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These plans consist of the provisions and requirements in 326 IAC 7-1 approved or reinstated for these counties at paragraph  yO^ (c)(66), any SO2emission limits in 326 IAC 7-1-2 applicable in these counties (as incorporated by reference at  yO& paragraph (c)(66)(i)(C) of this section, and the site-specific SO2 emission limits and other requirements in 326 IAC 7-1-20 (Dearborn County), 326 IAC7-1-8.1 (Lake County), 326 IAC 7-1-19 (Gibson County), and 326 IAC 7-1-21 (Porter County). (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) 326 IAC 7-1-20, Dearborn County Sulfur Dioxide Emission Limitations, as published in the August 1, 1988,  {O Indiana Register (IR) at 11 IR 3784. (B) 326 IAC 7-1-19, Gibson County Sulfur Dioxide Emission Limitations, as published on June 1, 1988, at 11 IR 3019. (C) 326 IAC 7-1-8.1, Lake County Sulfur Dioxide Emission Limitations, as published on November 1, 1988, at 12 IR 262, and corrected on December 1, 1988, at 12 IR 597. (D) 326 IAC 7-1-21, Porter County Sulfur Dioxide Emission Limitations, as published on November 1, 1988, at 12 IR 259, and corrected on December 1, 1988, at 12 IR 597. (E) 326 IAC 7-1-1, Applicability, as published on December 1, 1988, at 12 IR 552. (73) [Reserved] (74) On July 23, 1987, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management submitted to USEPA a request'0*(( for a site-specific revision to Indiana's ozone SIP. This revision consists of compliance date extensions until November 7, 1987, for Uniroyal's two fabric coaters and four vinyl printers at its Mishawaka plant, located in St. Joseph County, Indiana. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Air pollution Operation Permits Numbers: U 2 33 - 15A, U 2 34 - 23, U 2 33 - 14C, U 2 34 - 3C, U 2 33 - 16, U 2 33 - 18, Date issued December 1, 1988, and Date Expires December 1, 1990. (75) [Reserved] (76) On October 21, 1987, the State submitted 325 IAC 8 - 1.1 - 5, Petition for alternative controls, which gives the provisions and requirements for petitioning for reasonably available control technology volatile organic compound plans. On November 16, 1988, the State submitted this rule recodified as 326 IAC 8 - 1 - 5, Petition for site-specific reasonably available control technology (RACT) plan. (i) Incorporation by Reference (A) Title 326 Air Pollution Control Board, Indiana Administration Code (IAC) 8 - 1 - 5, Petition for site-specific  {O( reasonably available control technology (RACT) plan, as published in the April 1, 1988, Indiana Register, at Volume 11 IR 2530. Filed with the Secretary of State on March 10, 1988. (77) [Reserved] (78) On January 18, 1989, and June 23, 1989, Indiana submitted its revised lead plan for the HLP-Lead Plant of Hammond Lead Products, Inc. in Hammond Indiana. Additionally, minor changes were made to Indiana's overall lead rule, 326 IAC 15 - 1, LeadEmission Limitations. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 326--Air Pollution Control Board--Indiana Administrative Code (326 IAC) 15 - 1, as published in the Indiana Register (IR) on July 1, 1989, at 1850. This rule was effective for State purposes on July 14, 1989. (79) [Reserved] (80) On October 15, 1987, the State submitted 325 IAC 8 - 2 - 13, Wood Furniture and Cabinet Coating, as a portion of its 1982 ozone plan, which gives provisions and requirements for controlling volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from sourceslocated in Clark, Floyd, Lake and Porter Counties. On November 16, 1988, the State submitted this rule recodified as 326 IAC 8 - 2 - 12, Wood Furniture and Cabinet Coating. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 326 Air Pollution Control Board, Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) 8 - 2 - 1, Applicability of rule; and 326 IAC 8 - 2 - 12, Wood furniture and cabinet coating, as published in the April 1, 1988, ``Indiana Register'' (IR), at 11 IR 2536 and corrected on March 1, 1989, at 12 IR 1394. Filed with the Secretary of State on March 10, 1988. (81)--(82) [Reserved] (83) On January 21, 1981, the State submitted its revised Malfunctions Rule 325 IAC 1.1 - 5. On November 16, 1988, Indiana submitted its recodified regulations. This rule was renumbered 326 IAC 1 - 6, Malfunctions. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 326 of the Indiana Administrative Code (IAC), Rule 326 IAC 1 - 6: Malfunctions as published in the April 1, 1988, Indiana Register (IR) at 11 IR 2380. Filed with the Secretary of State on March 10, 1988. (ii) Additional materials. (A) On July 2, 1982, the State submitted clarifications of its intent for 325 IAC 1.1 - 5. (84) On October 27, 1989, and January 19, 1990, Indiana submitted its vehicle inspection and maintenance plan for Clark, Floyd, Lake, and Porter Counties.  {O  (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 326, Air Pollution Control Board, of the Indiana Administrative Code (IAC), Rule 13 - 1, Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Requirements, Adopted at 13 Indiana Register 500, effective January l, 1990. (85) On December 2, 1983, Indiana submitted its transportation control plan for Clark and Floyd Counties as one element in its ozone plan for the area. Additional material was submitted on May 14, 1986.  {O$  (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Chapter 7, Mobile Source Strategies and Reductions, sections A.1.b and exhibits 7 - 2 and 7 - 4, as adopted by the Indiana Air Pollution Control Board at its November 2, 1983, meeting.  {ON&  (ii) Additional material. (A) On May 14, 1986, Indiana submitted an April 23, 1986, Letter from Jim Thorne, Transportation Director, Kentuckiana Regional Planning and Development Agency, discussing the Clark and Floyd' 0*(( Counties portion of the Louisville, Kentucky transportation control plan. (86) On February 15, 1990, Indiana submitted an amended rule which updates the applicable edition of the Code of Federal Regulations from the 1987 edition to the 1988 edition. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Title 326, Air Pollution Control Board, Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) 1 - 1 - 3, References to the Code of Federal Regulations, as published in the February 1, 1990, Indiana Register (IR), Volume 13 at IR 867.Filed with the Secretary of State on December 14, 1989. (87) On October 23, 1990, and August 19, 1991, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management submitted regulations adopted by the Indiana Air Pollution Control Board as part of title 326 of the Indiana Administrative Code and intended incorporatito the Indiana ozone plan as part of the stationary source control strategy. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) The following volatile organic compound rules adopted by the Indiana Air Pollution Control Board as part of title 326 of the Indiana Administrative Code (326 IAC) and intended to partially satisfy the requirements of the Clean Air Act.  {O  (1) Effective October 23, 1988: 326 IAC 8 - 1 - .05 Coating Definition, 326 IAC 8 - 2 - 11 Fabric and Vinyl Coating.  {O  (2) Effective February 15, 1990: 326 IAC 1 - 2 - 48 Non-Photochemically Reactive Hydrocarbon Defined; 326 IAC 8 - 2 - 5 Paper Coating Operations.  {O  (3) Effective May 18, 1990: 326 IAC 1 - 2 - 18.5 Cold Cleaner Degreaser Defined; 326 IAC 1 - 2 - 21.5 Conveyorized Degreaser Defined; 326 IAC 1 - 2 - 29.5 Freeboard Height Defined; 326 IAC 1 - 2 - 29.6 Freeboard Ratio Defined; 326 IAC 1 - 2 - 49.5 Open Top Vapor Degreaser Defined; 326 IAC 8 - 2 - 9 Miscellaneous Metal Coating Operations; 326 IAC 8 - 3 - 1 Organic Solvent Degreasing Operations; 326 IAC 8 - 5 - 3 Synthesized Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Operations; 326 IAC 8 - 5 - 5 Graphic Arts Operations.  {O  (4) Effective June 8, 1990: 326 IAC 8 - 1 - 2 Compliance Methods; 326 IAC 1 - 2 - 90 Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Definition; 326 IAC 8 - 1 - 4 Testing Procedures.  {O  (5) Effective June 5, 1991: 326 IAC 1 - 2 - 14 Coating Line Definition; 326 IAC 8 - 1 - 1 Applicability of Rule; 326 IAC 8 - 1 - 2 Compliance Methods; 326 IAC 8 - 1 - 4 Testing Procedures; 326 IAC 8 - 2 - 1 Applicability; 326 IAC 8 - 3 - 5 Cold Cleaner Degreaser Operation and Control; 326 IAC 8 - 3 - 6 Open Top Vapor Degreaser Operation and Control Requirements; 326 IAC 8 - 3 - 7 Conveyorized Degreaser Operation and Control; 326 IAC 8 - 4 - 8 Leaks from Petroleum Refineries, Monitoring, Reports; 326 IAC 8 - 5 - 5 Graphic Arts Operations. [37 FR 10863, May 31, 1972]  yO  Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Section 52.770, see the List of CFR Sections Affected in the Finding Aids section of this volume.  