT PDF92.64 Applicability of requirements to insular areas.
TEXT PDF92.65 Funding sanctions.
TEXT PDF92.66 Reallocation.
TEXT PDF92.101 Consortia.
TEXT PDF92.102 Participation threshold amount.
TEXT PDF92.103 Notification of intent to participate.
TEXT PDF92.104 Submission of a consolidated plan.
TEXT PDF92.105 Designation as a participating jurisdiction.
TEXT PDF92.106 Continuous designation as a participating jurisdiction.
TEXT PDF92.107 Revocation of designation as a participating jurisdiction.
TEXT PDF92.150 Submission requirements.
TEXT PDF92.200 Private-public partnership.
TEXT PDF92.201 Distribution of assistance.
TEXT PDF92.202 Site and neighborhood standards.
TEXT PDF92.203 Income determinations.
TEXT PDF92.204 Applicability of requirements to entities that receive a reallocation of HOME funds, other than participating jurisdictions.
TEXT PDF92.205 Eligible activities: General.
TEXT PDF92.206 Eligible project costs.
TEXT PDF92.207 Eligible administrative and planning costs.
TEXT PDF92.208 Eligible community housing development organization (CHDO) operating expense and capacity building costs.
TEXT PDF92.209 Tenant-based rental assistance: Eligible costs and requirements.
TEXT PDF92.212 Pre-award costs.
TEXT PDF92.214 Prohibited activities.
TEXT PDF92.215 Limitation on jurisdictions under court order.
TEXT PDF92.216 Income targeting: Tenant-based rental assistance and rental units.
TEXT PDF92.217 Income targeting: Homeownership.
TEXT PDF92.218 Amount of matching contribution.
TEXT PDF92.219 Recognition of matching contribution.
TEXT PDF92.220 Form of matching contribution.
TEXT PDF92.221 Match credit.
TEXT PDF92.222 Reduction of matching contribution requirement.
TEXT PDF92.250 Maximum per-unit subsidy amount and subsidy layering.
TEXT PDF92.251 Property standards.
TEXT PDF92.252 Qualification as affordable housing: Rental housing.
TEXT PDF92.253 Tenant and participant protections.
TEXT PDF92.254 Qualification as affordable housing: Homeownership.
TEXT PDF92.255 Converting rental units to homeownership units for existing tenants.
TEXT PDF92.257 Religious organizations.
TEXT PDF92.258 Elder cottage housing opportunity (ECHO) units.
TEXT PDF92.300 Set-aside for community housing development organizations (CHDOs).
TEXT PDF92.301 Project-specific assistance to community housing development organizations.
TEXT PDF92.302 Housing education and organizational support.
TEXT PDF92.303 Tenant participation plan.
TEXT PDF92.350 Other Federal requirements and nondiscrimination.
TEXT PDF92.351 Affirmative marketing; minority outreach program.
TEXT PDF92.352 Environmental review.
TEXT PDF92.353 Displacement, relocation, and acquisition.
TEXT PDF92.354 Labor.
TEXT PDF92.355 Lead-based paint.
TEXT PDF92.356 Conflict of interest.
TEXT PDF92.357 Executive Order 12372.
TEXT PDF92.358 Consultant activities.
TEXT PDF92.400 Coordinated Federal support for housing strategies.
TEXT PDF92.450 General.
TEXT PDF92.451 Reallocation of HOME funds from a jurisdiction that is not designated a participating jurisdiction or has its designation revoked.
TEXT PDF92.452 Reallocation of community housing development organization set-aside.
TEXT PDF92.453 Competitive reallocations.
TEXT PDF92.454 Reallocations by formula.
TEXT PDF92.500 The HOME Investment Trust Fund.
TEXT PDF92.501 HOME Investment Partnership Agreement.
TEXT PDF92.502 Program disbursement and information system.
TEXT PDF92.503 Program income, repayments, and recaptured funds.
TEXT PDF92.504 Participating jurisdiction responsibilities; written agreements; on-site inspection.
TEXT PDF92.505 Applicability of uniform administrative requirements.
TEXT PDF92.506 Audit.
TEXT PDF92.507 Closeout.
TEXT PDF92.508 Recordkeeping.
TEXT PDF92.509 Performance reports.
TEXT PDF92.550 Performance reviews.
TEXT PDF92.551 Corrective and remedial actions.
TEXT PDF92.552 Notice and opportunity for hearing; sanctions.

