Federal Register / Vol. 58, No. 3 / Wednesday, January 6, 1993 / Rules and Regulations DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration 21 CFR Part 101 [Docket No. 91N - 0099] RIN 0905 - AB67 Food Labeling: Health Claims and Label Statements; Dietary Fiber and Cardiovascular Disease AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing its decision not to authorize the use on the label or labeling of foods of health claims relating to an association between dietary fiber and cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, FDA is authorizing a health claim relating diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain dietary fiber (particularly soluble fiber), to a reduced risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). This action is in response to provisions of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (the 1990 amendments) that bear on health claims, and was developed in accordance with the final rule on general requirements for health claims, published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register. On the basis of the totality of the publicly available scientific evidence, including recently available evidence, the agency has concluded that there is significant scientific agreement among qualified experts that a claim relating diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain soluble fiber, to reduced risk of CHD is supported. The evidence is not sufficient to attribute the reduction in risk to soluble fiber or to a specific type or characteristic of soluble fiber, or to other components of these diets. EFFECTIVE DATE: May 8, 1993. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joyce J. Saltsman, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS - 165), Food and Drug Administration, 200 C St. SW., Washington, DC 20204, 202 - 205 - 5916. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Background In the Federal Register of November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60582), FDA proposed to deny the use on food labeling of health claims relating diets high in dietary fiber to reduced risk of CVD. The proposed rule was issued under provisions of the 1990 amendments (Pub. L. 101 - 535) that bear on health claims and in accordance with the proposed general requirements for health claims for food (56 FR 60537, November 27, 1991). As amended in 1990, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) providesthat a food is misbranded if it bears a claim that characterizes the relationship of a nutrient to a disease or health-related condition unless the claim is made in accordance with sections 403(r)(3) or (r)(5)(D) of the act (21 U.S.C. 343(r)(3) or (r)(5)(D)). Section 3(b)(1)(A) of the 1990 amendments specifically requires that the agency determine whether health claims respecting 10 nutrient/disease relationships meet the requirements of section 403(r)(3) or (r)(5)(D) of the act. The relationship betweendietary fiber and CVD is one of the claims required to be evaluated. In the proposed rule published in the Federal Register of November 21, 1991 (56 FR 60582), FDA limited its review of the science to those aspects of the dietary fiber/CVD relationship for which the strongest scientific evidence and agreement already existed: dietary soluble fiber and CHD. In the proposed rule, FDA requested written comments on its tentative determination not to authorize a health claim for dietary fiber and CVD. FDA also requested comments on the following issues: (1) Should the agency permit a claim on the label or in labeling of foods that states that diets high in fruit, vegetables, and whole grains are associated with a reduced risk of certain forms of cancer and CVD?; (2) If such statements should be permitted, what criteria should be used to identify foods thatfor foods as well as nutrients? On January 30 and 31, 1992, FDA held public hearings on all aspects of the proposed rules published in response to the 1990 amendments, including health claims for dietary fiber and CVD. In addition, because of new evidence identified from literature searches and new data submitted with comments to the proposed rule, FDA reopened the comment period on dietary fiber and CVD for 30 days (57 FR 32751, July 23, 1992). In response to its proposed rule on dietary fiber and CVD, the agency received approximately 130 comments from consumers, consumer advocacy groups, State health departments, organizations of health professionals, the food industry, and Government agencies. A number of comments were received that were more appropriately answered in other dockets, and these were forwarded to the appropriate docket for response. Most of the comments specific to the proposal for a health claim for fiber and CVD provided explanations in support of or in opposition to provisions of the proposed regulation. Some of the comments contained relevant scientific studies not includedin the agency's proposed rule. These additional studies and those identified through literature searches that had not been previously reviewed in the proposal (56 FR 60582) are included in the agency's review below. The agency has summarized and responded to issues raised in the comments in section III. of this document. II. Updated Review of Scientific Evidence FDA, to ensure that it had not overlooked new and significant scientific data, reviewed human studies published since the publication of the proposed rule that it had identified in a standard literature search. In addition, FDA carefully reviewed all relevant scientific data submitted as comments. The availability of the new data was announced in a notice of reopening of comment period (57 FR 32751). A. Human Studies Detailed summaries of studies discussed below are presented in Table 1. FDA's explanation for separately evaluating studies on mildly to moderately hypercholesterolemic individuals and normocholesterolemic individuals is found in its proposed rule (56 FR 60587). Multiple sources of soluble fiber, including oat bran and other cereal brans, legumes, pectin, psyllium, and guar gum, were used in these studies. 1. Hypercholesterolemics: ``typical'' or ``usual'' diets Leadbetter et al. (Ref. 83) evaluated the hypocholesterolemic effects of increasing intakes of [-glucan, the major type of dietary soluble fiber in oat bran. A four-by-four Latin square design was used in this randomized intervention study with40 hypercholesterolemic (total serum cholesterol 250 to 348 milligram/deciliter (mg/dL)) men and women, ages 25 to 64, in New Zealand. Subjects added 0, 30, 60, and 90 grams/day (g/day) oat bran to their usual diet for 1-month intervals. There was no wash-out between periods. Oat bran was provided in weighed packages and detailed advice and recipes were provided on how to incorporate it into the diet. The total dietary fiber content of the regular diets, without oat bran, ranged from 23 to 27 g/day. Results showed no significant effect of oat bran on serum cholesterol at any dose. There was no dose-related trend and no correlation between bran dose and changes in serum cholesterol. The authors stated that the oat bran used in this study was lower in soluble fiber (3.7 to 4.2 percent [-glucan) than oat bran used in studies showing a significant lowering of serum cholesterol with oat bran supplementation. Cara et al. (Ref. 84) evaluated the hypocholesterolemic properties of wheat germ in 10 hypercholesterolemic men and women (serum cholesterol 254 to 367 mg/dL), ages 35 to 68 years. Subjects consumed their regular diets for 1 week, then added 30 g/daysed significantly (8.6 percent) after wheat germ intervention and returned to baseline during the 1 month followup period. Dietary soluble fiber and total saturated fat before and during the treatment period were not reported. The authors speculate thatthe high vegetable protein content of wheat germ could account for the observed results. Karlander et al. (Ref. 85) evaluated the hypocholesterolemic properties of beet fiber in 13 hypercholesterolemic noninsulin-dependent diabetics mellitus (NIDDM) men and women (mean serum cholesterol of 275 mg/dL). Five subjects were on chronic beta blockers and diuretics and eight were on diet treatment with sulfonylurea (SU). This was a controlled, randomized intervention trial with cross-over design. The study was divided into three 6-week periods with a run-in period followed by either fiber intervention (20 g/day beet fiber) or the subject's regular diet for 6 weeks, then cross-over to the other diet. Obese subjects were given dietary advice to aid in weight control. Results showed no significant difference in total serum cholesterol between control and fiber periods for subjects advised to reduce energy intake. The SU group showed significantly decreased (10 percent) serum cholesterol during the fiber phase (total cholesterol decreased from 275 to 247 mg/dL). The SU group had a slight but significant loss of body mass during the run-in period only. There was no effect on serum triglycerides. Spiller et al. (Ref. 87) evaluated the cholesterol-lowering properties of guar gum compared to oat bran in a 3-week, intervention trial with cross-over. Thirteen men and women, mean age 62 years, with mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia (serum cholesterol 204 to 276 mg/dL), were randomized to receive either 15 g (11 g dietary fiber, of which there was 10 g soluble fiber) of guar gum per day or 77 g/day (11 g dietary fiber, 5 g soluble fiber) oat fiber source, divided into three servings. The fibers were provided in weighed packets with instructions to mix the fiber with water or juice and consume before each main meal. After 21 days, subjects switched to the other fiber source. There was no wash-out between test periods. Blood samples were collected on days 14 and 21 during treatment periods. Results showed a significant reduction in serum cholesterol, compared to baseline, for both groups. Guar reduced serum cholesterol 11 percent and oat fiber 6 percent. Maximum cholesterol reduction was experienced after 14 days on the test fiber. No significant change occurred in serum cholesterol between days 14 and 21 on either test fiber, with serum cholesterol values increasing slightly but not significantly. Factors confounding these results include small sample size, the absence of a wash-out between test periods, and short treatment periods. Dietary intakes of soluble fiber were not reported. Kawatra et al. (Ref. 88) reported significant reductions in total serum cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol in 20 overweight Indonesian men and women with mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia consuming guar gum. Subjects consumed 15 g/day guar gum with their normal diet for 6 weeks. The guar was consumed 15 minutes before the main meal in the form of biscuits (10 g guar) and mixed (5 g guar gum) with a flavored drink. Total serum cholesterol decreased 16.7 percent and LDL-cholesterol decreased 26.5 percent. Intake of total dietary fiber, dietary soluble fiber, and saturated fat were not reported. Tinker et al. (Ref. 89) evaluated the cholesterol-lowering properties of prunes in a randomized, cross-over trial. Forty-one men, ages 29 to 79, with mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia (serum cholesterol 201 to 290 mg/dL) consumed either grape juice (360 milliliter (mL)/day) or 12 prunes (100 g/day) for 4 weeks followed by cross-over to other diet for an additional 4 weeks. Prunes provided 6 to 7 g of total dietary fiber and 3.6 to 4.2 g of soluble fiber as pectin. Base diets included 18 g of totae prune period. Four to five percent of the energy was from alcohol. There was no significant difference between serum cholesterol on the prune diet and on the grape juice diet. A final report by Earll et al., July 1986 (Ref. 90), was submitted with one of the comments. This was an intervention study with seven free living hyperlipidemic (serum cholesterol ranged from 261 to 346 mg/dL) male and female patients. Subjects were asked to consume 24 g/day of corn fiber (containing less than 2 g soluble fiber) for 6 weeks, then 48 g/day corn fiber for an additional 6 weeks with their regular diet. The test period was followed by an 8-week wash-out period. Actual consumption of corn fiber was slightly less according to records kept by the subjects. Total cholesterol was reduced, on average from 298 to 253 mg/dL (significant), although much smaller changes were seen in two subjects, and one subject had an increase in serum cholesterol during the study period. In all but one of the subjects, serum cholesterol remained above 200 mg/dL with fiber intervention, suggesting dietary therapy was not adequate. The dietary intakes of the subjects before and during the test period were notrecorded. Whyte et al. (Ref. 104) reported significant reductions in serum cholesterol in 23 men with mild hypercholesterolemia (total cholesterol ranged from 209 to 259 mg/dL) consuming oat bran. Subjects consumed 123 g/day oat bran or 54 g/day wheat bran cereal with their regular diets for 4 weeks followed by cross-over to the other fiber cereal. All subjects consumed wheat cereal during a 3-week baseline period prior to randomization to test groups. Total dietary fiber and fat intake were approximately the same between groups. Total serum cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, when consuming oat bran, decreased 4 percent and 5.5 percent, respectively, compared to wheat bran. The authors note that one of their earlier studies with 12 g of oat bran showed significant decreases in serum cholesterol of 6 percent compared to 12 g of wheat bran. According to their analyses, both oat brans were similar in composition (Ref. 104). The smaller decrease in serum cholesterol reported in this study as compared to some other oat bran studies, not conducted by these authors, may be due to the difference in [-glucan content of different strains of oats. This 4-week study does not address long-term effectiveness of oat bran intervention. Uusitupa et al. (Ref. 100), in a randomly-allocated, double-blind parallel group trial, tested the effects of guar gum on 39 individuals with NIDDM (mean serum cholesterol of groups: 253 and 237 mg/dL). The test group received 5 g of guar gum three times per day (estimated total of 10 g soluble fiber) before meals for 3 months, while the control group received 5 g of wheat flour 3 times per day before meals. After 3 months, the control group was switched to guar and both groups were followed for anadditional 10 months. At the end of 3 months, the guar group showed a significant lowering of serum total cholesterol. Over the remaining 10 months, the group which began as the test group had an increase in total cholesterol, although it remained significantly lower than prior to the trial. The group which began as the control group, but switched to guar, demonstrated the lowest serum cholesterol during month 5 (208 mg/dL). This was followed by increasing serum cholesterol to a maximum at month 11 (242 mg/dL). After 12 months, serum cholesterol for this group was 233 mg/dL. Significant weight loss occurred in both the control and treatment groups to a similar degree. The dietary intakes for both groups were not reported. Spencer and Gee (Ref. 109) evaluated the cholesterol-lowering properties of apple juice supplemented with 10 g of dietary fiber (70 percent soluble fiber, predominantly from gum arabic) versus plain apple juice. Thirty-one mildly hypercholesterolemic there was a significant decrease in serum total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol during the period of consumption of fiber-enriched juice. When order of presentation is considered, there were inconsistencies in the changes. The group which began the trial with the placebo did not show any change from baseline in serum cholesterol during the placebo phase, whereas the group which received the placebo during the second half of the trial maintained the lower cholesterol level which occurred during the fiber supplementation period. Cholesterol intake was significantly higher in the juice-only group. Niemi et al. (Ref. 99), in a double-blind, cross-over trial, reported significant lowering of serum cholesterol in a group that received 15 g/day guar gum (estimated total of 10 g soluble fiber) as a supplement for 12 weeks when compared to the group which received cellulose, the placebo. The 16 women and 6 men chosen as subjects were all (NIDDM) between the ages of 40 and 76. Nineteen of these subjects were on medication for their diabetes. Although the patients were advised to maintain their normal diets, no dietary measurements were reported to verify this. Kirsten et al. (Ref. 97) evaluated the hypocholesterolemic properties of guar gum in 13 men and women with type IIa and IIb hyperlipidemia (serum cholesterol concentration 251 mg/dL). The study was divided into three phases: the 30-day pretreatment phase (baseline), the 60-day treatment, and the 60-day post-treatment period. During the treatment phase, subjects consumed 4 g of guar gum, mixed with water or juice before breakfast, lunch, and dinner (12 g guar/day, estimated--8 g soluble fiber). Subjects were only instructed to avoid cholesterol-rich foods during the study period. Both total serum cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol decreased significantly compared to pretreatment levels. During the post-treatment period, serum cholesterol returned tobaseline and LDL-cholesterol increased above baseline. The dietary intakes of the subjects during each phase of the study were not reported. Cerda et al. (Ref. 105) evaluated the hypocholesterolemic effects of grapefruit pectin in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study. Twenty-seven hypercholesterolemic men and women (mean serum cholesterol of 275 mg/dL) consumed 15 g of grapefruit pectin (27 tablets, 9 per meal) or 15 g of flour (also in tablet form) per day for 4 weeks followed by a 4-week wash-out before cross-over. During the pectin period total cholesterol decreased by almost 8 percent and LDL-cholesterol by 11 percent (both significantly lower compared to baseline). There was no change in serum cholesterol during the placebo period. The dietary intake of the subjects during each period of the study was not reported. The short test periods do not address long-term usefulness of pectin. Haskell et al. (Ref. 106) evaluated the hypocholesterolemic properties of four isolated, purified soluble fibers in four separate trials. All subjects had serum cholesterol levels between 200 and 280 mg/dL and were randomized to 1 of the four studies. Study one was a 12-week intervention trial using a powdered soluble fiber mixture providing 17.2 g/day of soluble fiber. The powder consisted of acacia gum (9.7 g), psyllium (4.9 g), and guar gum (2.6 g). The soluble fiber mixture was tested against afructose placebo (15 g/day). Results showed no statistically significant changes from baseline to 6 or 12 weeks within or between groups. Study two was a 4-week intervention testing 15 g/day of acacia gum powder against 15 g/day fructose powder. There was no significant change from baseline or compared to the placebo. Study three was an 8-week cross-over trial using 10 g/day of guar (estimated 6.7 g soluble fiber) as a control and a 15 g/day fiber mixture of pectin (3.9 g), psyllium (6.3 g), guar (3.3 g)ximately 14 percent and 12 percent, respectively), and high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol (about 6 percent) significantly. Study four was a 4-week dose-response study with increasing amounts of soluble fiber from a mixture of pectin, psyllium, guar, and locust bean gum. Three groups received either 5 g, 10 g, or 15 g/day of the mixture. Results showed that the serum cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol of the group consuming 15 g/day was significantly lower than the placebo. A 1984 study by Anderson et al. (Ref. 110) was submitted with comments in support of a long-term hypocholesterolemic effect of soluble fiber from oat bran and beans. Ten men, ages 46 to 66, with serum cholesterol above 260 mg/dL were randomly assigned to oat bran or bean-supplemented diets for 21 days following a 7-day baseline period on a metabolic ward. The base diet was a ``typical'' American diet with 38 percent of calories as fat and 450 mg cholesterol. To this diet, the subjects added either 100 g of oat bran or 100 g of dried beans per day. Both of these diets provided 18 g of total soluble fiber and 48 to 50 g of total plant fiber per day. Before discharge, the subjects were instructed on the use of a high fiber (50 g of total fiber per day) maintenance diet with oat or bean product supplements at home. The high fiber diet was also low in fat (30 percent of calories as fat), low in saturated fat (10 percent of calories), and low in cholesterol (150 mg/day). Ten men were followed on their home diets for 24 weeks and 4 for 99 weeks. Results of the metabolic ward phase of the study showed that the oat bran and bean diets lowered serum cholesterol significantly (23 percent) over the 3-week period compared to baseline. At 24 weeks (the followup phase), serum cholesterol levels were significantly (26 percent) lower than baseline. Cholesterol levels in the four men followed for 99 weeks were 23 percent lower than baseline (significant at p<0.0025). Reductions in LDL-cholesterol were also significant during both phases of the study. HDL-cholesterol decreased significantly (20 percent) during the metabolic ward phase but increased during the long-term followup. All 10 subjects lost approximately 4 pounds (lb) (significant at p<0.0025) during the metabolic ward phase of the study. The investigators reported that changes in body weight were not significantly correlated with the changes in serum cholesterol. An additional 4 lb of weight was lost during the 24-week phase of followup. An unpublished study (Ref. 119) evaluated the cholesterol lowering properties of oat gum in hypercholesterolemics (mean serum cholesterol of 255 mg/dL). Instant oat gum (3.6 g) or a placebo (maltodextrin) were mixed with a noncarbonated diet fruit drink (250 mL) and consumed twice a day at each main meal for 4 weeks. There was a 3-week wash-out between treatment periods and after the last oat gum period. Subjects were randomly assigned to start the treatment period with either the oat gum beverage or the placebo. Results showed significantly lower serum cholesterol after 4 weeks on