WEDNESDAY December 16, 1992 Part V Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Reregistration; Outstanding Data Requirements for Certain Lists B and C Active Ingredients (Fifth Notice) (This reprint was prepared from the electronic file that accompanied the original signed documents transmitted to the Office of the Federal Register. This file was certified to be a true copy of the original.) (This document appeared at 57 FR 59881-59890.) Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 242 / Wednesday, December 16, 1992 / Notices ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [OPP - 34034; FRL - 4168 - 6] Pesticide Reregistration: Outstanding Data Requirements for Certain List B and C Active Ingredients (Fifth Notice). AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) as amended in 1988 establishes a five-phase process for the reregistration of pesticide products containing active ingredients ``contained in any pesticide first registered before November 1, 1984.'' During Phase 1 the Environmental Protection Agency (the Agency) divided the active ingredients subject to reregistration into four lists; Lists B, C and D were published in the Federal Register on May 25, 1989 (54 FR 22706); July 24, 1989 (54 FR 30846); and October 24, 1989 (54 FR 43388), respectively. FIFRA requires the Administrator during Phase 4 of reregistration to publish the outstanding data requirements identified for those active ingredients being supported for reregistration. The outstanding data requirements of 129 List B active ingredients were published by the Agency among four previous Federal Register Notices at 56 FR 6849, February 20, 1991; 56 FR 37610, August 7, 1991; 56 FR 54852, October 23, 1991, and 57 FR 9474, March 18, 1992. This fifth Notice continues the series of reporting the outstanding data requirements of one additional List B and 30 List C active ingredients. Remaining supported Lists B, C, and D active ingredients are on a later reregistration schedule and their unfulfilled data requirements will be published in future Notices. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail, Teung F. Chin, Special Review and Reregistration Division (H - 7508W), Office of Pesticides Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. Office location, Crystal Station 1, 2800 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 22202. Telephone No. (703) 308 - 8589. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Electronic Availability: This document is available as an electronic file on the Federal Bulletin Board at 9:00 a.m. on the date of publcation in the Federal Register. By modem dial (202) 512-1387 or call (202) 512-1530 for disks or paper copies. This file is also available in Postscript, Wordperfect and ASCII. This Notice identifies, pursuant to FIFRA section 4(f)(1)(B), the outstanding data requirements needed for reregistration of certain of the active ingredients on Lists B and C. That section also calls for the separate issuance of Data Call-In notices to registrants to obtain information satisfying these data requirements. The Agency has recently issued such Data Call-In notices to the appropriate registrants. This SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION is divided into four units. Unit I provides background information on pesticide reregistration. Unit II discusses the requirements of section 4(f)(1)(B). Unit III describes the process used by the Agency in identifying outstanding data requirements. It also contains a table of the outstanding data requirements for each active ingredient. Unit IV describes the Data Call-In notices that have been issued to obtain data to satisfy the data requirements identified in this Notice. I. Background Section 4 of FIFRA as amended in 1988 required the Agency to conduct pesticide reregistration of older pesticides in five phases. In Phase 1, the Agency published Lists A, B, C, and D of pesticide active ingredients subject to reregistration. For Lists B, C, and D in Phase 2, registrants seeking reregistration had to identify for the Agency any data requirements which registrants believe would apply to their active ingredients, and indicate the ones that they thought were now satisfied. For those that were not satisfied, registrants had to indicate how they would fulfill the remaining data requirements necessary for the reregistration of their products. In Phase 3, these registrants summarized and in some cases reformatted studies that they believed were adequate and that they had previously submitted to the Agency. In Phase 4, the Agency is directed to review the materials