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Future Tariff Wizard – Select a product and the program will tell you under which trade agreements future tariff reductions are scheduled and what those future tariffs will be.
Future U.S. tariff rates under individual programs and agreements:
       Australia - U.S. Free Trade Agreement Rates--by Product 2005-2023
       Bahrain -U.S. Free Trade Agreement Rates--by Product August 1, 2006-2016
       Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA) Rates--by Product 2000-2008
       Chile - U.S. Free Trade Agreement Rates--by Product 2004-2016
       Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement
     (DR-CAFTA) Rates (excluding DR-CAFTA Plus)
--by Product 2006-2025
       Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement
     Plus (DR-CAFTA Plus) Rates
--by Product 2006-2025
       Jordan - U.S. Free Trade Agreement Rates--by Product 2001-2010
       Morocco - U.S. Free Trade Agreement Rates--by Product 2006-2023
       NAFTA for Mexico Rates--by Product 1999-2008
       Singapore - U.S. Free Trade Agreement Rates--by Product 2004-2014

For questions or comments contact the DataWeb helpdesk.

Note: Certain products eligible for tariff preferences under the above programs and agreements are already fully staged or enter free of duty. For a description of the programs and a full list of current tariff rates please consult the online by chapter Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.

United States International Trade Commission
500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436
Telephone: 202-205-2000