yO  Section 52.771 Classification of regions.  yO  (a) The Indiana plan was evaluated on the basis of the following classifications:#dZ6X@KP@# 3'3'Standard'3'3StandardAPPLLASE.PRS]\   0*((  Pollutant  Air quality control region Photochemical Particulate Sulfur Nitrogen Carbon oxidants matter oxides dioxide monoxide (hydrocarbons)  East Central Indiana Intrastate............................ II II III III III Evansville (Indiana)-Owensboro-Henderson (Kentucky) Interstate................................................ I II III III III Louisville Interstate...................................... I I III III I Metropolitan Chicago Interstate (Indiana-Illinois)......... I I I I I Metropolitan Cincinnati Interstate......................... I II III III I Metropolitan Indianapolis Intrastate....................... I I I I I Northeast Indiana Intrastate............................... II III III III III South Bend-Elkhart (Indiana)-Benton Harbor (Michigan) Interstate................................................ I IA III III III Southern Indiana Intrastate................................ IA IA III III III Wabash Valley Intrastate................................... I I III III III  '3'3StandardAPPLLASE.PRS]\ 3'3'StandardAPPLLASE.PRS]\    x #]\  PC2P# (b) The requirements of Section 51.150 of this chapter are not met by the classification of counties in APC - 22 for the purposes of attainment and maintenance of the total suspended particulate ambient air quality standards. (c) The requirements of Section 51.150 of this chapter are not met by the classification of counties in APC - 22 for the purposes of attainment and maintenance of the photochemical oxidant (hydrocarbon) ambient air quality standards. (d) The requirements of Section 51.150 of this chapter are not met by the classification of Jefferson, LaPorte, Porter, Vigo and Warrick Counties in Indiana in Regulation APC - 22 for the purposes of attainment and maintenance of the sulfur dioxide ambien [37 FR 10863, May 31, 1972, as amended at 39 FR 16346, May 8, 1974; 40 FR 50033, Oct. 28, 1975; 41 FR 35677, Aug. 24, 1976; 42 FR 34519, July 6, 1977; 51 FR 40675, Nov. 7, 1986]  yO  Section 52.772 Extensions.  yO  (a) The Administrator hereby extends for 18 months the statutory timetable for submission of Indiana's plan for attainment and maintenance of the secondary standards for sulfur oxides and particulate matter in the Indiana portion of the MetropolitanChicago Interstate Region and for 13 months the statutory timetable for submission of the plan for attainment and maintenance of the secondary standards for sulfur oxides in the Metropolitan Indianapolis Intrastate Region. (b) The Administrator hereby extends for 9 months the attainment date for the national standard for photochemical oxidants in the Metropolitan Indianapolis Intrastate Region. [38 FR 12698, May 14, 1973, as amended at 39 FR 12348, Apr. 5, 1974]  yO  Section 52.773 Approval status.  yO  (a) With the exceptions set forth in this subpart, the Administrator approves Indiana's plan for attainment and maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards under section 110 of the Clean Air Act. (b) [Reserved] (c) The Administrator finds that Indiana's new source review strategy satisfies all requirements of Part D, Title 1 of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1977. (d)--(e) [Reserved] (f) The Administrator finds ozone strategies for Clark, Elkhart, Floyd, Lake, Marion, Porter, and St. Joseph Counties satisfy all requirements of Part D, Title I of the Clean Air Act that are required to be submitted by January 1, 1981, except as noted below. (g) The administrator finds that the total suspended particulate strategies for Clark, Dearborn, Dubois, St. Joseph, Vanderburgh, and Vigo Counties satisfy all the requirements of Part D, Title I of the Clean Air Act except as noted below.  yO  (h) The Administrator finds that the SO2 strategies for Lake, LaPorte, Marion, Vigo, and Wayne Counties satisfy all requirements of Part D, Title 1 of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977. See Section 52.770 (c)(67) and (c)(72). (i) The Administrator finds that Indiana's ozone plan for Lake and Porter Counties, which was required to be submitted by July 1, 1982, does not satisfy all the requirements of Part D, Title I of the Clean Air Act and, thus, is disapproved. See Section Section 52.770(c)(69) and 52.777(d). No major stationary source, or major modification of a stationary source, of volatile organic compounds may be constructed in Lake and Porter Counties, unless the construction permit application is complete on or before December 19, 1988. The disapproval does not affect USEPA's approval (or conditional approval) of individual parts of Indiana's ozone plan, and they remain approved. (j) The Administrator finds that the following portions of Indiana's ozone and CO plans satisfy the related requirements of part D, title 1 of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977: (1) The transportation control plans for Lake, Porter, Clark and Floyd Counties, submitted on May 14, 1986, June' 0*(( 10, 1986, and April 6, 1987. (2) The vehicle inspection and maintenance plan for Clark, Floyd, Lake, and Porter Counties, submitted October 27, 1989, and January l9, 1990. (3) The demonstration of attainment, submitted December 2, 1983, and the carbon monoxide plan as a whole for the designated nonattainment area in Lake County. [37 FR 10864, May 31, 1972, as amended at 46 FR 38, Jan. 2, 1981; 47 FR 6275, Feb. 11, 1982; 47 FR 6623, Feb. 16, 1982; 47 FR 10825, Mar. 12, 1982; 47 FR 20586, May 13, 1982; 47 FR 30980, July 16, 1982; 51 FR 4915, Feb. 10, 1986; 53 FR 33811, Sept. 1, 1988; 53 FR 46613, Nov. 18, 1988; 54 FR 2118, Jan. 19, 1989; 55 FR 31052, July 31, 1990]  yO  Section 52.774 [Reserved]  yO  Section 52.775 Legal authority.  yO  (a) The requirements of Section 51.232(b) of this chapter are not met since the following deficiencies exist in the local agency legal authority: (1) East Chicago: (i) Authority to require recordkeeping is inadequate (Section 51.230(e) of this chapter). (ii) Authority to require installation of monitoring devices is inadequate (Section 51.230(f) of this chapter). (2) Evansville: (i) Authority to prevent construction, modification, or operation of any stationary source at any location where emissions from such source will prevent the attainment or maintenance of a national standard is inadequate (Section 51.230(d) of this chapter). (ii) Authority to require recordkeeping is inadequate (Section 51.230(e) of this chapter). (iii) Authority to require installation of monitoring devices is inadequate (Section 51.230(f) of this chapter). (3) Gary: (i) Authority to require recordkeeping is inadequate (Section 51.230(e) of this chapter). (ii) Authority to require installation of monitoring devices is inadequate (Section 51.230(f) of this chapter). (4) Hammond: (i) Authority to require recordkeeping is inadequate (Section 51.230(e) of this chapter). (ii) Authority to require installation of monitoring devices is inadequate (Section 51.230(f) of this chapter). (5) Indianapolis: (i) Authority to require recordkeeping is inadequate (Section 51.230(e) of this chapter). (ii) Authority to require installation of monitoring devices is inadequate (Section 51.230(f) of this chapter). (6) Michigan City: (i) Authority to require recordkeeping is inadequate (Section 51.230(e) of this chapter). (ii) Authority to require installation of monitoring devices is inadequate (Section 51.230(f) of this chapter). (7) Wayne County: (i) Authority to require recordkeeping and to make inspections and conduct tests of air pollution sources is inadequate (Section 51.230(e) of this chapter). (ii) Authority to require installation of monitoring devices is inadequate (Section 51.230(f) of this chapter). (iii) Authority to prevent construction, modification, or operation of any stationary source at any location where emissions from such source will prevent the attainment or maintenance of a national standard is inadequate (Section 51.230(d) of this chapter). (8) Lake County: (i) Authority to require installation of monitoring devices is inadequate (Section 51.230(f) of this chapter). (ii) Authority to prevent construction, modification, or operation of any stationary source at any location where emissions from such source will prevent the attainment or maintenance of a national standard is inadequate (Section 51.230(d) of this chapter). (9) St. Joseph County: (i) Authority to prevent construction, modification, or operation of any stationary source at any location where emissions from such source will prevent the attainment or maintenance of a national standard is inadequate (Section 51.230(d) of this chapter). (ii) Authority to require recordkeeping is inadequate (Section 51.230(e) of this chapter). (iii) Authority to require installation of monitoring devices is inadequate (Section 51.230(f) of this chapter). (10) Vigo County: (i) Authority to require recordkeeping is inadequate (Section 51.230(e) of this chapter). (ii) Authority to require installation of monitoring devices is inadequate (Section 51.230(f) of this chapter). (iii) Authority to prevent construction, modification, or operation of any stationary source at any location where' 0*(( emissions from such source will prevent the attainment or maintenance of a national standard is inadequate (Section 51.230(d) of this chapter). (11) Anderson County: (i) Authority to require installation of monitoring devices is inadequate (Section 51.230(f) of this chapter). [37 FR 10863, May 31, 1972, as amended at 40 FR 55329, Nov. 28, 1975; 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986; 52 FR 24367, June 30, 1987]  yO  Section 52.776 Control strategy: Particulate matter.  yO  (a) The requirements of subpart G of this chapter are not met since the plan does not provide for attainment and maintenance of the secondary standards for particulate matter in the Metropolitan Indianapolis Intrastate Region. (b) APC 4 - R of Indiana's ``Air Pollution Control Regulations'' (emission limitation for particulate matter from fuel combustion sources), which is part of the control strategy for the secondary standards for particulate matter, is disapproved for the Metropolitan Indianapolis Intrastate Region since it does not provide the degree of control needed to attain and maintain the secondary standards for particulate matter. APC 4 - R is approved for attainment and maintenance of the primary standards for particulate matter in the Metropolitan Indianapolis Intrastate Region. (c) APC - 3 of Indiana's Air Pollution Control Regulations (visible emission limitation) is disapproved insofar as the phrase ``for more than a cumulative total of 15 minutes in a 24-hour period'' will interfere with attainment and maintenance of particulate standards. (d) [Reserved] (e) Part D--Conditional Approval--The complete Indiana plan for Clark, Dearborn, Dubois, Marion (except for coke batteries), St. Joseph, Vanderburgh, and Vigo Counties is approved provided that the following condition is satisfied: (1) The Part D Plan must contain Industrial Fugitive Dust Regulations. The State must submit these by July 31, 1982. (f) 325 IAC 11 - 3 - 2(f), (as amended on August 27, 1981) is not approved as it applies to Lake and Marion Counties, insofar as it does not meet the requirements of section 172(b)(3) of the Clean Air Act. (g) 325 IAC 11 - 3 - 2(g) and 11 - 3 - 2(h) (as amended on August 27, 1981) are disapproved insofar as they do not meet the requirements of section 110(a)(2)(D) of the Clean Air Act. (h) Equivalent Visible Emission Limits (EVEL). (1) A 20% 2-hour opacity limit for the underfire stack at Bethlehem Steel Corporation's Coke Battery No. 2 in Porter County is approved as an EVEL to determine compliance with the 325 IAC 6 - 2 SIP limit of 0.33 lbs/MMBTU. This EVEL is approved for as long as the SIP mass emission limit for this source remains the same as determined by 325 IAC 6 - 2 (October 6, 1980, submittal). See Section 52.770(c)(6), (35), and (42). (2) Revised opacity limits for the boilers at Olin Corporation in Warren County are approved at Section 52.770(c)(51) as an EVEL to determine compliance with the 325 IAC 6 - 2 SIP limit of 0.80 lbs/MMBTU. This EVEL is approved for as long as the SIP mass emission limit for this source remains the same as determined by 325 IAC 6 - 2 (October 6, 1980 submittal). See Section 52.770(c)(6) and (35). (i) 325 IAC 6 - 2.1 is approved with the State's March 27, 1985, commitment that any ``bubble'' approved by the State under 325 IAC 6 - 2.1 - 2(b) and 3(b) will also be subject to the State's general ``bubble'' regulation, 325 IAC 2 - 4. The State additionally committed that until such time as 325 IAC 2 - 4 is approved as a part of the SIP, all such limits approved under the bubbling provisions of 325 IAC 6 - 2.1 - 2(b) and 3(b) will be submitted as site specific revisions to the SIP. Unless and until these emission point specific limits are approved as a portion of the SIP, the SIP limit for each individual emission point will remain the general limit calculated by means of the formulae in 325 IAC 6 - 2.1 - 2(a) and 3(a), even though a revised emission point specific limit has been adopted by Indiana under 325 IAC 6 - 2.1 - 2(b) and 3(b). See 52.770(c)(50). (j) The revised Lake County Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) Plan, comprised of submittals dated October 11, 1983, October 24, 1983, and April 16, 1984, is disapproved because the State did not demonstrate that it assures attainment and maintenance of the primary TSP National Ambient Air Quality Standards in Lake County, Indiana. See 40 CFR 51.10(b).'0*((Ԍ (k) On January 18, 1984, Indiana submitted a visible emission limit on coke oven battery doors and a limit on total dissolved solids content of coke quench makeup water for Battery Number One at Citizens Gas and Coke Utility in Marion County. These li (l) The revised Porter County TSP plan, as submitted by Indiana on October 15, 1984, is disapproved, because the State did not demonstrate that it assures the attainment and maintenance of the primary TSP NAAQS in Porter County, Indiana. See Section 52.7 70(c)(61). (m) The Indiana Part D TSP plan is disapproved insofar as it does not contain RACT level opacity limits for certain process fugitive sources in TSP nonattainment areas and, therefore, does not meet the requirements of section 172 of the Clean Air Act. (n) Approval--On June 23, 1988, and July 17, 1989, the State of Indiana submitted committal SIPs for particulate  yO matter with an aerodynamic diameter equal to or less than 10 micrometers (PM10) for the Group II areas within Marion and Vigo Counties and all of Porter County, respectively. The committal SIPs meet all the requirements  yO` identified in the July 1, 1987, promulgation of the SIP requirements for PM10 at 52 FR 24681. [37 FR 15084, July 27, 1972]  yO  Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Section 52.776, see the List of CFR Sections Affected in the Finding Aids section of this volume.  yO  Section 52.777 Control strategy: Photochemical oxidants (hydrocarbons).  yO0  (a) The requirements of subpart G of this chapter are not met because the plan does not provide for attainment and maintenance of the national standards for photochemical oxidants (hydrocarbons) in the Metropolitan Indianapolis Intrastate Region by May 31, 1975. (b) The requirements of subpart G are not met by Revised APC - 15 (November 8, 1974 submission) because it does not provide for attainment and maintenance of the photochemical oxidant (hydrocarbon) standards throughout Indiana. (c) Part D--Conditional approval--The 1979 Indiana plan for Clark, Floyd, Elkhart, Lake, Marion, Porter, and St. Joseph Counties is approved provided the following conditions are satisfied: (1) The plan for stationary source volatile organic compound control must contain the following: (i)--(iv) [Reserved] (v) For regulation 325 IAC 8 - 5, Section 6, Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning, the State must conduct a study to demonstrate that the 1,500 gallons exemption meets RACT requirements and submit the results to EPA within 6 months of the effective date of final rulemaking on 325 IAC 8 for VOC from Group II CTG source categories. If the demonstrated emissions resulting from the State's exemption are not essentially equivalent to those resulting from the RACT requirements, then the State must submit to EPA by July 1, 1983, a rule which requires control of emissions from dry cleaning sources using less than 1,500 gallons of perchloroethylene per year. (2) The stationary source volatile organic control measures submitted by the State on October 23, 1990, and August 19, 1991, are approved as described in 40 CFR 52.770(c)(87) with the exception of 326 IAC 8 - 5 - 4 Pneumatic Rubber Tire Manufacturing, on which USEPA has taken no action. It should be noted that although the State's control measures provide that equivalent test methods, alternative emission controls, and revisions in rule applicability must be submitted to the USEPA as proposed revisions to the State Implementation Plan (SIP), such proposed SIP revisions are not part of the SIP unless and until they are approved as such by the USEPA.  {O`"  (d) Part D--Disapproval. The 1982 Indiana plan for Lake and Porter County is disapproved because it does not assure the attainment and maintenance of the NAAQS there. See Section Section 52.770(c)(69) and 52.773(i). No major stationary source, or major modification of a stationary source, of volatile organic compounds may be constructed in Lake and Porter Counties, unless the construction permit application is complete on or before December 19, 1988. The disapproval does not affect USEPA's approval (or con [38 FR 16565, June 22, 1973, as amended at 41 FR 35677, Aug. 24, 1976; 48 FR 2127, Jan. 18, 1983; 51 FR 4916,'0*(( Feb. 10, 1986; 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986; 52 FR 33591, Sept. 4, 1987; 53 FR 46613, Nov. 18, 1988; 57 FR 8086, Mar. 6, 1992]  yO   Section 52.778 Compliance schedules.  yO  (a) The requirements of Section 51.262(a) of this chapter are not met since the compliance schedules for sources of nitrogen oxides extend over a period of more than 18 months and periodic increments of progress are not included. (b)--(c) [Reserved] (d) The compliance schedule for the source identified below is disapproved as not meeting the requirements of subpart N of this chapter. All regulations cited are air pollution control regulations of the State, unless otherwise  yO noted.#dZ6X@KP@# 3'3'StandardAPPLLASE.PRS]\ '3'3StandardAPPLLASE.PRS]\   0*((  Source Location Regulation involved Date schedule adopted   g/  lake county   Commonwealth Edison Co. of Hammond................... APC 13.................... Jan. 18, 1973. Indiana, Inc. (State Line Station).  '3'3StandardAPPLLASE.PRS]\ 3'3'StandardAPPLLASE.PRS]\   x #]\  PC2P# [38 FR 12698 May 14, 1973, as amended at 39 FR 28158, Aug. 5, 1974; 51 FR 40675, 40676, 40677, Nov. 7, 1986; 54 FR 25258, June 14, 1989] Section 52.779 [Reserved]  yO@  Section 52.780 Review of new sources and modifications.  yO  (a) The requirements of Section 51.160(a) of this chapter are not met in that the plan does not contain procedures to enable the State to determine whether construction or modification of coal burning equipment having a heat input of between 350,000 Btuper hour and 1,500,000 Btu per hour will result in violations of applicable portions of the control strategy and section 4(a)(2)(iii) of APC - 19 is disapproved to the extent that it exempts coal burning equipment having a heat input of between 350,000 Btu per hour and 1,500,000 Btu per hour from pre-construction/modification review. (b) - (c) [Reserved] (d) Limited regulation for the review of new sources and modifications. (1) This requirement is applicable to any coal burning equipment other than smokehouse generators, having a heat input of between 350,000 Btu per hour (88.2 Mg - cal/h) and 1,500,000 Btu per hour (378.0 MG cal/h), the construction of which was commenced after May 14, 1973. (2) No owner or operator shall commence construction or modification of any coal burning equipment subject to this regulation without first obtaining approval from the Administrator of the location and design of such source. (i) Application for approval to construct or modify shall be made on forms furnished by the Administrator, (ii) A separate application is required for each source. (iii) Each application shall be signed by the applicant. (iv) Each application shall be accompanied by site information, plans, descriptions, specifications, and drawings showing the design of the source, the nature and amount of emissions, and the manner in which it will be operated and controlled. (v) Any additional information, plans, specifications, evidence, or documentation that the Administrator may require shall be furnished upon request. (3) No approval to construct or modify will be granted unless the applicant shows to the satisfaction of the Administrator that: (i) The source will operate without causing a violation of any local, State, or Federal regulation which is part of the applicable plan; and (ii) The source will not prevent or interfere with attainment or maintenance of any national standard. (4) (i) Within twenty (20) days after receipt of an application to construct, or any addition to such application, the Administrator shall advise the owner or operator of any deficiency in the information submitted in support of the application. In the event of such a deficiency, the date of receipt of the application for the purpose of paragraph (d)(4)(ii) of this section, shall be the date on which all required information is received by the Administrator. (ii) Within thirty (30) days after receipt of a complete application, the Administrator shall:  {O  (a) Make a preliminary determination whether the source should be approved, approved with conditions, or disapproved.  {O!  (b) Make available in at least one location in each region in which the proposed source would be constructed, a copy of all materials submitted by the owner or operator, a copy of the Administrator's preliminary determination and a copy or summary of other materials, if any, considered by the Administrator in making his preliminary determination; and  {O$  (c) Notify the public, by prominent advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in each region in which the proposed source would be constructed, of the opportunity for written public comment on the information submitted by the owner or operator and the Administrator's preliminary determination on the approvability of the source.'0*((Ԍ (iii) A copy of the notice required pursuant to this paragraph shall be sent to the applicant and to state and local air pollution control agencies, having cognizance over the location where the source will be situated. (iv) Public comments submitted in writing within thirty (30) days after the date such information is made available shall be considered by the Administrator in making his final decision on the application. No later than ten (10) days after the closeof the public comment period, the applicant may submit a written response to any comment submitted by the public. The Administrator shall consider the applicant's response in making his final decision. All comments shall be made available for public inspection in at least one location in the region in which the source would be located. (v) The Administrator shall take final action on an application within thirty (30) days after the close of the public comment period. The Administrator shall notify the applicant in writing of his approval, conditional approval, or denial of the application, and shall set forth his reasons for conditional approval or denial. Such notification shall be made available for public inspection in at least one location in the region in which the source would be located. (vi) The Administrator may extend each of the time periods specified in paragraph (d)(4)(ii), (iv) or (v) of this section by no more than 30 days, or such other period as agreed to by the applicant and the Administrator. (5) The Administrator may impose any reasonable conditions upon an approval, including conditions requiring the source to be provided with: (i) Sampling ports of a size, number, and location as the Administrator may require, (ii) Safe access to each port, (iii) Instrumentation to monitor and record emission data, and (iv) Any other sampling and testing facilities. (6) The Administrator may cancel an approval if the construction is not begun within 2 years from the date of issuance, or if during the construction, work is suspended for 1 year. (7) Any owner or operator subject to the provisions of this regulation shall furnish the Administrator written notification as follows: (i) A notification of the anticipated date of initial startup of a source not more than 60 days or less than 30 days prior to such date. (ii) A notification of the actual