Chris Wetherell’s Favorites

veen Living with an Aussie requires translation sometimes. Eg. "You're counting chooks while everything goes pear shaped. That's cactus, mate."
evany Did I tell you how, after morning mimosas, I mimosanly insisted to a molecular biologist that plant molecules were visible to the human eye?
Matt Haughey
mathowie There are mirrors in a Crocs store. You'd think they remove them to boost sales.
MarsPhoenix Are you ready to celebrate? Well, get ready: We have ICE!!!!! Yes, ICE, *WATER ICE* on Mars! w00t!!! Best day ever!!
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin The older I get, the less certain I am that the events depicted in Blue Thunder actually took place.
Steve Jenson
stevej If all the constructors and every method is deprecated, you should probably just mark the entire class as deprecated.
dunstan The only "snack food" items currently in my house are a tin of Sardines and a jar of Nutella. I am holding a spoon and staring at them both.
Rock Grant
AgentofBRAWN The ape's eyes go wide and then lose focus. 400 lbs. of rubbery muscle and fetid orange fur slump forward, pinning me tight. I hear ticking.
Jean-Paul Bonjour
jBonjour I just reverse engineered a diaper - sweet
Biz Stone
biz Livy just said "strength is not my strong suit" in normal conversation
Eric Costello
ericost making smores, singed my beard. Now I need to grow smore beard.
mai blair from "the facts of life" was on our flight to socal. wanted to ask her if she still takes the good and takes the bad....what?
sara A dollar just fell out my back pocket into the toilet & before I realized it, I was peeing on it. I stared @ it b4 deciding to flush it down the toilet.
Evan Williams
ev Bryan came up with a good tag line: Twitter: It's the least you can do
Jason Goldman
goldman Wondering why it's called bug regression. The bugs don't get younger.