Title 24--Housing and Urban Development


TEXT PDF4.1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF4.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF4.5 Notice and documentation of assistance subject to section 102(a).
TEXT PDF4.7 Notice of funding decisions.
TEXT PDF4.9 Disclosure requirements for assistance subject to section 102(b).
TEXT PDF4.11 Updating of disclosure.
TEXT PDF4.13 Limitation of assistance subject to section 102(d).
TEXT PDF4.20 Purpose.
TEXT PDF4.22 Definitions.
TEXT PDF4.24 Scope.
TEXT PDF4.26 Permissible and impermissible disclosures.
TEXT PDF4.28 Civil penalties.
TEXT PDF4.30 Procedure upon discovery of a violation.
TEXT PDF4.32 Investigation by Office of Inspector General.
TEXT PDF4.34 Review of Inspector General's report by the Ethics Law Division.
TEXT PDF4.36 Action by the Ethics Law Division.
TEXT PDF4.38 Administrative remedies.