submitted by registrants in Phases 2 and 3, and to identify the outstanding data requirements that need to be fulfilled in order for the Agency to determine whether or not pesticides containing particular active ingredients are eligible for reregistration. The Agency is further directed to issue Data Call-In notices to obtain data to satisfy these outstanding requirements. Finally, in Phase 5, the Agency must review the data submitted by registrants; determine whether pesticides containing particular active ingredients are eligible for reregistration; obtain product-specific information needed to determine whether particular products should be reregistered; and make final determinations on whether such products should be reregistered. The final determination on reregistration is to be based on whether a pesticide meets the standards of FIFRA section 3(c)(5), which prescribes the standards for initial registration of pesticides. If the Administrator determines that a pesticide should not be reregistered, section 4 directs the Administrator to take appropriate regulatory action. Pursuant to FIFRA section 4(c)(2)(B) the Agency published in the Federal Register on May 25, 1989, a list of 229 chemicals (in 149 review cases) constituting List B of reregistration. Similarly, on July 24, 1989, a list of 257 chemicals (in 150 review cases) constituting List C of reregistration was published in the Federal Register. The Agency then sent guidance on how to comply with Phase 2 of reregistration to all registrants of pesticides containing active ingredients on Lists B and C. Registrants were required to inform EPA of their intent to seek or not to seek reregistration, to identify data requirements they believe applied to the active ingredients in their products, to identify the data requirements for which they have already submitted adequate data, and to commit to replace missing or inadequate data concerning the List B active ingredients contained in their products. To assist registrants in complying with Phase 3, the Agency issued on December 24, 1989 the FIFRA Accelerated Reregistration --Phase 3 Technical Guidance (EPA No. 540/09-90-078). This document provides detailed instructions on: (i) Summarizing studies, (ii) reformatting studies, (iii) identifying adverse information, and (iv) identifying previously submitted studies that may not fully satisfy current requirements. To meet the requirements for Phase 3, registrants were required to submit summaries of previously submitted studies that they wished to rely on for reregistration. Additionally, for studies submitted prior to January 1, 1982, registrants had to submit a reformatted version of the study, if data were for certain toxicological and residue chemistry guidelines. Registrants were to certify that the raw data for the previously submitted studies were either in their possession, or in the possession of the Agency, or were readily accessible elsewhere. Registrants were to identify and submit any data considered under section 6(a)(2) to show an adverse effect of the pesticide. Also, registrants were to identify any other information they considered to be supportive of registration. And registrants had to commit to fill any new data gaps identified by them. In Phase 4, the Agency has been conducting a review of the adequacy of the data submitted by registrants for active ingredients on Lists B and C during Phases 2 and 3 and in compliance with any Data Call-In notices previously issued under section 3(c)(2)(B) of FIFRA. The purpose of the Agency's review was to systematically identify all data requirements for active ingredients that, based on information available to the Agency at this time, are necessary for a determination of eligibility for reregistration. For many active ingredients, registrants may have already committed to meet some of those requirements but have not yet submitted the results of their studies to the Agency. Concurrently, to effect the submission of those data for which commitments have not yet been made, the Agency issued Data Call-In notices to affected registrants for the additional data required by the Agency. This Notice identifies the outstanding data requirements for 31 List B and C active ingredients. It includes any new data requirements identified that are the subject of Data Call-In notices being sent to affected registrants, as well as any other prior commitments of unfulfilled data requirements. Collection of this information is authorized under the Paperwork Reduction Act by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB Control No. 2070 - 0107. II. Outstanding