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Ô Đ ČČ ĐŃ#ž]ô\  PŽÂC:HôP#Ń Ô yOČ ÔĐĐÔ'ŠÔĂ ĂFRIDAYÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Ô yOX ÔĐĐÔ$űÔĂ ĂJune 18, 1993Ä Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Áŕdě ÁŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔƒ Ô yOĐ ÔĐĐÔ'ňÔĂ ĂPart IIÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Ô yO` ÔĐĐÔÄ ÔĂ ĂDepartment of Health and Human ServicesÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Áŕdě ÁŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔƒ Ô yOŘ ÔĐĐÔ‚ÔĂ ĂFood and Drug AdministrationÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Áŕdě ÁŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔƒ Ô yOP ÔĐĐÔÔĂ Ă21 CFR Ch. I and Part 101Ä Ä Ô yO ÔÔ*ěÔĐĐÔ °ÔĐĐÔâÔĂ ĂDietary Supplements; General Requirements for Nutrition Labeling; Proposed RulesÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Ô zOp ÔĐĐÔDÔĂ Ă(ĂĂThis reprint was prepared from the electronic file that accompanied the original signed documents Ô zN9 ÔÔsÔtransmitted to the Office of the Federal Register. This file was certified to be a true copy of the original.)ÄÄÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Ô yOÉ ÔĐĐÔ ÔĂ ĂÄ Ä(This document appeared at 57 FR 33689 - 33751.)ÔÉ0*0*0*°°Ô Ô*ěÔ Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Ő†XÓ(rÔ yO ÔÁŕ) ěÁĂĂFederal RegisterÄÄ / Vol. 58, No. 116 / Friday, June 18, 1993 / Proposed Rulesƒ Áŕdě ÁŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔƒ †ŐĐĐ Ô yOč ÔĐĐÔ  ÔĂ ĂDEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Ô yOx ÔĂ ĂFood and Drug AdministrationÄ Ä Ô yOĐ ÔĐĐÔ$úÔĂ Ă21 CFR Ch. IÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Ô yO` ÔĂ Ă[Docket No. 93N - 0178]Ä Ä Ô yO( ÔĂ ĂRIN 0905 - AD90Ä Ä Ô yO€ ÔĐĐÔ÷ÔĂ ĂRegulation of Dietary SupplementsÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Ô yO ÔĂ ĂAGENCY: Ä ÄFood and Drug Administration, HHS. Áŕdě ÁŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔƒ Ô yOŔ ÔĂ ĂACTION: Ä ÄAdvance notice of proposed rulemaking. Ô yOˆ ÔĂ ĂSUMMARY: Ä ÄThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is reviewing the manner in which it regulates dietary supplements, including products containing vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, and other similar nutritional substances. FDA is requesting public comment on approaches, consistent with the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act), for assuring the safety of such products offered as dietary supplements. FDA is announcing the agency's intention to bring amino acid-containing dietary supplement products into compliance with the law and requests manufacturers of these products to submit any additional information that may be available on the safety and use of individual amino acids or combinations of amino acids as ingredients in dietary supplements. FDA is also announcing the availability of a report entitled ``Task Force on Dietary Supplements Final Report'' and requests comment on the recommendations made in this report. This action is being taken in response to the Dietary Supplement Act of 1992 (the DS act), recent developments and events in the marketplace, and the report of an outside expert body on the safety of amino acid supplements. Ô yOč ÔĂ ĂDATES: Ä ÄWritten comments by July 19, 1993. Ô yOx ÔĂ ĂADDRESSES: Ä ÄSubmit written requests for single copies of ``Task Force on Dietary Supplements Final Report,'' to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161. Send two self-addressed adhesive labels to assist that office in processing your requests. Submit written comments to the Dockets Management Branch (HFA - 305), Food and Drug Administration, rm. 1 - 23, 12420 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, MD 20857. Requests and comments should be identified with the docket number found in brackets in the heading of this document. The ``Task Force on Dietary Supplements Final Report,'' and comments received in response to this document are available for public examination in the Dockets Management Branch between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Ô yO€% ÔĂ ĂFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ä ÄJudith S. Kraus, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS - 456), Food and Drug Administration, 200 C St. SW., Washington, DC 20204, 202 - 205 - 5233. Ô yOŘ' ÔĂ ĂSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:Ä ÄÔŘ'0* ( (°°ԌÔ yO ԙà ĂÄ ÄI. Background Ô {M ÔĂĂA. Description of Dietary SupplementsÄÄ Dietary supplements constitute a large and diverse class of products consumed in capsule, tablet, liquid, or powder form by a substantial portion of the American public. These supplements encompass a wide array of products that include vitamins, essential minerals, protein, amino acids, herbs, animal and plant extracts (e.g., garlic extracts and inert glandulars), fats and lipid substances (e.g., fish oils, sterols, and essential fatty acids), dietary fibers, and chemical compounds that may have biological activity but that are generally not recognized as nutrients under the traditional definition of that term (e.g., bioflavonoids, enzymes, nucleic acids, para-aminobenzoic acid, and rutin). Many of the ingredients in dietary supplements are concentrated substances that occur naturally in plant and animal products that have a history of safe use as food. When these substances are prepared for incorporation into dietary supplements in tablet, capsule, or bulk powder form, significant differences from their conventional food forms may result. For example, a substance may be added to a supplement at a much higher concentration than naturally found in foods, making it easy to ingest the target substance in an amount that greatly exceeds the intake that is likely or possible from food in conventional food form. What is safe at low levels in foods may not necessarily be safe at higher levels or in more concentrated forms. The chemical form of the substance in dietary supplements may also differ from that commonly consumed in foods in conventional food form. Supplement products are frequently sold in containers that look like, and that have label information resembling, drugs (e.g., expiration dates, lot numbers, cotton fillers, tamper proof caps). Product information leaflets bearing claims are often available on store shelves and at the point of purchase. Products or particular ingredients in products may also be promoted by sales person at health food and specialty nutrition stores. Ô {Mř ÔĂĂB. Recent Developments Suggesting Need for a ReviewÄÄ Significant changes in the dietary supplement market and in consumers' use of supplements have occurred in recent years. Public interest in the potential effect of vitamins (e.g., vitamin E and other antioxidant vitamins) in lowering the risk of chronic disease, a wider marketing and promotion of amino acids (e.g., for body building), and a general growth in the herbal market have contributed to this changing market. Consumers have reported the use of dietary supplements for various reasons: Cultural and ethnic practices, perceived health and nutritive effects including emotional and psychological needs, and perceived insurance against dietary insufficiency (Refs. 1 and 2). There is wide variation in the use of these products according to age, lifestyles, socioeconomic status, and geographic location. Dietary supplements are now readily obtainable at grocery stores, drug stores, health food stores, and specialty nutrition stores, as well as by mail order. These products are also widely advertised in health promotion or body building magazines. A recent survey of dietary supplement advertisements showed that 12 health and body building magazines contain advertisements for 311 dietary supplement products from 89 different companies (Ref. 4). At the same time that dietary supplement use is growing, there have been at least two recent significant outbreaks of public health problems associated with dietary supplements. In 1989, at least 1,500 cases of eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (EMS), including 38 deaths, were associated with the use of L-tryptophan-containing dietary supplements. Within the last year, there also have been a number of reports of serious illnesses associated with certain herbal and other botanical supplements. These developments have raised significant public health concerns. Another significant factor that has compelled FDA to review current regulatory policies is enactment by Congress of the DS Act (Pub. L. 102 - 571). This legislation imposed a 1-year moratorium on FDA implementation of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (the 1990 amendments (Pub. L. 101 - 535)) with respect to dietary supplements not in conventional food form, called for studies by the General Accounting Office and the Office of Technology Assessment of FDA's regulatory program for dietary supplements, and ordered FDA to complete a new round of rulemaking by the end of 1993 implementing the 1990 amendments for dietary supplements.Ô¸$0*€%€%ĐĐԌ In addition to rulemaking, FDA is developing a strategy to evaluate solutions to achieve its public health goals in keeping with the intent of the DS Act that contemplates a review of FDA's policies and actions with respect to dietary supplements. Ô {M  ÔĂĂC. FDA's Public Health MissionÄÄ FDA's public health mission includes assisting Americans in capitalizing on the scientific advances over the last 30 years that have expanded the understanding of the relationship between health and diet and of the role that diet can play in improving the health of Americans. FDA encourages positive changes in dietary habits and recognizes that access by consumers to adequate nutrition and health information is an important part of this process. The agency is committed to ensuring, consistent with applicable law, that consumers have access to information on nutrition and health. This goal was given particular prominence and importance by the passage of the 1990 amendments. To fulfill its public health mission with regard to dietary supplements FDA must also ensure that these products are safe, and that claims made for their use are scientifically supported, truthful, not misleading, and otherwise in accord with applicable legal standards. Indeed, ensuring safety and proper labeling is FDA's most basic and traditional responsibility and will remain the agency's first priority with respect to dietary supplements. Ô {M ÔĂĂD. Recent FDA Activities to Address the IssuesÄÄ FDA is addressing the safety and labeling issues regarding dietary supplements. An agency task force on dietary supplements has produced a report that sets out its conclusions and recommendations. In addition, the agency has received a report on the availability of data to evaluate the safety of amino acids, which was prepared under an agency contract with the Life Sciences Research Office, Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology (LSRO/FASEB). The conclusions and recommendations of both of these reports are discussed in detail in this document. In response to the 1990 amendments and the DS act, FDA has prepared proposed regulations on nutrition labeling, nutrient content claims, and health claims for dietary supplements. These documents appear elsewhere in this issue Ô yOŕ Ôof the ĂĂFederal RegisterÄÄ. In addition to these projects, FDA has established a dialogue with industry, public health, and consumer group representatives through a series of meetings on safety and labeling issues for dietary supplements. Ô {M ÔĂĂE. Task Force on Dietary SupplementsÄÄ In May 1991, following the EMS outbreak associated with consumption of L-tryptophan-containing dietary supplements, the Commissioner of Food and Drugs (the Commissioner) established an internal FDA task force to review the agency's regulatory program for dietary supplements and to recommend improvements. Known as the Dietary Supplement Task Force (the Task Force), it was composed of agency staff with experience and expertise in regulatory, nutritional, legal, and medical issues related to supplements. The Commissioner asked the Task Force to examine a number of issues, including whether safety concerns exist regarding dietary supplements and, if so, to recommend a regulatory framework to distinguish supplements that raise safety concerns from those that do not. The Task Force attempted to balance the agency's statutory mandate to protect the public health with some accommodation of the desire of a substantial segment of the public to obtain dietary supplements, including ones with possibly little or no documented nutritive value. The Task Force focused on products sold in capsule, tablet, liquid, and powder form. To facilitate its deliberations, the Task Force divided supplements into three categories: (1) Vitamin- and mineral-containing products; (2) amino acid-containing products; and (3) products containing all other ingredients, a category that included herbs without a history of documented traditional food use, plant and animal extracts, and certain other substances.Ô¸$0*€%€%ĐĐԌ The Task Force completed its work in May 1992 when it submitted a report with recommendations to the Commissioner (Ref. 2). The Task Force identified the safety of ingredients in dietary supplements as the overriding concern for FDA as it develops a regulatory framework to distinguish among dietary supplement products. Details of the Task Force report with respect to specific types of substances are discussed elsewhere in this document under the appropriate category headings. FDA is making this report available and requests comments on the recommendations in this report, including comments about which recommendations should be considered for adoption by FDA. Ô {M@ ÔĂĂF. LSRO/FASEB Report on Amino AcidsÄÄ In 1990, in the aftermath of the L-tryptophan-associated EMS outbreaks, FDA sought an objective and accurate scientific assessment by LSRO/FASEB on the safety of amino acids. FDA sought this report to provide scientific information on the safety of amino acids. This information is needed by FDA in exercising its enforcement discretion with respect to supplements that contain these substances. LSRO/FASEB reviewed the available scientific literature on the safety of each of the amino acids. The review gave special emphasis to metabolism, genetic influences on metabolism, and population groups at potentially higher risk for adverse health effects from use of amino acids in supplements. The LSRO/FASEB report ``Safety of Amino Acids Used as Dietary Supplements'' was submitted to FDA in July Ô yO Ô1992, and its availability was announced in the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof December 2, 1992 (57 FR 57067). LSRO/FASEB reached several conclusions: 1. It was not able to identify a safe level of intake in dietary supplements for any of the amino acids in the report. 2. There was particular concern about the use of dietary supplements containing amino acids by several subgroups of the general healthy population (e.g., women of childbearing age, especially if pregnant or lactating; infants, children and adolescents; the elderly; individuals homozygous or heterozygous for inherited disorders of amino acid metabolism; individuals who smoke; and persons with low dietary protein intakes) and by patients with certain diseases who were considered to be at higher risk for possible adverse effects. The report concluded that use of dietary supplements containing amino acids by these special groups requires responsible medical advice and supervision. 3. The use of D-amino acids in dietary supplements is inappropriate because they have not been shown to have nutritional function in humans. 4. There is an immediate need to label dietary supplements containing amino acids currently in the marketplace to provide accurate information on the chemical composition and purity of ingredients, isomeric identity, shelf life, suggested doses, and contraindications for use. 5. There is a need for additional information on consumption of dietary supplements that contain amino acids, and 6. Based on an evaluation of the limited data on patterns of amino acid use and adverse health effects, LSRO/FASEB concluded that the safety of unrestricted use of particular amino acids in dietary supplements cannot be assumed. LSRO/FASEB recommended a systematic evaluation of certain effects of these substances, given the scarcity of safety data for the amino acids in dietary supplements. Specific details of the LSRO/FASEB report findings are discussed in the amino acids section elsewhere in this document. Ô {MĐ ÔĂĂG. Current Legal Framework for Dietary Supplements Under the ActÄÄ FDA's authority to regulate the safety and labeling of dietary supplements derives from both the food and the drug provisions of the act. A product is legally a food or a drug based on its intended use. Products primarily consumed for their taste, aroma, or nutritive value are foods under section 201(f) of the act (21 U.S.C. 321(f))Ôđ#0*€%€%ĐĐÔ Ô {O Ô(ĂĂNutrilab. Inc. ÄÄv. ĂĂSchweiker, ÄÄ713 F.2d 335 (7th Cir. 1983)). While many dietary supplements are foods under this definition, other products, although marketed as dietary supplements, fall within the drug definition (section 201(g) of the act) because they are intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease or to affect the structure or a function of the body. The intended use of a product may be determined from labeling, advertising, or other sources. Because dietary supplements are subject to regulation as foods, drugs, or both, there are a variety of statutory provisions that come into play in the regulation of these products. These provisions include the adulteration provisions for food and drugs (sections 402 and 501 of the act (21 U.S.C. 342 and 351)), the misbranding provisions (sections 403 and 502 of the act (21 U.S.C. 343 and 352)), as well as the provisions on food additives (section 409 of the act (21 U.S.C. 348)), prescription drugs (section 503 of the act (21 U.S.C. 353)), and new drug approvals (section 505 of the act (21 U.S.C. 355)). Fundamental to how the agency ensures the safety of foods, including dietary supplements, are the food additive provisions of the act (sections 201(s), 402(a)(2)(C), and 409). Before 1958, a manufacturer could use an ingredient in food, and FDA had the burden of proving, subsequent to marketing, that the ingredient was harmful at some level. The 1958 Food Additives Amendment reflected a determination by Congress that marketers of processed foods should bear the burden of establishing the safety of the ingredients they use before exposing the public to them. A food additive is broadly defined in section 201(s) of the act as any substance, the intended use of which results, or may reasonably be expected to result, directly or indirectly, in its becoming a component or otherwise affecting the characteristics of food.Recently, two courts of appeal have held that the named ingredient in a gelatin capsule that consists only of that ingredient, and the ingredients necessary to form the capsule, is not a food additive. FDA is considering seeking further review of these decisions.Thus, ingredients incorporated into dietary supplements (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, and other similar nutritional substances that are processed in tablet, capsule, powder, or liquid form) are food additives unless they are generally recognized as safe (GRAS), or prior-sanctioned.A substance is considered prior-sanctioned if its specific use in food was authorized by FDA or the Department of Agriculture prior to September 6, 1958. Section 409(b)(1) of the act requires the manufacturer to submit a petition to establish the safety of use of a food additive, which must include, among other information, data that establish that the additive will accomplish its intended physical or technical effect in the food. FDA is precluded under section 409(c)(4)(B) of the act (21 U.S.C. 348(a)) from issuing a food additive tolerance and under its regulation (21 CFR 184.1(b)) from affirming the GRAS status of a substance for which a technical effect has not been demonstrated. Some food ingredients are marketed based on the manufacturers' independent determination that they are GRAS. Such manufacturers do so at the risk that the agency will disagree and bring a regulatory action against the product. Ô {M" ÔĂĂH. FDA's Regulatory ConcernsÄÄ The broad spectrum of dietary supplement products present a range of safety and labeling issues. Most of the ingredients in dietary supplements, especially vitamins and essential minerals taken in moderate potencies, present few safety concerns. A smaller number of ingredients of dietary supplement products and of dietary supplement products themselves, however, do pose direct and indirect hazards. Direct hazards are those adverse health effects directly attributable to the components of dietary supplement products. They may be the result of effects of one or more of the ingredients (be it the desired ingredient or a binder or filler), an interactive effect of components of the product, or an effect of a contaminant in one or more of the ingredients of the dietary supplement. The agency is concerned about potential direct hazards of some dietary supplements because information on theÔň#0*€%€%ĐĐÔ safety or the nature of many of the ingredients used in dietary supplements is not available. For example, there is considerable natural variability in the constituents of herbs and other botanicals and of glandular ingredients, and methods to characterize many of these products and their constituents do not exist (e.g., to determine the identity and bioavailability of active ingredients or to measure the levels of heavy metals, pesticides, or microbial contaminants). Furthermore, there apparently are no generally accepted current good manufacturing practices (CGMP's) that address how supplement products are to be manufactured to ensure that they have the claimed potency, appropriate purity, and other quality and performance attributes that help to ensure safety. Indirect hazards may occur if the use of a supplement product delays the diagnosis or treatment of a health disorder. This is a particular concern when exaggerated or unfounded claims are made regarding the benefits of a product in treating or preventing serious diseases, such as cancer and AIDS. These indirect hazards are ordinarily dealt with through FDA's health fraud program. To facilitate a more detailed examination of these concerns the agency has divided this document into the following sections: ``II. Vitamins and Minerals,'' ``III. Amino Acids,'' ``IV. Herbs,'' and ``V. Other Components of Dietary Supplements''. Ô yO¸ ÔĂ ĂII. Vitamins and MineralsÄ Ä Ô {MH ÔĂĂA. Use of Vitamin and Mineral SupplementsÄÄ Vitamins and essential minerals are nutrients. They are essential for life and must be obtained from dietary sources because they cannot be synthesized by the body or are not present in the body in amounts adequate to maintain health. Vitamin and mineral dietary supplements have a long history of use at levels at the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA's), below the RDA's, or at low multiples of the RDA's, and are generally considered safe at these levels for the general population. Intakes above RDA levels, however, vary widely in their potential for adverse effects. For some nutrients, such as the mineral selenium, there is a small difference between intake levels that are safe and levels that can be harmful. Other nutrients such as vitamin C and thiamin have considerably larger ranges of safe intake. Sales of dietary supplements containing vitamins and minerals have increased dramatically during the past two decades (Ref. 3). In 1990, sales totaled $2.9 billion. In a 1990 survey of the dietary supplement market, multivitamins and minerals accounted for 42 percent of the market share in dollars, vitamin C and calcium accounted for 12 percent and 8 percent, respectively, and vitamin B complex and vitamin E each accounted for 9 percent (Ref. 5). One of the most comprehensive surveys on the use of vitamin- and mineral-containing supplements by individuals was the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) conducted in 1986 (Ref. 6). This survey covered 11,775 adults (18 years of age or older) and 1,877 children (2 to 6 years of age). A total of about 5,600 respondents reported using more than 3,400 different vitamin or mineral-containing supplement products (Ref. 7). The more than 3,400 products in this survey were manufactured or distributed by about 600 different companies. About 90 percent of these products were manufactured or distributed by national companies. The remaining 10 percent of the products were manufactured or distributed by a large number of local companies, which accounted for about half of the total number of companies identified in this survey. This survey also showed that the labeled potencies of vitamin and mineral-containing supplements varied widely. However, potencies of nutrients contained in children's and prenatal products fell within a narrow range, generally at or below 100 percent of the U. S. Recommended Daily Allowance (U.S. RDA) per dosage unit (Ref. 7). Potencies of single-nutrient products (i.e., products intended for supplementing one specific nutrient) and general multinutrient products (i.e., products intended for supplementing two or more nutrients that were not targeted for use by children, or pregnant or lactating women) varied greatly. For example, potencies of single-nutrient supplements ranged from 34 percent to 12,500 percent of the U.S. RDA per tablet for vitamin D; from 67 percent to 33,333 Ô yOđ# Ôpercent for thiamin (vitamin BĂĂ1ÄÄ); from 69 percent to 50,000 percent for vitamin BĂĂ6ÄÄ; from 17 percent to 33,333 Ô yO¸$ Ôpercent for vitamin BĂĂ12ÄÄ; and from 100 percent to 5,000 percent for niacin. Potencies of general multi-nutrientÔ¸$0*€%€%ĐĐÔ Ô yO Ôsupplements ranged from less than 0.5 percent to 55,333 percent of the U.S. RDA per tablet for vitamin BĂĂ1ÄÄ; from Ô yOČ Ôless than 0.5 percent to 15,000 percent for vitamin BĂĂ6ÄÄ; from 1 percent to 16,667 percent for vitamin BĂĂ12ÄÄ; and from less than 0.5 percent to 5,000 percent for pantothenic acid. As seen in the range of values, some of these products are extremely high potency, containing 5,000 to about 55,000 percent of the U.S. RDA of one or more nutrients per tablet (Ref. 7). The 1986 NHIS data base also provided information on how supplement use varied among respondents that took supplements. About 5 percent of all self-prescribed adult users of vitamin or mineral-containing supplements, which represents about 3 million persons in the United States, reported using at least 5 different vitamin or mineral-containing products (Ref. 6).``Self-prescribed users'' refers to those who use supplements without a doctor's recommendation, excluding pregnant or lactating females. For most vitamins, the median average daily intake of all users of these products was between 100 percent and 200 percent of the 1980 RDA's). However, Ô yO˜ Ô10 percent of adult users consumed amounts of several vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, vitamins C, E, BĂĂ6ÄÄ, and BĂĂ12ÄÄ) ranging from 1,666 percent to 3,333 percent of the RDA or more from the supplements alone (Ref. 6). Maximum Ô yO( Ôaverage daily intakes of thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamin BĂĂ6 ÄÄwere as high as about 78,600 percent, 68,700 percent, and 51,000 percent of the RDA, respectively (Ref. 8). Ô {M ÔĂĂB. Regulatory History of Dietary Supplements of Vitamins and MineralsÄÄ The regulatory history of dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals goes back over 50 years. Details of this Ô yOh Ôregulatory history are contained in the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60366 at 60381). A brief discussion of its history follows. In 1941, after passage of the act, FDA issued regulations for vitamin and mineral dietary supplements expressed as minimum daily requirements. By the early 1960's, however, the agency felt that these regulations were outdated. The agency's concerns focused on high potency vitamins and on whether the potencies of vitamins and mineral supplements should be limited to nutritionally rational levels when these products were marketed as foods. In 1973, FDA adopted new regulations to govern the labeling and composition of dietary supplements and other foods that purported to be, or were represented for, special dietary use because of their vitamin or mineral properties. The 1973 regulations set forth definitions, standards of identity, and labeling statements for vitamin and mineral dietary supplements. The standards permitted only five basic types of preparations; prescribed the vitamin, mineral, and other ingredient composition of multinutrient supplements; and specified maximum and minimum potencies for vitamins and mineral ingredients. A lawsuit was filed challenging this action, and the reviewing court remanded the regulations to FDA. In 1975, FDA held an administrative hearing on the regulations. While FDA was in the process of completing the hearing and revising the vitamin and mineral regulations pursuant to the instructions of the court, Congress enacted legislation (Pub. L. 94 - 278, Title V, April 22, 1976) that became section 411 of the act (21 U.S.C. 350) (known as the ``Proxmire Amendment''). This amendment prevents the agency from using the food standards or misbranding provisions of the act to place maximum limits on the potency of vitamins or minerals in foods. It also prevents the agency from classifying any vitamin or mineral as a drug solely because it exceeds a potency level that is deemed to have a nutritionally sound rationale. Ô yO@ Ô In the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof October 19, 1976 (41 FR 46156), the agency issued a final regulation that amended the 1973 regulations to comply with the court's 1974 remand instructions and with the Proxmire Amendment. Ô yOĐ ÔAnother lawsuit was filed, and in February 1978, the court remanded the case to FDA. In the ĂĂFederal Register Ô yO˜! ÔÄÄof March 16, 1979 (44 FR 16005), FDA revoked the 1976 regulations and reinstated certain portions of the 1973 regulations. The agency has not taken any further action on the 1976 regulations. Ô {Mđ# ÔĂĂC. Current Regulatory Status of Vitamins and MineralsÄÄ Ô¸$0*€%€%ĐĐԌ Some vitamins and minerals that are intended for use as dietary supplements are listed as GRAS under part 182, subpart F (21 CFR part 182, subpart F). In most cases, the only limitation placed on the conditions of their use is CGMP as defined in ŔŔ182.1. Some vitamins and minerals are also listed for other intended uses, such as special dietary or nutritional additives (part 172, subpart D (21 CFR part 172, subpart D)), or as nutrients in processed foods (part 182, subpart I). In addition, several vitamins and minerals have been affirmed as GRAS under part 184 (21 CFR part 184) for uses other than as dietary supplements. Ô {Mx ÔĂĂD. Issues of ConcernÄÄ FDA has identified certain public health issues related to dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals. These issues include: (1) The need for a comprehensive science-based evaluation of the potential toxicity of vitamins and minerals at various intake levels; and (2) in light of that review, the need to establish the levels of intake of vitamins and essential minerals that are safe. Certain vitamins and minerals are safe when consumed at low levels but may have adverse effects when consumed daily at higher levels. For example, consumption of as little as 25,000 international units (IU's) per day of preformed vitamin A (U.S. RDA is 5,000 IU's) for periods of several months or more can produce multiple adverse effects, including hepatic cirrhosis, increased intracranial pressure, and possibly birth defects (Refs 9 and 10). Especially vulnerable groups include children, pregnant women, and persons with liver pathology caused by a variety of factors including alcohol, viral hepatitis, and severe protein-energy malnutrition (Ref. 9). Ô yOŘ Ô The preponderance of reports of adverse effects from excess vitamin BĂĂ6 ÄÄ(pyridoxine) supplementation have involved intakes above 200 milligrams per day (mg/day) and have been associated with symptoms of a sensory Ô yOh Ôneuropathy. However, as little as 50 mg/day supplemental vitamin BĂĂ6 ÄÄ(U.S. RDA is 2 mg) has caused resumption of symptoms in an individual previously injured by higher intakes (Refs. 11 and 12). Daily doses of 500 mg of niacin from a slow-release formulation and 750 mg from an unmodified niacin product have been associated with severe adverse effects. U.S. RDA is 20 mg. These severe side effects include gastrointestinal distress (burning pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, cramping, and diarrhea) and mild to severe liver damage (Refs. 13, 14, and 15). Several reports have suggested that time-release formulations of niacin carry a higher risk of side effects than do unmodified niacin products (Ref. 13). Ingestion of excess selenium can cause tissue damage, especially in tissues or organs that concentrate the element. The toxicity of selenium depends upon the chemical form of the ingested element. Human intoxications have occurred with high intakes after a period of a few weeks (Ref. 16). Related topics on the safety of vitamin and mineral supplements have been addressed in three LSRO/FASEB reports published since 1980. The first report, entitled ``Guidelines for Safety Evaluation of Nutrients'' (Ref. 17), evaluated the types of scientific evidence needed to establish the safety of vitamin and essential mineral ingredients in supplements. This report stated that the comprehensive systems to evaluate the safety of food additives, food colors, and ingredients classified as GRAS have limited application to decisions on the safety of essential nutrients. For example, eliminating from the food supply substances that pose a potential health hazard to the public is not a feasible option for essential nutrients. Although the margin of safety between current levels of ingestion and toxic levels may be narrow for some nutrients, the report pointed out that the highest no-adverse-effect level for most nutrients is ill-defined. Accordingly, the report concluded that a system is needed to evaluate and compare data on essentiality and toxicity of nutrients at various levels of intake. This report further concluded that, in the absence of toxicological testing, nutrients cannot be assumed to be free of adverse effects even at intake levels possible from normal diets. A second report, entitled ``Feasibility of Identifying Adverse Effects of Vitamins and Essential Minerals in Man'' (Ref. 18), concluded that studies with nonrandomized, self-selected treatment groups cannot be sufficiently definitive to establish a causal relationship between nutrient excess and subtle, long-term adverse effects. Furthermore, according to the report, data collected in national surveys on the normal consumption of vitamins and essential minerals by the general U.S. population, either as dietary components or as nutrient supplements, are of limited valueÔ¸$ 0*€%€%ĐĐÔ for the design of clinical protocols. The report stated, however, that prospective clinical investigations of certain vitamins or essential minerals can help to provide a reliable and extensive data base that would be required for evaluating the competing risks of nutrient deficiency and toxicity. A prime objective of a clinical protocol would be the identification of early and sensitive indicators of toxicity associated with chronic ingestion of nutrient excesses. The report concluded that the study of potential adverse effects of vitamins and essential minerals would enhance the protection of public health. The usefulness of a national nutrition survey data base for monitoring nutrient safety of the U.S. population was evaluated through a contract study entitled ``Suggested Measures of Nutritional Status and Health Conditions for the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey'' (Ref. 19). This study's primary objective was to identify physiological measures useful to FDA for monitoring both the safety and adequacy of the food supply, for inclusion in the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). The report identified specific clinical indices useful in a survey to identify the prevalence within population subgroups of adverse health effects related to excessive dietary intake of selected nutrients. Measures of the safety of vitamins A, D, and B6 and the minerals iron and selenium were suggested. Measures of the safety of other nutrients were not available or not considered useful for this survey. Ô {M€ ÔĂĂE. FDA's Task Force Discussion on Vitamin and Mineral SupplementsÄÄ The Task Force recognized that most vitamins and minerals are generally safe when their intake is limited to small multiples of the RDA's. However, the Task Force identified certain health risks at higher levels of intake. The Task Force recommended that FDA use notice and comment rulemaking to establish safe levels of use for vitamins and essential minerals in dietary supplements. The Task Force recommended that these levels be the maximum daily safe supplemental intake for a given vitamin or essential mineral, called a ``dietary supplement limit'' (DSL). The Task Force discussed the consequences of regulating supplement products containing ingredients that are not GRAS. It stated that the agency generally has not been willing to pursue enforcement actions unless it could demonstrate some degree of toxicity or potential toxicity. The Task Force stated that FDA has declined to set safe levels for nutrients in dietary supplements because the industry has shown that setting such levels provides it with a cutoff point just below which FDA will not take action, even though such levels are high. Such levels then become the industry marketing norm. Nevertheless, the Task Force stated that setting such levels is appropriate to ensure safety. The Task Force recommended that to ensure the safety of products containing vitamins and minerals, the agency adopt a DSL for each vitamin and essential mineral. The Task Force said that the agency should initiate rulemaking to establish these safe levels of use. Alternatively, it suggested that the agency could call for the submission of food additive or GRAS affirmation petitions on the use of vitamins or essential minerals in dietary supplements. One approach, the Task Force suggested, would be for the agency to propose to affirm as GRAS (with certain specific exceptions) the highest RDA levels listed by the National Academy of Sciences. The Task Force stated that the burden would then shift to those commenting to submit evidence that would justify a higher level that represents safe use. Such an approach, the Task Force pointed out, would facilitate the prompt publication of a proposals and focus the work of agency scientists on preparing the final rules based on the evidence submitted. The Task Force recommended such actions because it believed that it is appropriate for the agency to distinguish between those vitamin and essential mineral potencies in dietary supplements whose use is safe, and those whose use create public health concern. Ô {M˜! ÔĂĂF. Request for Public Comment on the Safety of Vitamin and Mineral SupplementsÄÄ FDA requests comment on the appropriate procedures, both scientific and administrative, and types of data for establishing the safety of vitamins and essential minerals intended for consumption in dietary supplements in quantities significantly in excess of the amounts necessary to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthyÔ¸$ 0*€%€%ĐĐÔ people. As stated previously, the Task Force recommended one approach to a scientifically based determination of the upper levels of safe use of vitamin and essential mineral ingredients. FDA is soliciting comments on this recommendation as well as recommendations on other approaches. In addition, FDA requests comments on the following questions concerning evaluation of the safety of vitamins and minerals, which may also be appropriate for the other ingredient categories: 1. How should the requirement under section 409 of the act that the tolerance limitation not be set higher than the level necessary to accomplish the additive's intended physical or other technical effect be satisfied? 2. If current safety evaluation procedures are followed, what safety factor or margin of safety is appropriate? 3. If safety factors or margins of safety are to be applied, how should adverse effects be identified against which these factors or margins will be applied? 4. Under what circumstances and how can data from nonexperimental adverse reaction reports and other sources be utilized? 5. Is it necessary to establish specifications and good manufacturing practices to assure the safety of vitamin and essential mineral products? As a secondary issue, the agency does not know what assumptions and expectations consumers and health professionals have relative to the safety of ingredients of dietary supplements. FDA requests comments on what assumptions consumers make about the safety of ingredients in dietary supplement products, and on what information consumers should have on the label or in labeling to make informed choices about the safety of these products. Ô yOŘ ÔĂ ĂIII. Amino AcidsÄ Ä Ô {Mh ÔĂĂA. Current Use of Amino Acid SupplementsÄÄ Amino acids are available in the marketplace as single compounds, in mixtures (containing two or more amino acids), as components of protein powders, as chelated single compounds, or in chelated mixtures. These products are marketed for a variety of uses. LSRO/FASEB found that amino acids in dietary supplements are primarily used for nonnutritional purposes, i.e., for specific therapeutic effects (Ref. 10). Amino acids were reported to be the most frequently mentioned component on ingredient lists for dietary supplements advertised in a survey of body building magazines (Ref. 4). LSRO/FASEB estimated the quantities of individual amino acids available for sale by members of a major trade association in the United States from 1987 to 1989 (Ref. 20). L-lysine and L-tryptophan (for 1987 to 1988) were available in the highest amounts, i.e., greater than 1,000,000 pounds per year for each. L-methionine had the next highest availability rate at more than 20,000 pounds per year. Data on the ingestion of amino acids by individuals have not been collected, but product labels recommended daily intakes (RDI's) ranging from 0.25 to 4.5 grams (g) for single amino acids, from about 1 to 15 g for partially digested protein blends (Ref. 20), and from 0.35 to 40.0 g for unspecified amino acids (Ref. 4). Ô {Mč ÔĂĂB. Information on the Role of Amino Acids in Human NutritionÄÄ Amino acids are the individual structural units of proteins and are precursors for, or may function as, biologically active molecules such as some neurotransmitters and hormones. Nine amino acids, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine, must be supplied in the diet because they are not synthesized by humans or synthesized only in amounts inadequate for normal growth or maintenance and are thus considered essential (Ref. 3). Other amino acids are nonessential because they are synthesized endogenously in amounts sufficient to support growth and nitrogen balance and are, therefore, not specifically required in the diet. Most amino acids are supplied in the normal diet as constituents of protein, not as free amino acids. Consumption of foods containing intact proteins ordinarily provides sufficient amounts of amino acids for growth and development of children and maintenance of health of adults in the general U.S. population. Safety in these forms is generally notÔ¸$ 0*€%€%ĐĐÔ a concern. Some amino acids, such as L-tryptophan and L-arginine, have been promoted and used for their claimed pharmacologic effects. The use of dietary supplements containing these free amino acids appears to be a common practice among individuals interested in increasing muscle mass and strength (Refs. 2, 4, and 20). Ô {Mč ÔĂĂC. Regulatory History of Amino Acid SupplementsÄÄ In 1945, FDA issued a Trade Correspondence stating that a food to which an amino acid is added would ordinarily be regarded as a food for special dietary use and must be so labeled, but may also in some cases be subject to the drug provisions of the act (Ref. 21). Subsequently, the 1958 Food Additives Amendment required the premarket approval of any substance whose intended use could reasonably be expected to result in its becoming a component of food, unless the use of the substance were GRAS or subject to a prior sanction. In 1960 (25 FR 880, February 2, 1960, and 25 FR 7332, August 4, 1960), FDA proposed to list a number of amino acids as GRAS for their intended use as ``nutrients and/or dietary supplements'' with no limitations codified at that time under 21 CFR 121.101(d)(5). This proposal was finalized in 1961 (26 FR 1444, February 18, 1961). Ô yO¸ Ô In the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof April 6, 1972 (37 FR 6938), FDA proposed to revoke the GRAS status of all amino acids for use as nutrients in foods and for use in dietary supplements because of safety concerns based on studies showing that excessive intakes of certain amino acids produced adverse effects in animals. FDA concluded that the available information was insufficient to support the GRAS status of amino acids. At the same time, FDA proposed conditions for the safe use of amino acids as food additives. Ô yO  Ô In the same issue of the ĂĂFederal RegisterÄÄ, FDA also proposed a food additive regulation to provide for the use of amino acids as nutrient fortificants for addition to intact protein-containing foods to improve the protein quality of these foods (37 FR 6938). To prevent the random addition of amino acids to foods, the agency proposed to limit the use of amino acids to foods that contain naturally occurring, primarily intact, protein that are considered significant dietary sources of protein. The agency also addressed the use of amino acids in special formulations for nutritional use in medical conditions. Ô yOP Ô In the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof July 26, 1973 (38 FR 20036), FDA published a final rule that revoked the GRAS status of amino acids for nutritive and dietary supplement purposes. FDA promulgated a food additive regulation that restricted the addition of amino acids as nutrients to foods only when needed to significantly improve the biological quality of the total protein in a food containing naturally occurring, primarily intact protein that is considered a significant dietary protein source. In addition, the agency stated that no action would be taken to alter the GRAS status of amino acids or their derivatives with recognized nonnutritive uses (e.g., as flavor enhancers or dough conditioners). From 1974 through 1976, several amino acids were listed in 21 CFR 121.1002 as food additives. However, because of an editorial error in recodifying FDA's regulations, amino acids were listed as GRAS for use as ``nutrients and/or dietary supplements'' in the March 15, 1977, edition of title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Ô yO  ÔThis error was corrected by a ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄnotice dated October 28, 1977 (42 FR 56278 at 56279). In early 1977, prior to the correction, FDA brought a seizure action against L-tryptophan tablets on the grounds that the tablets contained an unapproved food additive. The court found that, despite the fact that FDA's error had been inadvertent, the manufacturer was entitled to rely on the GRAS regulations as published. In another seizure initiated in 1977 against L-tryptophan as a dietary supplement, FDA agreed to dismissal with prejudice on September 14, 1982. Ô {M˜! ÔĂĂD. Current Regulatory Status of Amino Acid SupplementsÄÄ Amino acids, except L-cysteine and its hydrochloride salt, may only be used as ingredients of food in accordance with ŔŔ172.320 (21 CFR 172.320). L-cysteine and its hydrochloride salt (ŔŔŔŔ184.1271 and 184.1272) are affirmed as GRAS for use as dough strengtheners. Under ŔŔ170.50 (21 CFR 170.50), FDA has determined that the use of glycineÔ¸$ 0*€%€%ĐĐÔ and its salts for certain technical effects in human food is not GRAS. FDA considers all other uses of amino acids in food to represent unapproved, and therefore unlawful, uses of food additives. Ô {MX ÔĂĂE. Issues of ConcernÄÄ Products containing amino acids warrant special attention by the agency because of several recent events, including: (1) The recent epidemic of EMS, a serious disease associated with consumption of L-tryptophan supplement products, (2) a recent report by an independent organization that concluded that data showing safety of amino acids in dietary supplements are lacking (Ref. 20), and (3) the task force report, which discussed amino acids and presented various options for regulating dietary supplements that contain amino acids. 1. EMS Outbreak from L-Tryptophan The outbreak of EMS from the use of L-tryptophan-containing dietary supplements has prompted FDA to reexamine its enforcement posture regarding amino acid containing supplements. EMS is a systemic connective tissue disease characterized by eosinophilia (an increase in one type of the white blood cells), myalgia (severe muscle pain), and cutaneous (skin) and neuromuscular manifestations. This illness, which occurred in epidemic fashion in the United States in the summer and fall of 1989, is associated with the use of dietary supplements containing L-tryptophan (Ref. 39). To date, more than 1,500 cases, including 38 deaths, have met the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) case surveillance definition of the disease, although the true incidence of the disorder is thought to be much higher. FDA first learned about problems with L-tryptophan in 1989, following a report from New Mexico about four cases of an illness manifested by myalgia and eosinophilia, in which the common denominator appeared to be the use of L-tryptophan. FDA subsequently issued a strong public warning on November 11, 1989 (Ref. 22), to discontinue the use of L-tryptophan. On November 17, 1989, in conjunction with CDC, FDA requested a nationwide recall of all over-the-counter dietary supplements containing 100 mg or more of L-tryptophan (Ref. 23). The agency also issued an Import Alert to detain all foreign shipments of L-tryptophan (Refs. 24 and 25). On March 22, 1990, the recall was extended to all marketed products containing added manufactured L-tryptophan because of a case of EMS in a patient consuming less than 100 mg daily (Ref. 26). (Products containing added L-tryptophan permitted by ŔŔ172.320 were excluded from this recall.) The net effect of the recall and import alert was a ban on the oral supplement forms of L-tryptophan because virtually all of the raw material used to formulate U.S. products was imported. Despite recent intense research, the exact cause of EMS and an understanding of how it develops have not been established. Initial epidemiological studies implicated the L-tryptophan produced by a single Japanese manufacturer, Showa Denko K. K., and further noted that certain impurities were identifiable in batches of case-associated L-tryptophan. These findings suggested that some impurity or other component in these batches of L-tryptophan may have been responsible for EMS. However, both initial and subsequent epidemiological studies on the EMS epidemic have identified cases of EMS, and another related disease, eosinophilic fascitis, that occurred before the 1989 epidemic and that appear to be related to other batches or sources of L-tryptophan (Refs. 27, 40 and 41). EMS and other related disorders are also reported to be associated with exposure to L - 5-hydroxytryptophan, a related compound that is not manufactured using the biofermentation process that was used for production of L-tryptophan and is, therefore, not associated with the same impurities or contaminants. There is also some evidence for predisposing factors in some EMS patients. These data, as well as data from animal experiments (Ref. 28), indicate that L-tryptophan, either alone or in combination with some other component in the supplement products, may be responsible for some of the pathological features in EMS. Taken together, these findings support previous suggestions that the L-tryptophan-associated EMS was caused by several factors and is not necessarily related to a contaminant in a single source of L-tryptophan. 2. Summary of LSRO/FASEB (1992) Report on Amino Acids As discussed earlier, LSRO/FASEB reviewed the available safety data for the following amino acids: branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine), histidine, lysine, methionine, L-phenylalanine,Ô¸$ 0*€%€%ĐĐÔ D-phenylalanine, threonine, L-tryptophan, D-tryptophan, alanine, arginine, ornithine and citrulline, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine and cystine, glutamine, glutamic acid, glycine, proline and hydroxyproline, serine, and tyrosine. For each of the amino acids, LSRO/FASEB reviewed the scientific literature from studies with experimental animals and humans. Special emphasis in the review was given to metabolism, genetic influences on metabolism, and groups with potentially higher risk for adverse health effects resulting from use of amino acids in supplements. LSRO/FASEB reached several conclusions: 1. A safe level of intake for the amino acid-containing dietary supplements in the report could not be identified. 2. There is a basis for particular concern about the use of dietary supplements containing amino acids by several subgroups of the general healthy population (e.g., women of childbearing age, especially if pregnant or lactating; infants, children, and adolescents; the elderly; individuals homozygous or heterozygous for inherited disorders of amino acid metabolism; individuals who smoke; and persons with low dietary protein intakes) and by patients with certain diseases who were considered to be at higher risk for possible adverse effects. The report concluded that use by these special groups of dietary supplements containing amino acids requires responsible medical advice and supervision. 3. The use of D-amino acids in dietary supplements is inappropriate because they have not been shown to have nutritional function in humans. 4. There is an immediate need to label dietary supplements containing amino acids to provide accurate information on chemical composition and purity of ingredients, isomeric identity, shelf life, suggested doses, and contraindications for use. LSRO/FASEB also noted the need for additional information on consumption of dietary supplements containing amino acids. 5. Based on an evaluation of the limited data on patterns of amino acid use and adverse health effects, LSRO/FASEB concluded that the safety of unrestricted use of particular amino acids in dietary supplements cannot be assumed. LSRO/FASEB recommended a systematic evaluation of certain effects of these substances, given the paucity of safety data on the amino acids in dietary supplements. FDA has reviewed the LSRO/FASEB report and notes that it is consistent with the agency's previous determination that amino acids for nutritive purposes are not GRAS. FDA solicits comments on the report and submission of data that was not included in the report. Ô {Mŕ ÔĂĂF. FDA's Task Force Discussion on Amino AcidsÄÄ As discussed earlier, amino acids were one category of ingredients of dietary supplements considered by the Task Force. The Task Force suggested several options for the agency to consider in the regulation of amino acid-containing dietary supplements. One option is to regulate single amino acids and mixtures of amino acids as drugs when marketed for any use other than those specified in the GRAS and food additive regulations. A second regulatory option identified in the report is to regulate amino acids in supplements as food additives or GRAS substances with a DSL low enough to ensure safety, unless drug claims are made, in which case the products would be drugs. The Task Force recognized that if the latter option were adopted by the agency, a DSL for each amino acid would have to be established. The Task Force recommended that amino acid-containing dietary supplements be regulated as drugs. This recommendation was based, in part, on information presented indicating that the primary intended use of these products is for therapeutic rather than nutritional purposes. The Task Force pointed to the wide marketing of amino acids for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease or to affect the structure of the body through such claims as ``Nature's Tranquilizer,'' `` * * * stimulates the immune system * * *,'' `` * * * reduce craving for alcohol and sweets * * *,'' `` * * * used in the treatment of alcoholism, * * * '' and ``used in the treatment of schizophrenia and senility.'' Ô {Mđ# ÔĂĂG. Request for Public Comment on Regulatory Approach to Amino Acid Dietary Supplement ProductsÄÄ Ô¸$0*€%€%ĐĐԌ Based on the foregoing, it is clear that many amino acid products are being marketed in violation of the act because they are unapproved food additives, and adequate scientific evidence to ensure their safe use does not exist, or because they are being marketed for therapeutic uses, and the drug requirements of the act have not been satisfied for these uses. FDA intends to bring amino acid-containing supplements into compliance with the law. As part of this effort, FDA is providing, with the publication of this document, an opportunity for interested persons to submit data and information on the safety and intended uses of amino acids, as well as support for claims being made for them. Amino acid-containing supplements that are marketed for use as drugs must comply with the drug provisions of the act. In this regard, FDA will consider whether the drug uses of particular amino acids are so well established and widespread as to justify rulemaking to establish as a matter of law that these products are drugs. For those amino acid supplements intended for food (nutritional) use, interested parties should provide FDA with data or other information that provide a basis upon which these products can be legally marketed under the food provisions of the act. Issues for consideration include how to satisfy the requirement under section 409 of the act ``that intended effects be demonstrated,'' whether amino acids in dietary supplements have a nutritional purpose, and on what evidence the agency can determine that the use of amino acids in dietary supplements is safe. FDA will consider any data and comments submitted in response to this document in forming its regulatory and enforcement strategy with respect to amino acid-containing products. However, FDA notes that while it will review the comments that it receives, the agency will continue to take regulatory action as appropriate to address safety or other consumer protection concerns. Ô yO  ÔĂ ĂIV. HerbsÄ Ä Ô {M0 ÔĂĂA. Use of Herbal Dietary SupplementsÄÄ Herbal and other botanical ingredients of dietary supplements include processed or unprocessed plant parts (bark, leaves, flowers, fruits, and stems) as well as extracts of essential oils. They are available in a variety of forms, such as teas, powders, tablets, capsules, and elixirs. Botanicals are marketed either as single substances or in combination with other materials, including vitamins and minerals, amino acids, and nonnutrient ingredients. They are marketed for children and adults. Data on the availability of, and consumer use of, botanical products are very limited. Ô {Mp ÔĂĂB. Regulatory History and Current Regulatory Status of HerbsÄÄ Many herbs and other botanical ingredients have been used in foods as flavoring agents. However, there are also many herbs that have no known history of food use and, even without drug claims, are used for medical purposes. Many of these herbs have a history of use as traditional medicines in many countries outside of the United States. The GRAS and food additive regulations list a number of herbs and herbal products and vegetable gums. However, the data that were used to form the basis for most of these regulations were related to such intended uses as flavoring agent, stabilizer, thickener, formulation aid, emulsifier, or firming agent and did not necessarily reflect the levels at which, or forms in which, they have been used in dietary supplements. Food-use herbs are subject to the food additive provisions of the act (sections 201(s) and 409 of the act). Because the act does not explicitly restrict marketing to substances whose safety has been determined by FDA, many of these substances are marketed without any safety review by the agency, based, presumably, on a GRAS determination by the marketer. Ô {M`" ÔĂĂC. Issues of ConcernÄÄ While many ingredients in herbal dietary supplements have not been associated with specific health concerns, some components contained in these products have been associated with reports of adverse health effects or toxicitiesÔ¸$0*€%€%ĐĐÔ in animals and humans. For example, recently, at least six documented cases of toxic hepatitis have been associated Ô {OČ Ôwith the consumption of chaparral (ĂĂLarrea tridentataÄÄ) (Refs. 29, 30, 34, and 35). There have been several cases of Ô {O’ Ôadverse reactions associated with the consumption of dietary supplements containing ĂĂLobelia inflata ÄÄ(lobelia, Indian Ô {O\ Ôtobacco) (Ref. 36). Germander (genus ĂĂTeucriumÄÄ) has been recently implicated in at least seven cases of acute nonviral hepatitis in France (Ref. 32). Chronic renal failure has been reported to have occurred as the result of Ô {Oî Ôconsumption of herbal powders containing ĂĂStephania tetrandra ÄÄand ĂĂMagnolia officinalis ÄÄ(Ref. 43). Ô {O¸ Ô The use of yohimbe (ĂĂPausinystalia yohimbeÄÄ) in dietary supplements such as body building products appears to be increasing. The known pharmacologically active components of yohimbe are yohimbine and related alkaloids. Yohimbine causes vasodilation, thereby lowering blood pressure. Other actions of yohimbine include antagonism of neurotransmitters and their precursors. Its use is contraindicated for certain medical conditions or with concurrent use of drugs or foods that exhibit monamine oxidase activity because of increased potential for adverse effects. Ô {O˘ Ô Human toxicity, including fatalities, have been associated with consumption of the ĂĂSymphytum ÄÄ(comfrey and Ô {Ol ÔRussian comfrey) ĂĂHeliotropium ÄÄand ĂĂSenecio ÄÄspecies (Ref. 33). The scientific literature documents the toxicity of these and other pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA)-containing plants (Refs. 43 and 44). Some of these plant materials are taken as teas or in capsules for a variety of suggested medical effects or simply as beverages. There are reports that PA causes liver injury and failure secondary to veno-occlusive disease (i.e., blocking the veins that remove blood from the liver). There have been sporadic cases reported, as well as reported epidemics, involving many thousand of people, of serious liver injury from consumption of flours contaminated with pyrrolizidine alkaloid (Refs. 45 and 46). Toxicity associated with PA-containing plants can occur, and has occurred, after relatively short use (a few weeks and at relatively low doses). Liver failure, cirrhosis, and death (approximately 25 percent of 7,500 affected individuals in an outbreak in Afghanistan) can result. PA toxicity can even occur in newborns whose mothers have ingested PA-containing plant materials. Infants appear to be particularly sensitive to the effects of PA's, and fatal hepatic disease has been reported in a newborn infant whose mother consumed PA-containing products during pregnancy (Ref. 47). Several animal studies have demonstrated that the toxicity of PA's and PA-containing plants, including comfrey, can cause cancer in test animals (Refs. 48, 49, and 50). Ô {M^ ÔĂĂD. Request for Public CommentÄÄ FDA requests data and information from marketers of herbal products and other interested parties that will assist the agency in evaluating the safety of particular herbal products and herbal products as a category. FDA intends to explore approaches to regulations that will enable it to ensure the safety of herbal products in an effective and efficient manner. FDA's immediate goal with respect to herbal products is to ensure their safety and to remove hazardous products from the market. FDA is aware that many herbal products are marketed for drug uses without having complied with the drug approval requirements. When appropriate, FDA will take regulatory action against these products on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the priorities established in FDA's health fraud program. FDA requests comments on the following questions: 1. How should the requirement under section 409 of the act that the tolerance limitation not be set higher than the level necessary to accomplish the additive's intended physical or other technical effect be satisfied? 2. Should FDA consider another approach to regulating the safety of herbs? If so, what should it be? What should the standard be for determining when the use of the herb is safe? 3. What types of data are necessary for establishing safe levels of use for herbs (e.g., no effect levels, clinical studies, reports of adverse effects)? 4. What information should be included on the label to assure safe use of herbal products? 5. It is necessary to establish specifications and good manufacturing practices to assure the safety of herbal products? Ôţ#0*€%€%ĐĐԌÔ yO ÔĂ ĂV. Other Components of Dietary SupplementsÄ Ä Ô {M ÔĂĂA. Use of ``Other'' Category SupplementsÄÄ This category includes a broad array of substances that are offered for sale as components of dietary supplements, including fish and plant oils, fatty acids, fibers and vegetable gums, and carnitine. Some of the ingredients in this broad category are concentrated substances that occur naturally in plant and animal products. In addition, many of these substances have no recognized nutritive value or technical effects. Fish and plant oil fatty acids and other lipids are available as ingredients in capsules or as oils. They include the ingredients menhaden oil, flax seed oil, black currant oil, oil of evening primrose, fish oils and omega-3-fatty acids, essential fatty acids, phytosterols, and others. A recent dietary supplement advertising survey (Ref. 4) found that lipid ingredients accounted for about 4 percent of the ingredients in products advertised in health magazines. Dietary fiber is available in products either singly or as mixtures. Major types of fiber include cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, mucilages, gums, algal polysaccharides, and lignins. Common sources of some of these substances are wheat bran, psyllium, guar gum, and apple pectin. Products containing dietary fiber have been offered for nonfood uses, e.g., as an appetite suppressant. Data and information on the current marketing and use of these ``other'' dietary supplement products are sparse. The following discussion reflects the information that is available. Ô {MŘ ÔĂĂB. Regulatory History and Current Status of ``Other'' Category SupplementsÄÄ The agency has considered these products to be subject to the food provisions of the act, except when therapeutic, disease prevention, or structure/function claims not related to nutritive value are made about the products. As food ingredients, these substances are subject to the food additive provisions of the act (sections 201(s) and 409 of the act). However, because, as stated previously, the act does not restrict marketing to substances whose safety has been determined by FDA, many of these substances have been marketed without any safety review by the agency, although they are subject to regulatory action by the agency. The GRAS regulations list a number of vegetable gums, but the data that were used as the basis for most of these regulations were related to intended uses such as stabilizer, thickener, formulation aid, emulsifier, or firming agent and did not necessarily reflect the amounts or forms in which they are used as sources of fiber in dietary supplements. For many of these ingredients, there are no GRAS or food additive regulations in effect, and FDA has no basis on which to determine if the ingredient is GRAS. Ô {MČ ÔĂĂC. Issues of ConcernÄÄ Products in this ``other'' category are readily available in the marketplace, even though generally very little is known about their safety. Although many of these products contain ingredients that are known to be present in the human body, these ingredients may be part of the normal diet. Some of these compounds have been associated with serious toxicity. For example, the compound gamma hydroxy butyrate (GHB) is ubiquitous in the human body, although its function is unknown. In the recent past, use of GHB in dietary supplements became popular as a sleep aid and also as a weightlifting aid. However, reports of serious adverse reactions observed in association with GHB became common throughout the country. These reports included respiratory depression, coma, seizures, and other serious reactions. As a result of these reports, FDA issued a consumer alert on this product. Toxicity from chronic use of germanium supplements includes nephrotoxicity that has resulted in death. In surviving patients, renal function has improved after discontinuation of germanium supplementation. However, in no case has recovery been complete (Ref. 38). Ô {M¸$ ÔĂĂD. Task Force Report on ``Other Components''ÄÄÔ¸$0*€%€%ĐĐԌ™ The Task Force's description of the ``all other substances'' category included nonessential chemical compounds, herbs without a history of documented traditional food use, and plant and animal extracts. Dietary fiber and certain fatty acids were not considered in the Task Force report. The Task Force recommended that the agency find an effective means of ensuring safe use of this ``other'' category of ingredients. Among the possible options suggested by the Task Force were to continue regulating these ingredients as food additives, to require a description of the nutrient value on the label of foods containing these ingredients, and to bring actions against these substances when they are represented as drugs. Ô {M@ ÔĂĂE. Request for Public CommentÄÄ FDA requests comment on the following: 1. How should the requirement under section 409 of the act that the tolerance limitation not be set higher than the level necessary to accomplish the additive's intended physical or other technical effect be satisfied? 2. If current procedures are followed, what safety factor or margin of safety is appropriate? 3. Should FDA consider another approach to regulating safety? If so, what should it be? What should the standard be for determining when the use of the substance is safe? 4. What types of data are necessary for establishing safe levels of use for these substances (e.g., no effect levels, clinical studies, reports of adverse effects)? 5. What information should be included on the label to assure safe use of these substances? 6. Is it necessary to establish specifications and good manufacturing practices to assure the safety of these substances? FDA is also soliciting comments on the availability, sources, ranges, and current uses of ``other'' ingredients, as well as information/comments on changing patterns of use of these substances over the last 20 to 30 years. Additionally, FDA is seeking suggestions to further define this category of ingredients. Ô yOˆ ÔĂ ĂVI. Possible Future ActionsÄ Ä The agency will review the data and information that it receives in response to this document and will develop appropriate steps to assure the safety and proper labeling of dietary supplements. The agency will consider the array of options presented in this document and suggested in comments received to plan next steps. These next steps may include rulemaking, enforcement action, or other appropriate activities. Ô yO ÔĂ ĂVII. ReferencesÄ Ä The following references have been placed on display in the Dockets Management Branch (address above) and may be seen by interested persons between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. 1. Bender, M. M., A. S. Levy, R. S. Schucker, E. A. Yetley, ``Trends in Prevalence and Magnitude of Vitamin Ô {O° Ôand Mineral Supplement Usage and Correlation With Health Status,'' ĂĂJournal of the American Dietetic Association, Ô yOz ÔÄÄ92:1096 - 1101, 1992. 2. FDA, ``Task force on Dietary Supplements Final Report,'' May 1992. 3. Committee on Diet and Health, Food and Nutrition Board, Commission of Life Sciences, National Research Council, ``Dietary Supplements, ``Diet and Health: Implications for Reducing Chronic Disease Risk,'' National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1989. 4. Philen, R. M., D. I. Oritz, S. B. Auerbach, H. Falk, ``Survey of Advertising for Nutritional Supplements in Ô {O*# ÔHealth and Bodybuilding Magazines,'' ĂĂJournal of the American Medical Association, ÄÄ268:1008 - 1011, 1992. 15. Council for Responsible Nutrition, 1990 Overview of the Nutritional Supplement Market, 1991.Ôô#0*€%€%ĐĐԌ 6. Moss, A. J., A. S. Levy, I. Kim, Y. K. Park, ``Use of Vitamin and Mineral Supplements in the United States: Current Users, Types of Products and Nutrients,'' Advance Data, National Center for Health Statistics, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, No. 174, July 18, 1989. 7. Park, Y. K., I. Kim, E. A. Yetley, ``Characteristics of Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Products in the United Ô {O  ÔStates,'' ĂĂAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, ÄÄ54L:750 - 59, 1991. 8. Park, Y. K., memo to file, 1993. Ô {O˛ Ô 9. Hathcock, J. N., D. G. Hattan, M. Y. Jenkins, et at., ``Evaluation of Vitamin A Toxicity,'' ĂĂAmerican Journal Ô {O| Ôof Clinical Nutrition, ÄÄ52:183 - 202. 10. Geubel, A. P., C. DeGalocsy, N. Alves, et al., ``Liver Damage Caused by Therapeutic Vitamin A Ô {O ÔAdministration: Estimate of Dose-Related Toxicity in 41 Cases,'' ĂĂGastroenterology, ÄÄ100:1701 - 1706, 1991. Ô {OŘ Ô 11. Dalton, K. I., M. J. Dalton, ``Characteristics of Pyridoxine Overdose Neuropathy Syndrome,'' ĂĂActa Ô {O˘ ÔNeurological Scandinavica, ÄÄ76:8 - 11, 1987. Ô {Ol Ô 12. Parry, G. J., D. E. Bredesen, ``Sensory Neuropathy With Low-Dose Pyridoxine,'' ĂĂNeurology, ÄÄ35:1446 - 1468, 1985. 13. Rader, J. I., R. J. Calvert, J. N. Hathcock, ``Hepatic Toxicity of Unmodified and Time-Release Preparations Ô {OĆ Ôof Niacin,'' ĂĂAmerican Journal of Medicine, ÄÄ92:77 - 81, 1992. 14. Dearing, B. D., C. J. Lavie, T. P. Lohman, E. Genton, ``Niacin-Induced Clotting Factory Synthesis Deficiency Ô {OX ÔWith Coagulopathy,'' ĂĂArchives of Internal Medicine, ÄÄ152:861 - 863, 1992. Ô {O" Ô 15. Dalton, T. A., R. S. Berry, ``Hepatoxicity Associated With Sustained-Release Niacin,'' ĂĂAmerican Journal of Ô {Oě ÔMedicine, ÄÄ93:102 - 104, 1992. Ô {Oś Ô 16. Hathcock, J. N., J. I. Rader, ``Micronutrient Safety,'' ĂĂAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences, ÄÄ587:257 - 266, 1990. 17. LSRO, ``Guidelines for Safety Evaluation of Nutrients,'' June 1980, Life Sciences Research Office, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814. 18. LSRO/FASEB, ``Feasibility of Identifying Adverse Health Effects of Vitamins and Essential Minerals in Man,'' Bethesda, MD, June 1980. 19. LSRO/FASEB, ``Suggested Measures of Nutritional Status and Health Conditions for the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,'' Bethesda, MD, November 1985. 20. LSRO/FASEB, ``Safety of Amino Acids Used as Dietary Supplements,'' Bethesda, MD, July 1992. 21. FDC Act Trade Correspondence, TC - 387, June 23, 1942. 22. HHS News, P89 - 47, November 11, 1989. 23. HHS News, P89 - 49, November 17, 1989. 24. FDA Import Alert No. 54 - 04 (Revision). 25. FDA Import Alert No. 54 - 04 (Revision), March 22, 1990. 26. HHS News, P90 - 21, March 22, 1990. 27. Swygert, L. A., E. F. Maes, L. E. Sewell, et al., ``Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome Results of National Ô {O8 ÔSurveillance,'' ĂĂJournal of the American Medical Association, ÄÄ264:1698 - 1703, 1990. 28. Love, A. L., J. I. Rader, L. J. Crofford et al., R. B. Raybourne, M. A. Principato, S. W. Page, M. W. Trucksess, M. J. Smith, E. M. Dugan, M. L. Turner, E. Zelazowski, P. Zelazowski, E. M. Sternber, ``Pathological and Immunological Effects of Ingesting L-Tryptophan and 1,1 - Ethylidenebis (L-Tryptophan) in Lewis Rats,'' Ô {OZ ÔĂĂJournal of Clinical Investigation, ÄÄ91:804 - 811, 1993. Ô {O$ Ô 29. ``Chaparral-Induced Toxic Hepatitis-California and Texas,'' ĂĂMorbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, ÄÄ41:812 - 4, 1992. 30. HHS News, P92 - 38, December 10, 1992. 31. Varro, T. E., ``The New Honest Herbal,'' George F. Stickley Co., Philadelphia, PA, 1987. Ô {OF# Ô 32. Larrey, D., T. Vial, A. Pauwels, et al., ``Hepatitis After Germander (ĂĂTeucrium ChamaedrysÄÄ) Administration: Ô {O$ ÔAnother Instance of Herbal Medicine Hepatoxicity,'' ĂĂAnnals of Internal Medicine, ÄÄ117:129 - 1322, 1992.Ô$0*€%€%ĐĐԌÔ {O Ô 33. Winship, ``Toxicity of Comfrey,'' ĂĂAdverse Drug React Toxicology ReviewÄÄ,'' 10:47 - 59, 1991. 34. FDA Talk Paper, T - 92 - 70, December 11, 1992. Ô {O’ Ô 35. Katz, M., Saibil, F., ``Herbal Hepatitis: Subacute Hepatic Necrosis Secondary to Chaparral Leaf,'' ĂĂJournal Ô {O\ Ôof Clinical Gastroenterology, ÄÄ12:203 - 206, 1990. 36. FDA Consumer, 19:41, 1985. 37. HHS News, P - 90 - 53, November 8, 1990. 38. Takeuchi, A., N. Yoshizawa, S. Oshima, et al., ``Nephrotoxicity of Germanium Compounds: Report of a Case Ô {O~ Ôand Review of the Literature,'' ĂĂNephron, ÄÄ60:436 - 442, 1992. Ô {OH Ô 39. Varga, J., J. Uitto, S. Jimenez, ``The Cause and Pathogenesis of Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome,'' ĂĂAnnals Ô {O Ôof Internal Medicine, ÄÄ116:140 - 147, 1992. 40. Blauvelt, A., V. Falanga, ``Idiopathic and L-tryptophan-Associated Eosinophilic Fasciitis Before and After Ô {O¤ ÔL-Tryptophan Contamination,'' ĂĂArchives of Dermatology, ÄÄ127:1159 - 1166, 1991. 41. Hibbs, J. R., B. Mittleman, P. Hill, T. A. Medsger, ``L-Tryptophan-Associated Eosinophilic Fasciitis Prior Ô {O6 Ôto the 1989 Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome Outbreak,'' ĂĂArthritis and Rheumatism, ÄÄ35:299 - 303, 1992. 42. Van Herweghem, J. L., M. Depierreux, et al., ``Rapidly Progressive Interstitial Renal Fibrosis in Young Ô {OČ ÔWomen: Association With Slimming Regimen Including Chinese Herbs,'' ĂĂLancet, ÄÄ34:387 - 391, February 1993. Ô {O’ Ô 43. Huxtable, R. J., ``The Myth of Beneficent Nature: The Roles of Herbal Preparations,'' ĂĂAnnals of Internal Ô {O\ ÔMedicine, ÄÄ117:165 - 166, 1992. Ô {O& Ô 44. Huxtable, R. J., ``The Harmful Potential of Herbal and Other Plant Products,'' ĂĂDrug Safety, ÄÄ5:126 - 136, 1990. Ô {O¸ Ô 45. Tandon, B. N. et al., ``An Epidemic of Veno-Occlusive Disease of Liver in Central India,'' ĂĂLancet, ÄÄ2:271 - 272, 1976. Ô {OJ Ô 46. Tandon, B. N. et al., ``An Epidemic of Veno-Occlusive Disease of the Liver in Afghanistan, ĂĂAmerican Ô {O ÔJournal of Gastroenterology, ÄÄ70:607 - 613, 1978. Ô {OŢ Ô 47. Huxtable, R. J., ``Human Embryotoxicity of Pyrrolizidine-Containing Drugs,'' ĂĂHepatologyÄÄ, 9:510 - 511, 1989. Ô {O¨ Ô 48. Svoboda D. J. and J. K. Reddy, ``Malignant Tumors in Rats Given Lasiocarpine,'' ĂĂCancer Research, ÄÄ32:908 - 912, 1972. Ô {O: Ô 49. Hirono, I. et al., ``Carcinogenic Activity of Symphytum Officinale,'' ĂĂJournal of the National Cancer Institute, Ô yO ÔÄÄ61:865 - 869, 1978. Ô {OĚ Ô 50. Morton J. F., ``The Potential Carcinogenicity of Herbal Tea,'' Environmental Carcinogenesis Reviews, ĂĂJournal Ô {O– Ôof Environmental Science and Health, ÄÄ4:203 - 223, 1986. Ô yO( ÔĂ ĂVIII. CommentsÄ Ä Interested persons may, on or before July 19, 1993, submit to the Dockets Management Branch (HFA - 305), Food and Drug Administration, rm. 1 - 23, 12420 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, MD 20857, written comments regarding this proposal. Two copies of any comments are to be submitted, except that individuals may submit one copy. Comments are to be identified with the docket number found in brackets in the heading of this document. Received comments may be seen in the office above between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. This document is issued under sections 201, 301, 402, 403, 409, 501, 502, 505, 701 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 342, 343, 348, 351, 352, 355, 371); and the Dietary Supplement Act (Pub. L. 102 - 571). Dated: June 9, 1993. Ô yOˆ" ÔĐĐÔ!ýÔĂĂMichael R. Taylor,ÄÄ Ô {MP# ÔÔ*ěÔĐĐÔ °ÔĐĐÔ}ÔĂĂDeputy Commissioner for Policy.ÄÄ Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô[FR Doc. 93 - 14271 Filed 6 - 17 - 93; 8:45 am]Ô$0*€%€%ĐĐԌÔ yO ÔĂ ĂBILLING CODE 4160 - 01 - PÄ Ä Áŕdě ÁŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔƒ Áŕdě ÁŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔƒ Ô yO ÔĐĐÔ  ÔĂ ĂDEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESÄ Ä Ô yOĐ ÔÔ*ěÔĐĐÔ °ÔĂ ĂFood and Drug AdministrationÄ Ä Ô yO( ÔĐĐÔ#€ÔĂ Ă21 CFR Part 101Ä Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Ô yO¸ ÔĂ Ă[Docket No. 85N - 061D]Ä Ä Ô yO€ ÔĂ ĂRIN 0905 - AD96Ä Ä Ô yO ÔĐĐÔ;ÔĂ ĂFood Labeling; General Requirements for Health Claims for Dietary SupplementsÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Ô yO  ÔĂ ĂAGENCY: Ä ÄFood and Drug Administration, HHS. Ô yO0 ÔĂ ĂACTION: Ä ÄProposed rule. Áŕdě ÁŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔƒ Ô yOŕ ÔĂ ĂSUMMARY: Ä ÄThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to revise its food labeling regulations to make dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other similar nutritional substances subject to the general requirements that apply to all other types of food with respect to the use of health claims that characterize the relationship of a substance to a disease or health-related condition on the label and in labeling, and the content of petitions for obtaining approval of such health claims. These rules are being proposed in response to provisions of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (the 1990 amendments) and the Dietary Supplement Act of 1992 (the DS act) that bear on health claims. Ô yO  ÔĂ ĂDATES: Ä ÄWritten comments by July 19, 1993. The agency is proposing that any final rule that may issue based upon this proposal become effective 6 months following its publication. Ô yOx ÔĂ ĂADDRESSES: Ä ÄWritten comments to the Dockets Management Branch (HFA - 305), Food and Drug Administration, rm. 1 - 23, 12420 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, MD 20857. Ô yOĐ ÔĂ ĂFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ä ÄJames R. Taylor, Jr., Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFF - 158), Food and Drug Administration, 200 C St. SW., Washington, DC 20204, 202 - 205 - 5229. Ô yO(# ÔĂ ĂSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:Ä Ä Ô yO¸$ ÔĂ ĂÄ ÄI. BackgroundÔ¸$0*€%€%ĐĐԌ™ On November 8, 1990, the President signed into law the 1990 amendments (Pub. L. 101 - 535). This new law amended the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) in a number of important ways. One of the notable aspects of the 1990 amendments is their confirmation of FDA's authority to regulate health claims on food labels and in food labeling. The new provisions amend the act by adding a provision, section 403(r)(1)(B) of the act (21 U.S.C. 343(r)(1)(B)), that provides that a product is misbranded if it bears a claim that characterizes the relationship of a nutrient to a disease or health-related condition, unless the claim is made in accordance with sections 403(r)(3) of the act (which pertains to foods in conventional form) or 403(r)(5)(D) (which pertains to dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other similar nutritional substances (subsequently referred to in this preamble as ``dietary supplements'')). Congress enacted the health claims provisions of the 1990 amendments to help U.S. consumers maintain healthy dietary practices and to protect these consumers from unfounded health claims. The House Report of June 13, 1990 states, ``Health claims supported by a significant scientific agreement can reinforce the Surgeon General's recommendations and help Americans to maintain a balanced and healthful diet'' (Ref. 1). In addition, the statement of the House Floor Managers noted that ``There is a great potential for defrauding consumers if food is sold that contains inaccurate or unsupportable health claims'' (Ref. 2). The House Report characterized the need for regulation of health claims as ``compelling'' (Ref. 1). FDA's first step in support of the health claims goals of the 1990 amendments appeared in the form of a November 27, 1991, proposed health claims regulation (56 FR 60537) (hereinafter referred to as ``the health claims proposal''). That document proposed to establish general requirements pertaining to the use of health claims that characterize the relationship of a substance to a disease or health-related condition on the labels and in labeling of both conventional foods and dietary supplements. The health claims proposal contained definitions to clarify the meaning of specific terms used in the regulations, preliminary requirements that a component of food must meet to be eligible to be the subject of a health claim, a scientific standard for assessing the validity of claims, general labeling requirements for health claims that are permitted by regulation, and prohibitions for certain types of health claims. The proposal also contained provisions pertaining to the required content of petitions for health claims. In response to the health claims proposal, FDA received over 6,000 letters, each containing one or more comments, from consumers, health care professionals, universities, State and local governments, foreign governments, trade organizations, consumer advocacy organizations, research institutes, industry, and professional organizations. Many of the comments pertained to dietary supplements. The agency summarized and addressed the issues raised Ô yO¨ Ôin the comments in the final rule on health claims that published in the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof January 6, 1993 (58 FR 2478) (hereinafter referred to as ``the health claims final rule''). The health claims final rule became effective on May 8, 1993. Although the health claims proposal pertained to dietary supplements as well as conventional food, the final rule applied only to foods in conventional food form. In October of 1992, Congress passed the DS act (Pub. L. 102 - 571), which imposed a moratorium on FDA implementation of the 1990 amendments with respect to dietary supplements not in conventional food form until December 15, 1993. The DS act provides that by June 15, 1993, FDA is to issue proposed rules to implement the 1990 amendments with respect to such dietary supplements, and that the agency is to issue final rules based on these proposals by December 31, 1993. The DS act also amended the 1990 amendments to state that if the agency does not meet the established timeframe for issuance of final rules with respect to health claims for dietary supplements, the proposed regulations are to be considered final regulations. According to the managers' statements on the DS act (Ref. 3), the moratorium is intended to provide FDA with an opportunity to carefully consider how best to regulate dietary supplements. The Senate statement says that the agency is expected to develop a comprehensive approach for reforming the regulation of dietary supplements. That statement stresses the policy goal of the DS act: * * * [T]he American public must be assured that the dietary supplements they choose to consume are safe, made to quality standards, bear informative labeling, and that health or disease-related claims are properly supported. Ô¸$0*€%€%ĐĐԌ(138 Congressional Record S 17240 (October 6, 1992).) FDA has considered how best to regulate health claims on dietary supplements in developing this proposal. Implementation of the 1990 amendments with respect to dietary supplements occurs under section 403(r)(1)(B) and (r)(5)(D) of the act. The latter provision states that health claims made with respect to dietary supplements are not subject to section 403(r)(3) of the act, the general provision that applies to such claims, but instead are subject to a standard and procedure respecting the validity of such claims established by regulation by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the Secretary) (and FDA, by delegation). As is explained fully in the preambles of the health claims proposal (56 FR 60537 at 60539 through 60540) and of the health claims final rule (58 FR 2478 at 2507), the absence of a specific standard or procedure in section 403(r)(5)(D) of the act gives the agency broad discretion in deciding what the appropriate standard and procedure should be. The purpose of this proposal is to set out the agency's tentative conclusions, and the basis for those tentative conclusions, as to how this fundamental issue with respect to health claims on dietary supplements not in conventional food form should be resolved. This proposal does not pertain to any other products. FDA's determinations about the implementation of the 1990 amendments with respect to food in conventional form, as set forth in the health claims final rule (58 FR 2478), are not open to any reconsideration or revision in the rulemaking initiated by this proposal. The 1990 amendments also require that the agency evaluate 10 specific nutrient/disease relationships. In the Ô yO€ ÔĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof January 6, 1993 (58 FR 2537 through 2849), the agency issued regulations announcing its decisions on each of these 10 relationships with respect to foods in conventional food form. However, under section 202(a)(1) and (b) of the DS act, while dietary supplements could bear health claims that the agency authorized for conventional foods that applied to them, the agency could not act to deny claims on any of the 10 relationships for dietary supplements. The agency is not at this time proposing to authorize specific health claims for dietary supplements. In the case of the nutrient/disease relationships for calcium and osteoporosis, sodium and hypertension, dietary fat and cancer, and dietary saturated fat and cholesterol and coronary heart disease, no further rulemaking is needed for dietary supplements because FDA has authorized health claims for these relationships for conventional food and, as mentioned above, section 202(b) of the DS act provides for such claims appearing on dietary supplements. FDA does, Ô yOP Ôhowever contemplate further proceedings in the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄwhere the nutrient/disease relationships have not been resolved with respect to dietary supplements (i.e., for dietary fiber and cardiovascular disease, dietary fiber and cancer, folic acid and neural tube defects, zinc and immune function in the elderly, omega-3 fatty acids and coronary heart disease, and antioxidant vitamins and cancer). FDA intends to make additional efforts to ensure that the proposals that it issues are consistent with all available science. For example, to this end, the agency has initiated a review by its subcommittee of the Food Advisory Committee to assess the relationship of folic acid and neural tube defects. Ô yO ÔĂ ĂII. Regulatory ApproachÄ Ä Ô {M  ÔĂĂA. General ApproachÄÄ In deciding how best to regulate health claims on dietary supplements the agency used as its starting point the legislative history of the 1990 amendments. The agency tried to identify those characteristics of health claims that Congress considered most significant in providing for their use. FDA found that these characteristics fall within three broad areas of concern--consumer protection from fraud, sound scientific principles, and public health. 1. Legislative History Ô {O˜! Ô a. ĂĂConsumer fraud. ÄÄConcern about misleading health claims is directly addressed in the legislative history of the 1990 amendments. House Report 101 - 538 (Ref. 1) states: The need for legislation regarding health claims on foods is equally compelling. While content claims about theÔň#0*€%€%ĐĐÔ amounts of nutrients in foods have been made for many years, very few, if any, disease claims were made prior to 1984. Until that time, the FDA took the position that the statement that a food could prevent a disease was tantamount to a claim that the food was a drug as defined in section 201(g)(1) of the FFDC Act, and therefore that its sale was prohibited until a new drug application had been approved pursuant to section 505 of the Act. 21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1), 355; 21 CFR 101.9(i). However, during the mid-1980's, companies began making health claims on foods, even though the FDA had not approved the claims through the drug approval process. These statements claimed that the food was valuable in the prevention or treatment of various diseases. Subsequently, the FDA published proposed regulations that sanctioned this practice by permitting manufacturers to make disease-specific claims that had not met the FFDC Act's requirements applicable to drugs. 52 Fed. Reg. 28,843 (August 4, 1987). In the meantime, health claims that the FDA had previously prohibited began appearing with increasing frequency, and the FDA brought virtually no enforcement actions. In a speech given to the National Food Policy Conference (March 7, 1990), Secretary Sullivan acknowledged that ``unfounded health claims are being made in the marketplace * * *.'' Mr. Waxman, one of the primary authors of the bill that ultimately became the 1990 amendments (H.R. 12953), stated: Health claims were not permitted on foods until the 1980's. But when the FDA relaxed enforcement of regulations during the early years of the Reagan administration, it lost control of the marketplace, and many unfounded claims began being used on foods. This bill will recognize the marketplace so that only truthful claims may be made on foods. Moreover, in a statement shortly before final House passage of the 1990 amendments, the House Floor Managers noted that ``There is a great potential for defrauding consumers if food is sold that contains inaccurate or unsupportable health claims'' (Ref. 2). Similarly, one of the main sponsors of the legislation in the Senate, Senator Metzenbaum, listed consumer fraud as one of the primary concerns of any system to evaluate the validity of health claims (Ref. 5). Thus, concern that health claims not be used to defraud or mislead consumers was a primary factor in Congress's decision that health claims should be regulated. Ô {Op Ô b. ĂĂPublic health. ÄÄThe debates in both the Senate and the House of Representatives that preceded passage of the 1990 amendments contain repeated references to the congressional goal of improvement of the public health through use of valid and understandable claims in food labeling. In the July 30, 1990, Congressional Record H 5843 (Ref. 4), Mr. Madigan, one of the primary authors of the bill that ultimately became the 1990 amendments (H.R. 3562), stated: In the past few years, important scientific evidence has been repeatedly reported that clearly links dietary habits to good health. For this reason, the need to provide consumers with better information about the foods they eat is important. House Report 101 - 538 (Ref. 1), which addresses H.R. 3562, states: Health claims supported by significant scientific agreement can reinforce the Surgeon General['s] recommendations and help Americans to maintain a balanced and healthful diet. Similarly, statements regarding the level of these nutrients in foods will assist Americans in following the Surgeon General's guidelines. Therefore, legislation with respect to health claims is also both desirable and necessary. Ôň#0*€%€%ĐĐԌ In the October 24, 1990, Congressional Record at S 16608 (Ref. 5), Mr. Metzenbaum, one of the primary authors of the Senate amendments that were incorporated into the 1990 amendments, characterized this legislation as ``a major step forward in enabling consumers to select foods to protect and improve their health.'' In this same Congressional Record at S 16610 (Ref. 5), Mr. Hatch, the other primary author of the Senate amendments stated: Heart disease, cancer, and stroke--our Nos. 1, 2, and 3 causes of death--still take an incredible toll in our society. In 1986, they took an estimated 1.6 million lives and cost $137 billion in medical care and lost productivity. Diet has been implicated as a factor in all three of these diseases as well as large number of others. Ô {O Ô c. ĂĂSound science. ÄÄCongress recognized that if health claims are to protect consumers from fraud and to help improve the public health, they must be based on sound science. Congressman Waxman stated: What we have sought to do is to permit health claims but only health claims based on scientifically valid information, and we hope by having that scientifically valid information upon which a health claim can by made, that health claims in the future will be healthful and not misleading. (136 Congressional Record H 5844 (July 30, 1990).) Senator Metzenbaum also listed sound scientific principles among the basic factors that must underlie any system for health claims (Ref. 5). 2. The Standard for Food in Conventional Food Form In the case of food in conventional food form, Congress provided specific direction about the essential elements necessary to ensure that health claims are scientifically valid. Congress enacted a scientific standard in section 403(r)(3)(B)(i) of the act for these foods that provides that the Secretary (and FDA, by delegation) shall promulgate regulations authorizing nutrient health claims only if the totality of publicly available scientific evidence (including evidence from well-designed studies conducted in a manner which is consistent with generally recognized scientific procedures and principles) supports the claim, and there is significant scientific agreement among qualified experts that the claim is supported by such evidence. In addition, where health claims can be justified for food in conventional food form, Congress enacted provisions about the manner in which the claims must be presented in labeling to ensure that they will be understandable. Section 403(r)(3)(B)(ii) of the act requires that a regulation authorizing a health claim describe the relationship between the nutrient and the disease or health-related condition and describe the significance of the nutrient in affecting the disease or health-related condition. Section 403(r)(3)(B)(iii) of the act requires that the claim be * * * stated in a manner so that the claim is an accurate representation of the matters set out in subclause (ii) and so that the claim enables the public to comprehend the information provided in the claim and to understand the relative significance of such information in the context of a total daily diet. Further, Congress added section 403(r)(3)(A)(ii) to the act to provide that health claims may only be made on foods that do not contain nutrients in an amount that increases ``to persons in the general population the risk of a disease or health-related condition which is diet related, taking into account the significance of the food in the total daily diet * * *.'' However, this provision goes on to say that the Secretary may by regulation permit such a claim if he or she finds that such a claim would assist consumers in maintaining healthy dietary practices, and he or she provides for disclosure of the presence of the nutrient in conjunction with the claim. (An in-depth discussion of these statutory provisions appears in the health claims proposal (56 FR 60537 at 60539) and in the health claims final rule (see agency response to comments about general labeling requirements and prohibited health claims (58 FR 2478 at 2509 through 2522)).) 3. Treatment of Dietary SupplementsÔň#0*€%€%ĐĐԌ In the case of dietary supplements, however, Congress did not include a specific standard or specific elements as to how the claims are to be presented. Instead, Congress provided that the standard and procedure for such claims would be established by the Secretary (and FDA, by delegation) (section 403(r)(5)(D) of the act). The legislative history pertaining to this provision reveals that Congress thereby conveyed to FDA the flexibility to adopt the standard and procedure for dietary supplements that appears appropriate to the agency. The House Floor Managers statement on the 1990 amendments (Ref. 2), which was prepared by Mr. Waxman and Mr. Madigan, addresses section 403(r)(5)(D) of the act by stating, in part: The Senate version of the bill, which we are voting on today, retains this standard for all foods except vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other similar nutritional substances (referred to below as ``vitamins''). The bill requires that vitamins that include claims defined under section 403(r)(1)(B) shall be subject to a ``procedure and standard'' defined by the Secretary in regulations that require an evaluation of the validity of the claim. The FDA is given the discretion to define both the procedure and the standard because the principals in the Senate could not agree on the appropriate procedure or the appropriate standard. It is obvious from the language that the agency could adopt the same procedure and standard that Congress has adopted for disease claims on food other than vitamins; it is also obvious that it could adopt a stronger standard for vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other similar nutritional substances. In addition, the Metzenbaum-Hatch managers' statement in the Senate (Ref. 5) addresses section 403(r)(1)(B) of the act by stating, in part: The purpose for the different handling of conventional food products and dietary supplements is to provide the Secretary flexibility in the development of the procedure and standard for health claims for dietary supplements. Thus, the Senate and the House of Representatives agreed that FDA has the flexibility to adopt the standard and procedure for dietary supplements that appears appropriate to the agency. Senator Hatch left no question about his position that FDA should use this flexibility to adopt a more lenient standard (Ref. 5): By the very nature, the dietary supplements must be marketed so that the consumer is informed of the health or disease-prevention benefits that may be conferred. Greater flexibility is thus required to permit communication of these benefits. This increased regulatory flexibility is also mandated by the very rapid pace of scientific advances here and abroad linking the prevention of long-term disease to improved nutritional supplementation. For these reasons, a more lenient standard for dietary supplement[s] is envisioned. However, other members of Congress were equally clear about their position that FDA should not adopt a more lenient standard. In the October 24, 1990 Congressional Record at S 16608 (Ref. 5), Senator Metzenbaum, the other primary author of the Senate amendments, stated: * * * It is my view that there is no reason to do anything other than utilize the same procedure and standard for dietary supplements. Whatever approach the Secretary takes, he must establish a system that evaluates the validity of health claims for dietary supplements. The system must be based on the same considerations that guide other agency decisions: public health, sound scientific principles and consumer fraud. Further, the House of Representatives clearly did not support a more lenient standard for dietary supplements. The statement of House Floor Managers that appears in the October, 26, 1990 Congressional Record at H 12953 (Ref. 2) states: Ô¸$0*€%€%ĐĐԌ * * * Whatever approach the agency takes, it must adopt a system that evaluates the validity of any disease claims made with respect to these substances. Its system must be based on considerations of public health and consumer fraud. As in every similar decision made by the agency today, we fully expect that the agency's evaluation of disease claims made with respect to vitamins will be based on sound scientific principles. There is a great potential for defrauding consumers if food is sold that contains inaccurate or unsupportable health claims. The potential is just as great for vitamins as it is for other products. In our view, vitamins and other substances covered by this provision should be subject to at least as strong a standard as is applicable to other foods that contain claims that the food will treat a disease or health condition. Nothing in the DS act or its legislative history indicates in any way that Congress changed its position about its goals of the 1990 amendments with respect to prohibiting misleading health claims and improvement of the public health through use of valid and understandable claims in food labeling (Ref. 3). 4. Results of FDA's Review of the 1990 Amendments Based on its review of the legislative history of the 1990 amendments, the agency has identified the following features that it believes should guide its choice of a standard and procedure for health claims for dietary supplements: Ŕ Ŕ The regulations are to deal only with the procedure and standard for health claims for the substances in dietary supplements. They are to have no bearing on the availability of any dietary supplements. Ŕ Ŕ The regulations must prohibit the use of health claims that are not authorized under their provisions. Ŕ Ŕ The regulations must ensure that any health claims that appear in labeling are scientifically valid. Ŕ Ŕ The regulations must ensure that any health claims that appear in labeling are understandable. Ŕ Ŕ The regulations should be such that all segments of the food industry are treated fairly and in a consistent manner, unless there is an appropriate basis on which to draw a distinction. This factor embodies a principle of equity implicitly in the act. Ô {MŔ ÔĂĂB. Alternative ApproachesÄÄ A variety of approaches have come to FDA's attention about how health claims on dietary supplements would best be regulated under the 1990 amendments. These approaches have come to the agency's attention by various means, including the comments on the health claims proposal that addressed the most appropriate method for regulating dietary supplements, testimony before Congress about implementation of the 1990 amendments with respect to dietary supplements, as well as other submissions to the agency. FDA has carefully evaluated each of these approaches to determine how they compare with the factors that FDA has listed above. 