Title 21--Food and Drugs



TEXT PDF101.1 Principal display panel of package form food.
TEXT PDF101.2 Information panel of package form food.
TEXT PDF101.3 Identity labeling of food in packaged form.
TEXT PDF101.4 Food; designation of ingredients.
TEXT PDF101.5 Food; name and place of business of manufacturer, packer, or distributor.
TEXT PDF101.9 Nutrition labeling of food.
TEXT PDF101.10 Nutrition labeling of restaurant foods.
TEXT PDF101.12 Reference amounts customarily consumed per eating occasion.
TEXT PDF101.13 Nutrient content claims--general principles.
TEXT PDF101.14 Health claims: general requirements.
TEXT PDF101.15 Food; prominence of required statements.
TEXT PDF101.17 Food labeling warning, notice, and safe handling statements.
TEXT PDF101.18 Misbranding of food.
TEXT PDF101.22 Foods; labeling of spices, flavorings, colorings and chemical preservatives.
TEXT PDF101.30 Percentage juice declaration for foods purporting to be beverages that contain fruit or vegetable juice.
TEXT PDF101.36 Nutrition labeling of dietary supplements.
TEXT PDF101.42 Nutrition labeling of raw fruit, vegetables, and fish.
TEXT PDF101.43 Substantial compliance of food retailers with the guidelines for the voluntary nutrition labeling of raw fruit, vegetables, and fish.
TEXT PDF101.44 What are the 20 most frequently consumed raw fruits, vegetables, and fish in the United States?
TEXT PDF101.45 Guidelines for the voluntary nutrition labeling of raw fruits, vegetables, and fish.
TEXT PDF101.54 Nutrient content claims for ``good source,'' ``high,'' ``more,'' and ``high potency.''
TEXT PDF101.56 Nutrient content claims for ``light'' or ``lite.''
TEXT PDF101.60 Nutrient content claims for the calorie content of foods.
TEXT PDF101.61 Nutrient content claims for the sodium content of foods.
TEXT PDF101.62 Nutrient content claims for fat, fatty acid, and cholesterol content of foods.
TEXT PDF101.65 Implied nutrient content claims and related label statements.
TEXT PDF101.67 Use of nutrient content claims for butter.
TEXT PDF101.69 Petitions for nutrient content claims.
TEXT PDF101.70 Petitions for health claims.
TEXT PDF101.71 Health claims: claims not authorized.
TEXT PDF101.72 Health claims: calcium and osteoporosis.
TEXT PDF101.73 Health claims: dietary lipids and cancer.
TEXT PDF101.74 Health claims: sodium and hypertension.
TEXT PDF101.75 Health claims: dietary saturated fat and cholesterol and risk of coronary heart disease.
TEXT PDF101.76 Health claims: fiber-containing grain products, fruits, and vegetables and cancer.
TEXT PDF101.77 Health claims: fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber, particularly soluble fiber, and risk of coronary heart disease.
TEXT PDF101.78 Health claims: fruits and vegetables and cancer.
TEXT PDF101.79 Health claims: Folate and neural tube defects.
TEXT PDF101.80 Health claims: dietary noncariogenic carbohydrate sweeteners and dental caries.
TEXT PDF101.81 Health claims: Soluble fiber from certain foods and risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).
TEXT PDF101.82 Health claims: Soy protein and risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).
TEXT PDF101.83 Health claims: plant sterol/stanol esters and risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).
TEXT PDF101.93 Certain types of statements for dietary supplements.
TEXT PDF101.95 ``Fresh,'' ``freshly frozen,'' ``fresh frozen,'' ``frozen fresh.''
TEXT PDF101.100 Food; exemptions from labeling.
TEXT PDF101.105 Declaration of net quantity of contents when exempt.
TEXT PDF101.108 Temporary exemptions for purposes of conducting authorized food labeling experiments.
