WPC 2 BJ*urierCourier 10cpix6X@KX@#|xwx6X@8;X@jX@*2.#> Zx#|xCourier 10cpiCourier 10cpi (Bold)Courier 10cpi (Italic)HP LaserJet IIIDHPLASIII.PRSx  @,\,duX@2\XHXa?xxx,wx6X@8;X@?xxx,x `B;XPLsPLPܸ EJZHrKuuQVlr6CP6CP6sƠ6L p"Cs"2 ?      X  3'3'Standard3'Standard - Dup Long3'Standard - Dup LongPRSx  *X ORDER LIST MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1993 APPEAL -- SUMMARY DISPOSITION 92-1249 AFRICAN AM. VOTING, ET. AL. V. BLUNT, ROY, ET AL. The judgment is affirmed.  ?  CERTIORARI -- SUMMARY DISPOSITION 91-1800 HARLOW FAY, INC. V. FED. LAND BANK OF ST. LOUIS The petition for a writ of certiorari is granted. The judgment is vacated and the case is remanded to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit  ?  for further consideration in light of Pioneer Investment Services Company v. Brunswick Associates Limited  ?  Partnership, 507 U. S.   (1993). 91-1855 PEARSON, ALVIN, ET AL. V. EDGAR, GOV. OF ILLINOIS The petition for a writ of certiorari is granted. The judgment is vacated and the case is remanded to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit  ?  for further consideration in light of City of Cincinnati  ?@  v. Discovery Network, Inc., 507 U. S.   (1993).  ?!  ORDERS IN PENDING CASES A734  RESERVE NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY V. RAY CROWELL, ET UX.  ?$   The application for stay presented to Justice Kennedy and by him referred to the Court is granted and it is ordered that execution upon the punitive damages portion'0*(( of the judgment entered February 5, 1993 by the Supreme Court of Alabama, case Nos. 1911098, 1911099 and 1911157, is stayed pending the timely filing and disposition by this Court of a petition for a writ of certiorari. If the petition for a writ of certiorari is denied, this order is to terminate automatically. Should the petition for a writ of certiorari be granted, this order is to remain in effect pending the issuance of the mandate of this Court. D-1252 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF MELVIN M. LEBETKIN It is ordered that Melvin M. Lebetkin, of Kew Gardens, New York, be suspended from the practice of law in this Court and that a rule issue, returnable within forty days, requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court. D-1253 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF RICHARD PRESTON PERRIN It is ordered that Richard Preston Perrin, of Washington, D.C., be suspended from the practice of law in this Court and that a rule issue, returnable within forty days, requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court. D-1254 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF HOWARD J. BODNER It is ordered that Howard J. Bodner, of Rockville Centre, New York, be suspended from the practice of law in this Court and that a rule issue, returnable within forty days, requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court.'0*((Ԍ D-1255 IN THE MATTER OF DISBARMENT OF LARRY G. RIGHTMYER It is ordered that Larry G. Rightmyer, of St. Petersburg, Florida, be suspended from the practice of law in this Court and that a rule issue, returnable within forty days, requiring him to show cause why he should not be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court. 