WEDNESDAY June 23, 1993 Part X Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR Chapter I Technical Amendments to OMB Approval Numbers; Final Rule (This reprint was prepared from the electronic file that accompanied the original signed documents transmitted to the Office of the Federal Register. This file was certified to be a true copy of the original.) (This document appeared at 58 FR 34196 - 34205.) Federal Register / Vol. 58, No. 119 / Wednesday, June 23, 1993 / Rules and Regulations ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 40 CFR Chapter I [OPPTS - 00140; FRL - 4587 - 1] Technical Amendments to OMB Approval Numbers AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: EPA is publishing technical amendments to various EPA regulations to consolidate the display of the Office of Management and Budget control numbers issued under the Paperwork Reduction Act for EPA regulations with information collection requirements. DATES: The effective date of this rule is June 23, 1993. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sandy Farmer, Environmental Protection Agency, Information Policy Branch (PM - 223), 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460, Telephone: (202) 260 - 2740. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Electronic Availability: This document is available as an electronic file on The Federal Bulletin Board at 9 a.m. on the date of publication in the Federal Register. By modem dial 202 - 512 - 1387 or call 202 - 512 - 1530 for disks or paper copies. This file is available in Postscript, Wordperfect 5.1 and ASCII. On April 7, 1993, EPA issued a notice (58 FR 18014) to announce review of the status of EPA information collection requests (ICRs) under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501 - 3520), and to amend various EPA regulations to add references to their current OMB ICR control numbers. On May 10, 1993, EPA issued another notice (58 FR 27472), to create a consolidated table of the OMB control numbers for various EPA regulations with information collection requirements promulgated under the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Air Act. This table will be codified in 40 CFR part 9. EPA believes that presenting the OMB control numbers in this table format will improve its management of the PRA and make it easier for the public to identify the corresponding OMB control numbers for these EPA regulations. Today, EPA is issuing these technical amendments to place in the table the OMB ICR control numbers for various EPA regulations issued under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, and section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right - to - Know Act. The affected regulations are codified at 40 CFR Parts 150 - 189, 372, and 700 - 799. These amendments will convert all existing parenthetical notes and individual sections in the CFR which cite OMB ICR control numbers, and add other OMB ICR control numbers, so that all the control numbers appear in the consolidated table. The ICRs for the OMB control numbers included in these technical amendments were previously subject to public notice and comment prior to OMB approval. As such, EPA finds that there is ``good cause'' under section 553(b)(B) of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553) to issue this technical amendment without prior notice and comment. Due to the technical nature of the table, further notice and public comment would be unnecessary. For the same reason, EPA also finds that there is good cause under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3). For additional information, see 58 FR 18014, April 7, 1993, and 58 FR 27472, May 10, 1993. List of Subjects 40 CFR Part 9 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 152 Administrative practice and procedure, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 153 Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 155 Administrative practice and procedure, Confidential business information, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 156 Labeling, Occupational safety and health, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 157 Administrative practice and procedure, Infants and children, Packaging and containers, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 158 Confidential business information, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 166 Administrative practice and procedure, Intergovernmental relations, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 167 Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 170 Administrative practice and procedure, Labeling, Occupational safety and health, and Pesticides and pests. 40 CFR Part 171 Indians - lands, Intergovernmental relations, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 177 Administrative practice and procedure, Agricultural commodities, Food additives, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 372 Air pollution, Chemicals, Hazardous assistance, Hazardous waste, Imports, Intergovernmental relations, Natural resources, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Superfund, Water pollution control, Water supply. 40 CFR Part 700 Chemicals, Environmental protection, Hazardous substances, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 704 Chemicals, Confidential business information, Environmental protection, Hazardous substances, Imports, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 707 Chemicals, Environmental protection, Exports, Hazardous substances, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 710 Chemicals, Environmental protection, Hazardous substances, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 712 Chemicals, Environmental protection, Hazardous substances, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 716 Chemicals, Confidential business information, Environmental protection, Hazardous substances, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 717 Chemicals, Environmental protection, Hazardous substances, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 720 Chemicals, Environmental protection, Hazardous substances, Imports, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 721 Administrative practice and procedure, Chemicals, Environmental protection, Hazardous substances, Imports, Labeling, Occupational safety and health, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 723 Chemicals, Environmental protection, Hazardous substances, Photographic industry, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 761 Environmental protection, Hazardous substances, Labeling, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's), Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 763 Administrative practice and procedure, Asbestos, Confidential business information, Environmental protection, Hazardous substances, Imports, Intergovernmental relations, Labeling, Occupational safety and health, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Schools. 