Subpart BB--Montana 52.1370 Identification of plan. (a) Title of plan: ``Implementation Plan for Control of Air Pollution in Montana.'' (b) The plan was officially submitted on March 22, 1972. (c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified. (1) Non-regulatory changes to the plan involving compliance schedules, emergency episodes, and air quality surveillance submitted May 10, 1972, by the State Department of Health. (2) Plan revisions (Regulation 90 - 001, Part VI, Part VIII, Part XII) submitted June 26, 1972, by the Governor. (3) The Governor submitted the Air Quality Maintenance Area identification to the Administrator on June 24, 1974. (4) The Governor submitted revision to the Air Quality Maintenance Areas on January 25, 1975. (5) Sulfur oxides control strategy and compliance schedule for the American Smelting and Refining Company submitted May 21, 1975, by the Governor. (6) Sulfur oxides control strategy for the Billings and Laurel areas and schedule of Compliance for the Farmers Union Central Exchange (CENEX) refinery in Laurel submitted by the Governor on January 26, 1978. (7) On May 5, September 4, and October 1, 1975, the Governor submitted revisions which amended regulations applicable to incinerators, industrial processes, storage of petroleum products, aluminum refineries, and malfunctions. (8) On April 24, and October 4, 1979, the Governor submitted revisions for Anaconda, East Helena, and Laurel--SO2; Billings, Butte, Columbia Falls, Colstrip, East Helena, Great Falls, and Missoula-- TSP; Billings and Missoula--CO; and Yellowstone County--ozone. No action is taken with regard to the revised new source review regulation, the revised stack height regulation, or the control strategies for East Helena SO2 and Yellowstone County ozone. (9) On February 21, 1980 the Governor submitted a plan revision to meet the requirements of Air Quality Monitoring, 40 CFR part 58, subpart C, 58.20. (10) On April 24, October 4, 1979, and January 7, 1980, the Governor submitted revisions to meet Part D and other sections of the Clean Air Act, as amended in l977. No action is taken with regard to the revised stack height regulation. (11) On April 21, 1982, and April 22, 1982, Montana submitted revisions to the open burning regulation and redesignated the Anaconda area from nonattainment to attainment for sulfur dioxide (SO2). (12) On January 19, 1983, Montana submitted revisions to the State Implementation Plan to meet the requirements of Part C, Subpart 1, and section 110 of the Clean Air Act. (13) On July 20, 1982 Montana submitted revisions which amended the State's rules relating to malfunctions. (14) Revisions to the SIP for Missoula and Billings Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Missoula Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) Attainment Plans were submitted by the Governor on August 14, 1981. A revision specifying a list of statewide source test procedures was submitted by the Governor on September 21, 1981. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Letter from Governor Ted Schwinden to EPA Region VIII Regional Administrator dated September 21, 1981, and document entitled ``Montana SDHED - AQB Sampling and Analytical Procedures'' as part of the SIP, adopted December 31, 1972. (B) Missoula City Council Resolution Number 4146 approving amendments to Missoula Total Suspended Particulate and Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Attainment Plans, adopted on May 4, 1981. (C) Missoula Board of County Commissioners Resolution number 81 - 73 approving changes in the Missoula TSP and CO State Implementation Plan, adopted on May 13, 1981. (ii) Additional material. (A) ``Missoula SIP Revisions; Revision to Total Suspended Particulates Stategies and Strategy Development and Implementation for Carbon Monoxide,'' 1981. (B) Certification of approval by Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences on May 28, 1981 of the ``Transportation Control Plan'' (July, 1980) prepared by Billings-Yellowstone City-County Planning Board. (C) Billings-Yellowstone City-County Planning Board ``Transportation Control Plan'', July, 1980, approved on May 28, 1981. (15) On September 29, 1983, the Governor submitted the Montana State Implementation Plan revision for lead. (16) A revision to the East Helena nonattainment plan for sulfur dioxide (SO2) was submitted on June 7, 1982, and supplemental information was submitted October 4, 1983. (17) On September 21, 1981 the Governor submitted a permit which had been issued to the Western Energy Company as required in the conditional approval of the Colstrip TSP plan. (18) In a letter dated March 28, 1986, the Governor submitted modifications to the Montana SIP which revised rules governing stack height and dispersion techniques. In a letter dated November 25, 1985, the Chief of the Air Quality Bureau, Montana, submitted the stack height demonstration analysis with supplemental information submitted on January 28, 1986. EPA is approving the demonstration analysis for all of the stacks except the ASARCO stacks. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Revisions to the Administrative Rules of Montana effective on June 13, 1986. The modifications repeal Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM 116.8.1201, 116.8.1202 and 16.8.1203 in Subchapter 12 and adds ARM 16.8.1204 (Definitions), 16.8.1205 (Requirements), and 16.8.1206 (Exemptions). (B) Stack height demonstration analysis submitted by the State on November 25, 1985 (except for materials pertaining to ASARCO), and January 28, 1986 (except for meterials pertaining to ASARCO and Appendix A). (19) On August 21, 1985 and September 5, 1989, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the plan. The submittal revised existing Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) regulations. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Amendments to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 16.8.921 (27), (Definitions), effective April 1, 1983. (B) Amendments to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 16.8.921(2), (Definitions), effective September 13, 1985. (C) Amendments to the ARM 16.8.921(21) and (27) (Definitions), ARM 16.8.936 (Exemptions from Review], ARM 1 6.8.937 (Air Quality Models), and ARM 16.8.941 (Class I Variances--General), effective June 16, 1989. (ii) Additional material. (A) February 29, 1988 letter from Douglas Skie, EPA, to Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief of the Montana Air Quality Bureau. (B) September 9, 1988 letter from Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief of the Montana Air Quality Bureau, to Douglas Skie, EPA. (C) December 14, 1988 letter from Douglas Skie, EPA, to Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief of the Montana Air Quality Bureau. (D) April 28, 1989 letter from Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief of the Montana Air Quality Bureau, to Douglas Skie, EPA. (20) A revision to the SIP was submitted by the Governor on August 21, 1985, for visibility monitoring and new source review. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Revision to the Montana SIP was made on July 19, 1985, for visibility new source review and monitoring. (B) Revision to the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) was made on July 19, 1985, for visibility which includes new regulations ARM 16.8.1001 - .1008 and revising ARM 16.8.1107(3). (21) Revisions to Montana TSP SIP for Butte were submitted by Governor Ted Schwinden on February 10, 1983. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) State of Montana Air Quality Control, Implementation Plan, Chapter 5C, Butte, adopted January 14, 1983. (B) Air quality Permit #1749 for Anaconda Minerals Company filed March 28, 1983. (22) Revisions to the Montana CO SIP for Great Falls were submitted by the Governor on March 28, 1986. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Montana Refining Company permit dated October 20, 1985. (B) Stipulation in the matter of the Montana Refining Company dated December 2, 1985. (ii) Additional material. (A) Montana SIP, chapter 5(3)D. Great Falls (Date: March 14, 1986). (B) Pre-filed testimony by the Department of Health and Environmental Services dated February 28, 1986. (23) On March 9, 1988, the Governor submitted a plan revising the State's Air Quality Modeling Rule (16.8.937) and its Particulate Matter, Fuel Burning Equipment Rule (16.8.1402). (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Modification to the State of Montana Air Quality Rules, that is the Air Quality Modeling rule (16.8.937) and the Particulate Matter, Fuel Burning Equipment rule (16.8.1402) adopted on January 15, 1988. (24) On July 13, 1990, the Governor of Montana submitted revisions to the Montana Air Quality Rules, Sub-chapter 9, Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality (PSD) Regulations, to incorporate the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) increments. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Revisions to the Montana Air Quality Rules, Subchapter 9, Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality (PSD) effective on July 12, 1990. (ii) Additional material. (A) October 22, 1990 letter from Douglas Skie, EPA, to Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief, Montana Air Quality Bureau. (B) December 4, 1990 letter from Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief, Montana Air Quality Bureau, to Douglas Skie, EPA. (C) January 4, 1991 letter from Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief, Montana Air Quality Bureau, to Douglas Skie, EPA. (D) April 30, 1991 letter from Douglas Skie, EPA, to Jeffrey Chaffee, Chief, Montana Air Quality Bureau. [37 FR 10877, May 31, 1972] Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting 52.1370, see the List of CFR Sections Affected in the Finding Aids section of this volume. 