Luetkemeyer Sworn In, Pledges Support for Hard-Working Families of 9th District

WASHINGTON D.C. _ Pledging to fight for new jobs and lower taxes for the people of the 9th Congressional District of Missouri, small businesman and farmer Blaine Luetkemeyer was sworn in today as a member of the 111th Congress.

Luetkemeyer, a native of St. Elizabeth, Mo., was officially sworn in on the floor of the U.S. House of Reprsentatives and later was joined by family and friends at an informal ceremony in his Capitol office. Luetmeyer said he is prepared to hit the ground running and wants to focus on economic issues that impact the lives of the thousands of residents located in the 25 counties that make up the 9th District.

"There are a lot of families hurting out there and my first priority will be to focus on economic issues including job creation and holding the line on job-killin tax increases. We need to find ways to improve the quality of life for the people of the 9th District and that will always be my top priority,” Luetkemeyer said. “I feel a great sense of responsibility as the people’s voice in Washington D.C. and Iwant to sure that Missourians voices are heard loud and clear in Congress and that begins today."

Along with his office in the U.S. Capitol, Luetkemeyer will also have offices in Columbia, Hannibal and Washington, Mo. Luetkemeyer replaces fellow Republican Kenny Hulshof.

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