40 CFR Part 766 Dibenzo - para - dioxins/dibenzofurans, Environmental protection, Hazardous substances, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 790 Administrative practice and procedure, Chemicals, Confidential business information, Environmental protection, Hazardous substances, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 40 CFR Part 799 Chemicals, Environmental protection, Hazardous substances, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. Dated: June 17, 1993. Carol M. Browner, Administrator. Therefore, 40 CFR Chapter I is amended as follows: PART 9--[AMENDED] 1. In part 9: a. The authority citation is revised to read as follows: Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 - 136y; 21 U.S.C. 331j, 346a, 348; 15 U.S.C. 2601 - 2671; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 42 U.S.C. 300f, 300g, 300g - 1, 300g - 2, 300g - 3, 300g - 4, 300g - 5, 300g - 6, 300j - 4, 300j - 9, 7401, 7412, 7414, 7416, 7601, 7671 - 7671q, 11023, 11048. b. Section 9.1 is amended by adding new entries to the table to read as follows: 9.1 OMB approvals under the Paperwork Reduction Act. * * * * * <<23jn.wp>><<00000.TBL>> ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 40 CFR citation OMB control No. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ * * * * * Pesticide Registration and Classification Procedures......................... 152.46................................ 2070 - 0060 152.50................................ 2070 - 0024, 2070 - 0040 and 2070 - 0060 152.80................................ 2070 - 0040 and 2070 - 0060 152.85................................ 2070 - 0040 and 2070 - 0060 152.98................................ 2070 - 0060 152.122............................... 2070 - 0060 152.132............................... 2070 - 0044 152.135............................... 2070 - 0060 152.142............................... 2070 - 0057 and 2070 - 0107 152.164............................... 2070 - 0060 152.404............................... 2070 - 0040 and 2070 - 0060 152.406............................... 2070 - 0040 and 2070 - 0060 152.412............................... 2070 - 0040 and 2070 - 0060 152.414............................... 2070 - 0040 and 2070 - 0060 Registration Policies and Interpretations.................................... part 153, subpart D................... 2070 - 0039 Registration Standards....................................................... 155.30................................ 2070 - 0057 Labeling Requirements for Pesticides and Devices............................. 156.36................................ 2070 - 0052 156.206............................... 2070 - 0060 156.208............................... 2070 - 0060 156.210............................... 2070 - 0060 156.212............................... 2070 - 0060 Packaging Requirements for Pesticides and Devices............................ 157.22................................ 2070 - 0052 157.24................................ 2070 - 0052 157.34................................ 2070 - 0052 157.36................................ 2070 - 0052 Data Requirements for Registration........................................... 158.30................................ 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.32................................ 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0053, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.34................................ 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.45................................ 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.75................................ 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.101............................... 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.155............................... 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.160............................... 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.162............................... 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.165............................... 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.167............................... 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.170............................... 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.175............................... 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.180............................... 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.190............................... 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.240............................... 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.290............................... 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.340............................... 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.390............................... 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.440............................... 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.490............................... 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.540............................... 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.590............................... 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.640............................... 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.690............................... 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 158.740............................... 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 Good Laboratory Practice Standards........................................... part 160.............................. 2070 - 0024, 2070 - 0032, 2070 - 0040, 2070 - 0055, 2070 - 0057, 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0107 State Registration of Pesticide Products..................................... 162.153............................... 2070 - 0055 Certification of Usefulness of Pesticide Chemicals........................... 163.4................................. 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0024 163.5................................. 2070 - 0060 and 2070 - 0024 Exemption of Federal and State Agencies for Use of Pesticides Under Emergency Conditions. 166.20................................ 2070 - 0032 166.32................................ 2070 - 0032 166.43................................ 2070 - 0032 166.50................................ 2070 - 0032 Registration of Pesticide and Active Ingredient Producing Establishments, Submission of Pesticide Reports. part 167.............................. 2070 - 0078 Statements of Enforcement Policies and Interpretations....................... 168.65................................ 2070 - 0027 168.75................................ 2070 - 0027 168.85................................ 2070 - 0027, 2070 - 0028, and 2070 - 0078 Books and Records of Pesticide Production and Distribution................... 169.2................................. 2070 - 0028 Worker Protection Standards for Agricultural Pesticides...................... 170.112............................... 2070 - 0060 Certification of Pesticide Applicators....................................... 171.7................................. 2070 - 0029 171.8................................. 2070 - 0029 171.9................................. 2070 - 0029 171.10................................ 2070 - 0029 171.11................................ 2070 - 0029 Experimental Use Permits..................................................... 