Title 28--Judicial Administration



TEXT PDF552.10 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF552.11 Body searches of inmates.
TEXT PDF552.12 Close observation.
TEXT PDF552.13 X-ray, major instrument, fluoroscope, or surgical intrusion.
TEXT PDF552.14 Search of inmate housing and work areas.
TEXT PDF552.20 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF552.21 Types of force.
TEXT PDF552.22 Principles governing the use of force and application of restraints.
TEXT PDF552.23 Confrontation avoidance procedures.
TEXT PDF552.24 Use of four-point restraints.
TEXT PDF552.25 Use of chemical agents or non-lethal weapons.
TEXT PDF552.26 Medical attention in use of force and application of restraints incidents.
TEXT PDF552.27 Documentation of use of force and application of restraints incidents.
TEXT PDF552.30 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF552.31 Negotiations.
TEXT PDF552.32 Hostages.
TEXT PDF552.33 Media.
TEXT PDF552.40 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF552.41 Policy.
TEXT PDF552.42 Program Coordinator.
TEXT PDF552.43 Procedures.
TEXT PDF552.44 Housing suicidal inmates.
TEXT PDF552.45 Authority and responsibility.
TEXT PDF552.46 Suicide watches.
TEXT PDF552.47 Custodial issues.
TEXT PDF552.48 Transfer of inmates to other institutions.
TEXT PDF552.49 Analysis of suicides.

