WPCf 2BPZCourier 10cpi#|x=Px6X@8QX@HP LaserJetHPLASERJ.PRSx  @PX06{X@22>B Z#|xCourier 10cpiCourier 10cpi Bold (H)Courier 10cpi Italic (H)HP LaserJetHPLASERJ.PRSx  @PX06{X@2X F`d?xxx,=Px6X@8QX@?xxx,x `?]X?xxx,%x6NhL]XH33@e     X   ?  ORDER LIST MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1992  ?x  CERTIORARI -- SUMMARY DISPOSITION 91-1766 CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY, CA V. UNITED STATES, ET AL. The petition for a writ of certiorari is granted. The judgment is vacated and the case is remanded to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit for  ?H  further consideration in light of Church of Scientology  ?  v. United States, 506 U. S.   (1992).  ?  ORDERS IN PENDING CASES No.  ANTHONY N. ANGELETAKIS V. CALIFORNIA  ?  The motion for leave to proceed in forma  ?p  pauperis without an affidavit of indigency executed by the petitioner is granted. No.  ELIUS LAMAR REED V. AMAX COAL COMPANY The motion to direct the Clerk to file a petition for writ of certiorari, outoftime, is denied. No.  ERMA W. FOLEY V. LOUIS W. SULLIVAN, SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES The motion to direct the Clerk to file a petition for writ of certiorari, outoftime, is denied. D-1147 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF JEFFREY MICHAEL LEBEN It having been reported to the Court that Jeffrey Michael Leben, of Yorktown Heights, New York, has'0*((Ԍ resigned from the practice of law before the Appellate Division, Supreme Court of New York, Second Judicial Department and this Court by order of August 18, 1992, having suspended the said Jeffrey Michael Leben from the practice of law in this Court and directed that a rule issue requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred; And it appearing that the said rule was duly issued and served upon the respondent and that the time to file a response has expired; It is ordered that the said Jeffrey Michael Leben be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court and that his name be stricken from the roll of attorneys admitted to practice before the Bar of this Court. D-1151 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF HARVIN COOPER MOORE, III It having been reported to the Court that Harvin Cooper Moore, III, of Houston, Texas, has resigned from the practice of law before the Supreme Court of Texas and this Court by order of September 4, 1992, having suspended the said Harvin Cooper Moore, III, from the practice of law in this Court and directed that a rule issue requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred; And it appearing that the said rule was duly issued and served upon the respondent and that the time to file a response has expired;'0*((Ԍ It is ordered that the said Harvin Cooper Moore, III, be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court and that his name be stricken from the roll of attorneys admitted to practice before the Bar of this Court. D-1157 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF EDWARD HORN It having been reported to the Court that Edward Horn, of Brooklyn, New York, has been disbarred from the practice of law by the Appellate Division, Supreme Court of New York, Second Judicial Department, and this Court by order of September 4, 1992, having suspended the said Edward Horn from the practice of law in this Court and directed that a rule issue requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred; And