Title 14--Aeronautics and Space



TEXT PDF27.1 Applicability.
TEXT PDF27.2 Special retroactive requirements.
TEXT PDF27.21 Proof of compliance.
TEXT PDF27.25 Weight limits.
TEXT PDF27.27 Center of gravity limits.
TEXT PDF27.29 Empty weight and corresponding center of gravity.
TEXT PDF27.31 Removable ballast.
TEXT PDF27.33 Main rotor speed and pitch limits.
TEXT PDF27.45 General.
TEXT PDF27.51 Takeoff.
TEXT PDF27.65 Climb: all engines operating.
TEXT PDF27.67 Climb: one engine inoperative.
TEXT PDF27.71 Glide performance.
TEXT PDF27.73 Performance at minimum operating speed.
TEXT PDF27.75 Landing.
TEXT PDF27.79 Limiting height--speed envelope.
TEXT PDF27.141 General.
TEXT PDF27.143 Controllability and maneuverability.
TEXT PDF27.151 Flight controls.
TEXT PDF27.161 Trim control.
TEXT PDF27.171 Stability: general.
TEXT PDF27.173 Static longitudinal stability.
TEXT PDF27.175 Demonstration of static longitudinal stability.
TEXT PDF27.177 Static directional stability.
TEXT PDF27.231 General.
TEXT PDF27.235 Taxiing condition.
TEXT PDF27.239 Spray characteristics.
TEXT PDF27.241 Ground resonance.
TEXT PDF27.251 Vibration.
TEXT PDF27.301 Loads.
TEXT PDF27.303 Factor of safety.
TEXT PDF27.305 Strength and deformation.
TEXT PDF27.307 Proof of structure.
TEXT PDF27.309 Design limitations.
TEXT PDF27.321 General.
TEXT PDF27.337 Limit maneuvering load factor.
TEXT PDF27.339 Resultant limit maneuvering loads.
TEXT PDF27.341 Gust loads.
TEXT PDF27.351 Yawing conditions.
TEXT PDF27.361 Engine torque.
TEXT PDF27.391 General.
TEXT PDF27.395 Control system.
TEXT PDF27.397 Limit pilot forces and torques.
TEXT PDF27.399 Dual control system.
TEXT PDF27.411 Ground clearance: tail rotor guard.
TEXT PDF27.427 Unsymmetrical loads.
TEXT PDF27.471 General.
TEXT PDF27.473 Ground loading conditions and assumptions.
TEXT PDF27.475 Tires and shock absorbers.
TEXT PDF27.477 Landing gear arrangement.
TEXT PDF27.479 Level landing conditions.
TEXT PDF27.481 Tail-down landing conditions.
TEXT PDF27.483 One-wheel landing conditions.
TEXT PDF27.485 Lateral drift landing conditions.
TEXT PDF27.493 Braked roll conditions.
TEXT PDF27.497 Ground loading conditions: landing gear with tail wheels.
TEXT PDF27.501 Ground loading conditions: landing gear with skids.
TEXT PDF27.505 Ski landing conditions.
TEXT PDF27.521 Float landing conditions.
TEXT PDF27.547 Main rotor structure.
TEXT PDF27.549 Fuselage, landing gear, and rotor pylon structures.
TEXT PDF27.561 General.
TEXT PDF27.562 Emergency landing dynamic conditions.
TEXT PDF27.563 Structural ditching provisions.
TEXT PDF27.571 Fatigue evaluation of flight structure.
TEXT PDF27.601 Design.
TEXT PDF27.602 Critical parts.
TEXT PDF27.603 Materials.
TEXT PDF27.605 Fabrication methods.
TEXT PDF27.607 Fasteners.
TEXT PDF27.609 Protection of structure.
TEXT PDF27.610 Lightning and static electricity protection.
TEXT PDF27.611 Inspection provisions.
TEXT PDF27.613 Material strength properties and design values.
TEXT PDF27.619 Special factors.
TEXT PDF27.621 Casting factors.
TEXT PDF27.623 Bearing factors.
TEXT PDF27.625 Fitting factors.
TEXT PDF27.629 Flutter.
TEXT PDF27.653 Pressure venting and drainage of rotor blades.
TEXT PDF27.659 Mass balance.
TEXT PDF27.661 Rotor blade clearance.
TEXT PDF27.663 Ground resonance prevention means.
TEXT PDF27.671 General.