oat gum compared to both the baseline (p = 0.02) and the placebo (p = 0.001). Although subjects were asked to maintain their weight, subjects' weights were not reported. Bridges et al. (Ref. 120) evaluated the effect of oat bran on serum cholesterol and serum acetate in hypercholesterolemic men admitted to a metabolic ward. Animal studies have shown that both acetate and propionate inhibit cholesterol synthesis (Ref. 120). The 20 subjects were divided into two groups: Wheat bran group (mean serum cholesterol of 252 mg/dL) and oat bran group (mean serum cholesterol of 305 mg/dL). Following 1 week on a typical American diet, the diets were supplemented for 21 days with either 110 g of oat bran per day or 40 g of wheat bran. Results showed that the oat bran group experienced significantly lower (p = 0.05) serum cholesterol than the wheat bran group. However, in the wheat bran group, the baseline cholesterol level had bt (p = 0.001) weight loss in both groups. The weight loss appeared to be greater in the oat bran group. LDL-cholesterol was significantly lower (p = 0.005) in the oat bran group as compared to the group's pretreatment values. There was no significant difference in LDL-cholesterol between groups. Serum acetate values were significantly higher in the oat bran group than in the pretreatment diets. Wheat bran did not change serum acetate significantly compared to the pretreatment diets. Kashtan et al. (Ref. 121) evaluated the effects of wheat bran and oat bran supplements on blood lipids and lipoproteins in 84 subjects with mild hypercholesterolemia. This was a controlled, parallel, double-blind study in which subjects consumed either oat bran supplements (with 11 to 17 g dietary fiber and an estimated 5 to 8 g of soluble fiber) or a wheat bran cream of wheat mixture (11 to 17 g of dietary fiber) each day for 14 days. Defined diets were delivered to the subjects' homes. The diets provided one of four energy amounts: 1,600, 2,000, 2,400, and 2,800 calories, with 37 percent of energy as fat, 47 percent carbohydrate, and 16 percent protein. Results showed mean serum cholesterol decreased significantly (-10.8 percent, p = 0.001) in the oat group compared to the wheat group (-4.7 percent). However, the baseline cholesterol was higher among the oat bran group. The wheat bran group also experienced significantly decreased serum cholesterol compared to their baseline (p <0.001). LDL-cholesterol decreased significantly compared to baseline for both groups (p = 0.03 for the wheat bran group and p <0.001 for the oat group). The short test period of 2 weeks in this study makes interpretation of the results difficult. Ranhotra and coworkers (Ref. 122) studied lipidemic responses in 17 hypercholesterolemic men consuming foods high in soluble fiber. This was a 6-week intervention study with a 6-week control period prior to the test period. Subjects consumed their usual diet during the control period and kept daily records of intake for 4 weeks. Subjects were then given a list of foods that were identified as good sources of soluble fiber and a diet supplement containing 30 g each of rice bran and oat bran, and were instructed to incorporate foods on the list into their usual diet. Each subject served as his own control. Results showed that only 6 (34 percent) of the 17 subjects were responders to the soluble fiber intervention. The authors reported that not all subjects consumed the supplement daily and that intakes of soluble fiber varied greatly among the participants. Serum cholesterol values decreased from 1 percent to 17 percent compared to individual control levels in those responding to soluble fiber. However, the authors did not perform a statistical analysis of the results, and the results in this study are too inconsistent in direction and magnitude to support an effect of soluble fiber on serum cholesterol. Zhang et al. (Ref. 123) studied the mechanism of cholesterol lowering in nine subjects with ileostomies. This was a randomized, controlled, cross-over study design. Subjects were instructed to consume their own food, which was modified to be low fiber, and were assigned to either a low fiber diet (supplemented with wheat-flour bread) or a high fiber diet (supplemented with oatbran bread) for 3 weeks followed by cross-over to the other fiber bread for another 3 weeks. Ileostomy effluents were collected on sampling days in both dietary periods. Subjects were also divided into two subgroups according to the amount of bile acids excreted in the ileostomy effluents. Results showed subjects with low bile acid excretion had significantly increased daily excretion of total bile acids on the high fiber diet as compared to the low fiber diet. There were no significant differences in daily excretion of total bile acids between the high fiber period and the low fiber period in subjects with high daily bile acilesterol and LDL-cholesterol decreased significantly (p = 0.01 and p = 0.05, respectively) in all nine subjects on the high fiber diet. Subgroup analysis showed that subjects with low daily bile acid excretions had significantly reduced serum cholesterol on the high fiber diet than on the low fiber diet. Subjects with a high daily excretion of bile acids showed no significant difference in serum cholesterol between the test periods. Conclusions about fiber mechanisms in lowering serum lipids in subjects with ileostomies may not apply to the general population. 2. Hypercholesterolemics: Step 1 or 2 diets A study by Israelsson et al. (Ref. 86) was submitted with a comment. This placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over intervention study used 30 g/day beet fiber or bread. Twenty-seven hypercholesterolemic (serum cholesterol 263 to 297 mg/dL) women, 55 to 56 years old, were chosen from a CVD screening program. Subjects consumed a moderate cholesterol, low fat diet with increased polyunsaturated fatty acids/saturated fatty acids (PUFA/SFA) for a 1-month run-in period and were then randomized to thefiber group or placebo for 1 month followed by cross-over to the other diet. The beet fiber provided 6 g soluble fiber, 16.5 g insoluble fiber, and 22.5 g total dietary fiber. Subjects decreased alcohol intake after the run-in period. No data on saturated fat or soluble fiber intakes were provided. Results showed a significant reduction in serum cholesterol in the fiber group compared to the placebo after 2 weeks, but not after 4 weeks. LDL-cholesterol showed a modest but significant reduction after 4 weeks of fiber intervention. HDL remained constant or increased significantly after 1-month intervention. The ratio of LDL:HDL was significantly reduced at the end of the test period. The short test period of this study does not address long-term effectiveness of beet fiber. Bremer et al. (Ref. 91) evaluated the cholesterol lowering effects of oat bran and wheat bran in a randomized, single-blind, cross-over, placebo-controlled intervention trial. The fibers were incorporated into breads. Twelve hyperlipidemic men and women (total serum cholesterol 220 to 348 mg/dL) were stabilized on a American Heart Association (AHA) phase II diet (total fat 25 to 30 percent of energy, saturated fat <8 percent of energy, polyunsaturated fat 5 to 10 percent of energy, cholesterol <250mg/day) for 3 months prior to intervention. There was a 2-week run-in prior to test during which subjects added additional bread to their diets. Subjects were randomized to one of the two fiber groups for 4 weeks, followed by 2-week wash-out, then cross-over to other fiber group. The bread (10 to 12 slices/day) was added to the diet in place of other carbohydrate foods. Subjects had a mean intake of 44.6 g/day of oat bran (range of 34.2 to 68.4 g/day). Total dietary fiber intake during the oat period was 32.2 g, and 34.1 g during the wheat period. Results showed no significant differences in total serum cholesterol or LDL-cholesterol between the oat and wheat periods. Authors account for the lack of observed response on serum cholesterol from oat branas due to the lower soluble fiber content of New Zealand oat bran compared to oat bran used in other studies. Anderson et al. (Ref. 92) evaluated the hypocholesterolemic effects of two bulk laxatives, relative to psyllium and a placebo (cellulose), in mild to moderately high hypercholesterolemic (total serum cholesterol 200 to 300 mg/dL) men and women. The laxatives were evaluated at the manufacturer's recommended dosages. Of the 163 subjects screened, 105 completed the 16-week study. Subjects were instructed in and consumed the AHA Step 1 diet (total fat 30 to 33 percent of energy, saturated fat 10 percent of energy, carbohydrate 46 percent of energy, cholesterol <300 mg/day) for 8 weeks followed by an 8-week parallel treatment with diets supplemented with one of three fiber supplements or placebo. Fiber sources used were the following bulk laxatives: psyl0.2 g/day), calcium polycarbophil (4 g/day), and cellulose placebo (4 g/day). The authors note that psyllium and methylcellulose were most effective in lowering serum cholesterol. There was no significant difference between psyllium and methylcellulose in lowering serum cholesterol. Soluble fiber was not controlled in this study. Subjects on psyllium had the highest soluble fiber intake. Side effects were reported for each laxative. An unpublished manuscript entitled ``High soluble fiber foods reduce serum lipids even when diets are already low in saturated fat and cholesterol'' (Ref. 93) was received as part of a comment. This 4-week, cross-over, metabolic study in 12 hyperlipidemic (mean total cholesterol of 272 mg/dL) subjects compared a psyllium cereal/low fat diet (9.35 g psyllium/day = >3 oz of psyllium cereal) with a similar diet substituting wheat bran for the psyllium cereal. The low fat diets were the same in both phases of the study, low in saturated fat (<4 percent of energy) and cholesterol (<50 mg/day) and high in carbohydrate ( 60 percent of energy). The psyllium cereal was significantly more effective in lowering total and LDL-cholesterol than the wheat bran cereal. Mean total cholesterol reduction was from 272 mg/dL to 249 mg/dL, and from 192 mg/dL 172 mg/dL for LDL cholesterol. Preliminary subgroup analysis by the authors of the study suggested that patients with both elevated cholesterol and triglycerides (Type IIb) showed no reduction in LDL cholesterol, while patients with only Type IIa (isolated elevation of cholesterol) benefited. Additional concerns are raised by this study regarding the usefulness of psyllium in Type IIb patients. An unpublished manuscript entitled ``High fiber foods reduce serum lipids even on diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol'' (Ref. 94) was received as a comment. This was a cross-over study with 11 hyperlipidemic volunteers. Each 16-week test period was separated by a 2-month wash-out period during which subjects consumed only the Step 2 diet (total fat <20 of energy, saturated fat <7 percent of energy, cholesterol <100 mg/day, and carbohydrate 60 percent of energy). During one metabolic phase, subjects were fed foods considered good sources of soluble fiber (e.g., legumes and psyllium-containing cereals) as part of the Step 2 diet. During the second phase, wheat bran-containing foods were fed. Results showed that both the soluble- and insoluble-fiber groups lost weight during the 4-month test period. The insoluble-fiber group lost significantly more than the soluble-fiber group. Although, blood lipids fell on both diets, total cholesterol, LDL- and HDL-cholesterol values were significantly lower (6.3 percent, 8.6 percent, and 5.7 percent, respectively) in the soluble-fiber group than in the insoluble-fiber group. The soluble fiber diet emphasized foods shown in other studies to reduce serum cholesterol, i.e., dried beans, peas, other legumes, oat bran, and a psyllium-containing cereal. The actual difference in soluble fiber content between the soluble and insoluble fiber diets was only about 3.2 g/day, on average. The authors felt that the specific foods they fed contribute to lowering of serum cholesterol, but expressed concern that not all soluble fibers show this effect, and that no mechanism of action is apparent. They, therefore, expressed ``concern over lipid lowering claims for direct dietary fibers.'' An intervention study by Anderson et al. (Ref. 95) with 44 hyperlipidemic (serum cholesterol 200 to 300 mg/dL) men and women was conducted using a randomized, double-blind, and parallel design. Subjects consumed a Step 1 diet and 3.7 ounce (oz)/day (on average) of either a wheat bran cereal or a psyllium cereal for 6 weeks. The psyllium cereal provided 10.7 g/day of psyllium. The psyllium group had a lower total cholesterol by about 8 percent and LDL cholesterol by nearly 13 percent by the end of thebout 1 (lb) pound. Because this study had a short test period, it did not address the long-term usefulness of psyllium in reducing serum cholesterol. In a parallel design, nonblinded clinical trial with 59 men and women with total cholesterol between 215 and 396 mg/dL, Neal and Balm (Ref. 98) placed all subjects on Step 1 diets for 7 weeks. The control group continued on the Step 1 diet, and the test group received 20.4 g of psyllium per day in the form of Metamucil immediately after breakfast and the evening meal for 13 weeks. After the treatment period, the psyllium group had a decrease in total cholesterol of 7.1 percent, while the control group had a 1.6 percent decrease. The difference between the test and control groups was 5.5 percent, a significant decrease. Although there was a 5.1 percent decrease in LDL in the psyllium group compared to the control, this decrease was not significant. The authors failed to report the amounts of total fat, saturated fat, and total soluble dietary fiber consumed during each period. Two short-term studies by Wolever et al. (Refs. 101 and 102) evaluated the effectiveness of psyllium in lowering serum cholesterol (Ref. 101) and its effectiveness when psyllium was taken with meals or between meals (Ref. 102). These studies were done with men and women, some of whom were on lipid-lowering drugs, who were instructed on a Step 2 diet. The test periods were for 2 weeks. In both studies, serum cholesterol was lowered significantly at the end of the 2 weeks. O'Connor et al. (Ref. 103) conducted a well-controlled multicenter, double-blind randomized, parallel group, placebo-controlled trial with men and women between the ages of 18 and 70 years with a diagnosis of mild to moderate primary hypercholesterolemia (see Table 1). A five fiber supplement, containing guar and pectin and providing 7.5 g of soluble fiber and 2.5 g of insoluble fiber, was administered either once or twice a day for 15 weeks with a Step 1 diet. The placebo group received 5.2 g of insoluble fiber with no soluble fiber before breakfast and dinner. All nutrients were kept constant except for fiber. Serum cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol were significantly reduced compared to placebo in all studies (see Table 1, studies B301 and B302 in). An extension of this study evaluated the long-term usefulness of the five fiber supplement for an additional 36 weeks (total of 51 weeks). Significantly reduced levels of total and LDL-cholesterol were maintained (5.3 percent and 8.4 percent, respectively) compared to baseline. This study shows both the ability of a particular soluble fiber product for reducing blood lipids and the long-term benefits of soluble fiber supplementation with a low fat diet. An unpublished study (Ref. 108) evaluated the hypocholesterolemic effect of psyllium in 23 hypercholesterolemic men (mean total cholesterol greater than 240 mg/dL). Using a double-blind, double cross-over design, the subjects were randomly assigned to either the psyllium-wheat bran-psyllium group or to the wheat bran-psyllium-wheat bran group for 8, 5, and 5 weeks, respectively. Subjects consumed a total of 10 g of soluble fiber/day from psyllium and 2 g of soluble fiber per day from wheat bran. All subjects consumed a Step 1 low fat diet as the base diet. Results showed significant cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol lowering (4.3 percent) with psyllium compared to the wheat phase of the test. Initial cholesterol values for each group were not given. A 1987 study by Turnbull and Leeds (Ref. 111) was submitted with comments from the food industry as further evidence for a hypocholesterolemic effect of soluble fiber from oat bran. In this study, 17 free living men and women aged 23 to 73 years (serum cholesterol levels above 232 mg/dL) were given varying degrees of instruction on a low fat diet (<35 percent calories from fat). All subjects followed this diet for a 1-month run-in period. Eight subjects were followed intensively during the run-in pere then randomly assigned to receive either 150 g/day oats (from cereal and muffins) or 100 g/day wheat flour biscuits for 1 month followed by cross-over to the other fiber diet for an additional month. The oat products provided 5.4 g of soluble fiber per day. The wheat products provided 3.1 g/day. Results during the run-in period showed a significant loss of weight and reduction in serum cholesterol in the group of eight subjects studied intensively during the first month. At the start of the first test period (whether oat or wheat) all subjects had a mean fat intake of 34 percent of calories. During the oat period, the subjects' energy intakes increased and fat intake increased to 35 percent. Mean body weight, however, remained constant. Combining all results from the oat-wheat and wheat-oat periods, serum- and LDL-cholesterol fell significantly (p = 0.02 and p = 0.003, respectively). During the wheat period, the subjects' caloric intake increased with a mean body weight increase of 0.3 kilogram (kg). Total fat consumption during the wheat period was 36 percent of calories. Mean serum cholesterol of the combined period showed a nonsignificant increase (1.6 percent) in serum cholesterol during the wheat period. LDL-cholesterol showed a nonsignificant increase. In the eight subjects followed intensively throughout the study, the results showed that most of them had further reductions in total and LDL-cholesterol on the oat diet beyond the low fat diet alone. In a later study (Ref. 126) of the samedesign and using the same levels of oats and wheat flour, the authors reported favorable changes in apolipoprotein A1 and no change in apolipoprotein B in subjects on the oat diet. The purpose of the study by Fukagawa et al. (Ref. 114) was to evaluate the effects of a very high carbohydrate high fiber (HCF) diet on peripheral-tissue insulin responsiveness in a group of healthy young men (ages 18 to 24 years, Group A) and in a group of older men and women (ages 67 to 86 years, Group B). The young men had normal serum cholesterol (199 mg/dL) and the older adults were hypercholesterolemic (237 mg/dL). The subjects were studied while consuming their usual ad libitum diet and after consuming a HCF diet for 21 to 28 days. The older group was admitted to the metabolic ward for the duration of the study. The younger subjects only ate their meals on the metabolic ward. The study was not blinded or placebo controlled. Test diets provided the following: Group A-- 23.6 g/day soluble fiber, 88.2 g of plant fiber/day, 134 mg dietary cholesterol, 14 percent energy as fat, 3 percent energy as saturated fat, 69 percent of energy as carbohydrates; Group B-- 17 g of soluble fiber, 67.7 g of plant fiber/day, 90 g of dietary cholesterol, 15 percent energy as fat, 3 percent energy as saturated fat, and 70 percent energy as carbohydrates. Results showed a significant reduction in serum cholesterol in both groups after 4 weeks (Group A: 26 percent; Group B: 45 percent). The results of this study are inconclusive for an effect of fiber on serum cholesterol (which was not the objective of the study) because the subjects' ad libitum diets were significantly higher than the test diet in fat (37 to 42percent of calories compared to approximately 14 percent on the test diet), saturated fat (15 to 17 percent of calories versus 3 percent of calories), and lower in carbohydrates (40 to 45 percent of calories versus 68 to 70 percent of calories). In addition, there was no control group. Anderson et al. (Ref. 118) evaluated the cholesterol-lowering benefits of psyllium-enriched cereal in subjects with mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia (serum cholesterol range of 200 to 300 mg/dL). Subjects consumed their usual diets for 1 week before being randomly assigned to receive psyllium-flake or wheat bran flake cereal for 6 weeks. Subjects were also instructed on a Step 1 diet and asked to adhere to it for 6 weeks. Soluble fiber intake during the treatment period was 5.9 g per day for theowed significantly reduced serum- and LDL-cholesterol in the psyllium group compared to the wheat group. Serum cholesterol was reduced 8.36 percent (p = 0.01) and LDL-cholesterol 12.9 percent (p = 0.01) in the psyllium group. There was no significant change in serum- or LDL-cholesterol in the wheat group. 