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Ibid. No definition of agricultural laborer appears in the NLRA. But annually since 1946, Congress has instructed, in riders to Appropriations Acts for the Board: [A]gricultural laborer, for NLRA 2(3) purposes, shall derive its meaning from the definition of agriculture supplied by 3(f) of the Fair  JN Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA). See Bayside  J& Enterprises, Inc. v. NLRB, 429 U.S. 298, 300, and n. 6  J (1977).l; uBB ԍ FTN    XgEpXFr  ddf < The most recent congressional rider states: [N]o part of [the Board's] appropriation shall be available to organize or assist in organizing agricultural laborers or used in connection with investigations, hearings, directives, or orders concerning bargaining units composed of agricultural laborers as referred to in section 2(3) of the [NLRA] ... and as defined in section 3(f) of the [FLSA]. Pub. L. 103!333, Tit. IV, 108 Stat. 2569!2570.  m "  Ԍ Section 3(f) of the FLSA provides: BQ C  , , ( N N    ! `Agriculture' includes farming in all its branches and among other things includes the cultivation and tillage of the soil, dairying, the production, cultivation, growing, and harvesting of any agricultural or horticultural commodities (including commodities defined as agricultural commodities in section 1141j(g) of title 12), the raising of livestock, bees, fur-bearing animals, or poultry, and any practices (including any forestry or lumbering operations) performed by a farmer or on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with such farming operations, including preparation for market, delivery to storage or to market or to carriers for transportation to market. 29 U.S.C. 203(f).3BQ  d   ( , , This definition, we have explained, includes farming in  J' both a primary and a secondary sense. Bayside, 429 U.S., at 300. Primary farming includes the occupations listed first in 3(f): the cultivation and tillage of the soil, dairying, the production, cultivation, growing, and harvesting of any agricultural or horticultural commodities ... [and] the raising of livestock, bees, fur-bearing animals, or poultry. 29 U.S.C. 203(f). Secondary farming has a broader meaning, encompassing, as stated in the second part of 3(f): any practices ... performed by a farmer or on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with such farming operations, including preparation for market, delivery to storage or to market or to carriers for transportation to market.  J Ibid.; see Bayside, 429 U.S., at 300, n. 7; Farmers  J Reservoir & Irrigation Co. v. McComb, 337 U.S. 755, 763 (1949) (secondary farming embraces any practices, whether or not themselves farming practices, which are performed either by a farmer or on a farm, incidently to or in conjunction with `such' farming operations).  If a statute's meaning is plain, the Board and review/"  Ԯing courts must give effect to the unambiguously  J expressed intent of Congress. Chevron U.S. A. Inc. v.  J Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837,  J 843 (1984). When the legislative prescription is not free from ambiguity, the administrator must choose between conflicting reasonable interpretations. Courts, in turn, must respect the judgment of the agency empowered to  J apply the law to varying fact patterns, Bayside, 429 U.S., at 304, even if the issue with nearly equal reason [might] be resolved one way rather than another,  Jp id., at 302 (citing Farmers Reservoir, 337 U.S., at 770 (Frankfurter, J., concurring)). We note, furthermore, that administrators and reviewing courts must take care to assure that exemptions from NLRA coverage are not so expansively interpreted as to deny protection to  J workers the Act was designed to reach. See 48 F. 3d,  J at 1370 (citing NLRB v. CalMaine Farms, Inc., 998  JX F.2d 1336, 1339 (CA5 1993));_ X uB ԍ FTN    XgEpXFr  ddf < The legislative history suggests that Congress, in linking the definition of agricultural laborer in NLRA 2(3) to 3(f) of the FLSA, intended to cabin the exemption. The version of the appropriations rider first adopted by the House incorporated the definition of agricultural laborer contained in the Social Security Act Amendments of 1939, 53 Stat. 1377. See 92 Cong. Rec. 6689!6692 (1946). Some lawmakers, however, objected that the amendment contained a very broad definitio[n] of agricultural laborer excluding a great  uBx number of processing employees from NLRA coverage. See id., at 9514 (statement of Sen. Ball). After some debate"and upon consultation with a Board member and Board counsel"the Conference Committee agreed to substitute the much narrower definition  uBT supplied by 3(f) of the FLSA. See ibid. The dissent's reading of 3(f), while a plausible construction of a text we, the Board, and the  uB Secretary of Labor, find less than crystalline, see infra, at 16, is inharmonious with a congressional will to create a slim exemption from the encompassing protection the NLRA and the FLSA afford employees in our Nation's commercial enterprises. _ cf. Arnold v. Ben  J0 ԚKanowsky, Inc., 361 U.S. 388, 392 (1960) (exemptions from the FLSA are to be narrowly construed againstn"    J the employers seeking to assert them); Mitchell v.  