Data Requirements Section 4 (f)(1)(B) of FIFRA requires the Agency to publish this Notice of outstanding data requirements for each active ingredient on Reregistration Lists B and C. The Agency has been conducting a review of the information provided on all List B and C submissions on record for data adequacy and completeness, and has identified in this followup Notice a partial list of those chemicals with outstanding data requirements. Section 2(ff) of FIFRA defines outstanding data requirements as ``a requirement for any study, information, or data that is necessary to make a determination under section 3(c)(5) and which study, information, or data -- (A) has not been submitted to the Administrator; or (B) if submitted to the Administrator, the Administrator has determined must be resubmitted because it is not valid, complete, or adequate to make a determination under section 3(c)(5) and the regulations and guidelines issued under such section.'' For purposes of the Federal Register Notice, outstanding data requirements include all requirements identified by the Agency which have yet to be satisfied at the active ingredient level, before or pursuant to Phases 2, 3, and 4 of reregistration. If registrants committed during Phases 2 and 3 or pursuant to prior actions to submit data to fulfill certain data requirements, and the data have not yet been submitted, the Agency is identifying them as outstanding. Upon review of the completed studies submitted either in response to earlier Data Call-In notices or as part of the reregistration process, the Agency may need to call in some additional studies before a final determination on reregistration can be made. As in the previous Federal Register Notices, the following Table 1 provides a complete listing of the Guideline Reference Numbers (GRN) and corresponding titles for the data requirements referred to in this Notice. Table 1.--Study Titles and Guideline Reference Numbers of Reregistration Data Requirements ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Guideline Reference No. Test of Study ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ .................................... 61-1.............................. Product Identification and Disclosure of Ingredients\1\ 61-2(a)........................... Description of Beginning Materials and Manufacturing Process\2\ 61-2(b)........................... Discussion of Formation of Impurities\3\ 62-1.............................. Preliminary Analysis\4\ 62-2.............................. Certification of Limits\5\ 62-3.............................. Analytical Methods to Verify Certified Limits\6\ Physical and Chemical Characteristics\7\ . 63-2.............................. Color 63-3.............................. Physical State 63-4.............................. Odor 63-5.............................. Melting Point 63-6.............................. Boiling Point 63-7.............................. Density, Bulk Density, or Specific Gravity 63-8.............................. Solubility 63-9.............................. Vapor Pressure 63-10............................. Dissociation Constant 63-11............................. Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient 63-12............................. pH 63-13............................. Stability 63-14............................. Oxidizing or Reducing Action 63-15............................. Flammability 63-16............................. Explodability 63-17............................. Storage Stability 63-18............................. Viscosity 63-19............................. Miscibility 63-20............................. Corrosion Characteristics 63-21............................. Dielectric Breakdown Voltage 64-1.............................. Submittal of Samples Wildlife and Aquatic Organisms Data Requirements\8\ . 71-1(a)........................... Acute Avian Oral Toxicity (LD50) in Bobwhite Quail or Mallard Duck 71-1(b)........................... Acute Avian Oral Toxicity (LD50) in Bobwhite Quail or Mallard Duck (Using Typical End-Use Product) 71-2(a)........................... Acute Avian Dietary Toxicity (LC50) in Bobwhite Quail 71-2(b)........................... Acute Avian Dietary Toxicity (LC50) in Mallard Duck 71-3.............................. Wild Mammal Toxicity Test 71-4(a)........................... Avian Reproductive Toxicity in Bobwhite Quail 71-4(b)........................... Avian Reproductive Toxicity in Mallard Duck 71-5(a)........................... Simulated Terrestrial Field Study 71-5(b)........................... Actual Terrestrial Field Study 