WPCC 2 BJZCourier#|xx6X@CX@Apple LaserWriter PlusAPLASPLU.PRSx  @hhhhyX@#|x2 Z<  Apple LaserWriter PlusAPLASPLU.PRSx  @hhhhyX@CourierCourier Bold2XFZAT?xxxx6X@CX@?xxxx `CX already lost, which would bring the total loss of positionssince 1980 to 764, orpercent. The Library staff, I believe,has responded magnificently to the calls f ?  ` `    X COMMITTEE ON RULES AND ADMINISTRATION  ?  ` `  hh#UNITED STATES SENATE  ? ` `   WASHINGTON, DC 205106325 H'Hearing To receive testimony on proposals contained in Title III of S.1824, the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1994, for abolishingthe joint committees and for authorizing appropriations forcertain congressional support agencies l Thursday, May 5, 1994, 9:30 a.m. *  ?( $ Witness List ă  ` `  The Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan ` `  United States Senate &* * * * *  ` `  The Honorable Paul S. Sarbanes ` `  United States Senate &* * * * *  ` `  The Honorable Claiborne Pell ` `  United States Senate &* * * * * ` `  Mr. Charles A. Bowsher ` `  Comptroller General of the United States ` `  General Accounting Office ` `  441 G Street, NW ` `  Washington, DC 20548 &* * * * * PANEL: The Honorable James H. Billington, ` `  The Librarian of Congress ` `  hh#and ` `  Mr. Daniel P. Mulhollan, Director ` `  Congressional Research Service ` `  The Library of Congress ` `  Washington, DC 20540 &* * * * * ` `  Mr. Roger C. Herdman ` `  Director, Office of Technology Assessment ` `  Congress of the United States ` `  Washington, DC 205108025