PART 799--IDENTIFICATION OF SPECIFIC CHEMICAL SUBSTANCE AND MIXTURE TESTING REQUIREMENTS Subpart A--General Provisions Sec. 799.1 Scope and purpose. 799.2 Applicability. 799.3 Definitions. 799.5 Submission of information. 799.10 Test standards. 799.11 Availability of test guidelines. 799.12 Test results. 799.17 Effects of non-compliance. 799.19 Chemical imports and exports. Subpart B--Specific Chemical Test Rules 799.500 Anthraquinone. 799.925 Biphenyl. 799.940 Bisphenol A. 799.1051 Monochlorobenzene. 799.1052 Dichlorobenzenes. 799.1053 Trichlorobenzenes. 799.1054 1,2,4,5 - Tetrachlorobenzene. 799.1250 Cresols. 799.1285 Cumene. 799.1550 1,2 - Dichloropropane. 799.1560 Diethylene glycol butyl ether and diethylene glycol butyl ether acetate. 799.1575 Diethylenetriamine (DETA). 799.1645 2-Ethylhexanol. 799.1650 2-Ethylhexanoic acid. 799.1700 Fluoroalkenes. 799.2155 Commercial hexane. 799.2175 C9 aromatic hydrocarbon fraction. 799.2200 Hydroquinone. 799.2325 Isopropanol. 799.2475 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole. 799.2500 Mesityl oxide (MO). 799.2700 Methyl ethyl ketoxime. 799.3175 Oleylamine 799.3300 Unsubstituted phenylenediamines. 799.3450 Propylene oxide. 799.4000 Tetrabromobisphenol A. 799.4360 Tributyl phosphate. 799.4400 1,1,1-Trichloroethane. 799.4440 Triethylene glycol monomethyl ether. Subpart C--Testing Consent Orders 799.5000 Testing consent orders for substances and mixtures with Chemical Abstract Registry Numbers. 799.5025 Testing consent orders for mixtures without Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Numbers. Subpart D--Multichemical Test Rules 799.5055 Hazardous waste constituents subject to testing. Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2603, 2611, 2625. Source: 49 FR 39817, Oct. 10, 1984, unless otherwise noted. Subpart A--General Provisions 799.1 Scope and purpose. (a) This part identifies the chemical substances, mixtures, and categories of substances and mixtures for which data are to be developed, specifies the persons required to test (manufacturers, including importers, and/or processors), specifies the test substance(s) in each case, prescribes the tests that are required including the test standards, and provides deadlines for the submission of reports and data to EPA. (b) This part requires manufacturers and/or processors of chemical substances or mixtures (``chemicals'') identified in subpart B to submit letters of intent to test, exemption applications, and study plans in accordance with EPA test rule development and exemption procedures contained in part 790 of this chapter and any modifications to such procedures contained in this part. (c) This part requires manufacturers and/or processors of chemicals identified in subpart B to conduct tests and submit data in accordance with the test standards contained in this part in order to develop data on the health and environmental effects and other characteristics of these chemicals. These data will be used to assess the risk of injury to human health or the environment presented by these chemicals. 799.2 Applicability. This part is applicable to each person who manufactures or intends to manufacture (including import) and/or to each person who processes or intends to process a chemical substance or mixture identified in subpart B for testing during the period commencing with the effective date of the specific chemical test rule until the end of the reimbursement period. Each set of testing requirements in subpart B specifies whether those requirements apply to manufacturers only, to processors only, or to both manufacturers and processors. 799.3 Definitions. The definitions in section 3 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and the definitions of 790.3 of this chapter apply to this part. 799.5 Submission of information. Information (letters, study plans, reports) submitted to EPA under this part must bear the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)a section number of the subject chemical test rule (e.g. 799.4400 for 1,1,1-trichloroethane) and must be addressed to: TSCA Document Processing Center (TS - 790), Rm. L - 100, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. [53 FR 12526, Apr. 15, 1988] 799.10 Test standards. Testing required under subpart B must be performed using a study plan prepared according to the requirements of parts 790 and 792 of this chapter unless modified in specific chemical test rules in subpart B. All raw data, documentation, records, protocols, specimens and reports generated as a result of a study under subpart B must be developed, reported, and retained in accordance with TSCA Good Laboratory Practice Standards (GLP's) in part 792 of this chapter. These items must be made available during an inspection or submitted to EPA upon request by EPA or its authorized representative. Laboratories conducting testing for submission to the Agency in response to a test rule promulgated under section 4 of TSCA must adhere to the TSCA GLP's. Sponsors must notify the laboratory that the study is being conducted pursuant to TSCA section 4. Sponsors are also responsible for ensuring that laboratories conducting the test abide by the TSCA GLP standards. In accordance with 792.12 of this chapter, a certification concerning adherence to the TSCA GLP's must be submitted to EPA. 799.11 Availability of test guidelines. (a) The TSCA and FIFRA guidelines for the various study plans are available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Address and telephone number: National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 (703 - 487 - 4650). (b) The OECD guidelines for the various study plans are available from the following address: OECD Publication and Information Center, 1750 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20006 (202 - 724 - 1857). 799.12 Test results. Except as set forth in specific chemical test rules in subpart B of this part, a positive or negative test result in any of the tests required under subpart B is defined in the TSCA test guidelines published by NTIS. 799.17 Effects of non-compliance. Any person who fails or refuses to comply with any aspect of this part or part 790 is in violation of section 15 of TSCA. EPA will treat violations of Good Laboratory Practice Standards as indicated in 792.17 of this chapter. 799.19 Chemical imports and exports. Persons who export or who intend to export substances listed in subpart B or subpart C of this part are subject to the requirements of part 707 of this title. [51 FR 23718, June 30, 1986]