Maggie Mason’s Favorites

mimi smartypants
mimismartypants Bridal shower: everyone hee hees when ribbons are cut, because "every broken ribbon means a baby." OMG NO ONE HERE KNOWS HOW BABIES ARE MADE
joshacagan Headline: "Conflict Makes Congo 'Worst Place to Be A Child'" And holding strong as the second worst place to be a child? Jo-Ann Fabrics.
Chris Wetherell
cw Sadness is: a voter with hand tremors asking my gay co-worker to help mark her ballot to remove rights of gay couples in FL. He did.
Chris Sacca
sacca Who is getting bigger faster? The monster TVs on sale at Best Buy? Or the fine folks buying them?
Melissa Summers
MelissaSummers Jees you sleep til noon and Paul Newman is dead.
Grant Shellen
gshellen I just ate something that I thought was a brownie crumb off of the couch, but I no longer think it was a brownie crumb.
sara There is a world of possibilities if you forget about failing.
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin @dooce I'm married to eight of them. Utah is the best state ever.
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin Seattle: Come for the Seasonal Affect Disorder, stay because your lassitude prevents you from ever moving.
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin Wanted to buy antiseptic mouthwash, bought antisemitic mouthwash by mistake. What dope stocked them next to each other? Probably a jew.
Choire Hussein Sicha
Choire My mom biked 25 miles and is now out dancing with cubans. I pulled 4 weeds & now my back hurts.
Matt Haughey
mathowie All that bike riding and good food I give you and you repay me with fresh gobs of ear hair? Thanks for nothing, body.


Evan Williams sara ilona Chris Wetherell mai veen Jason Shellen rae brune Lori Chris Sacca Mary Hodder Ryan Freitas Erika Hall President Monteiro bryan mason lane evany heather george Stewart Butterfield Caterina Amy Muller arjun Ben Brown Pamela Laird Anil Dash Greg Veen Ryan Carver Joshua Green Allen brandon schauer katie spence laura hotdogsladies jjg Matt Haughey