J Kentucky Finance Co., 359 U.S. 290, 295 (1959) ( It is well settled that exemptions from the Fair Labor Standards Act are to be narrowly construed.).  9H1 d dy,III؃  2  Primary farming includes the raising of poultry. See  J Bayside, 429 U.S., at 300!301. All agree that the independent growers, who raise Holly Farms' broiler chickens on their own farms, are engaged in primary agriculture. But we confront no contention that Holly Farms' livehaul employees are themselves engaged in  J raising poultry.&  uBF ԍ FTN    XgEpXFr  ddf < Holly Farms, it is true, ultimately argues that the catching and loading of broilers slated for slaughter constitute primary agriculture because those activities are best viewed as the harvesting of chickens. See Brief for Petitioner 29!30. But Holly Farms failed to advance this argument before the Court of Appeals, and it did not home in on this contention in its petition for certiorari. Because we generally do not address arguments that were not the basis for the  uBG decision below, Matsushita Elec. Industrial Co. v. Epstein, 516 U.S. __, __, n. 5 (1996) (slip op., at 11, n. 5), we decline to entertain Holly Farms' primary farming argument.  Thus, the only question we resolve is whether the chicken catchers, forklift operators, and  J truckdrivers are engaged in secondary agriculture"that is, practices performed by a farmer or on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with such farming operations. 29 U.S.C. 203(f).  We take up, initially, the performed by a farmer strand of FLSA 3(f). We do not labor over the point,  J for our decision in Bayside securely leads us to the conclusion that the livehaul activities are not performed  JN  by a farmer. In Bayside, we considered the application of 3(f)'s by a farmer specification to integrated agricultural companies that contract out farming work.  J We upheld the Board's rejection of the contention that all of the activity on a contract farm should be re"  Ԯgarded as agricultural activity of an integrated farmer  J such as Holly Farms. 429 U.S., at 302. When an integrated poultry producer contracts with independent growers for the care and feeding of [its] chicks, [its] status as a farmer engaged in raising poultry ends with  J8 respect to those chicks. Id., at 302, n. 9 (citing Imco  J Poultry, 202 N.L.R.B., at 260). Accordingly, when the livehaul employees arrive on the independent farms to collect broilers for carriage to slaughter and processing, Holly Farms does not resume its status as farmer with respect to those birds, the status Holly Farms had weeks before, when the birds were hatched in its hatcheries. This conclusion, we note, entirely disposes of the contention that the truckdrivers are employed in secondary agriculture, for Holly Farms acknowledges that these crew members do not work on a farm. Tr. of Oral Arg. 5.  We turn, now, to the nub of the case for the chicken catchers and forklift operators: the on a farm strand of FLSA 3(f).  ;H2 d d-A؃  2  Holly Farms argues that under the plain language of the statute, the catching and loading of broilers qualifies as work performed on a farm as an incident to the raising of poultry. The corporation emphasizes that 3(f) of the FLSA enumerates preparation for market and delivery to storage or to market among activities that count as agriculture. The livehaul employees' work, Holly Farms concludes, thus falls within the domain of the FLSA exemption and, accordingly, enjoys no NLRA protection.  We find Holly Farms' position to be a plausible, but  J not an inevitable, construction of 3(f). Hence, we turn to the Board's position, examining only its reasonableness as an interpretation of the governing legislation.  ;H2 d"  Ԍd-B؃  2  While agreeing that the chicken catchers and forklift operators work on a farm, the Board contends that their catch and cage work is not incidental to farming operations. Rather, the work is tied to Holly Farms' slaughtering and processing operations, activities that do not constitute farming under the statute. We conclude, as we next explain, that the Board's position is based on a reasonable interpretation of the statute, is consistent with the Board's prior holdings, and is supported by  J the Secretary of Labor's construction of 3(f). Bayside,  Jz 429 U.S., at 303 (footnotes omitted).  =H3 d d-1؃  J  2  The Board underscores the statutory words such farming operations. It does not suffice that the alleged secondary agriculture consists of preparation for market, or delivery to storage or to market, the Board maintains; to qualify for the statutory exemption, the Board urges, the work must be incidental to, or con J joined with, primary farming operations.' J uB8 ԍ FTN    XgEpXFr  ddf < As we noted in Farmers Reservoir & Irrigation Co. v. McComb, 337 U.S. 755 (1949), Congress specifically added the words or on a farm to FLSA 3(f) to address some Senators' objections that the exemption otherwise would not cover the threshing of wheat or other functions necessary to the farmer if those functions were not performed by the farmer and his hands, but by separate companies  uB organized for and devoted solely to that particular job. See id., at  uB9 767 (citing 81 Cong. Rec. 7653 (1937)). Nothing in the Board's decision detracts from the application of 3(f), based on the on a farm language, to employees of separate companies organized for and devoted solely to auxiliary work in aid of a farming enterprise. Hence, the words on a farm do the work intended, and are not  uB redundant. But see post, at 4!5.  