TEXT PDF27.672 Stability augmentation, automatic, and power-operated systems.
TEXT PDF27.673 Primary flight control.
TEXT PDF27.674 Interconnected controls.
TEXT PDF27.675 Stops.
TEXT PDF27.679 Control system locks.
TEXT PDF27.681 Limit load static tests.
TEXT PDF27.683 Operation tests.
TEXT PDF27.685 Control system details.
TEXT PDF27.687 Spring devices.
TEXT PDF27.691 Autorotation control mechanism.
TEXT PDF27.695 Power boost and power-operated control system.
TEXT PDF27.723 Shock absorption tests.
TEXT PDF27.725 Limit drop test.
TEXT PDF27.727 Reserve energy absorption drop test.
TEXT PDF27.729 Retracting mechanism.
TEXT PDF27.731 Wheels.
TEXT PDF27.733 Tires.
TEXT PDF27.735 Brakes.
TEXT PDF27.737 Skis.
TEXT PDF27.751 Main float buoyancy.
TEXT PDF27.753 Main float design.
TEXT PDF27.755 Hulls.
TEXT PDF27.771 Pilot compartment.
TEXT PDF27.773 Pilot compartment view.
TEXT PDF27.775 Windshields and windows.
TEXT PDF27.777 Cockpit controls.
TEXT PDF27.779 Motion and effect of cockpit controls.
TEXT PDF27.783 Doors.
TEXT PDF27.785 Seats, berths, litters, safety belts, and harnesses.
TEXT PDF27.787 Cargo and baggage compartments.
TEXT PDF27.801 Ditching.
TEXT PDF27.805 Flight crew emergency exits.
TEXT PDF27.807 Emergency exits.
TEXT PDF27.831 Ventilation.
TEXT PDF27.833 Heaters.
TEXT PDF27.853 Compartment interiors.
TEXT PDF27.855 Cargo and baggage compartments.
TEXT PDF27.859 Heating systems.
TEXT PDF27.861 Fire protection of structure, controls, and other parts.
TEXT PDF27.863 Flammable fluid fire protection.
TEXT PDF27.865 External loads.
TEXT PDF27.871 Leveling marks.
TEXT PDF27.873 Ballast provisions.
TEXT PDF27.901 Installation.
TEXT PDF27.903 Engines.
TEXT PDF27.907 Engine vibration.
TEXT PDF27.917 Design.
TEXT PDF27.921 Rotor brake.
TEXT PDF27.923 Rotor drive system and control mechanism tests.
TEXT PDF27.927 Additional tests.
TEXT PDF27.931 Shafting critical speed.
TEXT PDF27.935 Shafting joints.
TEXT PDF27.939 Turbine engine operating characteristics.
TEXT PDF27.951 General.
TEXT PDF27.952 Fuel system crash resistance.
TEXT PDF27.953 Fuel system independence.
TEXT PDF27.954 Fuel system lightning protection.
TEXT PDF27.955 Fuel flow.
TEXT PDF27.959 Unusable fuel supply.
TEXT PDF27.961 Fuel system hot weather operation.
TEXT PDF27.963 Fuel tanks: general.
TEXT PDF27.965 Fuel tank tests.
TEXT PDF27.967 Fuel tank installation.
TEXT PDF27.969 Fuel tank expansion space.
TEXT PDF27.971 Fuel tank sump.
TEXT PDF27.973 Fuel tank filler connection.
TEXT PDF27.975 Fuel tank vents.
TEXT PDF27.977 Fuel tank outlet.
TEXT PDF27.991 Fuel pumps.
TEXT PDF27.993 Fuel system lines and fittings.
TEXT PDF27.995 Fuel valves.
TEXT PDF27.997 Fuel strainer or filter.
TEXT PDF27.999 Fuel system drains.
TEXT PDF27.1011 Engines: General.
TEXT PDF27.1013 Oil tanks.
TEXT PDF27.1015 Oil tank tests.
TEXT PDF27.1017 Oil lines and fittings.
TEXT PDF27.1019 Oil strainer or filter.
TEXT PDF27.1021 Oil system drains.
TEXT PDF27.1027 Transmissions and gearboxes: General.
TEXT PDF27.1041 General.
TEXT PDF27.1043 Cooling tests.
TEXT PDF27.1045 Cooling test procedures.
TEXT PDF27.1091 Air induction.
TEXT PDF27.1093 Induction system icing protection.