172.4................................. 2070 - 0040 172.8................................. 2070 - 0040 Issuance of Food Additive Regulations........................................ 177.81................................ 2070 - 0024 177.92................................ 2070 - 0024 177.98................................ 2070 - 0024 177.99................................ 2070 - 0024 177.102............................... 2070 - 0024 177.105............................... 2070 - 0024 177.110............................... 2070 - 0024 177.116............................... 2070 - 0024 Tolerances and Exemptions from Tolerances for Pesticide Chemicals in or on Raw Agricultural Commodities. 180.7................................. 2070 - 0024 180.8................................. 2070 - 0024 180.9................................. 2070 - 0024 180.31................................ 2070 - 0024 180.32................................ 2070 - 0024 180.33................................ 2070 - 0024 Toxic Chemical Release Reporting: Community Right - to - Know................ part 372.............................. 2070 - 0093 Toxic Substances Control Act: General........................................ 700.45................................ 2070 - 0012 and 2070 - 0038 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements..................................... 704.5................................. 2010 - 0019 and 2070 - 0067 704.11................................ 2010 - 0019 and 2070 - 0067 704.25................................ 2070 - 0067 704.30................................ 2070 - 0067 704.33................................ 2070 - 0067 704.43................................ 2070 - 0067 704.45................................ 2070 - 0067 704.95................................ 2070 - 0067 704.102............................... 2070 - 0067 704.104............................... 2070 - 0067 704.175............................... 2070 - 0067 part 704, subpart C................... 2010 - 0019 part 704, subpart D................... 2010 - 0019 Chemical Imports and Exports................................................. 707.20................................ 1515 - 0173 707.65................................ 2070 - 0030 707.67................................ 2070 - 0030 707.72................................ 2070 - 0030 Inventory Reporting Regulations.............................................. part 710, subpart B................... 2070 - 0070 Chemical Information Rules................................................... 712.5................................. 2070 - 0054 712.7................................. 2070 - 0054 712.20................................ 2070 - 0054 712.28................................ 2070 - 0054 712.30................................ 2070 - 0054 Health and Safety Data Reporting............................................. 716.5................................. 2070 - 0004 716.10................................ 2070 - 0004 716.20................................ 2070 - 0004 716.25................................ 2070 - 0004 716.30................................ 2070 - 0004 716.35................................ 2070 - 0004 716.40................................ 2070 - 0004 716.45................................ 2070 - 0004 716.50................................ 2070 - 0004 716.60................................ 2070 - 0004 716.65................................ 2070 - 0004 716.105............................... 2070 - 0004 716.120............................... 2070 - 0004 Records and Reports of Allegations that Chemical Substances Cause Significant Adverse Reactions to Health or the Environment. 717.5................................. 2070 - 0017 717.7................................. 2070 - 0017 717.12................................ 2070 - 0017 717.15................................ 2070 - 0017 717.17................................ 2070 - 0017 Premanufacture Notification.................................................. 720.1................................. 2070 - 0012 720.22................................ 2070 - 0012 720.25................................ 2070 - 0012 720.30................................ 2070 - 0012 720.36................................ 2070 - 0012 720.38................................ 2070 - 0012 part 720, subpart C................... 2070 - 0012 720.62................................ 2070 - 0012 720.75................................ 2070 - 0012 720.78................................ 2070 - 0012 720.80................................ 2070 - 0012 720.85................................ 2070 - 0012 720.87................................ 2070 - 0012 720.90................................ 2070 - 0012 720.102............................... 2070 - 0012 part 720, Appendix A.................. 2070 - 0012 Significant New Uses of Chemical Substances.................................. part 721, subpart A................... 2070 - 0012 and 2070 - 0038 721.72................................ 2070 - 0012 and 2070 - 0038 721.125............................... 2070 - 0012 and 2070 - 0038 721.160............................... 2070 - 0012 and 2070 - 0038 721.170............................... 2070 - 0012 and 2070 - 0038 721.185............................... 2070 - 0012 and 2070 - 0038 721.225............................... 2070 - 0012 721.275............................... 2070 - 0012 721.325............................... 2070 - 0012 721.370............................... 2070 - 0012 721.390............................... 2070 - 0012 721.400............................... 2070 - 0012 721.415............................... 2070 - 0012 721.430............................... 2070 - 0012 721.445............................... 2070 - 0012 721.460............................... 2070 - 0012 721.490............................... 2070 - 0012 721.505............................... 2070 - 0012 721.520............................... 2070 - 0012 721.530............................... 2070 - 0012 721.540............................... 2070 - 0012 721.550............................... 2070 - 0012 721.575............................... 2070 - 0012 721.600............................... 2070 - 0012 721.625............................... 2070 - 0012 721.650............................... 2070 - 0038 721.700............................... 2070 - 0012 721.750............................... 2070 - 0012 721.775............................... 2070 - 0012 721.805............................... 2070 - 0012 721.840............................... 2070 - 0012 721.875............................... 2070 - 0012 721.925............................... 2070 - 0012 721.950............................... 2070 - 0012 721.1000.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1025.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.1050.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1075.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1120.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1150.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1175.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1210.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1225.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1240.