Holly Farms presses the argument that its livehaul employees are analogous to the wheat threshers who figured in FLSA 3(f)'s legislative history. The Board reasonably responds, however, that  uB any worker"whether a wheat thresher, a feedhaul driver, or a"## chicken catcher"must perform his or her work as an incident to or in conjunction with such farming operations in order to fall under the agricultural exemption. If the chicken catching crews were employed by the independent growers, rather than by Holly Farms' processing operation, those crews would more closely resemble the wheat threshers contemplated by the framers of 3(f). As just "    J explained, see supra, at 7!8, at the growing stage in the short life of a broiler, Holly Farms is not involved in primary farming, but the contract growers are. The essential question, then, is whether the livehaul employees' activities are inevitably incident to or in conjunction with the farming operations of the independent  J growers.V   uB ԍ FTN    XgEpXFr  ddf < To this question, the dissent asserts there can be only one  uBy answer. Post, at 7. In the dissent's view, activities directly related to the farming operations that occurred on that very farm"in this case, removing chickens from the independent growers' farms to make room for more"inescapably satisfy the  uBU statute. Post, at 6!7. FLSA 3(f), all agree, does not apply absent  uB  a connection between the activity in question and the primary farming operations conducted on a farm. But the statutory language" incident to or in conjunction with"does not place beyond rational debate the nature or extent of the required connection. See 29 CFR 780.144 (1995) (recognition by the Secretary of Labor that the line between practices that are and those that are not performed `as an incident to or in conjunction with' such farming operations is not susceptible of precise definition).V The Board answers this question in the nega J tive. See Imco Poultry, 202 N.L.R.B., at 261 (Because chicken catching crews have no business relationship with the independent farmers, we conclude that the employees' activities were not incidental to the independent farmers' poultry raising operations.).  We find the Board's answer reasonable. Once the broilers have grown on the farm for seven weeks, the growers' contractual obligation to raise the birds ends, and the work of the livehaul crew begins. The record reflects minimal overlap between the work of the livehaul crew and the independent growers' raising activiX  "  Ԯties. The growers do not assist the livehaul crews in catching or loading the chickens; their only responsibilities are to move certain equipment from the chicken coops prior to the crews' arrival, and to be present when the crews are on the farms. App. to Brief for Federal Respondent 3a. Nor do the livehaul employees play any role in the growers' performance of their contractual undertakings.  The record, furthermore, supports the Board's conclusion that the livehaul crews' activities were conjoined with Holly Farms' processing operations, rather than  JH with farming.9 H  uB ԍ FTN  &  XgEpXFr  ddf < Holly Farms argues, and the dissent agrees, post, at 6, that the Board's conclusion rests on the assumption that a given activity can be incidental to one thing only"in this case, either processing or farming, but not both. At oral argument, counsel for the Board stated that Holly Farms had not accurately conveyed the Board's position. Tr. of Oral Arg. 33, 38. The Board apparently recognizes, as do we, that an activity can be incidental to more than one thing. To gain the agricultural exemption, however, farming must be an enterprise to which the activity at issue is incidental. The relevant question under the statute, therefore, is whether the work of the livehaul crews qualifies as incidental to farming. 9 The chicken catchers, forklift operators, and truckdrivers work as a unit. They all work out of the processing plant in Wilkesboro, App. 22a, located three miles from the hatcheries, App. to Pet. for Cert. A!381, n. 119. Crew members begin and end each shift by punching a timeclock at the processing plant,  JX id., at A!831 to A!832, and are functionally integrated with other processingplant employees, App. 22a. See also App. to Pet. for Cert. A!396 (correlation between Holly Farms' slaughter rate and work available for livehaul crews); App. 29a (live production manager for Holly Farms' Wilkesboro facility described catching and delivery of grown broilers as the first step in the produc er'sprocessing operations). The Board's determina tion,in sum, has the requisite warrant in the record. [   m "    J Bayside, 429 U.S., at 304, n. 14 (citing NLRB v. Hearst  J Publications, Inc., 322 U.S. 111, 131 (1944)).  We think it sensible, too, that the Board homed in on  J the status of the livehaul crews' employer.  FTN   XgEpXFr  ff The employer's status respecting the particular activity at issue accounts for the Board's determination that Holly Farms' egg haulers (who transport eggs from the laying houses to the hatcheries), and pullet catchers (who collect the breedingdestined birds on the farms of independent growers) rank as agricultural laborer[s]. As the record shows, the pullet catchers and egg haulers work in Holly Farms' hatchery operations, while the livehaul employees"who deal only with broilers"work  J out of the processing plant.  There is no interchange between these classifications. Broiler haulers do not haul pullets and pullet haulers do not haul broilers. App. 20a!21a. Accordingly, the Board reasonably aligned the pullet catchers and egg haulers with Holly Farms' poultry-raising operation, and the livehaul employees with the corporation's slaughtering and processing activities.  =H3 d d-2؃  2  The Board's decision regarding Holly Farms' livehaul crews adheres to longstanding NLRB precedent. For more than 23 years, the NLRB has maintained that vertically integrated poultry producers' employees who handl[e] and transpor[t] chicks on the farms of independent growers only after [the poultry producers'] farming operations have ended, ... cannot be performing practices incident to, or in conjunction with, [their  J employer's] farming operations. Imco Poultry, 202 N.L.R.B., at 260. Rather, such employees, the Board has repeatedly ruled, perform work incident to, or in conjunction with, a separate and distinct business activity of [their employer], i.e., shipping and marketing.  J Id., at 261. See also Draper Valley Farms, Inc., 307 "   N.L.R.B., at 1440 ( We think it follows plainly from  J Imco that the Employer's chicken catchers are not, when working on the farms of independent growers who have concluded their `raising' activities, exempt as agricul J` tural laborers.); Seaboard Farms of Kentucky, Inc., 311  J8 N.L.R.B. No. 159 (1993) (same)., 8 uB ԍOur decision in Maneja v. Waialua Agricultural Co., 349 U.S. 254 (1955), does not cast doubt on the Board's view of operations like Holly Farms. In that case, which did not involve a Board ruling, we held that railroad workers employed by an integrated sugar cane producer were exempt, as agricultural laborer[s], from FLSA overtime provisions.  uB3 The employer in Maneja, unlike Holly Farms, grew and cultivated its sugar cane autonomously, without the aid of independent growers; hence, we concluded that the activities of the railroad workers, who hauled the freshly cut cane from the sugar fields to the processing plant,  uB were incidental to the employer's primary farming operations. Id., at 262!263.,  =H3 d d-3؃  L2  In construing the agricultural laborer exemption, the Board endeavors to follow, whenever possible, the interpretations of Section 3(f) adopted by the Department of Labor, the agency which is charged with the responsibility for and has the experience of administer J ing the Fair Labor Standards Act. Cornell University,  J 254 N.L.R.B. 110 (1981); see also Mario Saikon, Inc.,  Jf 278 N.L.R.B. 1289, 1290 (1986); Wegman's Food  J> Market, Inc., 236 N.L.R.B. 1062 (1978). The Board  J has not departed from that endeavor here.g m  uB[ ԍ FTN  &  XFrXFr ddf < Coleman v. Sanderson Farms, Inc., 629 F.2d 1077 (CA5 1980), which determined that chicken catching crews were employed in agriculture under 3(f), involved a dispute over applicability of the FLSA's overtime provisions, not over union representation. Thus, the court in that case was not required to respect the position of the Board. See 629 F.2d, at 1081, n. 4. We note, however, that the  uB Coleman court did not advert to the Secretary of Labor's interpretations of 3(f). g The Department of Labor's regulations do not address the % "   precise situation of the livehaul workers before us, nor are the regulations free from ambiguity. We agree with the Board, however, that they are consistent with employee characterization of the crews that catch grown chickens for carriage to Holly Farms' processing plant.  J8  On contract arrangements for raising poultry, the Department of Labor has issued an interpretative regu J lation, which we noted in Bayside, 429 U.S., at 303!304, n. 13, as follows: BQ C  , , ( - -  Feed dealers and processors sometimes enter into contractual arrangements with farmers under which the latter agree to raise to marketable size baby chicks supplied by the former who also undertake to furnish all the required feed and possibly additional items. Typically, the feed dealer or processor retains title to the chickens until they are sold. Under such an arrangement, the activities of the farmers and their employees in raising the poultry are clearly within section 3(f). The activities of the feed dealer or processor, on the other hand, are not `raising of poultry,' and employees engaged in them cannot be considered agricultural employees on that ground. Employees of the feed dealer or processor who perform work on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with the raising of poultry on the farm are employed in `secondary' agriculture (see  J3 Ԛ780.137 et seq. [explaining that work must be performed in connection with the farmeremployer's own farming to qualify as `secondary' agriculture by  J a farmer] and Johnston v. Cotton Producers Assn., 244 F.2d 553). 