TEXT PDF27.1121 General.
TEXT PDF27.1123 Exhaust piping.
TEXT PDF27.1141 Powerplant controls: general.
TEXT PDF27.1143 Engine controls.
TEXT PDF27.1145 Ignition switches.
TEXT PDF27.1147 Mixture controls.
TEXT PDF27.1151 Rotor brake controls.
TEXT PDF27.1163 Powerplant accessories.
TEXT PDF27.1183 Lines, fittings, and components.
TEXT PDF27.1185 Flammable fluids.
TEXT PDF27.1187 Ventilation and drainage.
TEXT PDF27.1189 Shutoff means.
TEXT PDF27.1191 Firewalls.
TEXT PDF27.1193 Cowling and engine compartment covering.
TEXT PDF27.1194 Other surfaces.
TEXT PDF27.1195 Fire detector systems.
TEXT PDF27.1301 Function and installation.
TEXT PDF27.1303 Flight and navigation instruments.
TEXT PDF27.1305 Powerplant instruments.
TEXT PDF27.1307 Miscellaneous equipment.
TEXT PDF27.1309 Equipment, systems, and installations.
TEXT PDF27.1321 Arrangement and visibility.
TEXT PDF27.1322 Warning, caution, and advisory lights.
TEXT PDF27.1323 Airspeed indicating system.
TEXT PDF27.1325 Static pressure systems.
TEXT PDF27.1327 Magnetic direction indicator.
TEXT PDF27.1329 Automatic pilot system.
TEXT PDF27.1335 Flight director systems.
TEXT PDF27.1337 Powerplant instruments.
TEXT PDF27.1351 General.
TEXT PDF27.1353 Storage battery design and installation.
TEXT PDF27.1357 Circuit protective devices.
TEXT PDF27.1361 Master switch.
TEXT PDF27.1365 Electric cables.
TEXT PDF27.1367 Switches.
TEXT PDF27.1381 Instrument lights.
TEXT PDF27.1383 Landing lights.
TEXT PDF27.1385 Position light system installation.
TEXT PDF27.1387 Position light system dihedral angles.
TEXT PDF27.1389 Position light distribution and intensities.
TEXT PDF27.1391 Minimum intensities in the horizontal plane of forward and rear position lights.
TEXT PDF27.1393 Minimum intensities in any vertical plane of forward and rear position lights.
TEXT PDF27.1395 Maximum intensities in overlapping beams of forward and rear position lights.
TEXT PDF27.1397 Color specifications.
TEXT PDF27.1399 Riding light.
TEXT PDF27.1401 Anticollision light system.
TEXT PDF27.1411 General.
TEXT PDF27.1413 Safety belts.
TEXT PDF27.1415 Ditching equipment.
TEXT PDF27.1419 Ice protection.
TEXT PDF27.1435 Hydraulic systems.
TEXT PDF27.1457 Cockpit voice recorders.
TEXT PDF27.1459 Flight recorders.
TEXT PDF27.1461 Equipment containing high energy rotors.
TEXT PDF27.1501 General.
TEXT PDF27.1503 Airspeed limitations: general.
TEXT PDF27.1505 Never-exceed speed.
TEXT PDF27.1509 Rotor speed.
TEXT PDF27.1519 Weight and center of gravity.
TEXT PDF27.1521 Powerplant limitations.
TEXT PDF27.1523 Minimum flight crew.
TEXT PDF27.1525 Kinds of operations.
TEXT PDF27.1527 Maximum operating altitude.
TEXT PDF27.1529 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness.
TEXT PDF27.1541 General.
TEXT PDF27.1543 Instrument markings: general.
TEXT PDF27.1545 Airspeed indicator.
TEXT PDF27.1547 Magnetic direction indicator.
TEXT PDF27.1549 Powerplant instruments.
TEXT PDF27.1551 Oil quantity indicator.
TEXT PDF27.1553 Fuel quantity indicator.
TEXT PDF27.1555 Control markings.
TEXT PDF27.1557 Miscellaneous markings and placards.
TEXT PDF27.1559 Limitations placard.
TEXT PDF27.1561 Safety equipment.
TEXT PDF27.1565 Tail rotor.
TEXT PDF27.1581 General.
TEXT PDF27.1583 Operating limitations.
TEXT PDF27.1585 Operating procedures.
TEXT PDF27.1587 Performance information.
TEXT PDF27.1589 Loading information.

