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  For Immediate Release  
September, 23, 2003
Introduction of Craig/Kennedy/Cannon/Berman Farm Labor Legislation
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. Howard L. Berman (D-CA) today announced the introduction of the Agricultural Jobs, Opportunity, Benefits, and Security Act of 2003, co-authored by Rep. Chris Cannon (R-UT). An identical bill was introduced in the Senate by Senators Larry Craig (R-WY) and Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA).
"I am pleased to join my colleagues in introducing the AGJOBS bill today," said Berman. "This important legislation addresses the harsh reality that the farm workers who plant and harvest the produce that feeds America are the most poorly paid and poorly treated workers in the United States. An intolerable percentage of today's farm labor force is undocumented. Agricultural interests have become dependent upon this cheap and easily exploited work force. Under the provisions of this bill, the growers will have a legalized workforce and they should compete for labor the way other industries do, by improving working conditions and wages to attract and hold an adequate supply of workers."
"Through grueling effort, the United Farm Workers of America and representatives of the agricultural industry -- who have been adversaries for decades -- reached agreement on legislation that would (1) create an earned adjustment program for undocumented farm workers who would be eligible to apply for temporary immigration status based on their past work experience, and who could adjust to permanent resident status upon satisfaction of the program's prospective agricultural work requirement; and (2) reduce much of the "red tape" in the existing H-2A foreign agricultural guestworker program of which farm employers have long complained, while preserving and enhancing key labor protections for the guestworkers. For the first time ever, guestworkers who are abused and cheated by their employers will have recourse to the federal courts."
"The American people are the real beneficiaries of this legislation," continued Berman. "A fundamental advantage of this proposal is that it enhances homeland security by bringing undocumented workers forward and requiring background checks so that we can know who lives and works within our borders."
"For all of these reasons, the AGJOBS bill is important and beneficial legislation and I will be working tirelessly with my colleagues for its enactment."
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