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September 15, 2004  
Washington– Chairman Susan Collins (R-ME) and Ranking Member Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) Wednesday unveiled legislation to reform the Executive Branch of the nation’s intelligence community. The legislation would create a National Intelligence Director (NID) with strong budget, personnel, and other authorities. It also would create a National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) to integrate intelligence capabilities and conduct joint operational planning among intelligence agencies.

“Our response to the threat of terrorist attacks must be far-reaching and must utilize America’s full capacity to meet any challenge. We believe this legislation that we are unveiling today is an essential part of that response,” said the Senators in a joint statement.

Senators Collins and Lieberman were assigned by Senate Leaders to examine the recommendations of the National Commission of Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, known as the 9/11 Commission. The Governmental Affairs Committee was specifically tasked with examining the proposals to create an NID and NCTC and to create legislation to reorganize the Executive Branch of the intelligence program.

"The fundamental obligation of government is to protect its citizens. The job that stands before us today, and ultimately before Congress, is to transform an intelligence system designed for the Cold War into one that will prevail in a war against terrorism,” said Senator Collins. “Our legislation is a culmination of bipartisan work, valuable input from our colleagues, eight Governmental Affairs hearings, input and testimony from the 9/11 Commission members, the White House, Secretaries Ridge and Powell, families of victims of the 9/11 attacks, and countless other experts in the intelligence community. The result is intelligence reform based upon expertise and bipartisanship that will help to make Americans safer at home and abroad.”

"In its report, the 9/11 Commission indicted the status quo in America’s intelligence community and insisted on fundamental, revolutionary changes," Lieberman said. "In the bill Senator Collins and I will put before our committee next Tuesday, those fundamental revolutionary changes are embraced and implemented. Our bill adopts the two Commission proposals which its leaders have called the most urgent and important – the creation of a National Intelligence Director and a National Counterterrorism Center. In this way we advance a new strategic vision – and a new organizational structure - so we will never again have to explain how something like September 11 could have happened."

The Collins-Lieberman intelligence reform legislation accomplishes the following:

· Creates an NID who will manage the country’s intelligence community and serve as the President’s chief intelligence adviser. This Senate-confirmed official, with a strong budget, personnel, security, and other authorities, will be able to direct resources where and when they are needed. The NID will be responsible for managing the “National Intelligence Program,” a budget category composed of parts of the Intelligence Community that serve more than one department. However, nothing in the NID’s authority will hinder military operations or readiness.

· Defines the National Intelligence Program (NIP) to include at least the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Administration (NSA), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Office of Intelligence, and the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection Directorate (IA&IP), plus other elements of the Intelligence Community that serve multiple federal intelligence consumers. The NIP would not include tactical military intelligence assets, which would remain under the Department of Defense.

· Creates an NCTC, expanding the community-wide intelligence analysis capabilities of the new Terrorist Threat Integration Center to include joint operational planning. The NCTC will have a Directorate of Intelligence to integrate intelligence capabilities and a Directorate of Operations to conduct this joint operational planning, concentrating on “joint” operations that involve more than one agency. However, the NCTC would not have any operational authority to direct operations by agencies in the Executive Branch and will not be in the military chain of command.

· Creates a Civil Liberties Board, as recommended by the 9/11 Commission to ensure privacy and civil liberties concerns are being adequately respected and protected as the President and executive agencies propose and implement policies related to efforts to protect the Nation against terrorism. The board will also conduct investigations and oversight of the government’s implementation of those policies.

· Includes provisions that require the establishment of an information sharing network to break down the stovepipes that currently impede the flow of information. The network is to consist of policies and information technology designed to facilitate and promote the sharing of terrorism information throughout the federal government, with state and local agencies, and where appropriate, with the private sector.

Senators Collins and Lieberman have scheduled the Governmental Affairs Committee to consider and report their intelligence reform bill next week.
Printable Version
Related File(s)
(pdf) Collins-Lieberman Intelligence Reform Act of 2004, as amended (344.5 KBs)

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September 2004 Press Releases
August   October   --   2003   2005  
September 28 - 9/11 Commissioners, 9/11 Families, White House & House Intel Leaders Support Collins-Lieberman Intelligence Reform Legislation

September 27 - Debate Begins on Historic, Bipartisan Intelligence Reform Legislation

September 22 - Senate Panel Unanimously Approves Collins-Lieberman Intelligence Reform Bill

September 21 - Senator Lieberman's Statement on Intelligence Reform Bill

September 21 - Senate Panel Takes Up Collins-Lieberman Intelligence Reform Legislation

September 15 current Press Release

September 13 - Senators Collins, Lieberman Hear Testimony From Secretaries Ridge, Powell at Governmental Affairs Hearing

September 9 - Postal, Public Health Officials Misunderstood Anthrax

September 9 - Lieberman Hails Vote Against Outsourcing DHS Immigration Jobs

September 8 - Lieberman Underscores Need to Act on 9/11 Commission Recommendations

September 7 - Senators Introduce Measure To Implement 9-11 Commission Recommendations

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Washington, D.C. 20510