date of initial startup of a source within 15 days after such date. (8) Within 60 days after achieving the maximum production rate at which the source will be operated but not later than 180 days after initial startup of such source, the owner or operator of such source shall conduct a performance test(s) in accordance with methods and under operating conditions approved by the Administrator and furnish the Administrator a written report of the results of such performance test. (i) Such test shall be at the expense of the owner or operator. (ii) The Administrator may monitor such test and may also conduct performance tests. (iii) The owner or operator of a source shall provide the Administrator 15 days prior notice of the performance test to afford the Administrator the opportunity to have an observer present. (iv) The Administrator may waive the requirement of performance tests if the owner or operator of a source has demonstrated by other means to the Administrator's satisfaction that the source is being operated in compliance with all local, State, andFederal regulations which are part of the applicable plan. (9) [Reserved] (10) Approval to construct or modify shall not relieve any owner or operator of the responsibility to comply with all local, State, and Federal regulations which are part of the applicable plan. (11) Any owner or operator who constructs, modifies, or operates a stationary source not in accordance with the application, as approved and conditioned by the Administrator, or any owner or operator of a stationary source subject to this paragraph who commences construction or modification without applying for and receiving approval hereunder, shall be subject to enforcement action under section 113 of the Act. (e) The requirements of subpart I of this chapter are not met because the State failed to submit a plan for review of new or modified indirect sources. (f) Regulation for review of new or modified indirect sources. The provisions of Section 52.22(b) are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of the applicable implementation of the plan for the State of Indiana. (g) Delegation of authority. (1) The Administrator shall have the authority to delegate responsibility for implementing the procedures for conducting source review pursuant to this section in accordance with paragraphs (f)(2), (3), and (4) of this section.'0*((Ԍ (2) Where the Administrator delegates the responsibility for implementing the procedures for conducting source review pursuant to this section to any Agency, other than a Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency, a copy of the notice pursuant to paragraph (d)(4)(iii) of this section shall be sent to the Administrator through the appropriate Regional Office. (3) In accordance with Executive Order 11752, the Administrator's authority for implementing the procedures for conducting source review pursuant to this section shall not be delegated, other than to a Regional Office of the Environmental ProtectionAgency, for new or modified sources which are owned or operated by the Federal government or for new or modified sources located on Federal lands; except that, with respect to the latter category, where new or modified sources are constructed or operated on Federal lands pursuant to leasing or other Federal agreements, the Federal Land Manager may at his discretion, to the extent permissible under applicable statutes and regulations, require the lessee or permittee to be subject to new source review requirements which have been delegated to a state or local agency pursuant to this paragraph. (4) The Administrator's authority for implementing the procedures for conducting source review pursuant to this section shall not be redelegated, other than to a Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency, for new or modified sources which are located in Indian reservations except where the State has assumed jurisdiction over such land under other laws, in which case the Administrator may delegate his authority to the States in accordance with paragraphs (g) (2), (3), and (4) of this section. [37 FR 10863, May 31, 1972, as amended at 38 FR 12698, May 14, 1973; 39 FR 4663, Feb. 6, 1974; 39 FR 7281, Feb. 25, 1974; 40 FR 50270, Oct. 29, 1975; 51 FR 40677, Nov. 7, 1986]  yO0  Section 52.781 Rules and regulations.  yO  (a) [Reserved] (b) A part of the second sentence in section 3, APC - 17, which states ``Where there is a violation or potential violation of ambient air quality standards, existing emission sources or any existing air pollution control equipment shall comply with th (c) - (d) [Reserved] (e) Section 2(d) of APC - 20, Fugitive Dust Emissions, is disapproved because it is unenforceable within the terms of the regulation. (f) Subsections 3(b)(3) and 3(b)(5) of APC - 2 (May 18, 1977) are disapproved because they are unenforceable within the terms of the regulation. [37 FR 10863, May 31, 1972, as amended at 37 FR 15084, July 27, 1972; 38 FR 12698, May 14, 1973; 40 FR 50033, Oct. 28, 1975; 43 FR 26722, June 22, 1978]  yO  Section 52.782 Request for 18-month extension.  yO@  (a) The requirements of Section 51.341 of this chapter are not met since the request for an 18-month extension for submitting that portion of the plan that implements the secondary standards for particulate matter in the Metropolitan Indianapolis Intrastate Region does not show that attainment of the secondary standards will require emission reductions exceeding those which can be achieved through the application of reasonably available control technology. [37 FR 10863, May 31, 1972, as amended at 51 FR 40677, Nov. 7, 1986]  yO%  Section 52.783 Attainment dates for national standards.  yO'  (a) The following table presents the latest dates by which the national standards are to be attained. These dates  yO' reflect the information presented in Indiana's plan, except where noted.#dZ6X@KP@# 3'3'StandardAPPLLASE.PRS]\ '3'3StandardAPPLLASE.PRS]\  '0*((  E #<6X@K h,@# Pollutant  Particulate matter Sulfur oxides Air quality control  Nitrogen dioxide Carbon monoxide Ozone region Primary Secondary Primary Secondary  East Central Indiana Intrastate (AQCR 76):  E   a. Primary and n...................... n...................... h...................... l...................... m...................... l...................... l. Secondary. b. Remainder of AQCR. a...................... a...................... a...................... a...................... e...................... e...................... e. Evansville (Indiana)- Owensboro, Henderson (Kentucky) Interstate (AQCR 77): a. Primary and l...................... o...................... l...................... l...................... m...................... l...................... m. Secondary. b. Remainder of AQCR. a...................... a...................... d...................... a...................... e...................... e...................... e. Louisville Interstate (AQCR 78): a. Primary and h...................... o...................... l...................... l...................... m...................... l...................... j. Secondary. b. Remainder of AQCR. a...................... a...................... a...................... a...................... e...................... a...................... a. Metropolitan Chicago Interstate (Indiana- Illinois) (AQCR 67): a. Primary and h...................... o...................... h...................... l...................... m...................... j...................... j. Secondary. b. Remainder of AQCR. a...................... c...................... a...................... c...................... a...................... a...................... a. Metropolitan Cincinnati Interstate (AQCR 79): a. Primary and h...................... o...................... l...................... l...................... m...................... l...................... l. Secondary. b. Remainder of AQCR. a...................... a...................... d...................... a...................... e...................... a...................... a. Metropolitan Indianapolis Interstate (AQCR 80): a. Primary and h...................... o...................... h...................... l...................... m...................... h...................... h. Secondary. b. Remainder of AQCR. a...................... a...................... a...................... f...................... a...................... k,g.................... k. Northeast