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Oglesby, Illinois. Based upon EPA's preliminary review of the PM-10 SIP for this area, EPA at this time supports the State's determination that the nonattainment area will practicably attain the NAAQS by December 31, 1994. The EPA is currently evaluating the SIP and will make a final determination about reclassifying the area because it cannot practicably attain when EPA takes formal action on the submittal.  {O`  Paul Spur, Arizona. Based upon EPA's preliminary review of the SIP submitted for this area, EPA, at this time, supports Arizona's determination that the nonattainment area will practicably attain the NAAQS by December 31, 1994. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality opposes reclassification based upon EPA's design value criteria [see 56 FR 58658; Nov. 21, 1991] and its belief that EPA should review the SIP before deciding to reclassify the area. One comment received from a private corporation adds that significant improvements to air quality have already been made with the imposition of control measures as indicated by the data from 1988 through the third quarter of 1991. Further control measures, the commenter claims, are outlined in the SIP revision.  {O  Utah County, Utah. Following EPA's preliminary review of the PM-10 SIP submitted for this area in response to the November 15, 1991 SIP requirement, EPA, at this time, supports Utah's determination that the nonattainment!  0*%% area will practicably attain the NAAQS by December 31, 1994. The State of Utah's Department of Environmental Quality opposes reclassification based on its belief that the PM-10 SIP revision provides for emissions reductions sufficient to demonstrate attainment by December 31, 1994. The commenter states that EPA should be fair in giving Utah County the opportunity to show such attainment.  yO $ VI. Effect of Reclassification 3  Additional SIP revisions are required under section 189(b) of the Act for the nonattainment areas that are reclassified to serious. First, regulations requiring the use of best available control measures (BACM), including ``the application of best available control technology (BACT) to existing stationary sources,'' must be adopted and  yO submitted to EPA within 18 months after the area is reclassified to serious [section 189(b)(2) of the Act].EL aE( # eJ\  PC 1P#э14As with RACM and RACT, BACT is a subset of the overarching BACM requirement. The BACT generally refers to the technological control measures which apply to large stationary sources. Thus, any reference to BACM herein implicitly includes BACT.E The BACM requirement must be implemented within 4 years after the area is reclassified [section 189(b)(1)(B) of the Act]. Second, the State must submit a SIP revision within 4 years after reclassification of the area (within 18 months after reclassification for failure to attain) that includes a demonstration that the plan will attain the PM-10 NAAQS  yO by December 31, 2001 [see sections 188(c)(2), 189(b)(1)(A)(i), and 189(b)(2) of the Act].  aE # eJ\  PC 1P#э15 Alternatively, the State must demonstrate that attainment by December 31, 2001, is impracticable, that the plan provides for attainment by the most expeditious alternative date practicable (but no more than 5 years after the serious area attainment date), and that the section 188(e) of the Act requirements for receiving an extension of the attainmet date have been satisfied (i.e., the plan includes the most stringent measures that are included in the implementation plan of any State or are achieved in practice in any State and can feasibly be implemented in the area)[see section 189 (b)(1)(A)(ii) of the Act]. Areas that are reclassified under section 188(b)(2) of the Act following failure to attain must submit attainment demonstarations within 18 months after reclassification to serious [see section 189(b)(2) of the Act].Third, section 189(b)(3) of the Act provides that ``for any Serious Area, the terms `major source' and `major stationary source' include any stationary source or group of stationary sources located within a contiguous area and under common control that emits, or has the potential to emit, at least 70 tons per year of PM-10.'' This provision requires, among other things, smaller new and modified sources (those with the potential to emit 70 tons per year or greater, rather than 100 tons per year or greater) to obtain section 172(c)(5) of the Act construction permits which include requirements to comply with lowest achievable emission rates and to obtain emission offsets [see sections 172(c)(5) and 173 of Act]. Where an area is being reclassified to serious, it may be reasonable for States to consider the relationship of RACM to BACM for the affected sources. The EPA discussed this relationship in the proposal for today's action (see 56 FR 58660-58661; Nov. 21, 1991). The EPA anticipates that BACM for area sources will generally be  yO additive to or not significantly incompatible with RACM for these sources.8 aE # eJ\  PC 1P#э16 The EPA also discussed the relationship between RACM and BACM in the ``General Preamble to Title I