it appearing that the said rule was duly issued; It is ordered that the said Edward Horn be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court and that his name be stricken from the roll of attorneys admitted to practice before the Bar of this Court. D-1158 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF JULES V. SPECINER It having been reported to the Court that Jules V. Speciner, of Great Neck, New York, has been disbarred from the practice of law by the Appellate Division, Supreme Court of New York, Second Judicial Department, and this Court by order of September 4, 1992, having suspended the said Jules V. Speciner from the practice'0*((Ԍ of law in this Court and directed that a rule issue requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred; And it appearing that the said rule was duly issued and served upon the respondent and that the time to file a response has expired; It is ordered that the said Jules V. Speciner be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court and that his name be stricken from the roll of attorneys admitted to practice before the Bar of this Court. D-1173 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF STEVEN J. ROMER It having been reported to the Court that Steven J. Romer, of Fishkill, New York, has been disbarred from the practice of law by the Appellate Division, Supreme Court of New York, First Judicial Department, and this Court by order of October 13, 1992, having suspended the said Steven J. Romer from the practice of law in this Court and directed that a rule issue requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred; And it appearing that the said rule was duly issued and served upon the respondent and that a response has been filed; It is ordered that the said Steven J. Romer be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court and that his name be stricken from the roll of attorneys admitted to practice before the Bar of this Court. '0*((Ԍ D-1187 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF TIMOTHY FRANCIS O'LEARY It having been reported to the Court that Timothy Francis O'Leary, of Melrose, Massachusetts, has been disbarred from the practice of law by the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts and this Court by order of October 19, 1992, having suspended the said Timothy Francis O'Leary from the practice of law in this Court and directed that a rule issue requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred; And it appearing that the said rule was duly issued and served upon the respondent and that the time to file a response has expired; It is ordered that the said Timothy Francis O'Leary be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court and that his name be stricken from the roll of attorneys admitted to practice before the Bar of this Court. D-1208 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF HENRY MURRY BEATY, JR. It is ordered that Henry Murry Beaty, Jr., of Memphis, Tennessee, be suspended from the practice of law in this Court and that a rule issue, returnable within forty days, requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court. D-1209 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF JAMES JUDSON WHITE, III It is ordered that James Judson White, III, of Chestertown, Maryland, be suspended from the practice of '0*((Ԍ law in this Court and that a rule issue, returnable within forty days, requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court. D-1210 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF BARBARA L. WOLF It is ordered that Barbara L. Wolf, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, be suspended from the practice of law in this Court and that a rule issue, returnable within forty days, requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court. D-1211 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF CRAIG ALAN McCLEAN It is ordered that Craig Alan McClean, of Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, be suspended from the practice of law in this Court and that a rule issue, returnable within forty days, requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court. D-1212 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF HUMBERTO JUAN AGUILAR It is ordered that Humberto Juan Aguilar, of Miami, Florida, be suspended from the practice of law in this Court and that a rule issue, returnable within forty days, requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court. D-1213 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF DAVID MARK VERIZZO It is ordered that David Mark Verizzo, of Miami, '0*((Ԍ Florida, be suspended from the practice of law in this Court and that a rule issue, returnable within forty days, requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court. D-1214 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF STEPHEN ROBERT BODELL It is ordered that Stephen Robert Bodell, of Wickliffe, Kentucky, be suspended from the practice of law in this Court and that a rule issue, returnable within forty days, requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court. D-1215 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF MARTIN J. MAYBLUM It is ordered that Martin J. Mayblum, of Forest Hills, New York, be suspended from the practice of law in this Court and that a rule issue, returnable within forty days, requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court. 108 ORIG. NEBRASKA V. WYOMING The motion of the Special Master for compensation and reimbursement of expenses is granted and it is ordered that the Special Master is awarded a total of $124,171.27 for the period March 1, 1992 through October 15, 1992 to be paid as follows: 20% by the United States and 40% each by Nebraska and Wyoming. 109 ORIG. OKLAHOMA AND TEXAS V. NEW MEXICO The motion of the Special Master for compensation '0*((Ԍ and reimbursement of expenses is granted and it is ordered that the Special Master is awarded a total of $64,112.96 for the period November 1, 1991 through September 23, 1992 to be paid as follows: to be paid equally by the parties. 91-8581 McDONALD, JESSIE D. V. YELLOW CAB METRO, INC. The motion of petitioner for reconsideration of  ?  order denying leave to proceed in forma pauperis is denied. 92-65 SUN CARRIERS, INC., ET AL. V. MILNE EMPLOYS. ASSN., ET AL. The Solicitor General is invited to file a brief in this case expressing the views of the United States. 92-344 McNARY, COMMR., INS, ET AL. V. HAITIAN CTRS. COUNCIL The motion of respondents to suspend briefing is denied. Justice Blackmun and Justice Souter would grant this motion. 92-5129 SULLIVAN, JOHN V. LOUISIANA The motion for appointment of counsel is granted and it is ordered that John W. Reed, Esquire, of New Orleans, Louisiana, is appointed to serve as counsel for the petitioner in this case. 92-5205 SCHULTZ, DARYL, ET UX. V. PARR ELEVATOR, INC. The motion of petitioners for reconsideration of  ?