Title 42--Public Health



TEXT PDF489.1 Statutory basis.
TEXT PDF489.2 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF489.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF489.10 Basic requirements.
TEXT PDF489.11 Acceptance of a provider as a participant.
TEXT PDF489.12 Decision to deny an agreement.
TEXT PDF489.13 Effective date of agreement or approval.
TEXT PDF489.18 Change of ownership or leasing: Effect on provider agreement.
TEXT PDF489.20 Basic commitments.
TEXT PDF489.21 Specific limitations on charges.
TEXT PDF489.22 Special provisions applicable to prepayment requirements.
TEXT PDF489.23 Specific limitation on charges for services provided to certain enrollees of fee-for-service FEHB plans.
TEXT PDF489.24 Special responsibilities of Medicare hospitals in emergency cases.
TEXT PDF489.25 Special requirements concerning CHAMPUS and CHAMPVA programs.
TEXT PDF489.26 Special requirements concerning veterans.
TEXT PDF489.27 Beneficiary notice of discharge rights.
TEXT PDF489.28 Special capitalization requirements for HHAs.
TEXT PDF489.30 Allowable charges: Deductibles and coinsurance.
TEXT PDF489.31 Allowable charges: Blood.
TEXT PDF489.32 Allowable charges: Noncovered and partially covered services.
TEXT PDF489.34 Allowable charges: Hospitals participating in State reimbursement control systems or demonstration projects.
TEXT PDF489.35 Notice to intermediary.
TEXT PDF489.40 Definition of incorrect collection.
TEXT PDF489.41 Timing and methods of handling.
TEXT PDF489.42 Payment of offset amounts to beneficiary or other person.
TEXT PDF489.52 Termination by the provider.
TEXT PDF489.53 Termination by CMS.
TEXT PDF489.54 Termination by the OIG.
TEXT PDF489.55 Exceptions to effective date of termination.
TEXT PDF489.57 Reinstatement after termination.
TEXT PDF489.60 Definitions.
TEXT PDF489.61 Basic requirement for surety bonds.
TEXT PDF489.62 Requirement waived for Government-operated HHAs.
TEXT PDF489.63 Parties to the bond.
TEXT PDF489.64 Authorized Surety and exclusion of surety companies.
TEXT PDF489.65 Amount of the bond.
TEXT PDF489.66 Additional requirements of the surety bond.
TEXT PDF489.67 Term and type of bond.
TEXT PDF489.68 Effect of failure to obtain, maintain, and timely file a surety bond.
TEXT PDF489.69 Evidence of compliance.
TEXT PDF489.70 Effect of payment by the Surety.
TEXT PDF489.71 Surety's standing to appeal Medicare determinations.
TEXT PDF489.72 Effect of review reversing determination.
TEXT PDF489.73 Effect of conditions of payment.
TEXT PDF489.74 Incorporation into existing provider agreements.
TEXT PDF489.100 Definition.
TEXT PDF489.102 Requirements for providers.
TEXT PDF489.104 Effective dates.
