Title 42--Public Health



TEXT PDF35.1 Hospital and station rules.
TEXT PDF35.2 Compliance with hospital rules.
TEXT PDF35.3 Noncompliance; deprivation of privileges.
TEXT PDF35.4 Noncompliance; discharge or transfer.
TEXT PDF35.5 Entitlement to care after discharge or transfer by reason of noncompliance.
TEXT PDF35.6 Admissions; determination of eligibility for care.
TEXT PDF35.7 Admissions; designation of person to be notified.
TEXT PDF35.8 Safekeeping of money and effects; withdrawals.
TEXT PDF35.9 Disposition of money and effects left by other than deceased patients.
TEXT PDF35.10 Destruction of effects dangerous to health.
TEXT PDF35.11 Clinical records; confidential.
TEXT PDF35.12 Solicitation of legal business prohibited.
TEXT PDF35.13 Entry for negotiation of release or settlement.
TEXT PDF35.14 Solicitation of legal business; negotiation of release or settlement; assistance prohibited.
TEXT PDF35.15 Consent to operative procedures.
TEXT PDF35.16 Autopsies and other post-mortem operations.
TEXT PDF35.17 Fees and charges for copying, certification, search of records and related services.
TEXT PDF35.21 Authorization of transfer.
TEXT PDF35.22 Attendants.
TEXT PDF35.31 Retention by patients.
TEXT PDF35.32 Board of appraisers.
TEXT PDF35.33 Sale; prices; deposit of proceeds.
TEXT PDF35.34 Resale.
TEXT PDF35.35 Unsalable articles.
TEXT PDF35.41 Inventory.
TEXT PDF35.42 Notice upon death.
TEXT PDF35.43 Delivery only upon filing claim; forms; procedure.
TEXT PDF35.44 Delivery to legal representative; to other claimants if value is $1,000 or less.
TEXT PDF35.45 Disposition of effects; exceptions.
TEXT PDF35.46 Conflicting claims.
TEXT PDF35.47 Disposition of Government checks.
TEXT PDF35.48 Deposit of unclaimed money; sale of unclaimed effects and deposit of proceeds.
TEXT PDF35.49 Sale of unclaimed effects; procedures.
TEXT PDF35.50 Disposition of unsold effects.
TEXT PDF35.51 Manner of delivery; costs, receipts.
TEXT PDF35.52 Delivery of possession only; title unaffected.
TEXT PDF35.61 Applicability.
TEXT PDF35.62 Acceptance of contributions.
TEXT PDF35.63 Report of and accounting for contributions.
TEXT PDF35.64 Donors.
TEXT PDF35.65 Acceptable personal property.
TEXT PDF35.66 Expenditure of cash contributions.