#  order denying leave to proceed in forma pauperis is denied. '0*((Ԍ 92-5769 HOWARD, G. R. V. DEPT. OF LABOR, ET AL.  ?  The motion of petitioner for leave to proceed in  ?   forma pauperis is denied. Petitioner is allowed until December 21, 1992, within which to pay the docketing fee required by Rule 38(a) and to submit a petition in compliance with Rule 33 of the Rules of this Court. 92-5973 DEMOS, JOHN R. V. KING CTY. SUP. COURT, ET AL.  ?  The motion of petitioner for leave to proceed in  ?  forma pauperis is denied. See Rule 39.8. Petitioner is allowed until December 21, 1992, within which to pay the docketing fee required by Rule 38(a) and to submit a petition in compliance with Rule 33 of the Rules of this Court. Justice Blackmun and Justice Stevens would deny the petition for a writ of certiorari. 92-6082 SINDRAM, MICHAEL J. V. VIRGINIA  ?p  The motion of petitioner for leave to proceed in  ?  forma pauperis is denied. See Rule 39.8. Petitioner is allowed until December 21, 1992, within which to pay the docketing fee required by Rule 38(a) and to submit a petition in compliance with Rule 33 of the Rules of this Court. Justice Blackmun and Justice Stevens would deny the petition for a writ of certiorari.  ?#  CERTIORARI GRANTED 92-311 SULLIVAN, SEC., H&HS V. SCHAEFER, RICHARD H. ' 0*((Ԍ 92-603 FCC, ET AL. V. BEACH COMMUNICATIONS, ET AL. The petitions for writs of certiorari are granted. 92-479 TXO PRODUCTION CORP. V. ALLIANCE RESOURCES, ET AL. The petition for a writ of certiorari is granted  44  limited to Questions 1 and 2 presented by the petition.  ?  CERTIORARI DENIED 91-8198 VUONG, HAI HAI V. TEXAS 91-8349 WILLIAMS, XAVIER V. CHRANS, WARDEN, ET AL. 91-8643 KWEKU, DOUGLAS V. INS 92-115 ) FISCHER, EUGENE A. V. UNITED STATES ) 92-177 ) KRAMER, BENJAMIN, ET AL. V. UNITED STATES ) 92-235 ) BELL, KAY V. UNITED STATES 92-279 MOBLEY, GERALD I. V. UNITED STATES 92-302 BLAKE, PETER V. UNITED STATES 92-308 DOE, JOHN V. UNITED STATES 92-317 VICARIA, CARLOS C. V. UNITED STATES 92-336 LETKE, KIMBERLY V. VLACHOS, CONSTANDENO, ET AL. 92-369 MILLBROOK, THEODIS V. SULLIVAN, SEC. OF H&HS 92-380 ARKANSAS V. BUTLER, LARRY K. 92-382 ARDITTI, VICTOR V. UNITED STATES 92-383 GORRELL, GREGORY R. V. UNITED STATES 92-387 STEWART CTY. TENNESSEE V. HEFLIN, ALLEN D., ET AL. 92-400 LINCOLN LOG HOMES, INC. V. ZONA, STANLEY, ET UX. 92-415 GULF CONTRACTING, ET AL. V. UNITED STATES 92-420 RIVERBEND FARMS, ET AL. V. MADIGAN, SEC. OF AGRICULTURE ' 0*((Ԍ 92-432 GIFFORD, DICK V. UNITED STATES 92-438 DOW CHEM. CO., ET AL. V. BROWN, CHARLES, ET AL. 92-463 UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY, ET AL V. CUOMO, GOV. OF NY, ET AL. 92-554 FLEENOR, JAMES, ET AL. V. BHD. OF LOCOMO. ENGRS, ET AL 92-555 PAUL, WILLIAM V. MISSOURI PACIFIC RR. CO. 92-560 ) MANHATTAN BEACH, ET AL. V. BUCKEY, PEGGY McMARTIN ) 92-628 ) CHILDREN'S INST., ET AL. V. BUCKEY, PEGGY McMARTIN 92-565 BAGGEN TUG & BARGE, ET AL. V. RAINIER NATIONAL BANK 92-566 BARNES, MARK V. WESTINGHOUSE ELEC., ET AL. 92-572 SANTIKOS, GEORGE J. V. TEXAS 92-575 PARTINGTON, EARLE A., ET AL. V. LUM, HERMAN T. F., ET AL. 92-576 TV COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. V. TURNER NETWORK, ETC. 92-580 MARSHALL, LINDA, ET AL. V. BANKERS LIFE, ETC., ET AL. 92-582 PAUL, JODIE D. V. MOORE, EUGENE, ET UX. 92-587 HARRISON, CARLYLE L. V. MONTVERDE ACADEMY 92-589 R.E.J. vs. L.R.E. 92-594 PARTINGTON, EARLE, ET AL. V. KIBE, GERALD, ET AL. 92-596 LICHT, SEYMOUR V. TEXAS COMMERCE BANK, ET AL. 92-605 AMIRAULT, GERALD V. FAIR, COMMR. MA DOC 92-608 STANDRING, ROBERT V. XEROX CORP. 92-611 OLD BRIDGE CHEM., INC. V. NJ DEPT. OF ENVTL. PROTECT. 