1. Use of a Committee on Herb Petitions One approach that has been suggested is that the agency should adopt a separate mechanism for evaluating the validity of claims for herbs. Under the suggested mechanism, an oversight committee would appoint an expert panel that would consist of a director and at least four scientists with training and experience related to herbal and botanical products. FDA would participate as a nonvoting member of the expert panel. The oversight committee, which would be charged with the responsibility of reviewing all health claims petitions pertaining to herb or botanical components, would relieve FDA of all responsibility for initial review of these petitions. The expert panel would conduct an evaluation of scientific data pertaining to the requested claim, subject the evaluation to peer review, and prepare a final recommendation about the claim. The recommendation and all supporting documents would then be forwarded to FDA, and the agency would be permitted 120 days to approve, disapprove, or modify the report. Under draft regulations prepared and submitted for FDA adoption by one comment that FDA has received, there would be a codified presumption in favor of the committee recommendation. The comment that suggested this approach asserted that it would not involve a transfer of the agency's authority and obligation to enforce the act because the final authority for decisions would rest with FDA. Further, the comment asserted that there is precedent for the requested mechanism in FDA's past use of reviews of food and cosmeticÔ¸$0*€%€%ĐĐÔ ingredients that have been prepared by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) and the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR). The agency advises that it has tentatively decided not to adopt the requested mechanism for evaluating the validity of claims for herbs and botanicals. The mechanism would involve a significant transfer of agency authority for health claims, and there is no basis under the act for such a transfer. Although the comment asserted that such a transfer would not take place because FDA would retain final authority for any decisions, the assertion is not correct. Because the codified provision would create a presumption in favor of the committee recommendation, the agency would be obligated to prove that the committee was wrong, or else it would be required to follow the committee's recommendation. In such circumstances, FDA could be forced to propose to authorize health claims that it was not satisfied were scientifically valid. Thus, there would, in fact, be a significant transfer of authority under the requested mechanism. FDA's use of FASEB reviews of food ingredients does not provide a precedent for use of the requested mechanism. The FASEB review did not create a presumption in favor of the review recommendation. FDA contracted for these reviews as part of its GRAS Review in the early 1970's and then once to update information on sulfiting agents. FASEB only submitted a recommendation as to whether, and what, uses of a substance were GRAS. FDA conducted its own review of the evidence and was free to elect to use the FASEB review as it saw fit. The CIR also do not provide a precedent for the use of the requested mechanism. These reviews are used primarily by industry to make self-determinations of cosmetic ingredient safety. The agency may, or may not, comment on any CIR. Even where FDA comments on a CIR, there would be little likelihood that agency rulemaking would result. In situations where such a review does serve as a stimulus for a rulemaking proceeding, the review would not be the sole reason for the proceeding. Moreover, the committee suggested by the comment would be subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. app. 2). The burdens imposed on an agency by this statute are extremely heavy. FDA has limited resources for advisory committees, and it believes that it would be an inappropriate expenditure of those limited resources to commit them to the committee suggested by the comment. While FDA may use advisory committees in the future to review petitioned-for health claims, as it is currently doing with folic acid, the agency would expect such committees to be broader in scope than simply herbs. FDA does not have the resources to establish multiple committees based on the type of substance that is the subject of the claim. Thus, FDA is not proposing to adopt the procedure suggested in this comment. The herb industry, as any other industry, may, if it desires, work through committees in preparing well-supported petitions for submission to FDA. FDA will cooperate with such committees at a scientific level by explaining the agency's requirements to them and sharing publicly available information. However, the agency sees no reason to require firms to use such committees. Moreover, FDA has the ultimate obligation to determine whether the petitioned-for claim is scientifically valid. To clarify that the agency will consider all recommendations by such committees, FDA revised ŔŔ101.70(b) (21 CFR 101.70(b)) which describes the content of petitions for health claims, to provide that information that is submitted with petitions may include any findings, along with the basis of the findings, of an outside panel with expertise in the subject area at issue. While FDA will consider any findings of a committee included in a petition, the agency is not obligated to utilize those findings in making its decision. 2. Establishment of an Approach Based on a More Lenient Standard, a More Strict Standard, or the Same Standard Many comments asserted that the best approach to the regulations of health claims for dietary supplements would involve the adoption of a more lenient standard. Some of these comments argued that such an approach is mandated by Congress and cited the statement of Senator Hatch, set forth above that ``a more lenient standard for dietary supplement[s] is envisioned'' (Ref. 5). A number of comments asserted that using the same standard and procedure for dietary supplements as for foods in conventional food form is counter to the intent of the 1990 amendments because Congress intended to make more, rather than less, information about the health benefits of foods available to consumers. Some comments asserted that, by not adopting an approach based on a more lenient standard, FDA would restrict the amount of health information available to consumers and stated that such information is important to consumers in deciding which products to buy.Ô¸$0*€%€%ĐĐԌ Comments argued that restriction of this information will deny millions of Americans the dietary information that they need to improve their health and to help prevent deadly afflictions such as heart disease and cancer. The comments asserted that such restriction will cost the nation millions of dollars in health care expenditures that could have been saved through disease prevention. Comments suggested that FDA should place more weight on the potential benefits of the health information than on eliminating all possibilities of consumer misunderstandings. A few of these comments advised that a more lenient standard would be appropriate for dietary supplements because they are being sold to educated consumers rather than to the general population. A number of comments asserted that use of the same standard and procedure for dietary supplements as for foods in conventional food form effectively renders section 403(r)(5)(D) of the act superfluous. Some of the comments maintained that an approach based on a more lenient standard and procedure is needed because FDA is being unduly restrictive in its validity evaluations under the current standard for conventional food. Comments argued that these evaluations are being done in a manner that makes it more difficult for a food to get an approved health claim than to get a new drug claim approved. Although not all comments provided specific suggestions about the way in which a more lenient approach could be implemented, a number of the comments did provide specific suggestions. Some comments argued that the approach should be sufficiently lenient to permit marketing of dietary supplements without any labeling restrictions. Some of these comments argued that dietary supplements needed no stringent requirements because dietary supplements could be adequately regulated under the requirement in section 403(a)(1) of the act that the labeling of a food must be truthful and not misleading. Some comments provided an alternative standard and procedure to that in the statute for health claims on food in conventional food form. Under this alternative, claims for which there is substantial scientific evidence but not yet significant scientific agreement would be subject to a certification and notification procedure rather than rulemaking proceedings. Claims could be made for dietary supplements so long as: (1) The claim expressly discloses the absence of scientific agreement as to the relationship, (2) the manufacturer provides FDA with a fully documented certification by a panel of at least three qualified experts that there is substantial scientific evidence supporting the claim, and (3) FDA does not disapprove the claim within 90 days of receipt of the certification. (When additional information is needed, the 90 day period could be extended an additional 45 days.) Under the alternative, FDA would have an opportunity to participate in the selection of the expert panel. The agency has also, however received other comments that argued that FDA should use an approach based on the same scientific standard and procedure for dietary supplements that the act provides for conventional foods. One comment noted that it is especially important to place dietary supplements under the same standard because they are marketed mainly on the basis of their purported health benefits. Another pointed out that use of the stand for food in conventional food form will facilitate purchasing decisions for consumers by reducing fraudulent labeling claims. A few comments contended that FDA should establish a more stringent standard for substances in dietary supplements. One comment asserted that FDA has adequate authority to do so and asserted that the legislative history of the 1990 amendments supports a more stringent standard. The comment stated that FDA recognized, when it Ô yO  Ôargued against allowing health claims for omega-3 fatty acids in a document that published in the ĂĂFederal Register Ô yOč ÔÄÄof January 6, 1993 (58 FR 2683), that it does make a difference whether one receives nutriment from food or from pills. In that docket, the comment maintained, FDA asserted that benefits have been shown for a food (fish) but not for substances (omega-3 fatty acids). FDA knows of no standard and procedure for dietary supplements that would both be more lenient than the standard and procedure for foods in conventional food form and yet still have the characteristics that FDA considers necessary under the 1990 amendments and their legislative history. A standard for health claims for dietary supplements that is based only on section 403(a)(1) of the act, or that allows health claims based on the existence of substantial scientific evidence even though significant scientific agreement about the validity of the claim does not exist, would be inconsistent with Congress' desire to ensure that health claims that are made on dietary supplements, or on any other food, are scientifically valid. The absence of agreement would likely reflect inadequacies in the evidence supporting the claim or a substantial amount of conflicting evidence. In suchÔ¸$0*€%€%ĐĐÔ circumstances, a significant possibility would exist that the claim would ultimately be found not to be valid. If FDA were to allow claims in the marketplace as to which there is not significant scientific agreement about their validity, it would undercut the credibility of those health claims as to which there is such agreement. Consumers would be left little better off, and no less confused, than they were, before the passage of the 1990 amendments. Although some comments asserted that claims not based on significant scientific agreement would not be confusing because consumers of dietary supplements are more knowledgeable than the general population, FDA points out that there is nothing that limits the purchasers of dietary supplements to ``knowledgeable consumers.'' The agency disagrees with arguments that use of the same approach for dietary supplements as for foods in conventional food form would deny millions of Americans dietary information that they need to improve their health and thereby cost the nation millions of dollars in health care expenditures that could have been avoided. In the absence of adequate data to establish that health claims are valid, assertions about costs associated with the lack of information in food labeling and about the benefits of consumption of substances in dietary supplements are highly speculative and highly questionable. FDA does not agree that it should place more weight on the potential benefits of the health information than on eliminating the possibility of consumer misunderstanding. FDA must weigh the public health impact of permitting a multitude of preliminary claims against the possibility that a significant portion of those claims will be determined to be not scientifically valid. The latter result would likely produce a perception among many consumers that food labels and health claims, even those that are valid, are not reliable. To the extent that, as a result, consumers do not change their dietary patterns to reduce their risk of disease, they will be less healthy, and there will be more needless deaths from disease and more costs to the national economy, rather than less. Thus, FDA disagrees with comments that asserted that claims without significant scientific agreement would be in the best interests of consumers. Further, as is explained fully in response to the comment concerning a separate mechanism for approval of health claims for herbs, there are no provisions under the act to transfer agency authority for the control of health claims to organizations outside of FDA. The alternative suggested for dietary supplements that would not require rulemaking clearly involves a significant transfer of authority for the evaluation of the validity of health claims. Moreover, the approach suggested by this comment presents the same Federal Advisory Committee Act problems that are discussed above. Finally, the system suggested would not be fair to consumers, who would be exposed to claims whose validity had not been evaluated by FDA, or to the manufacturers of foods in conventional food form, who would be subject to the much higher statutorily mandated standard. As a result, a more lenient standard for dietary supplements would also be contrary to the principle of fairness that is implicit in the act. FDA also disagrees with assertions that it is conducting validity assessments for health claims in an unduly restrictive manner, and that health claims are more difficult to get approved than to get a new drug claim approved. To the contrary, as discussed in the health claims final rule (58 FR 2478 at 2506), the scientific standard for health claims is less stringent than the requirements for approval of a new drug. In the case of a new drug, section 505(d)(5) of the act (21 U.S.C. 355(d)(5)) states that the Secretary shall refuse to approve an application for approval of such a drug where there is a lack of substantial evidence that the drug will have the effect it purports or is represented to have under the conditions of use prescribed, recommended, or suggested in the proposed labeling thereof. Section 505(d) of the act provides further that the term ``substantial evidence'' means evidence consisting of adequate and well-controlled investigations, including clinical investigations (human studies conducted in a controlled clinical setting), by experts qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug involved. (The statutory term ``substantial evidence'' should not be confused with the same term used by some comments to refer to ``more than a scintilla and less than a preponderance'' of evidence.) Based on this statutory direction, the agency has identified a number of characteristics that are present in ``adequate and well-controlled'' studies in ŔŔ314.126 (21 CFR 314.126). Section 403(r) of the act does not mandate requirements as stringent as those for drugs in section 505(d)(5) of the act. Section 403(r) of the act contains no mention of ``substantial evidence,'' ``adequate and well-controlled investigations,'' or of ``clinical investigations.'' To the contrary, section 403(r) of the act contains far more flexibility than the drug provisions of the act because it provides FDA with authority to authorize claims based on ``scientificÔ¸$0*€%€%ĐĐÔ evidence (including evidence from well-designed studies conducted in a manner which is consistent with generally recognized scientific procedures and principles), that there is significant agreement, among experts qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate such claims, that the claim is supported by such evidence ``(section 403(r)(3)(B)(i) of the act). Consistent with this flexibility, FDA did not prescribe a specific set, type, or number of studies as being sufficient to support a health claim in the January 6, 1993, health claims final rule. In that rule, the agency advised that it would consider all relevant data on a topic, including clinical studies, epidemiological data, and animal studies. In addition, the 1990 amendments directed FDA to consider 10 nutrient-disease relationships. In the January 6, 1993, final rules, FDA authorized claims with respect to 7 of those 10 relationships (see 58 FR 2537, 2552, 2622, 2665, 2739, 2787, and 2820). An eighth, even though denied (58 FR 2606) remains under active consideration by the agency. Thus, FDA is not conducting validity assessments for health claims in an unduly restrictive manner. The agency did not conclude in the omega-3 fatty acids and heart disease final rule (57 FR 2682) that it makes a difference whether one receives nutriment from food or from pills, as the comment suggested. While FDA did state in the summary of that docket that there is not adequate evidence to support a relationship between reduced risk of coronary heart disease and increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, and that there is some evidence that the benefit may be gained through the consumption of fish, the agency noted that benefits attributed to fish could not necessarily be ascribed to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids. The example, therefore, reflects the available science base, that there is a relationship between a dietary pattern and risk of heart disease, but the science is insufficient to identify a specific nutrient that is responsible in that relationship. This does not in any way imply that a substance is any more beneficial when it is in a conventional food than it is when it is not in a conventional food. In light of the foregoing, FDA is proposing to subject dietary supplements to the same standard that applies to food in conventional food form. This approach strikes the appropriate balance between the congressional concern for consumer protection food fraud, public health, and sound science, on the one hand, and the desire to provide the consumer with information on the other. If FDA adopts this standard for dietary supplements, all foods will be regulated under the same standard. Further, under the same procedure that applies with respect to claims for substances in food in conventional form, there is a premarket review that ensures the safety of the substances as well as the scientific validity of the claim. A claim linking a nutrient to a disease is typically intended to increase intake of that nutrient. Thus, it is important to ensure that such increased intake will not have adverse health consequences that would moot the significance of the health claim. Therefore, FDA is proposing to adopt the same procedure for health claims for dietary supplements as for foods in conventional food form. Making dietary supplements subject to the same scientific standard and procedure as for foods in conventional food form does not render section 403(r)(5)(D) of the act superfluous. Section 403(r)(5)(D) requires that the agency consider what procedures and standard respecting the validity of claims is most appropriate. This the agency has done. The fact that the agency has tentatively found that, on balance, that the standard and procedure established for conventional foods are also the most appropriate for dietary supplements does not render the agency's efforts invalid or the underlying provision superfluous. The agency was charged with exercising its expertise and discretion, and that is what it is doing. Ô yOx ÔĂ ĂIII. The Proposed RegulationÄ Ä FDA is proposing to adopt the same regulatory approach to dietary supplements that it has adopted for foods in conventional food form. Thus, the agency is proposing to revise ŔŔŔŔ101.14 and 101.70 (21 CFR 101.14 and 101.70) to include dietary supplements. Ô {M(# ÔĂĂA. DefinitionsÄÄ In the health claims proposal, FDA proposed definitions for ``health claim,'' ``substance,'' ``nutritive value,'' andÔ¸$0*€%€%ĐĐÔ ``dietary supplement'' to serve as tools for clearly establishing the scope of the types of claims that would be subject to the regulations promulgated under section 403(r)(1)(B) of the act. In addition, the agency proposed a definition for ``disqualifying nutrient levels'' to establish limits on the amounts of certain nutrients that are known to increase the risk of a disease or health-related condition. Thus, if one of these nutrients is present in a food above the defined level that food would be disqualified from bearing a health claim in its labeling (see section 403(r)(3)(A)(ii) of the act). In the health claims final rule the agency adopted definitions for the terms ``health claim,'' ``substance,'' ``nutritive value,'' and ``disqualifying nutrient levels.'' However, as explained in the health claims final rule, these definitions were revised either in response to comments on the proposed definitions or in response to the DS act. Because of the DS act, the agency reserved the question as to whether these definitions would apply to dietary supplements. Moreover, the agency did not include a definition of ``dietary supplement'' in the final rule because of the moratorium imposed by the DS act. In addition, in the health claims final rule, FDA established a definition for the term ``disease or health-related condition'' (see ŔŔ101.14(a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(5), and (a)(6) in 58 FR 2478 at 2533). In this document, FDA is proposing to apply the same regulatory approach to dietary supplements that it has established for foods in conventional food form. To reflect this tentative decision, the agency is proposing to revise the definitions established in ŔŔ101.14(a), as appropriate, to include coverage of dietary supplements. Specifically, FDA is proposing to revise the definition of ``substance'' and to establish a definition of ``dietary supplement.'' 1. Substance To clarify that all provisions of ŔŔ101.14 will apply to dietary supplements as well as foods in conventional food form, FDA is proposing to revise the definition of the term ``substance'' to mean a specific food or component of food, regardless of whether the food is in conventional food form or a dietary supplement of vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other similar nutritional substances. Reference in the definition to ``a dietary supplement of vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other similar nutritional substances'' incorporates the statutory language from section 403(r)(5)(D) of the act, which directs the agency to establish a procedure and standard for health claims for dietary supplements. 2. Dietary Supplement FDA is proposing in ŔŔ101.14(a)(4) to define the term ``dietary supplement'' as a food, not in conventional food form, that supplies a component to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake of that component. In the past, FDA has taken a position that the term ``dietary supplement'' applied only to supplements composed of essential nutrients. However, FDA is not proposing to limit the definition in ŔŔ101.14(a) in this way because section 403(r)(5)(D) of the act includes dietary supplements of herbs and other similar nutritional substances. Herbs generally contain few essential nutrients, and those that are present are seldom present in significant amounts on a per serving basis. Herbs have been considered foods because they have generally been used for flavor or aroma. In addition, the legislative history indicates that the term ``other similar nutritional substances'' could include a number of substances that have not been shown to be essential (Ref. 5), especially since the term ``other similar nutritional substances'' does not include vitamins and minerals. FDA has limited this definition to foods not in conventional food form to reflect the approach taken by Congress in the DS act. The manager's statements for the DS act from the Senate and the House (Ref. 3) clearly state that the moratorium on the implementation of the 1990 amendments applies only to dietary supplements ``not in the form of conventional food.'' FDA has traditionally felt that there could be dietary supplements in conventional food form (e.g. breakfast cereals). However, because these products were not covered by the DS act moratorium, the health claims regulations already apply to them. Consequently, FDA has tentatively concluded that it will reduce confusion if the agency limits the coverage of the term ``dietary supplement'' to foods not in conventional food form. Foods that are formulated to supplement the dietary intake of nutrients but that are in conventional food form will be considered to be in the category of foods that they resemble (e.g. cereals), although they will be free to reflect their characteristics in their common or usual name (e.g., vitamin and mineral supplement cereal). In the November 1991 health claims proposal, FDA said as part of the definition of ``dietary supplement'' thatÔ¸$ 0*€%€%ĐĐÔ the supplement supplies a component ``with nutritive value.'' FDA received comments that protested that such a restriction would infringe on consumers' freedom of choice. The purpose of this proposal is to ensure that health claims are valid and properly made, not to restrict freedom of choice. Dietary supplements are foods, and foods are consumed primarily for their taste, aroma, or nutritive value. Ô {O  ÔĂĂNutilab, Inc. ÄÄv. ĂĂSchweiker, ÄÄ713 F.2d 335, 338 (7th Cir. 1983). Moreover, as explained below, FDA is proposing to make dietary supplements subject to ŔŔ101.14(b)(3)(i), which requires that, to be eligible to be the subject of a health claim, substances that are to be consumed at other than decreased dietary levels must contribute taste, aroma, or nutritive value to the food and retain that attribute when consumed at levels that are necessary to justify a claim. Therefore, FDA tentatively finds that it is not necessary to include the words ``with nutritive value'' in the definition of ``dietary supplement.'' A number of comments on the November 1991 health claims proposal suggested that the proposed definition for ``dietary supplement'' in ŔŔ101.14(a)(4) (56 FR 60537) should be revised to include foods as well as components in foods (e.g., herbs as well as components in herbs). FDA advises that the proposed definition of ``dietary supplement'' covers foods. Therefore, the suggested revision is not necessary. Reference to a ``component'' is to the specific portion of the food, that is, of the dietary supplement, of which the consumers wishes to increase his or her total dietary intake. Ô {MJ ÔĂĂB. Preliminary Requirements for a ClaimÄÄ In the health claims proposal, FDA proposed several criteria in ŔŔ101.14(b) that must be met before a substance will qualify to be the subject of a health claim. The criteria provide that the substance must: (1) Be associated with a disease or health-related condition for which the general U.S. population is at risk (alternatively, the relevance of the claim may be explained within the context of the daily diet); (2) be a food; and (3) be safe and lawful under applicable food safety provisions of the act. These criteria reflect not only the requirements of section 403(r) of the act but also the fact that FDA is charged with ensuring that the food supply is safe, and that the food label is not misleading. Given that agency evaluations of the validity of a health claim will be resource intensive, FDA proposed not to make such an evaluation unless a petition for a health claim demonstrates that the preliminary requirements are met. While FDA proposed that these preliminary requirements cover substances in conventional food form as well as in dietary supplements, the provisions of the DS act precluded the agency from applying these preliminary requirements to substances in dietary supplements. Thus, the preliminary requirements established in the health claims final rule apply only to substances in conventional food form. The agency is proposing in this document to subject dietary supplements and their components to the same preliminary requirements in ŔŔ101.14(b) that apply to any other substance that is proposed as the subject of a health claim. Specific reference to dietary supplements in ŔŔ101.14 (b)(1) and (b)(2) is not necessary because the requirements in these paragraphs apply generally to any ``substance,'' and FDA's proposed revision of the definition of ``substance'' in ŔŔ101.14(a)(2) will include dietary supplements and their components within the coverage of this term. FDA tentatively finds, however, that it is appropriate to add a specific reference to dietary supplements to ŔŔ101.14(b)(3)(i) to clarify that food can be in the form of a dietary supplement. The agency tentatively concludes that this action is appropriate because information available to the agency suggests that there is concern among some in the general public that dietary supplements are not included in the definition of ``food'' as provided in section 201(f) of the act (21 U.S.C. 321a(f)). Specifically, FDA proposes to add the phrase ``regardless of whether the food is in conventional food form or dietary supplement form'' to ŔŔ101.14(b)(3)(i). 1. Components of Food Within the Context of a Daily Diet The preliminary requirement that a substance that is to be the subject of a health claim be a food appears in ŔŔ101.14(b)(2) and (b)(3)(i). If the substance is present at decreased dietary levels, as stated above under ŔŔ101.14(b)(2), it must be a nutrient that is required to be included in nutrition labeling (e.g., cholesterol, total fat). If the substance is present at other than decreased dietary levels, as stated above, under ŔŔ101.14(b)(3)(i), it mustÔň#!0*€%€%ĐĐÔ contribute taste, aroma, or nutritive value, or any other technical effect listed in ŔŔ170.3(o) (21 CFR 170.3(o)), to the food and must retain that attribute when consumed at levels that are necessary to justify a claim. This requirement is necessary to ensure that health claims are made for substances that are in fact foods. For example, some vitamins have therapeutic effects when consumed at levels far above those that are normally characteristic of food. When the vitamins are intended to be consumed at those levels to have those therapeutic effects, they are drugs and not foods. Also, other types of dietary supplements present similar concerns. When herbs are consumed primarily for their taste, aroma, or nutritive value, they are foods. If the herbs are intended to be consumed for their medicinal effects, however, they are drugs. Numerous comments on the health claims proposal from producers and consumers of dietary supplements expressed concern that the proposed provisions requiring that a substance be a food represents an attack by the agency against dietary supplements. Some comments maintained that FDA lacks the legal authority to restrict approved health claims on dietary supplements that contain nutrients that are beyond daily diet limits. Other comments asserted that FDA intends to use regulations based on the proposal to ban health claims on dietary supplements wherever the dietary supplements contain a substance at a level above that normally present within the context of an ordinary daily diet. Other comments stated that the agency would ban the dietary supplements themselves by making them available only by prescription or by limiting the potency of the dietary supplements. They strongly protested that any limits on potency would be in conflict with section 411 of the act (21 U.S.C. 350), which is sometimes referred to as the ``Proxmire Amendment,'' and the 1990 amendments. FDA disagrees with the comments' characterization of its actions. It does not agree that any conflict with section 411 of the act is presented by a requirement that, to be the subject of a health claim, the substance must be a food, that is, consumed primarily for its taste, aroma, or nutritive value. There is nothing in the health claims final rule or in the regulations proposed below that will affect in any way the availability of dietary supplements or the consumer's freedom to choose to purchase them. Rather, the regulations that FDA is proposing are intended to ensure that any claims that may be made for dietary supplements are scientifically valid. This is exactly what section 403(r)(5)(D) of the act directs FDA to do. Nothing in these proposed regulations would necessarily prevent a supplement from bearing a health claim when it contains a level of a substance that exceeds the level achievable in the context of the daily diet. To the contrary, Ô yOŕ Ôthe final rule concerning calcium and osteoporosis, for example, which was published in the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof January 6, 1993 (58 FR 2665 at 2677), permits a calcium health claim for dietary supplements and requires only that the supplement labeling advise consumers that there is no known benefit from consuming more than 200 percent of the recommended daily intake for calcium. Section 411 of the act does not authorize health claims for dietary supplements or in any way affect FDA's authority under section 403(r)(5)(D) of the act to regulate such claims. Under section 411(a)(1)(B) of the act, FDA may not classify a dietary supplement as a drug solely because it contains vitamins or minerals at levels that exceed the level of potency that the agency determines is nutritionally rational or useful. Nothing in these proposed regulations would do so. Absent a claim, FDA will not consider a dietary supplement to be a drug simply because it contains vitamins or minerals at levels above those normally found in food. However, a claim on a product is an indication of the product's intended use. If a claim reveals that the product is intended for a use other than for its taste, aroma, or nutritive value, then nothing in section 411 of the act would require that it be treated as a food. The key to the assessment of any proposed health claim for a substance in a dietary supplement or in other food is a determination as to whether the claimed effect derives from the nutritive value of that substance. The term ``nutritive value'' is defined broadly in ŔŔ101.14(a)(3); however, it is not unlimited in its application. Under that regulation, ``nutritive value'' means a value in sustaining human existence by such processes as promoting growth, replacing essential nutrients, or providing energy. The preambles of the proposed and final rules on the general requirements for health claims (see 56 FR 60537, November 27, 1991; and 58 FR 2478, January 6, 1993, respectively) state that the codified definition is based on common definitions that include sustenance with food or nutriment by supplying that which is necessary for life, health, and growth. The agency structured the definition toÔ¸$"0*€%€%ĐĐÔ be sufficiently flexible so that it does not become an unintentional barrier to the approval of legitimate health claims. If the relationship between a substance and a disease that is the subject of a claim is based on the nutritive value of the substance, the claim is a health claim. However, if the relationship between a substance and a disease is based on some type of physiological process other than nutritive value, the claim about the relationship is likely not a claim about a food and thus not subject to the health claim provisions. The type of case-by-case analysis of exactly what is being asserted in a claim that describes the effect of a substance on a disease, and whether that effect is a function of the substance's nutritive value, is illustrated by niacin. Niacin has a well-established physiological function as an obligatory cofactor in metabolic processes which constitutes the basis on which it is a vitamin in the human dietary. However, there is also ample scientific evidence that this substance can act to reduce elevated blood cholesterol levels. Because high blood cholesterol levels are directly associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, the question arises as to whether the effect of lowering elevated blood cholesterol provides the basis for a health claim for niacin. Such a claim is not a health claim because a claim about niacin's effect on blood cholesterol levels is not a claim about how a nutrient affects a disease through normal dietary processes. Rather, it is a claim about how this substance, when consumed at very high levels, can be used to treat an abnormal condition, elevated blood cholesterol levels. The levels of niacin that are necessary to have this treatment effect are far in excess of those at which there is tissue saturation for niacin's vitamin function. Niacin consumed at the levels in question causes liver damage, an effect that in no way can be characterized as nutritive. Thus, consumption of niacin at these levels is not appropriate for most consumers. In view of the safety problems, a determination must be made before niacin is consumed at these levels as to whether the risks of treatment outweigh the benefits of the potential response to the treatment. Such determinations are not appropriate for a food. Thus, a claim for niacin's effect on lowering blood cholesterol levels is not a health claim. Another comment asked for assurance that approved health claims appearing on dietary supplements will not automatically be considered drug claims. The comment noted that section 201(g)(1)(B) of the act exempts approved health claims on foods from consideration as drug claims and stated that dietary supplements should be afforded the same exemption under FDA regulations. FDA agrees with the comment. As provided in section 201(g)(1)(B) of the act, any food, including dietary supplements, for which an authorized health claim is made in accordance with the requirements of section 403(r) of the act and of the regulations that FDA has adopted to implement that section of the act is not a drug under section 201(g)(1)(B) of the act solely because its label or labeling bears the claim. FDA considers this provision to provide the same type of assurance as that in sections 406, 408, and 409 of the act (21 U.S.C. 346, 346a, and 348) that foods containing substances used in accordance with regulations issued under those sections of the act are not subject to regulatory action under section 402(a)(1) of the act (21 U.S.C. 342). This provision does not create an exception to the ``drug'' definition, however. A product whose intended use is as a drug will continue to be subject to regulation as a drug. Some comments asserted that FDA should permit the use of health claims on herbs whose only known use is for medicinal effects. A few of these comments objected that the herbs that FDA cited in the preamble of the proposal also have food uses. As FDA explained fully in the preamble of the November 1991 health claims proposal (56 FR 60554), Congress clearly intended that the health claim provisions of the 1990 amendments apply only to foods. Whether a product is a food or a drug depends largely on its intended use. A product that is intended for medicinal effects, that is, intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, is a drug. Thus, there is no basis under the act for FDA to permit health claims for herbs whose intended known use is for medicinal effects. Where an herb has use both as a food and a drug, the available information on the intended use of the product will determine whether FDA regulates the herb as a food, as a drug, or as both a food and a drug. In this regard, the agency points out that the relationship of a food or a food component to a disease is quite different from that of a drug to a disease. The Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health (Ref. 6) points out that, apart from classic disorders resulting from dietary deficiencies of essential nutrients (e.g., pellagra and niacin),Ô¸$#0*€%€%ĐĐÔ it has proved difficult to demonstrate causal associations between specific dietary factors and chronic or other diseases (e.g., dietary fiber and cancer). The report goes on to state: Development of the major chronic disease conditions--coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, or cancer--is affected by multiple genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors among which diet is only one-- albeit an important--component. These other factors interact with diet in ways that are not completely understood. In addition, foods themselves are complex; they may contain some factors that promote disease as well as others that are protective. Thus, a claim that a substance can be used in the prevention, diagnosis, cure, mitigation, or treatment of a disease or symptom is inappropriate on a food (see ŔŔ101.9(k)(1) (21 CFR 101.9(k)(1))). Congress has said that these effects are the effects of a drug (section 201(g)(1)(B) of the act).Note that nothing in this document is intended to address the circumstances in which a substance may be a drug under section 201(g)(1)(C) of the act. Claims that a substance will have any of these effects assert that the substance will have a direct effect on the disease. In contrast, as explained above, the effect of diet on disease is much more complex and must be described in different terms that reflect the multifactorial nature of the development of disease and the fact that diet may not address all the relevant factors. 2. Safety Section 101.14(b)(3)(ii) provides that, to justify a claim for a substance that is to be consumed at other than decreased levels, the substance must be a food or a food ingredient or a component of a food ingredient whose use at the levels necessary to justify a claim has been demonstrated by the proponent of the claim, to FDA's satisfaction, to be safe and lawful under the applicable food safety provisions of the act. The preamble of the November 1991 health claims proposal explained: * * * This showing can be based on: (1) A demonstration that the substance is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) within the meaning of ŔŔ170.30; (2) a listing of the substance as GRAS in 21 CFR part 182 or as affirmed as GRAS in 21 CFR part 184; (3) a food additive regulation; or (4) a sanction or approval granted by FDA or the United States Department of Agriculture prior to September 6, 1958. If the safety and lawfulness of the substance is not expressly recognized in an FDA regulation, the burden will rest on the claim's proponent, as a prerequisite to FDA's evaluation of the health claim, to submit all the scientific data and other relevant information required to demonstrate safety and lawfulness in accordance with applicable petition requirements. FDA will withhold review of the health claim until it is satisfied on these points. (56 FR 60537 at 60546.) FDA reiterated this position in the health claims final rule (58 FR 2487,2502). Many comments from the dietary supplement industry objected to the safety provisions as proposed. Many of these comments disagreed with the application of FDA's preliminary safety requirement to the ingredients of dietary supplements. Some of these comments asserted that the 1990 amendments do not require a separate showing of safety for substances that are the subjects of disease-related claim petitions, and that FDA should not add such a requirement to its regulation. The comments pointed out that many herbs and other ingredients of dietary supplements have been used for thousands of years with no known ill effects. Requiring further evidence of safety for these products, the comments contended, would be superfluous and expensive. However, other comments agreed with FDA that it would be inappropriate to allow a health claim on a product that contains a substance that is not GRAS, is not the subject of a food additive regulation, or has not received a prior sanction. FDA tentatively concludes that this preliminary requirement should apply to substances in dietary supplements. Sections of the act enacted by the 1990 amendments cannot be implemented independently of the remaining portionsÔ¸$$0*€%€%ĐĐÔ of the act (see section 9 of the 1990 amendments). The act must be considered as a whole, and FDA's responsibility for ensuring the safety of foods is explicitly provided for in other sections of the act (see sections 201(s), 402(a)(1) and (a)(2), and 409 of the act). This fact is particularly significant because the agency will be specifically authorizing the health claims that will be made. In view of this affirmative action, FDA authorization of a health claim places the agency's imprimatur on the claim. It would be a violation of the agency's responsibility under the act to authorize a health claim about a substance, whether it be in dietary supplement or conventional food form, without being satisfied that the use of the substance is safe. Safety considerations are of particular importance with respect to health claims because such claims may well change the dietary patterns of many Americans. The fact that some herbs and other ingredients of dietary supplements have been used for thousands of years does not necessarily justify a conclusion by FDA that their use is safe. While the proponents of claims for such substances are free to demonstrate that the use of those substances is generally recognized as safe based on their common use in food prior to 1958, the agency notes that much of the use of many of these substances has been as a drug, tonic, or folk remedy, rather than as food (see 53 FR 16545, May 10, 1988). As drugs, the levels and frequency of use of these substances may have been significantly different than the levels and frequency of use that will result from their use as foods. Thus, FDA needs to review data on the identity of the substance, the safety of the substance, the use of the substance in food, the cultural context of its use, and the dietary habits in the country where use of the substance occurred (see 50 FR 27295, July 2, 1985). Even though there is no explicit provision in the 1990 amendments requiring a separate showing of safety, it must Ô {OŘ Ôbe kept in mind that the act ``* * * is designed to ensure the safety of the food we eat * * *.'' (See ĂĂLes ÄÄv. ĂĂReilly, Ô yO˘ ÔÄÄ968 F.2d 985 (9th Cir. 1992).) The requirement that a substance that is the subject of a health claim be safe is implicit in the 1990 amendments. Section 403(r)(3)(A)(ii) of the act states that a health claim may be made only for a food that does not contain any nutrient in an amount that increases the risk of a disease or health-related condition that is diet related to persons in the general population, taking into account the significance of the food in the total daily diet. FDA believes that, in addition to requiring establishment of disqualifying levels for total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium in ŔŔ101.14(a)(5) (see 58 FR 2488 through 2498), this provision evidences a concern by Congress that a substance that is the subject of a health claim be used in a manner that is safe. This concern was reflected in the statements of the sponsors in both the House and the Senate (Refs. 2 and 5). Further, section 9 of the 1990 amendments states that the amendments ``shall not be construed to alter the authority of the Secretary of Health and Human Services * * * under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act * * *.'' Thus, FDA's responsibility for ensuring the safety of foods has in no way been diminished by the passage of the 1990 amendments. Thus, for all the foregoing reasons, FDA is proposing to make health claims for substances in dietary supplements, like claims for any other food, subject to ŔŔ101.14(b)(3)(ii). In responding in the health claims final rule to concerns raised by comments suggesting that FDA recognize manufacturers' private GRAS determinations, the agency stated about ŔŔ101.14(b)(3)(ii): FDA acknowledges that the GRAS affirmation and food additive listing process can be lengthy. Thus, FDA designed ŔŔ101.14(b)(3)(ii) to provide flexibility with respect to the type of showing of safety that is necessary to make a substance eligible to be the subject of a health claim. GRAS affirmation and food additive listing are but two of the procedures by which a substance may meet this preliminary requirement. FDA intends to consider the basis of manufacturers' independent GRAS determinations where such determinations are submitted with petitions for health claims and may use its discretion to accept, without formal affirmation, the independent determination of GRAS where FDA believes that such action would be appropriate. As FDA pointed out in the previous comment, however, the agency would not be fulfilling its responsibilities under the act if it were to permit a substance to be the subject of a health claim without satisfying itself that the use of that substance is safe. Although FDA will consider all manufacturers' independent GRAS determinations where the basis for such determinations are submitted with petitions for health claims, the agency advises that it will generally not be possibleÔň#%0*€%€%ĐĐÔ for FDA to judge whether GRAS determinations based on complex scientific evidence are valid within the short timeframes mandated under the 1990 amendments for health claims petitions. Instead, agency agreement with an independent determination that a substance is GRAS will be most likely where the substance is an ingredient, or a component of a food ingredient, that was in common use in food prior to January 1, 1958, in a similar context. However, where such agreement occurs, the agreement does not constitute GRAS affirmation. Instead, the history of common use in food, coupled with the fact that FDA knows of no reason to question the safety of the food ingredient, means that the substance will be treated as if it is an unlisted GRAS substance (as provided for in ŔŔŔŔ170.30(d) and 182.1(a) (21 CFR 170.30(d) and 182.1(a))) in the manner provided for in the food ingredient list in 21 CFR part 182. (58 FR 2478 at 2502 through 2503) Under this proposal, this statement would be fully applicable to substances in dietary supplements. Ô {Mđ ÔĂĂC. Scientific StandardÄÄ For reasons fully discussed previously in this preamble, FDA is proposing the same scientific standard for dietary supplements that has been established for conventional food. The scientific standard for health claims in ŔŔ101.14(c) states that FDA will promulgate regulations authorizing a health claim only when it determines, based on the totality of publicly available scientific evidence (including evidence from well-designed studies conducted in a manner which is consistent with generally recognized scientific procedures and principles), that there is significant scientific agreement, among experts qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate such claims, that the claim is supported by such evidence. Specific reference to dietary supplements in ŔŔ101.14(c) is not necessary because FDA's proposed revision in ŔŔ101.14(a)(2) of the term ``substance'' to include dietary supplements will link dietary supplements to the term ``health claim,'' and ŔŔ101.14(c) sets forth the circumstances under which FDA will promulgate regulations authorizing such a claim. Some comments urged FDA to consider with fairness any proposed health claim that relies on data derived from non-Western cultures. The agency advises that it will consider the evidence submitted in support of a claim on its scientific merits and in the context of the totality of available evidence. It will not underrate any evidence on the basis of its cultural or geographic origin. Of course, however, FDA must consider the significance in the U.S. population of the effects of the disease or health-related condition and the relevance of studies done in other populations to the U.S. population. Ô {M ÔĂĂD. General Labeling RequirementsÄÄ In the health claims final rule, FDA established a number of general requirements for health claims for food in conventional food form in ŔŔ101.4(d) to ensure that consumers are provided with valid and reliable information about the value that ingestion (or reduced ingestion) of the particular substance, as part of a total dietary pattern, may have in affecting certain diseases or health-related conditions. The agency is proposing in this document that dietary supplements be subject to the same general requirements that it has established for conventional food in ŔŔ101.14(d). Specific references to dietary supplements in ŔŔ101.14(d) are not necessary because FDA's proposed revision in ŔŔ101.14(a)(2) of the term ``substance'' to include dietary supplements will link dietary supplements to the term ``health claim'' for which ŔŔ101.14(d) prescribes general requirements. 1. FDA Commitments for Valid Claims Section 101.14(d)(1) provides that when FDA determines that a health claim is valid, the agency will propose a regulation in subpart E of part 101 to authorize the use of the claim. Further, the provision states that if the claimÔ¸$&0*€%€%ĐĐÔ pertains to a substance not provided for in ŔŔ101.9, FDA will propose amending those regulations to include declaration of the substance. To ensure that the provisions established in ŔŔ101.4(d)(1) apply to dietary supplements, the agency is proposing to revise ŔŔ101.14(d)(1) to reference, in addition to ŔŔ101.9, the provisions of proposed Ô yOX ÔŔŔ101.36 (21 CFR 101.36), that appear elsewhere in this issue of the ĂĂFederal RegisterÄÄ, which establish requirements for the nutrition labeling of dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals subject to section 411 of the act. Several comments argued that FDA should not permit firms to place any health claims on the labels and in labeling of dietary supplements. Through enactment of section 403(r) of the act, Congress has mandated that firms be permitted to place health claims on food labels and in their labeling when FDA finds that the claims are valid and establishes regulations authorizing their use. So long as a dietary supplement is a food, it is subject to section 403(r) of the act. Although the comments cited a wide variety of reasons to support their objections, FDA is not addressing these reasons because the 1990 amendments settled this issue. The agency is, therefore, not proposing any general limits on the use of health claims in dietary supplements in response to these comments. 