Title 16--Commercial Practices



TEXT PDF1025.1 Scope of rules.
TEXT PDF1025.2 Nature of adjudicative proceedings.
TEXT PDF1025.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1025.11 Commencement of proceedings.
TEXT PDF1025.12 Answer.
TEXT PDF1025.13 Amendments and supplemental pleadings.
TEXT PDF1025.14 Form and filing of documents.
TEXT PDF1025.15 Time.
TEXT PDF1025.16 Service.
TEXT PDF1025.17 Intervention.
TEXT PDF1025.18 Class actions.
TEXT PDF1025.19 Joinder of proceedings.
TEXT PDF1025.21 Prehearing conferences.
TEXT PDF1025.22 Prehearing briefs.
TEXT PDF1025.23 Motions.
TEXT PDF1025.24 Interlocutory appeals.
TEXT PDF1025.25 Summary decisions and orders.
TEXT PDF1025.26 Settlements.
TEXT PDF1025.31 General provisions governing discovery.
TEXT PDF1025.32 Written interrogatories to parties.
TEXT PDF1025.33 Production of documents and things.
TEXT PDF1025.34 Requests for admission.
TEXT PDF1025.35 Depositions upon oral examination.
TEXT PDF1025.36 Motions to compel discovery.
TEXT PDF1025.37 Sanctions for failure to comply with discovery orders.
TEXT PDF1025.38 Subpoenas.
TEXT PDF1025.39 Orders requiring witnesses to testify or provide other information and granting immunity.
TEXT PDF1025.41 General rules.
TEXT PDF1025.42 Powers and duties of Presiding Officer.
TEXT PDF1025.43 Evidence.
TEXT PDF1025.44 Expert witnesses.
TEXT PDF1025.45 In camera materials.
TEXT PDF1025.46 Proposed findings, conclusions, and order.
TEXT PDF1025.47 Record.
TEXT PDF1025.48 Official docket.
TEXT PDF1025.49 Fees.
TEXT PDF1025.51 Initial decision.
TEXT PDF1025.52 Adoption of initial decision.
TEXT PDF1025.53 Appeal from initial decision.
TEXT PDF1025.54 Review of initial decision in absence of appeal.
TEXT PDF1025.55 Final decision on appeal or review.
TEXT PDF1025.56 Reconsideration.
TEXT PDF1025.57 Effective date of order.
TEXT PDF1025.58 Reopening of proceedings.
TEXT PDF1025.61 Who may make appearances.
TEXT PDF1025.62 Authority for representation.
TEXT PDF1025.63 Written appearances.
TEXT PDF1025.64 Attorneys.
TEXT PDF1025.65 Persons not attorneys.
TEXT PDF1025.66 Qualifications and standards of conduct.
TEXT PDF1025.67 Restrictions as to former members and employees.
TEXT PDF1025.68 Prohibited communications.
TEXT PDF1025.70 General provisions.
TEXT PDF1025.71 Information required from applicant.
TEXT PDF1025.72 Procedures for considering applications.