of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments,'' 57 FR 13544 (April 16, 1992). Specifically, EPA indicated that it may be reasonable for States containing areas that will be reclassified as serious to consider the compatibility of RACM and RACT with BACM and BACT that ultimately will be implemented under the serious area plans for these areas. The EPA indicated that States containing such areas need not require major changes to control systems for specific stack and process sources in the affected moderate area SIP's where they demonstrate that such changes will be significantly incompatible with the application of BACT-level control systems.8Therefore, the moderate area SIP's for the areas which EPA is reclassifying should continue to implement the requirements for the application of RACM to appropriate sources. After reclassification to serious, additional regulations which require BACM must be adopted and submitted within 18 months and implemented within 4 years, as stated above.  0*%%Ԍ  yO *K VII. Miscellaneous 3   {M  A. Executive Orders Under Executive Order 12291, EPA has determined that this action is not ``major'' because reclassification of the areas does not have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more, would not cause a major increase in prices, and would not have a significant adverse impact on competition or the ability of United States enterprises to compete with foreign enterprises. This notice and the November 21, 1991 proposal were submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as required by Executive Order 12291. Any written comments from OMB and written EPA responses to those comments are included in the docket. Similarly, any written comments from OMB regarding today's final action, and any written responses, have been placed in the docket. This action does not contain any information collection requirements subject to OMB review under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. sections 3501 et seq.). A federalism assessment under Executive Order 12612 is not required for this action since this action was directed under section 188(b)(1)(A) of the Act.  {MH B. Regulatory Flexibility Act Under 5 U.S.C. section 605(b), the Administrator has certified that redesignations do not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities (see 46 FR 8709). Because the regulatory impact of reclassifications under section 188(b) of the Act is no different substantively from that associated with designations, such actions are also not expected to have significant impacts on small entities.  yO " List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 81 3  Air pollution control, National parks, Wilderness areas. Dated: November 18, 1992.  yOp * William K. Reilly,  {M8 3 ,Administrator. 3   yO *} PART 81--[AMENDED] 3  1. The authority citation for part 81 continues to read as follows:  yO  Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7407, 7501-7515, 7601. 2. Section 81.305 is amended by revising the table for California--PM-10, to read as follows:  0*%%  yO  81.305 California.  yOX * * * * *# <6X@K5,@# 3'3'Standard'3'3Standard810]aڰ California--PM-10 Nonattainment Areas  Designation Classification Designated Area  Date Type Date Type  Inyo County Owens Valley planning area......... 11/15/90 Nonattainment 02/08/93 Serious Hydrologic Unit #18090103 San Bernardino, Inyo, and Kern Counties Searles Valley planning area....... 11/15/90 Nonattainment 11/15/90 Moderate Hydrologic Unit #18090205 Mono County Mammoth Lake planning area......... 11/15/90 Nonattainment 11/15/90 Moderate Includes the following sections: a. Sections 1-12, 17, and 18 of Township T4S, R28E; b. Sections 25-36 of Township T3S, R28E; c. Sections 25-36 of Township T3S, R27E; d. Sections 1-18 of Township T4S, R27E; and e. Sections 25 and 36 of Township T3S, R26E Fresno, Kern, Kings, Tulare, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Madera Counties San Joaquin Valley planning area... 11/15/90 Nonattainment 02/08/93 Serious Riverside, Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino Counties South Coast Air Basin.............. 11/15/90 Nonattainment 02/08/93 Serious Riverside County Coachella Valley planning area..... 11/15/90 Nonattainment 02/08/93 Serious Imperial County Imperial Valley planning area...... 11/15/90 Nonattainment 11/15/90 Moderate Rest of State........................ 11/15/90 Unclassifiable  '3'3Standard810]3'3'Standard810]M۰ 0*%% #]\  PC :HP# * * * * * 3. Section 81.329 is amended by revising the table for Nevada--PM-10, to read as follows:  yO  81.329 Nevada.  yOx * * * * *# <6X@K5,@# 3'3'Standard810]'3'3Standard810]aڰ x0*%% Nevada--PM-10 Nonattainment Areas  Designation Classification Designated Area  Date Type Date Type  Washoe County Reno planning area................. 11/15/90 Nonattainment 11/15/90 Moderate Hydrographic area 87 Clark County Las Vegas planning area............ 11/15/90 Nonattainment 02/08/93 Serious Hydrographic Area 212 Rest of State........................ 11/15/90 Unclassifiable  '3'3Standard810]3'3'Standard810]M۰ lx #]\  PC :HP# * * * * * [FR Doc. 93 - 375 Filed 1 - 7 - 93; 8:45 am]  yO   BILLING CODE 6560 - 50 - F