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@travelgirl521:Thanks, sorry I missed that earlier. @gogocomm:Please try, would love to meet you too.
Whoops, missed the SMC Salt Lake City launch (1/15) in last post (sorry folks). Good stuff all around.
And next week is SMC Greenville launch (1/12) - SMC Cleveland & WashDC (1/14) - Austin &Boston (1/15) -
SMC Las Vegas/WordCamp Happy Hour tonight -
thanks folks - this ultimate blogger dinner has been a blast - looking forward to sxsw and more - time to mingle! #ubdces
ok folks, @chrisheuer is getting ready to go live from the Ultimate Blogger Dinner on Ustream - join us in 2 minutes
ll the media we are producing at UBDCES will be placed onto http://ultimatebloggerdinne... shortly.
<insert sponsor love> Heartfelt thanks to UBDCES sponsors Lenovo, Marketwire, MyGlobalTalk & Mom Central Consulting! </insert sponsor love>
RT @treypennington: The INTERNATIONAL and inaugural mtg of Social Media Club Greenville air LIVE 1/12 7:30AM EST
And a reminder if you shoot photos/videos or write blog posts from the Ultimate Blogger Dinner here at CES, please tag is ubdces. Thanks!
Lenovo's @dchurbuck said for us to invite a few of our Tweeps to CES Ultimate Blogger Dinner tonight - pls register here
@jesssoul: Working on Detroit/AnnArbor this quarter. We will make it happen. Can you help out on the organizational team?
join us on our ustream starting in 2 minutes - get the link from http://ultimatebloggerdinne...
Getting ready for the 2nd night of the Ultimate Blogger Dinner. Live streaming again tonight at 9pm PT. http://www.ultimatebloggerd...
@chrisheuer interviewed Ford's CEO Alan Mulally last night at the UBDCES - good stuff.
We are streaming live with interviews from folks in the room.
@affirmingspirit:Twitter does it automatically - drives me nuts. GO to / channel / ultimate-blogger -dinner (w/o spaces)
Starting broadcast with Alan Mulally now -
@scottmonty spilled the beans about our special guest, its Ford CEO Alan Mulally - so if you are on the list, pls come tonight @8pm #ubdces
We will be live streaming the interview at, starting around 8:15pm PT.


davegray DocRob Colin Schlüter Jay Goldman Wayne Sutton Mack D. Male Nitin Borwankar steve epstein Eric Paul Terry Walhus Kathy Johnson todd thille Martin Hall caz Scott Beale Kurt Manuel Viloria WDavidStephenson BJ Cook Josh Bancroft Blake Burris CharlesLamoureux deeje seth goldstein arvind s grover Jason Calacanis RobertMichaelMurray Tim Bonnemann Daniel Johnson, Jr. Monica noel Jennifer Jayne randy stewart Lisa McMillan Chaitanya Sagar
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