119, ORIG. CONNECTICUT, ET AL. V. NEW HAMPSHIRE The motion of Massachusetts for divided argument and for additional time for oral argument is denied. The motion of intervenors United Illuminating Company, et al. for divided argument is granted to be divided as follows: 20 minutes for the plaintiffs and 10 minutes for the intervenors. Justice Souter took no part in the consideration or decision of these motions. 92-515 WISCONSIN V. MITCHELL, TODD The motion of respondent for divided argument is denied. 92-602 ST. MARY'S HONOR, ET AL. V. HICKS, MELVIN The motion of the Acting Solicitor General for  ?@  leave to participate in oral argument as amicus  ?  curiae and for divided argument is granted. 92-6033 McNEIL, WILLIAM V. UNITED STATES The motion of the Acting Solicitor General to permit William K. Kelley, Esquire, to present oral  ?'  argument pro hac vice are granted. '0*((Ԍ 92-7894 RESTREPO, CARLOS E. V. UNITED STATES The motion of petitioner for leave to proceed in forma pauperis is denied. See Rule 39.8. Petitioner is allowed until April 26, 1993, within which to pay the docketing fee required by Rule 38(a) and to submit a petition in compliance with Rule 33 of the Rules of this Court. Justice Blackmun and Justice Stevens would deny the petition for a writ of certiorari. 92-7912 IN RE MICHAEL MILLER  ?  The motion of petitioner for leave to proceed in  ?  forma pauperis is denied. See Rule 39.8. Petitioner is allowed until April 26, 1993, within which to pay the docketing fee required by Rule 38(a) and to submit a petition in compliance with Rule 33 of the Rules of this Court.  ?  CERTIORARI DENIED 91-956 GERDING, CHRISTOPHER, ET AL. V. REPUBLIC OF FRANCE, ET AL. 92-320 ARGENTINA, ET AL. V. SIDERMAN DE BLAKE, ET AL. 92-964 ) COLLINS, ROBERT F. V. UNITED STATES ) 92-6813 ) ROSS, JOHN V. UNITED STATES 92-1055 SHOCKEY, WILLIAM V. PORTLAND, ET AL. 92-1084 GORDON, BRUCE, ET AL. V. UNITED STATES 92-1095 LONETREE, CLAYTON V. UNITED STATES 92-1127 HELTON, JOHN, ET AL. V. FDIC 92-1177 MYERS, CARL HAROLD V. UNITED STATES'0*((Ԍ 92-1179 KAHN, JEROME V. UNITED STATES 92-1186 WATERS, JOHN, ET UX. V. CIR 92-1261 ANTOINE, GARY, ET AL. V. CA COASTAL COMMN. 92-1262 BURRELL, MELBA V. TRUSTEES OF GA MILITARY 92-1266 LEIZERMAN, E. J. V. TOLEDO BAR ASSN. 92-1278 MORALES, ATTY. GEN. OF TX V. TX CATASTROPHE, ET AL. 92-1279 BERGER, JOEL V. BOARD OF REGENTS, NY, ET AL. 92-1310 BAGHDADY, ELIE V. SADLER, LARRY, ET AL. 92-1343 JOHNSON, CLIFFORD V. WHITE, CLINTON, ET AL. 92-1344 LOWERY, JOHN V. SHALALA, SEC. OF H&HS 92-1353 LEWIS, DARRYL V. SOUTH CAROLINA FREIGHT 92-1355 FUNDAMENTALIST CHURCH, ET AL V. WILLIAMS, ROGER, ET