92-614 CSX TRANS., INC. V. BARKER, LEONARD, ET AL. 92-615 PACIFIC TELESIS, ET AL. V. TALKING YELLOW PAGES, INC. 92-616 SHARP, STEPHEN, ET UX. V. HENNEPIN COUNTY BUR., ET AL. 92-620 NELSON, REABE & SNYDER, INC. V. SELPH, BENJAMIN, ET AL. 92-622 ROBINS ISLAND PRESERV., ETC. V. SOUTHOLD DEVELOPMENT CORP. ' 0*((Ԍ 92-623 RMI TITANIUM COMPANY V. OIL, CHEM. & ATOMIC, ET AL. 92-625 PLAISANCE, HENRY, ET UX. V. TEXACO, INC., ET AL. 92-627 CITY VENDING OF MUSKOGEE V. OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION 92-636 DILLNER, CONNIE V. SODEN, RICHARD 92-637 MUTUAL REINSURANCE BUREAU V. GREAT PLAINS MUTUAL INS. CO. 92-638 INTL. FUNDING INST., ET AL. V. FEC 92-651 WRIGHT, ROSS V. INDIANA 92-655 BARRON, TINA V. FORD MOTOR COMPANY 92-657 KAUBLE, PHIL, ET AL. V. CONTINENTAL STEEL, ET AL. 92-660 SHOTEY, MICHAEL V. EALES, LINDA, ET AL. 92-670 PAZOS-SANTANA, CARLOS V. UNITED STATES 92-675 HARMAN, JAMES V. WETZEL, ROGER 92-680 WOERNER, JEAN V. BRUNT, HARRY 92-698 BAGLEY, CHARLES V. PENNSYLVANIA 92-703 MacDONALD, JEFFREY V. UNITED STATES 92-716 KAMIL, RACHEL V. UNITED STATES 92-721 SEARS, WILLIAM V. UNITED STATES 92-729 DOHERTY, PATRICK V. UNITED STATES 92-5033 FETTERLY, DONALD K. V. IDAHO 92-5061 WEBB, MICHAEL J. V. UNITED STATES 92-5470 JOHNSON, DARRELL V. WHITLEY, WARDEN, ET AL. 92-5485 PEREZ, DOMINGO V. ILLINOIS 92-5505 DEAN, THOMAS G. V. SMITH, ELLEN ET AL. 92-5529 SYROVATKA, JERRY V. CALIFORNIA 92-5542 HUDSON, ROBERT V. NEW YORK 92-5593 RAGOSTA, JOHN R. V. UNITED STATES ' 0*((Ԍ 92-5692 JENKINS, ALVIN V. WISCONSIN 92-5700 MEZA-SANCHEZ, MARTIN V. UNITED STATES 92-5720 LONDONO, NESTER V. UNITED STATES 92-5733 SCHMELTZER, ERNEST V. UNITED STATES 92-5735 DROGE, WILLIAM V. UNITED STATES 92-5737 AMARIGLIO, JACK V. US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 92-5940 ROSSI, RICHARD V. ARIZONA 92-5955 GORE, MARSHALL L. V. FLORIDA 92-5957 TURNER, TERRY M. V. SUMNER, DIR., PUBLIC SAFETY 92-5959 JOHNSON, TIMOTHY H. V. WHITLEY, WARDEN, ET AL. 92-5964 BULLOCK, JARI V. THOMPSON, WARDEN, ET AL. 92-5966 PITTS, COURTLAND C. V. REDMAN, WARDEN, ET AL. 92-5968 WHITE, WILLIAM D. V. TEXAS 92-5975 MOORE, DAVID A. V. LEE, SUPT., CALEDONIA 92-5977 LANCASTER, RONALD D. V. VAN DER VEUR, WARDEN 92-5987 ROXAS, LEONILO M. V. UNITED STATES 92-5990 STOCKTON, DENNIS W. V. VIRGINIA, ET AL. 92-5996 SMITH, ANTHONY V. McCARTHY, RODNEY, ET AL. 92-6003 STACKHOUSE, WESLEY V. SCULLY, SUPT. 92-6004 JACKSON, DOUGLAS M. V. FLORIDA 92-6005 JACKSON, EDDIE V. LEONARDO, SUPT. 92-6011 VENTERS, KIRK V. BASHELOR, RONALD, ET AL. 92-6014 CHANCY, MAXI V. UNITED STATES 92-6017 ATTWELL, JOSEPH J. V. CLARK, LARRY L., ET AL. 92-6022 WRIGHT, PATRICK V. ILLINOIS 92-6023 SMITH, ARLETTA R. V. CITIZENS BANK OF MARYLAND ' 0*((Ԍ 92-6024 WRIGHT, BETTY D. V. HOMESTAKE MINING CO. 92-6030 MILNER, LARRY D. V. UNITED STATES 92-6038 HOLGUIN, RUDY V. DOE, JOHN, ET AL. 92-6052 HARRISON, FREDDIE L. V. ENRIGHT, JOHN R., ET AL. 92-6057 MEADOWS, CHARLES W. V. PITCHER, WARDEN 92-6064 DEVINE, THOMAS V. SULLIVAN, SUPT., ET AL. 92-6068 BUNDY, ANTONIO JAMES V. VAUGHN, SUPT., PA SCI, ET AL 92-6069 STEVE R. V. COMMR. OF SOC. SERVICES 92-6070 SHEARD, JOHN