Title 24--Housing and Urban Development


TEXT PDF30.1 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF30.5 Effective dates.
TEXT PDF30.10 Definitions.
TEXT PDF30.15 Application of other remedies.
TEXT PDF30.20 Ethical violations by HUD employees.
TEXT PDF30.25 Violations by applicants for assistance.
TEXT PDF30.30 Urban Homestead violations.
TEXT PDF30.35 Mortgagees and lenders.
TEXT PDF30.36 Other participants in FHA programs.
TEXT PDF30.40 Loan guarantees for Indian housing.
TEXT PDF30.45 Multifamily and section 202 or 811 mortgagors.
TEXT PDF30.50 GNMA issuers and custodians.
TEXT PDF30.55 Interstate Land Sales violations.
TEXT PDF30.60 Dealers or loan correspondents.
TEXT PDF30.65 Failure to disclose lead-based paint hazards.
TEXT PDF30.68 Section 8 owners.
TEXT PDF30.70 Prepenalty notice.
TEXT PDF30.75 Response to prepenalty notice.
TEXT PDF30.80 Factors in determining appropriateness and amount of civil money penalty.
TEXT PDF30.85 Complaint.
TEXT PDF30.90 Response to the complaint.
TEXT PDF30.95 Hearings.
TEXT PDF30.100 Settlements.