52.1371 Classification of regions. The Montana plan was evaluated on the basis of the following classifications: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pollutant ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Air quality control region Particulate Sulfur Nitrogen Carbon matter oxides dioxide monoxide Ozone ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Billings Intrastate...................................... II II III III III Great Falls Intrastate................................... III IA III III III Helena Intrastate........................................ IA IA III III III Miles City Intrastate.................................... III III III III III Missoula Intrastate...................................... I III III III III ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ [37 FR 10877, May 31, 1972, as amended at 45 FR 14043, Mar. 4, 1980] 52.1372 Approval status. With the exceptions set forth in this subpart, the Administrator approves Montana's plans for the attainment and maintenance of the national standards under section 110 of the Clean Air Act. Furthermore, the Administrator finds the plans satisfy all requirements of Part D, Title I, of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1977, except as noted below. [45 FR 2036, Jan. 10, 1980] 52.1373 Control strategy: Sulfur oxides. (a) Part D--Conditional Approval--The East Helena plan is approved provided that the following conditions are met by May 1, 1981: (1) A field study will be performed in the vicinity of the ASARCO smelter complex which clearly demonstrates the stack height for the blast furnace stack which represents good engineering practice; and (2) The control strategy will be amended, if necessary, to demonstrate attainment of the national standards using the good engineering practice stack height determined through the field study. [45 FR 76688, Nov. 20, 1980] 52.1374 Review of new sources and modifications. (a) The requirements of 51.18 of this chapter are not met because the State failed to submit a plan for the review of new or modified indirect sources. (b) Regulation for review of new or modified indirect sources. The provisions of 52.22(b) are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of the applicable implementation plan for the State of Montana. [37 FR 10877, May 31, 1972] 52.1375 Attainment dates for national standards. The following table presents the latest dates by which the national standards are to be attained. These dates reflect the information presented in Montana's plan, except where noted. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pollutant ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Air quality control region and Particulate matter Sulfur oxides nonattainment area ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Nitrogen Carbon Ozone Primary Secondary Primary Secondary dioxide monoxide ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Billings Intrastate: a. Yellowstone County................... c c a c b e b b. Billings............................. e e a c b f b c. Laurel............................... c c e e b b b d. Remainder AQCR....................... c c a c b b b Great Falls Intrastate: a. Great Falls.......................... e e c c b e b b. Remainder AQCR....................... b b c c b b b Helena Intrastate: a. Anaconda............................. b b h h b b b b. East Helena.......................... e e e e b b b c. Butte................................ e g b b b b b d. Remainder AQCR....................... b b b b b b b Miles City Intrastate: a. Colstrip............................. e g b b b b b b. Remainder AQCR....................... b b b b b b b Missoula Intrastate: a. Missoula............................. f f b b b f b b. Columbia Falls....................... e e b b b b b c. Remainder AQCR....................... c c b b b b b ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ a. Air quality levels presently below primary standards or area is unclassifiable. b. Air quality levels presently below secondary standards or area is unclassifiable. c. July 1975. d. May 31, 1977. e. December 31, 1982. f. December 31, 1985. g. Eighteen-month extension granted. h. May 19, 1981. Note: Footnotes which are italic are prescribed by the Administrator because the plans do not provide a specific date, or the date provided is not acceptable. Source: Subject to plan requirements and attainment dates established under section 110(a)(2)(A) of the Act prior to the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments remains obligated to comply with those requirements by the earlier deadlines. The earlier attainment dates are set out at 40 CFR 52.325 (1978). [45 FR 76687, Nov. 20, 1980, as amended at 51 FR 2399, Jan. 16, 1986] 52.1376 Extensions. (a) The Administrator hereby extends for 2 years the attainment date for the primary standards for sulfur oxides in the Helena Intrastate Region. (b) The Administrator hereby extends for 18 months the statutory timetable for submission of the plan for the attainment and maintenance of the secondary standards for sulfur oxides in the Helena Intrastate Region. (c) The Administrator hereby extends until July 1, 1980, the timetable for submitting a plan to attain and maintain the secondary particulate standard in the Butte and Colstrip nonattainment areas. [37 FR 15085, July 27, 1972, as amended at 45 FR 14043, Mar. 4, 1980] 52.1377 [Reserved] 52.1378 General requirements. (a) The requirements of 51.116(c) of this chapter are not met since the legal authority to provide for public availability of emission data is inadequate. (b) Regulation for public availability of emission data. (1) Any person who cannot obtain emission data from the Agency responsible for making emission data available to the public, as specified in the applicable plan, concerning emissions from any source subject to emission limitations which are part of the approved plan may request that the appropriate Regional Administrator obtain and make public such data. Within 30 days after receipt of any such written request, the Regional Administrator shall require the owner or operator of any such source to submit information within 30 days on the nature and amounts of emissions from such source and any other information as may be deemed necessary by the Regional Administrator to determine whether such source is in compliance with applicable emission limitations or other control measures that are part of the applicable plan. (2) Commencing after the initial nonecessary by the Regional Administrator pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the owner or operator of the source shall maintain records of the nature and amounts of emissions from such source and any other information as may be deemed necessary by the Regional Administrator to determine whether such source is in compliance with applicable emission limitations or other control measures that are part of the plan. The information recorded shall be summarized and reported to the Regional Administrator, on forms furnished by the Regional Administrator, and shall be submitted within 45 days after the end of the reporting period. Reporting periods are January 1 to June 30 and July 1 to December 31. (3) Information recorded by the owner or operator and copies of this summarizing report submitted to the Regional Administrator shall be retained by the owner or operator for 2 years after the date on which the pertinent report is submitted. (4) Emission data obtained from owners or operators of stationary sources will be correlated with applicable emission limitations and other control measures that are part of the applicable plan and will be available at the appropriate regional office and at other locations in the state designated by the Regional Administrator. [39 FR 34536, Sept. 26, 1974, as amended at 40 FR 55331, Nov. 28, 1975; 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986] 52.1379 Legal authority. (a) The requirements of 51.230(f) of this chapter are not met, since section 69 - 3918 of the Montana Clean Air Act could, in some circumstances prohibit the disclosure of emission data to the public. Therefore, section 69 - 3918 is disapproved. [39 FR 34536, Sept. 26, 1974, as amended at 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986] 52.1380 Control strategy: Total suspended particulates. Part D--Conditional Approval--The Butte plan is approved provided that the following condition is met: (a) For Butte, by February 15, 1981, the State will submit a revised airborne particulate regulation as specified in their October 4, 1979, submittal to EPA. (b) [Reserved] [50 FR 16476, Apr. 26, 1985] 52.1381 Maintenance of national standards. (a) The areas listed below which were identified by the State of Montana are hereby identified by the Administrator pursuant to 51.110 (h) and (i) of this chapter as having the potential for violation of the specified air quality standards within 10 years. The identified areas consist of the territorial area encompassed by the boundaries of the given jurisdictions or described area including the territorial area of all municipalities (as defined in section 302(f) of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C.1857h(f)) geographically located within the outermost boundaries of the area so delimited. (1) Anaconda-Butte Air Quality Maintenance area. (i) Pollutants for which the area is identified: Particulate matter and sulfur dioxide. (ii) Geographical composition of area: Deer Lodge County, Silver Bow County. (2) Billings Air Quality Maintenance Area. (i) Pollutants for which the area is identified: Particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide. (ii) Geographical composition of area: Big Horn County; (excluding Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation), Carbon County, Stillwater County, Sweet Grass County, Yellowstone County. (3) Helena Air Quality Maintenance Area. (i) Pollutant for which the area is identified: Sulfur dioxide. (ii) Geographical composition of area: Lewis and Clark County. (4) Kalispell Air Quality Maintenance Area. (i) Pollutant for which the area is identified: Particulate matter. (ii) Geographical composition of area: Flathead County, Lake County. (5) Missoula Air Quality Maintenance Area. (i) Pollutants for which the area is identified: Particulate matter and carbon monoxide. (ii) Geographical composition of area: Missoula County. (6) Southeastern Montana Coal Resource Air Quality Maintenance Area. (i) Pollutants for which the area is identified: Particulate matter and sulfur dioxide. (ii) Geographical composition of area: Carter County, Custer County, Fallon County, Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in Bighorn County, Powder River County, Rosebud County, Treasure County. [40 FR 23754, June 2, 1975, as amended at 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986] 52.1382 Prevention of significant deterioration of air quality. (a) The Montana plan, as submitted, is approved as meeting the requirements of Part C, Subpart 1 of the Clean Air Act, except that it does not apply to sources proposing to construct on Indian Reservations. (b) Regulation for preventing of significant deterioration of air quality. The provisions of 52.21 (b) through (w) are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of the Montana State Implementation Plan and are applicable to proposed major stationary sources or major modifications to be located on Indian Reservations. (c)(1) Except as set forth in this paragraph, all areas of Montana are designated Class II. (2) The Northern Cheyene Indian Reservation is designated Class I. (3) The Flathead Indian Reservation is designated Class I. (4) The Fort Peck Indian Reservation is designated Class I. [42 FR 40697, Aug. 11, 1977, as amended at 47 FR 23928, June 2, 1982; 48 FR 20233, May 5, 1983; 49 FR 4735, Feb. 8, 1984; 53 FR 48645, Dec. 2, 1988; 55 FR 19262, May 9, 1990; 55 FR 22333, June 1, 1990] 52.1384 [Reserved] 52.1385 Source surveillance. (a) Part D--Conditional Approval--The requirements of section 110 of the Clean Air Act are not met since the State does not specify source testing procedures in many of its emission limitations. However, this section is approved provided the State submits a list of acceptable source test methods for each emission limitation by August 1, 1980. [45 FR 62985, Sept. 23, 1980] 52.1386 Malfunction regulations. Regulation ARM 16 - 2, 14(1), S14000 is disapproved because it would permit the exemption of sources from the applicable emission limitations and therefore does not satisfy the enforcement imperatives of section 110 of the Clean Air Act. [45 FR 14044, Mar. 4, 1980] 52.1387 Visibility protection. (a) The requirements of section 169A of the Clean Air Act are not met because the plan does not include approvable procedures for protection of visibility in mandatory Class I Federal areas. (b) Long-term strategy. The provisions of 52.29 are hereby incorporated into the applicable plan for the State of Montana. [52 FR 45138, Nov. 24, 1987] 52.1388 Stack height regulations. The State of Montana has committed to revise its stack height regulations should EPA complete rulemaking to respond to the decision in NRDC v. Thomas, 838 F. 2d 1224 (D.C. Cir. 1988). In a letter to Douglas M. Skie, EPA, dated May 6, 1988, Jeffrey T. Chaffee, Chief, Air Quality Bureau, stated: * * * We are submitting this letter to allow EPA to continue to process our current SIP submittal with the understanding that if EPA's response to the NRDC remand modifies the July 8, 1985 regulations, EPA will notify the State of the rules that must be changed to comply with the EPA's modified requirements. The State of Montana agrees to make the appropriate changes. [54 FR 24341, June 7, 1989. Redesignated at 55 FR 19262, May 9, 1990]