FRIDAY November 27, 1992 Part VI Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR Parts 153 and 159 Reporting Requirements for Risk/Benefit Information; Extension of Comment Period on Proposed Rule (This reprint was prepared from the electronic file that accompanied the original signed documents transmitted to the Office of the Federal Register. This file was certified to be a true copy of the original.) (This document appeared at 57 FR 56421-56422.) Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 229 / Friday, November 27, 1992 / Proposed Rules ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 40 CFR Parts 153 and 159 [OPP - 60010D; FRL 4175 - 8] Reporting Requirements for Risk/Benefit Information AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Extension of Comment Period. SUMMARY: The EPA is extending the comment period on its proposed rule on reporting requirements for risk/benefit information. The extension was requested by the National Agricultural Chemicals Association. DATES: The comment period on this proposed rule is extended until December 23, 1992. ADDRESSES: Submit written comments, bearing the identification number OPP - 60010D by mail to: Public Docket, Field Operations Division (H7502C), Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. In person deliver comments to: Public Docket Rm., 1132, CM #2, 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA. Information submitted in any comment concerning the proposed rule may be claimed to be confidential by marking any or all of that information as ``Confidential Business Information'' (CBI). Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. A copy of the comments that does not contain CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public record. Information not marked may be disclosed publicly by EPA without prior notice to the submitter. Comments will be available for public inspection in room 1132 at the Virginia address given above, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: James V. Roelofs, Office of Pesticide Programs (H7501C), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. Office location and telephone number: CM #2, Rm. 1119, 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA. (703)305 - 7102. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Electronic Availability: This document is available as an electronic file on The Federal Register Bulletin Board at 9 a.m. on the date of publication in the Federal Register. EPA's proposed rule published as a separate Part VI in the Federal Register of September 24, 1992 (54 FR 44290). By modem dial 202 - 512 - 1387 or call 202 - 512 - 1530 for disks or paper copies. This file is available in Postscript, Wordperfect 5.1 and ASCII. EPA issued a proposed rule on September 24, 1992 (52 FR 44290) which proposed to codify its interpretations regarding which failures to report information, or delays in reporting, will be considered by EPA to be violations of FIFRA section 6(a)(2), and actionable under FIFRA sections 12(a)(2)(B)(ii) and 12(a)(2)(N). The comment period on the proposed rule expired on November 23, 1992, however, EPA is extending the comment period for an additional 30 days, until December 23, 1992. This extension is at the request of the National Agricultural Chemicals Association. Dated: November 20, 1992 Victor J. Kimm, Acting Assistant Administrator for Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances. [FR Doc. 92 - 28809 Filed 11 - 23 - 92; 3:29 pm] BILLING CODE 6560 - 50 - F