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1300.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1325.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1350.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1375.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1425.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.1450.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1500.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1525.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1550.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1575.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1600.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1625.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1650.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1675.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1700.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1725.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1735.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1745.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1750.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1765.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1775.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1790.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.1800.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1820.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1825.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1850.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1875.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1900.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1925.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.1950.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2000.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2025.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2050.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2075.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2086.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2120.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2140.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2175.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2225.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2250.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2275.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2340.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2380.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2420.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2460.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2475.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2520.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2540.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2560.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2600.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.2625.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2650.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2675.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2725.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.2750.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2800.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.2825.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2840.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2860.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2880.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2900.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2920.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2940.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.2980.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3000.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3020.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3040.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3060.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3080.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3100.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3120.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3140.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3160.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.3180.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3200.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3220.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.3240.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3248.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3254.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3260.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3320.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3340.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3360.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3380.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3420.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3440.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3460.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3480.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3500.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3520.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3540.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3560.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3580.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3620.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3625.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3629.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3640.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3680.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3700.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3720.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3740.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3764.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3780.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3800.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3840.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3860.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3870.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3880.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.3900.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4000.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4020.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4040.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4060.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4100.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4128.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4133.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4140.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.4160.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.4180.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.4200.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4220.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4240.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4260.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4270.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4280.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4300.