National Park Service, United States Deparment of the Interior
A ranger answers questions asked by a group of school children as they stand at a wide spot along a trail through trees and brush.
National Park Week, April 18-26, 2009
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  • Junior Ranger Day
  • National Park Week is an annual Presidentially proclaimed week for celebration and recognition of Your National Parks.

    Your National Parks are living examples of the best this Nation has to offer - our magnificent natural landscapes and our varied yet interrelated heritage. Parks can provide recreational experiences, opportunities to learn and grow, and places of quiet refuge.

    This year, take a moment, an hour, a day to visit the national parks near you.

    Schedule of Park Week Events

    Presidential Proclamation National Park Week, 2008

    Click below to enjoy our
    National Park Week presentations.

    From Sea to Shining Sea.

    The Soul of America.

    Experience Your America