72-1(a)........................... Fish Toxicity in Bluegill Sunfish 72-1(b)........................... Fish Toxicity in Bluegill Sunfish (Using Typical End-Use Product) 72-1(c)........................... Fish Toxicity in Rainbow Trout 72-1(d)........................... Fish Toxicity in Rainbow Trout (Using Typical End-Use Product) 72-2(a)........................... Invertebrate Toxicity Freshwater LC50 (Daphnia Preferred) 72-2(b)........................... Invertebrate Toxicity Freshwater LC50 (Daphnia Preferred-Using Typical End-Use Product) 72-3(a)........................... Toxicity to Estuarine and Marine Organisms (in Fish) 72-3(b)........................... Toxicity to Estuarine and Marine Organisms (in Mollusks) 72-3(c)........................... Toxicity to Estuarine and Marine Organisms (in Shrimp) 72-3(d)........................... Toxicity to Estuarine and Marine Organisms (in Fish - Using Typical End-Use Product) 72-3(e)........................... Toxicity to Estuarine and Marine Organisms (in Mollusks - Using Typical End-Use Product) 72-3(f)........................... Toxicity to Estuarine and Marine Organisms (in Shrimp - Using Typical End-Use Product) 72-4(a)........................... Early Life Stage in Fish 72-4(b)........................... Life Cycle in Aquatic Invertebrates (Daphnia/Mysid) 72-5.............................. Fish Life Cycle Study 72-6.............................. Aquatic Organism Accumulation Study 72-7(a)........................... Simulated Field Tests for Aquatic Organisms 72-7(b)........................... Actual Field Tests for Aquatic Organisms Toxicology Data Requirements\9\ ...... 81-1.............................. Acute Oral Toxicity in the Rat 81-2.............................. Acute Dermal Toxicity 81-3.............................. Acute Inhalation Toxicity in the Rat 81-4.............................. Primary Eye Irritation in the Rabbit 81-5.............................. Primary Dermal Irritation 81-6.............................. Dermal Sensitization 81-7.............................. Acute Delayed Neurotoxicity in the Hen 82-1(a)........................... 90-Day Feeding Study in the Rodent 82-1(b)........................... 90-Day Feeding Study in the Non-Rodent 82-2.............................. 21-Day Dermal 82-3.............................. 90-Day Subchronic Dermal 82-4.............................. 90-Day Inhalation in Rat 82-5(a)........................... 90-Day Neurotoxicity in Hen 82-5(b)........................... 90-Day Neurotoxicity in the Mammal (Rat Preferred) 83-1(a)........................... Chronic Feeding Study in the Rodent 83-1(b)........................... Chronic Feeding Study in the Non- Rodent 83-2(a)........................... Oncogenicity Study in the Rat 83-2(b)........................... Oncogenicity Study in the Mouse 83-3(a)........................... Teratogenicity in the Rat 83-3(b)........................... Teratogenicity in the Rabbit 83-4.............................. 2-Generation Reproduction Study in the Rat 83-5.............................. Chronic Feeding/Oncogenicity in the Rat 84-2(a)........................... Gene Mutation 84-2(b)........................... Structural Chromosome Aberration 84-4.............................. Other Genotoxic Effects 85-1.............................. General Metabolism 85-2.............................. Dermal Penetration 86-1.............................. Domestic Animal Safety Plant Protection Data Requirements\10\ . Tier 1 122-1(a)...................... Seed Germination and Seedling Emergence 122-1(b).......................... Vegetative Vigor 122-2............................. Aquatic Plant Growth Tier 2 123-1(a)...................... Seed Germination and Seedling Emergence 123-1(b).......................... Vegetative Vigor 123-2............................. Aquatic Plant Growth Tier 3 124-1......................... Terrestrial Field 124-2............................. Aquatic Field Reentry Protection Data Requirements\11\ . 132-1(a).......................... Foliar Residue Dissipation 132-1(b).......................... Soil Residue Dissipation 133-3............................. Dermal Passive Dosimetry Exposure 133-4............................. Inhalation Passive Dosimetry Exposure Non-Target Insect Data Requirements\12\ . 141-1............................. Honey Bee Acute Contact (LD50) 141-2............................. Honey Bee Toxicity of Residues on Foliage 141-5............................. Field Testing for Pollinators Biochemical Pesticides Data Requirements\13\ . (a) Product Analysis Data Requirements. 