V. D'ALESSIO, THOMAS, ET AL. 92-6071 WHITAKER, MILTON V. LARSEN, C. D., ET AL. 92-6072 WILLIAMS, RONALD PATRICK V. UNITED STATES 92-6076 GYORE, JOZSEF V. O'CONNELL, JOSEPH S., ET AL. 92-6081 MALONE, EUGENE W. V. DEPT. OF THE AIR FORCE 92-6086 BUTLER, WAYNE E. V. LOFTON, SUPT., ET AL. 92-6087 BRAYTON, ROSAMOND V. CONTRIBUTORY RETIREMENT 92-6088 VERDUGO, J. R. V. WORKERS' COMPENSATION 92-6090 KOYOMEJIAN, WANIS V. UNITED STATES 92-6094 BOBO, CLIFTON V. OHIO 92-6098 VAN NOTE, KENNETH V. RAFFERTY, DEP. DIR., NJ DOC 92-6099 SINDRAM, MICHAEL V. LORENZO, LAWRENCE, ET AL. 92-6102 SMITH, RONDA, ET VIR V. ADOPTIVE PARENTS 92-6107 WHITTED, MARTHA V. ORANGE COUNTY EMPLOYEES 92-6108 VILVERT, JOSEPH V. UNITED STATES 92-6109 GLASS, JAMES F. V. INDIANA 92-6118 WILSON, KENT V. UNITED STATES 92-6121 LEWIS, MARTIN E. V. RUSSE, HENRY P., ET AL. '0*((Ԍ 92-6125 KENEALY, JOHN E. V. FRUEHAUF CORP., ET AL. 92-6126 HOWELL, SIMON V. DELAWARE 92-6128 KUKES, GARY E. V. RAMSEY, MICHAEL, ET AL. 92-6129 HUFFSMITH, DONALD V. MUSTO, JOSEPH, ET AL. 92-6133 SAWYERS, BRIAN V. UNITED STATES 92-6135 TANGWALL, DONALD V. BOROCK, PAUL 92-6136 ROBINSON, MAUREEN V. NJ TURNPIKE AUTHORITY, ET AL 92-6140 PEREZ, AUGUSTINE V. HUTCHERSON, STEVE A., ET AL. 92-6142 BLAIR-BEY, JAMES, ET AL. V. NIX, WARDEN 92-6144 BLAIR, MILTON A. V. UNITED STATES 92-6148 FERNANDEZ, STEPHEN R. V. WELLS, WARDEN 92-6152 OWEN, GERALD DAVID, ET AL. V. UNITED STATES 92-6153 YOUNG, DONALD ALLEN V. PASKETT, WARDEN 92-6154 BAKER, LEAVITT J. V. BANCROFT & MARTIN, ET AL. 92-6159 GARBETT, KERRICK M. V. MYERS, WARDEN, ET AL. 92-6161 HENDERSON, ROBERT D. V. SINGLETARY, SEC., FL DOC 92-6162 ALEXANDER, SAMUEL V. COLLINS, DIR. TX DCJ 92-6164 PIERCE, ROY L. V. UNITED STATES 92-6165 WILLIAMSON, JARVIS V. UNITED STATES 92-6167 MORAS-MORAQUEZ, ALDO RAMON V. UNITED STATES 92-6168 McCLEARY, AARON WAYNE V. COLLINS, DIR., TX DCJ 92-6169 TYLER, CLYDE V. T. PERRIN, ET AL. 92-6172 SINGLETON, JOHN V. TEXAS 92-6176 McCRAY, ROBERT HARLEY V. TEXAS 92-6177 CARBARCAS-A, LUIS V. UNITED STATES 92-6189 FERGUSON, SYLBOURNE V. UNITED STATES '0*((Ԍ 92-6200 KENNEDY, RONALD L. V. SHILLINGER, WARDEN, ET AL. 92-6203 GARGALLO, MIGUEL A. V. MERRILL LYNCH, ETC., ET AL. 92-6206 FRIZZEL, STEVEN L. V. COLLINS, DIR., TEXAS DCJ 92-6210 McKOY, FREDERICK RAY V. UNITED STATES 92-6216 LUSTGARDEN, IRA D. V. GUNTER, EXECUTIVE DIR. DOC 92-6218 ATANASOFF, LJUBOMIR V. ARIZONA 92-6224 CALLIS, STANLEY JOSEPH V. MURRAY, DIR., VA DOC 92-6229 KEHNE, ROBERT C. V. ROLLINS, WARDEN, ET AL. 92-6231 DOWTIN, LONZO V. TOOMBS, RAYMOND, WARDEN 92-6233 NICHOLSON, MARY V. FLORIDA 92-6238 MATHIS, ROBERT LEE V. FLORIDA 92-6240 MILLER, HINDA, ET VIR V. TUCKER, JOYCE E., ET AL. 92-6255 McCLUSKIE, DANNY V. MAINE 92-6293 BUTLER, SEAN B. V. UNITED STATES 92-6294 BUSH, PHILLIP REESE V. LEGURSKY, WARDEN 92-6308 IMRAN, SYED S. V. UNITED STATES 92-6309 ENNIS, EDWARD V. SCHUETZLE, WARDEN 92-6310 SOMES, MARK G. V. UNITED STATES 92-6311 ) PAYNE, CHARLES C. V. UNITED STATES ) 92-6320 ) JACKSON, OTIS, ET AL. V. UNITED STATES 92-6312 MOORE, PAUL A. V. UNITED STATES 92-6319 ROUZARD, CANES V. UNITED STATES 92-6322 KULKOVIT, VIRA V. UNITED STATES 92-6324 PETERSON, LEE ROY V. UNITED STATES 92-6329 LUACES, GEORGE V. UNITED STATES 92-6334 CONTI, FREDRICK M. V. UNITED STATES '0*((Ԍ 92-6341 DOE, JOHN V. UNITED STATES 92-6342 CARTER, LYNETTE V. UNITED STATES 92-6344 SIMPSON, ALFREDO V. UNITED STATES 92-6350 HAIRSTON, JIMMY L. V. UNITED STATES 92-6351 