29 CFR 780.126 (1995).$BQ d   ( , , This regulation suggests that livehaul crews surely are not engaged in a primary farming operation. The crews could rank as workers engaged in secondary agriculture if they perform[ed] work on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with the raising of poultry on the/ "    J farm. Ibid. As we developed earlier, however, see  J supra, at 9!12, in the Board's judgment, the crews do not fit that bill. The livehaul crew members perform their work, as the Board sees it, not as an incident topoultry raising by independent growers, but incidentto and in conjunction with the slaughter and processing of chickens at Holly Farms' Wilkesboro plant.In the Board's words, the crews are tied to aseparate and distinct business activity, the business  J of processing poultry for retail sale, see Imco Poultry, 202 N.L.R.B., at 261, not to the anterior work of  JH agriculture. H  uB ԍ & ! The Department of Labor's interpretative regulation, 29 CFR  uBg Ԛ780.126 (1995), includes a citation to Johnston v. Cotton Producers  uB Assn., 244 F.2d, 553, 554 (CA5 1957). That case is readily distinguish uB able from the case before us. In Johnston, the Court of Appeals held that an employee of a rural farm supply store was exempt from FLSA minimum wage and overtime requirements as an agricultural laborer. The supply store sold baby chicks to farmers, while retain[ing] title to the chicks as security for the purchase price and for advances for feed,  uBh supplies, or equipment. Ibid. While the supply store employee caught, cooped, and loaded chickens onto trucks for delivery to processors" entities independent of the supply store"that employee also supervise[d] the growing of chicks by [independent] growers on their farms.  uBD Ibid. By contrast, in this case there is no contention that any of the livehaul employees similarly assist the independent growers in their chickraising activities.  Other Department of Labor regulations are in harmony with the Board's conclusion that the livehaul crews do not engage in secondary farming because their work, though on a farm, is not performed as an incident to or in conjunction with the independent growers' poultryraising operations. Thus, 29 CFR 780.129 (1995) reiterates that the work must be performed `as an incident to or in conjunction with' the farming operations, and 780.143 adds:BQ C   , , ( - -  The fact that a practice performed on a farm isI "   not performed by or for the farmer is a strong indication that it is not performed in connection with  J the farming operations there conducted. Ibid. BQ d   ( , , The same regulation, 780.143, further states that, in determining whether a practice is performed for a farmer, it is highly significant whether the practice involves property to which the farmer has title or for  JL which the farmer otherwise has responsibility. Ibid. Holly Farms retains title to the chicks and, once the livehaul crew undertakes its catch and remove operation, the independent grower divest[s] himself of fur J ther responsibility with respect to the product. Ibid.[  uB ԍ FTN  &  XFrXFr ddf < Petitioners point to 29 CFR 780.151(k) (1995), which defines the FLSA 3(f) words preparation for market to include [c]ulling, grading, cooping, and loading of poultry. See Brief for Petitioners 23. As another regulation emphasizes, however,  ! `preparation for market,' like other practices, must be performed `by a farmer or on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with such farming operations' in order to be within [FLSA] section 3(f). 29 CFR 780.150 (1995).[  The Department of Labor candidly observed that [t]he line between practices that are and those that are not performed `as an incident to or in conjunction with' such farming operations is not susceptible of precise definition. 780.144. This acknowledgment accords with our recognition that the meaning of FLSA 3(f) is not so plain as to bear only one permissible construction in the context at hand.  9H1 d d,IV؃  2  In sum, we find persuasive the Board's conclusion thatthe collection of broilers for slaughter was an activity serving Holly Farms' processing operations, and not Holly Farms' own or the independent growers' farming operations. Again, we stress that the reviewing  J Ԛcourt's function is limited. ]  Bayside, 429 U.S., at 304,H"    J n. 14 (citing Hearst Publications, 322 U.S., at 131). For the Board to prevail, it need not show that its  J construction is the best way to read the statute; rather, courts must respect the Board's judgment so long as its  J` reading is a reasonable one. See SureTan, Inc. v.  J8 NLRB, 467 U.S. 883, 891 (1984) ( we will uphold any interpretation [of the term `employee' in NLRA 2(3)] that is reasonably defensible). [R]egardless of how we might have resolved the question as an initial matter,  J Bayside, 429 U.S., at 304, the Board's decision here reflects a reasonable interpretation of the law and, therefore, merits our approbation. The judgment of the Court of Appeals is accordingly  J `z;Affirmed.ă