151-10............................ Product Identity 151-11............................ Manufacturing Process 151-12............................ Discussion of Formation of Unintentional Ingredients 151-13............................ Analysis of Samples 151-15............................ Certification of Limits 151-16............................ Analytical Methods 151-17(a)......................... Color 151-17(b)......................... Physical State 151-17(c)......................... Odor 151-17(d)......................... Melting Point 151-17(e)......................... Boiling Point 151-17(f)......................... Density, Bulk Density, Specific Gravity 151-17(g)......................... Solubility 151-17(h)......................... Vapor Pressure 151-17(i)......................... pH 151-17(j)......................... Stability 151-17(k)......................... Flammability 151-17(l)......................... Storage Stability 151-17(m)......................... Viscosity 151-17(n)......................... Miscibility 151-17(o)......................... Corrosion Characteristics 151-17(p)......................... Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient 151-18............................ Submittal of Samples (b) Residue Data Requirements ...... 153-3(a).......................... Chemical Identity 153-3(b).......................... Directions for Use 153-3(c).......................... Nature of the Residue (plants) 153-3(d).......................... Nature of the Residue (livestock) 153-3(e).......................... Residue Analytical Method 153-3(f).......................... Magnitude of the Residue (crop field trials) 153-3(g).......................... Magnitude of the Residue (processed food/feed) 153-3(h).......................... Magnitude of the Residue (meat/milk/ poultry/eggs) 153-3(i).......................... Magnitude of the Residue (potable water) 153-3(j).......................... Magnitude of the Residue (fish) 153-3(k).......................... Magnitude of the Residue (irrigated crops) 153-3(l).......................... Magnitude of the Residue (food handling) 153-3(m).......................... Reduction of Residue 153-3(n).......................... Proposed Tolerance 153-3(o).......................... Reasonable Grounds in Support of the Petition (c) Toxicology Data Requirements ... Tier 1 152-10........................ Acute Oral Toxicity 152-11............................ Acute Dermal Toxicity 152-12............................ Acute Inhalation 152-13............................ Primary Eye Irritation 152-14............................ Primary Dermal Irritation 152-15............................ Hypersensitivity Study 152-16............................ Hypersensitivity Incidents 152-17............................ Studies to Detect Genotoxicity 152-18............................ Immunotoxicity 152-20............................ 90-Day Feeding 152-21............................ 90-Day Dermal 152-22............................ 90-Day Inhalation 152-23............................ Teratogenicity Tier II 152-19........................ Mammalian Mutagenicity Tests 152-24............................ Immune Response Tier III 152-26........................ Chronic Exposure 152-29............................ Oncogenicity (d) Nontarget Organism, Fate and Expression Data Requirements. Tier I 154-6......................... Avian Acute Oral 154-7............................. Avian Dietary 154-8............................. Freshwater Fish LC50 154-9............................. Freshwater Invertebrate LC50 154-10............................ Nontarget Plant Studies 154-11............................ Nontarget Insect Testing Tier II 155-4(a)...................... Volatility Study (Lab) 155-4(b).......................... Volatility Study (Field) 155-5............................. Dispenser-Water Leaching 155-6............................. Adsorption-Desorption 155-7............................. Octanol-Water Partition 155-8............................. U.V. Absorption 155-9............................. Hydrolysis 155-10............................ Aerobic Soil Metabolism 155-11............................ Aerobic Aquatic Metabolism 155-12............................ Soil Photolysis 155-13............................ Aquatic Photolysis Tier III 154-12........................ Terrestrial Wildlife Testing 154-13............................ Aquatic Animal Testing 154-14............................ Nontarget Plant Studies 154-15............................ Nontarget Insect Testing Environmental Fate Data Requirements\14\ . 