O'NEIL, THOMAS LEE V. UNITED STATES 92-6354 MAKI, JAMES CURTIS V. UNITED STATES 92-6356 TAPIA-FLORES, CIRO V. UNITED STATES 92-6359 AGIA, TAJUDEEN V. UNITED STATES 92-6361 WEDDERBURN, LEROY V. UNITED STATES 92-6363 WALLACE, RONNY LEE V. UNITED STATES 92-6364 ) BLALOCK, JACK V. UNITED STATES ) 92-6365 ) BLALOCK, LILLIE MAE V. UNITED STATES ) 92-6384 ) BRAWLEY, RICKY JENNINGS V. UNITED STATES 92-6367 JENKINS, JAMES C. V. UNITED STATES 92-6368 LASTRA, JORGE V. UNITED STATES 92-6369 MAXWELL, JOHN PAT V. UNITED STATES 92-6370 McCORMICK, WOODY HYATT V. UNITED STATES 92-6372 MENDOZA-VASQUEZ, EDUARDO V. UNITED STATES 92-6375 LANDRY, WALLACE JOSEPH V. UNITED STATES 92-6380 HOLLINGSWORTH, JACKIE D. V. UNITED STATES 92-6395 BARRERA-DIAZ, FRANCISCO V. UNITED STATES 92-6396 SIMMONS, JAMES BURNELL V. UNITED STATES 92-6408 CHATMAN, JAMES V. UNITED STATES 92-6413 SWINNEY, LEVI, ET AL. V. UNITED STATES 92-6414 BURLEY, MICHAEL T. V. UNITED STATES 92-6416 MARTIN, TROY V. UNITED STATES '0*((Ԍ X  92-6418 RODRIGUEZ, CLEMENTE RAMON V. UNITED STATES 92-6435 LIND, ROBERT V. NEW YORK The petitions for writs of certiorari are denied. 91-1930 VASQUEZ, DANIEL, ET AL. V. THOMPSON, ROBERT J. The motion of Criminal Justice Legal Foundation for  ?  leave to file a brief as amicus curiae is granted. The  ?`  motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma  ?  pauperis is granted. The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. 92-403 TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION 688 V. COCA-COLA BOTTLING 92-581 THOMAS, MARK, ET AL. V. WICHITA COCA-COLA, ETC. The petitions for writs of certiorari are denied. Justice Blackmun took no part in the consideration or decision of these petitions. 92-508 MISSOURI V. HANKINS, RONALD 92-702 MISSOURI V. PARKER, VORNELL  ?  The motions of respondents for leave to proceed in  ?  forma pauperis are granted. The petitions for writs of certiorari are denied. 92-557 CLARK, JAMES E. V. POULTON, ROBERT, ET AL. The motion of petitioner for leave to proceed  ?  further herein in forma pauperis is granted. The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. 92-558 VALENTEC KISCO, INC. V. WILLIAMS, JAMES 92-577 DOPYERA, EMIL, ET AL. V. TX ST. DEPT. HIGHWAYS, ETC. The petitions for writs of certiorari are denied.  XX  Justice White would grant certiorari. 0*,**Ԍ 92-600 ADOPTIVE PARENTS OF M.N.M. vs. M.J.L. The motion of National Council for Adoption, et al.  ?   for leave to file a brief as amici curiae is granted. The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. 92-626 CATERPILLAR INC. V. MICHIGAN DEPT. OF TREASURY The motion of Ashland Oil, Inc., et al. for leave  ?`  to file a brief as amici curiae is granted. The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. 92-656 HOLLYDAY, MARY JANE V. RAINEY, GENE, ET AL. The motion of Southern States Police Benevolent  ?  Association for leave to file a brief as amicus curiae is granted. The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. 92-6015 MINCEY, BRYAN J. V. CALIFORNIA The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. Justice Blackmun would grant certiorari.  ?X  HABEAS CORPUS DENIED 92-6393 IN RE JONATHAN DAVID BROWN 92-6452 IN RE WILLIAM E. HUTCHINGS von LUDWITZ The petitions for writs of habeas corpus are denied. 