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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Brad Dayspring
Statement on Democrat Effort to Ban Energy Production in America

Deep Sea Drilling

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Energy Freedom Day, CR

Washington, Sep 22, 2008 -

Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Chairman of the House Republican Study Committee, today issued the following statement after press reports reported that House Democrats finally gave in to Republican pressure and  released a discussion draft of a continuing resolution that included a provision to actively and permanently prevent exploration of nearly 90 percent of the Outer Continental Shelf and block energy production in the Inter-Mountain West:

“On October 1, the bans on offshore drilling and oil shale recovery will expire, enabling us to develop more American energy.  Unfortunately, Speaker Pelosi and Democrats in the House have made clear that they will continue to actively prevent exploration from occurring.

“Since the Democrats took control of Congress, Americans have seen prices at the pump increase by 75 percent.  Americans watched as Democrats, led by Speaker Pelosi, took a five-week vacation this summer while they suffered.  Americans also watched as Democrats brought a hoax, no energy-energy bill to the floor last week.  And today, Americans watch as Democrats prevent access to American energy in a bill designed to keep the government functioning.  Once again, when it comes to providing solutions to help lower fuel prices for Americans, Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats are more out of tune than a rusty piano. 

 “Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats have made clear their desire to appease environmental extremists while fooling the American people into thinking that they support Republican efforts to open up America’s energy resources.”



Congressman Jeb Hensarling is Chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC).

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