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Backup has been going for 5.25 hrs. About 11% complete. I might just be done in time for flight to Macworld. Maybe.
@danielpunkass Unfortunately to get to there takes a while when your datasets are 100s of GBs.
@danielpunkass I'm just waiting for an "oh" moment. Either it'll be "Oh this really does suck" or "Oh this is why it isn't working for me".
@siegel TM has saved me from enough oops to make it very worthwhile. I am a clumsy oaf though.
Enhanced orivacy questions are a joke. Esp. when you have evil siblings (I do). is totally saving my ass right now. Shame it is basically abandonware. Right Ian? ;-)
@SenorDanimal If the Finder is involved somewhere I'm sure the experience will still suck.
@cbowns I'm sure there are but file anyway. The Finder is really the culprit (surprise!) not webdav.kext though.
@SenorDanimal I'm hoping for a rewrite of webdav.kext in Snow Leopard. Also unicorns, ponies and midgets with balloons riding centaurs.
@cbarrett Could be worse. MAC OS/X ftw.
@SenorDanimal Yeah. I use Interarchy and it's really efficient. Mostly single requests. But the finder is doing a LOT more.
@SenorDanimal Not odd. This is why WebDAV on OSX (and iDisk) is sooo painfully slow.
Quite a good analysis of OSX WebDAV: 53+ requests just to mount a WebDAV server. 95% unneeded.
Finder makes 22 WebDAV requests to save a file to a remote server. 1, maybe 2 requests is enough (maybe 4 requests max if you're anal)
@manton I'm giving it another week before I pass final judgement. Rather worried I'm really going to regret purchase in a week though.
I feel so much better now.
sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/webdav-fs.kext
Guys. Stop making me regret my drobo purchase!
Looking for leaks in all the wrong places.
@uliwitness Asking the wrong guy. I'm bitching from the "supporting the Finder is making my WebDAV server code die horribly" perspective.


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