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4320.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4340.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4360.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.4380.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4390.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4400.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4420.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4460.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4480.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4500.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4520.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4568.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4600.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4620.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4640.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4660.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4680.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4700.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4720.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4740.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.4780.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4790.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4800.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4820.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4840.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4880.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.4925.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.5050.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5200.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5225.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5250.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5275.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5300.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5325.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5350.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5375.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5400.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5425.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5450.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5475.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5500.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5525.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5550.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5575.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5600.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.5660.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5700.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5740.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5760.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5780.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5800.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5820.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5840.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5860.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5880.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5900.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5960.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.5980.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6000.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.6020.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6060.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6080.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6100.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6120.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6140.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6160.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6180.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6186.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6193.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6200.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6220.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6440.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6470.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6480.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6500.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6520.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6540.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6560.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6580.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6600.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6620.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6625.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6640.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6660.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6680.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6700.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6720.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6740.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6760.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6780.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6820.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6840.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6880.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6900.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6920.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6940.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6960.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.6980.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7000.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7020.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7040.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7080.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7100.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7140.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7160.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7180.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7200.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7210.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7220.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7240.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7260.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7280.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7300.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7320.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7340.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7360.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7370.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7400.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7420.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7440.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7460.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7480.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7500.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7560.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7540.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7580.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7600.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7620.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7660.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7680.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7780.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7720.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7700.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7740.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.7760.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8075.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8100.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8125.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8175.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8225.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8250.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8275.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8300.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8325.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8350.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8375.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8400.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8425.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8450.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8475.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8500.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8525.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8550.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8575.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8600.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8675.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8750.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8775.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8700.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8825.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8850.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8875.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8900.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.8965.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9075.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9220.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9240.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9260.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9280.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9300.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9320.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9360.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9400.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9420.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9460.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9480.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9500.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9520.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9525.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9527.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9530.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9540.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9550.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9570.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9630.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9675.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9700.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9720.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9730.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9740.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9760.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9780.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9800.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9820.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9850.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9870.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9900.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9920.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9930.............................. 2070 - 0038 721.9940.............................. 2070 - 0012 721.9975.............................. 2070 - 0012 Premanufacture Notification Exemptions....................................... 723.50................................ 2070 - 0012 723.175............................... 2070 - 0012 723.250(m)(1)......................... 2070 - 0012 Water Treatment Chemicals.................................................... part 749, subpart D................... 2060 - 0193 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Manufacturing, Processing, Distribution in Commerce, and Use Prohibitions. 761.20................................ 2070 - 0008 and 2070 - 0021 761.20(e)............................. 2050 - 0047 761.30................................ 2070 - 0003, 2070 - 0008 and 2070 - 0021 761.60................................ 2070 - 0011 761.65................................ 2070 - 0112 761.70................................ 2070 - 0011 761.75................................ 2070 - 0011 761.80................................ 2070 - 0021 761.125............................... 2070 - 0112 761.180............................... 2070 - 0112 761.185............................... 2070 - 0008 761.187............................... 2070 - 0008 761.193............................... 2070 - 0008 761.202............................... 2070 - 0112 761.205............................... 2070 - 0112 761.207............................... 2070 - 0112 761.207(a)............................ 2050 - 0039 761.208............................... 2070 - 0112 761.209............................... 2070 - 0112 761.210............................... 2070 - 0112 761.211............................... 2070 - 0112 761.215............................... 2070 - 0112 761.218............................... 2070 - 0112 Asbestos..................................................................... part 763, subpart D................... 2070 - 0059 part 763, subpart E................... 2070 - 0091 part 763, subpart F................... 2070 - 0091 part 763, subpart G................... 2070 - 0072 part 763, subpart I................... 2070 - 0082 Dibenzo - para - dioxin/Dibenzofurans........................................ 766.35(b)(1).......................... 2070 - 0054 766.35(b)(2).......................... 2070 - 0054 766.35(b)(3).......................... 2070 - 0017 766.35(b)(4)(iii)..................... 2070 - 0054 766.35(c)(1)(i)....................... 2070 - 0054 766.35(c)(1)(ii)...................... 2070 - 0054 766.35(c)(1)(iii)..................... 2070 - 0017 766.35(d) Form........................ 2070 - 0017 766.38................................ 2070 - 0054 Procedures Governing Testing Consent Agreements and Test Rules............... 790.5................................. 2070 - 0033 790.42................................ 2070 - 0033 790.45................................ 2070 - 0033 790.50................................ 