Dan York’s Favorites

Nicholas Butler
loudmouthman Looks like @JoeCascio has a good article on oAuth and OpenMicroblogging read it , he knows what he does.
Christopher Penn
cspenn My head just exploded. Hello, perfect trade show accessory.
Tim O'Reilly
timoreilly RT @GeekMommy: @dalbee "a good link should be like a skirt, long enough to cover subject, but short enough to stay interesting" #TAS08
Bruce Lowekamp
BruceLowekamp i love the smell of xml in the morning
Andrew Shuttleworth
ashuttleworth - Google Gears prompting to create desktop shortcut. A nice evolution of the integration between the online and ...
Aswath Rao
aswath If the Internet principle calls for connecting to multiple networks, why VoIPers want to kill PSTN?
Chris Brogan
chrisbrogan Kind of blown by this. The other guy on this call has never seen these slides. He's reading them. You have to BE your presentation. Owww.
Loic Le Meur
loiclemeur "I like the smell of books. A mix of glue, ink and other smells. We can never capture the smell. We are not trying to displace love w/books"
Loic Le Meur
loiclemeur "the role of the Internet is a magnifying phenomenon. You can put something outthere and make it one million time larger"


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