Title 40--Protection of Environment



TEXT PDF2.100 Definitions.
TEXT PDF2.101 Policy on disclosure of EPA records.
TEXT PDF2.103 Partial disclosure of records.
TEXT PDF2.104 Requests to which this subpart applies.
TEXT PDF2.105 Existing records.
TEXT PDF2.106 Where requests for agency records shall be filed.
TEXT PDF2.107 Misdirected written requests; oral requests.
TEXT PDF2.108 Form of request.
TEXT PDF2.109 Requests which do not reasonably describe records sought.
TEXT PDF2.110 Responsibilities of Freedom of Information Officers.
TEXT PDF2.111 Action by office responsible for responding to request.
TEXT PDF2.112 Time allowed for issuance of initial determination.
TEXT PDF2.113 Initial denials of requests.
TEXT PDF2.114 Appeals from initial denials; manner of making.
TEXT PDF2.115 Appeal determinations; by whom made.
TEXT PDF2.116 Contents of determination denying appeal.
TEXT PDF2.117 Time allowed for issuance of appeal determination.
TEXT PDF2.118 Exemption categories.
TEXT PDF2.119 Discretionary release of exempt documents.
TEXT PDF2.120 Fees; payment; waiver.
TEXT PDF2.121 Exclusions.
TEXT PDF2.201 Definitions.
TEXT PDF2.202 Applicability of subpart; priority where provisions conflict; records containing more than one kind of information.
TEXT PDF2.203 Notice to be included in EPA requests, demands, and forms; method of asserting business confidentiality claim; effect of failure to assert claim at time of submission.
TEXT PDF2.204 Initial action by EPA office.
TEXT PDF2.205 Final confidentiality determination by EPA legal office.
TEXT PDF2.206 Advance confidentiality determinations.
TEXT PDF2.207 Class determinations.
TEXT PDF2.208 Substantive criteria for use in confidentiality determinations.
TEXT PDF2.209 Disclosure in special circumstances.
TEXT PDF2.210 Nondisclosure for reasons other than business confidentiality or where disclosure is prohibited by other statute.
TEXT PDF2.211 Safeguarding of business information; penalty for wrongful disclosure.
TEXT PDF2.212 Establishment of control offices for categories of business information.
TEXT PDF2.213 Designation by business of addressee for notices and inquiries.
TEXT PDF2.214 Defense of Freedom of Information Act suits; participation by affected business.
TEXT PDF2.215 Confidentiality agreements.
TEXT PDF2.301 Special rules governing certain information obtained under the Clean Air Act.
TEXT PDF2.302 Special rules governing certain information obtained under the Clean Water Act.
TEXT PDF2.303 Special rules governing certain information obtained under the Noise Control Act of 1972.
TEXT PDF2.304 Special rules governing certain information obtained under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
TEXT PDF2.305 Special rules governing certain information obtained under the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended.
TEXT PDF2.306 Special rules governing certain information obtained under the Toxic Substances Control Act.
TEXT PDF2.307 Special rules governing certain information obtained under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act.
TEXT PDF2.308 Special rules governing certain information obtained under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
TEXT PDF2.309 Special rules governing certain information obtained under the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972.
TEXT PDF2.310 Special rules governing certain information obtained under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended.
TEXT PDF2.311 Special rules governing certain information obtained under the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act.
TEXT PDF2.401 Scope and purpose.
TEXT PDF2.402 Policy on presentation of testimony and production of documents.
TEXT PDF2.403 Procedures when voluntary testimony is requested.
TEXT PDF2.404 Procedures when an employee is subpoenaed.
TEXT PDF2.405 Subpoenas duces tecum.
TEXT PDF2.406 Requests for authenticated copies of EPA documents.