160-5............................. Chemical Identity ( See also 61-1) 161-1............................. Hydrolysis 161-2............................. Photodegradation in Water 161-3............................. Photodegradation on Soil 161-4............................. Photodegradation in Air 162-1............................. Aerobic Soil Metabolism Study 162-2............................. Anaerobic Soil Metabolism Study 162-3............................. Anaerobic Aquatic Metabolism Study 162-4............................. Aerobic Aquatic Metabolism Study 163-1............................. Leaching and Adsorption/Desorption 163-2............................. Laboratory Volatility Study 163-3............................. Field Volatility Study 164-1............................. Soil Field Dissipation Study 164-2............................. Aquatic Sediment Field Dissipation Study 164-3............................. Forestry Field Dissipation Study 164-4............................. Combinations and Tank Mixes 164-5............................. Long Term Soil Dissipation Study 165-1............................. Confined Rotational Crop Study 165-2............................. Field Rotational Crop Study 165-3............................. Accumulation in Irrigated Crops 165-4............................. Accumulation in Fish 165-5............................. Accumulation in Aquatic Non-Target Organisms Groundwater Studies Data Requirements\15\ . 166-1............................. Small Scale Prospective Groundwater Monitoring Study 166-2............................. Small Scale Retrospective Groundwater Monitoring Study 166-3............................. Large Scale Retrospective Groundwater Monitoring Study Residual Chemistry Data Requirements\16\ . 171-2............................. Chemical Identity 171-3............................. Directions For Use 171-4(a).......................... Nature of Residue in Plants 171-4(b).......................... Nature of Residue in Livestock 171-4(c).......................... Residue Analytical Method (Plants) 171-4(d).......................... Residue Analytical Method (Animals) 171-4(e).......................... Storage Stability 171-4(f).......................... Magnitude of the Residue in Potable Water 171-4(g).......................... Magnitude of the Residue in Fish 171-4(h).......................... Magnitude of the Residue in Irrigated Crops 171-4(i).......................... Magnitude of the Residue in Food Handling 171-4(j).......................... Magnitude of the Residue in Meat/Milk/ Poultry/Eggs (Feeding/Dermal Treatment) 171-4(k).......................... Crop Field Trials 171-4(l).......................... Magnitude of the Residue in Processed Food/Feed 171-5............................. Reduction of Residues 171-6............................. Proposed Tolerance 171-7............................. Reasonable Grounds in Support of Petition 171-13............................ Analytical Reference Standard Spray Drift Data Requirements\17\ .... 201-1............................. Droplet Size Spectrum 202-1............................. Drift Field Evaluation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ \1\ 40 CFR 158.155: Product Composition; Subdivision D, Product Chemistry: NTIS PB83-153890; Addendum 1, NTIS PB88-191705 \2\ 40 CFR 158.160: Description of Materials Used to Produce the Product; 40 CFR 158.162: Description of Production Process; 40 CFR 158.165: Description of Formulation Process; Subdivision D, Product Chemistry: NTIS PB83-153890; Addendum 1, NTIS PB88-1917O5. \3\ 40 CFR 158.167: Discussion of Formation of Impurities; Subdivision D, Product Chemistry: NTIS PB83-153890; Addendum 1, NTIS PB88-191705. \4\ 40 CFR 158.170: Preliminary Analysis; Subdivision D, Product Chemistry: NTIS PB 83-153890; Addendum 1, NTIS PB88-191705. \5\ 40 CFR 158.175: Certified Limits; Subdivision D, Product Chemistry: NTIS PB83-153890; Addendum 1, NTIS PB88-191705. \6\ 40 CFR 158.180: Enforcement Analytical Method; Subdivision D, Product Chemistry: NTIS PB83-153890; Addendum 1, NTIS PB88-191705. \7\ 40 CFR 158.190: Physical and Chemical Characteristics; Subdivision D, Product Chemistry: NTIS PB83-153890; Addendum 1, NTIS PB88-191705. \8\ 40 CFR 158.490; Subdivision E, Hazard Evaluation: Wildlife and Aquatic Organisms, NTIS PB83-153908; Addendum 1, NTIS PB86-248176; Addendum 2, PB87- 207700; Addendum 3, NTIS PB88-117288. \9\ 40 CFR 158.340; Subdivision F, Hazard Evaluation: Human and Domestic Animals, NTIS PB83-153916 (old); NTIS PB86-108958 (revised); Addendum 1, NTIS PB86-248184; Addendum 2, NTIS PB88-162292; Addendum 3, NTIS