2. General Requirements Section 101.14(d)(2) requires that health claims on food: (1) Be consistent with the specific authorizing regulation for the claim; (2) be limited to describing the value that ingestion (or reduced ingestion) of the substance, as part of a total dietary pattern, may have on a particular disease or health-related condition; (3) be complete, truthful, and not misleading; (4) contain all required information for that claim in one place without other intervening material (except that the principal display panel of the label or labeling may bear a reference statement such as ``See attached pamphlet for information about calcium and osteoporosis,'' with the entire claim appearing elsewhere on the other labeling); and (5) enable the public to comprehend the information provided and to understand the relative significance of such information in the context of a total daily diet. If the claim is about the effects of consuming the substance at decreased dietary levels, the level of the substance in the food must be sufficiently low to justify the claim (e.g., if a definition for use of the term ``low'' has been established for that substance, the substance must be present at a level that meets the requirements for use of that term, unless a specific alternative level has been established for the substance in the authorizing regulation). If the claim is about the effects of consuming the substance at other than decreased dietary levels, the level of the substance in the food must be sufficiently high and in an appropriate form to justify the claim (e.g., if a definition for use of the term ``high'' for that substance has been established, the substance must be present at a level that meets the requirements for use of that term, unless a specific alternative level has been established for the substance in the authorizing regulation). (See ŔŔ101.14(d)(2)(vii)(A) for additional requirements where the food meets the ``high'' or ``low'' requirements based on its reference amount customarily consumed and the labeled serving size differs from that amount. See ŔŔ101.14(d)(2)(vii)(B) for guidance about how a food can meet the ``high'' and ``low'' requirements where the food is sold in a restaurant). FDA is proposing that dietary supplements be subject to these requirements to ensure that consumers are provided with scientifically valid, nonmisleading, and reliable information about the value that ingestion of the particular substance in the dietary supplement may have in affecting a disease or health-related condition. A specific reference to dietary supplements in ŔŔ101.14(d)(2) is not necessary because FDA's proposed revision in ŔŔ101.14(a)(2) of the term ``substance'' to include dietary supplements will bring dietary supplements within the coverage of ŔŔ101.14(d)(2). 3. Nutrition Labeling Section 101.14(d)(3) requires that health claims on conventional food bear nutrition labeling in accordance with ŔŔŔŔ101.9 and 101.10 (21 CFR 101.10). The agency is proposing to revise ŔŔ101.14(d) to reference, in addition to Ô yO˜! ÔŔŔŔŔ101.9 and 101.10, the provisions of proposed ŔŔ101.36 that appear elsewhere in this issue of the ĂĂFederal Ô yO`" ÔRegisterÄÄ. In response to section 403(q)(5)(E) of the act, FDA is proposing in ŔŔ101.36 to establish requirements for the nutrition labeling of dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals subject to section 411 of the act. Elsewhere in Ô yOđ# Ôthis issue of the ĂĂFederal RegisterÄÄ, the agency is proposing to require that dietary supplements of herbs and of other similar nutritional substances bear nutrition labeling in accordance with ŔŔ101.9 because these products are notÔ¸$'0*€%€%ĐĐÔ covered by section 411 of the act and therefore are not subject to section 403(q)(5)(E) of the act. Ô {M ÔĂĂE. Prohibited Health ClaimsÄÄ In ŔŔ101.14(e) of the health claims final rule, FDA established a number of situations where health claims are prohibited. In that paragraph, FDA prohibits health claims unless: (1) The claim is specifically provided for in an authorizing regulations in subpart E of part 101; (2) the claim conforms to all general provisions of ŔŔ101.14 as well as to all specific provisions in the authorizing regulation; (3) none of the disqualifying levels identified in ŔŔ101.14(a)(5) is exceeded in the food, unless specific alternative levels have been established for the substance in the authorizing regulation, and the labeling bears a statement that complies with ŔŔ101.13(h) highlighting the nutrient that exceeds the disqualifying level; (4) no substance for which a disqualifying nutrient level has not been established is present at an inappropriate level as determined in the specific provision authorizing the claim in subpart E of part 101; (5) the label does not represent or purport that the food is for infants and toddlers less than 2 years of age except if the claim is specifically provided for in subpart E of part 101; and (6) except for dietary supplements not in conventional food form, the food contains 10 percent or more of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) or Daily Reference Value (DRV) for vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, protein, or fiber prior to any nutrient addition. In this document, the agency is proposing that dietary supplements be subject to the general prohibitions that have been established for conventional food in ŔŔ101.14(e). The agency tentatively concludes that this action is appropriate because these prohibitions: (1) Reflect the statutory restriction in section 403(r)(1)(B) of the act that requires that health claims be made in accordance with the provisions of section 403(r)(5)(D) of the act for dietary supplements; (2) ensure that inappropriate, unsubstantiated, and fraudulent health claims are not made; and (3) reduce the potential for consumer confusion when confronted with a situation in which there would be health claims for substances when they are present in dietary supplements but not when they are present in conventional foods. Specific references to dietary supplements in ŔŔ101.14(e) generally are not necessary because FDA's proposed revision in ŔŔ101.14(a)(2) of the term ``substance'' to include dietary supplements will bring dietary supplements within the coverage of ŔŔ101.14(e). FDA does believe, however, that a reference to dietary supplements is appropriate in the introductory sentence of ŔŔ101.14(e) to clarify that dietary supplements are considered food by the agency. Specifically, FDA is proposing to add the phrase ``regardless of whether the food is in conventional food form or dietary supplement form'' into that sentence to make clear that no expressed or implied health claim may be made on the label or in labeling of any food unless the conditions in that paragraph are met. 1. Claims not Authorized by FDA Section 101.14(e)(1) and (e)(2) prohibit the use on a food label or in labeling of any claim that expressly or by implication characterizes the relationship of any substance to a disease or health-related condition unless: (1) The claim is specifically provided for in subpart E of part 101, and (2) the claim conforms to all general provisions of ŔŔ101.14 as well as to all specific provisions in the appropriate section of subpart E of part 101. Numerous comments voiced support for or opposition to the proposal to prohibit unauthorized health claims. FDA adopted ŔŔŔŔ101.14(e)(1) and (e)(2) for foods in conventional food form (58 FR 2478 at 2534) as originally proposed because they are explicitly required under section 403(r)(1)(B) and (r)(3) of the act. For dietary supplements, these provisions respond directly to the language in section 403(r)(1)(B) of the act, which provides that a food shall be deemed misbranded if a health claim is made in its label or labeling unless the claim is made in accordance with section 403(r)(5)(D). Section 403(r)(5)(D) of the act provides that such claims are subject to the requirements adopted by the Secretary (and FDA, by delegation) by regulation. In response to the provisions of section 403(r)(5)(D) of the act, FDA is proposing that dietary supplements be fully subject to ŔŔ101.14(e)(1) and (e)(2). Many consumers asserted that dietary supplements, including supplements containing herbs, should be permitted to include all types of nutritional and dietary guidance in their labeling, including information based on folklore and historical use, provided that the claims are made truthfully. These comments maintained that such information isÔ¸$(0*€%€%ĐĐÔ essential to making informed choices of such alternatives to conventional drug therapies. FDA advises that dietary supplements that bear labeling that expressly or by implication characterizes the relationship of any substance to a disease or health-related condition will be subject to the provisions of section 403(r) of the act. However, if the claim reveals that the product is intended to be used in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of a disease, as would likely be the situation where the product is presented as an alternative to a conventional drug therapy, the product, like any other product that does so, is a drug under section 201(g)(1)(B) of the act and subject to the requirements for drugs in chapter V of the act. However, supplement manufacturers, like all other food manufacturers, are welcome to submit health claim petitions that establish the validity of claims that characterize the relationship of a substance to a disease or a health related condition in a manner that is appropriate for a food (see section II.B.1. of this document). Any such petition that shows that the preliminary requirements in ŔŔ101.14(b) and the scientific standard for a health claim in ŔŔ101.14(c) are met will provide the basis for a proposal to authorize a claim in accordance with section 403(r)(4)(A)(i) of the act. In addition, FDA advises manufacturers of dietary supplements that where a claim does not include one or both of the basic elements of a health claim, reference to a substance and to a disease or health-related condition, it constitutes dietary guidance that may be provided on the label or in labeling so long as it is presented in a truthful and nonmisleading manner (see 58 FR 2478 at 2487). 2. Additional Limits on Health Claims Some comments on the November 1991 health claims proposal urged that the agency allow health claims only on foods that are consistent with dietary guidelines. In the health claims final rule (58 FR 2478 at 2534), FDA adopted new ŔŔ101.14(e)(6) to require consistency with dietary guidelines by prohibiting health claims unless the food contains 10 percent or more of the RDI or DRV for vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, protein, or fiber per reference amount customarily consumed prior to any nutrient addition. (A complete discussion of why these specific criteria were selected appears in the preamble of that document (see 58 FR 2478 at 2521 through 2522.) This provision stresses the importance of selecting foods so that dietary sources of calories are coupled with sources of nutrients. This approach incorporates established levels of significance for nutrients in food and is based on the amounts in foods of certain nutrients required to be listed on the label as part of mandatory nutrition labeling. As such, this approach applies to food in conventional food form. FDA specifically exempted dietary supplements not in conventional food form from this requirement. Such supplements are intended only to provide nutritive value to the daily diet, and they make no pretense of serving as substitutes for conventional food. (Dietary supplements in conventional food form are, however, intended to serve as substitutes for conventional food.) As a result it would not be logical to hold such products to criteria designed to ensure consistency with dietary guidelines for conventional food. A dietary supplement that meets the qualifying criterion in ŔŔ101.14(d)(2)(vii) and that does not contain a nutrient at a disqualifying level specified in ŔŔ101.14(a)(5) possesses nutritive value for a health claim irrespective of whether or not it may also provide calories. Accordingly, FDA is not proposing to make any change in the exemption for dietary supplements not in conventional food form from the provisions of ŔŔ101.14(e)(6). For consistency with the proposed definition of the term ``dietary supplement,'' however, FDA is proposing to revise the wording for this exemption to remove the phrase ``not in conventional food form'' because the proposed definition of ``dietary supplement'' states that such foods are not in conventional food form. Ô {M ÔĂĂF. ApplicabilityÄÄ In the health claims final rule, FDA established a provision in ŔŔ101.14(g) stating that the requirements for health claims in ŔŔ101.14 apply to foods intended for human consumption that are offered for sale. FDA is proposing that dietary supplements also be covered by ŔŔ101.14(g). Again, FDA believes that additional reference to dietary supplements may be appropriate in ŔŔ101.14(g) to clarify that dietary supplements are considered food by the agency. Specifically, FDA proposes to revise ŔŔ101.14(g) to state that the requirements of ŔŔ101.14 apply to foods intendedÔ¸$)0*€%€%ĐĐÔ for human consumption that are offered for sale, regardless of whether the foods are in conventional food form or dietary supplement form. Ô {MX ÔĂĂG. PetitionsÄÄ Consistent with the proposed approach of regulating dietary supplements in the same manner as foods in conventional food form, FDA tentatively finds that it is appropriate under section 403(r)(5)(D) of the act to make petitions for a regulation authorizing a health claim on the label or in labeling of dietary supplements subject to the procedure that has been established in ŔŔ101.70 for petitions for health claims on the label or in labeling of foods in conventional food form. FDA structured ŔŔ101.70 to ensure that the agency has the information that it needs to assess the validity of claims for substances in these foods. Thus, subjecting petitions for claims for substances in dietary supplements to the same standard as for petitions for claims of substances in foods in conventional food form will ensure that the former petitions will provide the necessary information. Because FDA is proposing the same requirements for petitions on substances in dietary supplements as for substances in foods in conventional food form, it is not distinguishing between dietary supplements and foods in conventional food form in ŔŔ101.70. However, one conforming revision needs to be made in ŔŔ101.70 for dietary supplements. FDA is proposing that ŔŔ101.70(f) be revised so that the petitioner will reference section 403(r)(5)(D) of the act as the specific statutory provision under which a petition for a health claim for a dietary supplement is being submitted. Ô yO  ÔĂ ĂIV. Impact StatementsÄ Ä Ô {M0 ÔĂĂA. Economic ImpactÄÄ FDA has examined the economic implications of the proposed rules amending 21 CFR part 101 as required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act and Executive Orders 12291 and 12612. The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires regulatory relief for small businesses where feasible. Executive Order 12291 compels agencies to use cost-benefit analysis as a component of decisionmaking. The agency finds that the proposed rules on dietary supplements, taken together, do not constitute a major rule as defined by Executive Order 12291. In accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96 - 354), FDA has explored whether these proposed rules may have a significant impact on small businesses and has tentatively concluded that they do not. The costs of the proposed regulations on dietary supplements, taken as a whole, are estimated to be $20 million. The benefits are primarily those that result from standardizing the format of nutrition information already provided on vitamin and mineral supplements with that of conventional foods. However, because most vitamin and mineral supplements do not currently make health claims on their labels or labeling, FDA does not believe that this proposed rule will result in any significant change. Accordingly, there would be few benefits to the regulation. The agency has presented a more indepth analysis in the document covering mandatory nutrition labeling requirements for dietary Ô yOč Ôsupplements, published elsewhere in this issue of the ĂĂFederal RegisterÄÄ. ĂĂÄÄ Ô {M ÔĂĂB. Environmental ImpactÄÄ The agency has previously considered the environmental effects of this proposed rule when it was part of the proposed rule pertaining to both foods in conventional food form and to dietary supplements (November 27, 1991, Ô yO(# ÔĂĂFederal Register ÄÄ(56 FR 60537 at 60562)). At that time, FDA determined under 21 CFR 25.24(a)(8) and (a)(11) that the proposed action was of a type that does not individually or cumulatively have a significant impact on the human environment. No new information or comments have been received with respect to health claims for dietaryÔ¸$*0*€%€%ĐĐÔ supplements that would affect the agency's previous determination that there is no significant impact on the human environment and that an environmental impact statement is not required. Ô {MX ÔĂĂC. Paperwork Reduction ActÄÄ Section 101.70, which FDA is proposing to extend to cover dietary supplements, contains requirements for submission of petitions to FDA that were submitted for review and approval to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), as required by section 3504(h) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980. The requirements were approved and assigned OMB control number 0910 - 0287. This proposal contains collection of information requirements that are subject to review by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3507). Therefore, in accordance with 5 CFR part 1320, the title, description, and respondent descriptions of the proposed collection of information requirements are shown below with an estimate of the annual collection of information burden. Included in the estimate is the amount of time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering necessary information, and completion and submission of petitions. Ô {O¸ Ô ĂĂTitle: ÄÄ21 CFR 101.70--Food Labeling; General Requirements for Health Claims for Food. Ô {O‚ Ô ĂĂDescription: ÄÄSection 403(r)(4)(A)(i) of the act grants any person the right to petition the agency to issue a regulation authorizing a health claim on a substance-disease relationship. The agency is proposing to extend the coverage of ŔŔ101.70 as the general procedural regulation for health claims to include dietary supplements. In ŔŔ101.70, paragraphs (a) through (d) address general issues and requirements such as the incorporation of various types of information into the petition and standard FDA requirements pertaining to clinical and nonclinical studies submitted to the agency for review. Section 101.70(f) sets forth the format for a health claim petition. It specifies the types of data and other requirements that are necessary to provide for an efficient review and to demonstrate that the proposed substance-disease relationship complies with the requirements established under the 1990 amendments. Ô {OŒ Ô ĂĂDescription of RespondentsÄÄ: Persons and businesses, including small businesses.Ń#dZţ6X@ÉüK­‘Â@#Ń Ô g/ě Ô ĂĂEstimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping BurdenÄÄ ŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔ Annual Average Section number of Annual burden per Annual respondents frequency response burden hours ŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔ 101.70................ 5 1 400 2000 ŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔ Tota1............. ............ ............ ............ 2000 ŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔ Ń#ž]ô\  PŽÂC:HôP#Ń FDA has submitted copies of this proposed rule to OMB for its review of this reporting requirement. Ô yOŞ ÔĂ ĂV. CommentsÄ Ä Interested persons may, on or before July 19, 1993, submit to the Dockets Management Branch (HFA - 305), Food and Drug Administration, rm. 1 - 23, 12420 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, MD 20857, written comments regarding this proposal. Two copies of any comments are to be submitted, except that individuals may submit one copy. Comments are to be identified with the docket number found in brackets in the heading of this document. Received comments may be seen in the office above between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.ÔZ$+0*€%€%ĐĐԌ As mentioned previously in this preamble, the DS act requires that final rules implementing the 1990 amendments with respect to dietary supplements be issued by December 31, 1993. In order to meet this statutory timeframe, FDA must limit the comment period for this proposal to 60 days. FDA believes that the need to meet this timeframe constitutes good cause under 21 CFR 10.40(b)(2) of its procedural regulations for limiting the comment period. Thus, the agency is announcing that because of the short statutory timeframe, FDA will be unable to grant any extensions to the comment period. In addition, the agency will not consider the content of any comments received at Dockets Management Branch after the close of the 60-day comment period. Ô yO@ ÔĂ ĂVI. ReferencesÄ Ä The following references have been placed on display in the Dockets Management Branch (address above) and may be seen by interested persons between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. 1. House of Representatives, House Report 101 - 538, ``Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990,'' June 13, 1990. 2. 136 Congressional Record-House, H12951 - 12955, October 26, 1990. 3. 138 Congressional Record-House H12597, October 8, 1992; 138 Congressional Record-Senate S17236, October 7, 1992. 4. 136 Congressional Record--House, H5836 - 5845, July 30, 1990. 5. Congressional Record-Senate, S16607 - 16612, October 24, 1990. 6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, ``The Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health,'' DHHS (PHS) Publication No. 88 - 50210 (GPO Stock No. 017 - 001 - 00465 - 1, U.S. Government 9Printing Office, Washington, DC), 1988. Ô yOŔ ÔĂ ĂList of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 101Ä Ä Food labeling, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and under authority delegated to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, it is proposed that 21 CFR part 101 be amended as follows: Ô yO ÔĐĐÔuÔĂ ĂPART 101--FOOD LABELINGÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô 1. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 101 continues to read as follows: Ô yO  Ô ĂĂAuthority: ÄÄSecs. 4, 5, 6 of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (15 U.S.C. 1453, 1454, 1455); secs. 201, 301, 402, 403, 409, 501, 502, 505, 701 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 342, 343, 348, 351, 352, 355, 371); sec. 202(a)(2) of the Dietary Supplement Act (Pub. L. 102 - 571). 2. Section 101.14 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(2); by adding new paragraph (a)(4); and by revising paragraphs (b)(3)(i), (d)(1), (d)(3), the introductory text of paragraph (e), and paragraphs (e)(6) and (g) to read as follows: Ô yO(# ÔĂ ĂŔŔ101.14 Health claims: general requirements.Ä Ä (a) * * *Ô¸$,0*€%€%ĐĐԌÔ {O Ô (2) ĂĂSubstance ÄÄmeans a specific food or component of food, regardless of whether the food is in conventional food form or a dietary supplement that includes vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other similar nutritional substances. * * * * * Ô {OZ Ô (4) ĂĂDietary supplement ÄÄmeans a food, not in conventional food form, that supplies a component to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake of that component. * * * * * (b) * * * (3) * * * (i) The substance must, regardless of whether the food is in conventional food form or dietary supplement form, contribute taste, aroma, or nutritive value, or any other technical effect listed in ŔŔ170.3(o) of this chapter, to the food and must retain that attribute when consumed at levels that are necessary to justify a claim; and * * * * * (d) * * * (1) When FDA determines that a health claim meets the validity requirements of paragraph (c) of this section, FDA will propose a regulation in subpart E of this part to authorize the use of that claim. If the claim pertains to a substance not provided for in ŔŔ101.9 or ŔŔ101.36, FDA will propose amending that regulation to include declaration of the substance. * * * * * (3) Nutrition labeling shall be provided in the label or labeling of any food for which a health claim is made in accordance with ŔŔ101.9; for restaurant foods, in accordance with ŔŔ101.10; or for dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals, in accordance with ŔŔ101.36. The requirements of the introductory text of paragraph (d)(3) of this section are effective as of May 8, 1993, except: (i) [Reserved] (ii) [Reserved] (iii) For dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other similar nutritional substances for which the requirements of paragraph (d)(3) of this section will be effective (insert date 6 months after date of publication of Ô yOT Ôthe final rule in the ĂĂFederal RegisterÄÄ). Ô {O Ô (e) ĂĂProhibited health claims. ÄÄNo expressed or implied health claim may be made on the label or in labeling for a food, regardless of whether the food is in conventional food form or dietary supplement form, unless: * * * * * (6) Except for dietary supplements, the food contains 10 percent or more of the Reference Daily Intake or the Daily Reference Value for vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, protein, or fiber per reference amount customarily consumed prior to any nutrient addition. * * * * * Ô {O– Ô (g) ĂĂApplicability. ÄÄThe requirements of this section apply to foods intended for human consumption that are offered for sale, regardless of whether the foods are in conventional food form or dietary supplement form. 3. Section 101.70 is amended in paragraph (f) in the sample petition for a health claim by adding the words ``or 403(r)(5)(D)'' after ``403(r)(3)''. Dated: June 10, 1993. Ô yOH ÔĐĐÔ"@ÔĂĂDavid A. Kessler,ÄÄ Ô {M ÔÔ*ěÔĐĐÔ °ÔĐĐÔJÔĂĂCommissioner of Food and Drugs.ÄÄ Ô yOŘ ÔÔ*ěÔĐĐÔ °ÔĐĐÔ"ÔĂĂDonna E. Shalala,ÄÄ Ô {M ! ÔÔ*ěÔĐĐÔ °ÔĐĐÔcÔĂĂSecretary of Health and Human Services.ÄÄ Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô[FR Doc. 93 - 14272 Filed 6 - 17 - 93; 8:45 am] Ô yO0# ÔĂ ĂBILLING CODE 4160 - 01 - PÄ Ä Ôř#-0*€%€%ĐĐÔ Áŕdě ÁŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔƒ Ô yOč ÔĐĐÔ#€ÔĂ Ă21 CFR Part 101Ä Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Ô yOx ÔĂ Ă[Docket No. 90N - 135D]Ä Ä Ô yO@ ÔĂ ĂRIN 0905 - AD96Ä Ä Ô yOĐ ÔĐĐÔÇÔĂ ĂFood Labeling; General Requirements for Nutrition Labeling for Dietary Supplements of Vitamins, Ô yO˜ ÔÔ˝ ÔMinerals, Herbs, or Other Similar Nutritional SubstancesÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Ô yO( ÔĂ ĂAGENCY: Ä ÄFood and Drug Administration, HHS. Ô yO¸ ÔĂ ĂACTION: Ä ÄProposed rule. Áŕdě ÁŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔƒ Ô yOh ÔĂ ĂSUMMARY: Ä ÄThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to establish regulations for the nutrition labeling of dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other similar nutritional substances. The action is in response to certain provisions of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (the 1990 amendments) and the Dietary Supplement Act of 1992 (the DS act). Ô yOP ÔĂ ĂDATES: Ä ÄWritten comments by July 19, 1993. The agency is proposing that any final rule that may issue based upon this proposal become effective 6 months following its publication. Ô yO¨ ÔĂ ĂADDRESSES: Ä ÄWritten comments to the Dockets Management Branch (HFA - 305), Food and Drug Administration, rm. 1 - 23, 12420 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, MD 20857. Ô yO ÔĂ ĂFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ä ÄSusan Thompson, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS - 165), Food and Drug Administration, 200 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20204, 202 - 205 - 5817. Ô yOX ÔĂ ĂSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:Ä Ä Ô yOč ÔĂ ĂÄ ÄI. Background On November 8, 1990, the President signed into law the 1990 amendments (Pub. L. 101 - 535). This new law amended the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) in a number of important ways. One of the notable aspects of the 1990 amendments is that they added section 403(q) to the act (21 U.S.C. 343(q)). This section requires that most foods bear nutrition labeling. Ô yO˜! Ô In response to section 403(q), FDA published a proposal on nutrition labeling in the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60366 at 60393). The document proposed, among other things, a regulation specifically for the nutrition labeling of dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals (proposed ŔŔ101.36), and it proposed to make the nutrition labeling of dietary supplements of herbs or other similar nutritional substances subject to ŔŔ101.9 (21 CFR 101.9), the general regulation on nutrition labeling. This distinction reflects one that is created by sectionÔ¸$.0*€%€%ĐĐÔ 403(q)(5)(E) of the act. This section provides that if a food to which section 411 of the act applies (i.e., a dietary supplement of vitamins or minerals--section 411, also known as ``The Proxmire Amendment'' limits FDA's ability to regulate the level of vitamins or minerals in food) contains one or more of the nutrients required to be listed in nutrition labeling, ``the label or labeling of such food shall comply with requirements of subparagraphs (1) and (2) [of section 403(q) of the act] in a manner which is appropriate for such food and which is specified in regulations of the Secretary.'' Other dietary supplements are not subject to section 403(q)(5)(E) and thus are subject to regulation under section 403(q) as any other food. In response to the proposed rule of November 27, 1991, on nutrition labeling, FDA received over 45 responses, each containing one or more comments, that pertained to the nutrition labeling of dietary supplements. Responses were received from consumers, health care professionals, universities, State and local governments, foreign governments, trade organizations, consumer advocacy organizations, research institutes, industry, and professional organizations. The agency summarized and discussed the issues in these comments in the preamble of the final rule that it issued on January 6, 1993 (58 FR 2079 at 2167), which was based on the November 27, 1991, proposed rule. The rule finalized the proposed rule on the nutrition labeling of food in conventional food form (ŔŔ101.9) but did not finalize the proposed rule on the nutrition labeling of dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals (ŔŔ101.36), or any provision on how dietary supplements of herbs or other nutritional substances are to be labeled, because of the DS act. The DS act (Pub. L. 102 - 571) was signed into law on October 6, 1992. In section 202(a)(1), the DS act established a 1-year moratorium on the implementation of the 1990 amendments with respect to dietary supplements that are not in the form of conventional food. Section 202(a)(2) of the DS act requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the Secretary), and by delegation FDA, to issue new proposed regulations that are applicable to dietary supplements no later than June 15, 1993, and final regulations by December 31, 1993. In addition, section 203 of the DS act instructs FDA not to promulgate regulations that require the use of, or that are based upon, recommended daily allowances of vitamins or minerals before November 8, 1993 (other than regulations establishing the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowances (U.S. RDA), specified in ŔŔ101.9(c)(7)(iv) as in effect on October 6, 1992). FDA intends to address the issue of the appropriate values for Reference Daily Intakes (RDI's). However, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is in the process of reevaluating the basis on which Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) values are determined. They are addressing the issue of whether values should be selected to prevent deficiencies or to promote optimal wellness. The agency believes that its action should await completion of the NAS process. FDA is committed to working with NAS to help resolve this issue. According to the manager's statement for the Senate (Ref. 1), the DS act is intended to provide FDA with an opportunity to carefully consider how best to regulate dietary supplements. The agency is expected to develop a comprehensive approach for reforming the regulation of dietary supplements. The statement stresses the DS act's policy goal that: * * * [T]he American public must be assured that the dietary supplements they choose to consume are safe, made to quality standards, bear informative labeling, and that health or disease-related claims are properly supported. (138 Congressional Record S 17240 (October 7, 1992)) This proposal satisfies the provision of the DS act that FDA issue new proposed regulations on dietary supplements with respect to nutrition labeling. The agency has arrived at the tentative judgments that are embodied in this proposal after carefully considering how best to provide for nutrition labeling on dietary supplements in the legal context established by the act. FDA is also issuing proposed regulations that address the use of nutrient content claims and health claims on dietary supplements in companion documents published elsewhere is this issue of the Ô yO`" ÔĂĂFederal RegisterÄÄ. Ô yOđ# ÔĂ ĂII. Provisions of Proposed RegulationsÄ Ä Ô¸$/0*€%€%ĐĐԌ The agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(a) that a dietary supplement of a vitamin or mineral that has an RDI as established in ŔŔ101.9(c)(8)(iv) or a Daily Reference Value (DRV) as established in ŔŔ101.9(c)(9) shall bear nutrition labeling in accordance with this section, as illustrated in the sample labels in proposed ŔŔ101.36(c)(8). FDA is also providing in proposed ŔŔ101.36 that dietary supplements of herbs and of other similar nutritional substances are required to bear nutrition labeling in accordance with ŔŔ101.9. (Although the agency previously considered that there could be dietary supplements in conventional food form, FDA is proposing in the document on health claims Ô yO° Ôpublished elsewhere in this issue of the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄto limit the coverage of this term to food not in conventional food form. FDA is reflecting this tentative position in this document. The agency notes that because the DS act did not cover foods in conventional food form, any products in conventional food form that had been considered to be dietary supplements are already covered by ŔŔ101.9.) FDA recognizes that the position that it is taking in this proposal is somewhat different from the one it took in the November 27, 1991, proposed rule (56 FR 60366 at 60381). There the agency interpreted section 403(q)(5)(E) of the act to mean that a vitamin E supplement, for example, would not be subject to the special nutrition labeling provided for by that section because vitamin E, while a substance whose presence in a supplement would subject that supplement to section 411 of the act, was not one of the vitamins or minerals required to be listed in nutrition labeling under section 403 (q)(1) or (q)(2) of the act. Only vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron were required to be listed. However, the agency has reconsidered this position in light of the fact that ŔŔ101.9(c)(8)(ii), as adopted in the January 6, 1993, final rule, provides that vitamins and minerals (other than vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron) must be declared when they are added as a nutrient supplement, or when a claim is made about them (58 FR 2079 at 2178). Thus, when vitamin E is added as a nutrient supplement (see ŔŔ170.3(o)(20) (21 CFR 170.3(o)(20))) to a food in conventional food form, it would have to be declared. FDA is aware of no reason to treat a dietary supplement of vitamins or minerals any differently. Therefore, all vitamins and minerals for which FDA has established RDI's or DRV's, when they are present in supplements, are ``nutrients required to be listed in nutrition labeling'' and thus come within section 403(q)(5)(E) of the act. Furthermore, the agency believes that section 403(q)(5)(E) of the act covers vitamins and minerals for which FDA has established RDI's or DRV's, when they are present in supplements, such as rose hips, that are represented as a source of vitamins or minerals. Therefore, the agency considers a supplement that is represented to be a source of vitamins or minerals to be a food to which section 411 of the act applies and, thus, to be subject to proposed ŔŔ101.36. The agency recognizes that, in some cases, the determination of what supplements are covered by section 411 of the act is difficult, and the agency seeks comments on this issue. Dietary supplements of herbs or other similar nutritional substances are not covered by section 411 of the act and are therefore not covered by section 403(q)(5)(E) of the act. Thus, it was apparently the intent of Congress that dietary supplements of herbs and other similar nutritional substances be fully subject to the requirements of section 403 (q)(1) and (q)(2) of the act. Thus, they are appropriately subject to nutrition labeling under ŔŔ101.9. As a result, under this proposal, dietary supplements of herbs and of other similar nutritional substances are subject to the same nutrition labeling rules that apply to foods in conventional food form. Under this proposal, nutrition label of these supplements will present the nutrition information required in ŔŔ101.9(c) in the format specified in ŔŔ101.9 (d) and (e). The simplified format in ŔŔ101.9(f) may be followed when a supplement of herbs or other nutritional substances contains insignificant amounts of 7 or more of the nutrients required to be listed in ŔŔ101.9(e). No nutrition label will be required when all of the nutrients required are absent as specified in ŔŔ101.9(j)(4). To reduce consumer confusion and to ensure that it is readily observable and comprehensible to consumers, the agency is proposing that nutrition labeling on vitamin or mineral supplements be presented in a manner that is as similar as possible to the nutrition labeling of other foods (section 2(b)(1)(A) of the 1990 amendments). Thus, the agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b) to require that the overall heading of the nutrition label be ``Nutrition Facts.'' It is proposing that, consistent with ŔŔ101.9(d), the nutrition information be enclosed in a box by use of lines, be in black or one color type, and be printed on a white or other neutral contrasting background whenever practical. Ô¸$00*€%€%ĐĐԌÔ {M ÔĂĂA. Serving Size InformationÄÄ The agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(1) that ``Serving Size'' be placed under the heading of ``Nutrition Facts'' and aligned on the left side of the nutrition label of supplements. The agency points out that the 1990 amendments added section 403(q)(1)(A)(i) to the act, which specifies that the ``* * * serving size * * * is an amount customarily consumed * * *.'' In addition, section 403(q)(5)(E) of the act provides that dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals shall comply with the requirements of section 403(q)(1) in a manner ``* * * which is appropriate for such food and which is specified in regulations of the Secretary.'' In attempting to develop a reference amount customarily consumed for dietary supplements, the agency was restricted by the lack of available data on the amounts of dietary supplements that are customarily consumed per eating occasion and by the wide variety of dietary supplements available to consumers, many of which could be expected to have different amounts customarily consumed. To circumvent this lack of data, FDA is proposing to define in ŔŔ101.12(b) (21 CFR 101.12(b)), Table 2, one serving of a dietary supplement of a vitamin or mineral, of an herb, or of other similar nutritional substances as the maximum amount recommended, as appropriate, on the label for consumption per eating occasion, or, in the absence of recommendations, 1 unit, e.g., tablet, capsule, packet, teaspoonsful, etc. This proposal is based on the agency's belief that consumption of specific dietary supplement products is determined in large part by the amount recommended for consumption by the manufacturer on the label. The agency requests comments on this approach. Thus, under this proposal, if label instructions recommend one tablet per day, the serving size is one tablet. If there is no amount recommended on the label, the serving size is one unit of the supplement. If one to three tablets are recommended per day, the serving size is one tablet based on the fact that there are three separate eating occasions per day. However, if two tablets are recommended per meal, the serving size is two tablets. If the label instructions recommend a range of consumption per eating occasion (e.g., take two to five tablets 4 times a day), the serving size will be assumed to be the maximum of the range specified (five tablets). If a product comes in a packet containing different tablets or capsules that are to be consumed at one time, the appropriate serving size is one packet (pac, package, or packette). The proposed reference amount in ŔŔ101.12(b) will apply to dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals that are proposed to be subject to nutrition labeling regulations in ŔŔ101.36 and to dietary supplements of herbs or of other similar nutritional substances that are proposed to be subject to ŔŔ101.9. Furthermore, the agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(1) that for dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals, the procedure in ŔŔ101.9(b) be used for converting the reference amount to the label serving size. In the proposed rule on nutrition labeling of November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60366 at 60382), the agency did not propose to require that serving sizes be declared on dietary supplements. Instead, the agency proposed that ``units per day'' be disclosed because it was proposing that nutrition information be presented on a ``per unit'' basis or, when label directions specified that more than one unit be consumed during a day, on the basis of ``per day'' (i.e., dual declaration). As discussed in the January 6, 1993, final rule (58 FR 2079 at 2168), the agency received a number of comments opposing the dual declaration of nutrition information on supplements. Comments argued that dual declaration will confuse consumers, overcrowd labels, and discriminate against those supplements that are required to have it. Some of these comments stated that declaration should be only on a ``per day'' basis because it is the total amount of nutrients that is important. Other comments asserted that the declaration should be on a ``per unit'' basis because some consumers may deviate from the recommended intake, or the intake may be presented as a range (e.g., one to three tablets per day). Some of these comments pointed out that U.S. Pharmacopeia also favors a ``per unit'' basis. In the January 6, 1993, final rule (58 FR 2079 at 2168), the agency agreed that dual declaration of nutrition information may create a readability problem for consumers. It deferred rulemaking because of the DS act but tentatively concluded that declaration on a ``per unit'' basis is more useful because consumers may not actually consume the amount indicated ``per day.'' Based on that tentative conclusion, FDA questioned the usefulness of serving size information for supplements in the form of discrete units, such as tablets or capsules, concluding that it was sufficient to use the subheading ``each unit contains:''. The agency did state that it believed that serving sizeÔ¸$10*€%€%ĐĐÔ information should be provided for supplements in liquid or powdered form to give the consumer better information about the dosage unit. The agency has been able to reexamine this issue during the moratorium imposed by the DS act but still believes that requiring dual declaration when more than one unit is to be consumed during a period of 1 day creates readability problems. Although the agency has been persuaded that a ``per unit'' approach is more useful than a ``per day'' approach, the agency is concerned that reporting information solely on a ``per unit'' basis could confuse consumers when more than 1 unit is to be consumed at one time (e.g., two capsules with each meal). If consumers do not notice or do not understand the heading that states ``per unit,'' they might assume that the information is for the amount specified for consumption at one time (i.e, ``per serving''), particularly because information for foods in conventional food form will be expressed on a ``per serving'' basis in accordance with section 403(q)(1) of the act. Also, the agency prefers one consistent method of labeling for the various forms of supplements and points out that ``per unit'' labeling is not as appropriate for supplements that do not come in discrete units (e.g., liquid or powdered supplements). For these reasons, the agency is proposing that declaration be on a ``per serving'' basis consistent with ŔŔ101.9. Consequently, the agency tentatively concludes that serving size information must be provided to make it clear to the consumer the basis on which the nutrition information is reported (i.e., how many units are represented by the nutrient values given). Consistent with the November 27, 1991, proposed rule, the agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(1) to allow the declaration of serving size in terms that are appropriate for the supplement, such as ``tablets,'' ``capsules,'' ``packets,'' or ``teaspoonfuls.'' In regard to the requirement proposed in November 1991, that ``units per day'' be declared in the nutrition label of dietary supplements (56 FR 60366 at 60382), the agency received one comment stating that this information is not necessary. As discussed in its January 6, 1993, final rule (58 FR 2079 at 2168), FDA considered this comment and agreed that ``units per day'' could be confusing. The agency is concerned that if ``units per day'' is declared in the nutrition label, consumers might assume that the nutrient information is for the total number of units specified for consumption per day. To avoid the possibility for confusion, FDA is not providing for declaration of ``units per day'' on the nutrition label. If directions concerning the number of units to be consumed per day are to be provided, they should be given outside of the nutrition label. Ô {Mŕ ÔĂĂB. Servings Per ContainerÄÄ FDA is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(2) to require the listing of ``servings per container'' on the left side of the label under the listing of ``serving size.'' This provision is similar to ŔŔ101.9(d)(3)(ii), which requires information on servings per container on the label of foods in conventional food form. The agency proposed to require that ``units per container'' be declared on dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals in the November 27, 1991, proposed rule (56 FR 60366 at 60382). In response, the agency received a few comments that stated that this information is redundant and unnecessary because it is already required to be listed on the principal display panel of dietary supplements as part of the net quantity of contents declaration. In the January 6, 1993, final rule on nutrition labeling (58 FR 2079 at 2168), the agency agreed that since ŔŔ101.105(a) (21 CFR 101.105(a)) requires that the net quantity of contents declaration include a numerical count when appropriate, there is little benefit to be derived from information on the number of units appearing in two different places on the label. Accordingly, when the serving is one unit, the number of servings per container would duplicate the number of units declared on the principal display panel. To avoid this redundancy, the agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(2) that information on servings per container need not be provided when the identical information is stated in the net quantity of contents declaration. For the same reason, the agency is proposing to revise ŔŔ101.9(d)(3)(ii) to include a similar provision for all foods covered by that regulation, including foods in conventional food form and dietary supplements of herbs and of other similar nutritional substances. Current ŔŔ101.9(d)(3)(ii) allows ``servings per container'' to be omitted on single serving containers because it is redundant with the net quantity of contents declaration. This change provides the same opportunity to all foods when the declaration of ``servings per container''Ô¸$20*€%€%ĐĐÔ would be redundant. FDA considers that dietary supplements in liquid or powdered form will always have to declare ``servings per container.'' The net quantity of contents information for dietary supplements in liquid or powdered form would be reported in measures, such as fluid ounces or grams, rather than in the measures used to express serving size, such as teaspoonfuls. Ô {M° ÔĂĂC. Nutrient InformationÄÄ The agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(3) that any vitamin or mineral listed in ŔŔ101.9(c)(8)(iv) or (c)(9), as well as any other nutrient listed in ŔŔ101.9(c) that is present in the supplement at more than insignificant amounts, be declared. FDA is proposing to define ``insignificant amount'' as an amount per serving that allows declaration of zero in nutrition labeling, except that for total carbohydrate, dietary fiber, and protein, an insignificant amount is the amount that allows a declaration of ``less than 1 gram.'' This definition is consistent with that in ŔŔ101.9(f)(1) and (j)(4), and the agency is not aware of any basis on which to find that it would be appropriate to define this term differently for dietary supplements than for foods in conventional food form. The term ``insignificant amount'' was used in section 403(q)(5)(C) of the act in reference to when a food would be exempt from nutrition labeling and to when a food would qualify for the simplified format. Comments on the term are discussed in the final rule on nutrition labeling of January 6, 1993 (58 FR 2079 at 2141). Thus, nutrients that are present in dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals in insignificant amounts are not required to be declared. This proposed requirement is different from that in ŔŔ101.9(f)(2)(i) for foods containing insignificant amounts of 7 or more nutrients required to be included in nutrition labeling in ŔŔ101.9(c), which provides that foods in conventional food form have to declare calories, total fat, total carbohydrate, protein, and sodium (i.e., the core nutrients) even when the amounts of these nutrients are insignificant. Because these core nutrients are not generally present in vitamin and mineral supplements, and FDA is not aware of any consumer expectations that they are present, FDA tentatively concludes that it is not necessary to declare them when the amounts are insignificant. The agency points out that it received no comments objecting to this provision when the agency first proposed it on November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60366 at 60382). The agency wishes to clarify that under ŔŔ101.9(j)(4) food containing insignificant amounts of all of the nutrients required to be included in nutritional labeling in ŔŔ101.9(c) are exempt from nutrition labeling. By proposing to make dietary supplements of herbs or of other similar nutritional substances subject to ŔŔ101.9, the agency is proposing to also make them subject to ŔŔ101.9(f)(2)(i). Thus, under this proposal, the core nutrients will have to be declared on these products except when the products are exempt from nutrition labeling under ŔŔ101.9(j)(4). The agency recognizes that dietary supplements of herbs or of other similar nutritional substances may contain insignificant amounts of the core nutrients required to be declared under ŔŔ101.9(f)(2)(i). However, the agency tentatively concludes that it is appropriate to make these dietary supplements subject to ŔŔ101.9 because section 403(q)(5)(E) of the act applies only to foods that are covered by section 411 of the act. The agency does not believe that it has authority to propose requirements for these supplements that are different from those that apply to the other foods that are not subject to section 403(q)(5)(E) of the act. The agency requests comments on this issue. The agency is also proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(3) to require that the name of each nutrient listed be immediately followed by the quantitative amount by weight of the nutrient, to be consistent with ŔŔ101.9(d)(7)(i). For this reason also, the agency is proposing to require that the information on names and amounts be presented in a column under the heading ``Amount Per Serving,'' which shall be set off by a bar above and underneath it. The agency is proposing to require that the column be aligned on the left side of the nutrition label. The agency points out that the labels of many dietary supplements present the information on quantitative amount in a separate column, rather than immediately next to the name of the nutrient as is required in the new nutrition label for foods in conventional food form. In accordance with section 2(b)(1)(A) of the 1990 amendments, to ensure that the nutrition label on dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals is readily observable, comprehensible, and permits consumers to understand the significance of the information in the context of the total daily diet, FDA is proposing that this information beÔ¸$30*€%€%ĐĐÔ presented in a form that is as similar as possible to the nutrition information on foods in conventional food form. FDA believes that similarity will enhance the observability, comprehensibility, and understandability of the information. FDA requests comments on this issue. The agency initially proposed that quantitative amounts by weight be presented for all nutrients in a dietary supplement of a vitamin or mineral in the proposed rule of November 27, 1991, on nutrition labeling (56 FR 60366 at 60393). As