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@ronblaisdell no, I hadn't heard of WP-o-matic until @oej mentioned it. Looks great.
@JimCanuck sounds like a great time out there!
@kdpaine um..... *what* are you doing to those poor mice?
Nice! Somewhere in here TwitterFon on the iPhone added the capability to Retweet... The app just keeps getting better!
@oej Wow... that looks exactly like what I'm looking for! Thanks!
Any suggestions on how to *mirror* a separate blog site into a WordPress MU site? Here's what I want to do:
RT @chrisheuer: Twitter's lack of emphasis on security is really troublesome - the admin controls are in the user site?
RT For those who care about voice and XML - @voxeo: Why VoiceXML 3 is not just VoiceXML 2.2
Coooooollllddddd morning today. Temp about 12 deg F. Bright sunny skies, though, which is nice to have.
Just used the screensharing in Skype 2.8 Beta for Mac to allow a developer to help see what the problem I'm having was. It worked VERY ...
@LuannUdell Wow! Nice score on the shelves!
@technosailor - I just put the download link for Skype Lite in my blog post:
Skype comes out with "Skype-lite" for Google's Android Platform and other Java phones: (Still no iPhone...)
Watching @evanwolf (aka @skypejournal ) giving live coverage of Skype's news conf at CES in a Skype public chat. @JimCanuck also tweeting
And yes, to those outside of snowy regions, we do have many different "kinds" of snow and snowy days.
Watching the college students in the rental across the street make a large snowman. It's the perfect kind of snow for that type of thing.
@steely_glint Yes, it turns out to be incredibly difficult for me to avoid both apostrophes and quotes!
@BarbaraNixon Exactly.... Twitter is wonderful for quickly capturing those moments.
@jangles Sure... glad to send the file that way.


Evan Williams Blaine Cook Brough Turner Ross Om Malik Ken Tara missrogue Hunt PhoneBoy Daniel Jeff Bonforte Scott Beale Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Andy Abramson David Parmet Josh Hallett Justine l.m. orchard Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan julien John Federico Beth Kanter Heidi Miller John Wall Alan Weinkrantz Doug Haslam Jim Long Ted Demopoulos Pat Michael O'CC Philip Campbell Stuart  C.C. Chapman Edd Dumbill  Chris Heuer
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