3. Normocholesterolemics: ``typical'' or ``usual'' diets Resnicow et al., 1991 (Ref. 96), measured total serum lipids in a population of 31 Seventh Day Adventists, ages 5 to 46 years, who had consumed a pure vegetarian diet for at least 6 months prior to taking of blood samples. Diets of vegans were compared to those of omnivore controls. Blood samples were not taken from the controls and blood values for these subjects were derived from the Lipid Research Clinics Population Studies Data Book. Results showed that the adult vegans consumed significantly less energy and energy from fat (31 percent versus 38 percent of calories), total fat, saturated fat, monounsaturated fat, cholesterol, and protein. They also consumed significantly more fiber (45 g/day versus 20 g/day) than the omnivores. Total dietary soluble and insoluble fibers were not assessed. Foods consumed in greater frequency by vegans included almonds, cashews, and their nut butters, dried fruits, citrus fruits, soy milk, and greens. Total serum cholesterol for vegans was approximately 23 percent lower (139 mg/dL versus 182 mg/dL) than expected values for omnivores. One study submitted with comments evaluated the effect of glucomannan, a pectin-like gel fiber derived from purified tubers of Amorphophallus koniac K. Koch, on serum cholesterol and weight reduction in obese patients consuming their normal diets (Ref. 117). Weight loss and serum cholesterol decreased significantly in the test group compared with the placebo group at the end of the 8-week trial. After 4 weeks on the test product, subjects had a mean weight loss of 4.9 lb and mean serum cholesterol reduction of 20.9 mg/dL. After another 4 weeks, weight loss was only 0.6 lb and serum cholesterol was reduced only 0.8 mg/dL. Because weight loss and serum cholesterol are closely correlated, the effect of glucomannan on serum cholesterol cannot bedetermined from this study. An unpublished study studied the mechanism of serum cholesterol reduction by oat bran (Ref. 124). This was a 2-month metabolically-controlled intervention trial with nine normocholesterolemic men. A single isotope was used to determine bile acid kinetics during the oat bran period. During the first month, subjects consumed a constant diet provided in a metabolic unit. The fat content of the diet was 35 percent of the energy. The total soluble fiber content of the low fiber diet ranged from 3.0 to 4.9 g/day and for the high fiber period 9 to 12 g/day. During the second month, this same diet was supplemented with 100 g of oat bran per day. Results showed significantly lowered serum cholesterol during both periods. Serum cholesterol was 14 percent lower compared to the prestudy period during the low fiber period and 22 percent lower during the high fiber period. Serum cholesterol during the high fiber period was also significantly lower than that of the low fiber period (an additional decrease of 9 percent). Bile acid excretion approximately doubled during the high fiber period. 4. Normocholesterolemics: low fat diets Nervi et al. (Ref. 107) reported than an intake of 120 g/day of legumes for 30 to 35 days significantly lowered serum cholesterol (from 162 to 143 mg/dL) in 20 Chilean young men compared to responses of men on a control diet. The men consumed beans,peas, or lentils each day as part of a diet that provided 33 percent of calories from fat and 12.5 g of total fiber. The study was designed to evaluate the hypothesis that legumes may be a risk factor for cholesterol gallstones in certain subpopulations. 5. Other studies Evidence for the cholesterol-lowering effect of soluble fiber from oats was evaluated using meta-analysis (Ref. 125). In this study, after pooling the raw data from 5 investigators who had looked at the effect of consumption of oat products on bloodtotal cholesterol, a modest reduction (average decrease of 5 to 6 mg/dL) on blood total cholesterol levels was found. The decrease in blood total cholesterol was largest in those trials with initially higher blood total cholesterol levels, particularly where an intervention dose of 3 g or more of soluble fiber from oats was used. To assess whether other dietary factors, i.e., dilution of saturated fat and calorie intakes by the oatmeal or oat bran addition to diets, might have been responsible for the drop in blood total cholesterol levels, the authors used the experimentally derived, predictive equation of Keys to see if dietary changes in fat components of the test diets could account for the observed decreases in serum cholesterol. The fat and saturated fat changes did not appear to be responsible for the drop in serum cholesterol levels, thus suggesting that some other factor in the test diets (e.g., the soluble fiber fraction) was responsible for the observed effects. The authors concluded, therefore, that incorporation of oats (a rich source of soluble fiber, primarily as [-glucan) into diets causes a modest decrease in average blood cholesterol. The authors also suggested that there was a dose-response relationship between the amount of soluble fiber from oats and the reduction in blood cholesterol levels, with intakes of soluble fiber from oats above 3 g/day showing more effect than lower intakes. Additionally, the authors noted that other components in oats may play a role in the observed cholesterol reduction and suggested the need for long-term clinical trials (6 months or more) with multiple doses to verify their conclusions from the meta-analysis. 6. Summary of human studies The human studies reviewed above suffered from many of the same design flaws noted in the proposed rule on health claims for dietary fiber and cardiovascular disease (56 FR 60582 at 60591). Some studies were conducted with very small sample sizes (Refs. 84, 85, 87, 90, 91, 93, 94, 97, 110, 111, 114, 122, 123, 124, and 126). Another limitation was short study times (Refs. 87, 101, 102, 110, 114, 120, 121, and 123). Inadequate control of confounding factors, such as concomitant weight losses and changes in other dietary components which may have affected results, plagued some studies (Refs. 86, 96, 107, 108, 110, 117, 119, and 120). The absence of adequate dietary intake data to assure that dietary changes other than differences in soluble fiber intakes had not occurred was a problem for a number of studies (Refs. 84, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 95, 97, 99, 105, 106, 119, and 123). Several studies were suggestive of positive effects of soluble fiber intakes on blood cholesterol levels. One study provided evidence of a relationship between consumption of foods high in soluble fiber and reduced levels of blood total- and LDL-cholesterol levels (Ref. 118). In a comparison of a breakfast cereal fortified with psyllium, a rich source of soluble fiber (12 g of psyllium/day from 114 g/day of a psyllium-containing cereal) to a wheat bran cereal which contributed negligible amounts ofsoluble fiber, the psyllium-containing cereal was associated with lower blood total- and LDL-cholesterol levels after 6 weeks than were observed in subjects following a diet containing wheat bran cereal. In another study (Ref. 104), consumption of 123 gof oat bran cereal (contributing 10.3 g soluble fiber daily) versus consumption of 54 g of wheat bran cereal per day (contributing 3.4 g of soluble fiber daily) was associated with lower blood total- and LDL-cholesterol levels after 4 weeks. Dietary intakRefs. 83 and 91). Several explanations for the lack of a relationship in these studies were offered by the authors, including the possibility that the oat bran used was low in soluble fiber content (Refs. 83 and 91). The study by Neal and Balm (Ref. 98)showed significantly lower blood total-cholesterol levels with consumption of a psyllium-fortified cereal, but the decline in LDL-cholesterol levels compared to the control was not statistically significant. A small body weight loss in both groups may have confounded the relationships. However, since it is the LDL-cholesterol, rather than the total-cholesterol, that is the desired endpoint for evaluating beneficial changes, the lack of statistical significance for serum LDL-cholesterol levels limits this study's usefulness. Finally, the meta-analysis on the cholesterol-lowering effect of oat products was useful and suggested a benefit from oat consumption. However, the authors noted that, while grams of soluble fiber were chosen to represent the dose of oat product, itis entirely possible that other components of oats, as well as the way in which the oat product is prepared, may also play a role in reduction of blood LDL-cholesterol levels. The authors recommended that, because there are several components of oats which could provide beneficial effects on blood cholesterol levels, future clinical studies should test multiple doses of oat products with the simultaneous measurement of other possible active components, including soluble fiber, [-glucan, and tocotrienols. The most definitive results linking soluble fiber intakes to beneficial changes in blood cholesterol levels were for studies in which dietary supplements of guar (Refs. 99 and 100), gum arabic (Ref. 109), psyllium (Ref. 92), or a combination of soluble fiber sources (Ref. 103) were given. Some of these studies (Refs. 99, 100, and 109) also, however, failed to provide adequate information on dietary intakes, thus limiting the ability to rule out possible confounding effects from other dietary changes that may have occurred concomitantly with addition of these supplements. A series of well-conducted clinical trials were done to design and test the effectiveness of fiber mixtures (guar, pectin, psyllium, and locust bean) on blood cholesterol levels (Refs. 103 and 106). Early studies in one series (Ref. 106) showed no benefit from acacia gum alone or a mixture of acacia gum, psyllium and guar (Studies 1 and 2). Only when a mixture of pectin, psyllium, guar and locust bean was given were beneficial effects seen (Study 4). These results strongly suggest that benefits of fiber supplements are not readily predicted by an analytical definition of soluble fiber, but rather vary, in some unknown way, among different sources or combinations of sources, of soluble fiber. Thus, generalizing results from one fiber source to another must be done cautiously. B. Animal studies submitted with comments FDA received a number of animal studies submitted as comments. FDA has reviewed these studies as described below. 1. Relationship between specific soluble fibers and plasma cholesterol Ney et al. (Ref. 127) evaluated the effect of soluble oat fiber on blood very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), and high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels by feeding male rats cholesterol-raising diets (diets which contained 1 percent cholesterol and 0.2 percent cholic acid as the stimulus for increasing blood cholesterol levels) and 6 percent dietary fiber from cellulose (control) or from three oat products with increasing levels of soluble fiber: Oat bran, high fiber oat flour or a processed oat product. Compared to the cholesterol-fed cellulose control, all oat fibers lowered plasma total cholesterol by 25 to 45 percent, lowered VLDL + LDL cholesterol levels by 40 to 60 percent, and raised HDL-cholesterol by 25 to 40 pt, which contained 40 percent more soluble fiber than oat bran or oat flour, resulted in a lipoprotein profile similar to that obtained without the cholesterol-raising stimulus of dietary cholesterol and cholic acid. The oat product with the highest soluble fiber content was, therefore, more effective with ingestion of the cholesterol-raising diet than was the oat bran or oat flour with lower amounts of soluble fiber. The authors suggested that these data, which show greater benefits as the soluble fiber content increases, support the suggestion that soluble fiber is the component of oat fiber responsible for the cholesterol-lowering effect of oat-containing diets. Nishini et al. (Ref. 128) evaluated the effect of dietary fibers from oat bran, wheat bran, cellulose, and pectin on plasma lipoproteins, apolipoproteins and enzymes involved on cholesterol metabolism in non-fasted rats. The animals were fed experimental diets estimated to contain 8 percent dietary fiber by weight. Results showed that pectin-fed animals (i.e., animals receiving the highest soluble fiber) had significantly lower serum cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and apolipoprotein A-1 levels compared to the fiber-free control. Total cholesterol levels in the wheat-bran-fed (primarily insoluble fiber) or oat bran-fed (mixed soluble/insoluble fiber) animals were not significantly different from the fiber-free control. No data were given on the soluble fiber content of the diets, although the pectin diet would be expected to have the highest level of soluble fiber. Results showed that blood lipid distributions are affected differently by dietary fibers, and that changes among lipid components frequently occurred without a change in overall cholesterol concentrations. Prentice et al. (Ref. 129) compared the effects of ground and rolled caryopses of barley and rolled oats to ground corn on hepatic cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis in chickens. Approximately 7 to 8 percent of the barley and oat cereals was [-glucan; corn had less than 1 percent [-glucan. Both barley and oats decreased plasma total cholesterol by 32 percent and 25 percent, respectively. The authors attributed the effect on serum cholesterol to the higher soluble fiber content of barleyand oat diets. Summaries of unpublished animal studies (Ref. 130) suggested that oats may be effective in lowering plasma cholesterol compared to controls fed white flour, wheat flour, or corn starch. However, the data were preliminary and, thus, had limited usefulness. Other summaries of unpublished animal studies (Ref. 136) suggested that rolled oats (75 percent by weight in diet) significantly lowered serum cholesterol in chicks. Extruded oat bran, equivalent to 47 percent of oat bran by weight in the diet, significantly depressed (p = 0.05) serum cholesterol in chicks. Oat gum at 0.05 percent and 0.10 percent by weight in the diets of rats significantly lowered serum cholesterol. Data comparing several oat fractions fed to chicks suggested that oat gum may be the active cholesterol depressant component, and that ground rolled oats and instant oatmeal are equal in effect to the defatted, defibered oat flour. The oat oil also had a depressive effect. Additionally, pectin (high soluble fiber) was found to significantly lower serum cholesterol in rats. These studies were done in the mid-1970's and did not have analyzed values for soluble fiber content of the respective diets. Methods and data were not well described, making results difficult to interpret. Qureshi et al. (Ref. 131) reported the effects of diets supplemented with either corn (61.5 percent by weight of the base diet), wheat (75 percent of the diet), barley (73.5 percent), oats (74.5 percent), or rye (73.5 percent) on serum cholesterol in chickens. This was part of a study to investigate the effects of dietary cereals on the metabolic regulation of lipid metabolism in chicken livers. Compared to corn, barley and oats lowered serum cholesterol 45 percent and 32 percent, respectively. Presuigher in soluble fiber content than was corn. However, no fiber content data were presented. Additionally, body weights for animals consuming the barley and oats diets varied, making it difficult to ascribe the effects to fiber per se. Ranhotra and co-workers (Ref. 132) evaluated the effect of oat bran and oat bran concentrate on serum lipids in rats. Animals were fed experimental diets containing oat bran (5.57 percent soluble fiber) or oat bran concentrate (13.75 percent solublefiber). Results showed the high soluble fiber content of the oat bran concentrate was associated with a significantly lower serum cholesterol level, but that the oat bran diet (which contained lower amounts of soluble fiber) and the diet free of solublefiber were not associated with lower serum cholesterol levels. Shinnick et al. (Ref. 133) evaluated the ability of various sources and forms of oat fiber to lower plasma and liver cholesterol in male rats fed a diet with 6 percent dietary fiber as cellulose (0 percent soluble fiber), oat bran (7 percent solublefiber), high fiber oat flour (8 to 10 percent soluble fiber), or one of four processed high fiber oat flours (8 to 12 percent soluble fiber). All diets were supplemented with 1 percent cholesterol and 0.2 percent cholic acid to stimulate increased levels of blood total cholesterol. Results showed that all oat products significantly lowered serum cholesterol compared to the control. In a second experiment, diets containing 4 percent dietary soluble fiber in a processed oat flour significantly lowered serum cholesterol. The processed oat flours had higher soluble fiber fractions than the less processed oat products. In a study published in 1983, Rogel and Vohra (Ref. 135) reported no effect from five varieties of oats (oat bran or oat hulls) fed for 4 weeks on the serum cholesterol levels of quail. No data on soluble fiber were given. Kritchevsky et al. (Ref. 138) evaluated the cholesterol-raising effects of oat and wheat bran on blood cholesterol levels in rats in a three-week feeding study in which semipurified diets containing 0.5 percent cholesterol and 10 percent oat bran, wheat bran or cellulose were fed to male rats. Weight gains varied among the diets. Results showed that, under these study conditions, there were no effects of diet on any of the serum lipids. No data on soluble fiber content of the diets were provided. Kahlon et al. (Ref 140) evaluated the effects of rice brans (full-fat or defatted), oat bran, or rice-wheat bran combinations on cholesterol in hamsters. The control diet contained 10 percent cellulose and 0.5 percent cholesterol. Test diets were composed of the control diet plus one of the brans. The oat bran contained 8 percent dietary soluble fiber versus 2 to 3 percent soluble fiber in the other brans. Results showed that rice bran (with fat) and oat bran resulted in significantly lower plasma cholesterol than the control diet. Defatting rice bran resulted in loss of its cholesterol-lowering properties, suggesting that it is the lipid portion rather than the fiber portion of rice bran which is responsible for its cholesterol-lowering effects. In another study, rats were fed a diet containing 1 percent cholesterol and 0.2 percent cholic acid with added cellulose, oat gum, chitosan, or cholestyramine (5 percent of the diet). Cholestyramine, oat gum, and chitosan all significantly lowered blood and liver cholesterol levels, with the greatest effect with cholestyramine, a commonly used cholesterol-lowering drug. Oat gum, at 5 percent of the diet, reduced serum cholesterol by 23 percent (Ref. 141). Forsythe et al. (Ref 142), in a study published in 1978, evaluated the influence of source and particle size of dietary fibers on hypocholesterolemic effects in rats. The sources of fiber were cellulose, wheat bran, wheat midlings, oat bran, oat flourto the fiber-free group. Significantly lower values of plasma total cholesterol and liver cholesterol in rats fed fiber sources known to contain soluble fibers (oat bran, oat gum, and pectin) compared to rats fed cellulose (insoluble fiber) were reported by Chen et al. (Ref. 143). Rats were fed a base diet containing 1 percent cholesterol and 10 percent by weight of one of the four fiber types. The greater effect of oat gum compared to oat bran was interpreted by the authors to suggest that the plasma and liver cholesterol-lowering effects of oat bran are due to its gum fraction. Chen and Anderson (Ref. 144) examined the effects of fiber-supplemented diets on total and LDL-cholesterol in rats. Rats were fed one of five experimental diets containing sucrose and 10 percent plant fibers. The diets were as follows: sucrose and cellulose, sucrose-cholesterol with cellulose, sucrose-cholesterol-pectin, sucrose-cholesterol-guar gum, and sucrose-cholesterol-oat bran. Results showed that fiber-fed rats had significantly lowered plasma cholesterol than rats that received cellulose; the lowest concentrations were observed in the pectin-treated group. No data were given on the soluble fiber content of the test diets, although the pectin would presumably contain the highest concentration of soluble fiber. Chen and Anderson (Ref. 146), in two experiments, examined the effects of guar gum or wheat gum on the plasma and liver lipid levels of rats. In the first experiment, animals were fed one of three diets for three weeks: diet plus sucrose and 10 percent cellulose; sucrose, 15 percent wheat bran, and 4 percent cellulose; and sucrose and 45 percent wheat bran. Each diet provided 10 g of plant fiber. In experiment two, animals were fed one of four diets: diet plus sucrose, sucrose plus cholesterol, sucrose plus cholesterol and wheat bran, or sucrose, cholesterol, and guar gum. The wheat and guar diets provided 7 g of plant fiber; the other two diets provided 4 g of plant fiber. Results from experiment 1 showed that the two wheat bran diets (high in insoluble fiber) significantly raised plasma cholesterol compared to the control. Results of experiment 2 showed the guar diet (high in soluble fiber) significantly lowered serum cholesterol compared to those fed the sucrose-cholesterol or sucrose-cholesterol-wheat bran diets. Plasma cholesterol was similar between the sucrose-cholesterol and wheat groups. Wilson et al. (Ref. 148) examined the influence of different soluble fibers upon the metabolism of lipids in genetically hyperlipemic, obese Zucker rats. Four diets were tested: a non-fiber diet (no added fiber), a 0 percent soluble fiber diet (cellulose fiber), an oat bran diet (33 percent soluble fiber), and a pectin-citrus fiber diet (100 percent soluble fiber). Except for the control, the fibers provided 10 percent of the total diet weight. Results showed non-significant decreases in total plasma cholesterol in the oat bran and pectin groups compared to the no-fiber and cellulose groups. However, the pectin group (the highest soluble fiber group) had changes in blood lipid components associated with reduced risk of heart disease: significantlylower LDL-cholesterol and significantly higher HDL-cholesterol. Welch et al. (Ref. 149) evaluated the hypocholesterolemic effects of oat bran fractions. Oat bran was separated into five fractions: oil, insoluble fraction (rich in starch and insoluble fibre), protein-rich, oat gum, and soluble residue. These werefed to chicks. Results showed that, compared to the control, only the diets containing oat bran, oat gum, or the protein fractions significantly lowered plasma cholesterol. Oat gum was the only fraction which had the same effect in reducing plasma cholesterol levels as did the native oat bran. Thus, oat gum was concluded to be the main cholesterol-lowering component of oat bran. Beta-glucan was the main component of the gum fraction. However, the protein fraction also had a beneficial effect on plasma chportion. Five sources of dietary fiber were compared for their effect on blood and liver cholesterol in beef-fed C57BL/6 male mice (Ref. 150). Mice were fed one of the following fiber supplements (7 percent dietary fiber) with the experimental diet: soybean fiber, rice bran (full fat), oat bran, barley bran, and mixed bran (one-third each of rice, barley, and oat brans). Results showed significantly lower plasma total cholesterol compared to the control in the rice bran and soybean fiber groups. Ginter et al. (Ref. 151) reported that addition of 5 percent citrus pectin (a high soluble fiber source) and 0.5 percent ascorbic acid to a high-fat diet fed to guinea pigs prevented cholesterol accumulation in blood serum and the liver. Kakis et al. (Ref. 152) reported reduced serum cholesterol and HDL levels in all psyllium-fed (a soluble fiber) animals as compared to wheat bran-fed (a relatively high insoluble fiber source) animals after a three week experimental period. Relativeto the appropriate wheat bran control, psyllium had a graded serum hypocholesterolemic effect that varied from a high of 41 percent at low dietary cholesterol concentrations to 26 percent at high dietary cholesterol concentrations. However, HDL cholesterol (in mg percent and as a percent of total cholesterol), the ``beneficial blood cholesterol,'' was lower in the psyllium groups than in the respective wheat bran controls. Thus, the overall benefit of psyllium was not clear from this study. Life Sciences Research Office's (LSRO) 1982 report to FDA on the health aspects of psyllium seed and other food ingredients (Ref. 153) was submitted with comments. Summaries of studies with beagles fed psyllium-supplemented diets consistently showedlowered serum cholesterol compared to controls. 