WPCK 2BVP ZCourier 10cpi ?xxx,Zx6X@8;X@HP DeskJet 500HPDES500.PRSx  @xX,,0UX@22ZB#X#|xHP DeskJet 500HPDES500.PRSx  @xX,,0-vX@Courier 10cpiCourier 10cpi Italic ?xxx,Zx6X@8;X@?xxx,x6NhM;XHLlut +$+,np-$+-/r-$Bv -$#2 +$#%\vt2I ORDER LIST WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1993  ORDER IN PENDING CASE ă  ?` A855  LEONEL TORRES HERRERA V. JAMES A. COLLINS, DIRECTOR, ` `   TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE  ? ` `   INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION7 ` `  The application for stay of execution of  ?  ` `  sentence of death presented to Justice Scalia ` `  and by him referred to the Court is denied. ` `   ` `  Justice Blackmun and Justice Stevens would grant the application for stay of execution.