Title 34--Education



TEXT PDF602.1 Why does the Secretary recognize accrediting agencies?
TEXT PDF602.2 How do I know which agencies the Secretary recognizes?
TEXT PDF602.3 What definitions apply to this part?
TEXT PDF602.10 Link to Federal programs.
TEXT PDF602.11 Geographic scope of accrediting activities.
TEXT PDF602.12 Accrediting experience.
TEXT PDF602.13 Acceptance of the agency by others.
TEXT PDF602.14 Purpose and organization.
TEXT PDF602.15 Administrative and fiscal responsibilities.
TEXT PDF602.16 Accreditation and preaccreditation standards.
TEXT PDF602.17 Application of standards in reaching an accrediting decision.
TEXT PDF602.18 Ensuring consistency in decision-making.
TEXT PDF602.19 Monitoring and reevaluation of accredited institutions and programs.
TEXT PDF602.20 Enforcement of standards.
TEXT PDF602.21 Review of standards.
TEXT PDF602.22 Substantive change.
TEXT PDF602.23 Operating procedures all agencies must have.
TEXT PDF602.24 Additional procedures certain institutional accreditors must have.
TEXT PDF602.25 Due process.
TEXT PDF602.26 Notification of accrediting decisions.
TEXT PDF602.27 Other information an agency must provide the Department.
TEXT PDF602.28 Regard for decisions of States and other accrediting agencies.
TEXT PDF602.30 How does an agency apply for recognition?
TEXT PDF602.31 How does Department staff review an agency's application?
TEXT PDF602.32 What is the role of the Advisory Committee and the senior Department official in the review of an agency's application?
TEXT PDF602.33 How may an agency appeal a recommendation of the Advisory Committee?
TEXT PDF602.34 What does the Secretary consider when making a recognition decision?
TEXT PDF602.35 What information does the Secretary's recognition decision include?
TEXT PDF602.36 May an agency appeal the Secretary's final recognition decision?
TEXT PDF602.40 How may the Secretary limit, suspend, or terminate an agency's recognition?
TEXT PDF602.41 What are the notice procedures?
TEXT PDF602.42 What are the response and hearing procedures?
TEXT PDF602.43 How is a decision on limitation, suspension, or termination of recognition reached?
TEXT PDF602.44 How may an agency appeal the subcommittee's recommendation?
TEXT PDF602.45 May an agency appeal the Secretary's final decision to limit, suspend, or terminate its recognition?
TEXT PDF602.50 What information does the Department share with a recognized agency about its accredited institutions and programs?