2070 - 0033 790.55................................ 2070 - 0033 790.60................................ 2070 - 0033 790.62................................ 2070 - 0033 790.68................................ 2070 - 0033 790.80................................ 2070 - 0033 790.82................................ 2070 - 0033 790.85................................ 2070 - 0033 790.99................................ 2070 - 0033 Good Laboratory Practice Standards........................................... part 792.............................. 2010 - 0019, 2070 - 0004, 2070 - 0017, 2070 - 0033, 2070 - 0054 and 2070 - 0067 Provisional Test Guidelines.................................................. 795.45................................ 2070 - 0067 795.232............................... 2070 - 0033 Identification of Specific Chemical Substance and Mixture Testing Requirements. 799.500............................... 2070 - 0033 799.925............................... 2070 - 0033 799.940............................... 2070 - 0033 799.1051.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.1052.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.1053.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.1054.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.1250.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.1285.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.1550.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.1560.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.1575.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.1645.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.1650.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.1700.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.2155.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.2175.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.2200.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.2325.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.2475.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.2500.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.2700.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.3175.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.3300.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.3450.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.4000.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.4360.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.4400.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.4440.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.5000.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.5025.............................. 2070 - 0033 799.5055.............................. 2070 - 0033 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 00000.TBL PART 152--[AMENDED] 2. In part 152: a. The authority citation for part 152 continues to read as follows: Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 - 136y. Subpart U is also issued under 31 U.S.C. 9701. 152.46, 152.50, 152.80, 152.85, 152.135, 152.142, 152.404, 152.406, 152.412, and 152.414 [Amended] b. Sections 152.46, 152.50, 152.80, 152.85, 152.135, 152.142, 152.404, 152.406, 152.412, and 152.414 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 153--[AMENDED] 3. In part 153: a. The authority citation for part 153 continues to read as follows: Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 - 136y. 153.79 [Removed] b. Section 153.79 is removed. PART 155--[AMENDED] 4. In part 155: a. The authority citation for part 155 continues to read as follows: Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 through 136y. 155.30 [Amended] b. Section 155.30 is amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of the section. PART 156--[AMENDED] 5. In part 156: a. The authority citation for part 156 continues to read as follows: Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 - 136y. 156.36, 156.206, 156.208, 156.210, and 156.212 [Amended] b. Sections 156.36, 156.206, 156.208, 156.210, and 156.212 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 158--[AMENDED] 6. In part 158: a. The authority citation for part 158 continues to read as follows: Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 - 136y. 158.30, 158.34, 158.75, 158.101, 158.190, 158.240, 158.340, 158.390, 158.440, 158.490, 158.540, 158.590, 158.640, 158.690, and 158.740 [Amended] b. Sections 158.30, 158.34, 158.75, 158.101, 158.190, 158.240, 158.340, 158.390, 158.440, 158.490, 158.540, 158.590, 158.640, 158.690, and 158.740 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 166--[AMENDED] 7. In part 166: a. The authority citation for part 166 continues to read as follows: Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 - 136y. 166.20, 166.32, 166.43, and 166.50 [Amended] b. Sections 166.20, 166.32, 166.43, and 166.50 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 167--[AMENDED] 8. In part 167: a. The authority citation for part 167 continues to read as follows: Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 (e) and (w). 167.20 and 167.85 [Amended] b. Sections 167.20 and 167.85 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 171--[AMENDED] 8. In part 171: a. The authority citation for part 171 continues to read as follows: Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136b and 136w. 171.11 [Amended] b. Section 171.11 is amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of the section. PART 177--[AMENDED] 9. In part 177: a. The authority citation for part 177 continues to read as follows: Authority: 21 U.S.C. 348, 371(a) 331(j); Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1970. 177.102, 177.105, 177.110, and 177.116 [Amended] b. Sections 177.102, 177.105, 177.110, and 177.116 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 372--[AMENDED] 10. In part 372 by revising the authority citation to read as follows: Authority: 42 U.S.C. 11023 and 11048. PART 700--[AMENDED] 11. In part 700: a. The authority citation for part 700 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2625. 700.45 [Amended] b. Section 700.45 is amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of the section. PART 704--[AMENDED] 12. In part 704: a. The authority citation for part 704 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2607(a). 704.11, 704.33, 704.45, 704.95, 704.102, 704.104, and 704.175 [Amended] b. Sections 704.11, 704.33, 704.45, 704.95, 704.102, 704.104, and 704.175 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 707--[AMENDED] 13. In part 707: a. The authority citation for part 707 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2611(b) and 2612. 707.65, 707.67, 707.70, 707.72, and 707.75 [Amended] b. Sections 707.65, 707.67, 707.70, 707.72, and 707.75 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 710--[AMENDED] 14. In part 710: a. The authority citation for part 710 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2607(a). 710.5 and 710.37 [Amended] b. Sections 710.5 and 710.37 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 712--[AMENDED] 15. In part 712: a. The authority citation for part 712 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2607(a). 