Indiana Intrastate (AQCR 81): a. Primary and l...................... l...................... l...................... l...................... m...................... l...................... h. Secondary. b. Remainder of AQCR. a...................... a...................... e...................... e...................... e...................... e...................... e. South Bend-Elkhart (Indiana) Benton Harbor (Michigan) Interstate (AQCR 82): a. Primary and l...................... o...................... l...................... l...................... m...................... l...................... h. Secondary. b. Remainder of AQCR. a...................... a...................... a...................... a...................... e...................... e...................... e. Southern Indiana Intrastate (AQCR 83): a. Primary and h...................... o...................... l...................... l...................... m...................... l...................... l. Secondary. b. Remainder of AQCR. a...................... a...................... a...................... a...................... e...................... e...................... e. Wabash Valley Intrastate (AQCR 84): a. Primary and h...................... o...................... h...................... l...................... m...................... l...................... l. Secondary. b. Remainder of AQCR. a...................... a...................... a...................... a...................... e...................... e...................... e.   E  Note 1: Dates or footnotes which are italicized are prescribed by the Administrator because the plan did not provide a specific date or the date provided was not acceptable.  Ef Note 2: For actual nonattainment designations, refer to 40 CFR part 81.  E. Note 3: Sources subject to the plan requirement and attainment dates established under section 110(c)(2)(A) prior to the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments remain obligated to comply with these requirements by the earlier deadlines. The earlier attainment dates are set out at 40 CFR 52.783 a. July 1975. b. Five years from plan approval or promulgation."xԌc. Eighteen-month extension granted. d. Air quality levels presently below the primary standards. e. Air quality levels presently below the secondary standards. f. Thirteen-monthextension granted. g. Transportation and/or land use control strategy to be submitted no later than April 15, 1973. h. December 31, 1982. i. December 31, 1985. j. December 31, 1987. k. May 31, 1975. l. None designated. m. Attainment date will be specified in the future. n. November 2, 1981. o. December 31, 1989. '3'3StandardAPPLLASE.PRS]\ 3'3'StandardAPPLLASE.PRS]\   @x # ]\  PC2P# [47 FR 6275, Feb. 11, 1982, as amended at 47 FR 30980, July 16, 1982]  yO   Section 52.784 Transportation and land use controls.  yO  (a) To complete the requirements of subpart L and subpart G of this chapter, the Governor of Indiana must submit to the Administrator: (1) No later than April 15, 1973, transportation and/or land use control strategies and a demonstration that said strategies, along with Indiana's presently adopted stationary source emission limitations for carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons and the Federal Motor Vehicle Control Program, will attain and maintain the national standards for carbon monoxide and photochemical oxidants (hydrocarbons) in the Metropolitan Indianapolis Intrastate Region by May 31, 1975. By such date (April 15, 1973), the State also must submit a detailed timetable for implementing the legislative authority, regulations, and administrative policies required for carrying out the transportation and/or land use control strategies by May 31, 1975. (2) No later than July 30, 1973, the legislative authority that is needed for carrying out such strategies. (3) No later than December 30, 1973, the necessary adopted regulations and administrative policies needed to implement such strategies. [38 FR 7326, Mar. 20, 1973, as amended at 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986]  yO0  Section 52.785 Control strategy: Carbon monoxide.  yO  (a) The requirements of subpart G of this chapter are not met because the plan does not provide for attainment and maintenance of the national standards for carbon monoxide in the Metropolitan Indianapolis Intrastate Region by May 31, 1975. [38 FR 16565, June 22, 1973, as amended at 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986]  yO8  Section 52.786 Inspection and maintenance program.  yO  (a) Definitions:  {O  (1) Inspection and maintenance program means a program to reduce emissions from in-use vehicles through identifying vehicles that need emission control related maintenance and requiring that such maintenance be performed.  {O  (2) Light-duty vehicle means a motor vehicle rated at 6,000 lb. GVW (gross vehicle weight) or less. (3) All other terms used in this section that are defined in part 51, subpart G of this chapter, are used herein with the meanings so defined. (b) This regulation is applicable in the County of Marion, Indiana (including all cities, towns and municipal corporations therein). (c) The State of Indiana shall establish and cause the implementation of an inspection and maintenance program applicable to all gasoline-powered light duty vehicles which are registered in Marion County. Such program shall conform with this Section 52.786. The Consolidated City of Indianapolis, the County of Marion, and other municipalities within the County of Marion, shall take all legislative, executive, or other action necessary to establish and implement the program required by this regulation. (d) Not later than April 1, 1975, the State of Indiana, the County of Marion and the Consolidated City of Indianapolis shall jointly submit to the Administrator, for his approval, legally adopted legislation and/or regulations establishing the regulatory scheme for the inspection/maintenance program required by paragraph (c) of this section. The legislation and/or regulations shall include:'0*((Ԍ (1) Provisions requiring inspection of all light-duty motor vehicles subject to the inspection program required by paragraph (c) of this section at periodic intervals no more than 1 year apart by means of an idle test. Any class or category of vehicles that are found to be rarely used on public streets and highways (such as classic or antique vehicles) may be exempted. (2) Provisions for regulatory criteria that are consistent with achieving an 11 percent reduction of hydrocarbon emissions from light-duty vehicles. (3) Provisions ensuring that failed vehicles receive, within 30 days, the maintenance necessary to achieve compliance with the inspection standards. These provisions shall impose sanctions against owners of non-complying vehicles, require retest of failed vehicles following maintenance, require a suitable distinctive tag or sticker for display on complying vehicles, and include such other measures as are necessary or appropriate. (4) Provisions establishing a certification program to ensure that testing stations performing the required tests have the necessary equipment and knowledgeable operators to perform the tests satisfactorily, imposing sanctions against non-complying testing stations, and containing such other measures as necessary or appropriate to a testing program. (5) Provisions prohibiting vehicles from being intentionally readjusted or modified subsequent to the inspection and/or maintenance in such a way as would cause them no longer to comply with the inspection standards. These may include authorization of spot checks of idle adjustments or of a suitable type of physical seal or tag on vehicles. These provisions shall include appropriate penalties for violation by any person. (6) Designation of agency or agencies responsible for conducting, overseeing, and enforcing the inspection/maintenance program. Private parties may be designated to conduct parts of the program to certify compliance. (e) After July 1, 1976, the State of Indiana, County of Marion, the Consolidated City of Indianapolis, and other municipalities in Marion County shall not allow the operation on streets, roads, or highways under their ownership or control of any light duty motor vehicle subject to the inspection program established pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section