AL. 92-1369 ALBERICI, JOSEPH, ET UX. V. SAFEGUARD MUTUAL INS. CO. 92-1374 MILLER, MARK V. REDEV. AUTH. WASHINGTON CTY. 92-1387 McNUTT, NANCY V. GTE FL, INC. 92-1409 GACKENBACH, MYRON V. UNIROYAL, INC. 92-1416 CRAWFORD, HAL SPEARMAN V. LANDMARKS GROUP, ETC. 92-1429 McGAUGHEY, GUY V. UNITED STATES 92-1460 COFFIN, DEXTER, ET AL. V. MURRAY, DIR., VA DOC, ET AL. 92-5444 HARRISON, CHARLES V. SINGLETARY, SEC., FL DOC 92-5570 KENNEDY, JANET, ET VIR V. OHIO 92-5956 ADAMS, DAVID L. V. PETERSON, SUPT., OR SCI 92-6768 WESTMORELAND, JACKIE LYNN V. UNITED STATES 92-6784 PATTEN, ROBERT V. FLORIDA 92-6851 WALKINGEAGLE, JOHN V. UNITED STATES 92-6886 OSPINA-BORJA, LUZ DARY V. INS '0*((Ԍ 92-7012 LAMBERT, GARY DEAN V. MS DEPT. OF CORRECTIONS 92-7067 GREEN, NORMAN E. V. TEXAS 92-7218 SMITH, TYRONE V. UNITED STATES 92-7315 LATTIMORE, ROBERT NORMAN V. UNITED STATES 92-7334 McQUEEN, HAROLD V. KENTUCKY 92-7483 ARNOLD, KEITHIAN L. V. RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION 92-7540 DENTON, MARK QUINN V. SINGLETARY, SEC., FL DOC 92-7541 BROWN, AMOS V. UNITED STATES 92-7542 CORNELL, ROBERT ALLAN V. NIX, WARDEN 92-7543 SMITH, LYNNARD ARVANT V. STAINER, WARDEN 92-7544 BREVELL, ALVIN PAUL V. UNITED STATES 92-7547 WILSON, WILLIAM ALBERT V. CALIFORNIA 92-7556 HARRIS, GEORGE V. IEYOUB, ATTY. GEN. OF LA 92-7563 HEIMBAUGH, ROBERT A. V. SAN FRANCISCO, ET AL. 92-7565 CATALFO, VINCENT V. UNITED STATES 92-7574 BRIGHT, DAVID V. SMITH, SEWALL, ET AL. 92-7587 RODOLICO, LOUIS A. V. RAUCH, VENTURI, ET AL. 92-7591 MORRISON, REGINALD V. LYNN, SEC., LA DOC, ET AL. 92-7594 MUHAMMAD, SHAIKH V. DOMOVICH, SUPT., PA CORR. 92-7597 SPEARMAN, JOSE LORENZO V. EPPS, BRYANT, ET AL. 92-7598 HARRISON, MICHAEL D. V. PADILLA, RICK, ET AL. 92-7599 GOODWIN, KENNETH D. V. WELLS, WARDEN 92-7600 BRYANT, CALLIE, ET AL. V. WHALEN, LELAND, ET AL. 92-7606 JEWELL, GREGORY V. HIGGINS, JOHN, ET AL. 92-7608 JAAKKOLA, JOHN V. SHALALA, SEC. H&HS, ET AL. 92-7612 HARTER, EDWARD C. V. LOVE, SUPT. '0*((Ԍ 92-7614 GREEN, MARLENE Y. V. UNITED STATES 92-7615 GREEN, MARLENE Y. V. UNITED STATES 92-7622 EXLER, ANDREW V. SIZZLER FAMILY STEAKHOUSES 92-7651 LYONS, HAROLD TRAVIS V. HATCHER, WARDEN, ET AL. 92-7675 BELL, LARRY GENE V. SOUTH CAROLINA 92-7681 MARTINEZ, RAY V. UNITED STATES 92-7699 DELAY, DALLAS RAY V. GROOSE, SUPT.,JEFFERSON CITY 92-7728 FISHER, RANDY V. MAASS, SUPT. 92-7731 FOSTER, GARY, ET AL. V. UNITED STATES 92-7733 REYES, TONY V. UNITED STATES 92-7740 WILLIAMS, WILLIE LEE V. COLLINS, DIR., TX DCJ 92-7744 BROWN,JAMES FRANCIS V. UNITED STATES 92-7747 IVY, FRANK V. UNITED STATES 92-7748 HELZER, RICHARD L. V. MICHIGAN 92-7754 MEADOWS, JOHNNIE V. MORRIS, WARDEN, ET AL. 92-7755 MAYS, ROBERT E. V. UNITED STATES 92-7786 HARRIS, LEE V. UNITED STATES 92-7790 CARTER, HARRY N. V. UNITED STATES 92-7796 MACKEY, GEORGE V. UNITED STATES 92-7820 MILLER, LAMONT J., ET AL. V. TOOMBS, WARDEN, ET AL. 92-7825 MAYSER-PEREIRA, RONALD V. UNITED STATES 92-7832 CASARES, RICARDO