Democratic Women for Change

The Checklist for Change

Provide Equal Pay for Equal Work

Last May, the Supreme Court delivered a blow to the fight against workplace discrimination for women, and all American workers, when it ruled that workers are barred from filing pay discrimination claims shortly after an employer first decides to discriminate, even when the discrimination continues.  This ruling, which extends to pay discrimination based on race, national origin, gender, religion, age or disability, sends the wrong message about the value of equal pay for equal work and ignores the realities of pay discrimination.  That is why we are committed to passing the Fair Pay Restoration Act.  At a time when the American worker is struggling to make ends meet, ending pay discrimination is a goal worth fighting for.

Keep Jobs in America

We need a jobs agenda that fights for American workers and small businesses. The recent rise in unemployment has only strengthened our resolve to stem the flight of American jobs overseas. Currency manipulation, unfair trade agreements and the free flow of counterfeit goods from countries like China have put American workers at an unfair disadvantage for far too long. We must repeal tax policies that reward the outsourcing of American jobs and level the international playing field by enforcing our trade agreements.  Keeping good-paying jobs in America is worth fighting for.

Make Health Care Affordable

We support guaranteed affordable health coverage for ALL Americans. That means addressing the underlying causes of rising costs in the health care systems as a whole – the only way to control costs in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.  Expanding coverage for small business would also go a long way toward making sure that millions more Americans have access to medical care.  Affordable health care for all is worth fighting for. 

Take Care of Our Military Families and Veterans

It is our duty as Americans to provide our men and women in uniform with the care and benefits they have earned.  Our veterans need access to enough staff and medical professionals, with the right training, to care for their needs.  It means treating the psychological wounds of war with the same importance as the physical wounds. It means access to job training and a G.I. Bill that serves the needs of a new generation of veterans. Our nation’s military families and veterans are worth fighting for.

Restore America's Credibility in the World

We cannot lose sight of American values as we strengthen our national security.  We need to restore the reputation and credibility of our nation around the world.  In addition to changing the course in Iraq, we must also close Guantanamo Bay and end America’s use of torture. These three steps, if taken, would send a major signal around the world that Change is on the way. The restoration of America’s credibility on the world stage is worth fighting for.

Protect our Environment

The health of our families and the strength of our economy depend on our stewardship of the environment—this means clean air, safe drinking water, and the preservation of our planet.  For too long, we have neglected the issue of global warming.  Science tells us that time is not on our side, but if we address global warming now, we will reduce our dependence on foreign oil, spur an economic renaissance that will create millions of new, green jobs, and ensure that our children and our grandchildren can enjoy the wonders and beauty of our environment. 

Make America Energy Independent

When it comes to moving our nation toward energy independence, we believe that the cost of inaction is severe. We must reverse seven years of the Bush Administration’s oil-friendly policies, which have resulted in a quadrupling of oil prices and more than a doubling of gas prices.  We must fix the root causes of the high gas prices so these solutions have a real, lasting effect.  This can only be accomplished by investing in clean and affordable alternative-energy sources, which will create good American jobs. A reduction in our nation’s dependence on oil is worth fighting for.  

Prepare for Future Disasters

We must ensure that our federal government provides the resources and flexibility to deal with potential future disasters, be they natural or manmade. While we hope we never have to face a catastrophe like Katrina or Rita again, we must be prepared.  We must reform both FEMA and the Stafford Act to better manage a swift and effective response and recovery. We also must develop safe and efficient evacuation plans for all of America’s communities and equip our nation with a strong first responder communications system. Ensuring that our nation has the tools it needs to address a future disaster is worth fighting for.

Enforce Fiscal Accountability

We must improve federal oversight of how the nation’s tax dollars are spent.  This can be accomplished by providing Inspectors General greater flexibility and more independence to oversee the actions of the departments and agencies under their purview.  We must also have tougher oversight of government contracts, including eliminating no-bid contracting and banning contractor bonuses in the case of unfinished or unsatisfactory work.  The restoration of fiscal discipline with taxpayer dollars is worth fighting for. 

Protect the Family Checkbook

We must enact policies that protect the family checkbook from the squeeze of rising costs and stagnant wages.  We need to focus tax relief on middle-class families, including more resources for the “sandwich generation” caring for both children and aging parents.  We need sensible energy policies that put the interests of American families before oil cartels and multinational corporations.  We need common sense regulations that protect consumers from flawed products or unfair business practices without unduly burdening our economy. The American family checkbook is worth fighting for. | Privacy Policy