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  For Immediate Release  
January 19, 2007
Washington, D.C. - Rep. Berman joined House Members today in bringing the “100 Hours Agenda” to a successful conclusion – fulfilling a promise to pass legislation reflecting the values and priorities of the American people within the first 100 legislative hours in the House of Representatives.
“The American people sent a resounding message that they wanted a new direction for this country, and that’s exactly what we aim to do,” Rep. Berman said.  “The completion of the ‘100 Hours Agenda’ shows that we will keep our promises. 
“From sweeping ethics reform, to restoring fiscal responsibility, to strengthening our national security, to giving more Americans a realistic shot at the American Dream, the new majority is committed to real and lasting results for the people we serve.  We hope to change the way that business is done in Washington,” added Rep. Berman.
Rep. Berman went on to note that each of the “100 Hours Agenda” items passed the House with broad bipartisan support.  “We’ve set a tone for the 110th Congress that is one of cooperation, consensus and compromise that extends beyond party lines.  We’re putting progress ahead of partisanship, and that approach was a big part of what we’ve been able to achieve for our constituents.”
The House has passed the following items since the start of the 110th Congress:
  • Ethics Reform, 1/4/07, Passed 430-1 
  • Restoring Fiscal Responsibility, 1/5/07, Passed 280-152
100 Hours Legislation
  • Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations, 1/9/07, Passed 299-128  
  • Increasing the Minimum Wage, 1/10/07, Passed 315-116  
  • Expanding Stem Cell Research, 1/11/07, Passed 253-174  
  • Requiring Negotiation for Lower Prescription Drug Costs, 1/12/07, Passed 255-170
  • Cutting Interest Rates on Student Loans, 1/17/07, Passed 356-71
  • Ending Subsidies for Big Oil and Investing in Renewable Energy, 1/18/07, Passed 264-163
“This is just the beginning of the work we are going to do on behalf of the American people, but a very important step in the right direction,” concluded Rep. Berman.
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