that does not comply with the applicable standards and procedures adopted in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section. (f) After July 1, 1976, no person shall operate or allow the operation of any motor vehicle subject to the inspection program established pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section that does not comply with the applicable standards and procedures adopted in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section. (g) No later than October 1, 1974, the State of Indiana, County of Marion, and the Consolidated City of Indianapolis shall jointly submit to the Administrator, for his approval, a detailed compliance schedule showing the steps they will take to establish, operate and enforce the inspection program required by paragraph (c) of this section including: (1) A detailed description of the inspection program required by paragraph (c) of this section (including a description of the way in which the program will be established, operated, and enforced and the respective responsibilities of the State, county, and municipalities for such tasks). (2) A description of the legal authority for establishing and enforcing the inspection/maintenance program, including the text of proposed or adopted legislation and regulations. (3) Specific dates (day, month, and year) by which various steps to implement the inspection/maintenance system will be completed, such steps to include, at a minimum, the following: submitting final plans and specifications for the system to the Administrator for this approval (this date to be no later than February 1, 1975), ordering necessary equipment (this date to be no later than April 15, 1975), commencement of onsite construction and/or installation, and system operational (this date to be no later than April 15, 1975, commencement of onsite construction and/or installation, and system operational (this date to be no later than July 1, 1975). (4) An identification of the sources and amounts of funds necessary to implement the system together with written assurances from the chief executive officers of the State, city, and county that they will seek such necessary funding from the appropriate legislative bodies. (5) Other provisions necessary or appropriate to carry out the program. (h) [Reserved] [39 FR 12348, Apr. 5, 1974, as amended at 46 FR 38, Jan. 2, 1981; 51 FR 40677, Nov. 7, 1986; 55 FR 31052, July 31, 1990] '0*((Ԍ yO ԙ Section 52.787 Gasoline transfer vapor control.  {O  (a) Gasoline means any petroleum distillate having a Reid vapor pressure of 4 pounds or greater. (b) This section is applicable in the County of Marion, Indiana (including all cities, towns and municipal corporations therein). (c) No person shall transfer or permit the transfer of gasoline from any delivery vessel into any stationary source container with a capacity greater than 250 gallons unless such container is equipped with a submerged fill pipe and unless the displaced vapors from the storage container are processed by a control system that prevents release to the atmosphere of no less than 90 percent by weight of organic compounds in said vapors displaced from the stationary storage container location. The controlsystem shall include one or more of the following: (1) A vapor-tight return line from the storage container to the delivery vessel and a system that will ensure that the vapor return line is connected before gasoline can be transferred into the container. If a ``vapor-balance return'' system is usedto meet the requirements of this section, the system shall be so constructed as to be readily adapted to retrofit with an adsorption system, refrigeration-condensation system or equivalent system connected to the stationary storage container. (2) Refrigeration-condensation sys- tem or adsorption system connected to the stationary storage container. (3) An equivalent system, approved by the Administrator or his designee, designed to recover or eliminate no less than 90 percent by weight of the organic compounds in the displaced vapor. (d) No person shall own or operate a delivery vessel containing gasoline unless the delivery vessel is so designed and maintained as to be vapor-tight at all times. This paragraph (d) shall not apply to delivery vessels in transit through Marion County which neither are filled nor deliver gasoline therein, nor shall this paragraph (d) be construed to prohibit safety-valves on other devices required by governmental safety regulations. Delivery vessels which are filled in Marion County but do not deliver in Marion County may be controlled only for filling. (e) No person shall own or operate a facility for the filling of delivery vessels with gasoline unless the facility is equipped with a control system, which can recover or eliminate at least 90 percent by weight of the organic compounds in the vapors displaced from the delivery vessel during refilling. Facilities which have a daily throughput of 20,000 gallons or less are required to have a vapor recovery system in operation no later than May 31, 1977. Delivery vessels and storage containers servedexclusively by facilities required to have a vapor recovery system in operation no later than May 31, 1977, also will be required to meet the provisions of this section no later than May 31, 1977. (f) After March 1, 1976, no person shall intentionally release gasoline vapors from a delivery vessel, except to a control system that can recover or eliminate at least 90 percent by weight of organic compounds in the vapors released. (g) The provisions of paragraph (c) of this section shall not apply to the following: (1) Stationary containers having a capacity less than 550 gallons used exclusively for the fueling of farming equipment. (2) Any stationary container having a capacity less than 2,000 gallons installed prior to promulgation of this paragraph. (3) Transfer made to storage tanks equipped with floating roofs or their equivalent. (4) Gasoline storage compartments of 1,000 gallons or less in gasoline delivery vessels in use on the promulgated date of this regulation will not be required to be retrofitted with a vapor return system until January 1, 1977. (h) The operation of a source, otherwise, subject to paragraph (c), (d), or (e) of this section, shall not be a violation of paragraph (c), (d), or (e), respectively, if the following acts shall be completed with respect to such source before the following dates: (1) October 1, 1974. The owner of the source or his designee shall submit to the Administrator, a final control plan, which describes at a minimum the steps that will be taken by the source to achieve compliance with the applicable provisions of paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section. (2) March 1, 1975. Negotiate and sign all necessary contracts for control systems, or issue orders for the purchase of component parts to accomplish emission control. (3) May 1, 1975. Initiate on-site construction or installation of control system equipment. (4) February 1, 1976. Complete on-site construction or installation of control system equipment.'0*((Ԍ (5) March 1, 1976. Achieve final compliance with the applicable provisions of paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section. (6) Any owner of a source subject to the compliance schedule in this paragraph shall certify to the Administrator, within 5 days after the deadline for each increment of progress, whether or not the required increment of progress has been met. (i) As an alternative to compliance with the schedule under paragraph (h) of this section: (1) The owner of a source which is in compliance with the provisions of paragraph (c), (d), or (e) of this section, shall certify such compliance to the Administrator by October 1, 1974. The Administrator may request whatever supporting information he considers necessary for proper certification. (2) A source for which a compliance schedule is adopted by the State and approved by the Administrator may operate in conformity with such compliance schedule. (3) The owner of a source may submit to the Administrator, by October 1, 1974, a proposed alternative compliance schedule. No such schedule may provide for compliance after March 1, 1976. Until promulgated by the Administrator, such source shall conform with applicable portions of paragraph (c), (d), (e), or (h) of this section. Upon promulgation of the compliance schedule by the Administrator, no person shall own or operate the source except in conformity with the promulgated schedule. (j) Nothing in this section shall preclude the Administrator from promulgating a separate schedule for any source to which the application of the compliance schedule in paragraph (h) of this section fails to satisfy the requirements of Section 51.15 (b)and (c) of this chapter. (k) Any new container, facility, or vessel subject to this regulation that is placed in operation after October 1, 1974, shall within 30 days of commencing operation submit a compliance schedule in conformity with paragraph (i) of this section and shall otherwise comply with this section. Any facility subject to this regulation that is placed in operation after March 1, 1976, shall comply with the applicable requirements of this section immediately upon commencing operation. [39 FR 12349, Apr. 5, 1974, as amended at 39 FR 41253, Nov. 26, 1974; 41 FR 56643, Dec. 29, 1976; 42 FR 29004, June 7, 1977]  yO  Section Section 52.788--52.791 [Reserved]  yO8  Section 52.792 Maintenance of national standards.  