0*,**Ԍ MANDAMUS DENIED 92-6050 IN RE LYNN JOHNSTON 92-6080 IN RE THOMAS W. LAKE 92-6138 IN RE LAWRENCE LAVOLD 92-6166 IN RE HAROLD ASCH 92-6179 IN RE HENRY SANDERS 92-6192 IN RE RONALD WAITES The petitions for writs of mandamus are denied. REHEARINGS DENIED 91-1702 CORTEZ, CARL W. V. FIRST CITY NAT. BANK, ET AL. 91-1784 PRINCE, GUY V. UNITED STATES 91-1799 PACYNA, CLEMENT J. V. MARSH, SEC. OF ARMY 91-1847 MILLER, MAYNARD B. V. BRIGGS, ROBERT, ET UX. 91-2002 U.E. ENTERPRISES, ET AL. V. NEW YORK CHINESE TV, ETC. 91-7408 RICH, ROBERT, ET AL. V. UNITED STATES 91-7563 SHIIMI, HERMUNTH V. HARLANDALE INDEPENDENT SCH. 91-7697 BROWN, DEBRA D. V. INDIANA 91-7760 CROWLEY, ROBERT J. V. PRINCE GEORGE'S CTY., MD 91-7797 BOYLES, ANDREW V. INDIANA 91-8108 MASAT, KENNETH J. V. UNITED STATES 91-8238 SHUMATE, JOSEPH V. NCNB FINANCIAL SERVICES 91-8283 MEDERS, JIMMY F. V. GEORGIA 91-8303 FANNY, DANIEL V. LEVY, PAUL, ET AL. 91-8317 TODD, WILLIAM L. V. GEORGIA 91-8334 MOODY, JOHN G. V. TEXAS0*,**Ԍ 91-8335 CARTER, CHARLES E. V. HARFORD CTY. CIRC. CT. 91-8353 TUDOROV, MARIA V. COLLAZO, LUCIA 91-8376 JUNGBLUT, EDWARD L. V. CRIST, WARDEN 91-8378 JACOBS, MARIA, ET AL. V. DUJMOVIC, MARK, ET AL. 91-8387 ASHMUS, TROY A. V. CALIFORNIA 91-8395 SLEDGE, CURTIS L. V. MEYERS, WARDEN 91-8404 JONES, ROBERT V. LEWIS, JAMES E., ET AL. 91-8405 EDWARDS, THOMAS F. V. CALIFORNIA 91-8429 JACKSON, CLARENCE B. V. SOUTH TEXAS COLLEGE, ET AL. 91-8487 FROST, SHAWN D. V. OHIO 91-8572 CALDWELL, BEULAH M. V. TOM MISTICK & SONS, ET AL. 91-8618 SAYLOR, ROBERT L. V. VIRGINIA 91-8638 HAWKINS, JAMES D. V. CALIFORNIA 91-8684 BENNETT, RONALD B. V. DIR., VIRGINIA DOC 91-8726 GORDON, RONALD L. V. UNITED STATES 91-8732 IN RE IDA JACKSON 91-8738 BAUER, FREDERICK W. V. UNITED STATES 92-38 CHRYSLER CORP. V. INTL. UNION, ALLIED INDUST. 92-48 FERMIN, FREDERICK V. OPM 92-59 IN RE HENRY ANDERSON 92-186 BARBER, CATHERINE V. SOMERVILLE HOSPITAL, ET AL. 92-241 CRAWFORD, HELON, ET VIR V. LEAHY, WILLIAM, ET AL. 92-248 MOZEE, WILLIAM O., ET AL. V. AM. COMMERCIAL MARINE, ETC. 92-257 CLARKE, ROBERT A. V. BUTCHER, HOWARD, ET AL. 92-5052 DIAZ, RUBEN S. V. UNITED STATES 92-5098 BANKS, ALFRED V. KAYE, STUART M. 92-5111 RUB, DUANE V. FEDERAL LAND BANK 92-5118 QAHDAFI, QUSAN A. V. VIRGINIA0*,**Ԍ 92-5123 WILLE, JOHN F. V. LOUISIANA 92-5246 JOHNSON, FRANK C. V. SULLIVAN, SEC., H&HS, ET AL. 92-5263 DAWN, E. CHRISTMAN, ET UX. V. MARGOLIS, ALBERT, ET AL. 92-5289 LAWRENCE, MARION L. V. BRADY, SEC. OF TREASURY 92-5301 KIRIENKO, YURIY V. KIRIENKO, SARAJANE 92-5375 VISCIOTTI, JOHN LOUIS V. CALIFORNIA 92-5378 WILEY, HENRY V. CORRECTIONS CABINET OF KY 92-5382 SPIVEY, MICHAEL V. BRICE-WELLINGTON, JANICE 92-5389 WHITTLESEY, MICHAEL V. MARYLAND 92-5450 OMOIKE, ISAAC I. V. EXXON COMPANY 92-5550 BARSTEN, DENNIS V. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 92-5581 MITCHELL, EMMANUEL V. EBERHART, WARDEN 92-5586 TWYMAN, ROBERT V. ALABAMA 92-5605 WINTERS, CLYDE V. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY 92-5650 BEVERLY, RHONALD, ET UX. V. UNITED STATES 92-5681 KOT, JAMES G. V. PATERNOSTER, TONY, ET AL. The petitions for rehearing are denied. 91-1843 NELSON, JAMES D. V. UNIV. OF ALA. SYSTEM, ET AL. The motion of petitioner for leave to proceed  ?  further herein in forma pauperis is granted. The petition for rehearing is denied. 91-8615 TOLBERT, JESSE V. KEMP, EVAN The petition for rehearing is denied. Justice Thomas took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition. 0*,**Ԍ MOTIONS FOR ADMISSION The written motions for admission of the following lawyers to the Bar of this Court are granted: