Subpart B--Alabama 52.50 Identification of plan. (a) Title of plan: ``Air Quality Implementation Plan for the State of Alabama.'' (b) The plan was officially submitted on January 25, 1972. (c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified. (1) Letter informing Governor of Florida of submittal of Alabama Implementation Plan submitted on March 21, 1972, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (2) Compliance schedules submitted on April 18, 1972, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (3) Clarifying comments on the plan submitted on April 28, 1972, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (4) Semi-annual report, miscellaneous non-regulatory additions to the plan, compliance schedules and miscellaneous regulatory additions to Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 9 submitted on February 15, 1973, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (5) Transportation control plans submitted on April 24, 1973, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (6) Miscellaneous non-regulatory additions to the plan submitted on June 29, 1973, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (7) Miscellaneous non-regulatory additions and complex source regulation, Chapter 10, submitted on September 26, 1973, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (8) Plan revisions to Chapter 5 concerning sulfur compound emissions submitted on October 31, 1973, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (9) Revision to Part 4.10, Primary Aluminum Plants, and redefinition of ``Solid Particulate Matter'' in section 1.2.1 submitted on May 27, 1974, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (10) AQMA identifications submitted on June 17, 1974, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (11) Coke oven regulations, Part 4.9 excluding section 4.9.4, submitted on June 20, 1974, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (12) Revised limits on particulate emissions from Portland cement plants, submitted on June 4, 1975, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (13) Revised limits on sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid mist emissions from sulfuric acid plants, submitted on July 25, 1975, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (14) Revised area classification system for fuel combustion sources of sulfur dioxide and initial classification of Counties, submitted on May 1 and October 9, 1975, respectively, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (15) Revised emergency level for photochemical oxidants (emergency episode control plan) submitted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on April 23, 1976. (16) Revised SO2 emissions from gas processing plants submitted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on July 21, 1976. (17) Regulations equivalent to EPA's New Source Performance Standards (40 CFR part 60) and continuous monitoring requirements for existing stationary sources (40 CFR 51.19), submitted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on October 28, 1976. (18) Revised regulations for the charging and pushing of coke in existing conventional batteries, submitted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on July 14, 1978. (19) Part 4.12, dealing with particulate emissions from xylene oxidation, submitted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on September 13, 1978. (20) 1979 implementation plan revisions for nonattainment areas (TSP and ozone), submitted on April 19, 1979, (as clarified by a letter of August 10, 1979), by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (21) Revisions in permit regulations as follows: (i) Title of 16.3.2. is changed to ``Permits to Construct in or near Nonattainment Areas;'' (ii) a subparagraph (9), ``Significant Impact,'' is added to paragraph 16.3.2.(b); (iii) paragraph 16.3.2.(c) is revised; and (iv) subparagraph 16.3.2.(d)(5) is deleted; these revisions were adopted on February 13, 1980, and submitted on February 20, 1980, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission to correct deficiencies in the Part D revisions given conditional approval by EPA on November 26, 1979. (22) 1979 implementation plan revisions for sulfur dioxide nonattainment areas in Colbert, Lauderdale, and Jackson Counties, adopted on August 28, 1979, and submitted on September 6, 1979 by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (23) Request for an 18-month extension of the statutory deadline for submitting a plan to attain and maintain the secondary standard for sulfur dioxide in the Jackson County nonattainment area, submitted on September 6, 1979, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (24) Revision to the State Implementation Plan to delete the indirect source regulations submitted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on December 12, 1978. (25) Revised emergency episode control plan, updating procedures and raising the alert level for ozone from 0.10 ppm to 0.15 ppm, submitted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on January 11, 1980. (26) Revision to the State Implementation Plan for an air quality surveillance network was submitted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on January 9, 1980. (27) Alternative compliance schedules for nine sources of volatile organic compounds, submitted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on July 3, 1980. (28) Revisions to Chapter 6 of the Alabama Rules and Regulations were submitted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on April 1, 1981. (29) Alternative TSP control strategy for 3M Company's Guin plant, submitted on February 4, 1981, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (30) Revisions in Chapters 12 and 13, adopting Federal NSPS and NESHAPS regulations by reference, submitted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on June 26, 1981. (31) Alternative compliance schedules for VOC sources, submitted on June 25, 1981, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (32) Regulations providing for prevention of significant deterioration (additions to Chapter 16 of the Alabama regulations), submitted on January 29, 1981, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (33) Alternative particulate control requirements for Kimberly-Clark Corporation's #3 bark boiler, Coosa Pines (revisions in Part 4.8 of the Alabama regulations), submitted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on February 4 and August 31, 1981. (34) Request for 18-month extension of the deadline for submitting a plan to attain and maintain the secondary ambient standard for particulate matter in the Etowah County nonattainment area, submitted on May 19, 1981, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (35) Revision for Jackson County secondary sulfur dioxide nonattainment area, submitted on June 9, 1980, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (36) Set II VOC regulations, submitted on February 12, 1982, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission and on May 5, 1983, by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. (37) Provisions for new source review in nonattainment areas (changes in Chapter 16 of the regulations), submitted on March 31, 1981, by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission. (38) Bubble for Union Camp Corporation's Prattville, Alabama kraft pulp mill, submitted on January 21, 1983, January 20, 1984, and March 9, 1984, by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM). (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Alabama Department of Environmental Management Resolution and Regulation 4.8.4, dealing with control of particulate emissions from wood waste boilers, was adopted on December 9, 1983. (B) Alabama Environmental Management Commission Resolution and Regulation 4.7.5, dealing with particulate emissions from kraft pulp mills, was adopted on March 7, 1984. (ii) Other material. (A) None. (39) Changes to air permit requirements, submitted on February 19, 1985, and on March 28, 1985, by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM). (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Amendment to ADEM Air Rules & Regulations Chapter 16.1, submitted on March 28, 1985, and State-adopted on March 13, 1985. Allows delegation of permitting authority to locals. (B) Amendment to ADEM Air Rules & Regulations Chapter 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, and 16.4, submitted on February 19, 1985, and State-adopted on February 13, 1985. Consolidates Permit to Construct, Operate and Temporary Permit, into one Air Permit. (ii) Additional information. (A) None. (40) Visibility new source review regulations as visibility monitoring strategy were submitted to EPA on November 20, 1985. (i) Incorporated by reference. (A) Letter of November 20, 1985, from the Alabama Department of Environmental Management, and the following regulation Changes to Paragraphs 16.3.2 and 16.4 to Address Visibility Requirements adopted by the Alabama Environmental Management Commission on November 13, 1985: 16.3.2(b)--(Permits to Construct in or Near Nonattainment Areas-- Definitions) 16.3.2(f)--(Permits to Construct in or Near Nonattainment Areas-- visibility protection provisions) 16.4.2--(Permits to Construct in Clean Air Areas--Definitions) 16.4.12--(Visibility Monitoring) 16.4.15--(Sources Impacting Federal Class I Areas--Additional Requirements) (ii) Additional material. (A) Narrative Visibility SIP which includes the State's visibility monitoring strategy. (41) State implementation plan revisions, submitted by the Department of Environmental Management on May 17, 1985. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Amendments to Alabama Department of Environmental Management's (ADEM) Air Rules and Regulations: addition of Paragraphs 4.3.5, 4.7.6, 4.7.7, 4.8.3(a), 4.8.3(b), 4.8.3(c), revision of Paragraph 4.8.3, adopted on October 10, 1984. (B) Resolution by the Alabama Environmental Management Commission adopting the proposed regulations into the ADEM's Air Rules and Regulations on October 10, 1984. (ii) Other material. (A) Dispersion modelling of area around Kimberly Clark Corporation's Talledega County facility. (42) State implementation plan for attainment and maintenance of the lead standards in all areas except Jefferson County, submitted on March 28, 1985, by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Regulation for existing secondary lead smelters located in Pike County, Alabama (Regulation 4.15.6), which was adopted by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management on March 13, 1985. Under applicable law, EPA approval is required for discretionary actions of the Director of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management that may increase lead concentrations in the ambient air. (B) Letter of May 6, 1985 from Ababama Department of Environmental Management to EPA, and Regulation pertaining to secondary lead smelter exhaust stack gases (Regulation 4.15.3), which was adopted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on March 23, 1982. (ii) Other material. (A) Narrative SIP, titled, ``State of Alabama'a Plan for the Attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Lead,'' dated December 1984. (43) [Reserved] (44) Volatile Organic Compound regulation changes were submitted to EPA on September 23, 1985. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Letter of September 23, 1985 to EPA from Alabama Department of Environmental Management and changes to Chapter 6 of the Alabama Air Pollution Control Rules and Regulations (Control of Volatile Organic Compounds) which were adopted by the Alabama Environmental Management Commission on September 18, 1985, specifically, the revisions to 6.1.1(a), 6.1.2, and 6.1.3 and the addition of 6.1.4 and 6.1.5. (ii) Other material--none. (45) State implementation plan for attainment and maintenance of lead standards in Jefferson County, submitted on October 7, 1985, by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management, and on November 13, 1986, by the Jefferson County Health Department. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Jefferson County Department of Health Regulation 611, Secondary Lead Smelters (excluding paragraphs 6.11.2(a) and 6.11.2(b)) which was adopted on September 11, 1985. (B) November 13, 1986, letter to EPA from the Jefferson County Department of Health, and Appendix C of the Alabama Lead SIP for Jefferson County (Revised Schedule for the RACT-plus study) which was adopted on November 12, 1986. (ii) Other material. (A) Narrative SIP, entitled ``State Implementation Plan for the Attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Lead in Jefferson County'' dated September 1984. (46) Stack height regulations were submitted to EPA on September 26, 1986, by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Letter of September 26, 1986, from the Alabama Department of Environmental Management, transmitting stack height regulations. (B) Section 16.3.3, Stack Heights, of the Alabama air pollution control rules and regulations, which was adopted on September 18, 1986, by the Alabama Environmental Management Commission. (ii) Other material--none. (47) Revisions to Alabama's New Source Review regulations were submitted to EPA on April 17, 1987. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Letter of April 17, 1987, from the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. (B) Revisions to Alabama regulation 16.3.2, adopted by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) on April 15, 1987. (ii) Other material--none. (48) Revised State Implementation Plan for attainment and maintenance of lead standards in Jefferson County, submitted on August 5, 1988, by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Air permits incorporating revised regulations for existing secondary lead smelters located in Jefferson County, Alabama (Regulation 6.11), adopted by the Jefferson County Board of Health on May 11, 1988. (B) [Reserved] (ii) Other material. (A) Narrative SIP, entitled ``State Implementation Plan for the Attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Lead in Jefferson County,'' dated February 19, 1988. (B) [Reserved] (49) SO2 revisions for Secondary Lead Smelters, submitted by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management on June 30, 1989. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) The following revisions to Chapter 6 of Jefferson County Board of Health Air Pollution Control Rules and Regulations, which became effective June 14, 1989. (1) 6.11.2(o) (B) The following revisions to chapter 7 of Jefferson County Board of Health Air Pollution Control Rules and Regulations which became effective June 14, 1989 as follows: (1) 7.5.3 (3) 7.5.5 (2) 7.5.4 (4) 7.5.6 (ii) Additional material. (A) Letter of June 30, 1989, submitted by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. (B) Modeling analysis for Interstate Lead Corporation which was submitted by Jefferson County, Alabama on April 5, 1989. (50) Changes in Alabama's Regulations which were submitted to EPA on May 29, 1987, by the Alabama Department of Health and Environmental Management. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Changes in Alabama's Regulation which were adopted on May 20, 1987: (1) Chapter 5, Control of Sulfur Compound Emissions: Section 5.1.1(d) & (e) and Sections 5.3.4 (Applicability), 5.3.4 (a) & (b), 5.3.5 (a) & (b), 5.3.6, 5.3.7, 5.3.8, & 5.3.9. (ii) Other Material. (A) Modeling analysis for Exxon Company's Big Escambia Creek Treating Facility and Tennessee Valley Authority's Colbert Steam Plant. (51) The recodified Air Division Administrative Code Rules of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management submitted on October 31, 1989 as revisions to Alabama's State Implementation Plan. These rules became effective on June 22, 1989. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Alabama Department of Environmental Management Administrative Code Rules 335 - 3 and appendices A - F, revision effective June 22, 1989, except for the following rules: 335 - 3 - 1 - .02(1)--Definitions: (b), (c), (j), (pp), (xx), (yy), (bbb), (ccc), (nnn), (sss), and (yyy). 335 - 3 - 2 - .02--Episode Criteria: (4)(b); (4)(c), (d) and (e); and (5)(b), (c), (d), and (e); (6)(b), (c), (d), and (e). 335 - 3 - 4--Control of Particulate Emissions; .01(1)(a), (b), and (d)(1), (2), (3), (4), and (5); .01(2); and .04(1)(a) 335 - 3 - 5 - .03--Petroleum Production: (4) 335 - 3 - 14--Permits: .03(1)(g)(1) (ii) Other material.--None. (52) Provisions for PM10 submitted on June 29, 1988 and October 3, 1989, by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) The following revisions submitted on June 29, 1988, to Chapters 1, 2 and 16 were effective June 16, 1988. These Chapters were recodified as Chapters 335 - 3 - 1, 335 - 3 - 2 and 335 - 3 - 14, respectively, effective June 22, 1989. (1) Definitions--1.2.1 recodified 335 - 3 - 1 - .02(1) bbb, eee, nnn, and yyy. (2) Air Pollution Emergency--Chapter 2 recodified as 335 - 3 - 2. (3) Permits--Chapter 16 recodified as 335 - 3 - 14, except .03(1)(g)(1). (B) The following revisions submitted on October 3, 1989, to Chapters 35 - 3 - 1 and 335 - 3 - 14 were effective September 21, 1989. (1) Definitions--335 - 1 - .02 (1) (yy) and (ccc). (2) Permits--335 - 3 - 14. (i) 335 - 3 - 14 - .03(1)(g)(1). (53) October 8, 1988 and March 15, 1989, revisions to Jefferson County's Implementation Plan for PM10 were submitted by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. The submittal included a committal SIP. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) The following revisions submitted on March 15, 1989, to chapters 1, 2, and 4 of Jefferson County Implementation Plan for PM10 were effective February 8, 1989. Chapter I--Chapter I General Provisions: 1.3 (Definitions): Soiling Index, PM10, Particulate Matter, PM10 emission, Total Suspended Particulate, Citation, Control Device, Employee, Six Minute Average, Violator. Chapter 2--Permits: 2.3.1(g)(1), (2), and (3); 2.3.2.(b)(11) and 20; 2.3.4 (a)(5); 2.3.2 (2); 2.4.2.(w) (1) and (2); 2.4.3; 2.4.8(h), 2.4.8(k) and (l); 2.4.12(a)(7) and 8; 2.4.15(e); and 2.4.19(a). Chapter 4--Air Pollution Emergency: 4.3.4(b), (c), (d), and (e); 4.3.5(b), (c), (d), and (e); and 4.3.6(b), (c), (d), and (e). (ii) Other material. (A) March 15, 1989, letter from the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. (54)--(57) [Reserved] (58) Revisions to include NO2 increment requirements in Chapter 2 of the SIP and the PSD regulations, Chapter 335 - 3 - 14 of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management Administrative Code which was submitted on October 22, 1990. (i) Incorporation by reference. (A) Revisions to 335 - 3 - 14 - .04, ``Air Permits Authorizing Construction in Clean Air Areas,'' of the Alabama Department of Enironmental Management Administrative Code, which became effective November 1, 1990. (ii) Other material. (A) Letter dated October 22, 1990, from the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. (B) Letter dated April 30, 1991, from the Alabama Department of Environmental Management regarding minimum program elements. [37 FR 10846, May 31, 1972] Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting 52.50, see the List of CFR Sections Affected in the Finding Aids section of this volume. Effective Date Note: At 57 FR 24370, June 9, 1992, 52.50 was amended by adding paragraph (c)(58), effective August 10, 1992. 52.51 Classification of regions. The Alabama plan was evaluated on the basis of the following classifications: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pollutant ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Air quality control region Photochemical Particulate Sulfur Nitrogen Carbon oxidants matter oxides dioxide monoxide (hydrocarbons) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Alabama & Tombigbee Rivers Intrastate...................... II III III III III Columbus (Georgia)-Phenix City (Alabama) Interstate........ I III III III III East Alabama Intrastate.................................... I III III III III Metropolitan Birmingham Intrastate......................... I II III I I Mobile (Alabama)-Pensacola-Panama City (Florida)-Southern Mississippi Interstate.................................... I I III III I Southeast Alabama Intrastate............................... II III III III III Tennessee River Valley (Alabama)-Cumberland Mountains (Tennessee) Interstate.................................... I I III III III ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ [37 FR 10847, May 31, 1972] 52.52 Extensions. (a) The Administrator hereby extends for 18 months (until July 1, 1980) the statutory deadline for submittal of a plan to attain and maintain the secondary sulfur dioxide standard in Jackson County. (b) The Administrator hereby extends for 18 months (until December 10, 1982) the deadline for submittal of a plan to attain and maintain the secondary ambient standard for particulate matter in the Etowah County nonattainment area. [46 FR 55107, Nov. 6, 1981, as amended at 46 FR 63044, Dec. 30, 1981] 52.53 Approval status. With the exceptions set forth in this subpart, the Administrator approves Alabama's plans for the attainment and maintenance of the national standards under section 110 of the Clean Air Act. Furthermore, the Administrator finds the plans satisfy all requirements of Part D, Title I, of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1977. In addition, continued satisfaction of the requirements of Part D for the ozone portion of the SIP depends on the adoption and submittal of RACT requirements by July 1, 1980 for the sources covered by CTGs issued between January 1978 and January 1979 and adoption and submittal by each subsequent January of additional RACT requirements for sources covered by CTGs issued by the previous January. [45 FR 37431, June 3, 1980] 52.54 Attainment dates for national standards. The following table presents the latest dates by which the national standards are to be attained.Source subject to plan requirements and attainment dates established under section 110(a)(2)(A) prior to the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments remain obligated to comply with those requirements by the earlier deadlines. The earlier attainment dates are set out at 40 CFR 52.24 (1978). ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pollutant ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Air quality control region Particulate matter Sulfur oxides ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Nitrogen Carbon Ozone Lead Primary Secondary Primary Secondary dioxide monoxide ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers-- Intrastate......................... (c) (a) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (i) Columbus (Georgia)-Phenix City (Alabama) Interstate: a. Russell County................. (a) (a) (d) (d) (d) (d) (e) (i) b. Rest of AQCR................... (a) (a) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (i) East Alabama Intrastate............. (a) (a) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (i) Metropolitan Birmingham Intrastate: a. Jefferson County+.............. (a) (a) (k) (k) (d) 5/31/75 (e) (j) b. Rest of AQCR................... (a) (a) (d) (d) (d) 5/31/75 (d) (i) Mobile (Alabama)-Pensacola-Panama City (Florida)-Southern Mississippi Interstate: a. Mobile County+................. (e) (f) (a) (a) (d) (d) (e) (i) b. Rest of AQCR................... (a) (a) (a) (a) (d) (d) 5/31/75 (i) Southeast Alabama Intrastate........ (c) (a) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (i) Tennessee River Valley (Alabama)- Cumberland Mountains (Tennessee) Interstate: a. Colbert County+................ (a) (a) (a) (g) (d) (d) (d) (i) b. Jackson County+................ (e) (e) (e) (h) (d) (d) (d) (i) c. Lauderdale County+............. (a) (a) (a) (g) (d) (d) (d) (i) d. Madison County................. (a) (a) (a) (a) (d) (d) (e) (i) e. Morgan County.................. (a) (e) (a) (a) (d) (d) (e) (i) f. Rest or AQCR................... (a) (a) (a) (a) (d) (d) (d) (i) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ +For more precise delineation, see Section 81.301 of this chapter. aJuly 1975. b5 years from plan approval or promulgation. cAir quality levels presently below primary standards or area is unclassifiable. dAir quality levels presently below secondary standards or area is unclassifiable. eDecember 31, 1982. fJune 1987. gApril 1, 1983. h18-month extension granted. iMarch 13, 1986. jMarch 13, 1990. kJuly 31, 1990. [44 FR 67379, Nov. 26, 1979, as amended at 46 FR 55107, Nov. 6, 1981; 51 FR 25367, July 14, 1986; 52 FR 4291, Feb. 11, 1987, 55 FR 17435, Apr. 25, 1990] 52.56 Review of new sources and modifications. Part D conditional approval. The plan's provisions for review of new sources and modifications in nonattainment areas are approved on condition that the State submit any necessary corrections by March 9, 1984 and, during the interim, implement these regulations in a manner consistent with EPA requirements. [48 FR 9860, Mar. 9, 1983] 52.57 Control strategy: Sulfur oxides. (a) The requirements of Subpart G of this chapter are not met since the Alabama plan does not provide for attainment and maintenance of the national standards for sulfur oxides in the vicinity of the Widows Creek Power Plant in Jackson County, Alabama. Therefore, Part 5.1, Fuel Combustion, of Chapter 5, Control of Sulfur Compound Emissions, of the rules and regulations of the State of Alabama, as adopted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on May 29, 1973, and amended on March 25, 1975, which is part of the revised sulfur oxide control strategy, is disapproved as it applies to the Widows Creek Plant. Part 5.1 of the Alabama rules and regulations as adopted on January 18, 1972, remains the implementation plan regulation applicable to that source. [41 FR 42674, Sept. 28, 1976, as amended at 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986] 52.58 Control strategy: Lead. The lead plan submitted by the State on March 24, 1982, is disapproved because it fails to provide for the attainment of the lead standard throughout Alabama. The lead plan submitted by the State on October 7, 1985, and November 13, 1986, for Jefferson County is conditionally approved on the condition that the State by October 1, 1987, determine what additional control measures may be necessary, if any, to assure attainment and maintenance as expeditiously as practicable but no later than the applicable attainment deadline and submit those measures to EPA for approval, together with an appropriate demonstration of attainment. The provisions in the regulation submitted on October 7, 1985, that give the Jefferson County Health Officer discretion to vary the requirements of the regulation are approved as limits on that discretion, but any variances that may result from those provisions are not approved in advance and hence change the applicable implementation plan only when approved by EPA on a case-by-case basis. [49 FR 18738, May 2, 1984, as amended at 52 FR 4291, Feb. 11, 1987] 52.59 Maintenance of national standards. (a) The areas listed below which were identified by the State of Alabama are hereby identified by the Administrator pursuant to 51.110 (h) and (i), of this chapter as having the potential for violation of the specified air quality standards within 10 years. The identified areas consist of the territorial area encompassed by the boundaries of the given jurisdictions or described area including the territorial area of all municipalities (as defined in section 302(f) of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 1857h(f)) geographically located within the outermost boundaries of the area so delimited. (1) Birmingham Air Quality Maintenance Area. (i) Pollutant for which the area is identified: Particulate matter. (ii) Geographical composition of area: Jefferson County. Walker County. (2) Gadsden Air Quality Maintenance Area. (i) Pollutant for which the area is identified: Particulate matter. (ii) Geographical composition of area: Etowah County. (3) Mobile Air Quality Maintenance Area. (i) Pollutant for which the area is identified: Particulate matter. (ii) Geographical composition of area: Mobile County. [40 FR 18733, Apr. 29, 1975, as amended at 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986] 52.60 Significant deterioration of air quality. (a) All applications and other information required pursuant to 52.21 from sources located in the State of Alabama shall be submitted to the Division of Air Pollution Control, Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission, 645 South McDonough Street, Montgomery, Alabama 36103, rather than to EPA's Region IV Office. (b) On March 24, 1987, the Alabama Department of Environmental Management submitted a letter committing the State of Alabama to require that modeling for PSD permits be done only in accordance with the ``Guideline on Air Quality Models (Revised)'' or other models approved by EPA. [42 FR 22869, May 5, 1977, as amended at 46 FR 55518, Nov. 10, 1981; 52 FR 48812, Dec. 28, 1987] 52.61 Visibility protection. (a) The requirements of section 169A of the Clean Air Act are not met because the plan does not include approvable procedures for protection of visibility in mandatory Class I Federal areas. (b) Long-term strategy. The provisions of 52.29 are hereby incorporated into the applicable plan for the State of Alabama. [52 FR 45138, Nov. 24, 1987] 52.62 Control strategy: sulfur oxides and particulate matter. In a letter dated May 29, 1987, the Alabama Department of Health and Environmental Control certified that no emission limits in the State's plan are based on dispersion techniques not permitted by EPA's stack height rules. The certification does not apply to: Alabama Electric Cooperative-- Lowman Steam Plant; Alabama Power Company-Gorgas Steam Plant, Gaston Steam Plant, Greene County Steam Plant, Gadsden Steam Plant, Miller Steam Plant, and Barry Steam Plant; Alabama River Pulp; Champion International Corporation; Container Corporation of America; Exxon Company's Big Escambia Creek Treating Facility; General Electric's Burkville Plant; International Paper; Scott Paper Company; Tennessee Valley Authority's Colbert, and Widows Creek Steam Plant; Union Camp Corporation; and U.S. Steel. [55 FR 5846, Feb. 20, 1990] 52.63 PM10 State Implementation Plan development in group II areas. On March 15, 1989, the State submitted a committal SIP for the cities of Leeds and North Birmingham in Jefferson County. The committal SIP contains all the requirements identified in the July 1, 1987, promulgation of the SIP requirements for PM10 at 52 FR 24681. The SIP commits the State to submit an emissions inventory, continue to monitor for PM10, report data and to submit a full SIP if a violation of the PM10 and National Ambient Air Quality Standards is detected. [56 FR 32514, July 17, 1991] 52.64 [Reserved] 52.65 Control Strategy: Nitrogen Oxides. On October 22, 1990, the Alabama Department of Environmental Management submitted a revision to Chapter 2, Control Strategy, by adding subsection 4.2.3. This revision addressed the strategy Alabama is using to implement provisions of the Prevention of Significant Deterioration regulations for nitrogen oxides. [57 FR 24370, June 9, 1992] Effective Date Note: At 57 FR 24370, June 9, 1992, 52.65 was added, effective August 10, 1992.