yO  (a) The requirements of Section 51.110(h) of this chapter are not met because the State neither identified areas of the State that have the potential for violation of air quality standards within 10 years nor provided a justification that there are no suc (b) The areas listed below are identified by the Administrator pursuant to Section 51.110 (h) and (i) of this chapter as having the potential for violation of the specified air quality standards within 10 years. The identified areas consist of the territorial area encompassed by the boundaries of the given jurisdictions or described area including the territorial areas of all municipalities (as defined in section 302(f) of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 1857h(f)) geographically located within the outermost boundaries of the area so delimited. (1) Evansville Interstate Air Quality Maintenance Area (Indiana portion). (i) Pollutants for which the area is identified: Particulate matter and sulfur dioxide. (ii) Geographical composition of the area: Vanderburgh County. (2) Illinois-Indiana-Wisconsin Interstate Air Quality Maintenance Area (Indiana portion). (i) Pollutants for which the area is identified: Particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and photochemical oxidants. (ii) Geographical composition of the area: Porter County, Lake County.'0*((Ԍ (3) Indianapolis Air Quality Maintenance Area. (i) Pollutants for which the area is identified: Particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and photochemical oxidants. (ii) Geographical composition of the area: Marion County. (4) Louisville Interstate Air Quality Maintenance Area (Indiana portion). (i) Pollutants for which the area is identified: Particulate matter and sulfur dioxide. (ii) Geographical composition of the area: Clark County, Floyd County. [40 FR 23753, June 2, 1975, as amended at 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986]  yO  Section 52.793 Significant deterioration of air quality.  yOH  (a) The requirements of sections 160 through 165 of the Clean Air Act are not met, since the plan does not include approvable procedures for preventing the significant deterioration of air quality.  {O  (b) Regulations for preventing significant deterioration of air quality. The provisions of Section 52.21(b) through (w) are hereby incorporated and made a part of the applicable state plan for the State of Indiana. (c) All applications and other information required pursuant to Section 52.21 from sources located in the State of Indiana shall be submitted to the Commissioner, Indiana Department of Environmental Management, 105 South Meridian Street, P.O. Box 6015, Indianapolis, IN 46206. [45 FR 52741, Aug. 7, 1980, as amended at 53 FR 18985, May 26, 1988]  yO  Section 52.794 Source surveillance.  yOr  (a) The requirements of 51.212 of this chapter are not met by the phrase ``for more than a cumulative total of 15 minutes in a 24-hour period'' contained in section 1 of APC - 3 of the Indiana Air Pollution Control Regulations. (b) [Reserved] (c) 325 IAC 5 - 1 (October 6, 1980, submittal--Section 52.770(c)(53)) is disapproved for the Lake County sources specifically listed in Table 2 of 325 IAC 6 - 1 - 10.2 (Section 52.770(c)(57)); for pushing and quenching sources throughout the State (August 27, 1981, 325 IAC 11 - 3 - 2 (g) and (h)--Section 52.770(c)(42)); and for coke oven doors in Lake and Marion Counties (325 IAC 11 - 3 - 2(f)--Section 52.770(c)(42)). Applicability of this regulation to these sources is being disapproved because 325 IAC 5 - 1 does not meet the enforceability requirements of Section 51.22 as it applies to these sources. Opacity limits in 325 IAC 6 - 1 - 10.2 and certain opacity limits in 325 IAC 11 - 3 supersede those in 325 IAC 5 - 1, and USEPA has previously disapproved these superseding regulations (Section 52.776 (j), (g), and (f), respectively). [40 FR 50033, Oct. 28, 1975; 41 FR 3475, Jan. 23, 1976, as amended at 48 FR 55860, Dec. 16, 1983; 51 FR 40676, 40677, Nov. 7, 1986; 52 FR 3644, Feb. 5, 1987; 52 FR 23038, June 17, 1987]  yO#  Section 52.795 Control strategy: Sulfur dioxide.  yO%  (a) Revised APC - 13 (December 5, 1974 submission) of Indiana's Air Pollution Control regulations (sulfur dioxide emission limitation) is disapproved insofar as the provisions identified below will interfere with the attainment and maintenance of the suffer dioxide ambient air quality standards:'0*((Ԍ (1) The phrase ``equivalent full load'' in section 1(b)(2).  yO  (2) The formula ``E p =17.0 Q m 0 67 where E p =E m x Q m '' in section 2(a). (3) The phrase ``Direct fired process operations'' in sections 2(a), 3(c), 4(b), and 4(c).  yOX  (4) The modification of Q m for non-Indiana coal as expressed in Section 2(a). (b) The requirements of Section 51.281 are not met by Warrick and Culley electrical generating stations enforcement orders which would revise the sulfur dioxide emission limitations for these two stations. (c) The requirements of Section 51.110(e) are not met by Wayne, Dearborn, Jefferson, Porter, and Warrick Counties. (d)--(e) [Reserved] [41 FR 35677, Aug. 24, 1976, as amended at 42 FR 34519, July 6, 1977; 47 FR 10825, Mar. 12, 1982; 47 FR 39168, Sept, 7 1982; 49 FR 585, Jan. 5, 1984; 51 FR 40676, 40677, Nov. 7, 1986; 53 FR 1358, Jan. 19, 1988; 54 FR 2118, Jan. 19, 1989]  yO  Section 52.796 Industrial continuous emission monitoring.  yOH  (a) APC - 8, Appendix I 1.2.3, 3.3, and 6.0 are disapproved because they do not meet the requirements of 40 CFR 51.214. (b)(1) The requirements of 40 CFR 51, Appendix P 3.3 are hereby incorporated and made a part of the applicable implementation plan for the State of Indiana. (2) APC - 8 does not apply to any source scheduled for retirement by October 6, 1980, or within five years after the promulgation of continuous emission monitoring requirements for that source category in 40 CFR part 51, Appendix P 1.1, provided that adequate evidence and guarantees are provided that clearly show that the source will cease operations on or before such date. [43 FR 26722, June 22, 1978, as amended at 51 FR 40677, Nov. 7, 1986]  yO  Section 52.797 Control strategy: Lead.  yO8  Indiana's control strategy for lead is approved except as noted below: (a)--(b) [Reserved] (c) On January 12, 1988, Indiana'a Office of Air Management (OAM), Indiana Department of Environmental Management, agreed to review all relevant hood designs and performance guidance to determine which criteria to use in determining ongoing compliance with the capture efficiency provisions in 326 IAC 15 - 1 for Quemetco, Inc., and Refined Metals. Because these efficiencies are closely related to equipment design, OAM believes that a review of the process and control equipment designs and operating paramenters should provide the necessary determination of compliance. OAM will work with the Indianapolis local agency, the Indianapolis Air Pollution Control Division, on viable alternatives and will keep USEPA up to date on its progress. OAM anticipates that specific criteria for determining compliance will be incorporated into the sources' operation permits (and forwarded to USEPA for informational purposes), and, should the opportunity arise, 326 IAC 15 - 1 will be revised to similarly incorporate capture efficiency criteria. [53 FR 12905, Apr. 19, 1988, as amended at 53 FR 38722, Oct. 3, 1988; 54 FR 33896, Aug. 17, 1989]