f(GJBEsva d 0 3 " W Z GJ %'NQps;>?@4s"]+F+Mm%Jn Registry of User ResumesMain Menu select character for the Registry: RNon-live users allowed to write Registry entries? YES Full Name: %s Address: %s %s Phone No.: %s Seeking a position... Type of work involved: %-26s Part/full: %4s time Location preference: %-26s Wage Range: %-15s Work Experience... 1. %s years as %s with %s %s 2. %s years as %s with %s %s 3. %s years as %s with %s %s Education... Year Major High School: %-22s %4s %s College: %-22s %4s %s Grad School: %-22s %4s %s Summary: %s Full Name: [1]%s Address: [2]%s [3]%s Phone No.: [4]%s Seeking a position... Type of work: [5]%-26s Part/full: [6]%4s time Loc. pref.: [7]%-26s Wage Range:[8]%s Work Experience... 1. [9]%s years as [10]%s with [11]%s [12]%s 2. [13]%s years as [14]%s with [15]%s [16]%s 3. [17]%s years as [18]%s with [19]%s [20]%s Education... Year Major High School: [21]%-22s [22]%4s [23]%s College: [24]%-22s [25]%4s [26]%s Grad School: [27]%-22s [28]%4s [29]%s [99] Summary: %s Please enter your full name: 35 You will be asked for two lines of address. If you do not wish to make your address public, simply answer "" to both questions. If you do choose to answer, use line 1 for your street address, P.O. Box, or RR number, and line 2 for your city, state, and zip code. Please enter line 1 of your address: 35 Now enter line 2 of your address: 35 If you choose not to publicize your phone number, please just answer "" to the following question. What is your telephone number? 18 What type of job, or work, are you seeking? 26 Would this be part time or full? (Answer "part" or "full")> 4 If you have a location preference, list it here (for example, "Southeastern U.S.", or "French Quarter"), otherwise enter ""... Your location preference, if any: 26 Now name the wage or salary figure you have in mind. This could be simply what you are making now, or it could be the minimum it would take to get you to make a switch. If you feel awkward naming a specific figure, you could give a range, such as "$10 to $12/hr", or "$25K-$30K/yr", or, you could just put "". It's entirely up to you. Enter your desired wage or salary: 15 The next several questions relate to your work experience. Pick the position you have held that you feel best qualifies you for the job you are now seeking. How long (in years) did you hold the position? 3 What was your official title in this position? 25 Who were you working for (enter company name)? 25 Summarize your responsibilities, duties, skills, etc. in this position: > 70 Now pick your next-most-important work experience which pertains to the job you are seeking. How long (in years) did you hold the position? 3 What was your official title in this position? 25 Who were you working for (enter company name)? 25 Summarize your responsibilities, duties, skills, etc. in this position: > 70 Now pick your third-most-important work experience which pertains to the job you are seeking. How long (in years) did you hold the position? 3 What was your official title in this position? 25 Who were you working for (enter company name)? 25 Summarize your responsibilities, duties, skills, etc. in this position: > 70 And finally, we'll briefly cover your educational background. Any questions that do not apply to you, just answer "N/A", or "", as appropriate. What High School did you graduate from? 22What year was that? 4What was your area of specialization? 20 What college did you attend? 22What year did you graduate? 4What was your major? 20 And, if you attended graduate school, enter the school name: 22In what year did you get your degree? 4Enter the degree earned, and field: 20 By the way, you haven't filled out your Registry entry yet... Select R from the main menu to enter the Registry! The following Registry services are available: G => General information D => Directory of users in Registry ("DA" to start at beginning) Y => Create YOUR entry L => Look-up another user's entry X => Exit to main menu Select a letter from the above list: The following Registry services are available: G => General information D => Directory of users in Registry ("DA" to start at the beginning) Y => Edit YOUR entry L => Look-up another user's entry X => Exit to main menu Select a letter from the above list: Select an option (G,D,Y,L,X, or ?): The Registry of Users helps you get to know other users of this system. And, you can describe yourself, so that others can get to know YOU. When you create your Registry entry, the answers you give to the various questions become AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. Please do not enter any confidential information! If you don't want to answer a given question, just type "N/A", "unlisted", or words to that effect. After you complete your entry, you will be able to edit it. Feel free to update your information as often as you like. To see a directory of all users now registered, select the 'D' option from the menu below. This option allows you to see a directory listing of all the users in the Registry. Since this list can become extremely lengthy, especially on systems with numerous callers, you have the ability to select where in the alphabet you wish to begin, as the directory will continue in alphabetical order until the you reach the end. Press RETURN during scrolling to abort. Where in the alphabet (A-Z) do you wish to begin listing? << Press RETURN during scrolling to abort >> USER-ID ... SUMMARY --------------------- You will now be prompted to enter assorted information for your entry into the Registry database. If you prefer not to answer certain questions for personal reasons, type "N/A" (for not available). If you leave the entry questionnaire before completing it all, it will not be saved (you may enter X to exit the questionnaire). After you complete your entry, you will be able to edit any part of it at any time. Feel free to update your information as frequently as you wish. Your current entry is... Select number to edit or X to exit: Enter User-ID to look-up or X to exit: Enter User-ID to look-up, N for the next in sequence, or X to exit: That's all there is! Returning to main Registry menu... No such selection is available! Where in the alphabet (A-Z) do you wish to begin your directory listing? No User-IDs can be found in the database there! (Enter X to return to the main Registry menu.) Hey, keep it clean here! *** NOTICE: You have not completed *** your entry's creation, and what *** you have entered has -NOT- been *** saved in the database! Ok, now you can enter a brief (39 characters max.) summary of yourself for others to see in the directory (option "D" from the Registry menu). Please enter your summary line: Ok, your entry has been added to the database. Thanks for your participation! Enter your new summary (39 char max.): Ok, enter new info for #%d: Enter new info: Ok, your entry has been updated! Ok, here's the info for %s... Sorry, no such User-ID is listed in the Registry! ...Exiting Registry, returning to main menu... (N)ext, (C)ontinuous, or e(X)it? Hit Ctrl-S to stop/start or RETURN to abort. *** Directory Listing Aborted *** *** End of Directory Listing *** Sorry, only "live" users can create and edit directory listings. For info on how to become a "live" user, see the Information Center option from the system Main Menu.