2. Animal studies: dose-response relationship between soluble fiber and plasma cholesterol Shinnick et al. (Ref. 134), following evaluation of several approaches to improve the cholesterol-fed rat model used to evaluate the hypocholesterolemic potential of foods, fed nine levels of a high fiber oat flour (HFOF) derived from oat bran to male Sprague-Dawley rats. Ingestion of increasing amounts of HFOF, containing 0 to 10 percent dietary fiber, by rats in which high blood cholesterol levels had been produced with 1 percent cholesterol and 0.1 percent cholic acid, resulted in a significant inverse relationship between serum cholesterol levels and HFOF intake for serum and liver cholesterol levels. Similar results were obtained for liver cholesterol levels. The authors suggested that, although this study does not distinguish among the components of HFOF that may contribute to the cholesterol-lowering effect, the observed dose-response relationship in the rat model is suggestive that larger intakes of soluble oat fiber sources may be accompanied by greater reductions in serum cholesterol levels in humans. Turley and co-workers (Ref. 147) conducted a dose-response study to three levels of psyllium supplementation in the diets of hamsters. Results were compared to two other nonabsorbable polymers known to have cholesterol-lowering effects (i.e., cholestyramine and surfomer). Animals were fed diets containing 0 percent, 1 percent, 4 percent, or 7.5 percent psyllium. Results showed significantly lowered plasma cholesterol compared to the control group in animals consuming 4 percent and 7.5 percent psyllium. The group consuming 7.5 percent psyllium had the lowest plasma cholesterol, although the authors did not report any significant difference between the 4 percent and 7.5 percent psyllium groups. While all three polymers were effective in reducing plasma total and LDL-cholesterol levels, each exerted different quantitative and qualitative effects on bile acid and cholesterol metabolism, suggesting that mechanisms of action may vary by fiber type. 3. Animal studies: relationship between [-glucan and plasma cholesterol Three cultivars of hull-less barley containing [-glucans were evaluated for their hypocholesterolemic responses in chickens (Ref. 137). The authors identified the Arizona cultivar of barley as a waxy-starch genotype of high molecular weight andwith a high [-glucan content. The Washonupana cultivar was second highest in molecular weight and is also described as a waxy-starch type genotype. The third cultivar, Franubet, has the lowest molecular weight and is not waxy in texture. These latter two genotypes have normal [-glucan contents. Both the Arizona and Washonupana varieties produce highly viscous slurries in water, and this viscosity was greatly reduced by addition of the enzyme, endo-[-glucanase, which destroys the [-glucan. Results of feeding studies in rats showed that both the Arizona and Washonupana cultivars reduce serum cholesterol in chickens. The Franubet variety had no effect. The authors interpreted these results to mean that the cholesterol-lowering properties of the Arizona and Washonupana cultivars were probably a function of their viscous [-glucan content. Klopfenstein and Hoseney (Ref. 139) evaluated the cholesterol-lowering effect of [-glucan-enriched bread. Oat, barley, wheat, and sorghum breads were made with and without [-glucan from each type of grain (e.g., oat [-glucan was processed into oat bread) and fed to rats for 35 days. Breads containing [-glucans from oats and barley adversely affected weight gains and feed efficiencies. Results showed lowered serum and liver cholesterol in rats fed the [-glucan-enriched breadthan those fed the control breads. Given differences in weight gains, results are difficult to interpret. Fadel et al. (Ref. 145) evaluated the hypocholesterolemic effects of [-glucans in different barley diets fed to chickens and the influence of [-glucanase on the hypocholesterolemic effects. The animals were divided into five groups and fedone of five diets: a corn-diet, Washonupana (WSNP) barley, WSNP with [-glucanase, Fraubet (FNBT) barley, FNBT with [-glucanase. Results showed significantly lowered serum cholesterol only in chicks fed the WSNP diet. LDL-cholesterol levels forall barley fed chicks were significantly lower than that of the corn diet-fed chicks. Only the WSNP fed chicks had serum cholesterol significantly lower than WSNP fed chicks with supplemental [-glucanase. There was no significant difference in total cholesterol in FNBT and FNBT plus supplemental [-glucanase fed chicks. [-glucan in the Washonupana barley has hypocholesterolemic effects and addition of the [-glucanase to this diet reverses the hypocholesterolemic effects. However, thelack of similar finding with added [-glucanase to the Franubet variety suggests that [-glucans may differ among different varieties. 4. Summary of results from animal studies The animal studies received as comments, and reviewed above, provide evidence to support the likely effectiveness of soluble fibers relative to the cholesterol-lowering characteristics of diets high in some cereals. However, the animal studies, likethe human studies, fail to provide adequate specifications characterizing the test fiber sources. Indeed, similarly to many human studies, many animals studies did not analyze experimental diets for soluble fiber content, nor provide descriptions of thephysical characteristics or commercial sources of the soluble fibers used as test substances. Results from the animal studies showing effectiveness of increasing levels of oat products are suggestive, but not conclusive, evidence of a dose response for soluble fiber (Refs. 127, 132, 134). A specificity for the gum portion of oats, the major source of soluble fiber in oats--and specifically, of beta-glucan as the predominant soluble fiber source--is suggested by several studies (Refs. 127, 129, 132, 134, 137, 141, 143, 145, and 149). However, the solubility (and possibly, the effectiveness) of bef. 154). These results, therefore, suggest that analysis of the beta-glucan content per se may not be sufficient to characterize the active soluble fiber content of foods. Other soluble fibers were also shown to have serum cholesterol-lowering effects in animals, including pectins (Ref. 128, 143, 144, 148, and 151), psyllium (Refs. 147 and 152), and guar gum (Ref. 146). However, in the psyllium study (Ref. 152), adverse effects on HDL-cholesterol levels were observed, raising the issue that individual fibers need to be evaluated as to their overall effect on all relevant blood lipid components, not simply limited to blood total or LDL-cholesterol levels. The various fiber sources also appear to have different mechanisms of action and different relative magnitudes of effect (Refs. 128 and 147), thus suggesting that caution is necessary before generalizing from one type of dietary fiber to another. C. Conclusions from new studies FDA reviewed over 40 human studies that became available since publication of its proposed rule, and a number of animal studies submitted as comments. The most commonly studied soluble fiber sources were oat bran, pectin, guar gum, and psyllium. Other fibers studied were wheat germ, beet fiber, and gum arabic. A few studies evaluated the effects of mixtures of soluble and insoluble fibers or food sources of soluble fibers. FDA evaluated results from these studies in light of studies reviewed in the proposal and conclusions from Federal government and other authoritative reviews. In the proposal, FDA noted that, although most reviews by authoritative scientific bodies had concluded that diets rich in water-soluble fiber fractions were associated with cholesterol-lowering effects in humans, it was not possible to conclude that the observed effects were due to the soluble fiber or to other components associated with consumption of foods rich in soluble fiber. FDA also noted that there was some evidence that different types of soluble fiber have different effects, and that the analytical measure of soluble fiber may not be adequately predictive of its physiological effects. Thus, FDA concluded that: Overall, the available data are not sufficient to demonstrate that it is the total soluble dietary fiber, or a specific measurable and quantifiable subcomponent, that is related to lower blood cholesterol levels. (56 FR 60582 at 60592). The newer evidence available since the proposed rule and reviewed above do not change the conclusions reached by the earlier review. If, however, additional information becomes available to demonstrate that a specific soluble fiber-containing product, a soluble fiber-containing ingredient, or a more highly specified form of foods soluble fiber is effective in lowering bloood LDL-cholesterol and does not adversely affect other risk factors for cardiovascular disease (e.g., blood HDL-cholesterol levels), then FDA encourages manufacturers to petition for a health claim for their particular product. The same science will be applicable, regardless of whether the petition is for a single supplement-type product, a clearly specific ingredient, or a specific type of soluble fiber contained in foods. III. Comments A. Food Claims Versus Nutrient Claims 1. In the proposal on general requirements for health claims (56 FR 60537), FDA specifically requested comments on issues relating to health claims on the label or labeling of foods which targeted foods rather than nutrients, criteria to identify foods eligible for such claims, and possible measures to assure that consumers are not misled as to the benefit of consuming specific products. A variety of comments submitted in response to the proposed rule on dietary fiber/CVD supported claims on foods. Specifically, relative to a claim for dietary fiber and heart disease, a few comments stated that FDA does have the authority to regulateypes of foods, stating that generous intakes of such foods in diets may help lower the risk of heart disease and certain forms of cancer. Other comments stated that, at this time, a scientific basis does not exist on which to authorize a specific claim for dietary fiber and heart disease, and that a food claim was more appropriate. Other comments suggested that such claims be developed in concurrence with ``The Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health,'' (Surgeon General's Report) (Ref. 63) andobjectives identified in ``Healthy People 200: National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives,'' (Healthy People 2000) (Ref. 64), and should focus on the total diet. A number of comments stated that the amount of fat in the American diet should be lowered and the amount of dietary fiber increased through a variety of food choices from among all the food groups. Several comments favored a limited claim at point of purchase for foods that would help increase dietary fiber intake and lower fat intake. A number of comments noted that an appropriate health statement on food labels should emphasize that eating a variety of food sources of dietary fiber daily (cereals, grains, fruits, and vegetables) can decrease the risk of certain forms of cancer and heart disease. A number of comments stated that food claims, if allowed, should not give the impression that a single nutrient (for example, dietary fiber) is responsible for the reduction in risk of heart disease. Several comments suggested that a health claim regarding dietary fiber and heart disease be made only on fruits, vegetables (fresh or processed), or whole grains and not on products that combine these foodswith other ingredients (such as bread products or sauce). Other comments favored use of claims on foods but not supplements. One comment stated that FDA should allow a fiber health claim because virtually all dietary guidelines for Americans have encouraged consumption of fiber-rich foods, including whole grain cereals, fruits, and vegetables, and that comprehensive government and other reviews by recognized scientific bodies concluded that dietary patterns that include fiber-rich foods are associated with reduced risk of colorectal cancer, heart disease, and other chronic diseases. As the agency has discussed, in the final rule on general requirements for health claims published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register, statements about good nutrition that do not, expressly or by implication, refer to a substance are considered dietary guidance and not health claims. In this rule, the agency has concluded that the scientific evidence is sufficient to support a health claim that refers to a substance contained in certain fruits, vegetables, and grain products and relates those foods to a reduced risk of heart disease. Specific reference to the fact that these foods contain soluble fiber is authorized, since this nutrient serves as a useful marker for the broad product categories of foods which correlate with reduction in blood LDL-cholesterol levels, and consequently, with reduced risk of heart disease. Thus, the agency has been persuaded by the comments that the totality of the evidence supports a health claim which identifies foods whose use is protective against heart disease and whose selection can be facilitated by reference to the marker nutrient, soluble fiber. Because soluble fiber is usually considered a useful adjunct to, but not a replacement for, a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol (Ref. 66), the agency is also requiring this information in the label claim. B. General Comments 2. Several comments supported a health claim for dietary fiber and heart disease, stating that there is sufficient scientific evidence to support such a claim or that a claim is warranted because heart disease and, hence, CVD are major public health p consume high fiber diets have a low incidence of heart disease, these claims should be allowed. Several comments stated that FDA should consider the rapid pace of advances in knowledge that link nutritional substances to good health and disease prevention. Other comments stated that a claim regarding dietary fiber and CVD should not be allowed because overall health depends on a number of factors, such as exercise and lifestyle characteristics. FDA agrees that CVD and, consequently, CHD are significant public health problems. The agency, in the proposal, tentatively concluded that diets high in fiber-rich foods, including whole grains, fruits and vegetables, are associated with reduced risk of CHD, and thus CVD. In the proposal, the agency also noted that these diets differ in levels of many nutrients, such as saturated fat and vegetable protein, and in types of dietary fiber, making it difficult to ascribe, from observational studies on whole diets, the observed nutrient and disease relationship to a single dietary component (56 FR 60582 at 60592 and 60593). Several new studies that became available after publication of the proposal were suggestive of positive effects of soluble fiber intakes on blood total- and LDL-cholesterol levels, risk factors for heart disease. However, FDA has also concluded, as noted in the proposal, that the effectiveness of these fibers may be affected by other dietary components (e.g., the level of saturated fat and cholesterol in the diets), as well as by physical characteristics (e.g., particle size or water-holding capacity), or by the fiber source itself. Thus, while the agency has concluded that not all soluble fibers, i.e., as identified by the AOAC method for soluble fiber determination, are effective in lowering cholesterol, and other components of fiber-rich foods,i.e., vegetable proteins or lipids, may contribute to the cholesterol-lowering effect observed. In addition, the hypocholesterolemic effectiveness of some soluble fibers has been reported in studies in which the source of soluble fiber was consumed as an adjunct to a low saturated fat, low cholesterol, and low total fat diet. 3. Several comments stated that FDA is not following the congressional mandate to consider whether there is significant scientific agreement supporting specific health claims. Specifically, the comments argued that the agency should have placed its inquiry in the proper context by first identifying the range of specific health claims that could be made about dietary fiber and CVD, and then examining the scientific support for each claim. FDA disagrees with this comment. The 1990 amendments did not require the agency to identify the wide range of health claims that might be made with respect to the 10 topics identified in the act and then to evaluate all published studies relevant tothe claims. Rather, the 1990 amendments instructed the agency to determine whether claims respecting the 10 areas, including ``dietary fiber and cardiovascular disease'' meet the requirements of section 403(r)(3) or (r)(5)(D) of the act. The agency interpreted this directive in a straightforward and logical way. Indeed, FDA's chosen approach was necessary if the agency hoped to accomplish the congressional mandate within the required timeframe. Thus, FDA, in its proposed rule (56 FR 60582), focused itsreview of the science on those aspects of the dietary fiber and CVD relationship for which the strongest scientific evidence exists: Soluble fiber and CHD. 4. Some comments stated that FDA's denial of a health claim for dietary fiber and CVD, because of rigid application of a scientific standard higher than that mandated by the 1990 amendments, would have unfortunate public health consequences. FDA disagrees with the comment that the agency is applying a standard higher than that mandated by the 1990 amendments. To ensure the validity of health claims, Congress enacted a scientific standard in section 403(r)(3)(B)(i) of the act. FDA intends specifically, any claim for which, based on the totality of the publicly available scientific evidence, there is significant scientific agreement, among experts qualified by training and experience to evaluate such claims, that the claim is supported by the evidence. FDA also disagrees that applying the scientific standard mandated in section 403(r)(3)(B)(i) of the act will have unfortunate public health consequences. FDA believes that for health claims to be truly educational and provide public health benefits, they must be scientifically valid and not misleading. The issue of the scientific standard is discussed in more detail in the final rule on general requirements for health claims, published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register. 