Congressman Lee Joins Bipartisan Effort to Block Congressional Pay Raise

U.S. Rep Co-Sponsors Stop the Congressional Pay Raise Act; Measure Endorsed by Independent Fiscal Watchdogs

WASHINGTON – Congressman Chris Lee (NY-26) took a critical first step in his fight to bring fiscal responsibility to Washington by co-sponsoring bipartisan legislation to prevent members of Congress from receiving an automatic pay raise.

“With unemployment on the rise and workers forgoing wage increases during this economic crisis, it is an outrage for this Congress to support a pay raise for itself,” Congressman Lee said. “A congressional pay raise sends the message that Washington is completely out of touch with the struggles of working families. Changing Washington and making it work for Western New Yorkers again starts with blocking the congressional pay raise.”

The Stop the Congressional Pay Raise Act, which was introduced on the House floor yesterday, blocks the automatic pay raise members of Congress are scheduled to receive in 2010. The pay raise, essentially a cost-of-living adjustment, is provided for by a 1989 law.

To date, 59 Democrats and Republicans have signed on as co-sponsors of the Stop the Congressional Pay Raise Act. The bill has been endorsed by a number of independent fiscal watchdogs, including the National Taxpayers Union, the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste, Taxpayers for Common Sense, and The Senior Citizens League.

“This is the kind of common-sense bipartisan legislation I look forward to supporting as part of a sustained effort to hold Washington accountable for every dollar it spends,” Congressman Lee added.


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