PB88- 161179; Addendum 4, NTIS PB88-162227; Addendum 5, NTIS PB88-162219; Addendum 6, NTIS PB89-124077; Addendum 7, NTIS PB89-124085; Position Document, Maximum Tolerated Dose, NTIS PB88-116736. \10\ 40 CFR 158.540; Subdivision J, Hazard Evaluation: Non-Target Plants, NTIS PB83-153940. \11\ 40 CFR 158.390: Exposure; Subdivision K, Reentry Protection: NTIS PB83- 153940. \12\ 40 CFR 158.590; Subdivision L, Hazard Evaluation: Non-Target Insect, NTIS PB83-153957; Addendum 1, NTIS PB88-117296. \13\ 40 CFR 158.690: Biochemical Pesticides Data Requirements; Subdivision M, Biorational Pesticides: NTIS PB83-153965. \14\ 40 CFR 158.290; Subdivision N, Chemistry: Environmental Fate, NTIS PB83- 153973; Addendum 1, NTIS PB86-247848; Addendum 2, NTIS PB87-208393; Addendum 3, NTIS PB88-159892; Addendum 4, NTIS PB88-159900; Addendum 5, NTIS PB88- 161187; Addendum 6, NTIS PB88-161195; Addendum 7, NTIS PB88-191721; Addendum 8, NTIS PB88-191739. \15\ Pesticide Assessment Guidelines for groundwater studies are being developed; for further information, contact EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Fate and Effects Division, Environmental Fate and Groundwater Branch. \16\ 40 CFR 158.240; Subdivision O, Residue Chemistry: NTIS PB83-153961; Addendum 1, NTIS PB86-203734; Addendum 2, NTIS PB86-248192; Addendum 3, NTIS PB87-208641; Addendum 4, NTIS PB88-117270; Addendum 5, NTIS PB88-124003; Addendum 6, NTIS PB88-191713; Addendum 7, NTIS PB89-124598; Addendum 8, NTIS PB89-124606. \17\ 40 CFR 158.440; Subdivision R, Pesticide Spray Drift Evaluation: NTIS PB84-189216. For further information and descriptions regarding specific data requirements, criteria for testing, and general guidance on data acceptability, consult the FIFRA Accelerated Reregistration--Phase 3 Technical Guidance document (December 24, 1989), and the Pesticide Assessment Guidelines available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Attn: Order Desk, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 (Tel: 703-487-4650). III. Partial Listing of List B and C Active Ingredients Outstanding Data Requirements To fulfill its commitments in Phase 4 the Agency is publishing a series of Federal Register notices and issuing Data Call-In notices for groups of active ingredients as their outstanding data requirements are identified. The outstanding data requirements of 129 List B active ingredients were published by the Agency among four previous Federal Register Notices at 56 FR 6849, February 20, 1991; 56 FR 37610, August 7, 1991; 56 FR 54852, October 23, 1991; and 57 FR 9474, March 18, 1992. This fifth Notice lists the outstanding data requirements of 31 additional List B and C active ingredients. Remaining supported List B, C and D active ingredients are on a later reregistration schedule and their unfulfilled data requirements will be published in future Notices. The following Table 2 contains one List B and 30 List C active ingredients and the status of the requirements at this time. Table 2.--Outstanding Data Requirements for List B and C Active Ingredients ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Case No.\1\ Chemical No. Chemical Name Outstanding Data Requirements(By Guideline Reference No.) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 2455............ 077401 Aminoethanol salt of 2,5- dichloro-4,- nitrosalicylanilide..... 61-1, 61-2(a), 61-2(b), 62-1, 171-4(d), 171-4( e023........... 107001 5-Hydroxymethoxymethyl-1- aza-3,7- dioxabicyclo[3.3.0]octan e....................... 61-1, 62-3, 81-3, 82-3, 161-13023...... 100702 5-Hydroxymethyl-1-aza-3,7- dioxabicyclo[3.3.0]octan e....................... 61-1, 62-3, 81-3, 82-3, 161-13023...... 100703 5- Hydroxypoly(methyleneoxy )methyl-1-aza-3,7- dioxabicyclo[3.3.0]octan e....................... 61-1, 62-3, 81-3, 82-3, 161-13030...... 035605 1,4-Bis(bromoacetoxy)-2- butene.................. 61-1, 61-2(a), 61-2(b), 62-1, 163-1, 164-5, 17 1038........... 045502 1,1,-Hexamethylene bis(5- (p- chlorophenyl)biguanide), diacetate............... 61-1, 61-2(a), 61-2(b), 62-1, 171-33046....... 064206 4-Chloro-3-cresol........ 71-1(a), 71-2(a), 72-1(c), 72-2(a), 83-2(a)3051.... 069152 Alkyl* amine hydrochloride *(as in fatty acids of coconut oil).................... No outstanding data gaps 3052............ 123702 Methanol, [[[(2-dihydro-5- methyl-3(2H)- oxazolyl)-1-methyl- ethoxy]methoxy]methoxy]- No outstanding data gaps 3063............ 118901 * 2,3-Dihydro-5,6- dimethyl-1,4-dithiin- 1,1,4,5-tetraoxide...... 81-1, 81-2, 81-3, 81-5, 171-4(k), 171-4( l064........... 001001 2,6-Dimethyl-m- dioxan-4-ol acetate..... 