Title 45--Public Welfare



TEXT PDF96.1 Scope.
TEXT PDF96.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF96.3 Information collection approval numbers.
TEXT PDF96.10 Prerequisites to obtain block grant funds.
TEXT PDF96.11 Basis of award to the States.
TEXT PDF96.12 Grant payment.
TEXT PDF96.13 Reallotments.
TEXT PDF96.14 Time period for obligation and expenditure of grant funds.
TEXT PDF96.15 Waivers.
TEXT PDF96.16 Applicability of title XVII of the Reconciliation Act (31 U.S.C. 7301-7305).
TEXT PDF96.17 Annual reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF96.30 Fiscal and administrative requirements.
TEXT PDF96.31 Audits.
TEXT PDF96.32 Financial settlement.
TEXT PDF96.33 Referral of cases to the Inspector General.
TEXT PDF96.40 Scope.
TEXT PDF96.41 General determination.
TEXT PDF96.42 General procedures and requirements.
TEXT PDF96.43 Procedures during FY 1982.
TEXT PDF96.44 Community services.
TEXT PDF96.45 Preventive health and health services.
TEXT PDF96.46 Substance abuse prevention and treatment services.
TEXT PDF96.47 Primary care.
TEXT PDF96.48 Low-income home energy assistance.
TEXT PDF96.50 Complaints.
TEXT PDF96.51 Hearings.
TEXT PDF96.52 Appeals.
TEXT PDF96.60 Scope.
TEXT PDF96.61 Initiation of hearing.
TEXT PDF96.62 Presiding officer.
TEXT PDF96.63 Communications to presiding officer.
TEXT PDF96.64 Intervention.
TEXT PDF96.65 Discovery.
TEXT PDF96.66 Hearing procedure.
TEXT PDF96.67 Right to counsel.
TEXT PDF96.68 Administrative record of a hearing.
TEXT PDF96.70 Scope.
TEXT PDF96.71 Definitions.
TEXT PDF96.72 Transferability of funds.
TEXT PDF96.73 Sterilization.
TEXT PDF96.74 Annual reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF96.80 Scope.
TEXT PDF96.81 Reallotment report.
TEXT PDF96.82 Required report.
TEXT PDF96.83 Increase in maximum amount that may be used for weatherization and other energy-related home repair.
TEXT PDF96.84 Miscellaneous.
TEXT PDF96.85 Income eligibility.
TEXT PDF96.86 Exemption from requirement for additional outreach and intake services.
TEXT PDF96.87 Leveraging incentive program.
TEXT PDF96.88 Administrative costs.
TEXT PDF96.89 Exemption from standards for providing energy crisis intervention assistance.
TEXT PDF96.90 Scope.
TEXT PDF96.91 Audit requirement.
TEXT PDF96.92 Termination of funding.
TEXT PDF96.100 Scope.
TEXT PDF96.101 Review of a State decision to discontinue funding of a community health center.
TEXT PDF96.102 Carryover of unobligated funds.
TEXT PDF96.110 Scope.
TEXT PDF96.111 Continuation of pre-existing regulations.
TEXT PDF96.112 Community services block grant.
TEXT PDF96.120 Scope.
TEXT PDF96.121 Definitions.
TEXT PDF96.122 Application content and procedures.
TEXT PDF96.123 Assurances.
TEXT PDF96.124 Certain allocations.
TEXT PDF96.125 Primary prevention.
TEXT PDF96.126 Capacity of treatment for intravenous substance abusers.
TEXT PDF96.127 Requirements regarding tuberculosis.
TEXT PDF96.128 Requirements regarding human immunodeficiency virus.
TEXT PDF96.129 Revolving funds for establishment of homes in which recovering substance abusers may reside.
TEXT PDF96.130 State law regarding sale of tobacco products to individuals under age of 18.
TEXT PDF96.131 Treatment services for pregnant women.
TEXT PDF96.132 Additional agreements.
TEXT PDF96.133 Submission to Secretary of Statewide assessment of needs.
TEXT PDF96.134 Maintenance of effort regarding State expenditures.
TEXT PDF96.135 Restrictions on expenditure of grant.
TEXT PDF96.136 Independent peer review.
TEXT PDF96.137 Payment schedule.