5. Some comments stated that FDA used disparate criteria in assessing the relationship between lipids and CVD and dietary fiber and CVD, but did not elaborate on this issue. FDA disagrees with these comments. In reviewing the scientific literature for the development of its proposed rules for health claims, FDA followed the standard mandated by the 1990 amendments. Federal Government reports and other authoritative documents have consistently concluded that there is a strong relationship between the total amount and types of dietary fat and other lipids in the diet and the risk of heart disease. In developing the proposed rule on lipids and CVD, the agency found that new evidence supported these conclusions. The weight of the evidence showed that diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol are associated with reduced blood total- and LDL-cholesterol and a lower risk of CHD. In contrast, Federal Government reports and other authoritative documents did not reach similar conclusions that the scientific evidence supported a claim that dietary fiber per se is associated with the reduced risks of CVD. The available evidence showed an association between consumption of diets high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products--diets which are generally high in fiber--and risk of heart disease. For example, in its recommendations in the NAS report ``Diet and Health'' (Ref. 48), the committee on Diet and Health ``agree[d] with most other expert groups in proposing that the intake of vegetables, fruits, and other sources of complex carbohydrates should be increased and that the intake of sugars should be limited.'' The committee further noted that ``the strength of the evidence does not justify making specific recommendations pertaining to dietary fiber at this time. The committee's recommendation to emphasize the consumption of vegetables, fruits, and other sources of complex carbohydrates would, however, indirectly result in increased consumption of dietary fiber.'' In developing its proposed rule on dietary fiber and CVD, the agency found that the evidence available at the time the proposal was developed did not alter these conclusions. The agency found that the scientific evidence was not sufficiently conclusive or specific for dietary fiber per se versus other components in the diet to justify use of a health claim relating intake of dietary fiber to reduced risk of CVD. 6. One comment stated that FDA failed to comply with the 1990 amendments (section 403(r)(4)(C) of the act) in that it has rejected the conclusion of authoritative Federal Government reports without justifying its decision to do so as the act requires. The comment stated that the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) has concluded that soluble fiber may help reduce blood cholesterol levels. The comment refers to the NCEP 1989 consumer pamphlet (Ref. 5), which recommends breads, pasta, rice, cereals, dried peas and beans, fruits, and vegetables as good sources of complex carbohydrates (starch and fiber). The comment quotes from the pamphlet that these foods are ``excellent substitutes for foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Teduce blood cholesterol levels'' (Ref. 5). The comment also noted that the NCEP expert panel report, ``Population Strategies for Blood Cholesterol Reduction'' (Ref. 66), supports the recommendation to consume vegetables, fruits, breads, legumes, and whole grain cereals. The comment quotes the NCEP report that ``Dietary fiber supplements are not a panacea for blood cholesterol problems. Foods rich in soluble dietary fiber are, however, a useful addition to a low saturated fatty acid, low fat, and low cholesterol eating patterns* * *'' and: ``Oat bran exhibits hypocholesterolemic properties due to its appreciable content of oat gum. Soluble fibers such as pectin, guar gum, locust bean gum, or psyllium in large quantity supplementation have been shown to lower total and LDL-cholesterol levels. The absolute effect on LDL-cholesterol concentrations is modest even when the amount of soluble fiber such as oat bran is consumed in appreciable amounts (60 g). This effect, however, represents a useful adjunct to an eating pattern low in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol'' (Ref. 65). FDA disagrees that, in developing its proposed rule regarding fiber and CVD, it rejected conclusions of Federal Government reports. Comments, through repetition of those portions of the text that accompanies dietary recommendations and that includesthe words ``soluble fiber,'' are attributing greater significance to the statements relating soluble fiber to heart disease risk than was given to these results by the expert panels. This selected emphasis distorts the meaning of the authoritative reports in question by failing to acknowledge important contributions to reduced risk of disease by the wide variety of nutrients and nonnutritive substances present in diets high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products. Such an emphasis also focuses attention away from changes in overall dietary patterns and their potential contributions to reducing risk of chronic diseases. In the NCEP report (Ref. 65) cited by the comment, the expert panel noted the hypocholesterolemic effects of some soluble fibers, but recommends ``a habitual pattern of eating that is consistently low in saturated fatty acids, total fat, and cholesterol.'' NCEP further recommended that ``all healthy Americans recognize that no single food or supplement is the answer to achieving a desirable blood cholesterol level'' (Ref. 65). NCEP's recommendation to Americans is to ``eat a greater quantity and variety of fruits, vegetables, breads, cereals, and legumes'' (Ref. 65). These food choices ``will help to meet nutritional needs for minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber (including soluble fiber), and complex carbohydrates, and to replace calories from fat.'' Thus, the NCEP acknowledges the importance of a dietary pattern that focuses on reducing fats in the diet in order to reduce serum cholesterol. It did not attribute a protective effect from CVD to dietary fiber alone. Neither the Surgeon General's report on ``Nutrition and Health'' (Ref. 63), the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) ``Diet and Health: Implications for Reducing Chrinic Disease Risk''(Diet and Health) (Ref. 48), nor (The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)) ``Healthy People 2000'' (Ref. 64) found the scientific evidence strong enough to attribute the protective effects against CVD of dietary patterns high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products exclusively to the soluble fiber content of such diets. Specifically, the Surgeon General's report on ``Nutrition and Health'' (Ref. 63) recommends increased consumption of whole grain foods and cereal products, vegetables (including dried beans and peas) and fruits. The report states that: ``the association shown in epidemiologic and animal studies between diets high in complex carbohydrates and reduced risk for CHD and diabetes mellitus is, however, difficult to interpret. The fact that such diets tend also to be lower in energy and fal studies also suggest that water-soluble fibers from foods such as oat bran, beans, and certain fruits are associated with lower blood glucose and blood lipid levels'' (Ref. 63). The section concludes with the statement, ``Current evidence suggests the prudence of increasing consumption of whole grain foods and cereals, vegetables (including dried beans and peas), and fruits'' (Ref. 63). Similarly, the Executive Summary of the National Research Council's ``Diet and Health'' recommends, ``Every day eat five or more servings of a combination of vegetables and fruits, especially green and yellow vegetables, and citrus fruits. Also, increase intake of starches and other complex carbohydrates by eating six or more daily servings of a combination of breads, cereals, and legumes'' (Ref. 48). The summary continues ``Studies in various parts of the world indicate that people who habitually consume a diet high in plant foods have low risks of atherosclerotic CVD's, probably largely because such diets are usually low in animal fat and cholesterol. Some constituents of plant foods, e.g., soluble fiber and vegetable protein, may also contribute--to a lesser extent--to the lower risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases.'' The Committee does not recommend the use of fiber supplements. ``Healthy People 2000'' states that recommendations from the National Cancer Institute, the Surgeon General's report on ``Nutrition and Health,'' NAS' ``Diet and Health,'' and ``Dietary Guidelines for Americans'' support increased consumption of vegetables, fruits, and whole-grain breads and cereals (Ref. 64). ``Healthy People 2000'' also states that further research is needed to clarify whether the effect on blood lipids is an independent effect, and if so, to quantify the relationship (Ref. 64). Therefore, in its proposed decision not to authorize the use on the label or labeling of foods of health claims relating intake of dietary fiber to decreased risk of CVD, the agency's tentative conclusion was consistent with those of Federal Government and other authoritative reports. FDA's position was also consistent with recommendations in the Institute of Medicine's report ``Nutrition Labeling: Issues and Directions for the 1990s'' (Ref. 81). In this report, the authors note that: ``there has been a great deal of interest in the specific effects of dietary fiber on several chronic diseases. The strongest argument for an increase in consumption of dietary fiber is the important contribution it makes to normal bowel function. Clear scientific associations of fiber intake with the incidence of heart disease, certain types of cancer, and diabetes mellitus have not been made. One reason may be the difficulty in designing appropriate experiments to specifically test for the effectof dietary fiber. Foods high in dietary fiber are also generally low in calories and total and saturated fatty acids and devoid of cholesterol; thus, determination of a specific fiber effect in a feeding study is difficult. Moreover, foods have a variety of fiber components and each may have different actions. Chemically and physiologically, cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose, pectin and alginate (all relatively purified fiber types) behave differently. Wheat bran, oat bran, and rice bran (all heterogeneous mixtures of fibers) are not similar in composition. It is also very difficult to analyze dietary fiber chemically, and thus it is hard to correlate the role of specific fiber components to health effects * * *'' (Ref. 81). The Institute of Medicine's report (Ref. 81) also provided specific recommendations, including: (1) ``FDA and USDA should require the disclosure of fiber content per serving in grams on the nutrition information panel under the term total dietary fiber''; and (2) ``FDA and USDA should discourage labeling of soluble or insoluble fiber contents until methodologies approved by the agencies allow for the adequate and reproducible quantification of the soluble and insoluble fiber contents of a variety of Therefore, FDA is not rejecting the conclusions of these government reports. In its final rule, 101.76, the agency is permitting a claim relating dietary consumption of fruits, vegetables, and grain products, i.e., good sources of fiber, with reduced risk of heart disease. 7. One comment criticized FDA for misinterpreting the conclusions of the Government of Canada's 1985 ``Report of the Expert Advisory Committee on Dietary Fiber'' to the Department of Health and Welfare (Ref. 46). The comment stated that the committee expressly advocated health claims for soluble fiber and CHD. FDA agrees that the Canadian report in question noted hypocholesterolemic effects of some soluble fiber sources, but FDA disagrees that the Department of Health and Welfare supports health claims on soluble fiber in Canada. In its comments to FDA regarding the proposed rule, dietary fiber and CVD, the Canadian Department of Health and Welfare stated its opposition to health messages. Its comment stated that health messages and claims for heart disease and cancer, among other diseases, are not permitted under the Canadian Food and Drugs Act. These diseases are considered to require medical diagnosis and treatment under medical supervision, and thus products bearing messages about them are regulated as drugs. The 1985 report suggested that, if a company desired to use a health claim, then that company should present the evidence of the product's effectiveness based on acceptable test protocols (Ref. 46). 8. One comment stated that FDA failed to note, in the proposed rule, epidemiological studies cited in the NAS' ``Diet and Health'' that found an inverse association between dietary fiber and CHD, even after adjusting for the possible confounding effects of calories and fat (Ref. 48). FDA disagrees with this comment. One study was cited in ``Diet and Health'' that showed a protective effect of dietary fiber from cereals on risk of CHD independent of caloric intake. Results of a study by Khaw and Barrett-Connor (Ref. 31) (reviewedby FDA in the proposal) found an inverse association between fiber intake and ischemic heart disease mortality independent of calories among other dietary components. However, ``Diet and Health'' also states that the authors used 24-hour dietary recall to assess intake, a method which has limited applicability in the assessment of the usual dietary intake of individuals in the United States (Ref. 48). Results from the 1982 epidemiological study by Burr (Ref. 82), also cited in ``Diet and Health,'' showed a lower risk of CHD in 10,943 vegetarians than in nonvegetarians, but their decreased risk could not be accounted for by increased fiber consumption, because many other components of the diet also differed between these two groups. Therefore, FDA did not misinterpret the conclusions of ``Diet and Health'' that there is no conclusive evidence that it is dietary fiber, rather than other components of fiber-rich foods, that reduces risk of CVD. 9. One comment disagreed with the indication in the proposed rule that a ``risk/benefit'' argument was not a sufficient or appropriate basis on which to authorize a health claim for food labels. The comment stated that, although the data for dietaryfiber do not support the hypothesis for reduced risk of CVD, the ``potential benefits far outweigh the potential disadvantages.'' FDA disagrees with this comment. Congress enacted a scientific standard for health claims in section 403(r)(3)(B)(i) of the act. Claims must meet the statutory requirements; that is, based on the totality of the scientific evidence, there must be significant scientific agreement, among experts qualified by training and experience to evaluate such claims, that the claim is supported by such evidence. The concept of ``potential benefits outweighing potential disadvantages'' is not an acceptable substit C. Specificity of the Relationship Between Soluble Dietary Fiber and Heart Disease 10. Several comments stated that FDA's refusal to authorize a health claim on dietary fiber and CVD is based on the agency's determination to treat all dietary fiber as a group, rather than considering each fiber source individually. The comment stated that dietary fiber is composed of a diverse group of materials, as the agency observed, and each has its own physiological effects. The comment noted that certain water soluble fibers have been documented to reduce serum cholesterol, thereby loweringthe risk of CHD. FDA disagrees with this comment. In the proposed rule (56 FR 60582), FDA limited its review of the science to those aspects of the dietary fiber and CVD relationship for which the strongest scientific evidence exists: soluble dietary fiber and CHD. FDA also noted, however, that soluble fiber was a heterogenous family of fibers which vary in both chemical and physical characteristics. After reviewing the totality of the evidence, the agency is persuaded that even if soluble fiber alone is effective in reducing risk of heart disease, greater specificity than that identified by existing analytical methods is needed in order to predict the effectiveness of soluble fiber in foods. 11. LSRO submitted its document, ``Dietary Fiber and Cardiovascular Disease'' (Ref. 40), as a comment. In this final report, LSRO stated that it remains to be determined whether the observed effects of dietary fiber on serum cholesterol reduction result strictly from the fiber or from other components of the fiber-rich food or from a combination of these factors. The report stated that studies suggest that soluble fiber, a specific type of dietary fiber, is hypocholesterolemic, while insoluble fiber is not. Further, when foods are used, foods rich in [-glucans seem to have a more hypocholesterolemic effect. The report states that there is no indication of optimum level or even a dose-related effect, and notes that there are suggestions as to optimum level of intake for ``better health'' (e.g., normal bowel function) but not for prevention of disease. In addition, there are no data relating to transience of fiber effects, although this is amenable to experimental testing. The LSRO report alsonoted that generalization to the U.S. population is difficult. Presumably, persons at high risk, such as those with a family history of hyperlipidemia or heart disease, would benefit most. The LSRO report also states that it is unclear whether the lipid-lowering effects observed in some studies are the result of the fact that most high fiber diets are low in fat. According to the report, most of the available evidence suggests that isolated polysaccharides, such as pectin, guar gum, locust bean gum, oat gum, and psyllium mucilloid, have the ability to lower serum cholesterol levels; however, there are no data to indicate that a fiber present in a food is the same as when it has been extracted and purified. The data suggest that diets high in fiber-rich foods can influence lipidemia, but this effect is probably due to overall changes in the diet caused by the addition of fiber sources rather than simply to a direct effect of fiber. One comment stated that FDA failed to cite LSRO's (Ref. 39) conclusions regarding hypocholesterolemic effects of some soluble fibers. FDA agrees that the results of clinical studies suggest that soluble fiber is hypocholesterolemic, while insoluble fiber is not. FDA also agrees that the effect of fiber-rich foods on serum lipids is related to the total diet, i.e., one that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in soluble fiber-rich foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and grain products. FDA disagrees that the agency failed to consider the conclusions of this report. Both of LSRO's reports (Refs. 39 and 40) concluded that soluble fibers were related to reduced blood cholesterol levels, but the LSRO report (Ref. 40) also concluded, asts of fiber-rich foods or from a combination of these factors. Data available since LSRO's report (Ref. 40) provided some additional information as to the effect of soluble fiber on blood cholesterol reduction. 12. One comment stated that FDA failed to note part of the World Health Organization's (WHO) report (Ref. 71) on the relationship between soluble fiber and blood cholesterol levels (and hence CHD). The comment quotes the report, ``[o]ther dietary components, such as dietary fibre, have an effect on serum cholesterol in experimental studies and are correlated in intercountry comparisons. As with fatty acids, the different forms of dietary fibre may have different effects on serum cholesterol'' (Ref.71). The comment concludes that, although the WHO report did not analyze the relevant science, it acknowledges the evidence that soluble fibers have hypocholesterolemic effects. FDA disagrees with the comment that it failed to note the WHO statements regarding soluble fiber. Although the WHO report states that ``different forms of dietary fiber may have different effects on serum cholesterol,'' it does not identify which form of dietary fiber affects serum cholesterol; the term ``soluble fiber'' was not used in the report (Ref. 71). 13. Several national health organizations with expertise in heart disease agreed with FDA's proposed conclusion, that, at this time, there is insufficient evidence to link dietary fiber, per se, to CVD. The comments stated that the proposal is consistent with the conclusions of all previous expert groups. The comments stated that the association between fiber and blood lipids is specific to soluble fiber and that specificity to fiber class is unresolved. The amount of soluble fiber necessary to produce blood cholesterol lowering is unclear; nor is it known whether (and if so, how much) the response differs by type of soluble fiber (i.e., [-glucan versus pectin). Furthermore, the comments state that FDA's review of the scientific literature (56 FR 60574) mentions the tumor-enhancing effect of soluble fibers in animal studies. They recommended that FDA not allow health claims that link fiber to risk of CVD's. The comments stated that there are insufficient data to warrant such a claim and thatit is misleading to permit a claim that singles out a particular food or foods in diets. The comments stated that if there were sufficient data to make a claim, it should be stated in the context of a low fat, low cholesterol diet. It would also be necessary to specify the type of fiber, e.g., soluble fiber, in the case of CVD. FDA agrees that a health claim for a dietary component should be stated in the context of the total daily diet and, in this case, should be specific to the type of dietary fiber. The agency has been persuaded, based on its review of the comments andits review of the scientific literature, that questions remains as to whether the cholesterol-lowering effect observed with some soluble-fiber food sources (e.g., oats) is due to the soluble fiber component or to a combination of other components associated with these foods. 14. One comment questioned the motivation behind the agency's tentative rejection of health claims for fiber and CVD. The comment stated that FDA does not want any health claims on dietary supplements and that the agency should not preclude claims because of concern that dietary supplement manufacturers will then be able to make such claims. Comments from supplement manufacturers stated that, if health claims are permitted on fiber-containing foods, then fiber supplements should also be permitted to carry a claim because there is no difference between fiber in foods and fiber in supplements and all fiber supplements are safe. Other comments stated that FDA should authorize health claims on supplements because supplements offer an alternative to cons FDA disagrees with the comment that it does not want health claims on fiber supplements and with the suggestion that it rejected dietary fiber and CVD health claims because of concern that supplement manufacturers would then be allowed to make such claims. FDA has applied the law equally to supplements and conventional foods. As the agency's proposed rule stated, FDA proposed to deny a health claim for dietary fiber and CVD because the agency tentatively concluded that the available scientific evidence was not sufficiently conclusive or specific for dietary fiber per se.FDA notes that the comment claimed that there is no difference between fiber in foods and fiber in supplements but submitted no data were submitted to support this statement. Indeed, several expert reports (Refs. 39, 40, and 46) concluded that there is no evidence that fiber, when isolated and/or processed in foods, has the same physiological effects on serum cholesterol as consumption of the native fiber from fiber-rich foods. These reports note that the predictive capability of analytically determined values for soluble fiber and physiologic activity has not been established, and effectiveness may vary by source of fiber or by physical characteristics not detected with chemical methods of analysis (e.g., particle size or water-holding capacity). They also note that safety may vary between native and isolated sources of fiber. D. Comments Regarding a Relationship Between Specific Soluble Dietary Fibers and CVD 15. One comment submitted a review of available literature for particular fibers. The comment stated that several of these fibers are ``effective as cholesterol lowering agents and in addition, they are safe to use provided a few reasonable precautions are taken.'' The comment identified fibers such as locust bean gum, guar gum, oats, pectin, and psyllium mucilage as materials with hypocholesterolemic effects. Less well-tested fibers that have some hypocholesterolemic effects (for example, barley, acacia gum, dried beans, and karaya gum) were also mentioned. The comment stated that wheat fiber requires more study to determine its effects. The comment notes that, since dietary fiber represents a diverse group of materials, FDA should consider allowing health claims and statements on individual dietary fiber materials. The comment also recommended separate health claims on fibers with ``hypocholesterolemic'' activity, because each of these fiber materials also has a different dose-response. The comment provided some criteria on which to base the individual fiber claims. FDA agrees that the scientific literature shows that dietary fiber is a complex group of dietary substances with differing chemical, physical, and physiological properties, and that not all soluble fibers are alike in their hypocholesterolemic properties. FDA disagrees with the recommendation to allow individual health claims on various soluble fibers, but does concur that the effectiveness of individual fibers in foods may be documented for specific food products or for fibers whose physical and chemical characteristics are well specified (e.g., oat brans meeting specified parameters). Thus, if manufacturers can document, through appropriate studies, that the soluble fiber in their particular food is effective in lowering LDL-cholesterol, and hasno adverse effects on other heart disease risk factors (e.g., HDL-cholesterol), then FDA encourages manufacturers to petition for a health claim for their particular product or ingredient. Additionally, if new evidence becomes available which more clearly identifies what type of soluble fiber is effective, this also would be appropriate for a petition. 16. Another comment stated that part of FDA's difficulty in interpreting data on dietary fiber and CVD results from the consideration of soluble fiber as a single nutrient instead of as a class of diverse substances. The comment stated that data existerance of literature supporting oat bran and its hypocholesterolemic effects and that the active mechanism behind oat bran's effectiveness is the [-glucan component. The comment suggested that the agency allow foods to be identified that contributeto eating patterns that reduce the risk of disease. FDA agrees, as discussed in the proposal, that dietary fiber is a diverse group of substances and not all soluble fibers are alike in their hypocholesterolemic properties. FDA also agrees, based on new data submitted as comments, that there is evidence to suggest that [-glucan has hypocholesterolemic properties. However, as noted in the meta-analysis (Ref. 125), other components of oats, such as tocotrienols and oat oil, may play a role in the reduction of blood LDL-cholesterol levels. However, FDA is authorizing a claim on fruits, vegetables, and grain products--foods that are good sources of soluble fiber and other substances that may have cholesterol-lowering properties. 17. Comments from a health professional organization stated that several studies have shown that soluble fibers, such as those in oat, beans, psyllium, and guar, appeared to lower serum cholesterol, at least when given in large amounts. The comment further stated that weight loss observed in some studies may possibly be far more important than fiber in contributing to cholesterol reduction. FDA agrees that weight loss associated with test diets may affect the ability to differentiate between the effects of the test substance (i.e., soluble fiber) versus the well-documented effect of weight loss on blood total- and LDL- cholesterol. This was discussed in the meta-analysis submitted as a comment (Ref. 125). Several studies observed reductions in blood cholesterol levels in studies in which loss did not occur. For example, in a study by Marlett et al. (Ref. 124), submitted with another comment, there was no significant weight loss in either the control or soluble fiber (oat bran) groups during the fiber intervention period. Serum cholesterol was significantly lower in the oat bran group than in the control group. Spiller et al. (Ref. 87) reported no weight changes in two groups receiving either guar gum or oat fiber. Both groups experienced significantly lowered serum cholesterol. In two other studies (Refs. 118 and 120), there was no significant difference in the weight loss between subjects consuming oat bran (Ref. 120) or psyllium cereal (Ref. 118) and those consuming wheat bran. The oat bran group had significantly lower serum cholesterol than the wheat group and compared to the control period. Thus, while the agency agrees that weight loss may be a confounding factor, the new evidence is consistent with the concept that consumption of diets high in certain soluble fiber-rich foods, independent of body weight, has a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol levels. E. Comments Regarding FDA's Interpretation of Specific Studies Some comments cited references that were already reviewed by FDA or the consensus documents, or were studies of questionable relevance to human CVD (e.g., studies evaluating postprandial glucose response of fiber diets). Some abstracts were also cited that do not provide sufficient information for evaluation. Review articles that provided no new data were also included with some comments. 18. One comment stated that the study by Kahn et al. (Ref. 25) showed significant decreases in relevant parameters in the test groups versus baseline and that the authors concluded that soluble fiber ``appears to be quite effective'' in lowering those parameters. In the proposed rule, FDA reported that there was no significant difference in serum cholesterol between the test group and the control group. FDA notes that it did report that a significant difference in serum cholesterol existed between baseline and intervention values if the results are examined without consideration of the immediate versus delay constraint of the design. The agency initit of oat bran on serum cholesterol lowering because of the lack of statistical significance when examining only the difference between the immediate intervention group and its control. FDA believes that the study design should have been modified to overcome this problem of the time delay in comparing the groups. However, after further review, FDA agrees with the authors (Ref. 25) that, after correcting for the time delay, the study does show that oat bran supplementation reduced serum cholesterol. 19. One comment criticized FDA for calling a ``p value'' of 0.052 in the paper by Anderson et al. (Ref. 5) ``nearly significant.'' The comment suggested that a more precise term would be ``borderline significant.'' FDA acknowledges that the term ``borderline significant'' is more commonly used professionally, but considers that this does not negate the need for caution in reviewing the results of this paper. 20. One comment stated that FDA failed to report the modest effect, from a study by Bell et al. (Ref. 12), of a pectin-enriched cereal on serum cholesterol. FDA disagrees with this comment. Of the two fiber-enriched cereals (one enriched with psyllium and the other with pectin) tested by Bell et al. (Ref. 12), FDA reported that only psyllium demonstrated a significant reduction in cholesterol. The agency correctly stated that the psyllium-enriched diet demonstrated significant lowering of total- and LDL-cholesterol, but that the pectin did not. 21. A comment disagreed with FDA's statement that the study by Davidson et al. (Ref. 15) did not demonstrate significant reductions from baseline levels in total cholesterol with daily intakes of up to 2 oz of oatmeal (1.2 to 2.4 g [-glucan/day) or 1 oz oat bran (2.0 g [-glucan/day) in persons on a Step 1 diet. FDA correctly reported that only the higher fiber intake groups showed statistically significant effects. The small sample size may have prevented seeing an effect in the lower doses. FDA agrees that, based on the results of this study, an intake ofsoluble fiber (in this case, [-glucan from oats) of about 3 g per day or more was beneficial in that it resulted in a significant lowering of serum cholesterol in persons consuming a low-fat diet. 22. A comment asked FDA to consider a result from a study by Newman et al. (Ref. 50) which used [-glucan from barley and compared it to wheat fiber. The cholesterol levels of the high [-glucan group did not differ significantly from baseline after four weeks. The author explains this lack of significance by citing the small sample size and small amounts of [-glucan consumed. FDA does not necessarily disagree with this comment, but considers that it was correct in not assessing the results as positive (i.e., a true difference exists) because a statistically significant effect was not demonstrated. 23. One comment stated that FDA failed to consider significant the results by Van Horn et al. (Ref. 68). In this study, the investigators tested the effects of oat-bran intervention on serum cholesterol levels in subjects with normal or mildly elevated serum cholesterol levels. The authors reported a difference (p = 0.074) in serum cholesterol between the oat group and the control after 8 weeks. FDA did not consider this result significant because the small sample size was not a problem in this study and the p values reported are one-tailed. Such values allow leeway over the more conventional and conservative two-tailed tests. 24. One comment stated that FDA did not properly interpret the results of a study by McIntosh et al. (Ref. 44), which compared the cholesterol-lowering effect of [-glucan from barley to that of wheat fiber. FDA disagrees with this comment. Although there was a significant difference between cholesterol levels of the two groups, this was largely due to a rise in total cholesterol that occurred in the wheat group compared to baseline. In this case, it is nat itself is cholesterol-raising. However, because the group fed barley did not show a significant lowering of cholesterol from their own baseline level, the agency does not find that a positive effect of barley was demonstrated. 25. Another comment addressed a study by Burr et al. (Ref. 13) that examined whether there was a change in mortality rates between men given dietary advice to increase fiber intake or to reduce fat intake. The comment was specifically concerned withFDA's conclusion that the study was not able to show a difference between mortality rates in the two groups. The comment stated that the results show that increasing fiber intake is no less effective than decreasing fat intake in the prevention of CHD. FDA disagrees with this comment. Because there was no group in this study which acted as a control (no changes in diet), the study does not provide evidence that either diet in the studies is effective or that neither is effective. The agency finds that the study does not add to the evidence of the effects of fiber. 26. One comment stated that a study by Little et al. (Ref. 42) that shows that lowering fat is responsible for significant lowering of total cholesterol, while increasing fiber is not, did not specify the type of fiber (i.e., soluble versus insoluble) and should not be considered as part of the fiber-CHD evaluation. FDA disagrees with this comment. The agency considered any fiber study which might be relevant to the health claim. However, the weight given to study results was influenced by several factors, including the quality and usefulness of the informationon soluble fiber intakes. 27. One comment noted that the study by Demark-Wahnefried et al. (Ref. 16) showed a significant drop in total serum cholesterol in all three of the following dietary groups: A high fiber, low-fat diet; a low-fat diet alone; and a regular diet with fiber added. The comment contended that, because there was no significant difference between any of the groups, this study showed that increasing soluble fiber intake is as effective as reducing fat intake. FDA disagrees with this comment. This study does not support a conclusion that soluble fiber is as effective as reducing fat intake. These results showed that the cholesterol-lowering effect of a low-fat diet was not further enhanced by the additionof fiber. Additionally, there was a significantly decreased consumption of fat and cholesterol in all groups; this is consistent with the hypothesis that fat displacement is one mechanism by which high fiber diets lower total cholesterol. 28. Another comment also criticized FDA's review of the Demark-Wahnefried et al. study (Ref. 16). The comment stated that, according to the Keys equation for predicting changes in blood cholesterol levels from changes in intakes of fatty acids, only40 percent of serum cholesterol's lowering is explained by changes in dietary fat. FDA disagrees with this comment. The agency's evaluation of this study pointed out the lack of significant difference between cholesterol lowering on the regular diet plus oats or the low fat, low cholesterol diets. The study did not estimate how much, if any, of the remaining 60 percent is attributable to oat bran. 29. One comment stated that FDA misinterpreted the results of the study by Keenan et al. (Ref. 26) by failing to note that the control group decreased its soluble fiber intake over the study period, thus accounting for the return to baseline for serum cholesterol in this group by the end of the study. FDA disagrees that it misinterpreted the results of this cross-over study, in which the authors compared the hypocholesterolemic effects of oat- or wheat-supplemented Step 1 diets with a control group on the Step 1 diet only. Although FDA recognizes tr over the study period may suggest redoing the study with a better control of soluble fiber in this group. 30. Another comment also disagreed with FDA's criticism that the study by Keenan et al. (Ref. 26) did not have a placebo. The comment stated that the wheat group was considered a placebo because it has been well documented that wheat has virtually no cholesterol lowering properties. A similar comment was made regarding FDA's criticism of a study by Swain et al. (Ref. 57) in which wheat was also used as a placebo. FDA has expressed concern about the use of wheat as a placebo due to its inconsistent effect on serum cholesterol in some reports. Although the study by Keenan demonstrated an increased total cholesterol in the ``oat-wheat'' group of 6 percent abovebaseline during the wheat period, in Swain's study the wheat group showed a 7 percent decrease in serum cholesterol. Based on these studies and other reviews, FDA now believes that these variations in serum cholesterol may be a function of the amount and method of administration of the wheat and must be reviewed with caution. Rather than discounting the use of wheat as a placebo, FDA believes that the placebo, whether it is wheat or another fiber, must be evaluated individually for each study. 31. One comment suggested that the FDA failed to note that the study by Davidson et al. (Ref. 15) was specifically designed to determine whether [-glucan has a dose-response effect on serum cholesterol after reducing and controlling for fat intake. Subjects in this study consumed a Step 1 diet with two levels of oat bran incorporated into the diet. FDA disagrees that it failed to note this point. The authors of the study stated that there is a ``lack of continued dose response'' (Ref. 15). In addition, the authors say that ``the impact of fat substitution on serum cholesterol reduction with oat cereals cannot be completely excluded'' due to the lack of isocaloric control for the higher-dose treatment groups (Ref. 15). 32. Another comment on the Davidson et al. study (Ref. 15) stated that FDA's criticism of the lack of a control group was not valid due to the 6-week wash-out period. The comment states that, during this wash-out period, the serum cholesterol valuesof all treatment groups returned to baseline levels, suggesting that the hypocholesterolemic effects observed were the result of oat [-glucan supplementation. Although the wash-out period is not the equivalent to a true control, FDA agrees that, considered with the evidence from the intervention period, the decrease in serum cholesterol suggests an effect of [-glucan at the higher levels of intake. 33. One comment criticized FDA for failure to note regarding the study by Bell et al. (Ref. 11) that the psyllium group on the Step 1 diet had significant reductions in total cholesterol levels as compared to the placebo (wheat fiber) controls. FDA disagrees with this comment. The problem with this study is that, during the second 8-week test period, the psyllium group's total cholesterol had risen to only 1.5 percent below the baseline level. The significant difference still exists between placebo and test group because the mean serum cholesterol level of the placebo group actually increased to a level higher than baseline. The agency believes that these results weaken the support for cholesterol-lowering effectiveness over time on this diet. 34. One comment stated that the study by McIvor et al. (Ref. 45), showing no effect of guar gum on serum cholesterol in a population of overweight noninsulin dependent diabetics, should not have been discussed in the proposed rule. The comment explained that this was not a typical population group (diabetics consume large amounts of fiber products to help with carbohydrate metabolism), and the objective of the study was to test the safety of guar. In addition, the comment states that the diets were urporated. FDA disagrees with this comment. Although overweight diabetics may not be a typical group, FDA did not eliminate the noninsulin diabetics from the criteria for evaluating fiber studies; insulin-dependent diabetics are excluded, however. Although theobjective of the study was not to evaluate cholesterol-lowering effects, this information was presented and FDA considered it to be relevant. In addition, adding fiber to a diet without changing the overall diet is probably a very typical form of consumer behavior. The agency also notes that it did not say that fiber intake had no effect in this study, but rather that the results are ``inconclusive.'' 35. One comment addressed FDA's review of the study by Lo and Cole (Ref. 43), in which pooled periods only show a significant difference between the placebo and soy fiber groups. The comment stated that the placebo's effects on total cholesterol were insignificant, while soy's effects were significant. FDA disagrees with this comment. As shown in table IV of the paper, the 2 percent decrease in serum cholesterol reported after soy fiber consumption in Group B is not significant. FDA questions the inconsistency of the results (i.e., after the placebo effect is gone, is Group B more representative of the effect?). The order of treatment effects on the results should have been considered in the conclusion. 36. One comment criticized FDA's review of the study by Superko et al. (Ref. 56), which FDA discounted as demonstrating significant differences between fiber groups. The comment stated that FDA has failed to consider the significant reductions in serum cholesterol levels between baseline and test group consuming guar gum. FDA disagrees with this comment. While it is true that at 4 weeks there was a significant difference between total cholesterol levels from baseline, at 8 weeks the p value dropped to 0.15, which is not statistically significant. When FDA calculated the difference between the placebo to guar supplementation at the 4 and 8 week intervals, neither was significant as defined by a p value of 0.05 or less. 37. One comment stated that FDA incorrectly reported results in the study by Beling et al. (Ref. 10). The comment stated that FDA reported nonsignificant reductions in serum cholesterol between the group using oat-enriched cereal and the control group. FDA agrees with this comment. After reexamining the results, FDA notes that they show a significant difference between the two groups, thus adding support to a cholesterol-lowering effect of soluble fiber-rich foods in combination with consumption of a low-fat diet. 38. Another comment stated that the weight loss differences reported in the study by Beling et al. (Ref. 10) were not significant between groups, so effects of weight change should be similar. The comment also stated that it is not possible to completely ``blind'' a study that uses ready-to-eat cereal. FDA agrees with the comment. 39. One comment stated that FDA criticized the lack of baseline fiber intake data in the study by Gold and Davidson (Ref. 19), but did not explain the significance of that assertion. FDA considers baseline fiber intake data necessary to determine if the effect seen could have resulted from fat displacement in the diet. 40. One comment criticized FDA's evaluation of a study by Stewart et al. (Ref. 55) and stated that FDA failed to consider the effect after adjustment when reporting the study as nonconclusive of an effect. The study by Stewart and colleagues (Ref. 55) noted that the psyllium supplement administered had a nonsignificant effect on total serum cholesterol when dose was not considered, but a significant effect after adjusting for dose. FDA disagrees with this comment. Referring to both Figure 1 and Table 4 in the study, the linear trend is driven by the higher dose values, which have very small numbers compared to the overall study population. In addition, the author has excluded thr a dose of 0 (no psyllium intake), which, if included, would most likely eliminate any trend. The results of the study do not support any overall effect of psyllium on serum cholesterol. 41. One comment stated that FDA unnecessarily distinguishes studies using separate fiber supplements from those using fiber-enriched foods. FDA disagrees with this comment. FDA is applying a consistent legal standard to its consideration of studies on fiber supplements and studies of fiber-rich foods. However, from a scientific standpoint there is reason to believe that the use of fiberat higher intakes and higher concentration (i.e., a fiber supplement taken as a single dose prior to meals) may well differ from the typical intake of fiber from foods (i.e., smaller amounts of fiber consumed throughout the day). If an effect is seen when fiber is consumed at higher intakes and higher concentrations, it cannot be assumed that there is a linear dose-response effect that will translate into significant effects at more usual levels of intake. Conversely, if an effect is seen when fiber isconsumed with more typical intake from foods, it may not automatically translate into an effect from fiber supplements. Additionally, isolated fibers (as used in supplements) may vary in chemical and physical characteristics from native or less processed fibers. Since a mechanism of action for soluble fiber in reducing blood LDL-cholesterol levels has not been identified, it is possible that processing of soluble fibers may affect their ability to lower blood cholesterol levels. F. Comments Regarding Applicability to the General Population/Public Health Aspects 42. One comment criticized FDA for including, in the dietary fiber-CVD proposal, the criterion that studies must be conducted in persons who generally represent the healthy U.S. population, i.e., adults with cholesterol readings below 300 mg/dL. Thecomment stated that this criterion eliminated many valid studies that demonstrate significant scientific agreement for a claim about the relationship between soluble fiber and CHD; and secondly, that these studies remain useful to demonstrate soluble fiber's hypocholesterolemic effects at lower doses, for longer durations, in conjunction with reduced-fat diets. FDA agrees that populations at higher risk may provide a more sensitive group for identifying a nutrient/disease relationship. However, extrapolation of results from a high risk group to the general population must be done with caution and generallyrequires some confirmatory studies in the general population. FDA included, in its review, studies on persons considered to be at high risk, i.e., with levels of blood total cholesterol between 200 and 300 mg/dL. FDA, thus, included a large segment of the general population whose risk levels fall in this range, but excluded the much smaller segment of persons with blood total cholesterol levels above 300 mg/dL, because these people often have multiple and serious health problems, making it difficult togeneralize results beyond the particular study populations. According to the National Center for Health Statistics (Ref. 79), only 5 percent of the U.S. adult population of men and women have serum cholesterol levels 300 mg/dL or higher. Results of two studies (Refs. 9 and 59) showed that subjects with a mean serum cholesterol level >300 mg/dL had significantly lowered serum cholesterol at the end of the test period compared to baseline. Final serum cholesterol levels, however, was still greater than 300 mg/dL. Thus these individuals remained severely hypercholesterolemic and at high risk for CVD. It is also important to note that the hypocholesterolemic effect in these two studies (Refs. 9 and 59) and many of the other studies attenuated with time, and serum cholesterol levels increased toward baseline. Thus, the agency does not agree with thell compliance with the test regimen was accomplished. Of the other 33 studies reviewed in the proposed rule (56 FR at 60596 through 60609), the mean blood total cholesterol was in the mid- to upper- 200's (mg/dL) because many of the subjects had individual serum cholesterol levels greater than 300 mg/dL. These studies were included in the evaluation of the relationship between dietary fiber and CVD if they met the other evaluation criteria. 43. Another comment criticized FDA for separately evaluating studies using ``typical'' or ``usual'' American diets (i.e., approximately 37 percent of calories from fat) and those using a reduced fat (Step 1) diet. The comment stated that the agency should have given equal weight to studies whether they involved a ``typical'' American diet or a reduced fat (Step 1) diet. FDA disagrees with this comment. As stated in the proposed rule (56 FR 60582 at 60587), ``Responses of blood cholesterol levels to dietary treatment are affected by many factors, including initial (baseline) blood cholesterol levels and dietary factors (i.e., the level of saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet).'' Because serum cholesterol is responsive to dietary intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol, FDA separated the studies on the basis of whether fiber effects were being evaluated as part of a typical American diet or as part of a reduced fat diet. Results of fiber studies become confounded when the test diet is not adequately controlled, or not assessed at all, and when subjects make their own changes to their diets by consuming less total and saturated fat. In such cases, the true effects of fiber, if any, cannot be adequately determined. Although the agency grouped studies based on type of diet, it did give them equal weight based on the evaluation criteria. 44. One comment stated that FDA failed to consider studies reporting only modest reductions in serum cholesterol as strong evidence of soluble fiber's effectiveness. The comment refers to the public health significance of even a small reduction in serum cholesterol; i.e., a 1 percent reduction in serum cholesterol levels predicts approximately a 2 percent reduction in CHD (Ref. 41). FDA disagrees with this comment. FDA recognizes that changes in serum cholesterol in fiber-feeding studies are generally small. However, if, due to the sample size of the study, this change is not sufficient to demonstrate statistical significance beyond that which may occur by chance (generally accepted by epidemiologists and biostatisticians as p<.05), it cannot be concluded that a true effect has been observed. 45. Another comment stated that there is no scientifically valid basis for excluding studies involving subjects whose blood cholesterol levels exceed 300 mg/dL. FDA disagrees with this comment. As stated above, 5 percent of the U.S. population have serum cholesterol levels greater than 300 mg/dL (Ref. 79). It is important to remember that ``the magnitude of plasma lipid response is frequently related to the initial plasma lipid status of the experimental subjects. Persons with higher plasma lipids initially usually experience the greatest plasma lipid response to diet intervention'' (Ref. 33). What may cause an effect to look significant may be driven largely by the magnitude of the change, which is more likely to be observed in those individuals with very high serum cholesterol levels. To base conclusions on one group that will respond to a much greater extent than another is misleading as to those persons with normal to moderately elevated serum cholesterol levels, who comprise 95 percent of the adult population. 46. One comment noted that population compliance was essential to the success of dietary intervention for improved public health and that adding fiber to the diet is more acceptable to consumers than removing fat. FDA agrees that compliance is an important factor, but, with respect to fiber and CVD, it must first be established that addition of fiber alone to the diet is an effective means of reducing serum cholesterol. G. Comments Regarding Issues of Study Design, Confounders, Fat, etc. 47. One comment stated that FDA criticized studies that do not control for the effects of low dietary fat when examining increased dietary fiber consumption and cholesterol reduction. FDA disagrees with this comment. Although many studies provide compelling evidence of the effect of a combined low-fat, high fiber diet on lowering serum cholesterol, FDA examined the scientific evidence to determine whether a specific relationship existed between soluble dietary fiber and risk of heart disease, and whether sufficient scientific evidence was available to support a health claim for dietary fiber and heart disease. 48. Another comment criticized FDA's evaluation of a study by Van Horn et al. (Ref. 67) for inappropriately discounting the correlation of fiber intake with serum cholesterol by pointing out that many other nutrient intakes besides fiber showed correlations with cholesterol levels. The comment stated that dietary fiber had correlations with CHD that were as statistically significant as those for fat and CHD, and this argues for a finding that significant scientific agreement supports a claim about the relationship between fiber and CHD. FDA disagrees with this comment. FDA again emphasizes that many other nutrient intakes in addition to dietary fiber show statistically significant correlations. In a cross-sectional survey analyzed in this manner, one of the first things that must be considered when many factors show significance is whether they are highly correlated with each other. If this is the case, displacement of fat in the diet by fiber is one explanation for the observed effect. 49. Another comment argued that, although FDA has stated there may be other micronutrients or components in vegetables, cereal, fruits and berries other than soluble fiber that may have contributed to the cholesterol-lowering effects of some solublefiber-containing foods, the agency has failed to identify them. FDA agrees that it did not identify other components in foods that may have serum cholesterol lowering effects. Its point in this statement was that attribution of effects to soluble fiber per se, when foods contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and other substances, is misleading. The authors of the meta-analysis (Ref. 125) also noted that other components of oats may play a role in the cholesterol-lowering properties observed in human studies. 50. Another comment criticized FDA's evaluation of a study by Van Horn et al. (Ref. 69). FDA stands by its evaluation of the Van Horn study. FDA criticized the study because there are significant changes in diet between the control and test group in total fat intake, saturated fat intake, and monounsaturated fat intake, and the authors did not demonstrate that these changes did not contribute to the cholesterol-lowering effect observed. 51. Another comment suggested that weight loss is not a confounder, but rather a result of fiber's ability to effect weight reductions independently of changes in caloric or fat intake. FDA disagrees with this comment. Although this may be a possible mechanism of action, no studies reviewed have provided clear evidence of this. 52. One comment stated that confounding variables and lack of a mechanism of action are not a valid basis for denying a link between ingestion of fiber and reduced risk of heart disease which experimental evidence shows in fact exists. FDA disagrees with the comment's description of the basis for its proposed action. If factors such as weight loss, changes in diet, lifestyle changes, and/or exercise, which are known to influence serum cholesterol, are not controlled in a clinical study, or if analytical methods for determining the soluble fiber content in food sources are not clearly established, the specificity for an effect of soluble fiber on serum cholesterol cannot be determined. In its proposal, FDA made a tentative decisionding dietary fiber and CVD for a number of reasons, including confounding factors identified in many of the clinical studies reviewed, but not because there is no recognized mechanism(s) of action for hypolipidemic effects of different soluble fibers. For a more thorough discussion of FDA's proposal to deny a health claim on dietary fiber and CVD in the proposed rule, see 56 FR 60582 at 60591 through 60592. FDA believes that, for health claims to be educational and result in changed eating habits, the claims should be truthful and not misleading. H. Conclusions From Comments FDA agrees with many of the comments that a problem in determining the relationship between dietary fiber and heart disease is the fact that dietary fiber is a diverse group of chemical substances that may be associated with different physiological functions, and that the analytical methodology to identify the soluble fiber content of a food may not be predictive of the likely physiological effect. IV. Decision to Deny a Health Claim Relating Dietary Fiber to Reduced Risk of CHD Overall, the currently available scientific evidence is not sufficiently conclusive or specific for soluble fiber per se to justify use of a health claim relating the intake of dietary soluble fiber to a reduced risk of heart disease. A major limitation in designing and evaluating research studies has been the need for better defined measures of dietary soluble fiber and standardized descriptions for source, type, and amount of dietary soluble fiber. Commonly used analytical methodologies do not detect many of the characteristics that may vary among fibers and that may be related to biological function (e.g., particle size, chemical composition, water-holding capacity). Other components associated with soluble fiber in foods (e.g., tocotrienols) may also have some cholesterol-lowering capabilities. The inability to detect many of the differences among fibers, fiber components, and other substances in foods which contain soluble fiber, and the general lack of conclusions as to the mechanism(s) of action of soluble fibers raise questions about the ability of commonly used analytical measures of dietary fiber to adequately predict biological actions of specific fibers. For these reasons, FDA is not authorizing use of a health claim relating dietaryfiber to a decreased risk of CHD. FDA's decision is consistent with recent conclusions reached about the state of the scientific evidence by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health (Ref. 155) and recommendations in the Institute of Medicine's report ``Nutrition Labeling: Issues and Directions for the 1990s'' (Ref. 81). This report notes that there has been great interest in the specific effects of dietary fiber on several chronic diseases. According to the report, the strongest argument for an increased consumption of dietary fiber is the important contribution it makes to normal bowel function. Clear scientific associations of fiber intake with the incidence of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes mellitus have not been made. The report indicates that one reason for this may be the difficulty in designing appropriate experiments to test specifically for the effect of dietary fiber. Foods high in dietary fiber are also generally low in calories and total and saturated fatty acids and devoid of cholesterol; thus, determination of a specific fiber effect in a feeding study is difficult. Moreover, according to the report, foods have a variety of fiber components and each may have different actions. Chemically and physiologically, cellulose,lignin, hemicellulose, pectin, and alginate (all relatively purified fiber types) behave differently. Wheat bran, oat bran, and rice bran (all heterogeneous mixtures of fibers) are not similar in composition. It is also very difficult to analyze dietary fnd labeling of foods of health claims relating to an association between the ingestion of dietary fiber (particularly soluble fiber) and a reduction in the risk of heart disease. In reaching this decision, the agency considered all comments received in response to its proposed rule (56 FR 60582), and reviewed the scientific literature that became publicly available after the proposal's publication and data submitted with comments. V. Decision to Allow a Health Claim on Foods Relating Diets Low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol and High in Fruits, Vegetables, and Grain Products, Foods That Contain Fiber, Particularly Soluble Fiber, to a Reduced Risk of CHD FDA has reviewed the numerous authoritative documents, including Federal government reports, as well as recent research on dietary fiber and CHD risk. In addition, the agency considered all comments received in response to its proposed rule. The agency has concluded that the publicly available scientific evidence supports an association between diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products, foods that are low in saturated fat and cholesterol and are good sources of dietary fiber, to reduced risk of heart disease. FDA agrees with the comments that show that dietary patterns that are low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables (including legumes), and grain products are associated with a decreased risk of CHD. Although the specific roles of the numerous potentially protective substances in such plant foods are not yet understood, populations with diets rich in these foods experience many health advantages, including lower rates of heart disease. Currently, there is not scientific agreement as to whether the observed protective effects against heart disease are due to a combination of nutrient components of the foods, including soluble fiber, to other components of soluble fiber-rich diets (for example, potassium and magnesium), to displacement of saturated fat and cholesterol from the diet, or to non-nutritive substances in these foods. Thus, the conclusion that diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products, foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol and containing soluble fiber, are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease is consistent with the available scientific evidence. The fact that these foods contain dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber, can serve, therefore, as a useful marker for identifying those fruits, vegetables, and grain products which, when added to diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may help in reducing blood LDL-cholesterol levels. As discussed in the final rule on general requirements for health claims, published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register, statements about good nutrition that do not expressly or by implication refer to a substance are considered dietary guidance and not health claims. In this rule, FDA is authorizing the inclusion of a reference to dietary fiber (a substance) in a statement about the value of fruit, vegetables, and grain products in reducing the risk of heart disease. Thus, the health claim permitted under this regulation to be used on labels and labeling of certain foods associates diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in vegetables, fruit, and grain products, that contain soluble fiber with a reduced risk of heart disease. VI. Rationale and Description of the Final Regulation A. Relationship and Significance Statements In new 101.77(a), the summary of the relationship between diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain soluble fiber and reduced heart disease risk is consistent with the conclusions reached in the review of the scientific evidence. Although the specific roles of dietary soluble fiber, or of specific soluble fibers and fiber components, and the multiple nutrients and other substances contained in these foods, are not yet fully understo many studies have shown that diets high in soluble-fiber-containing foods are associated with lower blood LDL-cholesterol levels and with reduced risk of heart disease. These diets are generally low in saturated fat, cholesterol and total fat, nutrients known to have a detrimental effect on blood LDL-cholesterol levels, and therefore, on risk of heart disease. Dietary soluble fiber can be used as a marker to identify the types of foods which correlate with reduced heart disease risk, and whose addition to diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol is considered to be useful in lowering blood LDL-cholesterol (Ref. 66). The relationship statement in 101.77(a) also includes other information about heart disease, such as risk factors, as in other authorized health claims. New 101.77(b), on the significance of the relationship between consumption of diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain soluble fiber and reduced risk of heart disease, includes the information that U.S. diets tend to be high in saturated fat and cholesterol and low in fiber-containing fruits, vegetables, and grain products. A discussion of current dietary guidelines on recommended servings of fruits, vegetables, and grain products is also provided. B. Nature of the Claim In new 101.77(c)(2)(i), FDA is authorizing a health claim relating diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain soluble fiber to reduced risk of heart disease. In new 101.77(c)(2)(i)(A), the agency is requiring, consistent with other authorized claims, that the relationship be qualified with the terms ``may'' or ``might.'' These terms are used to indicate that not all persons can necessarily expect to benefit from these dietary changes. In new 101.77(c)(2)(i)(B), the agency, consistent with other authorized claims, is requiring that the claim use the specific terms ``heart disease'' or ``coronary heart disease'' to define the type of disease dealt with by this claim. These disease terms reflect terms commonly used in dietary guidance materials, and are also reflective of the scientific evidence which links these dietary factors to heart disease risk via the intermediate mechanism of reducing blood LDL-cholesterol levels, rather than to the broader category of cardiovascular disease. In new 101.76(c)(2)(i)(C), the agency is requiring that the claim discuss only those fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain dietary fiber, rather than all fruits, vegetables, and grain products. Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber, particularly soluble fiber, are correlated with reduced heart disease risk. Thus, a claim discussing those fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain the marker nutrient, but does not attribute a protective effect to soluble fiber, is consistent with current scientific knowledge. New 101.77(c)(2)(i)(D) specifies the terms that can be used to describe the fiber component of the fruits, vegetables, and grain products that bear a health claim. Consistent with the state of the scientific evidence, this paragraph permits a choice among a number of terms, but does not allow terms for specific types of fiber to be used, e.g., those connoting the origin of the fiber. The term ``soluble fiber'' may be used in combination with a more general term for fiber. This permits referenceto soluble fiber, which is a useful marker nutrient for foods associated with reduced risk of heart disease. However, the present scientific evidence does not permit a determination of whether it is the soluble fiber or other components in these foods or displacement of fat that provides the protective effect. Given these uncertainties about the specific role of soluble fiber, it would be misleading to place undue emphasis on soluble fiber standing alone. New 101.77(c)(2)(i)(F) requires that health claims specify that development of heart disease depends on many factors. This requirement is intended to prevent consumers from being misled that fruits, vegetables, and grain product intake is the only factor connected with heart disease risk. In new 101.77(c)(2)(i)(E), FDA is prohibiting, consistent with other authorized health claims, more specific use of dietary terms than is warranted by the current state of the scientific evidence. New 101.77(c)(2)(i)(G) is also consistent with other authorized health claims, and prohibits any attribution of degree of risk for heart disease and fiber-containing fruits, vegetables, and grains. These requirements also standardize use of terms, thus minimizing consumer confusion as they comparefood labels across products, or as they compare a health claim to the nutrition information panel. C. Nature of the Food New 101.77(c)(2)(ii)(A) requires that the food bearing the health claim be or contain a fruit, vegetable, or grain product. Because the claim relates to diets high in these foods, it would not make sense for it to appear on the labeling of another type of food. A health claim that appears on a food that meets all the requirements in 101.77(c)(2)(ii), but contains only a trivial amount of fruit, vegetable, or grain product, could be considered misleading and might misbrand the food under section 403(a) of the act. FDA, consistent with the requirements for the health claim on dietary saturated fat and cholesterol and heart disease (published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register), is requiring in new 101.77(c)(2)(ii)(B) that foods bearing the health claim meet requirements for ``low saturated fat,'' ``low cholesterol,'' and ``low total'' fat, or alternatively, belong to a class of products that is ``low in saturated fat,'' ``low in cholesterol,'' and ``low in total fat.'' Low saturated fatand cholesterol diets are associated with reduced heart disease risk. Low or negligible total fat is also one of the characterizing features of diets rich in fiber-containing fruits, vegetables, and grain products. Because the effects of saturated fat and cholesterol are not readily separated from the effects of other nutritive components of fruits, vegetables, and grain products, and because the scientific evidence linking diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol to reduced risk of heart disease is strong, saturated fat and cholesterol are specified as qualifying nutrients. Total fat is also specified as a qualifying nutrient because a low content of total fat is characteristic of dietary patterns which relate to lower heart disease risk, and because it facilitates the ability of consumers to achieve diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol. (See final rule on ``Dietary Saturated Fat and Cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease,'' published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register). In new 101.77(c)(2)(ii)(C), FDA is requiring that fruits, vegetables, and grain products bearing the authorized health claim contain at least 0.6 g of dietary soluble fiber per reference amount commonly consumed. Because soluble fiber is a qualifying nutrient, FDA, in new 101.77(c)(2)(ii)(D), is requiring declaration of soluble fiber content consistent with requirements in 101.9(c)(6)(i)(A). The qualifying value of 0.6 g of soluble fiber is based on several considerations. First, an expert panel convened by LSRO (Ref. 39) recommended total dietary fiber intakes of 20 to 30 g daily for adults (see final rule on daily reference values published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register). It further recommended that approximately 25 percent (or about 6 g) of this be soluble fiber. This level of soluble fiber represents the same ratio of soluble to insoluble fiber normally found in foods and for which there is a long history of use, and therefore was considered by the panel to bed to double their intakes to meet the current dietary guidelines. A total daily intake of 6 g of soluble fiber from fruits, vegetables, and grains is consistent with current dietary guidelines for the general population. The qualifying criterion of 0.6 g per reference amount customarily consumed is also consistent with the definition of a ``good source'' of a nutrient (i.e., 10 percent of the daily reference value (DRV)) in the final rule on general requirements fornutrient content claims published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register. Although there is no DRV for soluble fiber, the requirement that a nutrient be present at 10 percent of a reference standard has been set as a qualifying level in other regulations authorizing health claims. (See the final rules on antioxidant vitamins and cancer and on fiber cancer published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register.) The 10 percent level is deemed useful and appropriate, because very few foods could naturally meet the requirement for a ``high'' source of soluble fiber. The current dietary guidance recommendations of five or more servings of fruits and vegetables and six or more servings of grain products daily, if followed, would likely result in intakes of soluble fiber close to or exceeding the recommended daily intake of 6 g. Thus, use of a qualifying criterion consistent with that used to define a ``good'' source for nutrients which have DRV's provides for an amount that allows a number of fruits, vegetables, and grain products to qualify, and is consistent with current dietary guidelines for general dietary patterns. Without this alternate level, very few fruits, vegetables, and grain products would qualify for the health claim, which would be contrary to the available scientific evidence and to the purpose of health claims. Section 101.77(c)(2)(ii)(C) also requires that foods qualify as a good source of soluble fiber based on their natural level of soluble fiber. This means that foods which require fortification with soluble fiber, in order to meet the qualifying criteria for the health claim, cannot bear the claim. This requirement is consistent with the scientific basis for the claim, that is, that intakes of fruits, vegetables, and grains in their native form correlate with reduced heart disease risk. Because thereare not sufficient data that specifically identify dietary soluble fiber, or particular components of soluble fiber, as the cause of a reduction in heart disease risk, and because this nutrient is being used as a marker for the substance or substances in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that provide the observed protective effect, it is the native composition of the foods that identifies their usefulness. D. Optional Information Under new 101.77(d), similarly to other authorized health claims, health claims may identify additional risk factors for heart disease. The regulation specifies the factors that may be listed; all are risk factors about which there is general scientific agreement. This additional information can provide a context that is useful for an understanding of the relationship of the diet to the disease, but manufacturers are cautioned that it should not be presented in a way that is misleading to the consumer. A health claim may also indicate that reductions in saturated fat and cholesterol intake and consumption of fruits, vegetables, and grain products are part of a total dietary pattern that is consistent with the latest ``Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans,'' published jointly by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Consistent with other health claim regulations, the claim may also include information on the prevalence of heart disease in the United States. In order to ensure that this information is valid, the agency is requiring that it come from one of three specified authoritative sources. Finally, because consumers frequently know their cholesterol levels or can detegh readily available facilities in shopping malls and health clinics, the agency, similarly to other authorized health claims, is requiring that when information in the claim allows consumers to ``self-diagnose'' their own risk level, that additionally,the claim indicate the need for medical guidance if a consumer falls within a risk category. Similarly to the requirements in 101.73 on ``Dietary Saturated Fat and Cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease,'' the claim may indicate that the relationship between diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grains that contain fiber, particularly soluble fiber, is through the intermediate link of ``blood cholesterol'' or ``blood total- and LDL-cholesterol.'' Such information is useful to consumers, but could add unnecessarily to the length and complexity ofthe required health claim. For these reasons, this provision is optional rather than mandatory. E. Model Health Claims In new 101.77(e), FDA is providing model health claims to illustrate the requirements of new 101.77. FDA is not prescribing specific language for claims, but certain elements are required, and these models include the required elements. VII. Environmental Impact The agency has determined under 21 CFR 25.24(a)(11) that this action is of a type that does not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment. Therefore, neither an environmental assessment nor an environmental impact statement is required. VIII. Economic Impact In its food labeling proposals of November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60366 et seq.), FDA stated that the food labeling reform initiative, taken as a whole, would have associated costs in excess of the $100 million threshold that defines a major rule. Thus, inaccordance with Executive Order 12291 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96 - 354), FDA developed one comprehensive regulatory impact analysis (RIA) that presented the costs and benefits of all of the food labeling provisions taken together. That RIA was published in the food labeling proposals of November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60366 et seq.), FDA stated that the food labeling reform initiative, taken as a whole, would have associated costs in excess of the $100 million threshold that defines a major rule. Thus, in accordance with Executive Order 12291 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96 - 354), FDA developed one comprehensive regulatory impact analysis (RIA) that presented the costs and benefits of all of the food labeling provisions taken together. That RIA was published in the Federal Register of November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60856), and along with the food labeling proposals, the agency requested comments on the RIA. FDA has evaluated more than 300 comments that it received in response to the November 1991 RIA. FDA's discussion of these comments is contained in the agency's final RIA published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register. In addition, FDA will prepare a final regulatory flexibility analysis (RFA) subsequent to the publication of the food labeling final rules. The final RFA will be placed on file with the Dockets Management Branch (HFA - 305), Food and Drug Administration, rm. 1 - 23, 12420 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, MD 20857, and a notice will be published in the Federal Register announcing its availability. In the final RIA, FDA has concluded, based on its review of available data and comments, that the overall food labeling reform initiative constitutes a major rule as defined by Executive Order 12291. Further, the agency has concluded that although the costs of complying with the new food labeling requirements are substantial, such costs are outweighed by the public health benefits that will be realized through the use of improved nutrition information provided by food labeling. IX. References The following references have been placed in the Dockets Management Branch (address above) and may be seen by interested persons between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. 1. Abraham, Z. D., and T. Mehta, ``Three-week Psyllium Supplementation: Effect on Plasma Cholesterol Concentrations, Fecal Steroid Excretion, and Carbohydrate Absorption in Men,'' American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 47:67 - 74, 1988. 2. Anderson, J. W., D. A. Deakins, T. L. Floore, B. M. Smith, and S. E. Whitis,``Dietary Fiber and Coronary Heart Disease,'' in: Clydesdale, F. M., ed., Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Vol. 29, New York, pp. 95 - 137, 1990. 3. Anderson, J. W., N. H. Gilinsky, D. A. 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New 101.77 is added to subpart E to read as follows: 101.77 Health claims: fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber, particularly soluble fiber, and risk of coronary heart disease. (a) Relationship between diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber, particularly soluble fiber, and risk of coronary heart disease. (1) Cardiovascular disease means diseases of the heart and circulatory system. Coronary heart disease is the most common and serious form of cardiovascular disease and refers to diseases of the heart muscle and supporting blood vessels. High blood total- and low density lipoprotein (LDL)- cholesterol levels are major modifiable risk factors in the development of coronary heart disease. High coronary heart disease rates occur among people with high blood cholesterol levels of 240 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) (6.21 (mmol/L)) or above and LDL-cholesterol levels of 160 mg/dL (4.13 mmol/L) or above. Borderline high risk blood cholesterol levels range from 200 to 239 mg/dL (5.17 to 6.18 mmol/L) and 130 to 159 mg/dL (3.36 to 4.11 mmol/L) of LDL-cholesterol. Dietary lipids (fats) include fatty acids and cholesterol. Total fat, commonly referred to as fat, is composed of saturated fat (fatty acids containing no double bonds), and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat (fatty acids containing one or more double bonds). (2) The scientific evidence establishes that diets high in saturated fat and cholesterol are associated with increased levels of blood total- and LDL-cholesterol and, thus, with increased risk of coronary heart disease. Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol are associated with decreased levels of blood total- and LDL-cholesterol, and thus, with decreased risk of developing coronary heart disease. (3) Populations with relatively low blood cholesterol levels tend to have dietary patterns that are not only low in total fat, especially saturated fat and cholesterol, but are also relatively high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products. Althoughthe specific roles of these plant foods are not yet fully understood, many studies have shown that diets high in plant foods are associated with reduced risk of coronary heart disease. These studies correlate diets rich in fruits, vegetables, and grain products and nutrients from these diets, such as some types of fiber, with reduced coronary heart disease risk. Persons consuming these diets frequently have high intakes of dietary fiber, particularly soluble fibers. Currently, there is not scientific agreement as to whether a particular type of soluble fiber is beneficial, or whether the observed protective effects of fruits, vegetables, and grain products against heart disease are due to other components, or a combination of components, in these diets, including, but not necessarily limited to, some types of soluble fiber, other fiber components, other characteristics of the complex carbohydrate content of these foods, other nutrients in these foods, or displacement of saturated fat and cholesterol from the diet. (b) Significance of the relationship between diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber, particularly soluble fiber, and risk of coronary heart disease. (1) Coronary heart disease is a major public health concern in the United States, primarily because it accounts for more deaths than any other disease or group of diseases. Early management of risk factors for coronary heart disease is a major public health goal that can assist in reducing risk of coronary heart disease. There is a continuum of mortality risk from coronary heart disease that increases with increasing levels of blood LDL-cholesterol. Individuals with high blood LDL-cholesterol are at greatest risk. A largers that reducing saturated fat and cholesterol intakes lowers blood LDL-cholesterol and risk of heart disease in most individuals, including persons with blood cholesterol levels in the normal range. Additionally, consuming diets high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products, foods that contain soluble fiber, may be a useful adjunct to a low saturated fat and low cholesterol diet. (2) Other risk factors for coronary heart disease include a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cigarette smoking, obesity (body weight 30 percent greater than ideal body weight), and lack of regular physical exercise. (3) Intakes of saturated fat exceed recommended levels in many people in the United States. Intakes of cholesterol are, on average, at or above recommended levels. Intakes of fiber-containing fruits, vegetables, and grain products are about half of recommended intake levels. One of the major public health recommendations relative to coronary heart disease risk is to consume less than 10 percent of calories from saturated fat, and an average of 30 percent or less of total calories from all fat. Recommended daily cholesterol intakes are 300 mg or less per day. Recommended total dietary fiber intakes are about 25 grams (g) daily, of which about 25 percent (about 6 g) should be soluble fiber. (4) Current dietary guidance recommendations encourage decreased consumption of dietary fat, especially saturated fat and cholesterol, and increased consumption of fiber-rich foods to help lower blood LDL-cholesterol levels. Results of numerous studies have shown that fiber-containing fruits, vegetables, and grain products can help lower blood LDL-cholesterol. (c) Requirements. (1) All requirements set forth in 101.14 shall be met. (2) Specific requirements. (i) Nature of the claim. A health claim associating diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber, particularly soluble fiber, with reduced risk of heart disease may be made on the label or labeling of a food described in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section, provided that: (A) The claim states that diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber ``may'' or ``might'' reduce the risk of heart disease; (B) In specifying the disease, the claim uses the following terms: ``heart disease'' or ``coronary heart disease;'' (C) The claim is limited to those fruits, vegetables, and grains that contain fiber; (D) In specifying the dietary fiber, the claim uses the term ``fiber,'' ``dietary fiber,'' ``some types of dietary fiber,'' ``some dietary fibers,'' or ``some fibers;'' the term ``soluble fiber'' may be used in addition to these terms; (E) In specifying the fat component, the claims uses the terms ``saturated fat'' and ``cholesterol;'' and (F) The claim indicates that development of heart disease depends on many factors; and (G) The claim does not attribute any degree of risk reduction for coronary heart disease to diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber. (ii) Nature of the food. (A) The food shall be or shall contain a fruit, vegetable, or grain product. (B) The food shall meet the nutrient content requirements of 101.62 for a ``low saturated fat,'' ``low cholesterol,'' and ``low fat'' food. (C) The food contains, without fortification, at least 0.6 g of soluble fiber per reference amount customarily consumed; (D) The content of soluble fiber shall be declared in the nutrition information panel, consistent with 101.9(c)(6)(i)(A). (d) Optional information. (1) The claim may identify one or more of the following risk factors for heart disease about which there is general scientific agreement: A family history of coronary heart disease, elevated blood-, total- and LDL-chole, and physical inactivity. (2) The claim may indicate that the relationship of diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber to heart disease is through the intermediate link of ``blood cholesterol'' or ``blood total- and LDL-cholesterol.'' (3) The claim may include information from paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, which summarize the relationship between diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber and coronaryheart disease, and the significance of the relationship. (4) In specifying the nutrients, the claim may include the term ``total fat'' in addition to the terms ``saturated fat'' and ``cholesterol.'' (5) The claim may indicate that it is consistent with ``Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans,'' U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Government Printing Office (GPO). (6) The claim may state that individuals with elevated blood total- and LDL-cholesterol should consult their physicians for medical advice and treatment. If the claim defines high or normal blood total- and LDL-cholesterol levels, then the claim shall state that individuals with high blood cholesterol should consult their physicians for medical advice and treatment. (7) The claim may include information on the number of people in the United States who have heart disease. The sources of this information shall be identified, and it shall be current information from the National Center for Health Statistics, the National Institutes of Health, or ``Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans,'' USDA and DHHS, GPO. (e) Model health claims. The following model health claims may be used in food labeling to characterize the relationship between diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain solublefiber: (1) Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and rich in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain some types of dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber, may reduce the risk of heart disease, a disease associated with many factors. (2) Development of heart disease depends on many factors. Eating a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber may lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease. Dated: November 6, 1992. David A. Kessler, Commissioner of Food and Drugs. Louis W. Sullivan, Secretary of Health and Human Services. Note: The following table will not appear in the annual Code of Federal Regulations. BILLING CODE 4160 - 01 - F [FR Doc. 92 - 31513 Filed 12 - 28 - 92; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4160 - 01 - C