discussed in the January 6, 1993, final rule (58 FR 2079 at 2169), the agency received several comments on this issue in response to the November 27, 1991, proposed rule and to the format proposal of July 20, 1992 (57 FR 32058 at 32072). About half of the comments supported FDA's position on declaring amounts. Other comments opposed declaring amounts and argued that only percent of Daily Value should be mandatory, consistent with the labeling of vitamins and minerals on the labels of foods in conventional form. One comment asserted that a requirement for too much information is discriminatory against products with larger numbers of nutrients and might discourage the use of smaller packages that are less expensive to consumers. The agency has reexamined the issue of whether the quantitative amount by weight of vitamins and minerals should be required. Although the agency is not requiring that the quantitative amount of vitamins and minerals be included in the nutrition label of foods in conventional food form, the agency believes that this information is necessary and useful on the labels of dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals by virtue of the way that such products are formulated, marketed, and used. Dietary supplements are often formulated and marketed on the basis of offering specific amounts of certain vitamins and minerals to consumers. Some consumers try to maintain a certain quantitative intake of specific nutrients in their diets and use the product to meet this goal. The quantitative goals may be stated in terms of the absolute amount by weight of the nutrient or the percent of Daily Value that the amount represents. In addition, because these are supplements of vitamins or minerals, the quantitative amount of vitamins and minerals is essential to characterize the product. Finally, the agency points out that the labels of most dietary supplements currently include information on quantitative amount. Thus, the agency believes that continuation of provision of this type of information as part of nutrition labeling will help ensure that consumers are fully informed about the content of these products. The agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(3)(i) that the quantitative amounts should be expressed in the increments specified in ŔŔ101.9(c), using the units of measure and the level of significance as that given in ŔŔ101.9(c)(8)(iv) for that nutrient. The agency is not aware of any reason for treating dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals any differently in this regard than food in conventional food form. In addition, dietary supplements of herbs and of other nutritional substances will be treated in the same manner since they are subject to ŔŔ101.9. Therefore, FDA tentatively concludes that no special provision need be made for dietary supplements of herbs or of other similar nutritional substances. For example, 2.775 milligrams (mg) of thiamin would be declared as 2.8 mg, whereas 2.775 mg of niacin would be declared as 3 mg. The agency proposed that the quantitative amounts of foods in conventional food form be expressed in this manner in the November 27, 1991, proposed rule (56 FR 60366 at 60383). One comment objected to the provision, stating that it would be potentially confusing to consumers for thiamin, for example, to be declared to the first decimal place, e.g., 100.0 mg, and niacin to be declared to the nearest whole number, e.g., 100 mg. The comment suggested that decimal places be dropped, and that all nutrients be listed to the nearest whole number when nutrient levels are 10 or more times the RDI. As discussed in the preamble of the January 6, 1993, final rule, FDA is not persuaded that consumers would be confused by decimals for some nutrients and not others. In addition, requiring only whole numbers would introduce a large amount of imprecision in the declaration of some nutrients. For example, it would cause 1.5 mg of thiamin (i.e., 100 percent of the RDI) to be rounded up to 2 mg--a 33 percent increase. However, when the decimal is followed by a zero, the agency generally has no objection to the zero being dropped. The agency points out that the amount declared refers to the amount measured analytically and does not take into consideration the bioavailability of the nutrient. With the exception of calcium and iron, FDA is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(3)(ii) that nutrients declared in theÔ¸$40*€%€%ĐĐÔ nutrition labeling of vitamin or mineral supplements be listed in the order that nutrients are listed in the nutrition labeling of foods in conventional food form (i.e., as specified in ŔŔ101.9(c)). The agency is proposing that calcium and iron be listed after the listing of any vitamins that are present so that all of the vitamins will be grouped together. As a result, under this proposal, minerals will be listed in the following order when present in a dietary supplement: Calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc, and copper. The agency points out that under this proposal, the order that nutrients are listed on foods in conventional food form is the order that they are to be listed on dietary supplements of herbs and of other similar nutritional substances, since these supplements are subject to ŔŔ101.9. Thus, no special provision need be made regarding the order of nutrients for dietary supplements of herbs or of other similar nutritional substances. The agency tentatively finds that following a consistent order will help consumers to more quickly locate information of interest to them on the label than would be the case if some other order were permitted. The agency is proposing that the last nutrient to be listed be separated from the bottom of the nutrition label by a bar, as shown in the sample labels in proposed ŔŔ101.36(c)(8). This bar will enhance the consistency of appearance of the nutrition labels on dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals and on foods subject to ŔŔ101.9. Thus, it will help consumers of dietary supplements to readily observe the nutrition information and to comprehend its significance. Because, under this proposal, dietary supplements of herbs or of other similar nutritional substances are subject to ŔŔ101.9, they will have the same format as the format of nutrition labeling for foods in conventional food form. Therefore, no special provision regarding format need be made for dietary supplements of herbs or other similar nutritional substances. FDA recognizes that for some dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals the content of separate servings is different (e.g., product has a packet containing an assortment of supplements to be taken in the morning and a packet with a different assortment of supplements for the afternoon). Under proposed ŔŔ101.36(b)(3)(iii), when such differences exist, the amount for each packet will have to be presented and clearly indicated, as illustrated in proposed ŔŔ101.36(c)(8)(iii), or the information for each separate serving will have to be presented in individual nutrition labels (i.e., ``Nutrition Facts'' panel) that are clearly identified. While the agency tentatively concludes that the manufacturer should have some flexibility in how nutrition information on these types of products is presented, the agency is including proposed ŔŔ101.36(b)(3)(iii) in the regulations to ensure that the information is presented in a comprehensible manner. Also, the agency is proposing to amend ŔŔ101.9(h)(2) to make a parallel provision that would allow dietary supplements of herbs or other similar nutritional substances to be labeled in a similar manner. In proposed ŔŔ101.36(b)(3)(iv), the agency is providing that the percent of vitamin A that is present as &bgr;-carotene may be declared to the nearest whole percent immediately adjacent to or beneath the nutrient name, as illustrated in ŔŔ101.9(c)(8). This provision is similar to ŔŔ101.9(c)(8)(vi), which pertains to foods in conventional food form and which was added in response to a comment. As discussed in the January 6, 1993, final rule (58 FR 2079 at 2170), the agency believes that it is appropriate to voluntarily distinguish the amount of vitamin A that is present as &bgr;-carotene. The agency is proposing that &bgr;-carotene be declared to the nearest whole percent to be consistent with the proposed increments in which percent RDI's and percent DRV's are to be expressed, as discussed later in this document. The agency points out that the specific source of the vitamin A must be shown in the ingredient list, even when &bgr;-carotene is listed in the nutrition label. One comment received in response to the November 27, 1991, proposed rule (56 FR 60366 at 60388), advocated the parenthetical listing of the source of each vitamin or mineral immediately following its declaration on the nutrition information panel in lieu of a separate ingredient list. The comment argued that this listing would avoid confusion by enabling consumers to readily identify the nutrient source and would save limited label space. As discussed in the January 6, 1993, final rule (58 FR 2079 at 2170), dietary supplements, like any food, are required to bear a complete list of ingredients under section 403(i)(2) of the act, and such list must be separate from the nutrition label. Ingredient listing, moreover, is needed for substances other than vitamins or minerals, like fillers, artificial colors, flavors, binders, and excipients. Therefore, the agency is not proposing to provide for the listing of the source of vitamins and minerals within the nutrition label. Consumers desiring to know the source of a nutrientÔ¸$50*€%€%ĐĐÔ can merely look at the list of ingredients, just as they would for a food in conventional food form. Consistent with nutrition labeling of foods in conventional food form, FDA is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(3)(v) to allow synonyms to be added in parentheses immediately following the name of certain nutrients. The synonyms that Ô yOX ÔFDA is proposing to provide for are ascorbic acid for vitamin C, vitamin BĂĂ1 ÄÄfor thiamin, vitamin BĂĂ2 ÄÄfor riboflavin, folacin for folate, and calories (energy). Energy content per serving may be expressed in kilojoules units, added in parentheses immediately following the statement of caloric content. The agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(3)(vi) to require that all nutrients listed on the nutrition label for dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals be displayed with uniform type size, type style, color, and prominence. This proposed requirement is consistent with ŔŔ101.9(d) and is necessary to give all nutrients equal prominence. This provision will enhance the consistency of appearance of nutrition labeling under ŔŔ101.9 and under proposed ŔŔ101.36. Because, under this proposal, dietary supplements of herbs or other similar nutritional substances are subject to ŔŔ101.9, they will be covered by ŔŔ101.9(d). Thus, no special provisions need be made for dietary supplements of herbs or of other similar nutritional substances. The agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(4) that the percent of the Daily Value, where appropriate, be listed for all nutrients in the supplement that are declared under ŔŔ101.36(b)(3), as illustrated in proposed ŔŔ101.36(c)(8)(i). The labeling of most dietary supplements currently includes information on the percent of the U.S. RDA. The agency believes that continuation of this type of labeling will help to ensure that consumers are fully informed about the nutrient content of these products. The agency points out that, under this proposal, the term ``% U.S. RDA'' will be replaced on labels by the term ``% Daily Value.'' In a document entitled ``Food Labeling; Reference Daily Intakes and Daily Reference Values'' (58 FR 2206, January 6, 1993), FDA changed the name of the U.S. RDA's to RDI's. Because of the provisions of the DS act, the agency did not change the quantitative values from those that had appeared in ŔŔ101.9(c)(7)(iv). At the same time, FDA established DRV's for nutrients that are not addressed by NAS in ``Recommended Dietary Allowances'' (Ref. 2). The distinction between RDI and DRV nutrients remains necessary for regulatory purposes because the values were derived from separate sources, and because these nutrients play different roles under the imitation and substitute food regulations (21 CFR 101.3). However, there is no need to make consumers aware of the regulatory distinction between RDI and DRV. After soliciting comments concerning an appropriate single term that would refer to both RDI's and DRV's in the mandatory nutrition labeling proposal (55 FR 29487, July 19, 1990) and after using the term ``Daily Value'' in consumer research, FDA concluded that the term ``Daily Value'' is appropriate as a single term to refer to all reference values on the nutrition label (58 FR 2079 at 2125). The agency is not aware of any reason to take a different approach in the nutrition labeling of dietary supplements. Proposed ŔŔ101.36(b)(4) requires that the percent of the RDI specified in ŔŔ101.9(c)(8)(iv) or of the DRV specified in ŔŔ101.9(c)(9), as appropriate, be declared for each nutrient listed in the nutrition label that has an RDI or DRV, except that the percent for protein may be omitted, consistent with ŔŔ101.9(c)(7). The agency is proposing that no percent be given for sugars because they do not have a reference value (i.e., DRV). Under this proposal, this information is to be presented in a column under the heading ``% Daily Value.'' The headings ``% Daily Value (DV),'' ``% DV,'' ``Percent Daily Value,'' and ``Percent DV'' may be substituted for ``% Daily Value.'' Under this proposal, the column shall be aligned to the right of the column of nutrient names and quantitative amounts by weight. FDA is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(4)(i) to require that the percent of Daily Value be calculated by dividing the declared quantitative amount (i.e., after rounding) for each nutrient by the RDI or DRV for the specified nutrient and multiplying by 100, except that the percent for protein shall be calculated as specified in ŔŔ101.9(c)(7)(ii). The numerical value is to be followed by the symbol for percent (i.e., %). Except for calculating percent of Daily Value after rounding the quantitative amount, this approach is consistent with the one FDA has adopted for calculating percent Daily Value for foods in conventional food form. The agency is not aware of any reason why an alternate approach would be more appropriate for dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals. Using the declared quantitative amount to calculate percent of Daily Value rather than the actual amount (i.e., before rounding) will ensure that the percent of Daily Value declaration will be consistent for all products that listÔ¸$60*€%€%ĐĐÔ the same quantitative amount by weight. For example, a product that contains from 32.5 to 37.4 mg of sodium would declare that amount as 35 mg on the nutrition label. Dividing the quantitative amount by the Daily Value for sodium of 2,400 mg would result in a declaration of 1 percent of Daily Value at the lower end of the range and 2 percent at the upper end. Calculating the percent Daily Values on the declared amount avoids this inconsistency. FDA is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(4)(ii) that percent Daily Values be expressed to the nearest whole percent. This provision is consistent with the increments in ŔŔ101.9(d)(7)(ii), under which percent Daily Values based on DRV's are reported in nutrition labeling for foods in conventional food form, but it is inconsistent with the increments in ŔŔ101.9(c)(8)(iii) for expressing percent Daily Values for vitamins and minerals that are based on RDI's (i.e., to the nearest 2-percent increment up to and including the 10-percent level, to the nearest 5-percent increment above 10 percent and up to and including the 50-percent level, and to the nearest 10-percent increment above the 50-percent level). The agency is proposing for supplements that percent Daily Values for all nutrients be expressed to the nearest whole percent because it believes that greater precision is possible with formulated supplements as opposed to what is possible for naturally-occurring nutrients in foods in conventional food form. The agency believes that consumers will be interested in this precision on dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals. Additionally, the agency observes that many dietary supplements are currently labeled in this manner. The agency requests comments on this deviation from its approach for foods in conventional food form. FDA is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(4)(iii) to require that the percentages of RDI's be based on RDI values for adults and children 4 or more years of age unless the product is represented or purported to be for use by infants, children less than 4 years of age, pregnant women, or lactating women. If the product is intended for such groups, FDA is proposing to require that the column heading clearly state the intended group. If the product is for persons within more than one group, FDA is proposing to require that the percent of Daily Value for each group be presented in additional columns, as illustrated in ŔŔ101.9(c)(8)(ii). The agency notes that there are no RDI values codified specifically for infants, children under 4 years of age, or pregnant or lactating women. FDA had intended to codify RDI values for these groups but did not in accordance with section 203 of the DS act, which, as stated above, provided that the agency could not adopt recommended daily values before November 8, 1993. To provide guidance to manufacturers in lieu of codifying values, the agency published label reference values for these groups in the preamble of the final rule on RDI's and DRV's on January 6, 1993 (58 FR 2206 at 2213). The label reference values are based on the 1968 NAS' RDA's (Ref. 3) and were formerly contained in 21 CFR 105.3(b). The agency encourages manufacturers to use these values on the labels of products intended for use by groups other than adults or children over 4 years of age. FDA intends to revisit the issue of whether to establish RDI's for infants, children under 4 years of age, or pregnant or lactating women at the time it considers the broader question of the appropriate values for RDI's. When the content of separate servings is different (e.g., the product has a packet containing an assortment of supplements to be taken in the morning and a packet with a different assortment of supplements for the afternoon), the agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(b)(4)(iv) to require that the percent of Daily Value for each packet be presented and clearly indicated, as illustrated in ŔŔ101.36(c)(8)(iii), or that the information for each separate serving be presented in individual nutrition labels (i.e, ``Nutrition Facts'' panel) that are clearly identified. As stated above with respect to proposed ŔŔ101.36(b)(3)(iii), FDA is providing for these alternative means because it considers some flexibility in the labeling of these products to be appropriate but considers some standard to be necessary to ensure that the information is presented in a comprehensible and readily observable manner. FDA is proposing to require in ŔŔ101.36(b)(4)(v) that if the percent of Daily Value is declared for total fat, saturated fat, total carbohydrate, dietary fiber, or protein, the value be followed by an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the nutrition label that states: ``Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.'' The agency tentatively finds that this statement is needed to enable consumers to evaluate the appropriateness of the percent of Daily Value for their personal needs. This statement is required in nutrition labeling for all foods in conventional food form, regardless of what format is used. In addition, foods subject to ŔŔ101.9 that bear the full nutrition label are required to list the Daily Values for 2,000 calories and similar values for 2,500 calories for the nutrients that have DRV's and that are present in the food (see ŔŔ101.9(d)(9)(i)). The agency tentatively concludes that it is not necessaryÔ¸$70*€%€%ĐĐÔ to require the complete footnote for dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals because nutrients for which Daily Values can be adjusted to reflect caloric intake are not major components of most dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals. Ô {M  ÔĂĂD. FormatÄÄ In order to have a consistent look for nutrition labels on all foods and thereby help consumers to find the information, the agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(c) that the information required in ŔŔ101.36(b) be presented in a manner that is similar to the requirements listed in ŔŔ101.9(d) for foods in conventional food form. Specifically, the agency is proposing to require in ŔŔ101.36(c)(1) that the title of ``Nutrition Facts'' be set in a type size larger than all other print size in the nutrition label and, unless impractical, be set the full width of the nutrition label. Under this proposed provision, the title and all headings are to be highlighted to distinguish them from other information in the nutrition label. Additionally, in response to consumer comments about legibility of nutrition labeling, the agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(c)(2) through (c)(6), respectively, to require that all information within the nutrition label utilize a single easy-to-read type style, upper and lower case letters, at least one point leading (i.e., space between two lines of text), type that is kerned (i.e., has proximity of placement) no tighter than {dieresis} setting, and type size no smaller than 8 point, except that type size no smaller than 6 point shall be used for the headings required by proposed ŔŔ101.36(b)(4) and (b)(4)(ii) (i.e., ``Amount Per Serving,'' and ``% Daily Value'') and for the voluntary listing of the percent of vitamin A that is present as &bgr;-carotene as specified in proposed ŔŔ101.36(b)(3)(ii). In contrast with type size requirements in ŔŔ101.9(d)(1)(iii), the agency is proposing that for dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals, 6 point type size be allowed for packages that have a total surface area available to bear labeling of 40 or less square inches. The agency believes that allowing 6 point type size for dietary supplements that have 40 square inches or less available for labeling is appropriate because of the limitations of such an amount of space and the large number of nutrients contained in many of these products. The agency is not proposing a parallel provision for dietary supplements of herbs or of other similar nutritional substances because it believes that generally the composition of these supplements is more similar to the composition of foods in conventional food form than to the composition of dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals. Moreover, such products are not likely to include a large number of nutrients. Thus, the agency believes it is appropriate that supplements of herbs and of other similar nutritional substances are subject to ŔŔ101.9(d)(1)(iii). Finally, in the interest of uniformity, FDA is suggesting in proposed ŔŔ101.36(c)(7) that nutrition information be presented using the graphic specifications set forth in Appendix B of part 101 (21 CFR part 101). Ô {MČ ÔĂĂE. Other ProvisionsÄÄ FDA tentatively concludes that dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals should be subject to the same compliance policies as conventional processed foods. The agency is not aware of any reason why an alternate approach would be more appropriate for dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals. Therefore, it is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(d)(1) to require that compliance be determined in accordance with proposed ŔŔ101.9(g)(1) through (g)(8). When compliance is not technologically feasible, or some other circumstance makes it impracticable, FDA is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(d)(2) that alternative means of compliance or additional exemptions may be permitted by FDA in accordance with ŔŔ101.9(g)(9). Under this proposal, dietary supplements of herbs or of other similar nutritional substances are subject to ŔŔ101.9, and, thus, are also covered by ŔŔ101.9(g)(1) through (g)(9). The agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(e) to require that the location of nutrition information on a label be in compliance with ŔŔ101.2 (21 CFR 101.2), except that where the total surface area available to bear labeling is 40 or less square inches, nutrition information can be presented on any label panel as provided in ŔŔ101.36(g). These provisions are consistent with the requirements listed in ŔŔ101.9(i) and in ŔŔ101.9(j)(13)(ii)(D) for foods that are in conventional food form. Additionally, under this proposal, dietary supplements of herbs and of other similarÔ¸$80*€%€%ĐĐÔ nutritional substances are subject to ŔŔ101.9 and thus are subject to the same requirements. Ô {M ÔĂĂF. Exemptions and Special ConditionsÄÄ The agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(f) to make dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals subject to an exemption from nutrition labeling for small businesses that is identical to ŔŔ101.9(j)(1). Because the agency is proposing that dietary supplements of herbs and or of other similar nutritional substances are subject to ŔŔ101.9, these supplements are subject to the exemption in ŔŔ101.9(j)(1). The agency emphasizes that the exemption for small businesses is allowed provided that the food bears no nutrition claims or other nutrition information on its label or labeling or in its advertising. Consistent with ŔŔ101.9(a), a nutrition claim or any other nutrition information on the label will negate any exemption. For example, the agency would exempt a product produced by a small business that states ``Vitamin C 250 mg'' in its statement of identity providing the label makes no claims or provides no other nutrition information. However, if the label of the product provides nutrition information, such as that each unit represents 417 percent of the Daily Value for vitamin C, the product would have to bear nutrition labeling. The agency believes that it is necessary for such products to bear nutrition labeling to ensure that consumers are fully informed about the nutrient content of such food. Failure to include such information would render the food misbranded under sections 201(n) and 403(a) of the act for failure to reveal a fact that is material in light of other representations made on the label. The agency is proposing in ŔŔ101.36(g) that dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals are subject to the applicable special provisions that are provided in ŔŔ101.9(j) for foods in conventional food form. These provisions include: ŔŔ101.9(j)(5)(i) for foods, other than infant formula, for infants and children less than 2 years of age; ŔŔ101.9(j)(5)(ii) for food, other than infant formula, for infants and children less than 4 years of age; ŔŔ101.9(j)(9) for foods shipped in bulk form that are not for distribution to consumers; ŔŔ101.9(j)(13)(i) for foods in small packages that have a total surface area available to bear labeling of less than 12 square inches; ŔŔ101.9(j)(13)(ii) for foods in packages that have a total surface area available to bear labeling of 40 or less square inches; ŔŔ101.9(j)(15) for multiunit retail food packages; and ŔŔ101.9(j)(16) for foods sold in bulk containers. The agency believes that these provisions are appropriate for foods in general, as discussed in the nutrition labeling final rule (58 FR 2079 at 2144, January 6, 1993), and are appropriate for dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals because they are a subcategory of food. The agency points out that under this proposal, dietary supplements of herbs and of other similar nutritional substances are subject to ŔŔ101.9, and thus are subject to the special provisions that are provided in ŔŔ101.9(j). Ô {M ÔĂĂG. MisbrandingÄÄ The agency is proposing to require in ŔŔ101.36(h) that dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals that are labeled under the provisions of this section be labeled in accordance with ŔŔ101.9(k)(1) through (k)(6), which details types of nutrition-related claims that cause a food to be misbranded. The agency has tentatively concluded that these provisions are appropriate for foods in general (58 FR 2079 at 2166, January 6, 1993) and are appropriate for dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals because they are a subcategory of food. Dietary supplements of herbs and of other similar nutritional substances are also to be covered by these provisions because under this proposal they are subject to ŔŔ101.9. The agency points out that ŔŔ101.9(k)(1) and (k)(5), were revised in the January 6, 1993, final rules for health claims and mandatory nutrition labeling, respectively (58 FR 2478 at 2533 and 58 FR 2079 at 2188), but that ŔŔ101.9(k)(2) through (k)(4) and (k)(6) merely represented a redesignation of regulations that had been Ô yO˜! Ôpromulgated in the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof January 19, 1973 (38 FR 2125). Section 101.9(k)(1) provides that a food is misbranded if its labeling represents, suggests, or implies that the food, because of the presence or absence of certain dietary properties, is adequate or effective in the prevention, cure, mitigation, or the treatment of any disease or symptom. FDA notes that this provision had long been in effect at the time Congress drafted the 1990 amendments. While Congress did enact provisions under the 1990 amendments thatÔ¸$90*€%€%ĐĐÔ allow for health claims on foods, nothing in the 1990 amendments or in the legislative history of the 1990 amendments suggests that Congress intended for this provision to be deleted. In the January 6, 1993, final rule (58 FR 2478 at 2533), the agency revised ŔŔ101.9(k)(1) to state that information about the relationship of a dietary property to a disease or health-related condition may only be provided in conformance with the requirements of ŔŔ101.14 (21 CFR 101.14) and subpart E of part 101. No comments objected to this revision. Section 101.9(k)(5) was revised by deleting its second and third sentences, which prohibited substances found in nature from being incorporated into nutritional products and listed on the label. The agency was persuaded by the comments that there is no reason to prohibit safe substances from being incorporated into foods in conventional food form or into dietary supplements as long as their presence is noted in the ingredient list, and the product's label or labeling does not state or imply that the food has special dietary properties because of the presence of the substances when, in fact, their usefulness has not been established. Section 411(b)(2) of the act provides that vitamin and mineral products may contain substances that are not vitamins or minerals as long as the substances are only identified as a part of the ingredient list. Consequently, the agency promulgated the first sentence of ŔŔ101.9(k)(5), which provides that a food shall be deemed to be misbranded if its label represents, suggests, or implies that the food has dietary properties when such properties have not been shown to have significant value or need in human nutrition. Ô yOH ÔĂ ĂIII. Conforming AmendmentsÄ Ä As discussed in section II. of this document, the agency is proposing to amend ŔŔ101.9(a), (d)(3)(ii), (h)(2), and (j)(6). Dietary supplements of herbs and of other similar nutritional substances are not covered by ŔŔ101.36 and thus must meet the requirements of ŔŔ101.9. FDA is proposing to amend section 101.9(a) to make clear that nutrition labeling must be provided for all food products whether in conventional food form or in dietary supplement form, unless an exemption is provided. The agency is proposing to amend section 101.9(d)(3)(ii) to specify that the statement ``Serving Per Container'' is not required when this information is stated in the net quantity of contents declaration. FDA is proposing to amend ŔŔ101.9(h) to provide in ŔŔ101.9(h)(2) for products that consist of two or more separately packaged foods that are intended to be eaten individually and that are enclosed in an outer container. In addition, FDA is proposing to amend ŔŔ101.9(j)(6) to specify that dietary supplements that are covered by proposed ŔŔ101.36 are exempt from the requirements of ŔŔ101.9. Ô yOp ÔĂ ĂIV. Economic ImpactÄ Ä FDA has examined the economic implications of the proposed rules amending 21 CFR part 101 as required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act and Executive Orders 12291 and 12612. The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires regulatory relief for small businesses where feasible. Executive Order 12291 compels agencies to use cost-benefit analysis as a component of decisionmaking. The agency finds that the proposed rules on dietary supplements, taken together, do not constitute a major rule as defined by Executive Order 12291. In accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (P.L. 96 - 354), FDA has explored whether these proposed rules may have a significant impact on small businesses and has tentatively concluded that they do not. Ô {M@ ÔĂĂA. BackgroundÄÄ Ô yOĐ Ô In the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60366), FDA published a number of proposed food labeling regulations to implement the provisions of the 1990 amendments (Pub. L. 101 - 535). The agency also published a regulatory impact analysis (RIA) which preliminarily estimated the costs and benefits of the various proposed regulations and on which FDA asked for comments. Final regulations that implemented the 1990 amendments except for dietary supplements were issued on January 6, 1993, including a final regulatory impact analysis (RIA) of those final regulations (58 FR 2927). In the RIA, FDAÔ¸$:0*€%€%ĐĐÔ responded to the comments regarding dietary supplements with tentative conclusions. In accordance with Executive Order 12291 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act, FDA is presenting one comprehensive analysis that presents the costs and benefits of all the labeling proposals regarding dietary supplements taken together. Dietary supplements include products not in conventional food form that contain vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other similar nutritional substances. There may be over 25,000 such products. However, many products that contain herbs or other similar nutritional substances would not be subject to the nutrition label requirements because they do not contain the nutrients which must be declared. Moreover, some products marketed as ``dietary supplements'' have no recognized food function and would be unaffected by the NLEA health claim provisions. Disease claims on such products are subject instead to the drug provisions of the act. There are approximately 150 dietary supplement manufacturers of products subject to these regulations. The source for this estimate is Dun and Bradstreet's Electronic Yellow Pages, which is a comprehensive data base of U.S. businesses. In a survey of consumers to determine vitamin and mineral usage, respondents reported use of 3,500 unique products. FDA recognizes that this number may not represent the universe of vitamin and mineral products marketed in the United States. Based on limitations in the survey and taking into account the number of products that do not contain the required nutrients, the agency estimates that there are about 5,000 vitamin, mineral, and other food supplement products marketed in the United States and approximately 15,000 labels that would be subject to the nutrition labeling proposal. Ô {MŘ ÔĂĂB. CostsÄÄ 1. Relabeling Categories of costs for relabeling include administrative, analytical, printing, inventory disposal, and reformulation. In all cost categories, except administrative costs, the costs of relabeling products produced and labeled in foreign countries cannot be separated from those products produced and labeled domestically. Thus, the administrative costs considered are domestic costs only, whereas the printing, inventory, and analytical costs considered are multinational. The administrative costs associated with a labeling regulation result from the incremental administrative labor expended in order to comply with a regulation. The administrative activities which are anticipated to be undertaken in response to a change in regulation include: Identifying the underlying policy of the regulation, interpreting that policy relative to a firm's products, determining the scope and coverage related to product labels, establishing a corporate position, formulating a method for compliance, and managing the compliance method. Longer compliance periods decrease administrative costs because firm executives often delegate downward decisions that are less immediate. According to Research Triangle Institute (RTI), many firms estimate that administrative effort would be twice as high for a 6-month compliance period as for a 12-month compliance period (Ref. 4). FDA estimates that for a 6-month compliance period, manufacturers of dietary supplements will incur administrative costs of $850 per firm for each of 147 firms, or a total of $125,000. Dietary supplement products will not undergo analytical testing as a result of these regulations if implemented as proposed. Dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals need only list those nutrients present in the supplement. The agency assumes that manufacturers of these types of products are already aware of the vitamin and mineral content of their vitamin and mineral products. As stated above, most herbs and other similar substances do not contain significant levels of the required nutrients and, therefore will not undergo testing or relabeling. In the RIA of November 1991, FDA preliminarily determined that printing/redesign costs for dietary supplement manufacturers would be $250 per product. Comments, however, stated that supplement labels are more similar to labels for foods in conventional food form than FDA suggested and would incur a similar cost of printing and redesign. FDA assumed that the regulations covering foods in conventional food form were so comprehensive so as to cause manufacturers to redesign the entire label. However, the changes required on dietary supplements labels under these proposals are less comprehensive and will be comparable to a two color change. Therefore, for a 6-month compliance period, printing and redesign costs are estimated to be $1,000 per label for each of 15,000 labels, or aÔ¸$;0*€%€%ĐĐÔ total of $15 million. In the RIA of November 1991, FDA assumed that dietary supplement manufacturers would be able to use up existing label stock within the proposed 6-month compliance period. Comments objected to that assumption stating that the cost of discarding inventory would be over $25 million in order to implement the new requirements within 6 months, $15 million within a year, and $8 million within 2 years. However, these estimates were based on the incorrect assumption that all 25,000 products would be subject to these regulations. Given the proposed definition of a dietary supplement, the agency believes that the cost of inventory disposal for the 5,000 products that are likely to be subject to these regulations is approximately $5 million. FDA has examined the impact of the proposed regulations on dietary supplement manufacturers and has determined that administrative costs would be $125,000, printing and redesign costs would be $15 million, and inventory disposal costs would be $5 million. Therefore, total costs are estimated to be $20 million. 2. Health Claims In a companion regulation, the Agency proposes to apply the same health claims defined for conventional foods to dietary supplements. These include for example the nutrient/disease relationships for calcium and osteoporosis, sodium and hypertension, dietary fat and cancer, and dietary saturated fat and cholesterol and coronary heart disease. The agency has not yet resolved certain other nutrient/disease relationships with respect to dietary supplements (i.e., folic acid and neural tube defects, zinc and immune function in the elderly, omega-3 fatty acids and coronary heart disease, antioxidant vitamins and cancer, dietary fiber and cancer, and dietary fiber and cardiovascular). The agency does not believe that most food dietary supplements make claims on their labels that would fall within the NLEA health claim provisions. Therefore, the health claims proposal will not result in any significant change. Ô {Mh ÔĂĂC. Benefits of the RegulationsÄÄ 1. Mandatory Nutrition Labeling The agency believes that, currently, almost all dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals contain substantial nutrition information--generally in as much detail as regulations already required for food. For example, most vitamin pills contain lists of ingredients, and amounts and the percent of the RDA for each. However, the format of nutrition information is not standardized. Because most supplements of vitamins and minerals already contain nutrition information, the benefits of the mandatory nutrition labeling requirements on these products are minimal. Thus, the agency's proposed regulations will benefit consumers by assuring that adequate nutrition information is provided accurately and consistently in order to aid consumers in their choices. 2. Nutrient Content Claims Because adjectives such as ``low'' and ``high'' are a qualitative description of quantitative measurement, regulations defining nutrient content claims, in theory, will provide consumers the benefit of reduced search costs and concomitantly, an increased ability to accurately select product quality consistent with individual desires. However, as a practical matter, dietary supplements do not typically make nutrient content claims. Nor do most of the nutrient content claims that FDA is proposing to define make sense for use for dietary supplements. This proposed rule will not result in any change. Therefore, defining nutrient content claims will not result in any costs or benefits. 3. Health Claims The agency believes that most supplements of vitamins and minerals do not currently make health claims on their labels or labeling. Of those that do, only calcium/osteoporosis claims are currently approved. The agency is proposing a standard for the scientific validity of health claims on dietary supplements. At this time, FDA is unable to present evidence that meets this standard for substances in dietary supplements. Therefore, FDA is unable to estimate the benefits of the health claims proposal. However, this standard will result in benefits to the extent that it creates a potential for future health claims by providing a framework which will allow scientifically valid claims. Ô {M¸$ ÔĂĂD. Regulatory OptionsÄÄÔ¸$<0*€%€%ĐĐԌ™1. Compliance Period Options The 1990 amendments require that final regulations become effective 6 months after the date of promulgation of all final regulations. The 1990 amendments allow the Secretary to delay the effective date of the provisions for mandatory nutrition labeling and nutrient content claims for dietary supplements for up to 1 year if she finds compliance with the new provisions of the act would cause undue economic hardship. Therefore, the primary cost option available to the agency is to increase the amount of time firms have to comply with these provisions. Because the length of the compliance period affects all cost categories except analytical costs, extending the compliance period would result in significant savings. Extending the compliance period for 6 months would result in a cost savings of $6 million of the estimated $20 million in costs. If however, FDA were to extend the compliance period to the maximum allowable under the 1990 amendments to 18 months (a 1-year extension), total discounted costs would be $11 million with a cost savings of $9 million. FDA requests information regarding whether the costs of these regulations constitute an undue economic hardship. 2. Options for Nutrient Content and Health Claims Because the 1990 amendments allow the agency to establish different standards for regulation of health claims and supplements than those used for conventional foods, the agency may adopt different standards. Standards for significant scientific agreement for dietary supplements could be less stringent to reflect the voluntary nature of consumption of these products. By their nature, dietary supplements are sold to promote health. For the most part, the efficacy of these products remains unproven despite their widespread appeal and decades of use. It is unclear that there will be a net societal benefit from relaxing the proposed standard. Ô {M  ÔĂĂE. Regulatory FlexibilityÄÄ According to the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the definition of small business is a business independently owned and operated and not dominant in its field. The Small Business Administration (SBA) has set size standards for most business categories through use of four-digit Standard Industrial Classification codes. For most food processing industries, a business is considered small if it has fewer than 500 employees. For dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals, a business is considered small if it has fewer than 750 employees. Of the approximately 150 firms engaged in the production of dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals, virtually all meet the SBA definition of a small business. The 1990 amendments granted an exemption from mandatory nutrition labeling for small businesses. The definition of a small business under section 403(q)(5)(D) of the act is a business with less than $500,000 annual gross sales or a business with annual gross sales of more than $500,000 but less than $50,000 in food sales. FDA does not have information to show how many firms or products would be exempted under this provision. The agency believes that very few firms will have sales low enough to meet this definition. Therefore, most or all of the businesses defined as small by the SBA will be subject to the rules if promulgated as proposed. The agency requests information regarding the number of products produced by small firms. Most of the costs associated with labeling regulations are fixed costs which are typically more burdensome for small firms than for large firms because of the smaller sales base on which to spread costs. However, the vitamin and mineral industry has annual sales of $2.9 billion. Our estimated cost of $20 million is approximately 1 percent of this. In relation to the volume of sales, this does not appear to represent a significant cost. An option available to the agency to reduce the impact on small businesses is to extend the compliance period as discussed above. Total costs could be reduced by as much as $9 million if the agency selected this option. Ô {M˜! ÔĂĂF. SummaryÄÄ Total costs of these regulations have been estimated to be $20 million. These costs include administrative, analytical, printing, and inventory disposal costs. The benefits are primarily those that result from standardizing the format of nutrition information already provided on vitamin and mineral supplements with that of conventional foods.Ô¸$=0*€%€%ĐĐÔ In addition, to the extent that nonvitamin and mineral supplements do not currently provide nutrition information, benefits are improved information with which consumers can refine their choices for health or other reasons. FDA is unable to quantify this benefit. FDA has analyzed the costs and benefits of these proposals and has determined that the costs do not exceed the $100 million threshold, leading the agency to conclude that these proposals do not constitute a major rule as defined by Executive Order 12291. FDA has also analyzed the impacts on small firms according to the Regulatory Flexibility Act and has determined that the proposed rules, if made final, will probably not have an adverse impact on a substantial number of small businesses. Nonetheless, there are burden-reducing options as discussed above and the agency requests comments on these. Ô yO˜ ÔĂ ĂV. Environmental ImpactÄ Ä The agency has previously considered the environmental effects of this proposed rule as announced in the Ô yOđ ÔĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60366). At that time the agency determined under 21 CFR 25.24(a)(11) that this proposed action was of a type that does not individually or cumulatively have a significant impact on the human environment. No new information or comments have been received that would affect the agency's previous determination that there is no significant impact on the human environment and that an environmental impact statement is not required. Ô yO  ÔĂ ĂVI. Effective DateÄ Ä FDA is proposing to make this regulation effective 6 months after the publication of a final rule based on this proposal. FDA notes, however, that in section 10(a)(3)(B) of the 1990 amendments, Congress provided that if the Secretary, and by delegation FDA, finds that requiring compliance with section 403(q) of the act, on mandatory nutrition labeling, or with section 403(r)(2) of the act, on nutrient content claims, 6 months after publication of the final rules Ô yO Ôin the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄwould cause undue economic hardship, they may delay the application of these sections for no more than 1 year. FDA requests comments and evidence that would permit the agency to make a determination as to whether there is ``undue economic hardship'' (see 58 FR 2070, January 6, 1993) for the dietary supplement industry. Ô yO ÔĂ ĂVII. CommentsÄ Ä Interested persons may, on or before July 19, 1993, submit to the Dockets Management Branch (address above) written comments regarding this proposal. Two copies of any comments are to be submitted, except that individuals may submit one copy. Comments are to be identified with the docket number found in brackets in the heading of this document. Received comments may be seen in the office above between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. As mentioned previously in this preamble, the DS act requires that final rules implementing the 1990 amendments with respect to dietary supplements be issued by December 31, 1993. In order to meet this statutory timeframe, FDA must limit the comment period for this proposal to 60 days. FDA believes that the need to meet this timeframe constitutes good cause under ŔŔ10.40(b)(2) of its procedural regulations for limiting the comment period. Thus, the agency is announcing that because of the short statutory timeframe, FDA will be unable to grant any extensions to the comment period. In addition, the agency will not consider any comments received at the Dockets Management Branch after the close of the 60-day comment period. Ô yO¸$ ÔĂ ĂVIII. ReferencesÄ ÄÔ¸$>0*€%€%ĐĐԌ™ The following references have been placed on display in the Dockets Management Branch (address above) and may be seen by interested persons between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. 1. Manager's Statement for the Senate on the DS Act of 1992, 138 Congressional Record S 17239 (October 7, 1992). 2. Subcommittee on the 10th Edition of the RDA's, Food and Nutrition Board, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, ``Recommended Dietary Allowances, 10th Ed.,'' Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 1989. 3. Food and Nutrition Board, Division of Biology and Agriculture, National Research Council, ``Recommended Dietary Allowances, 7th ed., 1968,'' Publication 1694, Printing and Publishing Office, NAS, Washington, DC, 1968. 4. RTI, ``Compliance Costs of Food Labeling Regulations,'' FDA Contract No. 223 - 87 - 2097, Project Officer--Richard A. Williams, Jr., December 1990. Ô yO( ÔĂ ĂList of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 101Ä Ä Food labeling, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and under authority delegated to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, 21 CFR part 101 is amended as follows: Ô yOŘ ÔĐĐÔuÔĂ ĂPART 101--FOOD LABELINGÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô 1. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 101 is revised to read as follows: Ô yOř Ô ĂĂAuthority: ÄÄSecs. 4, 5, 6 of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (15 U.S.C. 1453, 1454, 1455); secs. 201, 301, 402, 403, 409, 501, 502, 505, 701 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 342, 343, 348, 351, 352, 355, 371); sec. 202(a)(2) of the Dietary Supplement Act (Pub. L. 102 - 571). 2. Section 101.9 is amended by revising the first sentence of paragraph (a) and by revising paragraphs (d)(3)(ii), (h)(2), and (j)(6) to read as follows: Ô yO8 ÔĂ ĂŔŔ101.9 Nutrition labeling of food.Ä Ä (a) Nutrition information relating to food shall be provided for all products intended for human consumption and offered for sale, whether in conventional food form or in dietary supplement form, unless an exemption is provided for the product in paragraph (j) of this section. * * * * * * * * (d) * * * (3) * * * (ii) ``Servings Per Container'': The number of servings per container, except that this statement is not required on single serving containers as defined in paragraph (b)(6) of this section or on other food containers when this information is stated in the net quantity of contents declaration. * * * * * (h) * * * (2) If a product consists of two or more separately packaged foods that are intended to be eaten individually and that are enclosed in an outer container (e.g., variety packs of cereals or snack foods), the nutrition information shall: (i) Be specified per serving for each food in a location that is clearly visible to the consumer at the point of purchase; andÔ¸$?0*€%€%ĐĐԌ (ii) Be presented in separate nutrition labels or in one aggregate nutrition label with separate columns for the quantitative amount by weight and the percent Daily Value for each food. * * * * * (j) * * * (6) Dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals that have an RDI as established in paragraph (c)(8)(iv) of this section or a DRV as established in paragraph (c)(9) of this section shall be labeled in compliance with ŔŔ101.36, except that dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals in food in conventional form (e.g., breakfast cereals), of herbs, and of other similar nutritional substances shall conform to the labeling of this section. * * * * * 3. Section 101.12 is amended in paragraph (b), Table 2, by alphabetically adding a new entry under the subheading ``Miscellaneous category'' to read as follows: Ô yO( ÔĂ ĂŔŔ101.12 Reference amounts customarily consumed per eating occasion.