V. UNITED STATES 92-7833 BARTON, MICHAEL STEVEN V. UNITED STATES 92-7836 MARTINEZ-DE LEON, DOMINGO V. UNITED STATES 92-7837 PANDEY, VIJAI B. V. UNITED STATES 92-7840 RUMPH, LAMONT WINSLOW V. UNITED STATES '0*((Ԍ 92-7841 REVEL, GORDON PARKER V. UNITED STATES 92-7845 STEIN, RODNEY SID V. UNITED STATES 92-7846 MAYS, DEDRICK DANUAL V. UNITED STATES 92-7849 PALMER, EDDIE JAMES V. UNITED STATES 92-7850 ROSE, WILLIAM HAINES V. UNITED STATES 92-7853 MEDLEY, MARK GREGORY V. MARYLAND 92-7857 WOODMAN, NEIL V. UNITED STATES 92-7860 FIORE, ANTHONY V. UNITED STATES 92-7863 KUEHL, KEITH D. V. UNITED STATES 92-7866 RESENDE, NELSON V. UNITED STATES 92-7867 MARTINEZ, ELOY ERNESTO V. UNITED STATES 92-7869 DENSON, ROLAND V. UNITED STATES 92-7870 DAVILA, ARNOLD ADAN V. UNITED STATES 92-7874 GIRALDO, JOSE V. UNITED STATES 92-7878 GOLDMAN, STEVEN V. UNITED STATES 92-7881 DOMINGUEZ-VALTIERRA, ISIDRO V. UNITED STATES 92-7889 MONTES, ROLANDO V. UNITED STATES 92-7891 MOORE, MICHAEL V. UNITED STATES 92-7892 LAFRADEZ, LANDY V. UNITED STATES 92-7982 KAIRYS, LIUDAS V. INS The petitions for writs of certiorari are denied. 92-1083 PHELPS, ZIBA V. SOVRAN BANK The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition. '0*((Ԍ 92-1104 MARYLAND V. WATTERS, RONALD  ?  The motion of respondent for leave to proceed in  ?   forma pauperis is granted. The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. 92-1372 ELLERBEE, DEXTER V. MILLS, DEXTER The motion of Atlanta Journal-Constitution for  ?`  leave to file a brief as amicus curiae is granted. The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. Justice White and Justice Blackmun would grant certiorari. 92-6852 LONG, KENNETH C. V. UNITED STATES The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. Justice White would grant certiorari.  ?P  COMMON LAW CERTIORARI DENIED 92-7619 IN RE ANDREW SEARCY The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied.  ?  HABEAS CORPUS DENIED 92-7904 IN RE W. J. GRAY 92-7937 IN RE KIRK E. GREGORY The petitions for writs of habeas corpus are denied.  ?(#  REHEARINGS DENIED 92-681 NOVOTNY, EDWARD V. UNITED STATES 92-1122 POLYAK, EARLENE V. CIR 92-5907 BETKA, ROLF V. SHALALA, SEC. H&HS, ET AL.' 0*((Ԍ 92-6591 SEWELL, JERRY WAYNE V. UNITED STATES 92-6844 DUVALL, JOSEPH L. V. DUVALL, MARYANN E., ET AL. 92-6898 NELSON, JAMES DAVIS V. TUSCALOOSA, ET AL. 92-6926 HERMAN, JOSEPH W. V. DEPT. OF TREASURY, ET AL. 92-7004 ESTUS, DAVID V. LYNN, MICHAEL R. 92-7053 BRYSON, NORMAN V. BESSINGER, WARDEN, ET AL. 92-7087 NAMER, ROBERT V. FTC 92-7144 KELLEY, WILLIAM, ET AL. V. GONZALEZ, NICHOLAS J., ET AL. The petitions for rehearing are denied.  ?h :$ ORDER ă It is ordered that the call of the calendar, except for special assignments, be suspended for the Term upon the conclusion of the case listed for hearing on Monday, April 26, 1993.  ?  MOTIONS FOR ADMISSION The written motions for admission of the following lawyers to the Bar of this Court are granted: