WPCZ 2BJZ#Courier#|xx6X@KX@HP LaserJet IIISi PostScriptHPIIISI.PRSx  @hhhhdSX@  Њ2&O Z_X#|xHP LaserJet IIISi PostScriptHPIIISI.PRSx  @hhhhdSX@CourierCourier BoldT?xxxx6X@KX@?xxxx `KXTR&HHH H6X@Kh@R&HHHH `Kh2X"t)51"    3    Y ddx !ddx~  Y   ?x   Table. Estimates of intakes resulting from fortification of  foods with folic acid Folate/folic acid source  Amount (g)  Estimate of bio ?  availabilityX01Í ÍX1Í ÍX !N ?x ЍEstimates of bioavailability used in FDA's calculation were 50 percent for food folates, 75 percent for folic acid added to foods, and 100 percent for folic acid in supplements. (percent) Free folic acid equivalent (g)P Estimate A:   P@ Usual diet @  300@ S/50@  150@ Add foods fortified to unit limit of 400 g:      @@ Plus 1 supplement  400  100  400@  Plus 5 servings breads and cereals  2,000  75  1,500  Plus 2 servings fruit juice  800  75  600 Plus 3 servings dairy products  1,200  75  900@ Total g/day8  4,7008 8  3,550@@ Estimate B:x x x @@8 Usual diet  300  50  150@x Add foods fortified to unit limit of 400 g:P P  P @ Plus 2 supplements  800  100  800@P Plus 10 servings breads and cereals(   4,000(   75(   3,000 Plus 4 servings fruit juice0"  1,6000"  750"  1,200(  Plus 6 servings dairy products8$  2,4008$  758$ X1Í ÍX1Í ÍX1Í ÍX1Í Í 1,800P0" Total g/day%  9,100% %  6,950$+0*0*@@P8$