Ä Ä * * * * * Ô yO€ Ô (b) * * *Ń#dZţ6X@ÉüK­‘Â@#ŃĐ ÷3Ř'3Ř'StandardŘ'3Ř'3StandardQMPS810.PRSŰx Œ aÚ°°°°@÷ ĐÔ€ @0*€%€%ĐĐÔ Ô g/, Ô ĂĂTable ÄÄ2.--ĂĂ Reference Amounts Customarily Consumed Per Eating Occasion: General Food SupplyÄÄĂĂ1ÄÄ ĂĂ2ÄÄ ĂĂ3ÄÄ ĂĂ4ÄÄ ŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔ Ô g/X Ô Product category Reference amount Label statementĂĂ5ÄÄ ŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔ * * * * * * * Miscellaneous category: * * * * * * * Ô g/ ÔDietary supplements not in The maximum amount recommended, as appropriate, on Ă Ă&llmdash;&llmdash;&llmdash;&llmÄ Ä Ô g/ž Ô conventional food form. the label for consumption per eating occasion or, Ă ĂdÄ Ä tablet(s), Ô g/4 Ô in the absence of recommendations, 1 unit, e.g., Ă Ă&llmdash;&llmdash;&llmdash;&llmÄ Ä tablet, capsule, packet, teaspoonful, etc. Ô g/` ÔĂ Ăm&llmdash;Ä Ä g), etc. * * * * * * * ŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔ Ô g/" ÔĂĂ1ÄÄThese values represent the amount (edible portion) of food customarily consumed per eating occasion and were primarily derived from the 1977-1978 and the 1987-1988 Nationwide Food Consumption Surveys conducted by the USDA. Ô g/N ÔĂĂ2ÄÄUnless otherwise noted in the Reference Amount column, the reference amounts are for the ready-to-serve or almost ready-to-serve form of the product (i.e., heat and serve, brown and serve). If not listed separately, the reference amount for the unprepared form (e.g., dry mixes; concentrates; dough; batter; dry, fresh, and frozen pasta) is the amount required to make one reference amount of the prepared for. Prepared means prepared for consumption (e.g., cooked). Ô g/< ÔĂĂ3ÄÄManufacturers are required to convert the reference amount to the label serving size in a household measure most appropriate to their specific product using the procedures in 21 CFR 101.9(b). Ô g/h ÔĂĂ4ÄÄCopies of the list of products for each product category are available from the Office of Food Labeling (HFF-150), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, 200 C St. SW., Washington, DC 20204. Ô g/” ÔĂĂ5ÄÄThe label statements are meant to provide guidance to manufacturers on the presentation of serving size information on the label, but they are not required. The term ``piece'' is used as a generic description of a discrete unit. Manufacturers should use the description of a unit that is most appropriate for the specific product (e.g., sandwich for sandwiches, cookie for cookies, and bar for frozen novelties). Đ ÷Ř'3Ř'3StandardQMPS810.PRSŰx Œ 3Ř'3Ř'StandardQMPS810.PRSŰx Œ MŰ°°°°@A÷ ĐÔŽAxČČĐĐÔ Ń#ž]ô\  PŽÂC:HôP#Ń * * * * * 4. Section 101.36 is added to subpart C to read as follows: Ô yO° ÔĂ ĂŔŔ101.36 Nutrition labeling of dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals.Ä Ä (a) The label and labeling of a dietary supplement of a vitamin or a mineral that has a Reference Daily Intake (RDI) as established in ŔŔ101.9(c)(8)(iv) or a Daily Reference Value (DRV) as established in ŔŔ101.9(c)(9), shall bear nutrition labeling in accordance with this regulation, as illustrated in paragraph (c)(8) of this section, unless an exemption is provided for the product in paragraph (f) of this section. Dietary supplements of herbs or of other similar nutritional substances shall bear nutrition labeling in accordance with ŔŔ101.9. (b) The declaration of nutrition information on the label and in labeling shall contain the following information, using the headings and format specified, under the heading of ``Nutrition Facts''. The nutrition information shall be enclosed in a box by use of lines and shall be all black or one color type, printed on a white or other neutral contrasting background whenever practical. (1) The subheading ``Serving Size'' shall be placed under the heading and aligned on the left side of the nutrition label. The serving size shall be determined in accordance with ŔŔ101.9(b) and ŔŔ101.12(b), Table 2. Serving size shall be expressed using a term that is appropriate for the form of the supplement, such as ``tablets,'' ``capsules,'' ``packets,'' or ``teaspoonfuls.'' (2) The subheading ``Servings per container'' shall be placed under the subheading ``Serving Size'' and aligned on the left side of the nutrition label, except that this information need not be provided when it is stated in the net quantity of contents declaration. (3) A listing of all nutrients required in ŔŔ101.9(c), including any vitamin or mineral listed in ŔŔ101.9(c)(8)(iv) or ŔŔ101.9(c)(9), that is present in the dietary supplement except that nutrients present at insignificant amounts per serving shall not be declared. Insignificant amounts shall be defined as amounts that allow declaration of zero in nutrition labeling as specified in ŔŔ101.9(c), except that for total carbohydrate, dietary fiber, and protein, it shall be that amount that allows a declaration of ``less than 1 gram.'' The name of each nutrient listed shall be immediately followed by the quantitative amount by weight of the nutrient. Nutrient names and quantitative amounts shall be presented in a column under the heading of ``Amount Per Serving'' and aligned on the left side of the nutrition label. The heading ``Amount Per Serving'' shall be separated from other information on the label by a bar above and underneath it. (i) These amounts shall be expressed in the increments specified in ŔŔ101.9(c) using the units of measure and the level of significance given in ŔŔ101.9(c)(8)(iv), except that zeros following decimal points may be dropped. (ii) Nutrients that are present shall be listed in the order specified in ŔŔ101.9(c) except that calcium and iron, when present, shall be grouped with other minerals which shall be listed in the following order after the complete listing of vitamins: Calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc, and copper. A bar shall separate the last nutrient to be listed from the bottom of the nutrition label, as shown in the sample labels in paragraph (c)(8) of this section. (iii) If the product contains two or more separately packaged dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals (e.g., the product has a packet of supplements to be taken in the morning and a different packet to be taken in the afternoon), the quantitative amounts may be presented as specified in paragraph (b)(3) of this section in individual nutrition labels or in one aggregate nutrition label with separate columns declaring the quantitative amounts for each package as illustrated in paragraph (c)(8)(iii) of this section. (iv) The percent of vitamin A that is present as &bgr;-carotene may be declared, to the nearest whole percent, immediately adjacent to or beneath the nutrient name (e.g., ``Vitamin A (90 percent as &bgr;-carotene)''). (v) The following synonyms may be added in parenthesis immediately following the name of these nutrients: Ô yO¸$ ÔVitamin C (ascorbic acid), thiamin (vitamin BĂĂ1ÄÄ), riboflavin (vitamin BĂĂ2ÄÄ), folate (folacin) and calories (energy). EnergyÔ¸$B0*€%€%ĐĐÔ content per serving may be expressed in kilojoules units, added in parentheses immediately following the statement of caloric content. (vi) All nutrients shall be displayed with uniform type size, style, color, and prominence. (4) A listing of the percent of the Daily Value (i.e., the percent of the RDI as established in ŔŔ101.9(c)(8)(iv) or DRV as established in ŔŔ101.9(c)(9)), where appropriate, of all nutrients listed in the ``Nutrition Facts,'' except that no percent shall be given for sugars and the percent for protein may be omitted as provided in ŔŔ101.9(c)(7). This information shall be presented in one column aligned under the heading of ``% Daily Value.'' The headings ``% Daily Value (DV),'' ``% DV,'' ``Percent Daily Value,'' and ``Percent DV'' may be substituted for ``% Daily Value.'' This column shall be aligned to the right of the column of nutrient names and amounts. (i) The percent of Daily Value shall be calculated by dividing the declared amount (i.e., after rounding) for each nutrient by the RDI or DRV for the specified nutrient and multiplying by 100, except that the percent for protein shall be calculated as specified in ŔŔ101.9(c)(7)(ii). The numerical value shall be followed by the symbol for percent (i.e., %). (ii) The percentages based on RDI's and on DRV's shall be expressed to the nearest whole percent. (iii) The percent of Daily Values for vitamins and minerals shall be based on RDI values for adults and children 4 or more years of age unless the product is represented or purported to be for use by infants, children less than 4 years of age, pregnant women, or lactating women, in which case the column heading shall clearly state the intended group. If the product is for persons within more than one group, the percent of Daily Value for each group shall be presented in additional columns as shown in paragraph (c)(8)(ii) of this section. (iv) If the product contains two or more separately packaged dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals (e.g., the product has a packet of supplements to be taken in the morning and a different packet to be taken in the afternoon), the percent of Daily Value may be presented as specified in paragraph (b)(4) of this section in individual nutrition labels or in one aggregate nutrition label with separate columns declaring the percent of Daily Value for each package as illustrated in paragraph (c)(8)(iii) of this section. (v) If the percent of Daily Value is declared for total fat, saturated fat, total carbohydrate, dietary fiber, or protein, the value shall be followed by an asterisk that refers to another asterisk at the bottom of the nutrition label that states: ``Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.'' (c) Nutrition information specified in this section shall be presented as follows: (1) The title of ``Nutrition Facts'' shall be set in a type size larger than all other print size in the nutrition label and, unless impractical, shall be set full width of the nutrition label. The title and all headings shall be highlighted to distinguish them from other information. (2) All information within the nutrition label shall utilize a single easy-to-read type style. (3) All information within the nutrition label shall utilize upper and lower case letters. (4) All information within the nutrition label shall have at least one point leading (i.e., space between two lines of text). (5) All information within the nutrition label shall have type that is kerned (i.e., has proximity of placement) no tighter than {dieresis} setting. (6) All information within the nutrition label shall have type size no smaller than 8 point, except that type size no smaller than 6 point type size shall be used for the voluntary listing of the percent of vitamin A that is present as &bgr;-carotene as specified in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section, for the headings required by paragraphs (b)(4) and (b)(4)(ii) of this section (i.e., ``Amount Per serving'' and ``% Daily Value), for the footnote required by paragraph (b)(4)(v) of this section, and, on packages that have a total surface area available to bear labeling of 40 or less square inches, all information. (7) In the interest of uniformity of presentation, FDA urges that the information be presented using the graphic specifications set forth in Appendix B to part 101, as applicable. (8) The following sample labels are presented for the purpose of illustration: Ôđ#C0*€%€%ĐĐÔ (i) Multiple vitamin. Ň€ČČČČĂ ĂFigure 1Ä ÄČČČČĂ ĂFigure 1Ä Ä€ŇÚy!˘ ¸$ܘČČȲb!ddƒ18JUN906.PCXD <yÚ ÔXD0*€%€%ĐĐÔ (ii) Multiple vitamin for children and adults. ÚyA˘ v"Ü` ČČČ6 ddƒ18JUN908.PCXE <yÚ ÔXE0*€%€%ĐĐÔ (iii) Multiple vitamins in packets. Úya˘ *#Ü` ČČČv–#ddƒ18JUN910.PCXF <yÚ ÔXF0*€%€%ĐĐÔ (d)(1) Compliance with this section shall be determined in accordance with ŔŔ101.9 (g)(1) through (g)(8). (2) When it is not technologically feasible, or some other circumstance makes it impracticable, for firms to comply with the requirements of this section, FDA may permit alternative means of compliance or additional exemptions to deal with the situation in accordance with ŔŔ101.9(g)(9). Firms in need of such special allowances shall make their request in writing to the Office of Food Labeling (HFS - 150), Food and Drug Administration, 200 C St. SW., Washington, DC 20204. (e) Except as provided in paragraph (g) of this section, the location of nutrition information on a label shall be in compliance with ŔŔ101.2. (f)(1) Dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals are exempt from this section when they are offered for sale by a manufacturer, packer, or distributor who has annual gross sales made or business done in sales to consumers that is not more than $500,000 or has annual gross sales made or business done in sales of food to consumers of Ô {O˜ Ônot more than $50,000, ĂĂProvidedÄÄ, That the food bears no nutrition claims or information on a label or labeling or in advertising. (2) For purposes of this paragraph, calculation of the amount of sales shall be based on the most recent 2-year average of business activity. Where firms have been in business less than 2 years, reasonable estimates must indicate that annual sales will not exceed the amounts specified. For foreign firms that ship foods into the United States, the business activities to be included shall be the total amount of food sales, as well as other sales to consumers, by the firm in the United States. (g) Dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals shall be subject to the special labeling conditions specified in ŔŔ101.9 (j)(5)(i) and (j)(5)(ii) for food, other than infant formula, represented or purported to be specifically for infants and children less than 2 years of age and 4 years of age, respectively; in ŔŔ101.9(j)(9) for food products shipped in bulk form that are not for distribution to consumers; in ŔŔ101.9(j)(13) for foods in small or intermediate-sized packages; in ŔŔ101.9(j)(15) for foods in multiunit food containers; and, in ŔŔ101.9(j)(16) for foods sold in bulk containers. (h) Dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals shall be subject to ŔŔ101.9(k) on misbranding. Dated: June 10, 1993. Ô yO ÔĐĐÔ"@ÔĂĂDavid A. Kessler,ÄÄ Ô {Mâ ÔÔ*ěÔĐĐÔ °ÔĐĐÔJÔĂĂCommissioner of Food and Drugs.ÄÄ Ô yOŞ ÔÔ*ěÔĐĐÔ °ÔĐĐÔ"ÔĂĂDonna E. Shalala,ÄÄ Ô {Mr ÔÔ*ěÔĐĐÔ °ÔĐĐÔcÔĂĂSecretary of Health and Human Services.ÄÄ Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô[FR Doc. 93 - 14274 Filed 6 - 15 - 93; 8:45 am] Ô yO ÔĂ Ă[BILLING CODE 4160 - 01 - P]Ä Ä Áŕdě ÁŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔƒ Ô yO˛ ÔĐĐÔ#€ÔĂ Ă21 CFR Part 101Ä Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Ô yOB ÔĂ Ă[Docket No. 91N - 384D]Ä Ä Ô yO ÔĂ ĂRIN 0905 - AD96Ä Ä Ô yOš! ÔĐĐÔłÔĂ ĂFood Labeling; Requirements for Nutrient Content Claims for Dietary Supplements of Vitamins, Minerals, Ô yOb" ÔÔő ÔHerbs, and Other Similar Nutritional SubstancesÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Ô yOň# ÔĂ ĂAGENCY: Ä ÄFood and Drug Administration, HHS.Ôň#G0*€%€%ĐĐԌÔ yO ԙà ĂACTION: Ä ÄProposed rule. Áŕdě ÁŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔƒ Ô yO° ÔĂ ĂSUMMARY: Ä ÄThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to amend its food labeling regulations on nutrient content claims to include dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other similar nutritional substances under the coverage of the general principles for nutrient content claims; to provide for the use of expressed and implied nutrient content claims on labels or in labeling of dietary supplements; and to provide for petitions for nutrient content claims for dietary supplements. This action is in response to the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (the 1990 amendments) and to the Dietary Supplement Act of 1992 (the DS act). Ô yO( ÔĂ ĂDATES: Ä ÄWritten comments by July 19, 1993. The agency is proposing that any final rule that may issue based upon this proposal become effective 6 months following its publication. Ô yO€ ÔĂ ĂADDRESSES: Ä ÄWritten comments to the Dockets Management Branch (HFA - 305), Food and Drug Administration, rm. 1 - 23, 12420 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, MD 20857. Ô yOŘ ÔĂ ĂFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ä ÄCamille E. Brewer, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS - 165), Food and Drug Administration, 200 C Street SW., Washington, DC 20204, 202 - 205 - 5817. Ô yO0 ÔĂ ĂSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:Ä Ä Ô yOŔ ÔĂ ĂÄ ÄI. Regulatory History Ô {MP ÔĂĂA. Food Labeling ReformÄÄ Ô yOŕ Ô In the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof August 8, 1989 (54 FR 32610), FDA published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) that announced a major initiative of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to investigate the possible use of food labeling as a tool for promoting sound nutrition for the nation's consumers. FDA asked for public comment on five areas of food labeling, including the use of nutrient content claims, such as ``low'' or ``free,'' to characterize foods. FDA received over 2,000 written comments in response to the August 8, 1989, ANPRM, plus over 5,000 responses to a questionnaire that was distributed by a consumer organization. Among the comments there was nearly universal agreement that nutrient content claims should be defined, and that FDA needed to proceed quickly to develop regulatory definitions for all undefined nutrient content claims. Additionally, 4 national public hearings and 50 local consumer exchange meetings were held to discuss nutrition labeling and other issues related to food labeling, such as nutrient content claims. The comments revealed a common concern about the unregulated use of nutrient content claims. Many comments stated that the proliferation of undefined terms had resulted in confusion for consumers and unfair competition for manufacturers. One comment stated that the terms were ``meaningless in the way they are now used and are primarily used as marketing tools rather than as guides for the health conscious consumer.'' Ô {M`" ÔĂĂB. The 1990 Amendments and Subsequent ProposalsÄÄ On November 8, 1990, the President signed into law the 1990 amendments (Pub. L. 101 - 535) which significantly amended the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act). Most notably, the 1990 amendmentsÔ¸$H0*€%€%ĐĐÔ confirmed FDA's authority to regulate nutrient content claims on food labels and in food labeling. Section 403(r)(1)(A) of the act (21 U.S.C. 343(r)(1)(A)), which was added by the 1990 amendments, provides that a product is misbranded if it bears a claim in its label or labeling that either expressly or implicitly characterizes the level of any nutrient of the type required to be declared as part of nutrition labeling, unless such claim has been specifically defined, or otherwise exempted, by regulation. The 1990 amendments also directed the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the Secretary) and, by delegation, FDA to promulgate regulations to define specific nutrient content claims including ``free,'' ``low,'' ``light'' or ``lite,'' ``reduced,'' ``less,'' and ``high'' (section 3(b)(1)(A)(iii) of the 1990 amendments). Ô yO@ Ô In the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60421), FDA published two documents in which it proposed, among other things, to define nutrient content claims, to provide for their use on food labels, and to establish procedures for the submission and review of petitions regarding the use of nutrient content claims. These proposals grouped dietary supplements with conventional foods for the purpose of regulating nutrient content claims. Ô {M( ÔĂĂC. The DS Act and Final Labeling RulesÄÄ On October 6, 1992, the President signed the DS act (Pub. L. 102 - 571). Section 202(a)(1) of the DS act established a 1 year moratorium on the implementation of the 1990 amendments with respect to dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other similar nutritional substances (hereinafter referred to as ``dietary supplements''). Section 202(a)(2) of the DS act required the Secretary, and by delegation FDA, to issue proposed regulations applicable to dietary supplements no later than June 15, 1993. In addition, section 203 of the DS act instructed FDA not to promulgate regulations that require the use of, or are based upon, recommended daily allowances of vitamins or minerals, other than regulations establishing the United States Recommended Daily Allowances specified in 21 CFR 101.9(c)(7)(iv) as in effect on October 6, 1992, before November 8, 1993. FDA issued final regulations that implemented the 1990 amendments by defining specific nutrient content claims and providing for their use on food in the form of conventional food on January 6, 1993 (58 FR 2302) (hereinafter referred to as the ``final rule on nutrient content claims''). Ô yO ÔĂ ĂII. FDA AuthorityÄ Ä As stated above, section 3(b)(1)(A)(iii) of the 1990 amendments directs the Secretary to issue regulations on a variety of nutrient content claims. The final rule on nutrient content claims responded to that directive for foods in conventional food form. To comply with 3(b)(1)(A)(iii) of the 1990 amendments and with section 202(a)(2) of the DS Act for dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other similar nutritional substances, the agency is now proposing to amend its existing regulations on nutrient content claims to include provisions for such products. FDA is proposing to establish the conditions under which claims may be made about the level of a nutrient in a dietary supplement. FDA is also proposing to define the circumstances in which the various terms defined in the final rule on nutrient content claims can be applied to dietary supplements. FDA has authority to take these actions regarding nutrient content claims under sections 201(n), 403(a), 403(r), and 701(a) of the act (21 U.S.C. 321(n), 343(a), 343(r), and 371(a)). These sections authorize FDA to adopt regulations that prohibit labeling that: (1) Is false or misleading in that it fails to reveal facts that are material in light of other representations made in the labeling or that are material with respect to the consequences that may result from use of the food and (2) uses terms to characterize the level of any nutrient in a food that have not been defined by regulation by FDA. However, not all terms or phrases used to describe a dietary supplement are nutrient content claims. A term may describe some attribute of a dietary supplement other than its nutrient content, such as ``contains no preservatives.'' Such claims are not to be subject to requirements for ŔŔ101.13 (21 CFR 101.13). These claims will be discussed later in this document. Ô yO¸$ ÔĂ ĂIII. Proposed RulesÄ ÄÔ¸$I0*€%€%ĐĐԌÔ {M ԙĂĂA. Relationship to January 6, 1993, Final RulesÄÄ In response to the DS act, the agency has reviewed the final rule on nutrient content claims for foods in conventional food form to determine the extent to which the provisions of that final rule can be applied to dietary supplements. As part of this review, FDA also considered how best to regulate nutrient content claims on dietary supplements. As Congressman Waxman stated in discussing the DS act: As both statutory text and legislative records reveal, the NLEA primarily addresses food products. Because of the differences in the history of use and function of dietary supplements and conventional foods, it is appropriate for Congress to enact this moratorium so that the issue of how best to regulate dietary supplements may be carefully considered. (Ref. 6) A joint statement by Senators Hatch and Kennedy reiterated the importance of ``informative labeling'' and emphasized the roles of FDA, manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers in ensuring that dietary supplements are safe and are appropriately labeled (Ref. 7). The DS act and its associated legislative history direct the agency to identify ways in which dietary supplements are different from foods in conventional food form. This proposal is a partial response to that mandate. The agency has tentatively determined that, in many respects, the regulations promulgated in the final rules for nutrient content claims for foods in conventional food form are directly applicable to dietary supplements. However, the agency has also tentatively concluded that several sections of the final rules require revision to ensure appropriate application to dietary supplements. Ô {Mř ÔĂĂB. Consistency with Established Nutrient Content ClaimsÄÄ Dietary supplements differ from foods in conventional food form in their history of use and in their perceived function in the diet. Dietary supplements are formulations marketed to meet consumers' desires to include particular substances in their diets at particular levels. Because dietary supplements are generally formulated products, their content or composition is significantly more amenable to manipulation than that of some foods in conventional food form. However, there is much about dietary supplements and about nutrient content claims that suggests that the rules that govern nutrient content claims for dietary supplements should be the same as the rules for nutrient content claims on foods in conventional food form. Dietary supplements that are not intended for use as drugs have traditionally been regulated as foods and, as such, must be evaluated within the context of the total daily diet. In addition, nutrients from dietary supplements serve the same physiological function as nutrients from foods in conventional food form. While some consumers seek to ensure that the nutrient content of their diet is adequate through foods in conventional food form, other consumers seek to ensure nutritional adequacy through the addition of dietary supplements to their diets (Ref. 8). Consistent use of terms on dietary supplements and on foods in conventional food form will thus help consumers to construct a nutritionally adequate total daily diet by allowing consumers to make meaningful comparisons among these products. It will also facilitate use of these terms by consumers. Thus, FDA has tentatively concluded that it would be helpful to continue to minimize inconsistencies in nutrient content claims between dietary supplements and foods in conventional food form. FDA believes that consumers would be confused if they were confronted with a situation in which nutrient content claims were allowed for nutrients when they are present at a certain level in foods in conventional food form but not when they are present at the same level in dietary supplements, or vice versa. Ô {Mđ# ÔĂĂC. ScopeÄÄ Ô¸$J0*€%€%ĐĐԌ1. Dietary Supplements of Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, and Other Similar Nutritional Substances Section 202(a)(2)(A) of the DS act amends the 1990 amendments (section 3(b)(1)(A)) to direct the Secretary to issue proposed regulations that are applicable to dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other similar nutritional substances. In response to this provision, FDA is proposing to prescribe the circumstances in which claims that characterize the level of a nutrient in a dietary supplement may be made on a label or in labeling of such a food. Because FDA has tentatively concluded that nutrient content claims for dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other similar nutritional substances should generally be subject to the same requirements as other foods, FDA is proposing to amend ŔŔ101.13(a), which establishes the general requirements for its nutrient content claims on food, to include dietary supplements within its coverage. 2. Nutrient Content Claims--Expressed and Implied Section 403(r)(1)(A) of the act provides that claims, either expressed or implied, that characterize the level of a nutrient that is of a type required to be declared in nutrition labeling may not be made on the label or in labeling of any food intended for human consumption that is offered for sale unless the claim is made in accordance with section 403(r)(2) of the act. FDA reflected this statutory language in ŔŔ101.13(b) of the final rule on nutrient content claims. Section 101.13(b) specifically references ŔŔ101.9, the general regulation on nutrition labeling. In a companion Ô yO€ Ôdocument published elsewhere in this issue of the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄentitled ``Food Labeling; General Requirements for Nutrition Labeling for Dietary Supplements of Vitamins or Minerals,'' FDA is proposing to adopt ŔŔ101.36 (21 CFR 101.36) to govern nutrition labeling of dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals. A question is thus raised as to whether ŔŔ101.13(b) needs to be amended to also reference ŔŔ101.36 to reflect the coverage of dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals in this regulation. FDA finds that it need not be. Section 101.36 itself also references ŔŔ101.9 to delineate the nutrients that it covers (proposed ŔŔ101.36(b)(3)). Thus, FDA tentatively finds that no change in ŔŔ101.13(b) is necessary, and that the proposed amendments of ŔŔ101.13(a) is adequate to establish that dietary supplements are covered by this regulation. While FDA is proposing, to the extent possible, consistent with law, to make the express claims (see ŔŔ101.13(b)(1)) that it has defined for foods in conventional food form applicable to dietary supplements, the resource constraints and strict timeframes under which this rulemaking is proceeding have made it impossible for FDA to develop proposed regulations that authorize any specific implied claims (see ŔŔ101.13(b)(2)) for dietary supplements at this time. In section IV.B.7. of this document, however, the agency does discuss implied nutrient content claims for dietary supplements at some length and solicits comment on this matter. 3. Dietary Supplements for Infants and Toddlers Nutrient content claims for foods in conventional food form are typically based on dietary guidance, and such guidance is not generally intended for young children (Refs. 1, 2, and 3). The agency lacks evidence that more restrictive dietary patterns for nutrients, such as sodium or increased intakes for nutrients such as fiber or specific vitamins or minerals, are appropriate or recommended for infants and toddlers. Therefore, FDA limited the use of nutrient content claims on foods in conventional food form that are specifically intended for infants and toddlers less than 2 years of age. Section 101.13(b)(3) of the final rule on nutrient content claims states that except for statements about the percentage of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI), nutrient content claims may not be made on food intended specifically for use by infants and children less than 2 years of age unless the claim is specifically provided for in parts 101, 105, or 107 (21 CFR parts 101, 105, or 107). However, the agency is proposing to take a slightly different tack with respect to dietary supplements. FDA is proposing to add ŔŔ101.60(c)(4) (21 CFR 101.60(c)(4)) to allow nutrient content claims about sugars content for dietary supplements for infants and toddlers. This proposed amendment is discussed in detail in the section on nutrient content claims for sugar, section IV.B.4.d. of this document. Ô {M(# ÔĂĂD. General PrinciplesÄÄ 1. Statements From the Nutrition LabelÔ¸$K0*€%€%ĐĐԌ Section 403(r)(1) of the act specifically excludes statements that appear as part of the nutrition label from the coverage of the nutrient content claims provisions. This exclusion was included in the 1990 amendments to make it clear that the information required on the nutrition label, and the optional information that is permitted as a part of nutrition labeling, are not claims under section 403(r)(1) of the act and thus are not subject to the disclosure requirements in section 403(r)(2) of the act (136 Congressional Record H 5841 (July 30, 1990)). FDA is proposing to amend ŔŔ101.13(c) to provide that information that is required or permitted to be declared in nutrition labeling of dietary supplements, as well as of foods in conventional food form, and that appears as part of the nutrition label, is not a nutrient content claim, and is not subject to the requirements of this section. To affect this proposed amendment, FDA is adding ``or ŔŔ101.36, as applicable'' to ŔŔ101.13(c). This action is consistent with FDA's tentative determination that it is appropriate to regulate nutrient content claims for dietary supplements, to the extent possible, in the same general manner that it regulates such claims made for foods in conventional food form. The legislative history of the 1990 amendments specifically states, however, that information that is required or permitted within the nutrition label will be subject to the requirements of nutrient content claims if it is included in another portion of the label (136 Congressional Record H 5841 (July 30, 1990)). FDA reflected this fact in ŔŔ101.13(c). Under this proposal, this aspect of ŔŔ101.13(c) will apply equally to dietary supplements and to foods in conventional food form. 2. Substitute Foods Under section 403(r)(2)(A)(ii) of the act, for a food to be labeled as ``(nutrient) free,'' the nutrient must usually be present in the food or in a food that substitutes, as that term is defined by the Secretary (and by delegation, FDA), for the food. Accordingly, the agency defined ```substitute' foods'' in ŔŔ101.13(d) in the January 6, 1993 final rule (58 FR 2302 at 2411) for the purpose of identifying the characteristics that substitute foods must have if they are to bear nutrient content claims that highlight differences between them and the foods for which they substitute. The definition states that a substitute food is one that may be used interchangeably with another food that it resembles, i.e., to which it is organoleptically, physically, and functionally (including shelf life) similar, and to which it is not nutritionally inferior unless it is labeled as an ``imitation.'' In addition, in ŔŔŔŔ101.13(d)(1) and (d)(2), FDA sought to ensure that material differences between the use of the substitute food and the use of the original food are conspicuously stated on the label or labeling of the food, so that consumers can make fully informed judgments about their value and their usefulness in maintaining healthy dietary practices. FDA has reviewed the applicability of these sections to dietary supplements and recognizes that there may be confusion as to the circumstances in which one dietary supplement may be considered to substitute for another dietary supplement or for a food in conventional food form. By extending the logic used in defining substitute foods for foods in conventional food form, FDA tentatively concludes that a substitute dietary supplement is one that is used interchangeably with another dietary supplement that it resembles in its physical characteristics (e.g., chewable, liquid, or tablet), in its formulation (e.g., multivitamin, single vitamin, single mineral, or multivitamin plus iron), and in its intended target population (e.g., children). For example, children's chewable multivitamin tablets generally contain sugar. Therefore, a children's chewable multivitamin that was formulated without sugar could function as a substitute for one with sugar. In such a case, it would be appropriate to allow a ``sugar free'' claim on the substitute product. However, if the substitute chewable multivitamin product contained less of a particular vitamin than any other product of that type on the market, and was therefore nutritionally inferior, ŔŔ101.13(d) would require that product to be labeled as an ``imitation.'' The agency believes that the occurrence of such circumstances is extremely unlikely, because such products can easily be formulated to contain equivalent amounts of nutrients. Based on the foregoing discussion, FDA tentatively finds ŔŔ101.13(d) appropriate for the regulation of nutrient content claims on dietary supplements. 3. Reformulation Requirements for ``Low'' and ``Free'' Claims Section 101.13(e)(1) of the final rule on nutrient content claims provides that only foods that have been specially processed, altered, formulated, or reformulated so as to lower the amount of the nutrient in the food, remove theÔ¸$L0*€%€%ĐĐÔ nutrient from the food, or not include the nutrient in the food may bear a ``free'' or ``low'' claim before the name of the food. Section 101.13(e)(2) provides that, when the food has not been specially processed, altered, formulated, or reformulated to qualify for that claim, any ``free'' or ``low'' nutrient content claim shall indicate that the food inherently meets the criteria and shall clearly refer to all foods of that type and not merely to the particular brand to which the labeling attaches. FDA tentatively concludes that these provisions are directly applicable to dietary supplements. For example, because most, if not all, dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals contain no or physiologically insignificant amounts of fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol, the agency tentatively finds that it would be misleading to make a ``free'' claim for any of those nutrients (e.g., ``fat free vitamin C supplement'') without making it clear that the claim was true of all supplements of that type (e.g., ``vitamin C, a fat-free supplement). The agency tentatively concludes that this requirement is necessary to prevent the consumer from being misled by an implication that a particular food has been altered to lower its sodium content, for example, when in fact all foods of that type are free of, or low, in sodium. FDA is aware that the effect of this provision will be to allow ``free'' or ``low'' claims on dietary supplements that do not usually contain, or are usually low in, the nutrient (e.g., ``Brand A multivitamin, a fat free supplement''). However, for the reasons stated above, the agency believes that this course is the appropriate one. FDA specifically requests comments on this aspect of the proposal. Ô {MH ÔĂĂE. Labeling MechanicsÄÄ 1. Prominence The 1990 amendments do not include specific limits on the prominence of nutrient content claims. Although FDA recognizes the importance that certain nutrient content claims can have in encouraging sound dietary practices, it also considers it important that individual foods be evaluated in the context of the total diet. Consequently, FDA concluded in the January 6, 1993, final rule that claims should not be used to overemphasize any one aspect of a particular food. Therefore, ŔŔ101.13(f) requires that a nutrient content claim be no larger in type size and style than two times that of the statement of identity. This requirement ensures that nutrient content claims are not given undue prominence. This requirement was promulgated under section 403(f) and 403(r) of the act. Section 403(f) of the act states that a food is misbranded if any statement required by or under the authority of the act is not placed on the label with such conspicuousness, as compared to other words, statements, designs, or devices, as to render it likely to be understood by the ordinary consumer. This requirement ensures that importance of the information provided by the nutrient content claim is fully understood by consumers. FDA tentatively finds that the section on claim prominence published in the January 6, 1993, final rule, ŔŔ101.13(f), is directly applicable to dietary supplements. The agency is not aware of any reason why a different rule should apply to dietary supplements, given the regulatory scheme established by the act. Moreover, because consistency between foods in conventional food form and dietary supplements in how information is presented will facilitate the use of the information by consumers, FDA throughout this document will propose to use the same labeling mechanics for dietary supplements as for foods in conventional food form, unless there is an affirmative reason to take a different approach. The agency requests comment on this proposed requirement and on the ways in which labeling mechanics for nutrient content claims for dietary supplements should differ from those of foods in conventional food form, if at all. The agency is particularly interested in the impact of this proposal on dietary supplements that are packaged in small containers. 2. Referral Statements Section 403(r)(2)(B) of the act states that if a nutrient content claim is made, the label or labeling of the food shall contain, prominently and in immediate proximity to such claim, the following statement: ``See Ô yO(# ÔĂ Ă&llmdash;&llmdash;&llmdash;&llmdash;&llmdash;&llmdash;Ä Äfor nutrition information'' (hereinafter referred to as ``the referral statement''). Under section 403(r)(2)(B)(i) of the act, the blank must identify the panel on which the information described in the statement may be found. FDA has incorporated this requirement in ŔŔ101.13(g) ofÔ¸$M0*€%€%ĐĐÔ the final rule on nutrient content claims. The agency tentatively finds that this requirement is applicable to dietary supplements. The agency is not aware of any basis that would justify a different rule under the act, nor does the agency believe that it has the authority to establish a different rule given the language of section 403(r)(2)(B) of the act. 3. Type Size and Style for Referral Statements Section 403(r)(2)(B) of the act requires that the referral statement appear prominently, but it does not contain specific prominence requirements such as type size or style. The agency proposed in November of 1991 to require in ŔŔ101.13(g)(1) that the referral statement be one-half the size of the claim but in no case less than one-sixteenth of an inch. The agency did this because it has traditionally required that information be in a size that is reasonably related to the information that it modifies. When codified, this has been one half the size of the information modified. Because of problems with label clutter, however, FDA modified section 101.13(g)(1) in the final rule to require that the referral statement be no less than that required by ŔŔ101.105(i) for net quantity of contents statements, except where the size of the claim is less than two times the required size of the net quantity of the contents statement, in which case the referral statement must be no less than one-half the size of the claim but no smaller than one-sixteenth of an inch. The one-sixteenth of an inch requirement is the same as specified in ŔŔ101.2(c) as the minimum type size for most other mandatory information on the principal display panel or information panel (e.g., designation of ingredients, name and place of business, and warning and notice statements) and the minimum type size for certain net quantity of contents statements. The agency sees no reason for alternate or additional requirements for dietary supplements. It recognizes that, because the available label space for many dietary supplements will be small, one-sixteenth of an inch will be the minimum size of the referral statement in many cases. Consequently, the agency tentatively concludes that the requirement for the size of the referral statement should be applicable to dietary supplements. In addition, ŔŔ101.13(g)(1) states that the referral statement must be ``in easily legible boldface print or type in distinct contrast to other printed or graphic matter.'' Section 403(r)(2)(B) of the act states that the referral statement for nutrient content claims should be ``prominent''. FDA tentatively finds that ŔŔ101.13(g)(1) is applicable to dietary supplements to ensure under section 403(f) that the referral statement is presented in a way that makes it likely to be read. 4. Proximity Section 403(r)(2)(B) of the act provides that the referral statement shall be in immediate proximity to the claim. Although there is no specific guidance given as to what constitutes immediate proximity, FDA has traditionally defined immediate proximity as immediately adjacent with no intervening material present. For example, ŔŔ101.2(e) requires that there be no intervening material among the information that is required to appear on the information panel. By no intervening material, FDA means that there may be no printed matter, either pictorial or character, between the two pieces of information. FDA has taken a similar position in ŔŔ101.13(g)(2), requiring that the referral statement be immediately adjacent to the nutrient content claim. However, a claim may be made immediately preceding or as part of the statement of identity. Under ŔŔ101.13(g)(2), when the nutrient content claim immediately precedes or is part of the statement of identity, the statement of identity or the nonclaim part of the statement of identity will not be considered intervening material. For example, if a product were labeled ``Low sodium multivitamin; see side panel for nutrition information,'' and no pictorial or written material intervened, the agency would consider that the related statement and the referral statement were in immediate proximity to the nutrient content claim of ``low sodium.'' The term ``multivitamin'' in this example would not be considered to be intervening material. In addition, ŔŔ101.13(g)(2) provides that it is not necessary to include a referral statement if a claim is made on the panel containing nutrition information. In the final rule on nutrient content claims, the agency concluded that referral statements where not necessary when claims are made on the information panel because such claims would be made in view of the nutrition information cited in the referral statement. FDA tentatively finds that ŔŔ101.13(g)(2) is directly applicable to dietary supplements. It is unaware of any basis on which to provide for a different rule for dietary supplements. Therefore, the agency sees no need to modifyÔ¸$N0*€%€%ĐĐÔ ŔŔ101.13(g)(2) for dietary supplements. 5. Referral Statements for Multiple Claims Section 3(b)(1)(A)(v) of the 1990 amendments states that the Secretary and, by delegation, FDA shall provide that if multiple claims subject to the nutrient content claim regulations are made on a single panel of the food label or page of a labeling brochure, a single statement may be made to satisfy the requirements for referral statements. To ensure that this referral statement is adequately prominent, the agency promulgated ŔŔ101.13(g)(3) of the final rule on nutrient content claims which specifies that the statement is to be adjacent to the claim that is printed in the largest type on the panel. FDA adopted this provision because the claim in the largest type is the one most likely to initially be seen by the consumer. The agency tentatively concludes that this provision is appropriate for dietary supplements. Given the small size of many supplement labels, requiring more than one referral statement on a panel would be unreasonable. However, section 403(r)(2)(B) of the act and section 3(b)(1)(A)(v) of the 1990 amendment read together require that there be at least one referral statement. 6. Disclosure Statements Section 403(r)(2)(B)(ii) of the act states that if a food that bears a nutrient content claim ``contains a nutrient at a level which increases to persons in the general population the risk of a disease or health-related condition which is diet related, taking into account the significance of the food in the total daily diet, the required referral statement shall also identify such nutrient,'' i.e., a disclosure statement. The analysis that the agency performed in arriving at the circumstances where a disclosure statement on foods in conventional food form is required (i.e., disclosure levels) was based upon dietary guidelines, taking into account the significance of the food in the total daily diet. In the final rule on nutrient content claims (58 FR 2302 at 2308), the agency defined disclosure levels for sodium, fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol at 20 percent of the daily reference value (DRV) established by FDA. These disclosure levels stated in ŔŔ101.13(h) are 13 grams (g) of fat, 4 g of saturated fat, 60 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol, and 480 mg of sodium per reference amount customarily consumed, per labeled serving size, or for a food with a reference amount customarily consumed of 30 g or less or 2 tablespoons or less, per 50 g. The agency believes that disclosure statements concerning fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol are of limited usefulness for dietary supplements. The agency believes that amounts of fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol are negligible in most dietary supplements. However, fish liver oils and grain oils (e.g., wheat germ oil) may contribute to daily total fat intake above the disclosure levels at the intake levels recommended in the labeling, and disclosure statements on these products when nutrient content claims are made may be useful in alerting consumers to the presence of these nutrients in such supplements. The agency is aware that some nutrients found in dietary supplements may be formulated with sodium containing compounds (e.g., sodium ascorbate), and that the amounts of sodium in these various products can vary widely. The agency tentatively concludes that the amount of sodium in these products may possibly exceed disclosure levels. In such a case, the sodium content may be significant, particularly for persons on sodium restricted diets, making the disclosure statement important in calling the consumer's attention to the sodium level of the food. Therefore, FDA tentatively finds that ŔŔ101.13(h)(1) is applicable to dietary supplements. This provision states that if a food contains more than 13 g of fat, 4 g of saturated fat, 60 mg of cholesterol, or 480 mg of sodium per reference amount customarily consumed, per labeled serving, or, for a food with a reference amount customarily consumed of 30 g or less or 2 tablespoons or less, per 50 g, then that food must disclose, as part of the referral statement, that the nutrient exceeding the specified level is present in the food (e.g., ``See side panel for information about total fat and other nutrients''). Section 101.13(h)(2) and (h)(3) pertain to disclosure levels for meal products and to main dish products and are therefore not relevant to dietary supplements. Ô {Mđ# ÔĂĂF. Statements About the Amount or Percentage of a NutrientÄÄ Ô¸$O0*€%€%ĐĐԌ The 1990 amendments provide, in section 3(b)(1)(A)(iv), that FDA shall permit statements describing the amount or percentage of nutrients in food if they are not misleading, and if they are consistent with the terms defined by the agency. As discussed in the proposal on general principles for nutrient content claims (56 FR 60421 at 60426), the legislative history of the 1990 amendments contemplates that the agency would define the circumstances by regulation ``under which statements disclosing the amount and percentage of nutrients in food will be permitted'' (136 Congressional Record, H 5841 (July 30, 1990)). Accordingly, in ŔŔ101.13(i) of its final regulations on nutrient content claims, FDA set out the conditions under which statements of the amount or percentage of nutrients would be permitted. The agency believes that statements about the amount or percentage of nutrients would be equally useful to consumers on the labels or in labeling of dietary supplements as they are on foods in conventional food form for such purposes as calling attention to the level of a nutrient in the product and facilitating comparisons between two or more dietary supplements. Accordingly, FDA tentatively finds that ŔŔ101.13(i)(1) is appropriate for dietary supplements. However, before specifying the situation in which such statements would be permitted, the agency made exceptions of amount or percentage statements provided for in ŔŔ101.9 or in ŔŔ101.13(q)(3). These exceptions are to clarify that amounts or percentages declared within the nutrition label are not subject to ŔŔ101.13(i), nor are statements that describe the percentage of a vitamin or mineral in the food (see ŔŔ101.13(q)(3)). While these exceptions are applicable to dietary supplements subject to ŔŔ101.9, dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals are not covered by the existing provision. Therefore, the agency is proposing to amend ŔŔ101.13(i) by adding an exception for ŔŔ101.36 to cover amounts and percentages declared within nutrition labels of dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals. 1. When the Amount or Percentage Statement Meet the Criteria for a Claim In rulemaking to implement the 1990 amendments, FDA considered how to permit statements of amount or percent that implicitly characterize the level of a nutrient (e.g., ``less than 140 mg of sodium per serving'') in a manner that benefits consumers and also satisfies the requirements of the statute (56 FR 60421 at 60426; 58 FR 2302 at 2308). In ŔŔ101.13(i)(1) the agency concluded that these conditions could be met when such amount or percentage statements about a nutrient are made on foods that meet the criteria for any nutrient content claim provided for in subpart D of 21 CFR part 101, including relative claims. The agency is unaware of any reason not to make the same provision for dietary supplements. Therefore, FDA tentatively concludes that this same criterion is applicable for amount or percentage statements on labels or in labeling of dietary supplements. 2. When the Amount and Percentage Statement Does not Meet the Criteria for a Claim The agency concluded in the final rule on nutrient content claims that in circumstances in which the level of a nutrient in a food does not meet the criteria for a claim, an amount or percentage statement that implicitly characterizes the level of a nutrient, appearing by itself might be misinterpreted (58 FR 2302 at 2308). Therefore, ŔŔ101.13(i)(2) of the final rule on nutrient content claims requires that when the label or labeling of a food contains a statement that characterizes the amount or percentage of a nutrient, and that statement is not consistent with a definition set forth in Subpart D, the label must carry a disclaimer adjacent to the statement stating that the food is not ``low'' in or a good source of the nutrient, such as ``only 200 mg sodium per serving, not a low sodium food.'' This provision also states that the disclaimer must be in easily legible print or type and in a size no less than required by ŔŔ101.105(i) for statements of net quantity of contents, in which case the disclaimer should be no less than one-half the size of the claim but no smaller than one-sixteenth of an inch. The agency is aware that similar situations might arise with respect to dietary supplements and is unaware of any reason to treat them any differently than it treats such situations that arise with respect to foods in conventional food form. Therefore, FDA tentatively concludes that this provision is entirely applicable to dietary supplements. 3. Amount or Percentage Statements That do not Characterize the Level of a Nutrient In rulemaking implementing the 1990 amendments, FDA concluded that there are some circumstances in which an amount claim cannot be considered to characterize in any way the level of a nutrient in a food. For example, the statement ``60 mg Vitamin C'' on the principal display panel of a food would be a simple statement of amount that by itself conveys no implied characterization of the level of the nutrient. Section 101.13(i)(3) of the final rule onÔ¸$P0*€%€%ĐĐÔ nutrient content claims states that amount or percentage statements may be made on the label or labeling of a food when the statement does not in any way implicitly characterize the level of the nutrient, and it is not false or misleading in any respect, in which case no disclaimer is required. FDA tentatively concludes that ŔŔ101.13(i)(3) is also applicable to dietary supplements. The agency points out that such statements about the amount of a nutrient in a dietary supplement could apply to nutrients provided for in ŔŔ101.9 or, where applicable, ŔŔ101.36 for which FDA has established RDI's or DRV's as well as other vitamins or minerals of the same type for which RDI's have not been established (e.g., vitamin K, selenium, manganese, fluoride, chromium, molybdenum, and chloride). In this manner, amounts of vitamins or minerals that are not listed in ŔŔ101.9(c), and therefore which cannot be declared within the nutrition label, may be declared elsewhere on the label of the dietary supplement (e.g., ``vitamin K--65 micrograms''). Ô {M˜ ÔĂĂG. Relative ClaimsÄÄ In the final rule on nutrient content claims, the agency defined a relative claim in ŔŔ101.13(j) as a statement that compares the level of a nutrient in a food to the level of the same nutrient in a reference food. These statements include ``less'' (or ``fewer''), ``light,'' ``reduced,'' and ``more'' claims. These claims are termed ``relative claims'' to distinguish them from ``absolute'' nutrient content claims such as ``low.'' These terms are intended to help guide consumers to foods that may be useful in meeting current dietary recommendations. In addition, these terms provide a basis for comparing the level of a nutrient in one food to its level in another food. The agency tentatively concludes that this definition is entirely appropriate for dietary supplements. The agency is unaware of any information that would lead to a different conclusion. The applicability of each currently authorized claim to dietary supplements will be discussed later in this document. 1. Reference Foods for Relative Claims Because the nutrient profiles of similar foods may vary widely, a relative claim about the level of a nutrient in a food would be misleading if the food to which the labeled product was compared was not stated. Consequently, the agency concluded in the final rule on nutrient content claims that a food bearing a relative claim, but not the identity of the reference food, would be misbranded under sections 403(a) and 201(n) of the act because it would fail to reveal a fact that is material to understanding the significance of the claim. Specifically, information about the nature of the modification of the product, which would be essential in judging the usefulness of the product, would not be declared. As previously discussed, the agency has defined a relative claim as a statement that compares the level of a nutrient in a food with the level of a nutrient in a reference food. The agency uses the term ``reference food'' to describe the food to which the labeled product is compared. Because a relative claim may be made with respect to a variety of reference foods, FDA has concluded that for such a claim to be complete and not misleading, the claim must be accompanied by a statement that compares the food for which the claim is made to a specified reference food. This information is important because the amount of a nutrient may vary widely among brands as well as types of food. As used in this discussion the term ``reference food'' includes dietary supplements, which are generally subject to regulation as foods. Section 101.13(j)(1) states that to bear a relative claim about the level of a nutrient, the amount of that nutrient in the food must be compared to an appropriate reference food. Section 101.13(j)(1)(i)(A) states that for ``less'' (or ``fewer'') and ``more'' claims, the reference food may be a dissimilar food within a product category that can generally be substituted for one another in the diet (e.g., potato chip as reference for pretzels) or a similar food (e.g., a potato chips as reference for potato chips). Section 101.13(j)(1)(i)(B) states that for ``light,'' ``reduced,'' ``added,'' ``fortified,'' and ``enriched'' claims, the reference food shall be a similar product (e.g., potato chips as reference for potato chips). FDA tentatively concludes that these provisions are appropriate for dietary supplements because they allow comparisons of nutrient content to a variety of categories of dietary supplements, as well as to foods in conventional food form. FDA is not aware of any information that would suggest a different conclusion.Ô¸$Q0*€%€%ĐĐԌ Section 101.13(j)(ii)(A) states that for ``light'' claims, the reference food shall be representative of the type of food that includes the product that bears the claim. The nutrient values for the reference food shall be representative of a broad base of foods of that type, e.g., a value in a representative valid data base, an average value determined from the top three national or regional brands, a market basket norm, or when its nutrient value is representative of the food type, a market leader. Firms using such a reference nutrient value as a basis for a claim are required to provide specific information upon which the nutrient value was derived, on request to consumers and appropriate regulatory officials. Because of the limited calorie and fat levels in many dietary supplements, FDA considers this provision to have limited applicability to dietary supplements. To the extent it is applicable, however, FDA is not aware of any basis to find that a different position would be appropriate for dietary supplements. Therefore, FDA tentatively concludes that it is fully applicable to these products. Section 101.13(j)(1)(ii)(B) states that for relative claims other than ``light,'' including ``less'' and ``more'' claims, the reference food may be the same as that provided for ``light'' in paragraph (j)(1)(ii)(A) of this section, or it may be the manufacturer's regular product, or that of another manufacturer, that has been offered for sale to the public on a regular basis for a substantial period of time in the same geographic area by the same business entity or by one entitled to use its trade name. The nutrient value for a single manufacturer's product shall be the value declared in nutrition labeling on the product. FDA finds that this provision is directly applicable to dietary supplements, and therefore sees no need to modify this provision. A manufacturer's regular product provides a reference to a known specific food or dietary supplement and consequently provides a meaningful basis for claims that compare one product directly to another. The agency tentatively concludes that the provisions discussed above are as appropriate for dietary supplements as they are for foods in conventional food form. The agency is unaware of any facts that would suggest that a different rule is appropriate for dietary supplements. 2. Accompanying Information for Relative Claims In the final rule on nutrient content claims, the agency concluded that even though terms used in relative claims have been defined by regulation, the claims may be misleading unless they are accompanied by certain material facts that are necessary if consumers are to understand the change that has been made in the food. The agency considers that, in the presence of a relative claim, the percent of change in the nutrient level and the amount of the nutrient in the labeled food and the reference food are material facts under sections 403(a) and 201(n) of the act. Therefore, ŔŔ101.13(j)(2)(i) provides that the label or labeling must state the identity of the reference food and the percentage (or fraction) of the amount of the nutrient in the reference food by which the nutrient has been modified (e.g., ``50 percent less sodium than (reference food)'' or ``\1/3\ less sugar than (reference food)''). The agency tentatively concludes that this provision is appropriate for dietary supplements. This provision facilitates comparison between brands of dietary supplements and allows manufacturers to demonstrate improvements in their products. Thus, it would assist consumers in maintaining health dietary practices. Section 101.13(j)(2)(ii) provides that the information accompanying a relative claim is subject to the same type size and style requirements as prescribed for the referral statement (ŔŔ101.13(g)(1)). This requirement ensures that consumers will be provided with the information that they need to understand the basis for the claim without overcrowding the label. FDA tentatively concludes that this requirement should apply equally to dietary supplements. The requirement is written in a way that accounts for space limitations that may exist on dietary supplement packages. Thus, FDA is unaware on any basis on which to adopt a different rule for these products. The agency recognizes that the information required to accompany a relative claim is considerable, but this information is necessary to ensure that the claim is not misleading. On the other hand, FDA also recognizes that a requirement that this information be included each time a relative claim is made would overburden the label to the point that the usability of the required information could be diminished. Therefore, the agency has provided in 101.13(j)(2)(iii) that the identity of the reference food and the percent (or fraction) of the change is only required to accompany the most prominent declaration of the claim on the food. The determination of which use of the claim is in the most prominent location is based on the following facts, considered in order: (1) A claim on the principal display panel adjacent to the statement of identityÔ¸$R0*€%€%ĐĐÔ (ŔŔ101.13(j)(2)(iii)(A)), (2) a claim elsewhere on the principal display panel (ŔŔ101.3(j)(2)(iii)(B)), (3) a claim on the information panel (ŔŔ101.13(j)(2)(iii)(C)), or (4) a claim elsewhere on the label or labeling (ŔŔ101.13(j)(2) (iii)(D)). The agency tentatively finds that each of the above provisions is applicable to dietary supplements. The agency is unaware of any facts that would require a different approach for dietary supplements. Section 101.13(j)(2)(iv)(A) of the final rule on nutrient content claims states that the label shall bear clear and concise quantitative information comparing the amount of the subject nutrient in the product per labeled serving with that in the reference food. To provide some flexibility in label arrangement, the agency has provided in ŔŔ101.13(j)(2)(iv)(B) that this statement be allowed to appear adjacent to the most prominent claim or on the information panel. Because these provisions provide for the provision of necessary information in a flexible manner, the agency tentatively concludes that these provisions are applicable to dietary supplements that make relative claims (e.g., ``Contains 400 ug folate, Product X contains 180 ug folate''). Therefore, FDA is proposing to make nutrient content claims on dietary supplements subject to these requirements. 3. Relative Claims for Low Levels of Nutrients The agency has previously expressed concern that relative claims that highlight a decrease in the amount of a nutrient will be made on products that normally contain only a small amount of that nutrient (56 FR 60421 at 60446 and 58 FR 2302 at 2348). In such products, a large percentage reduction would produce only a small change in the actual amount of the nutrient present. This concern extends to dietary supplements. For instance, a dietary supplement containing only 40 mg of sodium per serving could be reformulated to contain 20 mg of sodium per serving and thereby qualify to use a relative claim. The difference of 20 mg of sodium is not of nutritional significance, however, because the product was already low sodium. A claim for such a nutrient content difference would be misleading. To address this concern, the agency provided in ŔŔ101.13(j)(3) that a relative claim for decreased levels of a nutrient may not be made on the label or in labeling of a food if the nutrient content of the reference food meets the requirement for a ``low'' claim for that nutrient (e.g., 3 g fat). FDA concluded that the definition for a ``low'' claim on a per serving basis should be used as such a limit because the value for ``low'' is the level above which the amount of a nutrient becomes significant relative to the total diet. After considering the relevance of this provision for claims on dietary supplements, the agency tentatively concludes, for the same reason that applies to food in conventional food form, that the level of ``low'' specified for foods in conventional food form is appropriate for limiting relative claims on dietary supplements. 4. ``Modified'' The term ``modified'' is not a nutrient content claim and has not been defined by the agency. This term was developed for foods in conventional food form to be used as part of the statement of identity to reflect a change in a food (56 FR 60454). The term was not meant to be used alone, nor was the term meant to be used to describe products that had not been altered (58 FR 2302 at 2367 and 2412). The reference food used for the ``modified'' claim is intended to be one that was appropriate for a ``reduced'' claim (56 FR 60421 at 60454 and 58 FR 2302 at 2367). For example, a ``modified fat cheddar cheese'' would have as its reference a full fat version of cheddar cheese, not some other type of cheese. Section ŔŔ101.13(k) of the final rule on nutrient content claim provides that the term ``modified'' may be used in the statement of identity of a food that bears a relative claim followed immediately by the name of the nutrient whose content has been altered (e.g., ``Modified fat cheesecake''). This statement of identity must be immediately followed by the comparative statement such as ``Contains 35 percent less fat than Ô yO@ ÔĂ Ă&llmdash;&llmdash;&llmdash;&llmdash;&llmdash;&llmdash;Ä Ä.'' The label or labeling must also bear the information required by paragraph (j)(2) of ŔŔ101.13 in the manner prescribed. FDA is not aware of any application for this term for dietary supplements. The agency tentatively concludes that the authorized express claims (e.g., ``low,'' ``free'') and the relative claims (e.g., ``more,'' ``less,'' ``reduced'') are sufficient to describe modifications for dietary supplements. However, while the use of this term as part of the statement of identity of dietary supplements is unlikely, the agency sees no reason not to extend the use of this term to dietary supplements if an appropriate situation arose. Therefore, FDA is not proposing to modify ŔŔ101.13(k) to preclude that use of ``modified'' on dietary supplements. Comment is requested on this tentative conclusion, on theÔ¸$S0*€%€%ĐĐÔ appropriateness of authorizing the use of this term for dietary supplements, and on any situations in which the term may be useful for dietary supplements. Ô {MX ÔĂĂH. Meal Products and Main Dish ProductsÄÄ Section 101.13(l) and (m) of the final rule on nutrient content claims addresses meal products and main dish products and therefore has no application to dietary supplements. Ô {M@ ÔĂĂI. Nutrition LabelingÄÄ Section 101.13(n) of the final rule on nutrient content claims states that nutrition labeling in accordance with ŔŔ101.9 or ŔŔ101.10, as applicable shall be provided for any food for which a nutrient content claim is made. Nutrition labeling is necessary when a claim is made to ensure that other important nutritional aspects of the food are presented along with the aspect that is highlighted by the claim. This fact is recognized in section 403(r)(2)(B) of the act, which requires that any nutrient content claim be accompanied by a statement referring the consumer to the nutrition label. Thus, nutrition labeling in the labeling of a food that bears a claim will assist consumers in maintaining healthy dietary practices because it provides them with additional important information about the food. FDA tentatively concludes that the above analysis is as appropriate for dietary supplements as it is for foods in conventional food form. Therefore, the agency is proposing to amend ŔŔ101.13(n) to state that nutrition labeling in accordance with ŔŔŔŔ101.9, 101.10, or 101.36, as applicable, shall be provided for any food for which a nutrient content claim is made. Ô {M0 ÔĂĂJ. Analytical MethodologyÄÄ Section 101.9(g)(2) of the final rule on nutrient content claims published January 6, 1993 (58 FR 2079 at 2183), states that foods shall be analyzed by appropriate methods as specified by the American Organization of Analytical Chemists (AOAC) International or by other reliable and appropriate analytical procedures. The agency believes that these methods as provided for in ŔŔ101.13(o) are appropriate for dietary supplements. The agency is not aware of any evidence that would suggest a different conclusion. Therefore, FDA is proposing to include dietary supplements in the coverage of this provision. Ô {M8 ÔĂĂK. Reference AmountsÄÄ Section 101.13(p)(1) of the final rule on nutrient content claims states that unless otherwise specified, the reference amount customarily consumed set forth in ŔŔ101.12 (b) through (f) shall be used in determining whether a product meets the criteria for a nutrient content claim. Further, the provision states that if the serving size declared on the product label differs from the reference amount customarily consumed, and the amount of the nutrient contained in the labeled serving does not meet the maximum or minimum amount criterion in the definition for the nutrient content claim for that nutrient, the claim shall be followed by the criteria for the claim as required by ŔŔ101.12(g) e.g. ``very low sodium, 35 mg or less per 240 milliliters (8 fl oz.''). Section 101.13(p)(2) states that the criteria for the claim shall be immediately adjacent to the most prominent claim in easily legible print or type and in a size in accordance with ŔŔ101.13(g)(1). The proposal for mandatory nutrition labeling for dietary supplements published elsewhere in this issue of the Ô yO˜! ÔĂĂFederal Register ÄÄcontains a proposal to amend ŔŔ101.12(b) to define reference amounts customarily consumed for dietary supplements as ``the amount recommended on the label for consumption per eating occasion or, in the absence of recommendations, 1 tablet, capsule, packet, or teaspoonful, as appropriate''. The agency tentatively concludes that with the proposed addition of a reference amount for dietary supplements to ŔŔ101.12(b), the above provision is directly applicable to dietary supplements.Ô¸$T0*€%€%ĐĐԌÔ {M ԙĂĂL. ExemptionsÄÄ The 1990 amendments provide certain exemptions from the requirements for nutrient content claims. The exemptions that are provided for in ŔŔ101.13(q) are reviewed below in terms of their applicability to dietary supplements. 1. Claims in a Brand Name Section 101.13(q)(1) of the final rule on nutrient content claims states that nutrient content claims not defined by regulation, appearing as part of a brand name that was in use prior to October 25, 1989, may be used on the label or in labeling of a food, provided they are not false or misleading under section 403(a) of the act. Section 403(r)(2)(C) of the act states: Subparagraph (2)(A) does not apply to a claim described in subparagraph (1)(A) and contained in the label or labeling of a food if such claim is contained in the brand name of such food and such brand name was in use on such food before October 25, 1989, unless the brand name contains a term defined by the Secretary under subparagraph (2)(A)(i). Such a claim is subject to paragraph (a). Paragraph (a) refers to section 403(a) of the act which states that a food is misbranded if its labeling is false or misleading in any particular. Manufacturers may continue to use brand names that include nutrient content claims that have not been defined by regulation so long as these claims appeared as part of a brand name before October 25, 1989, and are not false or misleading. Section 403(r)(2)(B) of the act, which requires the referral statement, does apply to foods whose brand name includes such claims. Consequently, the labeling of products whose brand name includes such terms will have to bear an appropriate referral statement. FDA tentatively concludes that ŔŔ101.13(q)(1) is applicable to dietary supplements. The agency is aware of nothing in the statute, its legislative history, or the available evidence that would provide the basis for a different conclusion. 2. Soft Drinks Section 101.13(q)(2) addresses soft drinks and therefore has no application to dietary supplements. 3. Percentage of Vitamins and Minerals Section 403(r)(2)(E) of the act states: Subclauses (i) through (v) of subparagraph (2)(A) do not apply to a statement in the label or labeling of food which describes the percentage of vitamins and minerals in the food in relation to the amount of such vitamins and minerals recommended for daily consumption by the Secretary. Accordingly, ŔŔ101.13(q)(3) of the final rule on nutrient content claims authorizes the use of statements on the label or in labeling of a food that describes the percentage of a vitamin or mineral in relation to the RDI as defined in ŔŔ101.9(c)(8)(iv) without specific regulations authorizing claims for each specific vitamin or mineral. Such claims are permitted unless they are expressly prohibited by regulation under section 403(r)(2)(A)(vi) of the act. Such claims have to be accompanied by a referral statement. FDA tentatively concludes that the above provision is fully applicable to dietary supplements. 4. Infant Formulas, Medical Foods, and Restaurant Foods Section 101.13(q)(4) states that the requirements of this section do not apply to infant formulas subject to section 412(h) of the act (21 U.S.C. 350a) and to medical foods as defined by section 5(b) of the Orphan Drug Act. Section 101.13(q)(5) addresses specific provisions for restaurant foods. These sections have no application to dietary supplements. 5. Claims That are Part of the Common or Usual Name Section 101.13(q)(6) of the final rule on nutrient content claims states that nutrient content claims that are part of the common or usual names of foods that were subject to a standard of identity on November 8, 1990, are notÔ¸$U0*€%€%ĐĐÔ subject to the requirements for the definitions of expressed and implied nutrient content claims provisions, to the labeling mechanics provisions, and to the referral statement provisions. Because there are no standards of identity for dietary supplements, this provision is not relevant to dietary supplements. 6. Use of Terms Defined in Response to Petitions Section 101.13(q)(7) of the final rule on nutrient content claims states that implied nutrient content claims may be used as part of a brand name, provided that the use of the claim has been authorized by FDA. Petitions requesting approval of such claims may be submitted under ŔŔ101.69(o). Section 403(r)(4)(A) (ii) and (iii) of the act authorizes the agency to permit the use of certain types of claims in response to a petition, without requiring that the agency grant such approval by regulation. The claims covered by this section are those made by use of a term that is consistent with a nutrient content claim defined by the agency, i.e., a synonym, or by an implied claim made as part of a brand name. The act sets forth specific timeframes and procedures for FDA's handling of these petitions, which FDA codified in ŔŔ101.69. FDA intends to list any approved synonyms in the regulation defining the underlying nutrient content claim. The regulations will be updated in the annual issuance of the Code of Federal Regulations. On the other hand, because brand name approvals apply to individual firms, the agency intends to retain a separate, publicly available list of approved implied nutrient content claims that may be made as part of a brand name. FDA tentatively concludes that this provision is also applicable to dietary supplements. The agency is not aware of any information that would suggest that a different approach is appropriate for dietary supplements. Ô {MŘ ÔĂĂM. Fluoridation of Bottled WaterÄÄ Section 101.13(q)(8) states that terms denoting the addition of fluoride may be used on the label or in the labeling of bottled water that contains fluoride. This provision is not relevant to dietary supplements. Ô yOŔ ÔĂĂIV. Definitions for Specific Nutrient Content Claims TermsÄÄ Ô {MP ÔĂĂA. Basis for DefinitionsÄÄ 1. January 6, 1993, Final Rule FDA tentatively concludes that most, but not all, of the terms defined in the final rule on nutrient content claims (58 FR 2302 at 2410) are directly applicable to dietary supplements. Those terms authorized for use on labels of foods in conventional food form that the agency believes are not appropriate for dietary supplements include ``unsalted,'' ``lean,'' and ``extra lean.'' The reasons that these are not appropriate for use with dietary supplements will be discussed in the sections that follow. In response to its 1989 ANPRM, FDA received many comments asking for increased consistency among nutrient content claims to aid consumers in recalling and using the defined terms. In addition, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science in a report entitled ``Nutrition Labeling, Issues and Directions for the 1990's,'' recommended that claims should have a consistent definition across food categories. For example, the report recommended that ``low sodium'' should have the same meaning whether it is applied to soup, frozen peas, or meat (Ref. 5). FDA accepted this reasoning in the final rule on nutrient content claims (58 FR 2302 at 2319). The agency tentatively concludes that the same reasoning applies to dietary supplements. Thus, ``low sodium'', for example, should have the same meaning on a dietary supplement as it does on foods in conventional food form. Accordingly, the definitions that FDA is proposing to authorize for nutrient content claims for dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other similar nutritional substances are those previously defined by the agency for foods in conventional food form as set forth in ŔŔŔŔ101.54, 101.60, 101.61, 101.62, and 101.65. 2. Use of RDI's and DRV's in Formulating Definitions Ô yOđ# Ô In a related final rule on food labeling that published in the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof January 6, 1993 (58 FR 2206), and consistent with the DS act, FDA replaced the term U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance (``U.S. RDA'') withÔ¸$V0*€%€%ĐĐÔ ``RDI'' and established DRV's for eight food components, including sodium, potassium, and dietary fiber. The agency has limited the proposed definitions for nutrient content claims for dietary supplements to nutrients for which there are RDI's or DRV's. This approach has the advantage of linking nutrient content claims to established reference values, thereby providing a consistent and quantitative basis for defining terms. Additionally, these reference values were determined using established scientific reports (Ref. 4), as well as recognized consensus reports and dietary recommendations (Refs. 1, 2, and 3), ensuring that there is an appropriate scientific basis for these values. The agency recognizes that there may be other nutrients (i.e., nutrients without RDI's) for which dietary supplement manufacturers might wish to make claims. As previously discussed, ŔŔ101.13(i)(3) provides for amount or percentage statements that do not characterize the level of a nutrient (including those nutrients without an RDI or DRV) and that are therefore not nutrient content claims but rather state amounts present. For example, while there is no RDI for vitamin K, this provision would allow a vitamin K supplement to declare the amount of the nutrient present (e.g., vitamin K 65 micrograms). FDA is not aware of any basis on which to characterize the levels of these substances. FDA requests comment on this issue. The agency is interested in comments on whether there is a need to allow nutrient content claims for nutrients without RDI's (e.g., vitamin K, selenium, manganese, fluoride, chromium, molybdenum, and chloride). If there is, comments should address how such claims can be defined in the absence of an RDI. 3. General Requirements for Nutrient Content Claims Under section 403(r)(1)(A) of the act, a label claim that characterizes the level of a nutrient in a food may only be made in accordance with the regulations that FDA adopts under section 403(r)(2) of the act. This provision is reflected in the general requirements for each set of nutrient content claims in ŔŔŔŔ101.54(a), 101.56(a), 101.60(a), 101.61(a), and 101.62(a). These paragraphs state that such claims may only use terms that FDA has defined by regulation, must be made in accordance with general requirements for nutrient content claims in ŔŔ101.13, and must bear nutrition labeling according to ŔŔ101.9 or ŔŔ101.10. For the reasons stated above, the agency tentatively concludes that these provisions are appropriate for dietary supplements. However, because FDA is proposing a new ŔŔ101.36 Ô yOˆ Ôin a separate document published elsewhere in this issue of the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄthat would address nutrition labeling of dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals, a modification of the above paragraph is needed to add a reference to ŔŔ101.36. Therefore, the agency is proposing to amend several sections of Subpart D (ŔŔŔŔ101.54(a)(3), 101.56(a)(3), 101.60(a)(3), 101.61(a)(3), and 101.62(a)(3)) to state that the food for which the claim is made is labeled in accordance with ŔŔŔŔ101.9, 101.10, or 101.36, as applicable. Ô {M ÔĂĂB. Specific Requirements for Nutrient Content Claims (21 CFR 101, Subpart D)--Applicability to Dietary SupplementsÄÄ 1. Nutrient Content Claims for ``Good Source,'' ``High,'' and ``More.'' (ŔŔ101.54) Ô {OX Ô a. ``ĂĂGood source'' and ``high.ÄÄ'' As directed by the 1990 amendments (section 3(b)(1)(A)(iii)(VI)), FDA defined the term ``high'' and the synonyms ``rich in'' and ``excellent source of'' for use on labels and in labeling in ŔŔ101.54 (58 FR 2302 at 4114). In the final rule on nutrient content claims, the agency stated that the term ``good source'' may be used to describe a food when a serving of the food contains 10 to 19 percent of the RDI or the DRV for a nutrient. Likewise, the agency stated that the term ``high'' may be used to describe a food when a serving contains 20 percent or more of the RDI or the DRV. FDA concluded that the use of these terms would permit a sufficient number of food items to bear ``good source'' and ``high'' claims to allow consumers to use the claims in selecting foods that are better sources of nutrients. The agency also pointed out that the specified levels provide an appropriate basis for upper-level nutrient content claims on labels or in labeling of foods in conventional food form and can readily be used by consumers to implement current dietary guidelines (58 FR 2344). Under the present definitions, most, if not all, dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, potassium, and fiber would qualify for ``good source'' or ``high'' claims. Dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals are typicallyÔň#W0*€%€%ĐĐÔ concentrated sources of nutrients that often meet or exceed 100 percent the RDI per serving except for nutrients such as biotin, an expensive nutrient whose cost constrains the amount usually added in a supplement, and fiber and calcium, whose mass limits the quantity that can be formulated into single servings in tablet form. However, multiple servings are often recommended for fiber and for calcium supplements to provide recommended daily intake levels. Dietary supplements are intended to be, and are expected to be, concentrated sources of nutrients (Ref. 3). While ``good source'' and ``high'' nutrient content claims would be of limited utility in comparing the nutrient content among dietary supplements because virtually the entire class of products would qualify for such claims, these claims would be useful in comparing the nutrient content of dietary supplements with that of foods in conventional food form. Further, these terms would also be useful in highlighting the nutrient content of a few herbs and other similar nutritional substances that have nutrients at levels high enough to qualify for the definition of one of the above terms. However, section 411(b)(2)(B) of the act (21 U.S.C. 350(b)(2)(B)) states that the labeling and advertising for dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals may not give prominence to or emphasize ingredients that are not vitamins or minerals or represented as a source of vitamins or minerals. This provision serves to limit the types of claims that can be made on dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals. Because of this provision, statements about ingredients that are not vitamins or minerals (e.g., ``more fiber,'' ``good source of fiber,'' ``high protein'') may not be made on dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals. Therefore, the agency is proposing to amend ŔŔ101.54(b), (c), and (e), by adding that the claims authorized in this section (i.e., ``high,'' ``good source,'' and ``more'') may not be used on dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals to characterize the level of any substance that is not a vitamin or mineral. As previously discussed, maintaining consistency in definitions of nutrient content claims across the food supply is necessary to facilitate consumer use of the information. Accordingly, the agency tentatively concludes that with the proposed change in ŔŔ101.54(b), (c), and (e), and excluding the provisions pertaining to main dish and meal type products, all of the provisions of ŔŔ101.54 pertaining to the terms ``good source,'' ``high,'' and their synonyms are applicable to dietary supplements. Comments are requested on the usefulness of ``good source'' and ``high'' claims on dietary supplements and on the appropriateness of the proposed levels. If other levels are suggested, data in support of such levels are requested. Ô {OP Ô b. ``ĂĂMore.ÄÄ'' Although the 1990 amendments do not require that FDA define the term ``more,'' the agency recognized that there could be instances when a manufacturer could make a statement on the label or in labeling that a food contains more of a desirable nutrient than is in a reference food. FDA said that such claims could be useful to describe the level of vitamins, minerals, protein, potassium, and dietary fiber in a food (56 FR 60421 at 60453). Section 101.54(e)(1)(i) of the final rule on nutrient content claims requires that a food contain at least 10 percent more of the RDI for vitamins or minerals or of the DRV for protein, dietary fiber, or potassium before a comparative claim using the term ``more'' would be permitted. As discussed in the final rule on nutrient content claims that Ô yOĘ Ôpublished in the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof January 6, 1993 (58 FR 2302 at 2361), the agency concluded that a 10 percent or greater level of a nutrient relative to the RDI or DRV in a serving of a food is nutritionally significant and is also necessary to ensure that there is truly a nutritional difference in the foods being compared. This minimum difference corresponds to the minimum level of a nutrient that must be provided by a food for the food to meet the definition of ``good source'' described in ŔŔ101.54(c) (58 FR 2302 at 2414). Consistent with this requirement, a food must provide at least an additional 10 percent of the DRV or RDI compared to the reference food before it can be designated as a better source, i.e., having ``more'' of the nutrient. The agency tentatively finds that this provision is applicable to dietary supplements, and that the definition of ``more'' and its synonyms can be extended to dietary supplements without revision. FDA points out that the difference must be on the basis of the RDI or DRV, rather than on a weight basis, for the relative difference to have nutritional significance. For example, consider a product containing 150 mg of calcium per serving. On a weight basis, it would have 50 percent more calcium than a product containing 100 mg and 100 percent more than a product containing 75 mg. However, in terms of the RDI for calcium (1 g), a serving of the three products contains 15, 10, and 7.5 percent of the RDI, respectively. While the first two products meet the definition of a ``good source'', i.e.,Ôň#X0*€%€%ĐĐÔ at least 10 percent of the RDI per serving, the difference between them is not nutritionally significant and therefore, no one product can claim to contain ``more'' calcium than the other two. 2. Nutrient Content Claims for ``Light'' and ``Lite'' (ŔŔ101.56) Section 3(b)(1)(A)(iii)(III) of the 1990 amendments requires FDA to define ``light'' or ``lite'' unless it finds that the term is misleading. In its final rule on nutrient content claims, FDA concluded that while the term ``light'' or ``lite'' is primarily a relative claim that compares one food to another food, it is often used to directly describe the food itself in the way that an absolute claim such as ``low sodium'' is used. The agency defined the circumstances in which the term ``light'' can be used in ŔŔ101.56 of the final rule on nutrient content claims (58 FR 2302 at 2414). The definition of these terms is based on their calorie, fat, or sodium content. Based on the agency's tentative conclusion that the definition of terms should be consistent for all foods, the agency is proposing to include dietary supplements in the coverage of ŔŔ101.56. Section 101.56(b)(4) states that a ``light'' claim may not be made on a food for which the reference food meets the definition of ``low fat'' and ``low calorie.'' As previously discussed, the calorie and fat content of dietary supplements is generally negligible. Therefore, ŔŔ101.56(b)(4) is likely to preclude the use of the term ``light'' on labels or in labeling of dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other similar nutritional substances. However, the agency is not aware of any evidence that the term ``light'' or ``lite'' would be useful to consumers of dietary supplements, or that the term is currently used to describe dietary supplements. Similarly, the term ``lite in sodium'' may not be used on a food for which the reference food meets the definition of ``low in sodium'' (ŔŔ101.56(c)(2)(iii)). This provision is likely to preclude the use of the term ``lite in sodium'' on dietary supplements because the majority of dietary supplements meet the definition of ``low in sodium.'' In the case of sodium, the agency is proposing several nutrient content claims to describe the level of this nutrient, and the agency tentatively concludes that these items will be adequate to cover the likely range of variation of sodium content in dietary supplements. 3. ``Less,'' ``Reduced'' and ``Fewer'' Claims--Background Under section 3(b)(1)(A)(iii) (IV) and (V) of the 1990 amendments, FDA is required to define the terms ``less'' and ``reduced.'' To ensure that the reductions that are the subject of these comparative claims are nutritionally meaningful, and that consumers are not misled by claims for reductions that are inconsequential, the agency determined that such claims on the label or in labeling of a food can be made only if the food has been formulated so that it contains at least 25 percent less of the nutrient than the reference food. The 25 percent reduction requirement is based on agency findings that products in which there has been a 25 percent or greater reduction in the amount of a nutrient will serve a useful role in the diet of those individuals who are attempting to limit their consumption of the nutrient. In addition, the agency concluded that because of variations in nutrient content within a food or class of food, any less of a reduction would not always ensure that the altered product contained less of the nutrient than the regular product. The agency included this requirement for a 25 percent reduction in the recent final regulations defining ``fewer calories,'' ``less sugars,'' ``less sodium,'' ``less fat,'' ``less saturated fat,'' and ``less cholesterol'' (58 FR 2302 at 2414). In the final rule on nutrient content claims, the agency determined that the terms ``reduced'' and ``less,'' could be used to denote the same reduction in the level of a nutrient. However, the agency concluded that there were differences in the meaning of the two claims, as reflected in the provisions for the reference food to which the comparison drawn by each claim was made (58 FR 2362). The agency listed the terms ``reduced'' and ``less'' (in the case of calories the agency also included the term ``fewer'') as synonyms (subject to ŔŔ101.13(j)) in ŔŔ101.60(b)(4) for calories (58 FR 2302 at 2416), ŔŔ101.60(c)(4) for sugars (58 FR 2417), ŔŔ101.61(b)(6) for sodium (58 FR 2302 at 2418), ŔŔ101.62(b)(4) for fat (58 FR 2302 at 2418), (c)(4) for saturated fat (58 FR 2302 at 2419), and (d)(4) for cholesterol (58 FR 2302 at 2422). The agency will discuss each of these claims in detail in the discussion of claims involving each of these nutrients that follows. 4. Nutrient Content Claims for the Calorie Content of Foods (ŔŔ101.60) Ô {Ođ# Ô a. ``ĂĂCalorie freeÄÄ.'' Under section 3(b)(1)(A)(iii)(I) of the 1990 amendments, FDA is required to define the termÔđ#Y0*€%€%ĐĐÔ ``free,'' unless it finds that use of the term would be misleading. For a food to be labeled as a ``(nutrient) free (product),'' under section 403(r)(2)(A)(ii)(I) of the act, the nutrient must usually be present in the food or in a food for which it substitutes, as that term is defined by the Secretary (and by delegation FDA) (ŔŔ101.13(d)). In arriving at the definitions for ``free'' for the various nutrients, the agency chose the level of the nutrient that is at or near the reliable limit of detection for the nutrient and that is dietetically trivial or physiologically inconsequential. This approach is consistent with that used by the agency in the past for defining ``free.'' FDA established a policy of using ``free'' as a nutrient content claim for physiologically insignificant components when Ô yOx Ôit adopted a regulation for sodium nutrient content claims that published in the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄof April 18, 1984 (49 FR 15510). Based on the agency's tentative conclusion that the definition of terms should be consistent for all foods, the agency is proposing to include dietary supplements in the coverage of ŔŔ101.60. Section 101.60(b)(1) of the final rule on nutrient content claims defines ``calorie free'' and its synonyms as having less than 5 calories per reference amount. FDA defined ``calorie free'' because the ability to call attention to products free of calories provides useful guidance to consumers who are seeking to control their caloric intake. However, the agency recognizes that the majority of dietary supplements are typically devoid of calories or have negligible calories. Therefore, under this proposal, ``calorie free'' claims on these products will have to meet the requirements of ŔŔ101.60(b)(1)(ii). This section provides that a food that is inherently free of calories must disclose that calories are not usually present in the food (e.g., ``cider vinegar, a calorie free food''). Ô {O Ô b. ``ĂĂLow calorieÄÄ.'' i. ĂĂBackground on ``low'' claimsÄÄ. In its rulemaking on nutrient content claims, the agency defined ``low'' as a nutrient content claim for total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and calories (56 FR 60421 at 60438). The agency stated that it did not believe that the term ``low'' should necessarily mean that a nutrient is present in a food in an inconsequential amount, as with ``free,'' but rather that the selection of a food bearing the term should assist consumers in assembling a daily diet that is consistent with recommendations to limit the intake of certain nutrients. The starting point for the definition of ``low'' was the level that FDA defined as a measurable amount of the nutrient in a serving of food. FDA defined this amount as 2 percent or more of the reference value (i.e., DRV), the level at which all of the nutrients in question can be measured in all or nearly all foods. Because FDA believed that 2 percent of the DRV could be overly restrictive as a definition for ``low'' for those nutrients that are not contributed by all food categories or that are found in relatively few foods, the agency then adjusted the 2 percent definition according to the nutrient's estimated distribution across food categories (56 FR 60421 at 60440). Ô {Or Ô ii. ĂĂApplication of the nutrient content claim ``low calorie'' to dietary supplementsÄÄ. Section 101.60(b)(2) of the final rule on nutrient content claims defines ``low calorie'' as having no more than 40 calories per reference amount and, if the food has a reference amount of 30 g or less or two tablespoons or less (except for sugar substitutes), per 50 g. This definition represents 2 percent of the agency's reference calorie intake of 2,000 calories. Because calories are ubiquitous across food categories, no adjustment was necessary. This definition reflects the agency's long-established criterion of 40 calories per serving in the definition of ``low calorie'' (43 FR 43248, September 22, 1978). As previously discussed, the agency believes that, except in fish oils and certain herbal products, calories are negligible in dietary supplements. This term will thus likely be of limited usefulness and infrequently employed on the labels or in labeling of dietary supplements. However, FDA tentatively concludes that there is no reason to preclude the use of this term. Ô {OD Ô c. ``ĂĂReduced calories'' and ``fewer caloriesÄÄ.'' Section 101.60(b)(4) of the final rule on nutrient claims defines ``reduced calories'' and ``fewer calories'' and their synonyms as being at least 25 percent fewer calories per reference amount than an appropriate reference food. Because dietary supplements are negligible sources of calories, it is unlikely that this term will be used on the label or in labeling of dietary supplements. While FDA believes that these terms are likely to be of limited usefulness on the label and in labeling of these products, there may be some instances in which these terms are applicable to particular brands or types of dietary supplements. Therefore, the agency tentatively concludes that there is no need to preclude the use of these terms.