Title 28--Judicial Administration



TEXT PDF51.1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF51.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF51.3 Delegation of authority.
TEXT PDF51.4 Date used to determine coverage; list of covered jurisdictions.
TEXT PDF51.5 Termination of coverage (bailout).
TEXT PDF51.6 Political subunits.
TEXT PDF51.7 Political parties.
TEXT PDF51.8 Section 3 coverage.
TEXT PDF51.9 Computation of time.
TEXT PDF51.10 Requirement of action for declaratory judgment or submission to the Attorney General.
TEXT PDF51.11 Right to bring suit.
TEXT PDF51.12 Scope of requirement.
TEXT PDF51.13 Examples of changes.
TEXT PDF51.14 Recurrent practices.
TEXT PDF51.15 Enabling legislation and contingent or nonuniform requirements.
TEXT PDF51.16 Distinction between changes in procedure and changes in substance.
TEXT PDF51.17 Special elections.
TEXT PDF51.18 Court-ordered changes.
TEXT PDF51.19 Request for notification concerning voting litigation.
TEXT PDF51.20 Form of submissions.
TEXT PDF51.21 Time of submissions.
TEXT PDF51.22 Premature submissions.
TEXT PDF51.23 Party and jurisdiction responsible for making submissions.
TEXT PDF51.24 Address for submissions.
TEXT PDF51.25 Withdrawal of submissions.
TEXT PDF51.26 General.
TEXT PDF51.27 Required contents.
TEXT PDF51.28 Supplemental contents.
TEXT PDF51.29 Communications concerning voting changes.
TEXT PDF51.30 Action on communications from individuals or groups.
TEXT PDF51.31 Communications concerning voting suits.
TEXT PDF51.32 Establishment and maintenance of registry of interested individuals and groups.
TEXT PDF51.33 Notice to registrants concerning submissions.
TEXT PDF51.34 Expedited consideration.
TEXT PDF51.35 Disposition of inappropriate submissions.
TEXT PDF51.36 Release of information concerning submissions.
TEXT PDF51.37 Obtaining information from the submitting authority.
TEXT PDF51.38 Obtaining information from others.
TEXT PDF51.39 Supplementary submissions.
TEXT PDF51.40 Failure to complete submissions.
TEXT PDF51.41 Notification of decision not to object.
TEXT PDF51.42 Failure of the Attorney General to respond.
TEXT PDF51.43 Reexamination of decision not to object.
TEXT PDF51.44 Notification of decision to object.
TEXT PDF51.45 Request for reconsideration.
TEXT PDF51.46 Reconsideration of objection at the instance of the Attorney General.
TEXT PDF51.47 Conference.
TEXT PDF51.48 Decision after reconsideration.
TEXT PDF51.49 Absence of judicial review.
TEXT PDF51.50 Records concerning submissions.
TEXT PDF51.51 Purpose of the subpart.
TEXT PDF51.52 Basic standard.
TEXT PDF51.53 Information considered.
TEXT PDF51.54 Discriminatory effect.
TEXT PDF51.55 Consistency with constitutional and statutory requirements.
TEXT PDF51.56 Guidance from the courts.
TEXT PDF51.57 Relevant factors.
TEXT PDF51.58 Representation.
TEXT PDF51.59 Redistrictings.
TEXT PDF51.60 Changes in electoral systems.
TEXT PDF51.61 Annexations.
TEXT PDF51.62 Enforcement by the Attorney General.
TEXT PDF51.63 Enforcement by private parties.
TEXT PDF51.64 Bar to termination of coverage (bailout).
TEXT PDF51.65 Who may petition.
TEXT PDF51.66 Form of petition.
TEXT PDF51.67 Disposition of petition.