61-1, 62-1, 62-2, 62-3, 2, 82-3, 160-5, 1069........... 017901 1-(3-Chloroallyl)-3,5,7- triaza-1- azoniaadamantane chloride................ 61-1, 62-2, 71-1(a), 71-2(a), 165-43070....... 099001 2- ((Hydroxymethyl)amino)et hanol................... 61-1, 62-1, 71-2(a), 72-1(c), 72-2(a), 84-4, 1076........... 102901 Potassium N- hyroxymethyl-N- methyldithiocarbamate... 61-1, 61-2(a), 61-2(b), 62-1, 164-2, 165-3, 16 5082........... 036201 a,a,a-Trifluoro-4-nitro- m-cresol........ 61-1, 61-2(a), 61-2(b), 62-1, 171-4(f), 171-4( g085........... 052001 Mercuric chloride........ 61-1, 61-2(a), 62-1, 62-2, 163-1, 164-5, 16 5085........... 52201 Mercurous chloride....... 61-1, 61-2(a), 62-1, 62-2, 163-1, 164-5, 16 5095........... 114801 Dimethoxyazolidine (8CA & 9CA).................... 61-1, 61-2(a), 61-2(b), 62-1, 13103........... 046301 Hydroxyethyl octyl sulfide................. 82-3, 82-4, 162-1, 163-1 3106............ 040509 Pennyroyal oil........... 61-1, 62-1, 62-2, 63-7, 2(b), 84-4, 86-1 ,108........... 114901 * Parahydroxy-2-oxo- phenylacethydroxymic acid chloride........... 71-1(a), 71-2(a), 71-2(b), 72-1(a), 84-4, 123-2, 16 1114........... 097003 3-(2- Methylpiperidino)propyl 3,4-dichlorobenzoate.... 61-1, 63-13, 72-1(a), 82-4, 163-13119...... 079084 a-Alkyl* omega- hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) ** *(100% C11-C15)...... 62-1, 63-11, 71-1(a), 72-1(a), 4(f), 171-4(g), 1119........... 124601 POE isooctadecanol....... 61-1, 61-2(a), 61-2(b), 62-1, 163-1, 163-2, 1 6122........... 111801 Poly(iminoimidocarbonylim inoimidocarbonyliminohex amethylene)............. 61-1, 61-2(b), 63-11, 63-13, 3-4, 85-1, 160-5 ,124........... 119301 Propyl (3- (dimethylamino)propyl)ca rbamate................. 71-1(a), 71-2(a), 71-2(b), 72-1(a), 81-8*, 82-2, 82 -128........... 002201 Sabadilla alkaloids...... 61-1, 61-2(a), 61-2(b), 62-1, 165-4, 201-1, 20 2136........... 122001 Methyl 2-[[[[(4,6- dimethyl-2- pyrimidinyl)amino]carbon yl]amino]sulfonyl]benzoa te...................... 61-1, 72-1(a), 72-1(c), 72-2(a), 165-2, 201-1, 20 2138........... 122301 Alpha-n-amyl- butyrol tanol........... 61-1, 61-2(a), 61-2(b), 62-1, 13138........... 122302 Alpha-n-heptyl-butyrol tanol................... 61-1, 61-2(a), 61-2(b), 62-1, 13147........... 082901 1,3,5-Triethylhexahydro-s- triazine................ 61-2(b), 72-2(a), 83-3(a), 83-3(b) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ \1\ List B case numbers begin with ``2'', List C case numbers start with ``3.'' Key: * Special Studies; Guidelines for the following studies are presently being developed (for more information, contact the person named in the Notice): 70 - 1(d) Special Test Requirements. 81 - 8 Acute Neurotoxicity Screening--Rat. 82 - 7 90 - Day Neurotoxicity Screening--Rat. This list contains 31 currently supported List B and C active ingredients reviewed during Phase 4 of reregistration and notes any outstanding data requirements identified as Guideline Reference Numbers. In a number of instances, registrants have already committed to satisfy many of these requirements, with the remaining requirements being subject to the recently issued Data Call-In notices. Of these, some may have been partially satisfied by studies that can be upgraded or supplemented with additional data. The data needs for specific crops are not presented here; instead the overall Guideline Reference Number is listed if any crop specific data are outstanding, even though some individual crop data requirements under it may be in fact satisfied. IV. Phase 4 List B and C Data Call-In Notices Under FIFRA section 3(c)(2)(B) the Agency has issued to affected registrants Phase 4 List B and C Data Call-In notices for the outstanding data requirements that registrants have not previously committed to satisfy for the active ingredients listed on Table 2 of this Notice. Registrants with unfilled data requirements for their active ingredients must respond to the Agency within 90 days of receipt of their Data Call-In Notice to express their intent to satisfy the remaining data requirements. The data requirements identified in the Data Call-In notices must be submitted within the time schedule specified in them. Additional Data Call-In notices for the remaining List B, C and D chemicals not covered by this followup Notice will be sent to the affected registrants, coinciding with the publication of one or more additional Federal Register notices in the next several months. Dated: November 13, 1992. Douglas D. Campt, Director, Office of Pesticide Programs. [FR Doc. 92 - 30512 Filed 12 - 15 - 92; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6560 - 50 - F