Ôö#Z0*€%€%ĐĐԌÔ {O Ô d. ĂĂNutrient content claims for sugar contentÄÄ. i. ``ĂĂSugar freeÄÄ.'' Section 101.60(c)(1) requires that for a food in conventional food form to make a ``sugar free'' claim, the food must contain less than 0.5 g of sugars per serving. The final rule on mandatory nutrition labeling (58 FR 2079 at 2098) defines ``sugars'' in ŔŔ101.9(c)(6)(ii) to include all free monosaccharides and disaccharides. Sugar alcohols are not included in the definition of ``sugars'' because they have metabolic effects different than sugars and have a history of being considered to be sugar substitutes rather than sugars. Less than 0.5 g of sugar per serving is an amount that is consistent with the agency's policy of defining ``free'' claims at or near the reliable limit of detection and in an amount which is dietetically inconsequential. As a result, even frequent consumption of a food bearing a ``sugar free'' claim would not result in an intake of sugars that would affect the overall diet in any meaningful way. Further, the agency also considers it important that nutrient content claims correspond with the nutrition label, which serves as a source of specific information for consumers concerning the nutritional value of the food. FDA is proposing to include dietary supplements within the coverage of this definition. The agency is taking this action based on its tentative conclusion that the definition of terms should be consistent for all foods. Moreover, this position is consistent with the position that FDA is taking with respect to sugars in the proposed rule on mandatory nutrition labeling for dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals which is published in a separate document in this Ô yO‚ Ôissue of the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄ(see proposed ŔŔ101.36(b)(3)). Under that proposal, the nutrition label must contain information on sugars content when sugars are present in the dietary supplement in more than insignificant amounts, or when a claim is made. In that proposal, analytical values for sugar content that are less than 0.5 g are to be declared as zero on the nutrition label, thus providing consistency with this document. As stated above, section 411 of the act states that the label or labeling of a dietary supplement of a vitamin or mineral may not give prominence to any ingredient that is not a vitamin or a mineral. Therefore, if a sugar was an ingredient in a dietary supplement of vitamins or minerals, claims about the sugars content would have to be restricted on the product. However, ``sugar-free'' is an absence claim which asserts that a sugar is not an ingredient. Therefore, FDA tentatively concludes that the use of this term is acceptable on dietary supplements for vitamins or minerals, as well as for other types of dietary supplements. Section 101.60(c)(1)(ii) requires that the food contain no ingredient that is a sugar or that is generally understood by consumers to contain sugars, unless the listing of the ingredient in the ingredient statement is followed by an asterisk that refers to the statement below the list on ingredients, which states ``adds a negligible amount of sugar'' or ``adds a dietarily insignificant amount of sugar.'' The agency tentatively concludes that this provision is not in conflict with section 411 of the act because any such amounts are dietarily insignificant. Moreover, such an approach is consistent with FDA's tentative conclusion that the definition of terms should be consistent for all foods. Further, FDA believes that ``sugar free'' claims are appropriate on dietary supplements because of consumer interest in the sugars content of food; the fact that sugars are added to dietary supplements, particularly to chewable children's dietary supplements; and the agency's long-standing practice of providing for the use of descriptive terms intended to reflect the absence of sugars. Therefore, FDA tentatively finds that following synonyms for ``sugar free'' for foods in conventional food form are applicable to dietary supplements: ``free of sugar,'' ``no sugar,'' ``zero sugar,'' ``without sugar,'' ``sugarless,'' ``trivial source of sugar,'' ``negligible source of sugar,'' and ``dietarily insignificant source of sugar.'' The agency recognizes that there are chewable dietary supplements marketed for very young children that are formulated with sugar or other sweeteners. While the amounts of other nutrients of public health importance in dietary supplements, such as sodium, may be quite small or nonexistent, the amount of sugars in dietary supplements in chewable form represents a potentially contributing factor to dental caries. As a result, the agency is proposing in new ŔŔ101.60(c)(4) to provide for absence claims for sugars on dairy supplements of vitamins or minerals that are intended specifically for use by infants and children less than 2 years of age. As a result, current ŔŔ101.60(c)(4) and (c)(5) are redesignated as ŔŔ101.60(c)(5) and (c)(6). Ô {Oň# Ô ii. ``ĂĂLow sugarÄÄ''. While the agency defined ``sugar free,'' FDA did not define ``low sugars'' in its final rule onÔň#[0*€%€%ĐĐÔ nutrient content claims. Unlike the claim ``sugar free,'' which is based on the absence of sugars in a food, a definition for a ``low'' level of sugars in a food would relate to the total amount recommended for daily consumption. Because the available consensus documents do not provide quantitative recommendations for daily intake of sugars, FDA has not set a reference value for this nutrient (see 58 FR 2206 at 2220). The agency thus concluded that without a reference value for sugars, ``low sugars'' could not be defined (58 FR 2302 at 2335). For these reasons, the agency has tentatively concluded that ``low sugar'' cannot be defined for use on labels and in labeling of dietary supplements. FDA is not aware of any new data that would provide a basis for defining a claim of ``low sugar'' for use on labels or in labeling of dietary supplements. Additionally, section 411 of the act specifies that ingredients of dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals, other than vitamins or minerals, cannot be highlighted or given prominence. Therefore, even if a definition of ``low sugar'' is eventually possible, under the act, its use could not be authorized on dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals. Ô {O` Ô iii. ``ĂĂNo added sugarÄÄ.'' Section 101.60(c)(2) states that the terms ``no added sugar,'' ``without added sugar,'' or ``no sugar added'' may be used only if: (1) No amount of sugars, as defined in ŔŔ101.9(c)(6)(ii), or any ingredient that contains sugars or that functionally substitutes for added sugars is added during processing or packaging, (2) the product does not contain an ingredient containing added sugars, and (3) the food that it resembles and for which it substitutes normally is formulated with sugars. In a discussion of the nutrient content claim ``no added sugars'' in the November 1991 proposal on nutrient content claims (56 FR 60421 at 60437 and 60438), the agency summarized its position on the use of the terms ``no added sugar,'' ``no sugar added,'' and ``without added sugar.'' FDA expressed concern that consumers may expect such products to be ``low'' or ``reduced in calories'' and has therefore required that statements that the food is not ``low calorie'' or ``reduced calorie'' accompany the claim unless the food meets the requirements for a ``low'' or ``reduced calorie'' claim. In the final rule on nutrient content claims, the agency concluded that the use of a descriptive term that implies that the product has been made without adding sugars would be more helpful to consumers in implementing dietary guidelines (i.e., ``consume sugars only in moderation'') (Ref. 1) than would a term that is limited only to sucrose (i.e., ``sugar'') (58 FR 2302 at 2326). Further, the agency concluded that to avoid misleading consumers, such terms should be limited to foods that would be expected to contain added sugars. Claims concerning the absence of added sugars in foods in conventional food form that would not normally contain added sugars (e.g., canned tuna or potato chips) are likely to mislead consumers into thinking that a particular brand may be more desirable when compared to other brands of the same product. As previously discussed, FDA tentatively concludes that dietary supplements are negligible sources of calories. However, the agency believes that the declaration of the presence or absence of sugars in dietary supplements may be useful for consumers because of the relationship of sugars and dental caries and the fact that some dietary supplements are made with sugars As is the case for foods in conventional food form, the agency believes that to avoid misleading consumers, the term ``no added sugar'' should be limited to dietary supplements that would be expected to contain added sugars. Claims concerning the absence of added sugars on products that would not normally contain added sugar (e.g., dietary supplements for adults) are likely to mislead consumers into thinking that a particular brand may be more desirable when compared to other brands of the same product. Accordingly, FDA tentatively concludes that ŔŔ101.60(c)(2) is applicable to dietary supplements in its entirety. Ô {O Ô iv. ``ĂĂReduced sugar'' or ``less sugarÄÄ.'' Section 101.60(c)(4), which FDA is proposing to redesignate as ŔŔ101.60(c)(5), defines ``reduced sugar,'' ``less sugar,'' and ``lower sugar'' as a reduction of at least 25 percent per reference amount. FDA tentatively concludes that these terms cannot be made on dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals because section 411 of the act states that labeling and advertising for dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals cannot give prominence to or emphasize ingredients that are not vitamins or minerals. Therefore, FDA is proposing to amend ŔŔ101.60(c)(5) by adding dietary supplements to the list of foods on which the use of the termÔô#\0*€%€%ĐĐÔ ``reduced'' or its synonyms to describe the sugars content is not permissible. However, under this proposal, these terms may be used on dietary supplements that are not subject to section 411 of the act, such as dietary supplements of fiber, of herbs, and of other similar nutritional substances. Section 411 does not preclude such claims and, as stated above, the agency has tentatively concluded that the definition of terms should be consistent for all foods at least to the extent permitted by law. Ô {Oč Ô v. ``ĂĂUnsweetened'' and ``no added sweetenersÄÄ.'' In the September 22, 1978, final rule, on label statements for special dietary foods (43 FR 43248), FDA addressed the term ``unsweetened'' and ``no added sweeteners.'' The agency concluded that ``unsweetened'' and ``no added sweeteners'' claims are factual statements about the organoleptic properties of the foods (i.e., they are ``taste claims''). FDA received no comments to its November 27, 1991, proposed rules on nutrient content claims to change this view (58 FR 2302 at 2327). Unlike the terms ``sugar free'' or ``no added sugars,'' these terms are not nutrient content claims for foods in conventional food form (see ŔŔ101.60(c)(3)). The term ``unsweetened'' is meaningful for foods in conventional food form and is used primarily for foods with inherent sugars content (such as juices). Dietary supplements, however, generally do not have an inherent sugars content because they are generally formulated products. Therefore, the agency believes that there is no apparent usefulness in applying the terms ``unsweetened'' or ``no added sweeteners'' to dietary supplements. While the agency believes that the terms ``sugar-free'' and ``no added sugar,'' and their synonyms, are sufficient to describe absence claims for sugar for dietary supplements, the agency tentatively concludes that there is no need to preclude the use of the term ``unsweetened.'' 5. Nutrient Content Claims for the Sodium Content of Foods (ŔŔ101.61) Ô {O˘ Ô a. ``ĂĂSodium freeÄÄ.''In its April 18, 1984, regulation on sodium nutrient content claims (21 CFR 101.13), FDA defined a ``sodium free'' food as one containing less than 5 mg of sodium per serving. FDA established this definition to ensure that a food that meets this definition would contribute only a trivial amount of sodium to the total diet for all individuals (49 FR 15510). This definition was retained in the final rule on the nutrient content claims (58 FR 2302 at 2417) and codified at ŔŔ101.61(b)(1). This definition is consistent with the concept of a dietetically trivial amount used as the basis for determining ``free'' claims for foods in conventional food form. As previously discussed in section IV.B.3.a. of this document on ``calorie free'' claims, the agency is concerned about potential consumer confusion if a food bearing a ``nutrient free'' claim lists that nutrient on the ingredient list. Section 101.61(b)(1)(ii) of the final rule on nutrient content claims states that the term ``sodium free'' may be used if the food contains no ingredient that contains sodium, unless the listing of the ingredient in the ingredient statement is followed by an asterisk that refers to the statement below the list of ingredients, which states: ``Adds a trivial amount of sodium,'' ``adds a negligible amount of sodium,'' or ``adds a dietarily insignificant amount of sodium.'' The agency believes that, as in the case of ``sugar free,'' such a disclosure statement will be helpful to avoid consumer confusion about the quantity of sodium in the food. FDA is unaware of any evidence that would suggest that the definition for ``sodium free'' should be changed for dietary supplements. Thus, FDA tentatively concludes that ŔŔ101.61(b)(1) is applicable to dietary supplements Ô {O$ Ô b. ``ĂĂLow sodium'' and ``very low sodiumÄÄ.'' Section 101.61(b)(2) of the final rule on nutrient content claims states that the term ``very low sodium'' may be used on the label and in labeling of foods that contain 35 mg or less of sodium per reference amount and, if the food has a reference amount of 30 g or less per 2 tablespoons or less, per 50 g. Section 101.61(b)(4) states that the term ``low sodium'' may be used on the label and in labeling of foods that contain 140 mg or less of sodium per reference amount and, if the food has a reference amount of 30 g or less per 2 tablespoons or less, per 50 g. The synonyms for ``low sodium'' include ``low in sodium,'' ``contains a small amount of sodium,'' and ``low source of sodium.'' The descriptive terms ``low sodium'' and ``very low sodium'' have been defined and used for nearly 10 years, and the agency believes that consumers have become familiar with them. Given this fact and the agency's tentative conclusion that the definition of terms should be consistent for all foods, the agency tentatively finds that there is no reason to create different definitions for sodium for dietary supplements than for foods in conventional food form.Ôö#]0*€%€%ĐĐÔ Therefore, the agency tentatively finds that the provisions for ``low sodium'' and ``very low sodium'' in ŔŔ101.61 are appropriate for dietary supplements. Ô {O Ô c. ``ĂĂReduced sodiumÄÄ.'' Section 101.61(b)(6) defines ``reduced sodium'' claims and its synonyms. This section states that the food must contain at least 25 percent less sodium per reference amount than an appropriate reference food (ŔŔ101.61(b)(6)(i)). Section 101.61(b)(6)(iii) states that the nutrient content claim ``reduced sodium'' and its synonyms may not be made on the label or in labeling of a food if the nutrient content of the reference food meets the definition for ``low sodium.'' Based on its tentative conclusion that the definition of terms should be consistent for all foods, the agency is proposing to include dietary supplements in the coverage of ŔŔ101.61(b)(6). The agency notes, however, that the use of this term on dietary supplements will be limited by ŔŔ101.61(b)(6)(iii) because the majority of likely reference foods for dietary supplements will meet the definition of ``low sodium.'' However, the agency is not aware of any reason to preclude the use of this term on dietary supplements. Moreover, many dietary supplements may qualify for a ``less sodium'' claim. Thus the agency is proposing to provide for the use of these terms on dietary supplements. Ô {Oň Ô d. ``ĂĂUnsaltedÄÄ'' ĂĂand ÄÄ``ĂĂsalt free.ÄÄ'' FDA has defined ``salt free,'' ``unsalted,'' ``without added salt,'' and ``no salt added'' for foods in ŔŔ101.61(c) to prevent the use of these terms from being misleading to consumers. Section 101.61(c)(1) requires that any food bearing the claim ``salt free'' must meet the definition of ``sodium free''. As defined by ŔŔ101.61(c)(2), the terms ``unsalted,'' ``no salt added,'' or ``without added salt'' may be used only if no salt is added to the food during processing, and the food that it resembles and for which it substitutes is normally processed with salt (e.g., peanuts). In addition, a declaration on the food label that the food is not sodium free, if that is in fact the case, is required to avoid misleading consumers when claims that a food is unsalted or contains no added salt are made. The intent of these requirements is to aid consumers in maintaining healthy dietary practices by helping consumers identify foods with minimal sodium content. Claims on the salt content of foods in conventional food form are meaningful because salt is the major source of sodium in food. Salt is added to food for flavor, for preservation, and as a processing aid. The agency has no evidence that salt is used in the formulation of dietary supplements. Further, ŔŔ101.61(c)(2)(ii) states that these terms may only be used when the food that it resembles or for which it substitutes is normally processed with salt. Salt is not needed for preservation or as a processing aid in the manufacture of dietary supplements. Salt is unlikely to be used as a flavoring agent in dietary supplements because it would impart an undesirable salty taste. Therefore, the agency tentatively concludes that requirements for salt claims are not useful for, or applicable to, dietary supplements, and that the use of these terms is precluded by the provision cited above. Therefore, no other provisions are necessary to preclude the use of this term. Comments are requested on this tentative conclusion. The agency is also interested in any data on the presence of salt in dietary supplements. 6. Nutrient Content Claims for the Fat, Fatty Acid, and Cholesterol Content of Foods (ŔŔ101.62) Ô {O” Ô a. ``ĂĂFat free,ÄÄ'' ``ĂĂlow fat,ÄÄ'' ĂĂand ÄÄ``ĂĂreduced fat.ÄÄ'' Section 101.62(b)(1)(i) states that a food may be labeled as ``fat free'' if the food contains less than 0.5 g of fat per reference amount. If the food contains less than that amount of fat without benefit of special processing, alteration, formulation, or reformulation, it must be labeled to disclose that fat is not usually present in the food (e.g., ``broccoli, a fat free food''). Section 101.62(b)(2)(i) states that the terms ``low fat'' and its synonyms may be used on the label and in labeling of foods provided that the food contains 3 g or less of fat per reference amount and, if the food has a reference amount of 30 g or less or 2 tablespoons, per 50 g. Section 101.62(b)(2)(ii) provides that if the food meets these conditions without the benefit of special processing, alteration, formulation, or reformulation to lower fat, it shall be labeled to clearly refer to all food of its type and not merely to the particular brand to which the label attaches (e.g., ``frozen perch, a low fat food''). Section 101.62(b)(4) states that the term ``reduced fat'' and its synonyms may be used on the label and in labeling of foods provided that the food contains at least 25 percent less fat per reference amount than an appropriate reference food, while ŔŔ101.62(b)(4)(iii) provides that the claim ``reduced fat'' cannot be made on the label or inÔö#^0*€%€%ĐĐÔ labeling of a food if the nutrient content of the reference food meets the definition of ``low fat.'' Based on the agency's tentative conclusion that the definition of terms should be consistent for all foods, the agency is proposing to include dietary supplements in the coverage of these provisions. Although fat content is typically insignificant or nonexistent in dietary supplements, and ``fat-free,'' ``low-fat,'' and ``reduced fat'' claims are unlikely, there may be products for which these claims would appropriately apply. For example, some fish liver oils may qualify for a ``low fat'' claim depending on the labeled serving size. Further, the form of the claim allowed on foods naturally free of, or low in, fat (i.e., ``a fat-free food'') would be permitted under this rule. FDA requests comment and relevant data on the above tentative conclusion. Ô {O@ Ô b. ĂĂNutrient content claims for fatty acid content. ÄÄSection 101.62(c)(1)(i) states that the term ``saturated fat free'' and its synonyms may be used on the label or in labeling of a food if the food contains less than 0.5 g of saturated fat per reference amount and the level of trans fatty acids does not exceed 1 percent of the total fat. Section 101.62(c)(1)(iii) provides that the food must be labeled to disclose that saturated fat is not usually present in the food, if the food contains less than 0.5 g saturated fat without the benefit of special processing, alteration, formulation, or reformulation. Section 101.62(c)(2)(i) states that the term ``low in saturated fat'' and its synonyms may be used on the label and in labeling of food if the food contains 1 g or less of saturated fatty acid per reference amount and not more than 15 percent of calories from saturated fatty acids. Section 101.62(c)(2)(ii) requires that the food must be labeled to refer to all foods of its type, not merely to a particular brand as being low in saturated fat, if the food meets the definition of ``low in saturated fat'' without the benefit of special processing, alteration, formulation, or reformulation (e.g., ``raspberries, a low saturated fat food'') (58 FR 2302 at 2338). Section 101.62(c)(4)(i) states that the term ``reduced saturated fat'' and its synonyms may be used if the food contains at least 25 percent less saturated fat per reference amount than an appropriate reference food, and ŔŔ101.62(c)(4)(iii) states that a ``reduced saturated fat'' claim may not be made on the label or in labeling of a food if the nutrient meets the definition for ``low saturated fat.'' For the reasons set forth in the previous section on fat claims, even though saturated fat claims are likely to have limited application to dietary supplements, FDA is proposing to include dietary supplements in the coverage of ŔŔ101.62(c). Ô {O Ô c. ĂĂNutrient content claims for cholesterol. ÄÄSection 101.62(d)(1)(i) and (d)(1)(ii) states that the term ``cholesterol free'' and its synonyms may be used provided that the food contains less than 2 mg of cholesterol per reference amount and per 50 g if the reference amount is 30 g or less or 2 tablespoons or less. In addition, the food must contain 2 g or less of saturated fat per serving. Section 101.62 (d)(1)(i)(D) and (d)(1)(ii)(E) provides that if the food contains less than 2 mg of cholesterol per reference amount without the benefit of special processing, alteration, formulation, or reformulation to lower cholesterol content, then it must be labeled to disclose that cholesterol is not usually present in the food (e.g., ``applesauce, a cholesterol-free food''). Other paragraphs in ŔŔ101.62(d) require that foods that contain more than 13 g of total fat per reference amount per labeled serving or per 50 g, if the reference amount is 30 g or less or 2 tablespoons or less, disclose the amount of fat in a serving. The agency is not aware of any dietary supplement that contains fat at this level and thus tentatively concludes that these paragraphs will have no application to dietary supplements. Comment is requested on this tentative conclusion. Section 101.62 (d)(2)(i) and (d)(2)(ii) states that the term ``low in cholesterol'' and its synonyms may be used on the label and in labeling of foods provided that the food contains 20 mg or less of cholesterol per reference amount and, if the food has a reference amount of 30 g or less or 2 tablespoons or less, per 50 g. The food must also contain 2 g or less saturated fat per reference amount. Again, foods that contain 20 mg or less of cholesterol without the benefit of special processing, alteration, formulation, or reformulation to lower cholesterol content must be labeled to refer to all foods of that type and not merely to the particular brand (e.g., ``low fat cottage cheese, a low cholesterol food'').Ôô#_0*€%€%ĐĐԌ Section 101.62(d)(4)(i) states that the term ``reduced cholesterol'' and its synonyms may be used on the label or in labeling of food if the food has been specifically formulated, altered, or processed to reduce its cholesterol content by 25 percent or more from the reference food for which it substitutes, that has a significant (i.e., 5 percent or more) market share, and the food contains 2 g or less of saturated fatty acid per reference amount. As discussed previously, the agency has tentatively concluded that amounts of cholesterol, like total fat and saturated fat, are negligible in dietary supplements. Therefore, the cholesterol claims are likely to be of limited usefulness on dietary supplements. Other than the form of the claims allowed on foods naturally free of, or low in, a nutrient (e.g., ``a fat-free food,'' ``a low cholesterol food''), the use of cholesterol claims is unlikely. However, based on the agency's tentative conclusion that the definition of terms should be consistent for all foods, the agency is proposing to include dietary supplements in the coverage of ŔŔ101.62(d). In summary, the agency tentatively concludes that subject to the proposed change in ŔŔ101.62(a)(3) and excluding the provisions that pertain to main dish and meal-type products, all of the provisions of ŔŔ101.62 pertaining to the fat, fatty acid, and cholesterol content of foods are applicable to dietary supplements. Ô {O( Ô d. ĂĂ``Lean'' and ``extra lean.'' ÄÄThe definitions for ``lean'' and ``extra lean'' in ŔŔ101.62(e) specify permitted levels of total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol and limit the use of the terms to seafood or game meat, meal products and main dish products. Therefore, FDA tentatively concludes that, at least as currently defined, these terms have no application for dietary supplements. Accordingly, the agency is not proposing to extend the coverage of the terms ``lean'' or ``extra lean'' to dietary supplements. 7. Implied Nutrient Content Claims (ŔŔ101.65) Ô {OÚ Ô a. ĂĂClaims that are not nutrient content claims. ÄÄSection 403(r)(1)(A) of the act provides that a food is misbranded if it bears a claim that ``expressly or by implication characterizes the level'' of a nutrient unless the claim is made in accordance with regulations established by FDA. Section 3(b)(1)(A)(i) of the 1990 amendments instructs the agency to establish regulations that identify claims described in section 403(r)(1)(A) of the act that comply with section 403(r)(2) of the act. Accordingly, FDA defined implied nutrient content claims in ŔŔ101.13(b)(2) (58 FR 2302 at 2411). In ŔŔ101.65, FDA listed several types of statements that can be excluded from the requirements of section 403(r) of the act because they are not implied nutrient content claims (58 FR 2302 at 2423). These statements include: (1) Statements that facilitate avoidance, (2) statements about ingredients that do not serve nutritive purposes, (3) statements about ingredients that provide added value, (4) certain types of statements of identity, and (5) statements of special dietary usefulness. Section 101.65(b) states that these types of label statements about the nature of a product are not nutrient content claims when made on labels of foods, unless such statements are made in a context that would make them an implied claim under ŔŔ101.13(b)(2). The agency acknowledges that in many instances, whether a label statement is an implied nutrient content claim can only be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, considering the entire label and the context within which the claim was made. Some ingredient statements are implied nutrient content claims, and some are not. The agency will evaluate ingredient statements in the context of the total label to determine whether they are implied nutrient content claims and therefore subject to section 403(r)(1)(A) of the act. The agency's focus will be on whether the ingredient statement identifies a nutrient explicitly or by implication, and whether it states or implies that the nutrient is absent, or that it is present in a certain amount. The agency has tentatively concluded that the following statements are not nutrient content claims unless made in a context that would make them implied claims and are therefore not subject to ŔŔ101.13. FDA is proposing to make each applicable, either entirely or in part, to dietary supplements. Ô {OÔ Ô i. ĂĂStatements that facilitate avoidance. ÄÄStatements of the absence of an allergen are regulated under ŔŔ105.62 (21 CFR 105.62), which provides for labeling of foods for special dietary use by reason of the absence of an allergenic property. According to ŔŔ101.65(b)(1), statements that declare the absence of food components or ingredients that are intended to facilitate avoidance because of food intolerance (e.g., lactose free), religious beliefs, dietary practices such as vegetarianism (e.g., ``100 percent milk free''), or other nonnutrition-related reasons are not nutrient content claims.Ôö#`0*€%€%ĐĐÔ The agency tentatively concludes that this paragraph is entirely applicable to dietary supplements. The agency is not aware of any facts that would provide the basis for a different conclusion. FDA requests comment on other examples that are appropriate for dietary supplements. Ô {OX Ô ii. ĂĂClaims about a substance that is nonnutritive. ÄÄIn the final rule on nutrient content claims, the agency determined that claims about the absence of certain substances that do not function as nutrients, such as preservatives and artificial colors, provide important information to certain consumers but are not nutrient content claims because they are not claims about the level of a nutrient (58 FR 2302 at 2369). Consequently, such claims are subject to regulation under section 403(a) of the act to ensure that they are truthful and not misleading but not section 403(r) of the act. Section 101.65(b)(2) of the final rule on nutrient content claims states that claims about a substance that is nonnutritive or that does not have a nutritive function, e.g., ``contains no preservatives,'' or `` no artificial colors,'' are not implied nutrient content claims. Statements of this type are common on dietary supplements and do not reflect the level of a nutrient in a product. Therefore, the agency tentatively concludes that this provision is directly applicable to dietary supplements. Ô {O* Ô iii. ĂĂClaims about ingredients that provide added value. ÄÄSection 101.65(b)(3) of the final rule on nutrient content claims states that some ingredient claims would be useful as tools for the manufacturer to communicate to the consumer that the product is of high quality because preferred ingredients (i.e., those with an added value) have been used (58 FR 2302 at 2369). Such claims would generally not be considered nutrient content claims. However, where the added value statement is made in such a context that it would imply not only that a preferred ingredient is used, but that the food contains a certain level of a nutrient, such statements would be subject to section 403(r) of the act. FDA tentatively concludes that this section of the final rule is applicable to dietary supplements of herbs or other similar nutritional substances. In regard to claims on labels of these types of dietary supplements, statements such as ``contains rosehips'' would be considered to be an ingredient statement, not a statement about the product's nutrient content. However, under section 411(b)(2) of the act, prominence cannot be given on the label or in labeling of dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals to ingredients that are not vitamins or minerals or that are represented as a source of vitamins or minerals. Therefore, while the statement ``contains rosehips'' could be made on a dietary supplement of vitamin C because rosehips are a source of this vitamin, the statement ``contains chaparral'' may not because this herb is not a source of vitamins or minerals. Accordingly, FDA is proposing to amend ŔŔ101.65(b)(3) to state that claims about the presence of any ingredients or component other than vitamins or minerals or ingredients that are represented as a source of vitamins or minerals are not permitted on labels or in labeling of dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals. Ô {Ot Ô iv. ĂĂStatements of identity. ÄÄSection 101.65(b)(4) of the final rule on nutrient content claims states that when an ingredient constitutes essentially 100 percent of a food, so that the name of the ingredient is the statement of identity, the name of the ingredient does not constitute an implied nutrient content claim. In such circumstances, the name of the ingredient constitutes the common or usual name of the product as described in ŔŔ101.5. FDA tentatively concludes that this provision is applicable to all dietary supplements. For example, a statement of identity for a dietary supplement in which an ingredient constitutes essentially 100 percent of a supplement, e.g., (``60 mg--vitamin C'') is not a nutrient content claim. FDA is proposing to amend ŔŔ101.65(b)(4) to reflect this fact. Similarly, the agency found in ŔŔ101.65(b)(5) that a statement of identity that names as a characterizing ingredient, an ingredient associated with a nutrient benefit (e.g., oat bran-dietary fiber supplement) is not a nutrient content claim, unless such a claim is made in a context in which label or labeling statements, symbols, vignettes, or other forms of communication suggest that a nutrient is absent or present in a certain amount. The agency tentatively concludes that this provision is also applicable to dietary supplements. Ô {OÖ Ô v. ĂĂStatements of special dietary usefulness. ÄÄSection 101.65(b)(6) of the final rule on nutrient content claims states that label statements made in compliance with a specific provision of 21 CFR part 105, solely to note that a food has special dietary usefulness relative to a physical, physiological, pathological, or other condition, where the claim identifies the special diet of which it is intended to be a part is not an implied nutrient content claim. The agency tentatively concludes that this provision is appropriate for dietary supplements. The agency is notÔř#a0*€%€%ĐĐÔ aware of any evidence that would suggest a different conclusion. Ô {OČ Ô b. ĂĂParticular implied nutrient content claims. ÄÄSection 101.65(c) of the final rule on nutrient content claims states that claims about a food or an ingredient therein that suggests that a nutrient or an ingredient is absent or present in a certain amount (e.g., ``high in oat bran'') are implied nutrient content claims. Other requirements under ŔŔ101.65(c) address additional ingredient and equivalency issues. A statement such as ``contains as much fiber as an apple'' is an implied claim about the fiber content of a food. This statement implies that an apple is a good source of fiber, and that by being equivalent in fiber to an apple, the labeled food is also a good source of fiber. Such a claim can be used to provide valid, valuable information to the consumer about the nature of a product in terms of another product that the consumer already understands. However, the agency has concluded that such a statement would be misleading if comparisons between the foods were not made on a common basis. Because a serving of the product is the amount customarily consumed in one eating occasion, the agency has concluded that comparisons using this type of claim should be made on a per serving basis. FDA tentatively concludes that the provisions set forth in ŔŔ101.65(c) are applicable to dietary supplements. The agency is not aware of evidence that would suggest a different conclusion. Thus, under this proposal, the phrase ``contains the same amount of the (nutrient) as a (supplement or other food)'' may be used on the label or in the labeling of dietary supplements, provided that the amount of the nutrient in the reference food is enough to qualify as a ``good source'' (i.e., at least 10 percent of the RDI), and the labeled supplement, on a per serving basis, also contains at least 10 percent of the RDI of the nutrient (e.g., ``Contains the same amount of Vitamin C as an 8 oz glass of orange juice''; ``As much iron as `brand X'''). The use of a 10 percent criterion is consistent with the definition of ``more,'' in which the agency concluded that 10 percent is nutritionally significant, and is also necessary to ensure that there is truly a difference in the foods being compared. Ô {Oj Ô c. ĂĂGeneral nutritional claims. ÄÄIn its final rule on nutrient content claims, FDA concluded that a claim that a food, because of its nutrient content, may be useful in maintaining healthy dietary practices is a claim that characterized the level of a nutrient in that food (58 FR 2302 at 2375). The claim is essentially saying that the level of nutrients in the food is such that the food will contribute to good health. Examples of such claims discussed in the preamble to the final rule included ``healthy,'' ``wholesome,'' and ``nutritious.'' The agency concluded that these terms can be implied nutrient content claims when they appear in a nutritional context on a label or in labeling. FDA advised that it would consider these terms to appear in a nutritional context when they are presented in association with an explicit or implicit claim or statement about a nutrient. For example, in the statement ``nutritious, contains 3 g of fiber,'' ``nutritious'' is an implied nutrient content claim because it suggests that the food may be useful in maintaining healthy dietary practices. Accordingly, the agency provided in ŔŔ101.65(d)(1) that such statements are implied nutrient content claims and are subject to the requirements of section 403(r) of the act. However, the agency also stated that when a term such as ``healthy,'' ``wholesome,'' and ``nutritious'' appears on a food label in a context that does not render it an implied nutrient content claim, it is not subject to the requirements of section 403(r) of the act (58 FR 2375). Under such conditions, the use of the term is subject to section 403(a) of the act, and FDA will determine whether it is misleading on a case-by-case basis. FDA tentatively concludes that ŔŔ101.65(d)(1) is applicable to dietary supplements. Terms that are often encountered on labels or in labeling of dietary supplements that seem to imply that the dietary supplement will contribute to good health and that therefore might fall into this category include such terms as ``high potency,'' ``high absorption,'' and ``balanced.'' The agency requests comment on whether there are established meanings for these terms, and, if so, whether they characterize the level of the nutrients in the food. If comments demonstrate that there are accepted definitions used in the dietary supplement industry for these terms that characterize the level of nutrients, and that these definitions will assist consumers in maintaining healthy dietary practices, FDA will proceed with further rulemaking to adopt those definitions or to propose new ones. Significantly, if FDA agrees that such terms are implied nutrient content claims, under the provisions of the statute, such implied claims would be prohibited after the effective date for final rules, until such time as the terms are defined by FDA by regulation. If comments demonstrate that there are accepted definitions for these terms, and that they do not characterize theÔô#b0*€%€%ĐĐÔ level of nutrients, in accordance with ŔŔ101.65(d)(1), such terms would not be subject to section 403(r) of the act unless used in a nutritional context in association with an explicit or implicit claim or statement about a food. 8. Petitions for Nutrient Content Claims (ŔŔ101.69) Section 403(r)(4) of the act provides that any person may petition the Secretary to make nutrient content claims that are not specifically provided for in FDA's regulations. This section describes procedures for petitions that seek to define additional nutrient content claims, to establish synonyms, and to use an implied nutrient content claim in a brand name. The final rule on nutrient content claims provided for petitions for new claims. The final rule delineates the procedural requirements and evaluation criteria for nutrient content claim petitions, synonym petitions, and brand name petitions. Because FDA sees no reason why the same requirements should not apply to petitions for claims for substances in dietary supplements as to petitions for claims for substances in conventional foods, it is not distinguishing between dietary supplements and foods in conventional form in ŔŔ101.69. The agency tentatively finds that this section is directly applicable to dietary supplements. Ô yOđ ÔĂ ĂV. Economic ImpactÄ Ä FDA has examined the economic implications of the proposed rules amending 21 CFR part 101 as required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act and Executive Orders 12291 and 12612. The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires regulatory relief for small businesses where feasible. Executive Order 12291 compels agencies to use cost-benefit analysis as a component of decisionmaking. The agency finds that the proposed rules on dietary supplements, taken together, do not constitute a major rule as defined by Executive Order 12291. In accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96 - 354), FDA has explored whether these proposed rules may have a significant impact on small businesses and has tentatively concluded that they do not. The costs of the proposed regulations on dietary supplements, taken as a whole, are estimated to be $20 million. The benefits are primarily those that result from standardizing the format of nutrition information already provided on vitamin and mineral supplements with that of conventional foods. However, because dietary supplements do not typically make nutrient content claims and most nutrient content claims that FDA is proposing to define to make sense for use for dietary supplements, this proposed rule will not result in any change. Therefore, defining nutrient content claims will not result in any benefits. The agency has presented a more in-depth analysis in the document covering mandatory nutrition labeling requirements for dietary supplements, published elsewhere in this issue of the Ô yOp ÔĂĂFederal RegisterÄÄ. Ô yO ÔĂ ĂVI. Environmental ImpactÄ Ä Ô yO Ô The agency has previously considered the environmental effects of the proposed rule in the ĂĂFederal Register Ô yOX ÔÄÄof November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60421). At that time the agency determined under 21 CFR 25.24 (a)(8) and (a)(11) that these proposed actions were of the types that do not individually or cumulatively have a significant impact on the human environment. No new information or comments have been received that would affect the agency's previous determination that there is no significant impact on the human environment, and that an environmental impact statement is not required. Ô yO ÔĂ ĂVII. Effective DateÄ Ä FDA is proposing to make this regulation effective 6 months after the publication of a final rule based on this proposal. FDA notes, however, that in section 10(a)(3)(B) of the 1990 amendments, Congress provides that if the Secretary, and by delegation FDA, finds that requiring compliance with section 403(q) of the act, on mandatory nutrition labeling or with section 403(r)(2) of the act, on nutrient content claims, 6 months after publication of the Ô yO¸$ Ôfinal rules in the ĂĂFederal Register ÄÄwould cause undue economic hardship, the Secretary, and by delegation FDA,Ô¸$c0*€%€%ĐĐÔ may delay the application of these sections for no more than 1 year. FDA requests comments and evidence that would permit the agency to make a determination as to whether there is ``undue economic hardship'' (see 58 FR 2070, January 6, 1993) for the dietary supplement industry. Ô yO  ÔĂ ĂVIII. CommentsÄ Ä Interested persons may, on or before July 19, 1993, submit to the Dockets Management Branch (HFA - 305), Food and Drug Administration, rm. 1 - 23, 12420 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, MD 20857, written comments regarding this proposal. Two copies of any comments are to be submitted, except that individuals may submit one copy. Comments are to be identified with the docket number found in brackets in the heading of this document. Received comments may be seen in the office above between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. As mentioned previously in this preamble, the DS act requires that final rules implementing the 1990 amendments with respect to dietary supplements be issued by December 31, 1993. In order to meet this statutory timeframe, FDA must limit the comment period for this proposal to 60 days. FDA believes that the need to meet this timeframe constitutes good cause under 21 CFR 10.40(b)(2) of its procedural regulations for limiting the comment period. Thus, the agency is announcing that because of the short statutory timeframe, FDA will be unable to grant any extensions to the comment period. In addition, the agency will not consider the content of any comments received at Dockets Management Branch after the close of the 60-day comment period. Ô yOŘ ÔĂ ĂIX. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980Ä Ä Section 101.69, which FDA is proposing to extend to cover dietary supplements, contains requirements for submission of petitions to FDA that were submitted for review and approval to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), as required by section 3504(h) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980. The requirements were approved and assigned OMB control number 0910 - 0288. This proposal contains collection of information requirements that are subject to review by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3507). Therefore, in accordance with 5 CFR 1320, the title, description, and respondent descriptions of the proposed collection of information requirements are shown below with an estimate of the annual collection of information burden. Included in the estimate is the amount of time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering necessary information, and completion and submission of petitions. Ô {O8 Ô ĂĂTitle: ÄÄ21 CFR 101.69--Food Labeling: Nutrient Content Claims, General Principles, Petitions, Definition of Terms. Ô {O Ô ĂĂDescription: ÄÄThe proposed rule provides the procedures for the submission of petitions to the agency. The information included in these petitions will be reviewed by the agency, and a decision will be made in accordance with the criteria specified in the proposed rule. The 1990 amendments added section 403(r)(4) to the act. This section provides that any person may petition the Secretary to make nutrient content claims that are not specifically provided for in FDA's regulations. It describes the procedures for petitions that seek to define additional nutrient content claims, to establish synonyms, and to use an implied nutrient content claim in a brand name. Ô {O| Ô ĂĂNutrient Content Claim petitions--ÄÄSection 403(r)(4)(A)(i) of the act grants to any person the right to petition FDA to issue a regulation to define a nutrient content claim that has not been defined in the regulations under section 403(r)(2)(A)(i) of the act. The statute requires that such a petition include an explanation of the reasons why the claim that is the subject of the petition meets the requirements of section 403(r) of the act and a summary of the scientific data that support those reasons. Section 101.69(m) sets forth the data requirements specific to nutrient content claim petitions. FDA is proposing to include dietary supplements within the coverage of this section. Ô {O.# Ô ĂĂSynonym petitions--ÄÄSection 403(r)(4)(A)(ii) of the act grants the right to petition the FDA for permission to use terms in a nutrient content claim that are consistent (i.e., synonymous) with terms defined in regulations issued underÔř#d0*€%€%ĐĐÔ section 403(r)(2)(A)(i) of the act. The petition requirements in ŔŔ101.69(n) are those that FDA has found to be necessary to demonstrate that use of a proposed synonym is not misleading and consistent with the purpose of the 1990 amendments. FDA is proposing to include dietary supplements within the coverage of this section. Ô {OX Ô ĂĂBrand-name petitions--ÄÄSection 403(r)(4)(A)(iii) of the act grants the right to petition FDA for permission to use an implied claim in a brand name that is consistent with terms defined by the Secretary under section 403(r)(2)(A)(i) of the act. Section 101.69(o) sets forth the data requirements that are specific to brand-name petitions. These requirements are those necessary for the petition to demonstrate that use of the proposed implied claim is not misleading and is consistent with the purpose of the 1990 amendments. FDA is proposing to include dietary supplements within the coverage of this section. Ô {O  Ô ĂĂDescription of Respondents: ÄÄPersons and businesses, including small businesses. Ń#dZţ6X@ÉüK­‘Â@#ŃĐ ÷3Ř'3Ř'StandardQMPS810.PRSŰx Œ Ř'3Ř'3Standard˙˙810¸˙˙˙˙qˆÖćÁaÚ°°°°Ae÷ ĐÔ e0*€%€%ĐĐÔ Ô g/, Ô ĂĂEstimated Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping BurdenÄÄ ŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔ Annual Average Annual Section number of Annual burden per burden respondents frequency response hours ŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔ 101.69(m)......................................................... 2 1 200 400 101.69(n)......................................................... 2 1 75 150 101.69(o)......................................................... 1 1 75 75 ŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔ Total....................................................... ........... ........... ........... 625 ŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔŔ Đ ÷Ř'3Ř'3Standard˙˙810¸˙˙˙˙qˆÖćÁ3Ř'3Ř'Standard˙˙810¸˙˙˙˙qˆÖćÁMŰ°°°°ef÷ ĐÔö fxČČĐĐÔ Ń#ž]ô\  PŽÂC:HôP#Ń FDA has submitted copies of the proposed rule to OMB for its review of these reporting requirements. Interested persons should send their comments regarding these estimated burdens, including suggestions for reducing these burdens, to the addressees given above. Ô yO° ÔĂ ĂX. ReferencesÄ Ä The following references have been placed on file in the Dockets Management Branch (address above) and may be seen by interested persons between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. 1. DHHS and USDA, ``Nutrition and Your Health, Dietary Guidelines for Americans,'' 1990. 2. ``The Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health,'' DHHS (Public Health Service) Publication No. 88 - 50210 (Government Printing Office Stock No. 017 - 001 - 00465 - 1), U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1988. 3. Committee on Diet and Health, Food and Nutrition Board, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, ``Diet and Health, Implications for Reducing Chronic Disease Risk,'' National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1989. 4. Subcommittee on the 10th Edition of the Recommended Dietary Allowances, Food and Nutrition Board, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, ``Recommended Dietary Allowances, 10th Ed.,'' Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 1989. 5. Committee on the Nutrition Components of Food Labeling, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, ``Nutrition Labeling, Issues and Directions for the 1990's,'' Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 1990. 6. 138 Congressional Record--House, H 11730 - H11731, October 5, 1992. 7. 138 Congressional Record--Senate S 17237 - S17240, October 7, 1992. 8. Moss, A. J., Levy, A. S., Kim, I., Park Y., ``Use of Vitamin and Mineral Supplements in the United States, Current Users, Types of Products and Nutrients, Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics of the National Center for Health Statistics,'' No. 174, July 18, 1989. 9. House of Representatives, House Report 101 - 538, ``Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990,'' June 13, 1990. Ô yO ÔĂ ĂList of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 101Ä Ä Food Labeling, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and under authority delegated to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, it is proposed that 21 CFR part 101 be amended as follows: Ô yO ÔĐĐÔuÔĂ ĂPART 101--FOOD LABELINGÄ Ä Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô 1. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 101 continues to read as follows: Ô yO(# Ô ĂĂAuthority: ÄÄSecs. 4, 5, 6 of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (15 U.S.C. 1453, 1454, 1455); secs. 201, 301, 402, 403, 409, 501, 502, 505, 701 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 342, 343, 348, 351, 352, 355, 371); sec. 202(a)(2) of the Dietary Supplement Act (Pub. L. 102 - 571).Ô¸$g0*€%€%ĐĐԌ™ 2. Section 101.13 is amended by revising paragraph (a), the first sentence in paragraph (c), the introductory text of paragraph (i), and paragraph (n) to read as follows: Ô yO  ÔĂ ĂŔŔ101.13 Nutrient content claims--general principles.Ä Ä (a) This section and the regulations in subpart D of this part apply to foods that are intended for human consumption and that are offered for sale, including foods in conventional food form and dietary supplements of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other similar nutritional substances. * * * * * (c) Information that is required or permitted by ŔŔ101.9 or ŔŔ101.36, as applicable, to be declared in nutrition labeling, and that appears as part of the nutrition label, is not a nutrient content claim and is not subject to the requirements of this section. * * * * * * * * (i) Except as provided in ŔŔŔŔ101.9 or 101.36, as applicable, or in paragraph (q)(3) of this section, the label or labeling of a product may contain a statement about the amount or percentage of a nutrient if: * * * * * (n) Nutrition labeling in accordance with ŔŔŔŔ101.9, 101.10, or 101.36, as applicable, shall be provided for any food for which a nutrient content claim is made. * * * * * 3. Section 101.54 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(3), (b)(1), (c)(1), and (e)(1) introductory text to read as follows: Ô yOŔ ÔĂ ĂŔŔ101.54 Nutrient content claims for ``good source,'' ``high,'' and ``more.''Ä Ä (a) * * * (3) The food for which the claim is made is labeled in accordance with ŔŔŔŔ101.9, 101.10, or 101.36, as applicable. * * * * * (b) * * * (1) The terms ``high,'' ``rich in,'' or ``excellent sources of'' may be used on the label or in the labeling of foods, except meal products as defined in ŔŔ101.13(l) and main dish products as defined in ŔŔ101.13(m) and except dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals to characterize the level of any substance that is not a vitamin or mineral, provided that the food contains 20 percent or more of the RDI or the DRV per reference amount customarily consumed. * * * * * (c) * * * (1) The terms ``good source,'' ``contains,'' or ``provides'' may be used on the label or in labeling of foods, except meal products as described in ŔŔ101.13(l) and main dish products as described in ŔŔ101.13(m) and except in dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals to characterize the level of any substance that is not a vitamin or mineral, provided that the food contains 10 to 19 percent of the RDI or the DRV per reference amount customarily consumed. * * * * * (e) * * * (1) A relative claim using the terms ``more,'' fortified,'' ``enriched,'' and ``added'' may be used on the label or in labeling of foods to describe the level of protein, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, or potassium, except as limited by ŔŔ101.13(j)(1)(i) and except meal products as defined in ŔŔ101.13(l) and main dish products as defined in ŔŔ101.13(m), and except dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals to characterize the level of any substance that is not a vitamin or mineral, provided that: * * * * * 4. Section 101.56 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(3) to read as follows:Ô¸$h0*€%€%ĐĐԌ™ Ô yOČ ÔĂ ĂŔŔ101.56 Nutrient content claims for ``light'' or ``lite.''Ä Ä (a) * * * (3) The food for which the claim is made is labeled in accordance with ŔŔŔŔ101.9, 101.10, or 101.36, as applicable. * * * * * 5. Section 101.60 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(3), redesignating paragraphs (c)(4) and (c)(5) as paragraphs (c)(5) and (c)(6), by adding new paragraph (c)(4), and by revising the introductory text of newly redesignated paragraph (c)(5) to read as follows: Ô yO˜ ÔĂ ĂŔŔ101.60 Nutrient content claims for the calorie content of foods.Ä Ä (a) * * * (3) The food for which the claim is made is labeled in accordance with ŔŔŔŔ101.9, 101.10, or 101.36, as applicable. * * * * * (c) * * * (4) The claims provided for in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section may be used on labels or in labeling of dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals that are intended specifically for use by infants and children less than 2 years of age. (5) The terms ``reduced sugar,'' ``reduced in sugar,'' ``sugar reduced,'' ``less sugar,'' ``lower sugar,'' or ``lower in sugar'' may be used on the label or in labeling of foods, except meal products as defined in ŔŔ101.13(l), main dish products as defined in ŔŔ101.13(m), and dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals, provided that: * * * * * 6. Section 101.61 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(3) to read as follows: Ô yO ÔĂ ĂŔŔ101.61 Nutrient content claims for the sodium content of foods.Ä Ä (a) * * * (3) The food for which the claim is made is labeled in accordance with ŔŔŔŔ101.9, 101.10, or 101.36, as applicable. * * * * * 7. Section 101.62 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(3) to read as follows: Ô yOX ÔĂ ĂŔŔ101.62 Nutrient content claims for fat, fatty acid, and cholesterol content of foods.Ä Ä (a) * * * (3) The food for which the claim is made is labeled in accordance with ŔŔŔŔ101.9, 101.10, or 101.36, as applicable. * * * * * 8. Section 101.65 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(3), (b)(3), and (b)(4) to read as follows: Ô yO˜! ÔĂ ĂŔŔ101.65 Implied nutrient content claims and related label statements.Ä Ä (a) * * * (3) The food for which the claim is made is labeled in accordance with ŔŔŔŔ101.9, 101.10, or 101.36, as applicable. (b) * * *Ô¸$i0*€%€%ĐĐԌ (3) A claim about the presence of an ingredient that is perceived to add value to the product, e.g., ``made with real butter,'' ``made with whole fruit,'' or ``contains honey,'' except that claims about the presence of ingredients other than vitamins or minerals, or ingredients that are represented as a source of vitamins or minerals, are not allowed on labels or in labeling of dietary supplements of vitamins or minerals that are not in conventional food form. (4) A statement of identity for a food in which an ingredient constitutes essentially 100 percent of a food (e.g., ``corn oil,'' ``oat bran,'' ``vitamin C 60 mg''). * * * * * Ô yO@ ÔĐĐÔ"@ÔĂĂDavid A. Kessler,ÄÄ Ô {M ÔÔ*ěÔĐĐÔ °ÔĐĐÔJÔĂĂCommissioner of Food and Drugs.ÄÄ Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô Dated: June 10, 1993. Ô yO` ÔĐĐÔ"ÔĂĂDonna E. Shalala,ÄÄ Ô {M( ÔÔ*ěÔĐĐÔ °ÔĐĐÔcÔĂĂSecretary of Health and Human Services.ÄÄ Ô*ěÔĐĐÔ °Ô[FR Doc. 93 - 14273 Filed 6 - 15 - 93; 8:45 am] Ô yO¸ ÔĂ ĂBILLING CODE 4160 - 01 - PÄ Ä