712.30 [Amended] b. Section 712.30 is amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of the section. PART 716--[AMENDED] 16. In part 716: a. The authority citation for part 716 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2607(d) and 2625(c). 716.120 [Amended] b. Section 716.120 is amend by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of the section. PART 717--[AMENDED] 17. In part 717: a. The authority citation for part 717 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2607(c). 717.12, 717.15, and 717.17 [Amended] b. Sections 717.12, 717.15, and 717.17 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 720--[AMENDED] 18. In part 720: a. The authority citation for part 720 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2604, 2607, and 2613. 720.1, 720.25, 720.38, 720.40, 720.62, 720.75, 720.78, 720.80, 720.90, 720.120, and Appendix A [Amended] b. Sections 720.1, 720.25, 720.38, 720.40, 720.62, 720.75, 720.78, 720.80, 720.90, 720.120, and Appendix A to the part are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 721--[AMENDED] 19. In part 721: a. The authority citation for part 721 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2604, 2607, and 2625(c). 721.47, 721.72, 721.185, 721.225, 721.275, 721.325, 721.390, 721.400, 721.415, 721.460, 721.490, 721.505, 721.520, 721.530, 721.540, 721.550, 721.575, 721.600, 721.625, 721.700, 721.750, 721.775, 721.805, 721.840, 721.875, 721.925, 721.950, 721.1000, 721.1025, 721.1050, 721.1075, 721.1120, 721.1150, 721.1175, 721.1210, 721.1225, 721.1300, 721.1325, 721.1350, 721.1375, 721.1425, 721.1450, 721.1500, 721.1525, 721.1550, 721.1575, 721.1600, 721.1625, 721.1650, 721.1675, 721.1700, 721.1725, 721.1735, 721.1745, 721.1765, 721.1775, 721.1790, 721.1800, 721.1825, 721.1850, 721.1875, 721.1900, 721.1925, 721.1950, 721.2000, 721.2025, 721.2050, 721.2075, 721.2086, 721.2120, 721.2140, 721.2175, 721.2225, 721.2250, 721.2275, 721.2340, 721.2380, 721.2420, 721.2460, 721.2475, 721.2540, 721.2560, 721.2600, 721.2625, 721.2650, 721.2675, 721.2725, 721.2750, 721.2800, 721.2825, 721.2840, 721.2860, 721.2880, 721.2900, 721.2920, 721.2940, 721.2980, 721.3000, 721.3020, 721.3040, 721.3060, 721.3080, 721.3100, 721.3120, 721.3140, 721.3160, 721.3180, 721.3200, 721.3220, 721.3240, 721.3260, 721.3320, 721.3340, 721.3360, 721.3380, 721.3420, 721.3440, 721.3460, 721.3480, 721.3500, 721.3520, 721.3540, 721.3560, 721.3580, 721.3620, 721.3625, 721.3640, 721.3680, 721.3700, 721.3720, 721.3740, 721.3764, 721.3800, 721.3840, 721.3860, 721.3870, 721.3880, 721.3900, 721.4000, 721.4020, 721.4040, 721.4060, 721.4100, 721.4140, 721.4160, 721.4180, 721.4200, 721.4220, 721.4240, 721.4260, 721.4270, 721.4280, 721.4300, 721.4320, 721.4340, 721.4360, 721.4380, 721.4400, 721.4420, 721.4460, 721.4480, 721.4500, 721.4520, 721.4600, 721.4620, 721.4640, 721.4660, 721.4680, 721.4700, 721.4720, 721.4740, 721.4780, 721.4790, 721.4800, 721.4820, 721.4840, 721.4880, 721.4925, 721.5050, 721.5200, 721.5225, 721.5250, 721.5275, 721.5300, 721.5325, 721.5350, 721.5375, 721.5400, 721.5425, 721.5450, 721.5475, 721.5500, 721.5525, 721.5550, 721.5575, 721.5600, 721.5625, 721.5660, 721.5700, 721.5740, 721.5760, 721.5780, 721.5800, 721.5820, 721.5840, 721.5860, 721.5880, 721.5900, 721.5960, 721.5980, 721.6000, 721.6020, 721.6060, 721.6080, 721.6100, 721.6120, 721.6140, 721.6160, 721.6180, 721.6200, 721.6220, 721.6440, 721.6480, 721.6500, 721.6520, 721.6540, 721.6560, 721.6580, 721.6600, 721.6620, 721.6640, 721.6660, 721.6680, 721.6700, 721.6720, 721.6740, 721.6760, 721.6780, 721.6820, 721.6840, 721.6880, 721.6900, 721.6920, 721.6940, 721.6960, 721.6980, 721.7000, 721.7020, 721.7040, 721.7080, 721.7100, 721.7140, 721.7160, 721.7180, 721.7200, 721.7210, 721.7220, 721.7240, 721.7260, 721.7280, 721.7300, 721.7320, 721.7340, 721.7360, 721.7400, 721.7420, 721.7440, 721.7460, 721.7480, 721.7500, 721.7540, 721.7560, 721.7580, 721.7600, 721.7620, 721.7660, 721.7680, 721.7700, 721.7720, 721.7740, 721.7760, 721.7780, 721.8075, 721.8100, 721.8125, 721.8225, 721.8250, 721.8275, 721.8300, 721.8325, 721.8350, 721.8375, 721.8400, 721.8425, 721.8450, 721.8475, 721.8500, 721.8525, 721.8550, 721.8575, 721.8600, 721.8675, 721.8700, 721.8750, 721.8775, 721.8825, 721.8850, 721.8875, 721.8900, 721.9220, 721.9240, 721.9260, 721.9280, 721.9300, 721.9320, 721.9360, 721.9400, 721.9420, 721.9460, 721.9480, 721.9500, 721.9525, 721.9530, 721.9550, 721.9570, 721.9630, 721.9675, 721.9700, 721.9720, 721.9740, 721.9760, 721.9780, 721.9800, 721.9820, 721.9850, 721.9870, 721.9900, 721.9920, 721.9930, 721.9940, and 721.9975 [Amended] b. 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PART 723--[AMENDED] 20. In part 723: a. The authority citation for part 723 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2604. 723.50 and 723.250 [Amended] b. Sections 723.50 and 723.250(m) are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 761--[AMENDED] 21. In part 761: a. The authority citation for part 761 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2605, 2607, 2611, 2614 and 2616. 761.20, 761.30, 761.65, 761.180, 761.185, 761.187, 761.193, 761.205, 761.209, 761.210, 761.211, and 761.215 [Amended] b. Sections 761.20, 761.30(a)(1)(xii), 761.65, 761.180, 761.185, 761.187, 761.193, 761.205, 761.209, 761.210, 761.211, and 761.215 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 763--[AMENDED] 22. In part 763: a. The authority citation for part 763 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2605 and 2607(c). 763.124 and 763.178 [Amended] b. Sections 763.124 and 763.178 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 766--[AMENDED] 23. In part 766: a. The authority citation for part 766 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2603 and 2607. 766.35 [Amended] b. Section 766.35 is amended by removing and reserving paragraph (e). PART 790--[AMENDED] 24. In part 790: a. The authority citation for part 790 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2603. 790.5, 790.50, and 790.80 [Amended] b. Sections 790.5, 790.50, and 790.80 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 795--[AMENDED] 25. In part 795: a. The authority citation for part 795 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2603. 795.45 and 795.232 [Amended] b. Sections 795.45 and 795.232 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. PART 799--[AMENDED] 26. In part 799: a. The authority citation for part 799 continues to read as follows: Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2603, 2611, 2625. 799.500, 799.925, 799.940, 799.1051, 799.1052, 799.1053, 799.1054, 799.1250, 799.1285, 799.1550, 799.1560, 799.1575, 799.1645, 799.1650, 799.1700, 799.2155, 799.2175, 799.2200, 799.2325, 799.2475, 799.2500, 799.2700, 799.3175, 799.3300, 799.4000, 799.4360, 799.4400, 799.4440, 799.5000, and 799.5055 [Amended] b. Sections 799.500, 799.925, 799.940, 799.1051, 799.1052, 799.1053, 799.1054, 799.1250, 799.1285, 799.1550, 799.1560, 799.1575, 799.1645, 799.1650, 799.1700, 799.2155, 799.2175, 799.2200, 799.2325, 799.2475, 799.2500, 799.2700, 799.3175, 799.3300, 799.4000, 799.4360, 799.4400, 799.4440, 799.5000, and 799.5055 are amended by removing the parenthetical statement containing the OMB control number at the end of each section. [FR Doc. 93 - 14810 Filed 6 - 22 - 93; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6560 - 50 - F