Title 19--Customs Duties



TEXT PDF4.0 General definitions.
TEXT PDF4.1 Boarding of vessels; cutter and dock passes.
TEXT PDF4.2 Reports of arrival of vessels.
TEXT PDF4.3 Vessels required to enter; place of entry.
TEXT PDF4.3a Penalties for violation of vessel reporting and entry requirements.
TEXT PDF4.4 Panama Canal; report of arrival required.
TEXT PDF4.5 Government vessels.
TEXT PDF4.6 Departure or unlading before report or entry.
TEXT PDF4.7 Inward foreign manifest; production on demand; contents and form.
TEXT PDF4.7a Inward manifest; information required; alternative forms.
TEXT PDF4.8 Preliminary entry.
TEXT PDF4.9 Formal entry.
TEXT PDF4.10 Request for overtime services.
TEXT PDF4.11 Sealing of stores.
TEXT PDF4.12 Explanation of manifest discrepancy.
TEXT PDF4.13 Alcoholic liquors on vessels of not over 500 net tons.
TEXT PDF4.14 Equipment purchases by, and repairs to, American vessels.
TEXT PDF4.15 Fishing vessels touching and trading at foreign places.
TEXT PDF4.17 Vessels from discriminating countries.
TEXT PDF4.20 Tonnage taxes.
TEXT PDF4.21 Exemptions from tonnage taxes.
TEXT PDF4.22 Exemptions from special tonnage taxes.
TEXT PDF4.23 Certificate of payment and cash receipt.
TEXT PDF4.24 Application for refund of tonnage tax.
TEXT PDF4.30 Permits and special licenses for unlading and lading.
TEXT PDF4.31 Unlading or transshipment due to casualty.
TEXT PDF4.32 Vessels in distress; landing of cargo.
TEXT PDF4.33 Diversion of cargo.
TEXT PDF4.34 Prematurely discharged, overcarried, and undelivered cargo.
TEXT PDF4.35 Unlading outside port of entry.
TEXT PDF4.36 Delayed discharge of cargo.
TEXT PDF4.37 General order.
TEXT PDF4.38 Release of cargo.
TEXT PDF4.39 Stores and equipment of vessels and crews' effects; unlading or lading and retention on board.
TEXT PDF4.40 Equipment, etc., from wrecked or dismantled vessels.
TEXT PDF4.41 Cargo of wrecked vessel.
TEXT PDF4.50 Passenger lists.
TEXT PDF4.51 Reporting requirements for individuals arriving by vessel.
TEXT PDF4.52 Penalties applicable to individuals.
TEXT PDF4.60 Vessels required to clear.
TEXT PDF4.61 Requirements for clearance.
TEXT PDF4.62 Accounting for inward cargo.
TEXT PDF4.63 Outward cargo declaration; shippers' export declarations.
TEXT PDF4.65 Verification of nationality and tonnage.
TEXT PDF4.65a Load lines.
TEXT PDF4.66 Verification of inspection.
TEXT PDF4.66a Illegal discharge of oil and hazardous substances.
TEXT PDF4.66b Pollution of coastal and navigable waters.
TEXT PDF4.66c Oil pollution by oceangoing vessels.
TEXT PDF4.67 Closed ports or places.
TEXT PDF4.68 Federal Maritime Commission certificates for certain passenger vessels.
TEXT PDF4.69 Shipping articles.
TEXT PDF4.70 Public Health Service requirements.
TEXT PDF4.71 Inspection of livestock.
TEXT PDF4.72 Inspection of meat, meat-food products, and inedible fats.
TEXT PDF4.73 Neutrality; exportation of arms and munitions.
TEXT PDF4.74 Transportation orders.
TEXT PDF4.75 Incomplete manifest; incomplete export declarations; bond.
TEXT PDF4.76 Procedures and responsibilities of carriers filing outbound vessel manifest information via the AES.
TEXT PDF4.80 Vessels entitled to engage in coastwise trade.
TEXT PDF4.80a Coastwise transportation of passengers.
TEXT PDF4.80b Coastwise transportation of merchandise.
TEXT PDF4.81 Reports of arrivals and departures in coastwise trade.
TEXT PDF4.81a Certain barges carrying merchandise transferred from another barge.
TEXT PDF4.82 Touching at foreign port while in coastwise trade.
TEXT PDF4.83 Trade between United States ports on the Great Lakes and other ports of the United States.
TEXT PDF4.84 Trade with noncontiguous territory.
TEXT PDF4.85 Vessels with residue cargo for domestic ports.
TEXT PDF4.86 Intercoastal residue--cargo procedure; optional ports.
TEXT PDF4.87 Vessels proceeding foreign via domestic ports.
TEXT PDF4.88 Vessels with residue cargo for foreign ports.
TEXT PDF4.89 Vessels in foreign trade proceeding via domestic ports and touching at intermediate foreign ports.
TEXT PDF4.90 Simultaneous vessel transactions.
TEXT PDF4.91 Diversion of vessel; transshipment of cargo.
TEXT PDF4.92 Towing.
TEXT PDF4.93 Coastwise transportation by certain vessels of empty vans, tanks, and barges, equipment for use with vans and tanks; empty instruments of international traffic; stevedoring equipment and material; procedures.
TEXT PDF4.94 Yacht privileges and obligations.
TEXT PDF4.95 Records of entry and clearance of vessels.
TEXT PDF4.96 Fisheries.
TEXT PDF4.97 Salvage vessels.
TEXT PDF4.98 Navigation fees.
TEXT PDF4.99 Forms; substitution.
TEXT PDF4.100 Licensing of vessels of less than 30 net tons.
TEXT PDF4.101 Prohibitions against Customs officers and employees.

